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File: 235 KB, 1024x768, Wario Land 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7953134 No.7953134 [Reply] [Original]

There will never, ever be another Wario platform game. How do you feel about it?

>> No.7953156

they weren't that good

>> No.7953167

I will never lose hope. I’m ready to give 50 or even 60 dollars to Jewtendo if they ever make one. Hell even Wario World 2 will do at this point. I’m fucking sick of Switch not having anything but Mario. Zelda and Xenoblade

>> No.7953193

Could Wario work in 3D?

>> No.7953405

It did already, by Treasure. It was not terrible but kinda subpar

>> No.7953418

This is /vr/ numb nuts
Why would we care about that

>> No.7953428

You think?
Wario Land was pretty great
Haven't played 2
3 was a really nice puzzle platformer
I consider 4 to be among some of the best platformers of all times
Wario World was ehh
Shake It is an abomination

>> No.7953447

What's so bad about Shake It? Except the concept of shaking which makes your hand tired very quickly

>> No.7953454

Puzzle Platformer that's really not fun at all. A lot of it feels like you're just going through the motions. Every stage has that one money bag between two out of reach blocks. Other stages stops the "action" for obvious throw the ball in the hole.
The game is generally completely unthreatening with the enemy placements and the stage goals somewhat ruins the game further. If a stage has some weird goal like "finish the stage without touching the floor" you bet your ass the level design will be completely designed around it and nothing else, completely ruining the stage's design for any other goals and purpose.
Every stage has that canon thing that forces you into a headbutt run (move has been removed for this) which you have to not run into a wall or you'll have to restart. There's usually a checkpoint close you can restart to, but it's not fun and it's too fast and you'll have to restart while figuring out what the game except you to do and etc
I just hated every seconds of it

>> No.7953458

They are ok for a handheld platform

>> No.7953515

The WarioWare games are a good substitute, at least.

>> No.7953529

Not really.
They are good on their own but it's just micro-games. What was a neat little idea at first became kinda stale over the years

Also when Gold came out I realized the big part of WarioWare's appeal for me was the retro pixelated graphics. HD looks super cheap.

>> No.7953672
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Hopefully, they'll bring back Captain Syrup for Mario Kart/Party/some sports game.

>> No.7953686

Last Mario game I played was SMW.

>> No.7953830

I liked how Gold looks. Also who's getting Get it Together?

>> No.7953846

this, 3 was "pretty good" for a GBC game, 4 was "pretty good" for a GBA game

>> No.7953940

>God Tier

>Great Tier
2, VB, 4

>Good Tier
Shake Dimensions

>Okay Tier

>Who-the-fuck-even-played-this-shit Tier
That GameCube game

I was replaying the entire series (minus the GC one) and I couldn't even bring myself to completing 3. Neither did I finish Shake Dimensions but I think I burnt myself out with that marathon

>> No.7953958

I played 3 like 15 years ago and got stuck in the game, just didn't know where to go. Day/night system was confusing.

>> No.7954245

I don't know which one I played. The first maybe? For gameboy. Had to find treasure to build a sick castle? I thought that was a really good game. Which one was it and do any others play like that?

>> No.7954294

that was the first and the one on virtual boy plays similarly,without the world map

>> No.7954865

Right here

>> No.7954917

I didnt like it. It was repetitive and didnt feel like the wario land games (especially 1 and 2) that were so good. I felt like i fought the same enemies 100s of times. What do you like about it?

>> No.7954918

Oh you have to play 2 i think its the best one

>> No.7954924

Not that anon, but the charm of Wario World for me was the background design and Enemy design. Even if it's mostly the same 3 enemy types reskinned each design is fun and unique. The music is also great and I enjoy the challenges in the red crystal boxes. But yes the beat em up gameplay is rather swallow gets dull quickly. It's probably the only Treasure game in which I enjoy the style more than the substance.

>> No.7955752

It hurts... Wario Land is amazing and it hurts that we'll never get another one.

>> No.7955836

>Also when Gold came out I realized the big part of WarioWare's appeal for me was the retro pixelated graphics. HD looks super cheap.
Completely agree. The low resolution and low-fi music was a huge part of the appeal of the games, but Nintendo has forgotten that, apparently.

