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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7892331 No.7892331 [Reply] [Original]


Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Half-Life WON version
Doom Shovelware
Fileplanet archives
Doom RPG series
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.7892335
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Hard Fast Faggot Maps v 1.1
idgames release TBD

Project Mega folder: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ
Latest update: >>7878872

=== NEWS ===
[6-22]Elementalism Teaser Trailer

[6-22]Quakewulf and Norway were rangebanned from 4chan

[6-22]Copper 1.6 Released

[6-22]The Purifier for Quake 1 was released

[6-22]Quake is 25 Years old!

[6-20] Decino planning a mass co-op event in FTE

[6-20] Ultimate MIDI Pack (full soundtrack replacement for Ultimate Doom) released:

[6-19] BouncyTEM releases a name your price Quake tribute album in celebration of Quake's 25th anniversary

[6-18] Scotty with AD_79 released Cydonia, wad of 22 new Plutonia maps emulating Casali mapping style to celebrate the anniversary of Final Doom

[6-17] Cannonball released an 8-level mapset for Doom 2 called "Atomic" sometime earlier today.

[6-17] TNT: Evilution MIDI Pack is released

[6-17] Painslayer, a Painkiller themed weapon mod.

[6-14]YamagiQ2 v8.00 was released, Now it supports Vulkan 100% and it has tons of bugfixes and goodies.

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.7892367 [DELETED] 
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niggers tongue my anus

>> No.7892370

>not inviting Shambler to the party
Come on, Ranger. You guys had so many electrifying moments together.

>> No.7892395

>record a playthrough of Cringe! and upload it to youtube a few months ago
>talk shit about the levels
>today: "Mark Klem has subscribed to your channel"

>> No.7892402
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>> No.7892448
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What's the best way to play Doom 64?

>> No.7892454

Doom64 EX
The free one.

>> No.7892461 [DELETED] 

What even is this tranny artstyle called? sickening.

>> No.7892465

I love Quake and I don't always enjoy playing it

The weapon and movement design mean that me enjoying the game is almost entirely dependent on the levels and even some of the official levels bore me, a bit like Doom I guess

But Doom's mapping community seems much more consistent to me, even the big Quake mapping projects I don't always enjoy, they're just kinda hit or miss and I can't figure out why

>> No.7892470

pirate the new port

>> No.7892473

This also how the fuck does the steam version require 8 gbs of ram for fuckin Doom?
When it doesn't even look any better than EX?

Is there something i'm missing?

>> No.7892497

New levels

>> No.7892507

Oh i just never got it cause i already had EX but i remember looking at the specs and being like wtf 8 gigs for doom lmao

>> No.7892508 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 192x161, G1BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does somebody have a copy of ARCHIE BETA?, i been looking for it 4 month now

>> No.7892510 [DELETED] 

What is this transsexual artstyle called? Sickens me whenever i see it.

>> No.7892532

I think its funny that American McGee forgot to tag any secrets in The Inmost Dens. It very clearly has a few areas that should be considered secrets.

>> No.7892554

Just finished Post Mortem, overall between all of the episodes and Cryptic Passage I really enjoyed my experience with Blood, the combat was really satisfying and as always with Build games I enjoy how the levels look, now I'm gonna try Death Wish next before going back to Dukey.

>> No.7892559
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Is there a way to beat Blood's trickier levels (like Aqueducts from Cryptic Passage or just about anything from the Plasma Pak) without exploiting the AI or savescumming like a madman?
It's trivial to beat most levels after you realize you can make the AI roam/come after you so you can slaughter them all easily as they show up one by one. But it takes long and feels cheap as fuck. I refuse to believe the devs didn't intend you to engage in traditional, stand-up FPS fights with the Cultists. But their accuracy and reactions (on Well-Done and above) are just bullshit. Even on Lightly Broiled they can randomly have 0ms aimbot moments, though they are considerably less common. I don't understand what was going on with Blood's design, 99% of the enemy roster is barely a threat (I'm the same anon from a few threads back who claimed he has never been hit by a Gargoyle since he started playing, and guess what, I'm at 100+ hours on Fresh Supply and they still haven't hit me) or glorified "QTEs" like the Phantasms, yet the Cultists feel like the Xaero bot from Quake 3.

>> No.7892560

They forgot to tag secrets in Nirvana and The Living End too.
Lazy faggots.

>> No.7892571

Cultists are bullshit, the only way I had to manage against them was to either grab a powerup and going crazy on their asses, tossing dynamite on every corner or new room, or just savescumming.

>> No.7892582
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With homing missiles on monsters, do you guys prefer if the missile has a limited lifespan or unlimited? I find it's too easy just to strife around a monster if the homing missiles just dissipate after a while.

>> No.7892640

I think unlimited makes the type of area they must be fought in too limited, and a train of 50 fireballs circling the big open space to instantly kill you if you slip up slightly is funny as shit, but also not stellar design. If they're infinite, give a way to destroy them without terrain blockage essentially, like letting them be shot. A player should be able to do that if there's nothing else in a space.

>> No.7892654

fuck guys i gotta learn a little zscript and im stupid
pray for me

>> No.7892660

Right, makes sense. Cheers Anon. I think I'll set up the missiles to have a limited duration for now.

>> No.7892671

Don't think Nirvana even has any areas that could reasonably be considered as secret.
True about Living End, though.

>> No.7892680

>I think unlimited makes the type of area they must be fought in too limited
The Revenant has proven this to be quite untrue.

>> No.7892715

The Revenant is the poster child of this concept: where having wall corners nearby trivializes them from any distance, and being in an open space or say, on a platform with lava around you, makes you have to turn on Yakety Sax while you run in a wide circle really fast.

>> No.7892721

Alright. Hope all that work goes well out there.

>> No.7892723

>Don't think Nirvana even has any areas that could reasonably be considered as secret.
There's a soulsphere in the level that must be lowered in order to grab it. I think that could be considered a secret.

>> No.7892732

>where having wall corners nearby trivializes them from any distance
Depends a whole lot on their positioning and numbers, and whether there are other factors involved in the fight.

>> No.7892737

I know of a megasphere that requires a not so hidden switch to be lowered. Didn't know there was a hidden soulsphere too.

>> No.7892738

So I hate Doom II and I assumed I hated Sandy Peterson

I just went back to check what my favorite part of Quake 1 is Episode 4, almost entirely Sandy

Then I went back and checked Episodes 2 and 3 in Doom 1 which I rememberly fondly, all my favorite levels, stuff like Hell Keep and Slough of Despair, all Sandy

My all time favorite Tabletop RPG, 2e, co-authored by Sandy, and he helped create CoC, it's insane, this dude gets shit on for no reason, he's a literal game design hero and without him all of gaming, tabletop and video, would look different

god bless Sandy Peterson

>> No.7892747

RuneQuest 2e

>> No.7892847
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Sandy was also a game designer for Age of Empires II. Dude's great.

>> No.7892856

yeah, Darklands, Sid Meier's Pirates, Swords of the Samurai, minor work on Civilization, he's a literal god of game design

>> No.7892885

I don't think it actually does, a lot of team system requirements are overkill but then other teams they undersell what you need.
The thing about Doom 2 is they dumped it all on Sandy because Romero was busy being lazy and working with Raven on Heretic and while Doom 2's worst levels are Sandy's so are it's best and most of the Lovecraft stuff in Quake is Sandy.

>> No.7892963
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>> No.7893018

My theory is that the devs kept going back and playtesting the Episode 1 levels since they were shareware, while marginally buffing the cultists each time, to the point where they became much stronger than everything else. But I don't think this theory is fully correct, because all of the other enemies would still be piss easy, unless they got nerfed along the way.

>> No.7893026

Apply directly to the orifice

>> No.7893029

After playing d2twid, I learned to enjoy Doom 2 map design.

>> No.7893047

I also like the E2 of Doom the most and E2M6, which is my fav map was Sandy's first map. He also has shit maps but he made like half the maps for doom 2

>> No.7893068

It's the arsenal. Quake's shotguns relative to Doom's feel lackluster, the nailgun is always useless when you get the super nailgun whereas Doom's chaingun is always relevant when you run out of plasma. The rocket launcher is ineffectual against shamblers, where Doom's rocket launcher is always a good choice. Mission pack added the hyperblaster and the plasma cannon, but these are not seen enough in user made maps to really give a fuck, whereas Doom II's arsenal is in every user made map. Arcane Dimensions rectifies this somewhat with its triple barrel shotgun, but it's not enough for most players.

>> No.7893112

Platform surrounded by lava is harder than open area with walls, because if you're good at timing you can stay near the wall, dodge when missiles really close and they hit the wall.

>> No.7893115

>Map where your only method of killing a cyberdemon is to circlestrafe around revenants and build up a mass of homing fireballs to hit the cyberdemon with

>> No.7893134

I honestly can’t play Quake because of the weapons. They feel so underwhelming after playing Doom.

Actually Quake levels feel so much slower to me than Doom, and its a drag to play.

>> No.7893145


This guide helped me immensely starting out

>> No.7893148

>I honestly can’t play Quake because of the weapons. They feel so underwhelming after playing Doom.

It's a consequence of the hardware requirements of a full 3D game with animated 3D models in 1996. Maps had to be smaller, enemies had to be fewer, which meant enemies had to take more hits, which results in weapons feeling weaker.

Modders could easily fix this by rebalancing weapon damage and enemy health to be more doom-like, but then, I guess, it wouldn't be Quake any more.

>> No.7893153

>i gotta

Do you really gotta?
DECORATE is still there, and far easier for a non-programmer to understand. Not as powerful as zscript, but unless you're really trying to do something fancy, it's all you'll need.

And documentation is 10x better.

>> No.7893154

Drake mod makes the shotguns more in line with Doom and I love it for that.

>> No.7893162

Not that guy, and you're right in everything you say, but it's not even "something fancy", but even simple reloading warrants state jumping and if you go a bit more fancy than that you need over 9000 dummy inventories in addition to a million state jumps.
I was sold on ZScript when I migrated a small mod of mine and could cut down code lines from over 150 to just below 50. For a non-programmer it's really, really hard to get into, but as you sow so you reap and I think in the long run using a more complicated language that enables me to do thing far easier and more elegant is the preferrable solution. The biggest problem with ZScript right now in comparison to Decorate is

>And documentation is 1e100x better.
Fixed that for you

>> No.7893163

Drake mod?

>> No.7893182

It was a large mod that got absorbed into AD, but was used to great effect in a number of maps. The maps that use it include the mod, and you can play any id1 based map with it using console commands.

>> No.7893184


>> No.7893195

Wow, it's garbage.

>> No.7893203

Nah far from it. Lots of little things like enemies becoming more aggressive with lower health, z-aware ogres, skills 4 and 5; it's a great time. It's become a favorite passtime of mine to run through old id1 based maps with more palatable shotguns.

>> No.7893234

>Ogre goes down in two close up SSG shots

Perfect. Exactly as it should be.

>> No.7893243


>> No.7893246

Unironically filtered.

>> No.7893248

>hyperblaster and the plasma cannon
Why don't more user maps use these.

>> No.7893249

getting the turoks from the megas
does rar work with 7z or do i need that progam that has a timed free trial?

>> No.7893250

7z can open rar files just like WinRar.

>> No.7893257

I love that fucking image.

He got funneled pretty hard there, Skeeter.

>> No.7893274
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So what exactly is a monster's tracer? Is it the last known location a monster saw a player?

>> No.7893343
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On an actual N64 in the dark, but don't use the default N64 controller, use a Super Pad 64. Works great for its default bindings.

>> No.7893350

The buff is nice, but the animation needs changing to match imo
Are there any mods that just change the ssg so it's reanimated and retimed/rebalanced to mimic Doom 2's exactly?

>> No.7893357

why do you want this so badly
do you not understand how completely it fucks the game

>> No.7893361
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im not the same anon, and ive beaten quake 1 on nightmare, i just want it for fun to try it

>> No.7893362

The shotgun in Quake are not the workhorse weapons, the Grenade and Rocket Launchers are.

>> No.7893385
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I just wanted to play quake multiplayer with decino in next day but FTE are broke for me

>> No.7893390

>New levels
Like maybe 7 of em'. If you want new levels, check out the EX port of the Outcast levels for Doom Absolution TC.

