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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.95 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210620_220328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7964418 No.7964418 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread >>7915545

This thread is for the spirited discussion of CRT displays - Televisions, monitors and projectors used for the playing of retro games!

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

>> No.7964421

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

>> No.7964495

Is this /g/?

>> No.7964527

There seems to be some geometry issues near the top of the screen of my PVM 1390. If you look at the edge, you can see it tilts in toward the center just a bit. Is there a way to fix this without having to open the thing up?
Also, is there cause to be concern if when powering the monitor on or off there is an initial jiggle? Like it's right as the light turns on or so, the picture expanding on or shrinking off.

>> No.7964530
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I'm retarded.

>> No.7964542
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>> No.7964547

I don't see anything but have you tried fixing the geometry with the osd menu?

>> No.7964593

From what I can tell there is no such thing on this model.

>> No.7964596
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this general has been on /vr/ for ages anon

>> No.7964606

Oh yeah, you're right. Crack it open,it looks easy to do.

>> No.7964628

I know, I was more curious as to how much overlap there is between this genny and the /g/ retro thread

>> No.7964705
File: 569 KB, 435x591, Kx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recapped my KX-14CP1 just to be safe. It's my main CRT and I just can't live without it. Take care of yours

>> No.7964718

what keyboard is that?

>> No.7964738

This one: www?msx?org/wiki/Philips_NMS_8280
This image isn't mine btw

>> No.7964745

I have a feeling that's something I should do. This isn't my only one, but it's the one I plan on keeping for some time since it could conceivably move with me compared to my 27" Trinitron. The question is how I accomplish most of this without killing myself.

>> No.7964793
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I found a unicorn, Sony KV-25XBR. Afaik one of the only consumer TVs sold in the US with native RGB input. Geometry is a mess probably because the owner had it mounted on a wall at a downward angle as some kind of display TV. I'm not technical enough to fix it sadly and it's beyond the scope of the various knobs and menus. Still not going to prevent me from enjoying it

>> No.7964883
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>> No.7964973
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I have a 360 E that I'm using with an HDMI > s-video adapter
Should I track down a model with native component output or is that still going to have lag since it's converting from digital?

>> No.7965028

Which CRT would be better, a Sony Trinitron KV 9PT50 or a Sony Trinitron KV 27TS27?

>> No.7965032

Like a launch model-tier 360? Go for it I guess, I don't remember experiencing visual lag but the games I played on that model were GTA4 and Dead Rising 2 on that model, which inherently felt laggy to play due to their controls.
If you do want to track down one of those models, good luck finding one that hasn't RROD'd or upgraded to the hideous Metro dashboard.

>> No.7965048

Actually scratch that, you're probably better off getting the Slim/S revision. I hear despite the design change they're still compatible with the original 360 component cables.

>> No.7965265

looks nice.

didn't know about the /g/ retro thread. Seems to mostly be for arguing. I'm sure there's some overlap, but ppl here like CRT's and play games. Well, some of us do :)

>> No.7965302
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what are the cons and downsisdes of an HD-CRT if im plannin on using it for to play xbox 360 games? is a pvm better instead?

>> No.7965540

no cons if you want to play 6th gen and later, HD TVs are only a negative for older systems since most upscale 240p in undesirable ways

>> No.7965551

I’ve got a question: should my RGB scart cables work with my Japanese-modded ps2? Anybody have experience with this?

>> No.7965557

Aaand I forgot to bump the thread

>> No.7965872

it'll work
PS1/2/3 have same pinout world wide
only thing is PS1 requires caps on RGB lines while 2/3 don't.
Using a PS1 cable on 2/3 is not ideal, but it also doesn't break anything.

>> No.7965883

Most HD CRTs process the image the same way that modern displays do, except we've had a good 15+ years of technological development since then, so expect noticeable input lag with most HD CRTs. Honestly if it's 360 games you're interested in that may not be a huge issue to you. I think a PVM would be superior in most cases, or even a quality PC monitor, but for that generation of gaming I would honestly just stick with flat panels.

>> No.7965989
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Have I gone too deep?

>> No.7966096

yes, but we love you for it

>> No.7966216

>test out new Trinitron in the livingroom
>looks great
>put it in my room
>picture is suddenly tilted
What the fuck is this? Am I getting memed on by le earth magnetism?

>> No.7966279

literally gravity

>> No.7967040

Needs recap

>> No.7967051

What am I in for with that?

>> No.7967349

thanks :)

>> No.7967367
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This model is everywhere

>> No.7967808

No. Let us know if it is actually worth going to the trouble.

>> No.7967945
File: 2.23 MB, 3448x1244, Before after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it was worth, maybe I'm just colourblind to begin with though.

>> No.7968009


>> No.7968036

Symphony of the Night, Sega Saturn version.

>> No.7968058

I got an old PC CRT from the early 1990. When I got it it was completely dead. The horizontal transistor was shorted so I replaced it.
Now when I turn it on there is an image but it slowly collapses vertically when powered on for a few seconds (picture becomes a line from top to bottom). What do you think could be a cause

>> No.7968093

huh? why are you a girl?

i would guess bad V output transistors, check out randy fromms videos on this on YT

>> No.7968098

there also is a burning smell so something is definitely wrong

>> No.7968110

reminder that crt's are fucking indestructible


>> No.7968116

reminder that crt's are indestructible (this time with the right timestamp)


>> No.7968163

You can play as Maria in the Sega Saturn version, it's pretty much the only reason for getting it.

>> No.7968182

what model/software is that? i kinda want to do that with my monitors

>> No.7968208
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anyone got an id on the tv in this?

>> No.7968209

There's no way we can tell from photos so we'll just have to go on your word.

>> No.7968294

Lag, 360’s already work on CRTs anyway and they look great

>> No.7968301

Yoke could’ve tilted when you moved it, the tend to loosen with time

>> No.7968334

What actually is the black soot found in old CRT cases?

>> No.7968357


>> No.7968498

too bad most 360 and PS3 games are letterboxed
I wish I had a 16:9 CRT just to play those games. There's something about the fidelity that era where a CRT cleans games up perfectly and makes everything look like prerendered cutscenes from the 5th gen era, it's great.

>> No.7968568

What is that?

>> No.7968754

It's an X-rite Colormunki. I used an Extron VSC 500 to ouput HCFR software to an SDTV through component.

>> No.7968807

I had a 16:9 Panasonic Tau. Shit was basically perfect for sixth and seventh gen. The Wii in particular

>> No.7968814

Anybody have a listing of Sony service menu abbreviations? Trying to figure out if this late 90s Trinitron I have has geometry adjustment capability from the menu. KV-20M40. I'm not expecting miracles since it's composite only but it has a bit of a tilt to it

>> No.7968830

can you break that down a bit simpler for the mentally retarded (me)?

>> No.7968832

Doesn’t bother me too much as I have a 29” CRT and some games do still have a 4:3 option

>> No.7968835

adjust the yoke, factory settings aren't going to help since the capacitors are near-30 years old.

>> No.7968854

This guy has a 4 part series that goes into meticulous detail on everything.

But to sum things up:
1.Buy a Colorimeter(colormunki is the best, since it doesn't go bad like old Spyders do)

2.Buy a scaler that downscales HD to component 480i or 240p. viable options: VSC 500, Retrotink 5x, GBS-C.

3.Download and run HCFR software from your PC, outputting to your CRT.

4.Run the Greyscale test and try to get each ▲E value under 2.0 at least. There are 10 values under 10,20,30, etc...

