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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7900878 No.7900878 [Reply] [Original]

>Long time Linux user.
>Using shitty Windows computer, don't have an antivirus because I just don't use them.
>Want to play some FPS.
>Install Counter Strike 1.6
>Setup my config.
>Join a server, play a while.
>Next day I open the game and it automatically connects me to some server.
>Browse and edit every single cfg file on the game directory to delete the connect line, I also made those files read-only.
>Finally, no more auto connection anymore.
>Join a server.
>It loads but then asks permissions to run a fucking batch file.
>Obviously say no.
>Game just closes anyways.
>Open it again.
>Not working anymore, I'll have to uninstall it and make every cfg file read-only again and pray so I don't join a server that runs a fucking batch file right after loading.
Ah yes, truly amazing, it takes me back to my middle school days.
No seriously, what the fuck is this shit? I understand why people prefer CS:GO now, they don't have to deal with shit like this right?

>> No.7901118

Set config to ready only after you re-install CS

>> No.7901123
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This game still has quite the player base albeit not like 10 to 15 years ago, but non steam has kept the game alive and I am grateful. CS GO is a pile of dog shit. What made these games great were the evolutionary movements that differentiated novice from professional players. I'm not talking shit binds that were illegal in client. Quake is the same way rocket jumping etc. Anything after Quake 4 is turd sandwiches. Live is ok 3 arena like CS 1.6 still has a solid player base.

>> No.7901965

Problem is mother fuckers create other files like autoexec, userconfig and even hide their shit in other files like language and driver cfgs.
You literally have to check every file to clean it up, if it was only the config.cfg it'd be easier.
Yeah but it is a problem when servers are running batch files and messing with my configuration, hopefully I'll be able to set it up so I can play normally, but I highly doubt it.
Spics, Russians, even Anglos are doing this garbage, you're walking blindly and I'm pretty sure every single server is like this.

>> No.7901973

>playing counterstrike
you get what you deserve

>> No.7902113

/vr/ CS1.6 server when?

>> No.7902139

Not 1.6 (steam) but 1.5 (last standalone version) severely screwed me over back in the day. Used to auto-download all sorts of shit from custom servers, and one day when i wanted to uninstall CS i got the dialog box asking 'are you sure you want to uninstall C:?' being a dumb naive kid i went ahead anyway, and then the hdd made this rattling noise and it turned out it was formatting my C drive.

Lost almost everything but managed to abort in time and Windows still worked but icons and games were missing etc.
Think the virus came onto my computer by downloading custom content from CS 1.5

Alhough Steam is cancer in its own way, it does help to prevent shit like this

>> No.7902216

W10 has a decent anti-virus built into it. I play 1.6 occasionally because CSGO is trash and it's fine for me. Too bad most servers are infinite money and heavily nodded garbage. It breaks my heart knowing that there will never be another 1.6

>> No.7902236

Yeah that's why I'm not so sure about playing anymore, if I can't play without running batch scripts I should better uninstall it, I guess I can still play with bots and such though.
An alternative would be TF2 but I gotta pay steam 5 dollars to be considered as a human being and not a stupid bot, I can't even call for a medic for Christ's sake.
I want to setup Quake online too but if one has to deal with similar shit like CS I'm better playing the original levels and some mods.

>> No.7902248

Playing Quake online is pretty safe, for one it only is alllowed to download mod files (pak files, map files etc). whereas cs 1.5 downloaded just about any filetype including sounds and scripts. Also in Quake you can turn off autodownloading, and the community files are all double checked by the community, i'd say Quake 1, 2 and 3 are all safe to play online. As other anon said, nowadays the Windows security is also much better at detecting stuff, in the old days you had to get ZoneAlarm and McAfee (rip) and hope for the best. Just don't click shady .exe files and you're fine

>> No.7902258

Okay Anon, I'll give Quake online a try.
I also want to play Quake 2 levels/episodes single player, I really loved Quake 1 I like that ambience it has and the atmosphere, the weapons, the enemies, level design, etc.
I know Quake 2 took a different route and it's not quite like the first game but maybe I'll enjoy it too, I was listening to some of Quake 2 soundtrack and it's pretty good.