There's also the UnMaking from Scwiba.
I also hear someone's making his own episode for Doom64 EX with challenging levels and new music on Doomworld. Point is, "New Levels" is a moot point.

>> No.7893397

Anyone got any CD-keys for Resurrection of Evil? All the ones I've tried so far haven't worked for shit.

>> No.7893427

i like how turok has specific themes for swimming and cave areas

>> No.7893453
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>It's the arsenal
Agreed. And even putting aside the power, killing monsters rarely feels anywhere near as satisfying as DOOM (especially modded doom) because seeing imps fly back with their stomach bursting open for example looks neat and makes it feel powerful.

>> No.7893460
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>> No.7893475

I thought for a moment that her hand is getting torn apart from that miniguns weight/recoil or something (a'la GitS) - turns out its just a bit of velcro

>> No.7893485

WTF is that bulge between her legs???

>> No.7893487

When playing with Corruption Cards, i made it so Arachnotrons both jumped at the player and could invert gravity.
I also like how Malefactors/Combined Harms made the Archviles and Revenants able to summon their own minions, so i can exploit Dakka's combo system with them.

>> No.7893497

>i made it so Arachnotrons both jumped at the player and could invert gravity.
That sounds absolutely terrifying

>> No.7893502

the dropbox link to ARCHIE BETA.WAD aka "/g/.wad" show only the error (404)

>> No.7893570
File: 62 KB, 1000x625, ZillaSendsHisRegards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something Ive never got to check all those years ago - is the Uzi Ninja the only one who can commit sudoku, or the other variants are also able to do so occasionaly?
If yes then do they pull an Uzi from outta nowhere just to kill themselves with it - or do they use their grenade/rocket launchers to do themselves in instead?

>> No.7893574

don't all ninjas have uzi, but some also have other weapons which they mainly use?

>> No.7893591


>> No.7893603
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>> No.7893609


>> No.7893615




>> No.7893627

It's not a matter of difficulty. It's a matter of finding it more fun to fight larger numbers of enemies in larger spaces.

>> No.7893638
File: 798 KB, 1304x584, e66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so there are plenty of tutorials about the various Doom builders that teach you how to form a map, but are there any tutorials on how actually design the gameplay of a map? I'm assuming the bare minimum experience you need to start actually designing good maps is to play through all of Doom 1, 2, and Final Doom; but are their any other good WADs for learning good game design from?

>> No.7893648

There re lots of tutorials, but they're in written form so your zoomer ass didn't find them.

>> No.7893651
File: 410 KB, 768x768, EGG9RAzUUAEiJ-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a zoomer, I'm a doomer.

>> No.7893673

BTSX (once you get over the sameness of it all),eviternity,just about anything skillsaw has made are great overall examples.
DOOM64 (for atmosphere,not for direct gameplay,cause doom64 is way too repetitive and easy)
sigil if you want levels that starve you on UV,its really brutal but in a different way than something like plutonia,and its made by Romero.
scythe 2 (scythe 1 is outclassed by scythe 2 in everyway,so you dont need to play it) and alien vendetta if you want for an older style.

>> No.7893678

kenneth scott posted these quake 1/3 textures

>> No.7893710

>BTSX (once you get over the sameness of it all)
IMO, the sameness only really applies to E1 (And some maps still standout to me). E2 had a lot more variety.

>> No.7893712

I completely agree, I feel like I never get enough access to the Thunderbolt, if I do it's hard to get enough cells, there's two shotguns, only one is decent (SSG) and the other is basically entirely useless, even for long range sniping you're usually just wasting ammo because of the spread, there's two nailguns which is redundant, and the rocket launcher AND grenade launcher are useless against the game's most iconic enemy

I wish Quake level packs would screw around with the weapons more, the other problem in Quake isn't just the fact that while the levels are often decently designed, the designers clearly didn't fully understand making 3D levels yet and a lot of the game is piss easy and a slog to go through

>> No.7893728

true,i usually think of the first episode more desu

>> No.7893753

I love his enthusiam working as a level designer... but we talking about his work on Doom and his maps were so terrible, I guess some of his ideas were great but mostly poorly executed. I don't hate this guy, but pretending that his Doom maps were fun its just too much. but I have to say that I love more his work in Quake than the first Doom games actually.

>> No.7893761

>using defaults

>> No.7893765

they just copy pasted the min requirements for eternal since nightdive and beth are lazy. it works fine on 4gb and win 7

>> No.7893774

yeah his Quake work is much better overall, I do still like his Doom 1 maps though, even if I think Doom II is entirely terrible

>> No.7893781

Not sure how this slipped by last thread. Teaser Trailer for Tremor, a 32-level campaign for Quake using vanilla 1996 limitations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzkvdSpUxQg

>> No.7893792

It wasn't linked to the news post. Neither were Sinister or Limits.

>> No.7893796

Repost those and link at the newspost so next Op does it

>> No.7893824

Sinister 625 for Quake, a community pack made with 6 textures, 2 surprises and 5 monster types: https://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=62063

Q25-Limits, a community pack made with strict 1996 limits: https://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=62064

>> No.7893836
File: 9 KB, 96x180, STAND.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally finished all the rotations and frames for the avatar's walking state.
Now all that's left is the complete attack state, all the rotations for the pain state and the shading.
And then all the other characters and enemies.

That said, what monsters and imaginary foes did you fight as a kid? I need some inspiration. Some anon in one of the earlier threads suggested having to fight fire imps and such and I like that, but I also would like to have other monsters. Like, stereotypical green tentacle blobs and such.

>> No.7893850
File: 603 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_SummerFun_20210624_175606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, can anybody tell me why it's snowing on the players in a network game?

>> No.7893856

perhaps think of earthbound/mother series for inspiration?
maybe its a bit obvious but a baron/hell knight could be reskinned/typed as the local bully

>> No.7893912

>maybe its a bit obvious but a baron/hell knight could be reskinned/typed as the local bully
Heh, I kinda like that. And frankly I hadn't really thought of bullies or anything, more like a "kids who are all friends play make believe" kind of deal, although now you're saying it, yeah, it's really obvious, especially since I had already thought about having dogs as enemies, though I wouldn't know how to properly make their death state, since my idea was to have them just run away when they're defeated.
Like, you have some bad neighbor's dog that attacks you and when it's wet enough it will leave you alone.

>> No.7893917

maybe just have him being all mean and viscious looking by default but when "dead", he's all drenched and cowering with his tails between his legs shaking in place

>> No.7893928

Have the dog start shaking off and scratching its head maybe?

>> No.7893990

challenge: play quake but the jump sounds are replaced by neptune's "boing boing kangaroo" sounds

>> No.7893992

>That said, what monsters and imaginary foes did you fight as a kid?

>> No.7893994

New levels, and 3point texture filtering support

>> No.7894010

>So I hate Doom II

>> No.7894043

That's actually not a bad idea

Damn man how old are you?

>> No.7894071

Only if I get to use the japanese voice.

>> No.7894091

I grew up with TMNT and Mortal Kombat, Ninjas were everywhere in the 90s.

>> No.7894121

Anon. Ninja still all everywhere.

>> No.7894139

If ninja still all everywhere, you kill ninja now.

>> No.7894140


>> No.7894265

That's what I thought.
90s kid brofist

>> No.7894310
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x960, Screenshot_SummerFun_20210624_205256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To take a break from spriting I started laying out an actual leve.
This one is generally modeled after a french village I used to visit a lot back in the day.

>> No.7894341

>That said, what monsters and imaginary foes did you fight as a kid?
Ninjas were already mentioned, so... I don't know, pirates? Maybe because of the neat, but I can't recall anyone specific. I knew I fought some imaginary enemies as a kid: just can't recall who exactly. What about "Dark [player character name]" kind of deal? Although that could be tricky/impossible since I think you're going for multiple characters, but still.
>especially since I had already thought about having dogs as enemies
Alright, how about homeless guy? Have him as a boss with a death state of him laying on the floor and coughing since his lung decease got worse after the encounter? It might be a too "mature" for what you're going for though, I think. At least that's what I think about another idea I thought about. Because that one would definitely be just too much.

>> No.7894347

...but pirates!
Yeah, I kinda like that idea. Have all the classics and such, though I don't want to go too much into the "play dress up" direction, else I could go with cops&robbers, cowboys&indians and all that and I don't feel like doing that.

And yeah, that homeless guy idea, while pretty cool in concept, is really dark, because it's too grounded in reality. But as we are speaking of it, I just had the idea of having some kind of wicked witch of the east thing going, you know, some old grumpy woman who hates kids and who they picture as a witch, and as we all know the wicked witch was highly allergic to water.

>> No.7894389
File: 75 KB, 230x383, catlady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have all the classics and such, though I don't want to go too much into the "play dress up" direction
That sounds good. Just can't think of anything close to "green tentacle blobs" at the moment. Maybe look at games like Ken's Labyrinth for inspiration?
Oh fuck, mummies! OF COURSE!
>while pretty cool in concept, is really dark, because it's too grounded in reality.
Yeah. To be fair, there's probably a way to integrate it in more naturally, but that's not really worth it.
>some old grumpy woman who hates kids and who they picture as a witch
Crazy Cat Lady from Simpsons comes to mind.

>> No.7894409

Ok, maybe I wasn't clear enough, I am not looking for any specific monsters from existing media to grab, but for stuff maybe someone had imagined as a kid. That's why green tentacle blob, or maybe some kind of ghost or whatever.
The reason I am asking you people is because I didn't really have those monsters as a kid, I never had a boogeyman or anything, just animals and stuff.
That said, mummies are a great idea - I am thinking of TP mummies. Maybe some dude got TP'd and you now have to break him free by wetting the toilet paper.

>> No.7894439

>I am not looking for any specific monsters from existing media to grab
No, I get that. Just, you know, that could be a good starting point to come up with something in this case.
>That's why green tentacle blob, or maybe some kind of ghost or whatever.
Trash can as stationary turret or robot?

>> No.7894448

>Trash can as stationary turret or robot?
With the blob monster I was actually thinking of a garbage bag or something, but I like that we seem to be on a similar wavelength.

>> No.7894491

What's better - Q3A, or QL? I want some casual play, don't want to bother with ladders or shit like that, just go in and blow someone up.
QL seems to have some improvements of varying level of minority, but also includes some stupid things like sparks instead of gibs. Not saying it's game changer, but I don't like the approach.
On the other hand Q3A is probably a dead game at this point unless I specifically look for some group of people who play it, and it's not really what I have in mind or willing (or capable) to do.
Ideally I'd just install UT2004 again and play it, but this game is dead for sure in terms of multiplayer.

>> No.7894505

Cool, thanks. Getting king of sleepy right now (Keep waking up very early for no reason), so it's even harder to think right now. I'll say that this is a pretty solid way of thinking, if you ask me: just look at some common objects, stuff like that and think about how kid could reinterpret it.
Another example, going back to tentacle thing... Street lamp as a tentacle that "throws fire" at you and maybe blinds you or something?

>> No.7894510

>having wall corners nearby trivializes them from any distance
Even if there's no ammo?

>> No.7894516
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, headcrabjump.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still my favorite We've Got Hostiles shortcut, if not skip.

Thanks for confirming.

>> No.7894527

>I want some casual play, don't want to bother with ladders or shit like that, just go in and blow someone up.
I don't know if QL has AI bots you can play against, but that's probably not how you wanna play the game either way.
Quake Live most likely is better option in terms of player count, I would assume. Although, honestly, I don't think there's a huge difference between the two. Just pick whatever you prefer, I guess.

>> No.7894531

Dude that fov

>> No.7894545
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>just look at some common objects, stuff like that and think about how kid could reinterpret it.
Yup, that's exactly what I am trying to do.
I would ask my gf, since she's a kindergarten teacher, but kids today don't have any imagination anymore.
As for the street lamp, sorry, I can't see that. If anything, a scary tree or something, but I would need it to glow somehow - but then again, trees are plants and plants like water.
Another idea that I had was just having some kind of mud monster you need to wash away.
And an idea that I am a little bit proud of, but which might be really silly, is having one of those amusement park clown heads - the ones you need to shoot into the mouth to fill a balloon up - and have them fly around like a Caco and they hunt you with their huge gaping maws and try to eat you and you have to shoot them in their mouth to make them burst. Would also play to some kids' fear of clowns.