>> No.7956048

You can just ignore all the glorified achievements and hunt for the treasures and the game is fun. Plus the art looks great

>> No.7956369

Honestly, I probably should. I probably should give up 100% on that game and just go ahead and simply finish it
Already world 1 the levels are painful and annoying to 100%, I can't imagine the rest of the game

>> No.7956406

What about Smooth Moves? That looked like a Flash cartoon.

>> No.7956445

Wario world

>> No.7956450

They aren’t the same at all lol, but some wario is better than no wario, I suppose.

>> No.7956452

2 is the best one

>> No.7957493

Wario World is Treasure's worst game. Too short, too easy, and each level's enemies are just reskins. I 100%'d it in one sitting the day I got it back when I was like 12.

>> No.7958473


>> No.7958487

>I consider 4 to be among some of the best platformers of all times
I agree 4 is the best but I am very, very nostalgic for 3.

>> No.7958625

Your best hope is eventually getting a Wayforward shovelware title. Seems like something they’d want to do. It would probably be okayish, like their Shantae games are. Like most Wario Land games are.

Couldn’t end up any worse than Master of Disguise. People who think World or Shake It are bad should try THAT abomination.

>> No.7958858
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I'd say whats there is good there's just not enough of it.

>> No.7959034

this is the sad truth, Wario Land Shake It is proof, the game plays like the others but with slightly better controlls and everyone said it was boring, the formula of Wario Land is outdated, they were great for what they were, but there's a reason they were a hit on very limited hardware

>> No.7959481
File: 94 KB, 500x448, 61+bqblic9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we're all just ignoring that other Wario-platformer?

>> No.7959484


>> No.7959489

Better to go out with a bang.

>> No.7959505

Even Nintendo Power didn't care for this one, iirc.

>> No.7960070

>the game plays like the others but with slightly better controlls and everyone said it was boring
Because it's designed to be babby's first platformer (even though this is supposed to be Yoshi's gimmick). They literally said as much in an interview. That's why it's so boring, it's just Wario Land but less ambitious in practically every way, cuts aspects from previous entries and doesn't properly substitute them with anything better

>> No.7960110

>the formula of Wario Land is outdated
Wario Land games barely have a "formula".

>> No.7960368

I recently bought this one looking for some more Wario action and it’s fucking trash.

>> No.7960390

I had a dream of my wario platform game. The series was dead. But it was alright.

>> No.7960392
File: 28 KB, 500x281, pizzatower-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'm fine as long as Pizza Tower comes out eventually.

>> No.7960409

Yeah this one sucks really bad. Shame cause it was the first wario game I ever played

>> No.7960412


That's because the best Wario games, weren't really platformers, they were puzzle games.

The only good platformer was that 3D one and Warioland on virtual boy, the rest are basically just masquerading as platformers, but are actually just use "(insert status ailment or form)" to solve puzzle.

>> No.7960420

The first one was a straight up platformer if I do recall. A very very slow one top

>> No.7960424

>The only good platformer was that 3D one
Wario World sucked as a 3D platformer though. The platforming was pretty simple, and it wasn't even the focus of the game. The beat-em-up combat was the focus, and even that was half-baked.

>> No.7960547

>That's because the best Wario games, weren't really platformers, they were puzzle games.

I think I've seen an article on the Internet explaining why Nintendo abandoned the idea of Wario platformers. In short, they've made a first one because they wanted to do something different for their handheld systems (that's also why Super Mario Land 1 is fucking strange looking game, they tried to do something that wouldn't be just portable SMW).
They also wanted to get a bit weird which didn't fit into concept of classic Mario platformer. So Nintendo created Wario sub-franchise for all the weird ideas they have and for handhelds specifically.
After 4, they've kinda lost track and eventually, need to release them at all.
The reason why they put so much into WarioWare is that's the only direction they can move franchise into. To keep the weirdness and a character alive.

>> No.7961097

Puzzle-Platformer is a thing, which is what most Wario games all.