5(bonus). You can run the Colour calibration to see what happens, but there's a snow's chance in hell you're going to have perfect greys and colours on a consumer set. It's better to focus on getting a great Greyscale instead.

>> No.7969523

There aren't any TVs or monitors with modern technology but at 480p are there?

>> No.7969672

What's the verdict in China universal board replacements?
I'm going to try to repair the board I gave, but if that doesn't work I'm curious about these...
Only thing is I might lose the front panel controls, but I can just attach the IR receiver in the same place and use a remote. No big deal.

>> No.7969707

isnt the i1 Display Pro better?

>> No.7969730

Probably, but apparently some colorimeters don't work on CRTs, and the Colormunki is the only one that I was 100% sure would work.

>> No.7970201

what is this all about?

>> No.7970837

whats the intended color temp for retro gaming

>> No.7971062

Essentially a barebones universal (not really universal, but there are a bunch of variations) crt PCB, that you can swap out your broken one for. They're made in China and seem to be popular in India (I assume they're used in china for repairs as well, but have no way of knowing that).
AV only, which is meh, but if there's little other option to repair a particular tv its a "beggers can't be choosers" situation.
I was just hoping someone here had some experience with them. They have flyback transformers and come with remotes and replacement panel etc. But ofc the replacement panel won't fit whatever TV you have so you either have to put it somewhere else by carving a hole in your chassis like a fucking lunatic, or just position the IR receiver in place of your old one and go remote-only.

I kinda wonder how hard it would be to wire my existing front panel to one of these but fuckingshrugemoji

Here's a shitty video.

>> No.7971086

>replacement panel
I mean front panel controls.

>> No.7971327

>"retro gaming CRTs"
yep, not worth watching

>> No.7971428

Even the thumbnail shows a more neutral color, especially in the clouds on the after, so you did something right
Cry moar. The guy's thing is using CRTs for old games but the video series itself is a pretty good explanation of the sensor, software and what he's doing. Still feels like overkill

>> No.7971504

Depends, But typically:
Japanese: 9300k
American/Europe: 6500k

Best thing to do is pay attention to white levels. Whites are too blue? switch to 6500k. White are smokey? Switch to 9300k

>> No.7971560

Are there any sort of beginner guides on how to do maintenance and take care of CRTs?

Not expecting to watch a video and suddenly be able to convert a cheapass consumer television into a professional monitor, I'm just interested in learning shit like replacing the capacitors and what not to touch if I do take a CRT apart.

>> No.7971625

Retrotech is a good channel. Search it for discharging to see how to make a tool to discharge a tv and some repair tips. Including capacitors and such

>> No.7971818

cap replacement may be better served by looking for videos on proper soldering/desoldering technique. You don't want to go in and butcher shit even if you have a general idea of what needs to be replaced

>> No.7971881

I like that pic.
Any info?

>> No.7972097
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Any /crt/ bros in the Toronto area? I have an HP P1110 I'm looking to give away for free. It's a 21" Trinitron tube, same as the Dell P1110 that the Kijiji cunts are all overcharging for. Overall good shape but the G2 voltage is a little off, so the picture is slightly bright. I'd prefer that this go to someone here who needs a good PC monitor rather than one of several perennial CRT hoarders I know of.

I had a 32" Panasonic HD-CRT when I was in university, which was left behind by the previous tenants who occupied my rented townhouse. Used that TV for 3 years, played a lot of PS3 games on it (inb4 PS3 has no games), good TV. Honestly, the lag was extremely minimal, no different from a modern television. However, I do remember noticing that my N64 was hopelessly laggy when we plugged it in, especially compared to the shitty little 13" Toshiba I had in my room. I think that the 7th generation consoles may have been designed with the processing time in mind and somehow got around it.

>> No.7972141

i wish i was in toronto but im below you and the borders are still shut down til august. so if you still have it by then id gladly pick it up

>> No.7972204

I have the same pvm, we're bros. now.

>> No.7972508

/g/'s CRT thread is combined with their retrocomputing general now

>> No.7972509

Interesting, what's it called?

>> No.7972518

I'm not going to shill their shitty thread here, find out yourself

>> No.7972534


Here you go, anon.

>Seems to mostly be for arguing.
Luckily the CRT shill problem has been mostly solved.

>> No.7974118
File: 3.40 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210618_015443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a philips 28pt4456 with the L9.1 chassis. if you get one get a model with the L04 chassis since it has better service menu adjustments and thicker scanlines if you're into that. game is dodonpachi

>> No.7974126

Great geometry

>> No.7974163

These Philips are great but they left RGB Bias controls out for whatever reason

>> No.7974480
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Cool tv. I'll buy the button cover from you
>I found a unicorn
Go back to r*ddit

>> No.7974569

absolute unit

>> No.7975006

What's with that stand with the foot buttons on it?

>> No.7975078

you might be better off asking the /retro/ thread in /g/

>> No.7975683

I just love crt's :3

>> No.7975697
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Can I fix this from the service menu?

>> No.7975707
File: 5 KB, 157x195, 1624926180821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, I hate fucking Samsung
is Trinitron really worth it? I think I'm just gonna try to get that shit in the next few weeks, is there a way to quickly fix the colors of the CRT if it was under heavy use?

>> No.7975793

What’s wrong with Samsung?

>> No.7975943

>is there a way to quickly fix the colors of the CRT if it was under heavy use?
you can fix the white point balance if it's pushing to a certain hue (ie yellowed screen), but the luminance output will never be the same

>> No.7976327
File: 91 KB, 832x798, 16D3C030-9E15-4444-9370-73F79EF264F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that CRTs will not break for 50 years?

>> No.7976353

Eh, problems start to surface around 20-30.

>> No.7976386

>your tv needs an update
Imagine being so idiotic that you buy a fucking smarttv.

>> No.7976398

The don’t make “dumb” TVs anymore. If you need a new screen then you have no choice.

>> No.7976404

hey there thx

>> No.7976487


>> No.7976616

Technically not true if you're willing to pretend that your 28" monitor is a mini-tv. AFAIK they're the only ones that don't have these pointless features built in.

>> No.7976647

They make 55" and bigger LCD monitors now.

>> No.7976730
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>> No.7976781
File: 13 KB, 400x274, pioneer-pdp428xg-multisystem-plasma_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the plasma pill anon

>> No.7977039

It's power, channel and volume buttons

>> No.7977062

Aren't the colours inaccurate compared to OLED?

>> No.7977087

the fucking service menu

>> No.7977109

I'd really like to get one of those colossal monitors but they're pretty damn expensive, any time I start eyeing one down I always realize it's like 2000$. Makes sense considering those 500$ smart tvs make their money back on data collection.

>> No.7977152

>been using 37-40" LCD TVs as a main monitor for roughly a decade

I really should finally update to a 4k, also been debating a curved screen but it seems those aren't really being made anymore... wouldn't mind going to up to 50"

>> No.7977237

It's not far behind, better than garbage backlit panels

>> No.7977335
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, 774B9424-6E1F-4EE9-B6CA-6E14D9AE56D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a sears console tv from 1986

>> No.7977338

What’s wrong?

>> No.7977361

the only thing you should know about tv picture quality is, get a panasonic if you can

>> No.7977420

The TV we had when I was a kid was very similar.
Not sure what brand though.
I dig it.

>> No.7977427

Looks like there's some warping going on but you really have to look to see it

>> No.7977742
File: 2.10 MB, 2340x2172, kv29fx302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horizontal lines are all fucked up

>> No.7977748

Very good.