>> No.7894569
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>kids today don't have any imagination anymore.
I suppose. That's probably one of the reasons why Ken's Labyrinth caught my attention recently. There seems tobe a lack of this silly child... I don't know to put it, atmosphere? Something is totally missing.
>As for the street lamp, sorry, I can't see that.
That's okay.
>trees are plants and plants like water.
You can still introduce some plant and just get it overwatered.
>some kind of mud monster you need to wash away.
I would've suggested something like Chocolate Boy from Hey, Arnold, but that's also "grabbing from media".
>And an idea that I am a little bit proud of, but which might be really silly
That's actually a really good idea, anon. Go with it.

>> No.7894581

fuckin nice

>> No.7894590

the first video is one of the things I first watched when l started making doom maps. second video I've never watched but it's from the same guy. It's pretty basic stuff but if you follow at least the first video's advice, your levels will look decent and hopefully flow well.
this doomworld post is another one I come back to a lot simply because monster placement is pretty much the most important thing in the level besides actual map geometry. It's a good place to start, although once you can get the hang of it, you can start experimenting a lot more

>> No.7894597
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>> No.7894610
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>> No.7894616
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>> No.7894646

Okay, now I really have to check out Ken's Labyrinth.
Frankly, I expected the overwatering argument, but overwatering is not as acute as e.g. washing mud away or putting out a fire. You won't overwater a plant just by empyting a supersoaker on it.
What could happen is if you hosed down mom's nice flowers and destroyed them.
Maybe I'll put that to the idea stack.
But that chocolate boy is also not a bad idea. Have some little kids covered in chocolate and you're on your way to some bullshit family event and must not get your clothes dirty.
And thanks :3

>> No.7894670

>Okay, now I really have to check out Ken's Labyrinth.
You should... I said when I actually haven't played it. I want to, but there're many games I would like to play and it's difficult for me to just do it because reasons. Not busy or anything like that. It's odd.
>I expected the overwatering argument
Fair enough. Just thought its worth mentioning.
>hosed down mom's nice flowers and destroyed them.
That's one way to do it. Maybe have a specific flowers that kids would consider "scary" or "monster plant" as an explanation for why you would hose them.
>But that chocolate boy is also not a bad idea.
Oh, cool!
>And thanks :3
No problem. I'm glad to be helpful. That's it for me right now though. Really need to get some sleep. Maybe this time I wouldn't wake up at 4AM (It's midnight for me now).

>> No.7894686

Sure man no problem. It's nice having an actual conversation on the chans for a change.
I should also go to sleep, I had a really shitty sleep this night. Sleep tight man, don't let the bedbugs bite and don't let the boogeyman get you.

>> No.7894693

Thanks. You too, anon.

>> No.7894792

Anybody know how to make a .Con file for eduke32 ? So i can play the roch series as an episode and not pistol start them?
I don't mind pistol starting Duke but i just wanna know how to do it

>> No.7894793

Quake Live is the more populated game, but expect to play mostly Freeze Tag and Clan Arena. The sparks thing is because they wanted a T rating, but the workshop and most servers have addons to re-enable blood.
Q3A is mostly dead, yeah. At most you'll be getting some randoms sparsely joining servers for a bit, nothing more.

>> No.7894842
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I love this thing so much. Found one in a used game store for like five bucks, its hard to go back to the regular controller for N64 shooters now.

>> No.7894872

I saw like 5 genesis controllers at a thrift shop for cheap, but I don't have a genesis and I'm not a horder. Hope someone found them though...

>> No.7894907

Thanks I'll check it out.
It's for a custom HUD and editing the status bar.
And menu maybe, but I haven't looked into menudef at all. it may not use any zscript. no idea.

>> No.7894916

Giant bugs

>> No.7894920

You can't rebind the joystick in Doom 64, so there isn't much point to rebinding.

>> No.7894925

QL, it's way easier to set up and the gameplay changes are good. Q3 is still fun, but the online is built around playing with dial up so the hitboxes and hitscan damage are huge by modern standards. Same with UT99.
Quake 3 had its copy protection removed so you can just play online for free though, get the 1.32 point release and follow this guide: q3retro.com/client-setup/
If you're in the US check out their server page, there's always people on in the evening.

>> No.7894938

Look at duke 3Ds user.con for how the episode definitions work, modify it for roch, and put that in the folder with the maps (for eduke32)

>> No.7894949

Thanks thats what i've been doing. I think i almost got it figured out. Copy the file out. replace one of the episodes with the roch maps and hope fully it'll work.

>> No.7894971

You know what, I might just fuckin use decorate.

>> No.7894975

Just remember that you don't use DECORATE for HUD stuff. You'll instead get to experience the joys of SBARINFO. I hope for your sake you don't have anything too complex planned for your HUD.

I know Zscript can be used to make a HUD but I don't know of any mods that do this.

>> No.7894986

I pretty much just want to add some extra width for widescreen to SBARINFO, and add some backing graphics to the althud and shift some things around. replace crosshairs per weapon maybe. Nothing complicated.

Didn't mean decorate, meant sbarinfo. Last time I tried to add extra graphics to it it seemed to do fuckall though and I don't know why.

>> No.7895024
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>> No.7895026
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>> No.7895050

UT2004 still has active servers for Onslaught, Freeze Tag and clan arena.

Also if you want to play Q3 check out the Q3retro.net servers. The FFA and freeze tag servers are usually populated.

>> No.7895069
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>what monsters and imaginary foes did you fight as a kid?
Ghosts. Me and a friend made wooden swords and would hack away at these weird rigid pipe-like plants as if we were cutting down ghosts.

>> No.7895086
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Yeah the rocket uzifags will also shoot with their Uzi.
Also do the troopers spawn ghosts after suiciding? I played the shareware episode on Who Wants Some Wang [or skill 3] and I think I saw one guy suicide and then later his corpse spawned a ghost. I later switched to Skill 2 because Skill 3 was constant save / load bs and the game has plentiful instadeaths even then but I haven't seen the suiciders spawn ghosts... though I usually don't let them suicide.

>> No.7895132

Doom 64 EX, or Steam version?

>> No.7895139

I did it editing the levels maps and everything like that but now its giving me a bunch of errors in the sound
>X sound is undefined error cannot compile
like that 50 times

>> No.7895148

EX is just as good as the Steam version, but doesn't contain the extra levels. Not like it really matters.

>> No.7895314
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Half Life 1 has insanely good atmosphere, setting, level / world structure and for it's time super meaty guns but I definitely feel like without the adventure / mild horror / ''puzzle'' elements the game wouldn't be even half as good since the shooting feels so odd, even when you magdump imto someone they will basically still get shots on ya.
Still, love the game especially the Black Mesa Research Facility itself. I just to work there.

>> No.7895317
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>> No.7895319

oh, do you mean the stick?

>> No.7895324

is there a working N64 emulator with Mouse support outside 1964GEPD?

i want to play Q1 and Q2 N64 in it

>> No.7895326

Well the Steam version is only $2 right now so might as well grab it I guess. There's no way to play the extra levels in EX?

>> No.7895329

the mouse injection is that an injection and it's specifically made for a rom in question
I have one for turok 3 as that game is not on pc it's janky as fuck

>> No.7895342

I don't think it's possible to play the extra levels with EX.

>> No.7895358
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 6403-ingame-Turok-3-Shadow-of-Oblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill for a proper remake of Turok 3 on PC. Lots of people give that game shit but it was one of the first FPS experiences in my life and I cherish it.
Not that there's anything too wrong with just playing the classic as I've been doing for years, though.

>> No.7895365

I don't really hold turok 3 in high regard, if nightdive
if nightdive gets their hands on it ever, I hope they heavily modify it, I'm sure it has tons of cut content

>> No.7895382

did you say that Half LIFE ONE IS A GOOD GAME!!??!?!?!?!?!? Y O U F U C K I N G actually that's not a bad opinion to have, i think its fun too

>> No.7895387

Steam version is fine with the exception of baron melee damage doing far less than it should (and something kaiser actually caught, but bethesda refuse to patch it)

>> No.7895390

that graphic for the a button is cool. its semi cringe how you set everything to a tho.

>> No.7895402

I just have rose-tinted nostalgia blinders for Turok 3, I can easily see why it'd be such a bitch to get a group of people to remake as not many people do, plus it's not an excellent game by any means.
It's pretty much a personal pipe dream as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7895406

Seriously what gives - is she a futa? Why isnt that censored then?

>> No.7895427
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That's just part of the armored scales going down her front, anons.

>> No.7895435

If it is 1964GEPD, that garbage hates other games that isnt Golden Eye or PD to the point of crashing

>> No.7895438

is not 1964gepd as, like I said before, it's customized for those roms

>> No.7895439


>> No.7895443
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Time to tackle another mega shitwad. Anyone up for a DTS-T stream?

>> No.7895445

I rather wait for Turok 3 PC port or the N64 Q2 remake at moddb

this shit has more headache than configure dosbox to run NFSSE

>> No.7895447
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So it begins.

>> No.7895449
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of course it doesn't work with other games, it modifies those roms variables

>> No.7895450

That it does.

>> No.7895485
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>quake 25th anniversary
still not in the center

>> No.7895495

EX has new levels and they are good.
Turok 3 is impressive for a Half Life ripoff on the 64.

>> No.7895504

I like to think the samey problem with E1 is likely because a good chunk of its maps were made back when BTSX was originally going to be a single megawad, so they didn't think to vary things up about the techbase theme initially.

>> No.7895505

DOOM 64 is really good, I'm loving it.
As expected, it doesn't feel like OG DOOM. Too few enemies in a stage coupled with the deliberate macabre OST gives it a different appeal, but still great.

>> No.7895562
File: 96 KB, 1200x800, Deus_Ex.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, not trying to be off-topic here, but this is the only thread on this board where i could see Deus Ex even mentioned.

I wanted to play it again after about 20 years, so i put it on my Windows 7 machine. All was going well until i decided to go off the game script [just for the heck of it to see what would happen] and i tried to kill that creepy agent fuck who kills the prisoners at the UNATCO base instead of getting on the chopper like i was supposed to.

Now, when i try to play the game, it's fucked. None of my weapons fire, even if i load a previously saved game. Does anyone here remember any bugs like that? Thanks.

>> No.7895594
File: 51 KB, 1055x414, le updates 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, Violent Rumble update is up. I think we're about out of bugs and major oversights for the moment, so I'm gonna try shitting out a railgun sound effect and deflating tarbaby animation for the next one. Again, any enemy variant ideas are welcome.

>> No.7895602

Is Dark Forces any good?

>> No.7895604

it is, but dos needs a mouse patch

>> No.7895607


>> No.7895629

The only thing I can think to add would be extremely miniscule and nitpicky: When the player retrieves a gremlin's stolen shotgun, have the unused flashing animation for it on the HUD, if it's even possible or if it's not already a thing.

>> No.7895638

Some years ago I downloaded a modified version of xaser's psychic mod here on vr, it had a sword and coin magnet, does someone still have it?

>> No.7895650

It's already a thing. I think it was only 'unused' because you could never not have a shotgun in the vanilla game.

>> No.7895659

I hate hard difficulty and as time goes one I love the linear approach less and less. But you are right.

They nailed it.

Am mod that makes enemy bullets do more damage but make them less sponge would be nice.

>> No.7895667

You can probably go into the skill files and edit those values yourself.

>> No.7895672

I think it would make the hecu fights amazing.

I realized that after playing titanfall 2 recently. Amazingly optimized game holy fuck, but yeah ultra linear. I just like tot take my time in environment I guess why I always prefered immersive sims and build games.
Not to mention doom.

In TItan 2 the ai is interesting and can nail you in 2 shots and throw grenades but you can kill them also pretty easily, so it transform gun fights into really snapshot affair which I love.

But even without using cover its interesting how the hecu in HL and even black mesa feel more menacing.

Also I think EVERY single fps should have a fucking slide manoeuver.