And all the more reason why it should come back, since they STILL refuse to make a proper Donkey Kong 94/Mario vs. Donkey Kong which were also puzzle-platformers, so Wario Land was the only one left.

The distribution was simple:
Mario: Speedy platformer for all skill levels
Donkey Kong: More experienced Platformer
Yoshi: Baby's first platformer
Wario: Slower platformer, more exploration, puzzle elements

>> No.7962698

Why is she molesting Mario?

>> No.7962727

>Also when Gold came out I realized the big part of WarioWare's appeal for me was the retro pixelated graphics. HD looks super cheap.
i'm usually defensive of soul vs soulless arguments but i never understood this one. the cutscenes in gold look like a pretty literal translation of the thick outlined cutscenes in the gba games. they made the animation choppy for this purpose to I believe, unlike smooth moves which used a lot of motion tweening.

>> No.7963683

everyone molests each other in that manga from the screenshots I've seen

>> No.7963708


Japanese gag manga heavily relies on a pervy and gross jokes.

I have a small book with Animal Crossing manga where Villager does all sorts of insane shit like covering himself in bird poop or shooting eggs with his butt at other villagers

Also have seen Pokemon one where Mewtwo tried to find a job and worked in a french cafe selling baguettes

>> No.7963725
File: 20 KB, 120x120, 120px-Fat_Wario_WL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think it would be gamebreaking to fuse the Land and Ware series. Have wario live in the castle but CEO at warioware inc in diamond city and characters from both series would appear. Microgames are used for weird context sensitive actions all over the place and each ware character hosts one of the worlds of the game. It would have a party mode too of course.

>> No.7963843
File: 84 KB, 250x250, image_2021-07-20_145050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad your idea is so good since Nintendo will NEVER make something like this

>> No.7963853

The only issue with 4 is that it requires you to collect the jewel pieces to fight the stage boss, that was unneeded.

>> No.7963858

>let's fill a fast-paced platformer with minigames and context cues
no thanks

>> No.7963872

they're "microgames", made specifically to be twitchy fast. I'm sure it could be paced well even if its possible to screw up.

>> No.7963876

"they" aren't anything because "they" are a theoretical construct existing only in your diseased brain and not in an actual game... probably because there are enough shitty, overstuffed platformers with terrible design decisions already, and god was merciful enough to stick you in a basement and not in a chair at a dev studio so we could be spared one more steaming chocolate coil.

>> No.7963889

K. tbf I wouldn't have introduced them to the land series in a vacuum either, but since the two series exist, I think its possible to merge them and not have it turn out horrible since yeah, the microgames really are meant to be fast specifically.
You don't need to get shitty with me when I even said its possible (but really, probable) the devs would screw it up and make your fears on the idea come true.
I'm just saying I can picture it being done well (without fucking up the pacing or being start & stop all the time) by good devs. it really wouldnt have to be that different than the status effects (which I would want them to bring back alongside), in fact the microgames would probably be faster, and they would mesh well with the escape sequences from WL4 if those came back.
Doesn't really matter since its never happening anyway though.

>> No.7963897

lol didnt read

>> No.7963905
File: 247 KB, 1112x1434, wario thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K, glad we're done.

>> No.7963964

Haven't played it, not main series and apparently it's absolute trash
Haven't mentioned WL VB either, but I played a little of that and didn't care much about it

>> No.7964125

The tracks in the music room that you unlock by finding hidden records in the levels in WL4 are so freakin weird

>> No.7964136


>> No.7964141
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I'm a Driftwood & the Island Dog man myself.

>> No.7964143

There’s something very ominous about 4 that I can’t quite place.

>> No.7964175

Sound Room, probably

Or a sense of loneliness, mixed with weirdness.

Like, there are genuinely some unsettling moments, like that hotel level with ghosts or giant monsters hiding in the lake.

After you press frog switch one time, every other time it shows on screen you'll be thinking "Oh fuck"

>> No.7965030
File: 3.22 MB, 888x230, stove canyon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never, ever be another Wario platform game

just make your own wario platform game

>> No.7965204

It blew my mind back then when I heard the level music with vocals for the first time.