>> No.7978180

Currently updating my pc, and have an rx 570 thinking of either using passive displayport to VGA cable that connects to
a VGA to component adapter. https://www.retrotekshop.com/products?pn=VGACTV2
Either that or get another gpu with VGA support and switch out when using the crt tv. I would love to go the adapter route, but I'm not sure exactly what's the most sound decision.
>I texted My old ThinkPad with the VGA to component passive cable and the TV responded to the connection but no picture showed up on the screen

>> No.7978186

Many HDMI/display port to VGA adapters can't effectively do 240p. I remember there being people online with success on specific adapters, I would try to search for those.
>Passive cable
What do you mean by that and why did you expect running VGA signals into component to work

>> No.7978240
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I thought they were both analog lol
>Passive cable
It's a term I heard thrower around in fourms and videos of ppl trying connect their devices to a crt monitor. Maybe it's saying it doesn't a actively convert the signal. I don't know the exact meaning, but when I google the phrase VGA to component cables popped up.

>> No.7978556

JVC Panasonic Grundig etc. are as good as sonys

>> No.7979370

What are some legit sites and sellers to buy s-video cables for various consoles from?

>> No.7979486

Looks better, good job

>> No.7979529

These cables can work, but it's entirely dependent on the device and display. I use one to send component to the VGA port on projectors.

>> No.7979623
File: 2.37 MB, 4608x2112, 2021_725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently using a 9' Sharp CRT connected to my modern PC through an HDMI2AV converter.
It's nice for 4:3 video, but the composite signal leaves a lot to be desired and doesn't mesh super well with PC resolutions.
Would it be worth it to pick up a proper CRT PC monitor with a VGA adaptor to my PC?
I'm mostly using it for anime and probably some light emulation; I'm not looking for a proper full time CRT. I have a nice one with an S-Video input for my retro consoles already.
This is more for a nice tabletop filler.

>> No.7979645

It would certainly look better if you're trying for old DOS-era VGA stuff. I forgot how fucking much space they take up though, and I have a relatively deep desk

>> No.7979793

So, somehow i managed to bag an HP ENVY laptop free, an m6-n113dx, with a Radeon cpu.

and surprisingly CRT emudriver works decently with it. so my question here is, what is the best and cheapest working adapter to connect from the laptop to a TV, be it HDMI2YPbPr or VGA2YPbPr.

or at least to know, what does an adaptor need to work?

>> No.7979869

What does your display accept

>> No.7979883

Im thinking of getting a Sony consumer model CRT. nothing too fancy
but im debating if i should get a 29 inch Trinitron. or a WEGA with component for PS2 stuff.
Is it even worth it. I kinda dislike flatscreens because of the actual distorted tube image.

>> No.7979927

Component for 6th gen is pretty goddamn worth it

>> No.7979941

I might still have it by then but no guarantees. It’s over at my parents’ house and my mom wants me to get rid ASAP. Personally I would prefer to keep it but I have two other 21” screens so kind of hard to make the case for that.

I generally regard /g/ as a cuntish zoomed board but the retro thread might be good. I’ll be back here in late August to see if my American friend still wants it.

Some dickhead in the Dirty Shwa has a Dell P1110 listed on Kijiji for $150 right now. I hate these cunts.

>> No.7979958

CRTs actually have fantastically low service lives compared to Plasmas. Most CRTs were designed for about 20,000 to 30,000 hours of use, whereas a Plasma can go 60,000 hours easy, and some of them will even do 100,000 hours. In terms of tech, Plasma was a huge upgrade, the only issue was the input lag. LCD is shittier in every way aside from “muh thin” and “Muh elemtricitee”

These Pioneers were so good. Although Panasonic also made some kickass panels.

For Plasmas. Panasonic only made so-so CRTs, but the Tau series is pretty good.

>> No.7980470


Its an LG Flatron CP-29q54pa. it has both composite and YPbPr input, i managed to get 240p work thru component in a PS2 and a modded Wii

>> No.7980532

Panasonic still make the best picture quality on current screens is what I meant, even though they use LG panels, they tend to still look better than LGs range

>> No.7980542

Is there any way to connect a pc for retroarch on component/composite cables for a good 240p? Any device that can do that?

>> No.7980609

If your laptop has VGA output, get a vga-->ypbpr transcoder.

>> No.7980678

Ok, the laptop has an HDMI output, i can connect it to a regular VGA monitor with a HDMI2VGA adaptor, as such i managed to test if shit works or not.

would that transcoder still work on that situation?

>> No.7980714

In that case I would get this https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32896942663.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.30a14827Ua1DIo and read this thread (inb4 r*ddit) https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/comments/awqolc/get_high_quality_240p_from_your_pc_to_your_tv/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body

>> No.7980736
File: 694 KB, 1800x1274, CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this KV-27xbr36 that's a really nice set for free, but the colors are absolutely fucked in the top right/left corner.
I know for a fact that the set has been dropped, but everything inside looks like it's aligned still. I can place a magnet on the back of the tube to mostly fix the upper right portion.
Is there any way to fix this, or is the set junk?

>> No.7980748 [DELETED] 

So this converter model in particular works 100%? i bought a HDMI2YPbPr before, not the same model, and it didnt worked, neither with my old CPU, nor this laptop.

i do imagine this might be annoying, but yeah, i just want to be 100% sure im not wasting more money as this prolly will be my last shot.

>> No.7980751


So this converter model in particular works 100%? i bought a HDMI2YPbPr before, not the same model, and it didnt worked, neither with my old CPU, nor this laptop.

i do imagine this might be annoying, but yeah, i just want to be 100% sure im not wasting more money as this prolly will be my last shot.

>> No.7980768

It's the same one as the guy in the thread used, but I can't vouch for it personally. What do you mean that your converters didn't work? Are you sure you were outputting 240p?

>> No.7980782

i followed the regular CRT emudriver setup guide. and when i tried to connect the laptop to the TV, and activated EDID emulation i ended with a bunch of purple static.

this is the guide i used, theres no images, but the instructions are clear enough.:


as i said, the converter i have is not the same design or model of the one you are mentioning, so i do believe that the problem is from the converter.

>> No.7980846
File: 1008 KB, 2080x1821, 20210726_145137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this cheap little JVC CRT. I think it was a cheap crappy TV to start with since it only has coax for input. Anyway I've been playing SNES and NES on it for awhile just because I have it. It has these diagonal lines tho and the color has a sorta blue/purple washed out look. Is this dead/dieing or is just a shitty TV and never looked good?

>> No.7980872

Does it degauss itself when it turns on? If so, it might fix itself over time. Had a set that looked very similar that got progressively better every time I turned it on until it was totally gone.

>> No.7980878

The degaussing coil does work, but doesn't really seem to improve it at all.

>> No.7980984
File: 72 KB, 1026x961, modified crt-geom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the cleanest, no-bullshit CRT shader within Retroarch in your guy's opinion? I'm not interested in something that necessarily emulates the fuzzy, blurry look of CRTs, I want sharp pixels and relatively accurate colors to original artwork.

Pic related is the absolute closest to my vision that I've come across, and I've tested a ton of shaders. It's a modified version of CRT-Geom that I made myself. Turned the sharpess to 3.00, turned off the curvature, turned off the interlacing, turned the output/monitor gamma (I don't remember which) to 2.20. Can anyone provide some input?

>> No.7980992

how do i into recapping a monitor? i know its soldering work but whats the specific deal?

>> No.7981379

Hey me too, drove 6 hours the other day to pick one of these up on the cheap. Love the size and look of this one.