>> No.7895675

Btw seeing as Mechwarrior 5 is a fucking turd.

Wasn't there a mech mod being made for doom?

>> No.7895685

Is there a source port, or any alternative to dosbox chop?

>> No.7895690 [SPOILER] 
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>presumed that pic was an esoteric meme
>reverse image search

>> No.7895694

It's a very old style of gameplay, but it has aged gracefully. Like an anon in the thread said, you can magdump on an HECU marine, but he can magdump right back. I haven't played a contemporary shooter in a while, but I remember stuff like CoD4 where enemies flinch from a bullet or two before going down. But even in things like Blood, Duke, etc. HL1's combat is very interesting, and I'm glad Black Mesa ported it pretty much wholesale.

>> No.7895698

Even back then I never understand while they fire in bursts.

They should have a full auto mode. They were probably destroying the opposition that way, few aliens can handle them.

>> No.7895703

I dont like the way the hecu sound and animate in black mesa but yeah.

I think they should have done more with them. For me they were the poster child of HL, even the uplink demo was about them.

>> No.7895731

Should I feel bad about playing super hard megawads on not too rough or hurt me plenty

>> No.7895735

Nobody cares unless you're speedrunning/recoording. Take the mapping pill

>> No.7895781

waaah you cant mod your purchased migs and megs on your hard drive to your comfort waaaah

>> No.7895797

Doom 64 original concept project

>> No.7895798
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DTS-T doesn't really warrant writing an essay about. It's just boring.

>> No.7895801

I hope I'll be able to catch the next installment of anon and his deteriorating will to live, featuring the esteemed Major Reily

>> No.7895803

since we were talking about a doom 64 project in the chat, i'd like to mention we do have a resident doom 64 anon who's been wanting to lead a project here and would be willing to teach people how to map for it and all that crap.
Not yet, anon. Not yet.

>> No.7895806

My observation is that you should only be mapping for GZDoom if you're doing something that legitimately requires it on a gameplay level, instead of making a limit removing map at best that you dress up with superfluous zdoom features

>> No.7895810

Shoulda been
>hffm mean anal

>> No.7895819

-If your project involves maps made over the course of a decade, it wouldn't hurt to go back and revamp them
-Don't force the player to crouch, that's retarded
-Don't put the player into an empty arena with a Mastermind
-Attempt at doing something more than square rooms connected by straight hallways

>> No.7895831

Not that anon, but the idea gets my brain juices flowing like crazy
>Travelling through different cultures afterlives and hells
>Ascending a Zoroastrian Tower of Silence and crossing the Chinvat Bridge into the House of Lies
>Traversing the Five Rivers of Hades
>Lake of fire gnashing of teeth vanilla hell yadda yadda
>Absolute mindfuckery of Tibetan Bardos

>> No.7895839

We could even stop by a demon-overrun Valhalla for a bit of REKKR 64.

>> No.7895845

The only question I would have is would it use Vanilla style monsters/sounds or Doom 64, and if Doom 64 what is to be done about Archies, Revenants, Chaingunners, and Spiderdemons?

>> No.7895847

>map33 super-super secret map
>atheist hell
>it's just a blank dark nothingness

>> No.7895848

I expected to hit the crate and explode.

>> No.7895858

>atheist hell
>black void with nothing but a giant screenshot of being banned from reddit

>> No.7895861

I wish either DrPyspy released his Revenant sprites, or Gerardo194 didn't have a mental breakdown on DW. Doom 64's missing monsters are cursed, it seems.

>> No.7895865

Gerardo is still going after that meltdown.

>> No.7895870

>r/doom hell

>> No.7895873

In terms of QoL features and being easier to setup out of the box, Quake Live.
You'll still want Quake 3 for mods like CPMA though.
QL has bots, you just need to start an offline server like Q3A.

>> No.7895878

>If your project involves maps made over the course of a decade, it wouldn't hurt to go back and revamp them
Or cut them entirely.

>> No.7895918

What was up with that anyway? He started spamming his thread about how he was disregarding compliments and that "the old him died." Did he have some latent disease?

>> No.7895931

I play everything on HMP. Sometimes UV makes it too grindy for me. Folks that always play on UV, and complain about too many monsters, are the cancer.

>> No.7895939

Even if the wad isn't super hard, you shouldn't be feeling bad.

Sometimes the problem with UV isn't that its too hard, but too congested instead. Bloodstain is a megawad where I'd say this was true.

>> No.7895943

I typically enjoy congested gameplay, desperately trying to get a large enough foothold to use a rocket launcher, cutting open lanes until I can lean on infighting, etc
What I don't enjoy is dying on the same map 100 times because I outright refuse to play with saves so I never get any further in the wad but at the same time if I turn my difficulty down how am I supposed to get better at the game

>> No.7895946

If Nightmare just had fast monsters and double ammo without respawning enemies it would be the best skill level to play Doom on

>> No.7895947
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Not that anon, but thank you. That was very well said.

>> No.7895951

I guess you can rip off the new extra maps into pwad and load into doom 64 ex, unless doom 64 map number specific hard coding such as sector 666 tag. You'd lose intermission screens though. I don't know why would you do this though, because bethesda port is just updated doom 64 ex. It has one negative though, the unskippable logos. But then again it has more resolution options (like low res for wide screens, to get those sweet pixels showing) and those new maps (which are actually great).

>> No.7895952

My main issue with congested monster usage, especially when its done mindlessly, is that it can lead to combat that moves at a snails pace.

>> No.7895972

That was weird. Gerardo usually acted very maturely, and suddenly he started how everything he made was shit and how he hates doom and video games now, and shouted fuck yous and insults to everyone who tried to calm him down. Weirdest thing, was how he claimed, that he is now new person, and old friendly gerardo is gone, like some 12 year old teen that just found his edgy phase. Then next day, he just announced new project and acted like nothing happened. There could be 3 theories: somebody hijacked his account, or the guy is actually 12 and has just genius modding skills for his age, or he actually has multiple personality disorder.

>> No.7895982

LMAO WHAT? You talking about Walter Simons? The part where you’re asked to leave him alone as he interrogates the prisoners? No idea how you’d cause such a colossal fuckup where even an old save wouldn’t work anymore… I used to mess with him all the fucking time. Sure you didn’t accidentally unbind your mouse button or something? Check your key binds. If that fails try to reset your game config by deleting all the ini files (you’ll still be able to use your save).

>> No.7895998

>QL has bots, you just need to start an offline server like Q3A.
Oh, okay. Then it really doesn't matter all that much... except for the mods, I suppose.
>It has one negative though, the unskippable logos.
You can remove them from game files, so they wouldn't play. Still an issue though.
>he actually has multiple personality disorder
People still believe in this meme? Really?

>> No.7896008

>I know Zscript can be used to make a HUD but I don't know of any mods that do this.
Isn't HD 100% ZScript. I think I remember trying to understand the zs status bar by looking at HD's code.

>> No.7896010

>these weird rigid pipe-like plants
You mean bamboo? Reed?

>> No.7896020

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a real thing, it's just a lot more complicated than "split personality lol"

>> No.7896057

>You can remove them from game files, so they wouldn't play.
Anon, I love you.

>> No.7896090

Probably reed if they're Americlap

>> No.7896096

Maybe Heracleum. It's as good against ghosts as it is against cattle.

>> No.7896107

To be fair, you could've checked Steam guides to learn about this. There's also "-skipmovies" launch option, but I think deleting is better because these logos take like half of game's storage space. Screw that.
Glad to help though.

>> No.7896124

Dried up cow parsley.

>> No.7896208

Mac DF under System 7.6 under QEMU might work.

>> No.7896260

Yep. I recommend opening skill.cfg in notepad and changing the Hard HP to that on normal. That way you get the Hard experience without your weapons feeling weaker.

>> No.7896264

Been playing Doom The Way id Did: Lost Episodes. Completed 3 first episodes. Holy shit, this is surprisingly good. For many years I just thought, that it was pack of trash maps, that didn't make to final cut, but there is actually no difference in quality. Very fun gameplay, and maps that fit into original episodes.

Before that I also played 3 episodes of Lunar Catastrophe. Megawad with same idea as Dtwid. Howerer I only found the first episode fun. Second and third weren't much fun at all. Too many high-tier enemies like cacos, but not much high-tier ammo. Gameplay didn't feel much like id did. Also there were few wrong texturing and architechture choices that didn't remind me much of originals. Sometimes it again too much like originals in wrong way, like copying entire rooms from vanilla episodes slightly altered. Wad tired me to the point, that i almost skipped Dtwid:LE. Luckily I didn't.

>> No.7896289
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The 90's moral panic about video game violence was wild.

>> No.7896291

>For many years I just thought, that it was pack of trash maps, that didn't make to final cut, but there is actually no difference in quality. Very fun gameplay, and maps that fit into original episodes.

They are maps by fans trying to replicate the design philosophy of the early ID maps, rather than trying to follow the meta that map makers were following.

>> No.7896306
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>> No.7896307

Dtwid and Dtwid:LE are actually made mostly by same mappers. Lunar Catastrophe was made by couple, that didn't participate in Dtwid.

>> No.7896332

It's only a buck 25. I'd get it. The switch version is pretty good.

>> No.7896545

It's more than just simply boring. It's a good example of an ambitious project that falls flat on its face due to the author not really having a grasp for things.

>> No.7896564
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Reading Rocket Jump articles from Shacknews is quite interesting and fun:
>Then an incident occurred. According to Romero, Willits told him one version of a story but reported another to Carmack. (Romero declined to go into detail.) Romero went to Carmack and mentioned the story Willits had told. Surprised, Carmack noted that the version he had heard was different.
>"We confronted him about it in person," Romero said. "It was like, 'Hey, don't do that again.' Other than that, I was already gone before he went into full-on politics mode."
From Chapter 5, Aftershocks.
>American McGee was no stranger to Tim Willits' alleged behavior. One morning a year or so earlier, McGee had stepped into the Town East Tower's elevator. Willits entered with him. Before long, Willits turned to him, grinning.
>"He turns to me and he goes, 'Hey, did you ever have butt sex with your ex-girlfriend?' We all knew each other; he knew my ex-girlfriend," McGee recalled. "I remember saying something like, 'Tim, fuck off,' or 'I don't know what you're talking about.' And he looks at me and he goes, 'Well, I had it last night, and it was great.' And that was it, and he walked away."
From Chapter 10, Backtracking
Like, I heard that Willits was "weird, sketchy guy", but for fuck sake. I went through 13 posts out of 25, so I got to wonder what kind of bullshit will be revealed next... Damn, I need to fucking read Masters of Doom.

>Sandy Petersen refers to Tim Willits as "Snake".
He really hates that guy.

>> No.7896573

Woof 6.0.0 update adds MBF21 support

>> No.7896718
File: 2.69 MB, 1280x960, hosin time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I have two more weapons left to sprite and dreading the Super Soaker, I started doing the garden hose. The sprite right now is a placeholder, caused by a scaling accident that warrant doing everything over.
Since the hose serves as a really strong turret, I was thinking of ways to giving it a bit more character, and this is what I came up with:
Since a fully opened garden hose is pretty strong in a kid's hand it should feel like wielding a fire hose, so I have the screen shake while using it.
What do you think?
I also thought about having the sprite shake instead or even doing both, though I don't quite know how to do the sprite shaking because I don't want to use Offset bullshit.

>> No.7896753

Pretty good, I like it. That screen shake adds a lot.

>> No.7896821

Carmack said Willits was their best map designer?

>> No.7896825

The plandemic brought the whack-job out of a lot of people, I can't say I blame him.

>> No.7896858

Willits sabotaged all of Quake 2's Code development, including AI.
He kept harassing McGee
He kept making Anal incest jokes towards paul steed
He brainwashed carmack into remaking Q2's code at the last minute to screw Bryan Hook that, rendered most monster animations and AI useless until the modding community and Rogue/Xatrix started working on them along with Hammer and Raster for the console Source ports, and he even laughed at it.

And Quake 3 lacks proper Single player campaign because of him, also he pushed for Dreamcast having more exclusive maps over the PC release.

