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[ERROR] No.8003174 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard some pretty retarded criticisms about this game; everything from "there aren't enough wide open fields" to "there's no 1 frame reload animation for the shotguns". Spurious, meaningless nitpicks. The fact is, this game is better than the original games. DOOM II was my first PC shooter, and 25 years later I can play DOOM 64 and happily admit, without bias, that this is the superior experience. The graphics and graphical style are better. The color palette and lighting systems are better. The weapons are better (both visually and mechanically, such as the vastly improved chaingun and BFG), the monsters are more intimidating with less cartoonish designs and generally greater in size (such as the enourmous Cyberdemon that makes the original look like a manlet), the sprites were sourced from fully rendered 3D models rather than fucking pictures of household objects and toy guns, the ambient music is unintrusive and enjoyable compared to the blaring MIDI tunes found in the PC originals, there are more types of traps and hazards, puzzles and secrets are more complex, the hidden levels are vastly more interesting, and the final boss fight is as good or better than DOOM 1. Say what you want about mod capabilities and wads, but taken purely as an unadulterated singleplayer experience, DOOM 64 is better than the classic DOOM games.

>> No.8003175

The game is not fun

>> No.8003176

This game is the best classic Doom. Great atmosphere.

>> No.8003182

I enjoy it. Maybe you're gay?

>> No.8003185


Shut the fuck up, philistine.

>> No.8003186

The levels had one-chance switches and some of the secrets were so obtuse you'd never find them without a guide. There were also bullshit traps that would kill you for not knowing they were there which is bad enough in the PC version, but in a game with no quick save it was just mean. So yes, it was overall fantastic, but to say it was better than the original when it had years to improve upon a winning formula and yet managed to fuck it up through a series of bad decisions is just plain wrong.

>> No.8003187

Maybe you have to be gay to enjoy it
Shut the fuck up you sodomite

>> No.8003189


>> No.8003191

>"no u"
Thanks for playing

>> No.8003201

So... Doom 2?

>> No.8003206

It's the best Doom game period.

>> No.8003208

You're using that wrong. I'm not complaining about the difficulty, I'm complaining that they made schoolboy game design errors in an otherwise damn fine game. I bought the N64 original when it was new, finished it thanks to magazines printing the bullshit secret triggers and did it again more recently on the switch. I wasn't filtered, I criticised. Learn the difference.

>> No.8003209

I like the start of the game, but the level design gets quite repetitive after a while.
It is definitely NOT better than DOOM 1 and 2, but I still think it is good for what it is and deserves a spot as the true DOOM 3.

>> No.8003212

Eh, sort of. D2 is like lost levels, for people who want an extreme mission pack. And it had a quick save so the traps weren't necessarily run ending.

>> No.8003213


>> No.8003215

>the game sucks because it expects to surprise me and have me learn from my mistakes. i also need easily-identifiable secrets so i can 100% every level on the first run and move onto the next game like the retarded redd*tor piece of shit that i am instead of having a reason to revisit the level and explore

>> No.8003217

>you're using that wrong
>by the way, i didn't get filtered, i actually put a dick in my mouth and-
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.8003290


>> No.8003308

Tongue my anus doublenigger

>> No.8003415

I bought Doom 64 back in the day thinking "there's no way a Doom game could be shit."
Boy, was I proven wrong.
I swapped it for Mario Kart, and I have zero regrets.

>> No.8003428

No one except Sonyggers and Saturncels hate this game because they couldn't get a Doom version as good as this one.

>> No.8003458

PS1 and Saturn doom are infinitely better than this piece of shit. Youre only holding it in high regard because there is just a handful of mature rated games on the bingbangwahoo64 console.

>> No.8003479

Not with that framerate.
Simplified and missing levels. Less enemies too.
Meanwhile Doom 64 is a totally new game with new weapons and enemies and beloved in the Doom community.
Your turn australia-troon.

>> No.8003529

>Spurious, meaningless nitpicks.
Welcome to /vr/.

>> No.8003550

It seems more complicated than the others in regards doors and mazes. Plus it's way too dark. Other than that it plays similar. Graphics are kind of crap too


>> No.8003552

Ya thats how I felt. Not the same as the others in level design. Still playable anyway. No music either. Maybe I'm biased because the others seem put together smarter

>> No.8003557

It's okay, but it feels more like a fan mod than a full fledged game.

>> No.8003563

The poster you're replying to didn't say anything like that you retard

>> No.8003565

On the contrary, Doom 64 was the first Doom game that felt like an actual professional game with real art direction. Doom 1/2 felt like cobbled together photographs of toys and shit pasted into a 2.5D engine.

>> No.8003573

r-slur? in the year of our Lord 2021? YikEs!!

>> No.8003604

>but it feels more like a fan mod than a full fledged game

>> No.8003607

>muh ecelebs like it!!
kill yourself zoomer

>> No.8003629

>Not with that framerate.
Sucks that Carmack's pettiness forever ruined what otherwise could have been the best console port of Doom

>> No.8003672

>muh ecelebs like it!!
You mean the guys that actually worked on the game? You fucking mong.

>> No.8003706

There were absolutely some bullshit traps, like that one level where the floor collapses in the exit room, so if you are standing near the wall you die.

>> No.8004159

the only criticism i heard and have myself. game is literally too dark to fucking see in well lit rooms. and i aint basement dweller

>> No.8004192

Great game OP

>> No.8004263

It's my most favorite Doom game. the Doom 64 for Doom 2 megawad is super awesome aswell.

>> No.8004441

I don't think it can surpass the original, but I hated the N64 and I still felt the magic of Doom 64. I have fond memories of playing it with all the lights out.

>> No.8004478

As a boomer who has played Doom since 90s, I have bit criticism about this game.

First, it is missing the most interesting monsters of Doom 2: chaingunners, revenants and arch-viles, which makes the combat bit less interesting. At least they buffed lost souls, pain elementals and arachnotrons to create some more challenge.

Second is that the level design hasn't aged very well. Where Doom 1 and 2 are timeless, and their level design is still imitated, Doom 64 has fallen into the usual 90s switch-hunt design, which considered a design sin in modern mapping.

Still I do love Doom 64. I love it's aesthetic. Unmaker is quite fun weapon, and the new boss is cool. One of my favorite games. Not perfect, but what is.

>> No.8004498

I hate it because it's worse than Doom 2

>> No.8004889

Instead of comparing Doom 64 solely with other Doom games, it should be compared to other N64 shooters instead.
D64 is contemporary to Turok and Goldeneye 007, compared to them it's clearly outdated, being still sprite based while the others are full 3D, fixed camera and no jumping or ducking, let alone swimming, and very primitive gameplay. It's complex for a Doom game, but it's in the bottom of the barrel compared to other N64 games.

>> No.8005364

Doom 1 Shareware is the only good classic Doom game.

>> No.8005380

>so i can 100% every level on the first run
If you can't do this with enough analysis and time on any first run, then you have a bad game. Period.

>> No.8005437

you're just not trying hard enough.

>> No.8005487

I haven't even played this game, I'm saying this as a principle.

>> No.8005530

You'd like that wouldn't you, fagmo?

>> No.8005553

I'm saying it as a principle too.

>> No.8005574


>> No.8005667

Cool, so we agree.

>> No.8005795

this game is like doom 3 except not shit, only n64 game i own even tho i dont have an n64

>> No.8005860


You’re such a retarded fucking faggot

>> No.8006227


>> No.8006368

>no obnoxious MS-DOS fm soundtrack
Wow, that's neat.