>> No.7981535

man turn down the brightness dafuq

>> No.7981691

That helped with the color a bit. Are the lines being skewed a bit diagonal normal tho? I don't really notice them with a game on.

>> No.7981696

ive heard this referred to as "retrace lines"
look for broken caps i guess? i dont speak pajeet so that second video is only good for seeing the same apparent issue

>> No.7981703

open it, remove all boards, identify capacitors, order them, de-solder the old ones, install the new ones.

>> No.7981712

Open it up, find the brightness potentiometer on the side of the flyback, and adjust

>> No.7981719

if you want sharp pixels and accurate colors then pretty much every single shader can fulfill that for you. ironically the crappier the crt the more complex and resource intensive the shader needs to be. if you spend more time fiddling with shaders than actually playing the game you're doing it wrong

>> No.7982156
File: 930 KB, 3000x1998, 20200527_0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get rid of the annoying CRT whine noise?

>> No.7982229
File: 2.05 MB, 1613x909, 89345762398756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tested w/Wind Waker and Metroid Prime
>Also did GCN w/composite testing, same thing happened

any clue to whats the cause of these artifacts/dots/whatever and what can be done?

>> No.7982445

If I recall correctly, check the caps, failing caps are the reason of the whine noise happening. I may be wrong though.

>> No.7982459

are you running homebrew or not?

>> No.7982589

ok yeah that was the cause, i was booting through nintendont out of convenience of not needing to use the wiimote, but it still happens on my unmodded GCN. good thing these are games i got physical copies of that won't last, thanks for the idea

>> No.7982794

No, CRT TVs operate at a 15kHz signal; 15kHz is right at the upper range of human hearing, so the cycling of the display circuitry puts off the high pitch squeal inherent to the display. You can't get rid of it

>> No.7982809

it depends on what kind of noise, vibrating caps do make a high pitch whine

>> No.7982816

forgot to add
if it sounds like this it's normal

>> No.7983685

Is it just me or are flatscreen crts harder on the eyes? I find it hard to look at them for long periods of time compared to curved screens.

>> No.7983839

what is this issue? Did you find a solution or no? Is it interference affecting the cable?

>> No.7983924

>You can't get rid of it
Ive heard that silicone can get rid of it for a while

>> No.7984110

get older you zoomer faggot

>> No.7984120

I just pulled out an old 9 inch CRT from the attic. It has an issue where it shuts off a few seconds after powering on. Anybody ever run into this issue and is there a (safe and easy) way to fix it? With a Google search I found a forum post that says spraying something called "freeze it" on the capacitors may work, but this spray also seems to be absurdly expensive.

>> No.7984253

I'm 27

>> No.7984317

There's a subset of trolls who think it's worthwhile to just roll through /vr/ and aggressively accuse random people of being zoomers. Feel free to ignore them.

>> No.7984332

Mine does the same thing, though it's a 25" TV.
It's likely either capacitors or the transformer.
Guy at my local repair shop said it was the transformer in my case, but I don't necessarily believe him. Going to pull the board and examine it closely myself.
If you look at the board and see bulging or leaky capacitors that'll tell you that at least some of the caps are bad. You can then pull those ones. But if any others are less noticeably gone bad then you might just have to pull all of them. If that doesn't work then it might be the transformer... Caps are cheap, but pulling and soldering takes time and effort I guess.
You could just consider it practice anyway.

>> No.7984363
File: 52 KB, 768x1024, 1614073026237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only just getting into playing games on CRT through anything better than composite. I'm buying a KV trinitron off a guy on Craigslist tomorrow, and he says the TV has been modded to take RGB. Thing is, it's RGB through RCA instead of BNC, with sync on composite. Maybe I'm dumb as shit, but I'm seriously having a hard time thinking of what cables I'm going to have to buy/use/make for that setup. RetroRGB and reddit have kinda been my go-to resources for learning a lot of this shit, but they either brush over the connectors themselves, or assume it's BNC or something.

Put short, how would I do something like Sega Genesis to RGBs (4 RCA)?
What about VGA? My GPU can output the necessary signal, it's just the adapter spaghetti that is confusing me.

>> No.7984368

How do you capture good footage of a CRT in motion?

>> No.7984372

any new smartphone will do

>> No.7984418

have sex

>> No.7984420

Don’t do that, it makes mustard gas

>> No.7984421

I'm working on that, but at the moment this is what's distracting me from a crippling porn addiction, so let's focus on this.

>> No.7984479

That's what I'm very afraid of lol. Ill probably just get one off Facebook marketplace

>> No.7984795

Let's suppose for a moment that, hypothetically, some complete retard spilled sweet tea on the front of his CRT VGA monitor while it was off.
Aside from drying the screen and casing, does this jackass need to open it up to check for liquid, or are these things generally pretty well sealed? Not that it'll be turned on for a few days or anything, but sweet tea is a bit worse than water in terms of cleaning.

>> No.7985026
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x1500, 20210715_195824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on my game room, i'm going threw endless boxes trying to organize my stuff. Some of these boxes I packed 20 years ago. Some of this stuff is valueless but it's so hard to toss because i remeber my mom getting it for me or whatever. I really wish I never let the horde get this bad. Days of sorting, it's endless.

>> No.7985381

Don’t use it, the sweet tea combined with crt fumes creates mustard gas

>> No.7985546

i think you can only make the same joke once per thread, anon

>> No.7986115

get yourself a scart connector and solder component RCA cables to the RGB pins and composite and left right audio to the corresponding pins. https://youtu.be/E9hYEwzZmcU like this but with RCA cables instead.

>> No.7986119
File: 179 KB, 474x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the OEM xbox 360 component cables are really good for this. just don't get a knockoff since they don't have any shielding at all. you might be able to get one premade like this on ebay

>> No.7986121

>Put short, how would I do something like Sega Genesis to RGBs

retro-access can do custom cables, otherwise to avoid fucking everything up by making a cable yourself thats off spec just get a genesis scart cable and a scart to bnc breakout cable with bnc to rca adapters

>> No.7986482

Don’t say that, it makes mustard gas

>> No.7986498

Is it a vcr tv? Had a 19 inch Samsung vcr tv that had the same problem. There was a tape stuck in the vcr, and the tv was shutting off to avoid damaging itself. Opened up the TV, smashed the tape into pieces to extract it, and tv now worked fine. Even the vcr worked. I also managed to put the reels of the tape into the case of another, now it works too. That’s probably the problem on yours.

>> No.7986508

actually he may need a custom cable that's RGBcvbs rather than RGBs

>> No.7986510
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, EB6080A7-5C74-4451-AE2B-1EAEEA2345DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the tape and tv

>> No.7986525
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x4032, 20210727_144241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this 21" SF1 super famicom sharp TV a little while back, but had no space to put it properly.
But I found this quality vogels tv wall mount for really cheap at a thrift store.
Do any of you use these wall mounts to try and reclaim some space in your rooms when using your CRTs?

>> No.7986592
File: 1008 KB, 2000x1500, 20210728_113715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a break from running wire for the retro setup to test out this VGA monitor I got from work. Looks good in the middle but even at max width the picture is not filling the screen, plus has some geometry issues. The screen size might just be a 640x480p thing, I seen a few VGA monitors just not play nice with console VGA output. It's only 16 inches though and I know I want at least 19 inches for my WinXP machine (when I get around to putting that together that is)

>> No.7986597

if that's dreamcast it will be wonky on the vga output, i dont quite understand it but it gets complicated, the behar bros have a rundown on it I think

>> No.7986797


By "front", do you mean just the glass or the front top of the crt? Did something spill into the back and onto the circuit board? Just clean it and it shouldn't be fine.