Willits maps are meh, most of Q2 maps and Q1 were carried by Sandy, Mcgee and others.
People Shills the Edge and the Zone because it were the only good maps he did.

>> No.7896864
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Pillow blaster upcoming mod is gonna get announced, it seems you are gonna play as a crusader of sorts seeing the pinned comment by keksdose.
there is a small Qna in the description for those asking for more info on it.

>> No.7896887

Eh-h-h... Kind of?
>"American could tell something [was not right]," Petersen said. "So he went to Carmack and said, 'What should I do?' John Carmack said, 'Okay, to make your levels look better, go and talk to Tim.' And Tim Willits could make absolutely spectacular-looking levels. They were great levels. He said, 'Talk to Tim. Look to him to show you how to make your levels look really nice.'"
>Willits deployed misdirection to further attenuate McGee's status with management. When McGee submitted new and revised levels for appraisal, Carmack lost his temper and accused him of doing A when he had expressly wanted B.
>"American was horrified," Petersen said. "He said, 'Yes, I did just what he said.' Basically, what had happened was Tim Willits had literally told American the opposite of what he should do, to get him in trouble with John Carmack. And Carmack couldn't believe it. Who could be that dirty? He absolutely refused to believe that Willits had done it, but he had. That was Tim Willits literally tanking American McGee."
From Chapter 10, Backtracking.
>Willits sabotaged all of Quake 2's Code development, including AI.
>He brainwashed carmack into remaking Q2's code at the last minute to screw Bryan Hook
I remember reading about this in these threads, but articles didn't touched on that... at least, not yet.
>Programmers were just as likely to lose progress thanks to Carmack's whims. According to Adrian, John Cash had written numerous advanced AI routines for Quake 2. With them, the Strogg would have been capable of doing more than occasionally ducking to avoid the player's fire. Late in development, however, John Carmack rewrote sections of code that trashed Cash's AI. The game was due to ship soon, leaving Cash with no time to reinstitute his designs.
Also Chapter 10.

>> No.7896890

>5. "Is it balanced?"
>Of course not!

>> No.7896897

Thanks. Also I just realized I have no idea how to pull of the sprite shaking effect, as I bit the bullet and tried to use Offset, but it whined about
since apparently you can't use random numbers for offset values. There goes my idea.

>> No.7896898

>And Quake 3 lacks proper Single player campaign because of him, also he pushed for Dreamcast having more exclusive maps over the PC release.
Oh, that's curious... Should get back to reading these articles since next couple of them should touch on Quake 3 specifically.
But yeah, Tim Willits is huge fucking asshole.

>> No.7896904

Magikus-guy here. I love what you're doing.

>> No.7896909

I guess it would work only if you're making the mod with freelook in mind + I don't think I really like this idea (and many anons will probably agree with me on that), but... How about adding a recoil to garden hose in some capacity?
I mean, it kind of makes sense.

>> No.7896910

Anon, there stuff that not even the book covers it.
Shitstorms at late 90's id was common, all because i 's president back then wanted a quick cash over Doom with Master Levels, and ended up hiring timmy because he lived closer to id.

>> No.7896993

That's shocking since McGee's maps are some of Quake's best and Willits are good and fine but they don't stand out in anyway like McGee's, no wonder he left id.

>> No.7896994

>A.D. 1999
>Playing Doom
BTW, I love how Marylin Manson of all people managed to BTFO'd everyone in oldfag media faux-sanctimoniously evangelizing about CHSM being caused by Music & Vidya with just only a single compound sentence...

>> No.7897012

For quick testing I only use keyboard, but in principle this is full freelook. Why is it bad? I am making this in GZD anyway and I don't see how it would detract from gameplay. In fact, my levels have a good deal of verticality to them, so jumping id also a thing. If I was any good at 3D modeling I would probably make this in UE.
That said, I like your idea. An initial slip that needs to be caught.

>> No.7897028

that goes without saying because >PB

>> No.7897029

Most of Q2 maps are McGee and Sandy while timmy made a few.
and its easy to notice which ones are

if Sandy is at the helm of Quake "soft reboot" it will be Lovecraftian Strogg.

>> No.7897037

>he thinks Blood, Quake 2 or Goldeneye were the best 1997 fps instead of Dark Forces II

>> No.7897049

dark forces more like dork forces lol

>> No.7897050
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You can try doing the most obvious things with the plants - trampling any them kills any for good until the map restarts, overwatering them only kills them temporarily (unless its the goddamn Roses AKA annoyingy fickle bitchy pussies that will wither just from you looking at them for too long) unless youd walk on them like stated earlier - garden hose and water bombs would cause it instantly wheres waterguns need ~10 shots to do the same depending on 'nozzle caliber'
*Those above ideas wont apply the wild Dandelions*
Those motherfuckers are unkillable by trampling and will get back up eventually,
also over-watering them will just mutate them into these monstrosities by randomized chance - if its possible to do so

>> No.7897051

Dork Forces 2 had tons of issues at release

>> No.7897056

lulz - Open Air Car-wash map coming up when?

>> No.7897065

Gameplay hasn't aged very well. I'd rather play Blood and Quake 2.

>> No.7897070

>Lovecraftian Strogg.
I just imagined the Doom3 zombie marines with either a Minigun or tentacles rolled into a single being with two heads like an Ettin

>> No.7897073

Dark Forces 2 isn't that fun compared to DF1 and JK2.

>> No.7897075

>teleport onto the pfhor ship
>new pacific plays
holy kino

>> No.7897084


>> No.7897086

Nigga, he's not trying to make DOOM again, it's a total conversion meant for deathmatch with levels where kids are shooting down from tree houses and up at roofs.
That said, don't limit your verticality to street level and roof level. Raise and lower areas of your streets, I don't care if it doesn't look like your French village, I'm not gonna play a game that plays out on long flat stretches just because that's what cul-de-sacs look like.
Idea: make a level that's based around a construction site. That's where we played war as kids and there's plenty of opportunity for verticality and cover and trenches and an excuse for openness between rooms (sections where drywall hasn't been put up yet, can drop down from higher room to lower room, etc.) Or make a playground with nearby environs. Or a deserted factory. These are places that kids play in and add that childish feeling of adventure. Not to mention they're waaaay more interesting than a couple long flat streets with some blocky houses to climb on.

>> No.7897090

>Just discovered the third punch in Dakka
Holy shit

>> No.7897091

Strogg and Ogres are Nyarlathotep's field
Shamblers, Fiends and Scrags are Shub
Spawn are Tsathoggua
Knights and Death Knights are Azathoth

>> No.7897098

Damn son what did those poor plants ever do to you?
But actually just today I had the idea of trampleable grass/flowers, but I don't know how to pull it off. I thought about using stationary projectiles that die in player contact, but it's a pretty hacky idea and I am not even sure whether it will even work.

>> No.7897104


>> No.7897105

Don't worry friend, I have most of that stuff already planned. Although you forgot actual forests and ponds, which is where we used to play.

>> No.7897149
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When is Final Doomer gonna add more weaponsets reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7897183
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I was talking about recoil being a bad idea since when I was writing this, I associated it with Machine Gun from Quake 2 and that shit is annoying. Asked about freelook because I just didn't knew all the details about your project and there's definitely a difference in how recoil would affect the gameplay whenever or not it is on or off. So it's not me saying "freelook and jumping in DOOM is bad" because in this case it doesn't really matter.
>if Sandy is at the helm of Quake "soft reboot" it will be Lovecraftian Strogg.
I mean... We might have that already, thanks to Champions.
>Makron, I do not understand “runes” or “magic” : Clarify
Who would want Shub-Niggurath dead?

>> No.7897189

Anon, it's obviously Chasm: The Rift, DOOM 64 & Hexen 2.

>> No.7897191

Tell me if any of there are already in as theres always a room for improvements:
-Headless dudes from Q!zone (t.b.h. only the variant with a lavaball-volleygun is the only relevant one IMO)
-Nailgunners from Op.Urth-Majik
^maybe a less-nimble-but-tougher version with LavaNails?
-Lightning Enforcers from Impel's AoP (pretterably the v3.0 remodel/reskin)
^Their AI can be improved by making them occasionaly do single short bolt-taps from afar (maybe borrow the Defenders dual-weapon logic for a speedy solution)
-Quoth Rocketeers, but with a non-homing MultiRL instead (have them take 20~25% dmg from own/other Rocketeer projectiles if they kill themselves way too often because of this new gun)
-HellScrag whoose lava-spit is explosive (but not stronger than Vore/Ogre projectiles are maybe) like in the Qtest prototype
-Normal Enforcers can have a randomized variant with a LaserCannon-esque bouncing shots (or switch to it if they notice that player hides behing corners to much while they're shooting normal lasers if possible)
Isnt this too many re-skins though?

>> No.7897192

>I was talking about recoil being a bad idea since when I was writing this, I
Oh, I see. I totally got you wrong there. But I still like the recoil idea with the initial backpush. But it would only be cosmetic, don't worry, I am not trying to pull a HD here.

>> No.7897202
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I wish he released his Brier sprites

>> No.7897212

he also did a doom rpg kronos hd design and a model of the hangar base from episode 1's screen fused with the e1m1 level shape
if i ever work on something, i'll try to make my stuff as available as possible just because of a "in case i die" situation"

>> No.7897218

Besides Demonsteele, are there any other mods with a score system?

>> No.7897221

dakka is an obvious one

>> No.7897225 [SPOILER] 
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Would rewriting the Barrels AI to have a non-damaging suicide attack do the trick for trampling?
T B H Roses vs. Dandelions meme are ancient as dirt tho, older from even earliest betas of Minceraft.

>> No.7897241

Reelism, Reelism 2 even lets you use the points to buy weapons and powerups inbetween games

>> No.7897250

>Would rewriting the Barrels AI to have a non-damaging suicide attack do the trick for trampling?
I don't think I can follow you here, barrels still have to be shot at, can you elaborate?

>> No.7897264

>I totally got you wrong there.
It's okay.
>But I still like the recoil idea with the initial backpush. But it would only be cosmetic, don't worry
Backpush is perfect. I think it wouldn't be a bad thing if it wouldn't be cosmetic and more like Rocket Launcher in DOOM 64... unless I'm getting it wrong now and that's exactly how it's going to be.
And don't be afraid to experiment with recoil, if you want: again, I thought of it as a bad idea due to comparison with Q2's Machine Gun. That's probably more about implementation. Recoil can work (probably) and it makes certain sense to have it.

>> No.7897286

>Nailgunners from Op.Urth-Majik
Not sure what those are, but grunts and enforcers can be made to fire nails when set to style 4 and 3, respectively. Lava nail version would be easy enough.
The rest of those should be doable to some extent or another. Already wanted to do laser cannon enforcers.

>> No.7897292

>only eaten by certain insects
Rosehip tea is good though

>> No.7897297

Descent is awesome, shame it's so obscure. The only thing I hate about it is how hidden the option to save your game is.

>> No.7897320

If you change their movespeed to >0 they will actually bumrush you in a semi-random manner like a Pinky Daemon - all its missing is for them o self destruct harmlessly somehow

>> No.7897330

IIRC those fuckers actively try to flank you and move fast like on rollerskates, while also constantly shooting at your general direction

>> No.7897335

Gypsies maybe? Weird looking elderly? I was afraid of both of them when I was a kid. Same with roosters and pigs. I once heard that pigs can eat little kids and I was terrified of them ever since.

>> No.7897339

>Ken's Labyrinth
Sandy Petersen reviewed it and gave it a 2/5 lmao

>> No.7897342

[06-24]Skulltiverse community project is now in public beta phase

(Release was yesterday so date matches that)

>> No.7897351

Ah yes I see. But that would effectively make them projectiles with 0 damage.

Nah, don't get me wrong, I hate gypsies as much as everyone else, but I want to keep it lighthearted, that's why I also won't add homeless people and such.
Although some gypsy woman that casts a spell on you might be cool as a regular Doom enemy.

>> No.7897501

If you're talking about in dehacked you could replace the cyberdemon and have them drop a silent invisible explosive projectile with a speed of 0 every step.
Cyberdemons can't be hurt by side blasts.
I'm sure you can do something similar in decorate or whatever.