>> No.7902279

I think you can set up a download filter. The problem is that most servers REQUIRE you to download their custom files (disgusting)

>> No.7902285

For Quake 1 online play: https://www.ezquake.com/
It has a community made installer that should help you on your way. Note that the Q1 community is very small (and highly skilled) and to find people to play with online you need to connect to their discord channel.

For Quake 3 i suggest playing CPMA mod (Challenge ProMode Arena), it's where most of the players are: https://playmorepromode.com/
Same thing applies, small community, highly skilled players, prepare your anus. Also get on their discord to find matches.

I'm not so knowledgeable about Q2 so i can't help you with that, i do know Yamagi Q2 is a well known port.

>> No.7902704

Add this to your config
>cl_filterstuffcmd 1

This command should severely limit what the server can do to your configuration

>> No.7902718

That would be awesome.

>> No.7905101

Once I got slowhacked. I didn't know it at the time but server admins could run scripts on your computer like you mentioned and one admin royally fucked my setup. All of a sudden I could only get 1-2 fps. Fuck malicious modders

>> No.7905119


>> No.7905205

bind mouse1 kill

>> No.7905245

It really is sad that 1.6 is just a vector for viruses now. I wish I could play it so badly.

>> No.7905817

IRC clients used to be the golden standard for arranging games with eachother in the old Quake communities but at some point after Discord was launched suddenly everyone just moved over. I also don't really get it. Does it have to do with the fact that Discord hosts all rooms for you? iirc to use IRC rooms you had to pay your own server. There was something really comfy about IRC, had that oldschool terminal graphics look and feel.

>> No.7905856
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I used to host a 1.6 server for /v/ some years ago. Was fun.

>> No.7905869

How does the game do that? I've never experienced any nasty hacks aside from some configuration purges.

Please tell me Valve isn't this incompetent.

>> No.7905871

That's PC gaming for you. Old games just exist to be exploited to give you viruses. Lucky me I can still boot up my old Playstation and play games without a worry.

>> No.7905910

I don't think 1.6 is like that on Steam, it was mostly the older (pre-Valve/Steam) versions back when CS was still a Half Life mod. The autodownload function back then was really unsafe and just downloaded anything the server threw at you, no questions asked. Online gaming was also still in its infancy back then.

>> No.7905957

gro/v/e brother?
I would help with hosting/paying for hosting/config if other anons wanted to get something going. Might get more interest on /vm/, I know they have had a sven co op general since covid started

>> No.7906115

Download Steam and purchase CS1.6 It's $4.99 and you get Condition Zero as well. If you play through Steam, you wont have these issues. Still, set your config to read only and as another anon mentioned, utilize cl_filterstuffcmd 1 in your config.

As >>7905910 touched on

>> No.7906237

I'll make sure to do that, I actually purchased it yesterday.

>> No.7906249

This was the group.

Long dead, but this was before /vm/ was a thing, so maybe there is hope.

>> No.7906268

You can host your own servers, but you can go on any servers and make your own IRC rooms no problems usually
The thing about Discord that makes it popular is that it's all centralized and you have multiple channels and it's easy to get it and on your cellphone
As with all centralization however, it's cancer in its own right and they could go very rogue anytime (if they didn't already) and then people will have a hard time jumping over
One thing I particularly hate about it is that most server admins are complete retards that has no concept of making different channels when actually needed. What's great about an IRC community is that whatever is being talked about, you will read it, even if it doesn't necessarily interests you. Nowadays the retards makes a hundred fucking channels immediately and the conversation is extremely fractured in most of the cases
So, more centralizations and fractures conversations despite of that. So it's again more and more rifts and more controls to the big corps who can and will really fuck shit up
Just some misc example, on facebook, you get these ____ hell communities, they're fun and have original edgy memes. However, those communities are always under Zucc's banhammer and most likely has gone through 3-5 iterations when in the past, they'd have their own forums. Why don't they do that now? Because it's impossible to get a community running with the right number of people otherwise
What a shitshow