>> No.7986817

Yeah it's dreamcast. I thought I remembered it having issues, but I wasn't sure. Not really planning to ever use it with consoles, I just didn't have any other VGA source to test it with. Will hang onto it till I get my WinXP machine going. I do want a bigger screen for it but i'll hold off for a while. VGA monitors are getting harder and harder to get.

>> No.7986950

Bought a 14" PVM for cheap and holy hell, it's probably the worst CRT I've ever seen. My TVs all handle composite and S-Video better.
Sure it was pretty worn and used, but wasnt this supposed to be professional equipment? Im not impressed.

>> No.7986964

Why are you using composite and s video on a pvm

>> No.7986983

It's all it takes... for now. It's moddable, but before I even get to that I have to fix the many issues.

>> No.7986996

Sounds like you bought a lemon then

>> No.7987012

I paid 4 times less than the average price, so even if it's hopeless after the RGB mod I can still get back my money

>> No.7987041
File: 173 KB, 601x495, crt spillage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glass in front. Nothing at all even close to the vents in the back. Effected area shown in pic related

>> No.7987132

You’re fine nigger

>> No.7987185
File: 18 KB, 400x300, RCA-White-9-Crt-color-Television-_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I found pic related on fb marketplace for a good price. The design and size are perfect for me, but there's one caveat that I stupidly didn't realize until I ordered: no composite input, just RF. It's from the late 90s, so I just assumed it would have composit, but nope. I'm not too concerned about quality, it's a small display and it's mono, but it's a pain in the ass converting signals.

One thing I wanted to play on it is n64, which isn't actually a big deal, there's an official Nintendo modulator that you can get for a few bucks on ebay. However, for other consoles I was thinking of getting a setting up a pi. This might sound a little ridiculous, but does anyone know of any good, affordable converters for HDMI, rf out?

>> No.7987193

The usual recommendation for progressive scan on gen 6 consoles is PC CRT, but all I've tested looked like shit, with the exception of some VGA compatible consoles. Do they really have better picture quality than presentation monitors or HD CRTs for 480p?

>> No.7987301

The problem you're encountering is probably that they're too sharp and reveal the flaws you normally can't see -- like how a good audio setup will reveal the flaws in compressed audio that wouldn't show up with a cheaper setup. An hd crt would upscale the 480p to 1080i, and smooth out the image in the process. Some people actually prefer the 480i output of gen 6 for this reason as well.

>> No.7987324

Just buy a composite out cable for it, or solder one on to the pads on the underside (actually easier for me since the 3.5mm jack's composite out is on a different part of the plug than most of the cables out there and its a crapshoot buying them online) and buy a composite-RF adapter. You can configure them for 240p right from the config.txt file. Bear in mind, it's considered a legacy option on Pi4s and has to be enabled manually from the same config file as it has to be downclocked slightly for it to work.

>> No.7987329

As long as it dried sufficiently it's probably fine. still, get your shit together anon

>> No.7987362

Xbox titles look very crisp in 480p on an CRT monitor. In fact, you can even use the 360 with a VGA cable and run OG Xbox games@480p too.

>> No.7987378

I have that exact tv. Got it for my kid. I actually really like it's aesthetic. I'm pretty sure they were made for hospitals or something...
Rpi3b and up have a composite video out in the 3.5mm jack. So I'd do what >>7987324 said and just get an rf modulator.

>> No.7987389

>I'm pretty sure they were made for hospitals or something...
it was advertised as a TV for the kitchen, with the intention of mounting it underneath a cabinet.

good to know i can still configure my pi to work with though. Thanks anons

>> No.7987402

>it was advertised as a TV for the kitchen
Aha. I was going based off the remote having the loop, and the obvious water-resistant design of the buttons. Also the white.
As an aside, the remote works with other RCA TVs of the era, which is nice. This purple Colorview I got at a thrift shop didn't come with a remote.

>> No.7987428

The Xbox is notably better than the PS2

>> No.7987542

It was one of those "oh fuck it's about to spill" moments where you save the glass from tipping over, but your reaction launched some liquid in the air, and 90% went for the tube.

>> No.7987740

Are pmvs really a meme, theres a dude selling a 14n6u a few miles away for $50 but I don't even know how to connect anything to it or how I would go about testing it out

>> No.7987760

What game is that?

>> No.7987815

Just admit you were fapping to a VHS classic

>> No.7987986

nah, its a 2000s VGA monitor, if anything i'd be jerkin' it to some zone

>> No.7988034

Like at worst it might manage to seep into the buttons on the face but I still can't think of any serious harm it would do. Most tubes are pushed up pretty tight against the plastic bezel.

>> No.7988737
File: 19 KB, 248x357, Megalo410_Cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of CRTs did arcade cabinets have? were they consumer-grade TVs, or pvm-tier?

>> No.7988963
File: 480 KB, 750x764, 54D2F0B4-6BF1-4A5A-AADF-B7405856686A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madcatz rf adapter for Xbox, n64c GameCube, Super Nintendo, ps1, ps2, and ps3. Pretty good in my experience.

>> No.7988978

I vividly remember some big screen sega arcades to use Rear projection tvs because of how they looked also the size. I think most just used special arcade tubes for display quality.

>> No.7989308

consumer grade tubes but with higher quality chassis

>> No.7990271
File: 559 KB, 634x678, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Sony KV-20TS32 which has been modified to take RGBs. I am connected to it through an XFX R7770 gpu with DVI-I -> VGA -> 4-BNC. I installed crt emudriver and in diddling with vmmaker, I can get an image to appear on the crt, but the sync is clearly off as the picture is somewhat rapidly scrolling upwards. Turning composite sync on and off does not appear to affect this. I've tried several presets, including NTSC, PAL, Arcade, etc all 15.730kHz hfreq. I can't for the fuckin life of me understand what I'm doing wrong, but I'm new to this.

>> No.7990367
File: 175 KB, 530x525, 1599695413812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being retarded is suffering

>> No.7990390

Is there a v-hold pot on the back of the tv

>> No.7990397

Well, I bought it from some guy because I'm not really in a position to be cracking open crts at the moment, so I have no idea.. Am I gonna pass mains voltage across my heart digging in there for pots?

>> No.7990413

Also accepting it might be a problem with the monoprice vga to 4bnc adapter I got too. I'm getting a lot of mixed messages when looking around.

>> No.7990448

Are you mentally handicapped? If the answer is no, you’re fine

>> No.7990453

I'll get in there tomorrow, thanks for the lead.

>> No.7990685

Make sure to discharge it, only need a screwdriver and a jumper cable. Look it up online.

>> No.7990706

>MFW I emulated pretty much everything on the SNES since I never had one, including kino such as:
>Chrono Trigger, FF6, All things Mario, F-Zero, Bahamut Lagoon, Front Mission 1 & 2
I think some of it was on a CRT but a lot was after we got our Dell and it came with an LCD monitor.
I had scalelines turned on but I never knew about how CRTs blend the edges together to make things look better so I was going around playing blocky ass Final Fantasy.

>> No.7990707

I want to marry her.