>> No.7897530

Is skill 5 in Hexen like in Heretic where the extra ammo actually makes the game easier, or is it like Nightmare in Doom?

>> No.7897541

Skill 5 in Hexen works exactly like how it does in Heretic, so it might be easier.

>> No.7897641
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>> No.7897679
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>> No.7897680

I started doom, through gzdoom today. Playing it for the first time.
And I'm impressed. It's fun today, and I can only imagine how groundbreaking it would have been when it first released.

>> No.7897698

let's see if you still think the same when you play through doom 2 lol

>> No.7897707

UU was better

>> No.7897737

What did he say to the media shills about it?

>> No.7897740

But Doom 2 is the superior game

>> No.7897750
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>> No.7897756

Yes Romerofag

>> No.7897764

I think he said something like. Not who you replied to but i think he said something like this
>Everyones so quick to blame everyone but nobody took the time ever to hear these kids out and listen to them. Maybe you woulda found the reason why they did this.

Something like that

>> No.7897786
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does anyone else get choppy framerate in alkaline?

>> No.7897796

Unity port.
The shotgunners don't teleport near the end of TNT map 31.
Fuck the id anthology iwad.

>> No.7897808 [DELETED] 

Try VkQuake or FTE.

>> No.7897813

Try VkQuake or FTE.

>> No.7897826

can i custom design my mip maps in gzdoom

>> No.7897861

check your r_novis

>> No.7897897
File: 78 KB, 570x855, duke3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of Duke's 80s-to-early-90s generic action hero parody is just Bruce Campbell? I used to think he was a broader conglomeration but upon review I gotta say the Bruce DNA is looking like thie highest percentage in Duke's blood by a huge amount.

>> No.7897921

Crouch around corners where you think enemies might be. It helps you dodge their attacks. Blood is one of the few games where the crouch mechanic isn't just for vents or low places.

>> No.7897924

Caleb also quotes Ash Williams a lot.

>> No.7898070

Not a lot really, more Arnold in appearance and his voice is Dirty Harry and he only had one(two?) quote stolen from Evil Dead. Caleb stole a lot of lines from Evil Dead and Army of Darkness in fact probably too many.

>> No.7898083

I know Marathon had a sprite splitting trick for movement and shooting at the same time for sprites, but has anyone ever tried sprites that combined both gun muzzle flashes and moving legs that appear when both movement and walking is being done by the player or enemies?

>> No.7898086

Okay I finished it. E3M6 is terrible. Inferno was the weakest of the 3 episodes by far.

>> No.7898087

This, there's even a level where if you break the mirror in one of the bathrooms tiny Calebs attack you.

>> No.7898135

His most memorable quote is a Roddy Piper one

>> No.7898169 [DELETED] 
File: 786 KB, 640x480, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAILY REMINDER: Major Arlene is destroying the doom community.

>> No.7898172 [DELETED] 

Context, please. I love old FPS community drama

>> No.7898175

That really really tiny map seemed to drive everyone away

>> No.7898186 [DELETED] 

Stupid keeps getting the most creative people banned from doomworld, whilst she herself produces shit that nobody is interested in.
Before long the whole of the doom community will only be making tranny anime mods that nobody gives a fuck about.

>> No.7898197

I think it had something to do with the short map rotation. The same 10 or so maps over and over again does get to people.

>> No.7898213
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Was it even ten, it felt like less than that. Well, the server lasted a pretty long time, ggs.

>> No.7898228

tfw its been almost a day of modifying a con file to play a series of maps as an episode and all that keeps happening is like maybe one less error than last time but still doesn't open lmao
total noob at this shit bros

>> No.7898240 [DELETED] 

>doomfags so filtered by learning how to combo weapon damage that they forget Quake speedrunners figured out how to kill enemies quicker years before "quickswitching" was popularized again by Doom Eternal
seethe, retards. Vanilla Quake is good as fuck.

>> No.7898245 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7898248 [DELETED] 

I'm not a huge fan of quickswitching. I prefer some delay to the switch, like in Quake 3. It just feels wonky to press a number key and have the corresponding weapon instantly materialize in your hands. Feels "weightless", I want to feel like I'm drawing another weapon.

>> No.7898270

>tfw blood is the closest we'll ever get to a good evil dead game

>> No.7898291

Doom II is good, get over it.

>> No.7898310

Hear, hear

>> No.7898314

I agree with this based opinion.

>> No.7898317

The hack and slashes aren't bad, they're just silly.
But yeah, no great ones yet.

>> No.7898320

Frankly, having Blood alone makes me happy as an Evil Dead fan. Nothing else is going to capture the aesthetic of Evil Dead 2 like Blood did, and not nearly with as much charm.

>> No.7898321 [DELETED] 

list examples

>> No.7898328

Imagine a AAA budget Blood 3 ignoring Blood 2's retardation and trying to emulate the first one's aesthetic.

>> No.7898331

Update found out nightfright already made a con for the Roch series.

Over here wasting my time like an idiot lmao.

Guess i learned something idk what tho

>> No.7898339

>Broward County
Every fucking time

>> No.7898345

>trust the experts

>> No.7898361

They wouldn't and couldn't please everyone. Look at how assmad people get if you mention Nu-Doom around here.

That being said, I think a better idea would be fixing Blood 2 with a full remake. New story, new graphics, new gameplay stuff. Treat the first Blood 2 as non-canon and just call the new game Blood 2: Transfusion or something.

>> No.7898385

Knowing modern trends, theyd just call it B L O O D. And then youd forever have to call the games Blood 1997 and Blood 202x.

>> No.7898407

>Look at how assmad people get if you mention Nu-Doom around here.
I mean, it is not really retro? We're still in /vr/, after all.

>> No.7898524

Yeah i believe TNT31.wad fixed the shotgunners as well as the yellow key, and is generally recommended for doing uv max runs, even if you have the id anthology/gog version.

>> No.7898532
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Alright, it's fucking go time. You faggots ready for more DTS-T?

>> No.7898541

Awww yeh

>> No.7898551

The journey resumes.

>> No.7898603
File: 107 KB, 320x240, 7C48A8A2-505C-4E2A-87EB-E4E9E3DF3DF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this’ll be the most specific thing I’m ever asking for…
But does anyone know any 32 level megawads that uses the stock Doom II midi’s? A bunch of dw users got together to make a midi pack for TNT Evilution and it’s genuinely pretty good, although I never want to play TNT Evilution again. The only wads I know of that have no midis are Demonfear, Realm of Chaos, D2TWiD, and Fragport.

>> No.7898607

It probably has the best monster arsenal out of any fps game
But the game itself is garbage, especially it being 30 maps back to back. It's probably the most boring to play retro fps

>> No.7898619

is there any easy way to make stairs or a brightness gradient in the slade map editor?

>> No.7898658

Time to bust open Ultimate Doom Builder, bro.

>> No.7898659
File: 1.42 MB, 480x360, n64quake2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Console Port?

Here's the two ports of Quake 2, for example

>> No.7898660

Hell Revealed had midis in separate wad, does that count?

>> No.7898663
File: 2.77 MB, 480x360, ps1quake2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7898669

I always liked the Quake 2 PS1 port. It looks leagues better than almost every other game on the console.
Regardless of gameplay.

>> No.7898678

the psx one works with a mouse, i don't know about the n64 one.

>> No.7898680

Quake 2 was definitely better in an objective sense with the resolution, full 3D gun models, and CD music
However I'll biasly always prefer the N64 for it's ambient OST and moddier colored lighting

>> No.7898684

I'm fine not having it, the industry could never handle Blood.
With the botched Nightdive remaster I doubt it ever will

>> No.7898686

Hmmm, not a bad rec, is there any more you can think of? I just remembered about the New Doom Community Project. (I’m not talking about New Doom as in NuDoom calm your tits /vr/)

>> No.7898689

does it work well through wine? gzdb is a garbagefire in wine

>> No.7898693
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>> No.7898696

doom was on linux before it was on windows

>> No.7898704

You could try Eureka, I've only dabbled in it, but it should be more feature-rich than Slade's editor.

>> No.7898725

The source code release was also based on the linux version.

>> No.7898736

I think people are too hard on Sandy. His bad maps usually amount to simply being rushed and underdeveloped.

>> No.7898740

Not really.

>> No.7898743

it's weird seeing the shotgun not jiggle around

>> No.7898748

bruh slade's map editor has literally everything else i could want there's just weirdly no apparent way to easily build stairs despite it being mentioned in old ass changelogs i googled

>> No.7898765

For me it's Doom for RISC PC

>> No.7898779

all source ports are based on the linux version of DOOM.
linux has always been a large part of DOOMs history.
ive played from the original doom to eternal on linux just fine

>> No.7898787

I need footage of that version.

>> No.7898798

here you go.

>> No.7898802

Let's see if you are really Doom fans:
How many secrets originally E1M1 had?

>> No.7898804

is Duke Xtreme good and worth finding? I know its one of those "shovel ware" add ons. But is it fun?

>> No.7898806

says the original release only runs on linux in the readme

>> No.7898810

it has 8 secrets i think maybe 9

>> No.7898816

Ok but i want the original Dave Taylor version.

>> No.7898831

then go get it,you can use a search engine

>> No.7898832

But it doesn't work on modern linux.

>> No.7898834
File: 220 KB, 680x408, 1519549351638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what we learned today:
>Anon doesn't remember the first six digits of pi
>Every single encounter on the space station was boring as fuck, purely because the wad never forces you into a room to fight its monsters
>Tons of tiny rooms with few pickups, has barely any impact on how you play the level
>Jesus, give the player something new to do if you're going to make them backtrack multiple times for one puzzle
>DTS-T has a handful of good ideas, but just falls flat in the execution every single time

>> No.7898835

It's been 4 days already quakefags, let it go.

>> No.7898836
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>> No.7898842

The fanbase agrees with me

>> No.7898843
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>> No.7898846

Archvile is the worst thing to happen to Doom mapping prove me wrong.

>> No.7898847

Git gud

>> No.7898859

it probably would if you get the dependencies,but idk why that matters.
the arch vile is my favorite enemy,hes so fun when used well

>> No.7898860 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry rpgcodex but DF2 is not that good.

>> No.7898861

Doom 2 is better than Doom 1 in every way, aside from the OST.
>Improved combat with better weapon and monster variety.
>Bigger fights with more enemies on screen.
>Larger and more vertical levels.
>No dumb rabbit memes.

>> No.7898868

I would say the Super Shotgun has been misused and abused by mappers more than anything else added in Doom 2. Too many amateur mappers skimp on better weapons because "SSG is enough" when it makes for more tedious combat than rockets or plasma.

>> No.7898871

This. Super Shotgun is fun, making the player struggle with original shotgun at the beginning is better.

>> No.7898874

>aside from the OST.
I think there are still some good midis, like Into Sandy's City and Message For The Arch-vile, but yeah. A lot of Doom 2's midis are neither exciting nor atmospheric. Countdown to Death is by far the worst midi Bobby Prince has ever composed.

>> No.7898881

>Countdown to Death is by far the worst midi Bobby Prince has ever composed.
Sorry anon, you've been filtered.

>> No.7898891

>Too many amateur mappers skimp on better weapons because "SSG is enough" when it makes for more tedious combat than rockets or plasma.
Ehh, I'd say that was a much more prominent issue back in the 90's and 00's era of doom 2 mapping. Modern wads tend not to hide away the rocket launcher and plasma as much anymore.

>> No.7898894

Its a midi so boring, it can turn an otherwise decent map into a boring one just from using it.

>> No.7898896

Depends on how the map uses it. HFFM has a ton of great Archvile encounters.

>> No.7898902

Nah. If anything, Doom 2 was too wimpy with it's uses of them.

>> No.7898906

Oh, yeah, SSG reliance is definitely addressed now. My point is that Archviles were never really a negative on mapping, as long as you aren't stuck in an open sightline, they're always combatable, enjoyable even. Unlike SSG vs big boys, which can easily become a slog.

>> No.7898918

>Countdown to Death is by far the worst midi Bobby Prince has ever composed.
I know it's a meme to complain about Running From Evil, but even if you haven't heard it a million times from shitty custom levels, it's still one of the worst songs in Doom II.