>> No.7965209

Most of the official Nintendo manga runs in Corocoro, a magazine full of that kind of jokes.

>> No.7965292

What's so confusing about day and night changing between levels?

>> No.7965336

Ukurere mitai na
tabi o, shiyo-o-o

>> No.7965381

Wario is one of the most boring franchises I've played. Even wario ware is boring

>> No.7965386

And that Cook game seems to be better than all the games in this franchise. That says a lot about this franchise.

>> No.7965412

Wario Land 4 embraced the bizarreness and freedom that is Wario the character, which then spun off the equally bizarre WarioWare series. Some could say they went too far in trying to make it weird.

>> No.7965415

Donkey kong has more edge than this shitty franchise.

>> No.7965626
File: 92 KB, 1018x752, 1613937517533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Villager does all sorts of insane shit like covering himself in bird poop or shooting eggs with his butt at other villagers
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, man.

>> No.7966576

The only edgy Donkey Kong game is maybe DKC2. DKC1, DKC3 and especially the Retro Studis games have no edge at all.

>> No.7966591

I didn't know it was song in Japanese back then
I thought it's some weird made-up language.

I also thought that in opening song, they sing "Motherfuckin' yeah yeah yeah"

Now we have an entire OST uncompressed and can actually hear those muffled lyrics in songs. I like replaying old games to discover things that went over my head a decade ago.

>> No.7966607
File: 538 KB, 400x300, panic-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let the intro to Wario Land 4 play
>parents walk in
>singer shouts "MOTHER FUNKY!"

>> No.7966776
File: 19 KB, 480x360, golf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's fill a fast-paced platformer with minigames and context cues
warioware didn't appear out of thin air

>> No.7966785

None of the DKC games have an iota of the charm or charisma of Wario.

>> No.7966809

WarioLand has never been fast-paced wtf are you smoking?

>> No.7966825
File: 270 KB, 512x512, tumblr_db01c28af7e5ab8c80656a829915e484_df8e8a24_512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WarioLand has never been fast-paced

>> No.7966998

Correct, it was a collection of minigames on Mario Artist, the Japan only N64DD game.

>> No.7968361

That's real neat actually.

>> No.7969002
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah if you want a lighthearted Wario Land 1 type of game play Beard Blade

>> No.7970339
File: 3 KB, 240x160, WWIMM_ClassicClashIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like replaying old games to discover things that went over my head a decade ago.

Many years later, I finally recognized Ultraman and Kamen Rider references in WarioWare.

>> No.7972661

I only played Wario Land 4. Are the others good?

>> No.7972753

If you really want to try the others I suggest Warioland 2.

>> No.7973804

she thinks he is a hiding the magic lamp there

>> No.7973919

I’d argue that Wario’s got it better than a lot other characters that appeared alongside Mario.

>> No.7974603

Very true. He was a more relevant character then fucking Luigi and arguably was in a way better position then post-RARE Donkey Kong (until Donkey Kong Country Returns).

>> No.7974745


>> No.7974761

Its a shame this has such a god tier soundtrack wasted on it

>> No.7976031
File: 35 KB, 180x149, WarioLandIIHen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7976640

literally just a hen with boobs. Love how bizarre Wario can be

>> No.7976670

Damn, why didn't Wario hook up with this semen demon

>> No.7977197

1 is fun. 2 was fucking kino with all those branching paths. I started playing 3 last week trying to go through them all and 3 bored the fuck out of me.

>> No.7977795

3 is my favorite since it's just a metroid game with a very satisfying feeling of progression

>> No.7979319
File: 709 KB, 425x425, wario (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has a whole platforming series full of melee moves, status effects that affect combat and movement, hat powerups, grappling/throws in wario world, etc.
>Makes shit up anyway because warioware is relevant at the time.

>> No.7979420

Damn right.

>> No.7979526

GameCube game was trash. Have yet to try the Wii one.

WLII was great, so was 4. Others were good enough.

>> No.7979554

The Wii one isn't 3D. It's Wario Land 4 but Again.

>> No.7980317

more accurately, WL4 but lesser in every possible way.

Still a decent, charming game but the least remarkable Wario Land outside of the visuals.