>> No.7990926
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1536, 0A4452BC-D50E-4070-8300-68E68B4C1878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t they just have consumer sets with RGB?
I think mine does it well but of course you can mod most sets to accept RGB as far as I’m aware

>> No.7990932

I think that’s just composite mixed with 240p

>> No.7991039

No but the black bezel with silver body makes me think it’s a JVC i’Art

>> No.7991484

The v-hold won't be buried, if it's there it should be accessible. Plus you'll want it on to see what happens when you adjust it. Just don't touch any big capacitors or the anode (it's under the rubber seal on the tube) and you'll be fine.
Although now that I think about it, most TVs phased out v-hold pots because their digital circuitry was smart enough to sync to anything in range, so I'm going to assume it's your signal that's to blame.

>> No.7991487

Do you know which pin the sync cable is attached to? Is it the vsync or haync pin

>> No.7991496

I was also thinking that since I had my n64 plugged into it through composite and there was no vhold issue, it wouldn't be that, but I might have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm thinking it's either a problem with my gpu/drivers or the cables and adapters.

I don't know what's going on inside. This is what I have:
I thought their website says this carries a csync signal, but I realized that this might be a different model from https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=568..
I realize now that in the video I took last night >>7990367 that looks like I have no vsync whatsoever, right? Would that imply this monoprice cable I have is only carrying hsync? Again, no matter what settings I change in vmmaker, I can get the hsync to change, but not the vsync.

Should I just go ahead and get a cheap extron interface off ebay for the vga to RGBS? Would that be the less painful route here?

>> No.7991510

My guess is that the cable is wired sync to the hsync pin, as hsync is usually chosen as the combination h or c sync. Can you tell your computer to send csync for your hsync signal?
My second idea is that the cable merges the h and v sync lines, in which case try sending it a standard rgbhv signal.
I don't know vm maker but it looks like you can use custom modelines, so try this one
Modeline "320x240 NTSC (60Hz)" 5.370 256 269 294 341 240 244 247 262 -csync -csync

>> No.7991519

Whoops that one won't be 320x240 but 256x240, just the name is wrong

>> No.7991534
File: 3.21 MB, 2629x2107, IMG_20210624_022914_photoshop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7991540
File: 1.51 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210624_020715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, just get used to it I guess

>> No.7991548
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210624_023019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if you mean the geometry or the chromatic aberrations, and also upon the TV in particular.

I _think_ so, but don't have any consumer sony sets anymore.

>I hate samsung
Some of those korean tubes are actually nice, just all the other electronics in them are garbage.

I have a Commodore monitor made by Orion that's probably got the nicest tube of all of the ones I have. But the PCB's inside are a mess of bodge wires and cracked solder joints and bad capacitors I've had to fix up and work around.

>> No.7991569

Consumer level.

The only difference was the driving circuitry; they don't have the thin raster lines/thick black lines like high-TVL pro monitors tend to have.

That doesn't mean I dislike pro monitors; they're just higher grade tubes.

>are pmv's really a meme

Anyway, sort of? People tend to spend too much on them. But for $50 that's a nice screen with RGB. I'd do it.

Your options are to Get RCA -> BNC adapters and drill holes/mod your consoles, make your own cables, or massively overspend on those stupid premade console -> SCART cables and a SCART -> BNC adapter cable.

>> No.7991571

Fuck me, too used to github issue tracker to type normally anymore
Sorry about the >leddit spacing

>> No.7991610
File: 20 KB, 646x428, Mm5W1PE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not exactly sure what I did, but I broke it even more and now I can't even get an hsynced image. I guess I need to reinstall some shit and start over. It should be clear I'm doing all of this by feel and have no idea what I'm doing or how any of this works.
For reference, this is my connection path, if it matters:
>R7770 DVI-I
>to VGA with https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07G77CBBB/
>to 4-BNC with https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001UJME4U/
>into 4 of these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001UJEYKC/
>which go into the RGBS ports on the box which the original owner decided to make RCA instead of BNC
Tried entering your suggested modeline into vmmaker but I have no idea what I'm doing so I don't even know if it was being used or was even loaded properly. It wasn't even appearing in the console when I was trying to load the modes.
I was under the impression that enabling composite sync in pic related would take care of getting the right sync signal out, but given how nonstandard everything is, I have no idea. Really temped to go ahead and get the extron though and cross my fingers that I can buy my way out of my problems.

>> No.7991649

Can you show what video mode you are outputting

>> No.7991660

Here, I looked at the documentation for what you're using and it seems that adjusting the vertical frequency is part of the process. Read up through here

>> No.7991672
File: 549 KB, 564x2614, Screenshot_20210730-123528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this perhaps

>> No.7991679

I reinstalled the driver and followed this guide instead of the one by the creator, and it worked perfectly. I used the guide's provided user modes file and I guess that worked? What a pain, but I guess I know everything CAN work. Thanks for your help troubleshooting, sorry for wasting your time, bud.

>> No.7992704

if I found some random cheap crt tv can it be upgraded to match the trinitrons

>> No.7992736

yeah, just add some phosphors and increase the tv lines

>> No.7992802

you know you can find trinitrons for cheap too right?

>> No.7992892
File: 1.58 MB, 2638x1908, 20210731_1447311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up this Trinitron. Gonna give it a test in a little while.

>> No.7992896
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x1908, 20210731_144736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even came with the optional subwoofer.

>> No.7992936

Grandia 2

>> No.7992938

Sweet set my man, it has S Video right? They are easily RGB moddable.

>> No.7993023

I got extremely lucky, one of the previous owners appears to have RGB modded it already.

Everything on it is fine, no geometry issues and no more cutoff than a standard CRT. I think I got an incredible deal here. I'll post some more pics later.

>> No.7993410

How much ya pay?

>> No.7993564

This is probably a dumb question but does dust have any effect on crts? I looked inside my new tv and there are so much fucking dust in there its unbelievable.

>> No.7993570

might heat components up more than usual. probably will create the sparking sound when turning on when it's around the anode cap.

>> No.7994409

I have a CRT monitor that's making a very loud whining noise if I set it to 1024x768@75Hz. I'm not talking about the normal noises a CRT makes, I mean loud, like night vision goggles, except it keeps going. 85Hz is fine. Is this something I should worry about?

>> No.7994413

Imagine the bugs and musty smell

>> No.7994497

Probably resonance in the housing or something

>> No.7994572

I hope that's all. It's not like I use 75Hz when it can go to 85Hz, but I'm curious.

>> No.7994890


>> No.7995318
File: 220 KB, 589x543, Screenshot from 2021-07-05 17-48-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's vaguely CRT (RGB) related, I'll ask here, I'm trying to connect my PS1 to my CRT which takes 4bnc with csync, and it seems the best way to do that is scart out of the ps1 into a scart to 4bnc adapter. Only one of those cables needs a sync stripper right? If I got one of these
and one of these
I imagine it wouldn't work because both of them have that stripper circuit? So then which of the two cables, the one coming out of the system and the one going into the TV, should have the sync stripper on it? What about for other systems?

>> No.7995771

Stopped reading right there

>> No.7995832
File: 131 KB, 900x959, crt open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out that's what it did. I tested the buttons just now without it powered on and they're sticky feeling (not pushing in properly and kind of mushy). I can't tell if that's because some poured down the front of the plastic, or if it got between the tube and bezel.
I've opened it up before but wasn't even able to find metal I thought would be safe to use to discharge it. (Pic related) It doesn't have an obvious metal chassis thick enough to attach an alligator clip to. Pic is from a few months ago when I was just dusting it out; I never actually discharged it because it wasn't immediately obvious to me where to use for ground and I know I'm not completely retarded with regard to the risk of shock, so I didn't bother.
I'd like to try to clean this out, so if anyone can help me not fuck it up that would be incredible. I'm sure I could remove the bezel (it's a Dell E773c and I have the service manual that shows the front panel being removed with screws as part of what *might* be the implosion protection band, so that kind of freaks me out), and if the teas fucking up the buttons, it's probably on the PCB. Would 91% isopropyl alcohol be enough to unfuck this? God I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.7995838
File: 191 KB, 1920x981, dell e773c crt explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explosion diagram for this CRT.
Also it probably doesn't matter, but technically this is the Dell e772c, not the e773c. They look practically identical though from what I can tell.