>> No.7898920
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>> No.7898923

The Running From the Evil Horde ocremix is pretty dope though.

>> No.7898932

It's Ok.
I geniunely think "Between levels" is the worst there is, but nobody ever uses it, so it can't harm us.

>> No.7898935

I actually don't mind Running From Evil. The part with the guitar solo helps prevent it from being bad for me.

>> No.7898936

why does ranger have purple gums

>> No.7898938

This. It helps that I only hear it in SC-55 these days.

>> No.7898941

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

>> No.7898958

i got it to build and run once. wasn't really worth it. the source code has typos in it that stop it from building iirc

>> No.7898972

Quad damage is a hell of a drug.

>> No.7898984

Between Levels is more a case of being out of place than being outright bad, IMO. It really does not feel like something from Doom.

>> No.7899003
File: 2.85 MB, 800x448, Prodoomer - roadkiller.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out this shit.
A boss at level 20.
It damages you when it rams you.
It is faster than you even if you use Haste spell.
It can not be CCd by anything except Iron Prison, which he breaks in a few seconds anyway.
Oh and it can also teleport via monsterteleport lines to positions RIGHT IN FRONT of you.

The only way to beat it is to have it stuck after teleport... Which was fixed in v3.1 patch.

The only other way to beat it is to be level 27 and have Time Stop spell.
And if you play with vanilla EXP multiplier, you will have to replay all previous maps to get to that level.
If you start with x2 EXP multiplier, THEN you barely make it to 27 when you encounter that boss.

But guess what? The cooldown for the spell is greater than its duration (obviously), so it still chases you.

So the way to actually beat the boss is to stop time BEFORE crossing the trigger line, then run out of sight so it does not even start chasing you.

But thats not all of it. There are also kamikazes on the road. And if you use a loud weapon to kill them, the truck instantly teleports to you.
So you have to use crossbow to dispose of them and you need to have enough crossbow ammo to do so.


>> No.7899008
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>Everything in your post
Anon, please stop hurting yourself.

>> No.7899015
File: 330 KB, 413x402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost enjoy it actually.
I'm gonna beat it.
I'm gonna 100% it. Including the stupid achievements.
And then I'm gonna stream myself doing it all over again.

Because I couldn't find anyone on the YouTube post a 100% completion video so I'll be the one to do it.
Gotta be first in at least something in my life lmao.

>> No.7899018
File: 139 KB, 383x364, 1495857905969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spite's a hell of a motivator.

>> No.7899021

>watch on youtube LIVE
>anon break checks a monster truck
>gets rear ended
>Gone Wrong. Gone Sexual.

>> No.7899036
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It sure as hell is.

>> No.7899041
File: 1.14 MB, 1606x930, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white lines on the road are actually level-deep holes with gravel textured walls.

Also you for 100% you NEED to kill it by leading it to the special trigger line at the end.

And you need to explode all the kamikazes while you are at it.

>> No.7899061

The Healer Stalks is the worst track and no one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.7899068
File: 2.76 MB, 640x360, Chaos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun

>> No.7899072

>Bye Bye American Pie

>> No.7899075
File: 2.86 MB, 800x450, Kinetic blaster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm early to screenshot saturday but I'm just gonna post this now. Trying to come up with a good new staff upgrade has been a complete headache. I'll need to put this attack through its paces to make sure it's good, but the gist of it is:

Build up heat
Do charge attack
Attack gets stronger and more explosive depending on how much heat you got
Resets your heat gauge to 0 on hit

Then you recharge the attack the same way like every other tool by building up heat. So when you're fully kitted out you'll have 3 things that'll drain the heat gauge faster after they're used, all of this encouraging and rewarding getting aggressive with the staff.

>> No.7899098

I don't usually follow your posts - are you doing this in decorate or zs?

>> No.7899103

Like 90% DECORATE and 10% ACS

>> No.7899118
File: 188 KB, 1080x600, doom-2-mod-standalone-steam-game-unloved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone me similiar doom wads like the masterpiece Doom Unloved? Its legit one of the best that I have played

>> No.7899137

I see. Looks good.

>> No.7899138

New update for QuakeSpasm-Spiked for released yesterday.

>> No.7899139

Are you sure that their AI was really this advanced?
This is Quake afterall - not FEAR were talking about here

>> No.7899141

I should specify that I'm also working with an older variant of DECORATE because all of my shit is Zandronum compatible, which is like 7 years behind in engine features compared to GZDoom.
But thank you, been trying to make sure this update fixes the character in that webm.

>> No.7899143

Makes it all themore impressive. I am still hoping for a proper GZD multiplayer fork.

>> No.7899147

Thanks, I seem to have totally missed your post last night.

>> No.7899149

>PSX got lens-flare @ light sources, also:
>Dat unique extra boss Tank-Walker
>Dem dual-railgun miniboss Arachnids
>N64 got the Invisibility power-up like RoS

>> No.7899156

Isn't that essentially impossible, and why Zandronum is dead code, because of how GZDoom renders slopes?

>> No.7899161

I visited the Zandro forums some days ago and found a thread where they were talking about that stuff and it seems like it's not outright impossible, but more of a really big undertaking that might be too much for people doing that in their spare time.

>> No.7899171

Well nothing in programming is impossible, it wouldn't be impossible for Boom and ZDoom derivatives to actually be Doom instead of a completely different engine that's compatible with emulating Doom on varying levels, it's a matter of time that people have to want to spend on it.

>> No.7899174
File: 583 KB, 360x449, Ezgif.com-video-to-gif_%2823%29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some shitty discontinued mobage garbage from several years ago has models that would look sick as shit as custom monsters
>There's no way to actually get the models to sprite them

>> No.7899182

A few simple tricks can lead to some complex behaviors
Also FEAR AI is 95% level scripting. Evidenced by its own expansion packs where off sourced developer neglected most of the scripts that need to be placed within levels to make AI look smart.

Slopes have nothing to do with it.
Implementing ZScript is a HUGE ammount of work nobody in Zandronum side is willing to do. Which is why Zandro is very unlikely to ever have ZScript.

Adding Server/Client separation and proper handling of both for all of the newer Decorate and ZScript functions is even more work, which is nobody on the GZDoom side of things is willing to do. And that's why modern multiplayer GZDoom fork is just as unlikely.

>> No.7899184

well this gif came from somewhere
What mobage are you talking about?

>> No.7899198

ripping from unity or UE isn't that difficult. What's the game?

>> No.7899202

Looks like DarkSpore

>> No.7899210

a quick google suggests the characters were ripped by someone on DA before the servers shut down

>> No.7899238
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1612929065803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hud has 8 different bars
>that death screen overlay
>the obnoxious numbers spilling out when you get experience

>> No.7899262

Based Sandy enjoyer

>> No.7899268

they released the linux version because they knew all the code autists are on linux

>> No.7899274

archvile is the only good thing to come from doom 2

>> No.7899289
File: 1.88 MB, 1616x939, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that two of those bars (the black ones) do literally nothing.
Also every time you use a skill a MMORPG cooldown icon pops up to the side of your crosshair. On different sides depending on skill (each skill CD has its own fixed position, it's obviously not dynamic)
And when skill goes off cooldown it shows a "ready" notification.

PRODOOMER is literally hodgepodge of every single idea its author came up with thrown together with little rhyme or reason.
It's amazing how much effort one can put into something so ugly.

I still can derive some weird enjoyment out of it.
If only its level design was not relying so much on copypaste and "gotcha!" moments.

Come to think of it, the core concepts are fairly close to ABYSM series, except ABYSM is actually good, and amount of RPG-sque stuff put into it is reasonable.

>> No.7899290

All monsters introduced in Doom 2 are actually good and have a distinct purpose.

>> No.7899297

wouldn't that be a good thing then?
also it was cause of a proprietary 3rd party sound library to the DOS version (and he doesnt even know what Microsoft did with the windows version of the code).
the readme says this

>> No.7899327

I didn't imply it was a bad thing, doom is carried by code autists

>> No.7899348

The original DOS source contained some proprietary code id couldn't release, so they released Linux source where that proprietary code was removed. That code included sound, so sound had to be re-added in by the fans.
The first actual sourceport was DOSDoom which ported the altered code back to dos.

>> No.7899350
File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Square_20201217_164123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other GZDoom wads as good as Adventures of Square?

>> No.7899357

thats fair,you really didnt imply it was that bad.

>> No.7899361
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2021-06-26 14-20-59-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get this key in ETERNAL?
yes the old ass ETERNAL
I manage to get across the chasm but I cant fucking get the key
is it this how Im supposed to progress anyway?

>> No.7899408

I missed this stream but I noticed you got to episode 4. All I have to say is good fucking luck.

>> No.7899429

DTS-T is not that hard, it's just boring as all fuck

>> No.7899430
File: 99 KB, 721x795, 1609940036756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check ZDF's prodoomer thread
>'Wow, this is really cool'
>'Great job'
God, I fucking hate that place. Everyone who posts there is either a braindead retard who loves garbage or completely insincere.

>> No.7899436

I wasn't implying that it was hard. I was implying that it's fucking SHIT.

>> No.7899447 [DELETED] 

I mean, yeah, Prodoomer sucks ass, but you sound like a faggot.
But please, prove the opposite and name your five favorite wads and mods.

>> No.7899465 [DELETED] 

Not same anon but YOU sound like a butthurt twitter tranny
Even using same "u sound like a hater hurr-durr, name X things you like then" argument

>> No.7899490

>being such a thin-skinned faggot you report someone for calling you a thin-skinned faggot
I like the irony that you are actually complaining about the people on those forums.

>> No.7899512
File: 27 KB, 318x417, 1613149738337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've done all I've could here.
>fixed offsets on all new sprites
>did a few minor fixes on a couple of frames (like the cacodildo)
>the new monsters would conflict with spritefix project anyway (some get added rotations), so I went ahead and added anything else which was corrected
>increases filesize some, and you'd want to NOT load spritefixes with it, but the end result is good, shows off the new monsters very well
>added some new sounds, including a new DSCYBSIT
>included the truecolor .png frames for the powerdildo in the .zip, do whatever
>polished M_DOOM some more
We could probably trim the filesize a decent but by removing any unused textures (Slade might have a function for this), but you guys'll do the rest with this, maybe you can think of more sounds to add. Incorporate it all as necessary for the full and final release.

>> No.7899514

Oh goddammit the link doesn't work.


>> No.7899532

Both Ports got exclusive stuff, like better Maiden models and PS1 got a better Big Gun unit with a boss in it guarding the core

>> No.7899538

Well, Sad news
the Q2 Multiplayer fork with QC Stuff was removed from Moddb

>> No.7899560

Never hear d of it. Was it good? Maybe it still can be acquired somewhere?

>> No.7899569

i guess the fact that linux helped doom of all things become open source makes the microsoft buyout of zenimax weird

>> No.7899573

Here is the link and user, ask the ruskie about it.

the pro fork wasnt bad

>> No.7899592

So you are an NPC who didn't form his own opinion on Doom 2. Got it.

>> No.7899609

Second bad news
Methods of Destruction Q1 Soundtrack page at Quaddicted got its download link Nuked from orbit along with the guy's blog
the mediafire link still exists

add it to the mega archive along with the quake stuff

>> No.7899619
File: 735 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_SummerFun_20210626_154410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been experimenting with a "darker" theme. In bright sunlight there isn't much you can do with sector brightness and such, so I am going for a "be home by nightfall" thing, that way I can also have street lamps and really dark corners in the forest and scary spooky monsters.

>> No.7899624
File: 10 KB, 287x277, 473829911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maze-ish clusterfuck maps
>confusing switch puzzles like in every single map
>Playing UV it feels like I was replaying Refueling base from D2 all over again for some reason, it bores me so easily

No wonder why people hate Freedoom

>> No.7899640

Looks at least original

>> No.7899673

Wow the dude, whoever he is actually had a nice bod.

>> No.7899678

GZDoom's "palette" tonemap seems to ignore the colormap for custom palettes and such...
How exactly does it work? It's using some sort of lookup table I assume, how do I fix this.