>> No.7995886

I've used a PS1 Luma SCART on a PVM 14m2u with a passive adaptor and that worked fine. I wasn't even aware that you need Csync for PVMs until now.

>> No.7995898

What's wrong with RGB?

>> No.7995929

He's just some hipster who plays with RF on a 70s Magnavox

>> No.7995938

This is a myth. In the other hand pseudo-anti-RGB amerCOPErs are legions on /vr/

>> No.7995958

I play with both composite and RGB because I like the look of both for certain consoles

>> No.7995965

This is just another reason why I don't like sweet tea. Good luck anon.

>> No.7996082

can you replace my caps and fix my brightness plz

>> No.7996521
File: 302 KB, 1200x900, extron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure where else to ask, CRT seems like the best place since we deal with switches and scaler's etc.

I've got some 5th gen consoles and like a 64. As well as a big extron switcher.

It used to be simple, i had a crt and a lcd. All consoles ran into the extron and then from there i chose whether they went to CRT or LCD.

I now want to purchase a retrotink 5x. Where should i insert the retrotink? DOes the tink come in after the extron? Also what if i just want to use my crt but the signal gets funneled through the tink? will retrotink fuck my shit up when it goes to CRt?

Consoles -> extron -> retrotink -> tv of choice?

>> No.7996702

Why oh why would you plug the retrotink into a crt

>> No.7996717

i don't want to, my question is how do i go about integrating it into the entire setup

>> No.7996723

Well if there are two separate video out signals from the extron it's simple. If the image is looped through, plug the raw video into the CRT, then plug the tink from the video out of the CRT into the lcd

>> No.7996796

my pic up there is the extron so plenty of video out signals.
im kind confused by
> plug the raw video into the CRT, then plug the tink from the video out of the CRT into the lcd

>> No.7997208
File: 8 KB, 300x300, monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought the xbox Monster cables cause I wanted to upgrade from s-video. Using them on my CRT only shows a distorted image. Are the cable specifically tuned for HDTVs or can set them to use 480i in the xbox menus?

>> No.7997239
File: 988 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_1272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using them on my CRT only shows a distorted image

so you don't get any image with them on crt? Here's an example of my monster cables running into crt. you can actually see my cables above in that extron pic.

obviously me taking a pic of my crt with a smartphone isn't the best example. but it looks pretty clean irl

>> No.7997291

>so you don't get any image with them on crt?

Yes after boot up it starts outputting 480p (everything looks like diagonal static) when my tv can only do 480i. I wondered if it was the cable because 360 component cables had a similar HD output but also a physical switch on them for using an SD tv.

I'll try to turn off 480p in the boot menu.

>> No.7997295

>I'll try to turn off 480p in the boot menu.
that will fix your problem. If your set is 480i make sure all HD modes are disabled.

>> No.7997306

The xbox is badly designed in the sense that 480p output can only be disabled using component cables. Get an HDTV, connect your component cables and disable 480p.

>> No.7997364

>I've opened it up before but wasn't even able to find metal I thought would be safe to use to discharge it. (Pic related) It doesn't have an obvious metal chassis thick enough to attach an alligator clip to.
See the metal band that runs around the tube, that screws into the bezel on the corners? Use that. Check with a multimeter to make sure you got a good ground.
>I'm not completely retarded with regard to the risk of shock, so I didn't bother.
Discharging the tube is one thing, but also beware of the big caps in the power supply. They can store a charge for months. Short it out with a resistor or a screwdriver in a pinch.
>kind of freaks me out
CRTs are very durable, just don't drop it, and don't knock off the thin part of the tube.
>Would 91% isopropyl alcohol be enough to unfuck this?
Yes, that's what you use to clean PCBs, just don't submerge them - some components are not meant to be submersed.
>God I'm a fucking retard.
Yes, next time aim your dick away from the screen, but we've all been there.

>> No.7997372

You know how TVs have video out? It looks through the video signal to daisy chain. This only applied if there weren't multiple video outs from the switch

>> No.7997376

I was under the impression that the Xbox can only do 480p from component anyways, as svid and composite don't have the bandwidth

>> No.7997397

>I was under the impression that the Xbox can only do 480p from component anyways
This is true.
However, the issue is that once you set the xbox to 480p with your component cables you can only disable 480p if you are using component cables. IIRC if you connect with composite cables the 480p options are either greyed out or the changes don't stick.
If you don't have a 480p-capable display then you are stuck with a distorted image when using component cables. I guess you could memorize the menu and make the change blind like people do when changing the PS2 from RGB to YPbPr but I haven't tried.
It is also possible that some newer dashboards let you make the change when using composite but that wasn't the case when I ran into this problem years ago.

>> No.7997454

well, i decided to buy an HDMI2Ypbpr adapter similar to the one mentioned here in >>7980714


by any chance, has anyone tried to use this adapter before?

>> No.7997570

RGB SCART can do 480p too, but for some reason only the PS2 bothered using it.

>> No.7997623

Is there any way to unfuck a CRT's gamma?

>> No.7997635

Go to the Xbox menu and hit both triggers and click in both thumbsticks, this will disable 480p mode. From the menu you can change the resolution that games run at.

>> No.7997637

9300k unless you're playing Western shit (which you shouldn't be because it's almost all just downgraded ports of PC games).

>> No.7997731

That's for the weird reason that sync on green was something of a Sony invented signal format, and many others did not bother using it

>> No.7997803

SCART is capable of Progressive RGBs too.

>> No.7998116

>See the metal band that runs around the tube
ahhh, is that the implosion protection band? that's where i'd unscrew the front bezel (if i even need to do that to clean the buttons).
>Check with a multimeter to make sure you got a good ground.
got any multimeter recommendations? ive been meaning to get another anyway because my dad "lost" the one i'd had forever
>beware of the big caps in the power supply
yeah, i was avoiding touching the bottom of the PCB entirely. i didn't even flip the tube to face me because i was worried something would either short out by the surface of my table touching the PCB or that the tube/gun/PCB would somehow get misaligned (autism)
>Short it out with a resistor or a screwdriver in a pinch.
wouldn't that fuck the capacitor? or just discharge it? and would it be a concern if im just fucking around with the front part of the unit (as opposed to the power supply in back)
>don't knock off the thin part of the tube.
thats the back that's normally covered by the back cover right?
>next time aim your dick away from the screen, but we've all been there.
i'm keeping my throbbing rod aimed at the other side of the desk from now on
thanks btw

>> No.7998356


>ahhh, is that the implosion protection band?
That's the one
>got any multimeter recommendations?
Not really, I've been using an Aneng AN8008 for years, it's cheap and fine for my needs. You just want to be sure that the discharge tool is grounded, but that's hard to fuck up. Of course, if you do a lot of electronics, there's bound to be a nice fluke out there, but most people don't need anything more than a DT830B
>wouldn't that fuck the capacitor?
Through a resistor is safe. Shorting it out with a screwdriver can fuck it
>thats the back that's normally covered by the back cover right?
Yeah, the thin part of the tube is where it narrows down out and has a board connected to it on the back. Glass here thins out a bit, just don't knock it around too much. The glass at the very tip around the pins is pretty thin, but you would have to remove the neck board and the plastic cap to get to it first, that's really the only delicate part.
>i'm keeping my throbbing rod aimed at the other side of the desk from now on
We've all been there. I remember telling my parents I spilled OJ on the laptop keyboard. It was definitely not OJ. Sorry random repair guy and thanks for keeping my secret safe.

>> No.7999461
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1588899871527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check Ebay for a broadcast CRT
>They are over 1000 dollars
Uhhh is there anything half decent that isnt one fucking grand

>> No.7999504

Modded Xbox can do that too

>> No.7999562

If you can RGB mod a curved Trinitron, you should be all set. If not, try and buy a curved Toshiba or JVC D-series with component ports. If you're primarily playing 2D games, stay away from large flatscreens.

>> No.7999805

just get a tv with component or scart if you're in europe nigger

>> No.7999941

Are Flatscreen CRTs bad? I wanted to get a sony wega.

>> No.7999962

They're okay, I have a Wega and it's outstanding for 3D games. Playing 2D games gives me motion sickness though, because the electron beams aren't meant to go horizontally over a flat surface. To describe it, the horizontal lines bend up and down and create a slight wave-like effect.

>> No.8000161

All you need is a consumer set with S-Video.

>> No.8000178
File: 1.13 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kicking myself for selling 20m4u's for 250-300 dollars just a short 5 years ago. they were so plentiful and cheap to find back then. should've held

>> No.8000219

i do imagine PVMs are easier to set up for high-tier retrogaming, but still, why are being memed this much?

those things are even smaller than an average 15'' VGA monitor, arent they? are there at least 25? 30 inches? or something?

>> No.8000313
File: 1.91 MB, 1242x2208, bvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some youtube vids were made and people started becoming obsessed with pixels.
>are there at least 25? 30 inches?
all those in that pic are 20 inch. its really rare/hard to find larger. i believe the most they go up to is pic related, BVM-D32E1WU. Those were well over 1000 5 years ago, couldn't imagine now.

>> No.8000404

Wave like effect? ive never heard of this before.

>> No.8000612
File: 537 KB, 1354x730, 4300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest to my knowledge is this guy. NEC also made some larger professional monitors. For example the XM/XP 29 were technically smaller, but considering the D32 is widescreen, the XM/XP29 have a larger 4:3 real estate.

>> No.8000639

He's referring to bad geometry.

>> No.8000836

yes forgot about this sucker. for some reason thought it was a consumer television. There was also a mitsubishi that was big ish.

i had a 20inch bvm, looked great but for fucks sake it was small as shit. i loved it but hated how large but small it was. sold it off and am chilling with my sony kv-36fv310

>> No.8001030

>brings up Rec .709 for use in playing retro games
This gets on my nerves as someone who has dabbled extensively on the coding side of things with things like this. It's not that you can't do it and it wouldn't look bad with the way our tonemapping software works now but the only displays this natively works for is basically only CRT monitors and BVMs/PVMs. Rec. 601 is not "close enough" to Rec. 709, it has different luma coefficients than Rec. 7090, which can cause potential problems in consumer equipment. I can't believe he didn't walk through Rec. 601 for accuracy purposes when most people in the hobby would have CRT TVs. I don't blame him since he did the proper disclaimers about being some random person online and pulling his information from Wikipedia and online videos but getting stuff like this wrong is why professional TV calibrators still exist as a job, not that I can claim I can do a better job at it, just that I know specifically for this point he is wrong. Also in general, DisplayCal work better because you can specify more parameters like white point adjustment and customize your output 3D LUT over HCFR, but the latter is more noob-friendly.

Not really, the extra software and calibration features only give you faster speed and apply to other displays outside of a CRT. Here's a blog post from the manufacturers themselves explaining it.


>> No.8001167

How do I deal with bottom overscan on a PC monitor?

>> No.8001696 [DELETED] 

Yeah I naturally switched it to rec. 601 for my sdtv, but I assumed that maybe his CRT was 709 since it's a Multiformat PVM capable of 720p and 1080i.

>> No.8001708

I'd love to delve deeper into it, but I don't feel a 2003 Trinitron Wega is going to benefit from a more advanced program.

>> No.8001760
File: 2.60 MB, 1841x2213, 9A3DE558-2943-48DA-B9F3-38576A72404A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t think the 360 would look so good on a CRT but it looks great, kinda upset I didn’t get afterburner climax on it

>> No.8002058

Know of any way to get Afterburner Climax? I tried the store but it appears to be gone. Haven't modded my Xbox but I reckon SCART output could look pretty great.

>> No.8002507
File: 963 KB, 2000x1500, 20210803_171452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this Gateway EV910 from work, no burn in and the image looks nice but it's way to dark even with brightness maxed on the OSD. I'm assuming it's gonna have a flyback with a pot on it like SD CRTs have I can turn up to get more brightness? What would be the best way to adjust that? Turn it up till it looks good with the OSD Brightness in the middle?

>> No.8002590

Yes sir

>> No.8002604
File: 319 KB, 756x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth be told, most people don't really need professional color calibration if they aren't doing color sensitive work like color grading or photo work where that is essential. There's a reason that out of the box, the displays in smartphones go for "vibrancy" and etc. over color accuracy like the picture I show here. The default settings on the right "looks" better but typically is out of whack with what it actually looks like with accuracy on the left. Fumbling with a calibration device like a Colormunki with third party software to get better colors and results as a noob like >>7967945 with $100 or so isn't the worse thing you can do with that money with a CRT, especially if you have other displays that you can calibrate that aren't tablets or smartphones which typically are already calibrated and don't have enough settings to adjust and it doesn't take too long to do regularly when the rest of the CRT is tuned up. If you use it for professional work, the advice there back from CRT days hasn't changed which is monthly.

>> No.8002609

I understand that for 5th gen and prior, you're fine just using regular CRT TVs, but when it comes to the Dreamcast and GC and PS2 even if they aren't supposed to be discussed in this thread, they are capable of or tend to(?) do well with 480p. Apparently HD CRT TVs suck and have tons of input lag and I'm a little autistic about that sort of thing. The next best option is vga into a crt computer monitor right? As far as I've been told, the DC has no issues with vga monitors, but I haven't been able to get a definitive answer. What is the "perfect" display to play DC and GC and PS2 games on?

>> No.8002632

All of those consoles look great at 480i on a CRT, even Wii and 360 look great on them if you can get SCART output

>> No.8002672

My SNES (SNS-001) has issues with s-video output, displays a very dark and distorted image (composite works btw) anybody know what might be causing this? Maybe a loose solder joint? Same cable works just fine with my N64.

>> No.8002719
File: 3.48 MB, 4000x3000, 20210803_190333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to attempt a RGB mod on this Sony CRT I got. In a little over my head, wish me luck.

>> No.8002801
File: 12 KB, 640x480, hfre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having an issue with my KV-20TS32, problem is upper left, upper right is what happens as I start to increase HFRE, bottom is what happens when I get the HFRE up to really high values. Is there any way to square that right edge, or is it just fucked? New to this.

>> No.8002813


>> No.8002843

Adjust parallelogram and then trapezoidal, if possible

>> No.8002845

Been there; done that. That HCFR with an i1Display 2, right?

>> No.8002851
File: 102 KB, 415x755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I have for a service menu, what's the equivalent of that in here