>> No.7899680

>and his maps were so terrible

>> No.7899706

I was recently trying to play through Freedoom 2 with Hideous Destructor. For a project that has wanted to distance itself from Doom content-wise in recent years, it sure still has a lot of "homages" to Doom 2 maps, within the same map slots as those Doom 2 maps. Maybe there's a worse example than reordering MAP11's rooms into a linear 3-key clusterfuck, but I wouldn't know because that map made me lose hope.

>> No.7899712

>looks original
It is literally Sonic Adventure 2 truck boss, done shittily and drawn out like everything else in the wad. Author is a Sonic fag, each level has secret rings to collect, which unlock a secret level where you fight Sonic characters.

>> No.7899730

Is there any way to make decals appear on two-sided linedefs?

>> No.7899736

I dont know, but mid texture on linedef 1 ubit away is always an option.

>> No.7899764

Looks comfy as heck, anon.

>> No.7899793
File: 1.14 MB, 1605x903, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or cringe?

>> No.7899794

All those textures and sprites being so 'as photorealistic as the engine allows it' brougt me memories of the "Dawn of Reality" .pwad

>> No.7899798

the impse is based, that demonic thing prodoomer calls a hud is cringe

>> No.7899801

It would be based if it were on a TV screen and animated.

>> No.7899808
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>> No.7899812
File: 366 KB, 961x796, Screenshot_SummerFun_20210626_185930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even try to be "as photorealistic as possible", but when I started out I just took pictures of my neighborhood and grabbed stock photos to get something to work with, but then I decided I actually like it, so I consciously went for some kind of "reverse-Angela-Anaconda" style, i.e. photorealistic backgrounds/environments with cartoon style players and weapons.
Also, this way I am able to make interactive objects instantly identifiable, as they will stand out clearly against the less cartoony backgrounds.

>> No.7899815

>railgun sound effect
You can try out and fetch something decent from the Quake2 mod - WODX .pak which contains loads of weapon sounds from various sources - IIRC theres some StarWars laser blasts and the Obelisk of Light firing sound crammed in there...

>> No.7899841

Seeing as how the laser rifle came about because Champions did it, he could just pilfer it's sound effect. Might sound a bit too HQ though.

>> No.7899919
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>> No.7899927

Oh god, we know you don't like prodoomer, now shut the fuck up you autist and stop trying to instigate drama here.

>> No.7899930

i wonder how much of turok inspired modern doom because even the bug boss looks like it inspired the cybermancubus

>> No.7899938

>trying to instigate drama here
nobody is trying to instigate any drama here
Im just playing through it and sharing my experiences

Also i can see glimpses of a good mod in there somewhere buried under mounds of bad decisions. If only author took legitimate criticism and went back to fixing it up, cutting down the maps and unnecessary features and such. But that will never happen.

>> No.7899939

>bug boss
You mean the mantis? That looks like a mantis? I really can't see it.

>> No.7899942

yes, the one that also jumps on walls, destroys some of them to open up the arena and has an explosive attack too
i also fought the military dude with the cars

>> No.7899943

>posting a single image without further commentary while complaining about pd the whole thread already
I mean I believe you, but the way you're going about it does not speak for you.

>> No.7899946

The way in-game cutscenes work in eternal give me turok vibes, as well as the spinning weapon pickups

>> No.7899947

Prodoomer feels like it was made by someone that grew with modern games and didn't see an issue with modern gaming trends that exist to make games feel more bloated and saturated than they should be
The Ubisoft model or something
The difference between taking a penny vs dropping a few pennies

>> No.7899952

Spinning weapon pickups were in every id game since Quake 1.

>> No.7900009
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900032 [DELETED] 

Doom 2 is bad because muh eceleb said so.

>> No.7900036

When it comes to monster design, as long as you treat the monsters like chess pieces, understand their function, and test the map to make sure it's an enjoyable encounter, you're in the clear.

>> No.7900063
File: 3.88 MB, 2688x1392, thegrind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since you asked, I'm finally getting back on the Blender grind after a long ass hiatus. I'm making an Icon of Sin type boss for my Doom64 EX wad. I'm gonna attempt the most autistic use of midtextures you've ever seen.

It's supposed to be Satan from Dante's 9th Circle of Hell combined with other design elements from theology and my own imagination to fill the blanks.

I've got the bust so far, but I can't figure out where to go from here, I need to fill the torso out, and I also need to make sure I fatten him up real good. I think he looks too fit right now, but that's a good thing because if he's fit at the shoulders but fat and wrinkly right below with skinny arms, he'll look skinnyfat, which will make him scarier.

Wish me luck, brahs :)

>> No.7900074
File: 399 KB, 798x600, uglyceilings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makin' a map. Feel like there's something I'm missing when it comes to either texture or architecture use. Connections to rooms look a little out of place at times. Spamming things like pillars around all the doors or 'border' textures feels like a patch job rather than fixing it, but I could be mistaken.
Also first time trying to pretty things up a bit.

>> No.7900076
File: 265 KB, 500x508, doombepis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900084

Wait, what is Dante satan about this? Iirc his main trait was having three maws to gnaw on the traitors.

>> No.7900086

>Feel like there's something I'm missing when it comes to either texture or architecture use.
Nah, that's just Heretic. It doesn't have many textures. Pillars and borders between rooms are your best bet without a load of custom additions.

>> No.7900087
File: 209 KB, 655x573, romero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to have all Redneck games on one installation of Rednukem? can't find much information about it. I assume I'd have to rename the files and soundtrack files?

>> No.7900092

Ended up bass raping Quake's ambient thunder sound and adding some other random shit. Not sure how I feel about it though, kinda seems too autistic. Got a passive texture animation going at least.

idk why the Gremlins are exploding, had to use FTE to record

>> No.7900098

look at the drawing, Dante described other two heads as follows,

>"Twixt white and yellow seemed the right hand one."
A ghost crab is white and yellow, so I decided to use that as the head, since Satan is a beastman after all.

>"The left resembled them whose country lies
Where valleywards the floods of Nile flow down."
This country is Egypt, so I decided to make a creature based upon a flipped/distorted version of the Eye of Horus to represent Egypt.

His other heads are gonna be attached by spinal chords which painfully fuse together like shoulder blades on his neck, but I won't get to the other heads till I finish making his body first.

>> No.7900106

It's a bit too abrasive and the sound clips like hell, but I like the recharge clunk-beep, so I'd say keep that part if you're still going at it.

>> No.7900123

Looks mad comfy.

Yeah, Billy had an absolutely incredible physique. If I can achieve even a third as good body one day, I'd be pretty content with myself.

>> No.7900128

>doesn't even WANT to learn and instead just hides reaction images in his maps when criticized
Fuck me, I can't even sympathize with the guy now, he's unwilling to recognize that his maps are really bad, and unwilling to improve.

Fuck him and people like him. It bewilders me further that some people actually like that garbage, some are probably blowing sunshine up his ass because they're afraid of being 'mean,' but I see people in other places saying they really enjoy ProDoomer.

>> No.7900140

Ah alright. Sorry, I'm a phonefag atm, I should look at it on a bigger screen.

>> No.7900157 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7900183

Gentleman, someone needs to sacrifice himself for this

>> No.7900189
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Show me your folders

>> No.7900194

I am not downloading that shit, anon.

>> No.7900196

There's Unloved 2, but it's unfinished. So you get play about 60% of it, and then it just stops.

>> No.7900198

which is why i am waiting to see who will

>> No.7900201
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>> No.7900212
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>> No.7900225

just have a folder with your wads and mods in it and then use "open with" for the source port you want to use

>> No.7900226
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One day I will clean all this up. But not today.

>> No.7900227
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>> No.7900229
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Wads stored separately, but here are my source ports.

>> No.7900232

Bro, like two or three more folders would solve 90% of your clutter. It would take you 5 minutes tops.

>> No.7900236

He might be a mentaly ill faget, but damn he would look stunning if cosplaying as R.J. Dio next Halloween desu

>> No.7900240

Absolutely insane. Is there any documentation on those older versions? The ZDoom wiki is always up to date and since Decorate itself is now deprecated I don't know what you can actually do in Zandro.

>> No.7900243

Not really, I go by brute force trial and error, along with asking a few friends who also work with old and busted GZdoom/Zandronum like I do.

>> No.7900261


>> No.7900268

It's all good man, we all pull retarded moves sometimes, especially myself...

>> No.7900269

I knew it

>> No.7900281

I wanted to like Dissolution of Eternity, but the map design is boring so far. That new enchanted sword monster is just lazy bland too (thought it would be the worst until some reskinned Spawn came after my ass while a literal quake was happening, lol)
Scourge of Armagon didn't get this bad until the last episode (the final boss was cool, tho), but will things be reversed here and DoE will eventually get better?

>> No.7900295

Holy fuck, do you also like sticking needles into your balls, by chance?

>> No.7900304

>but will things be reversed here and DoE will eventually get better?
Nope. SOA is leagues better, and DOE's final boss will give you severe PTSD every time you see a dragon.

>> No.7900305

No. But on the weekends I suit up in armor and beat the shit out of my friends with rattan sticks. Does that tell you anything?

>> No.7900310

>Does that tell you anything?
If it's not Kendo, no.

>> No.7900313

SCA, think like HEMA but with way harder impacts.

>> No.7900319

Ah alright, I thought those people also used at least wood, because I could swear I have seen people go at each other with metal swords.

>> No.7900321

That's sad, but I'm not surprised considering what I already saw.
Gonna put DoE in the backburner and play it when I have nothing else.

>> No.7900328

Xatrix made the good Quake expansions and Rogue made the bad ones.

>> No.7900337
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Almost done with the garden hose sprite, lacks some shading on the hose and I am not satisfied yet with the grey connector, but I like the movement.
In addition to the quake effect I now added some kind of initial recoil effect, some kind of pushback that tries to propel the nozzle from your hands and needs to be absorbed.

>> No.7900345
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>> No.7900350
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Ground Zero says otherwise about rogue

>> No.7900367

The Reckoning>Ground Zero and it's not even close.

>> No.7900372

Reckoning reused the makron instead of getting from raster the PS1 meshes.

Ground zero is better and had better bosses and maps, and it was harder than reckoning.

>> No.7900385
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>> No.7900386

>Playing on a phone
what the fuck is wrong with you mutants

>> No.7900387

copy pasting this from elsewhere because I think it's weird:
You know, if you want to add your own cheat codes to GZDoom, they don't let you (with any convenience or permanence). Editing the strings doesn't work, it's hard coded so original iwad codes always work. Of course if you want to make a TC that replaces everything else in Doom you'll likely want your own codes so they let you disable them in the mapinfo lump with the "nokeyboardcheats". But they don't want that to affect the players too much so they counter that with the "allcheats" console command.
Which is silly because the console cheats allow you to circumvent it anyway.
And if you want NEW keyboard cheats, since they don't let you change the cheat strings directly, you have to use some hacky method like what's outlined by m8f in this post: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=72552&p=1192380

So there's like 3 layers of silly involved because someone decided it was inconvenient to to players to allow editable-able keyboard cheating when all they had to do was use console cheats anyway.

This is why iddqd still works in Hedon. Wonder what Selaco is going to do.

>> No.7900404


>> No.7900426

Dark Forces 2 is the best 1997 fps, deal with it.

>> No.7900435

Anytime, anywhere.

>> No.7900448

if doom 95 was so bad then it wouldn't have used in compilations.

>> No.7900451
File: 428 KB, 687x639, Q2GZ_rocketturret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground Zero's turrets are some kind of sick joke. Without them I'd easily say that GZ is SoA of Quake 2, but alas. Any Doom Eternal's shitty gimmick enemy is better than those turrets. How the hell was this tested and considered ok?

>> No.7900458

Considering you use some actual input device (like gamepad) and not touchscreen, I don't see a problem with that.

>> No.7900465

Pay respects

>> No.7900489

>but I don't have a genesis and I'm not a horder.
My nigga.

>> No.7900540

What did they mean by this?

>> No.7900553

Been playing the PS4 version and it's really good

>> No.7900571

So I finally solved the bug with NBlood where some random levels would skip to the credits in the expansion and DW, apparently the cause is using the same savefile for everything instead of creating a new one for each separate ini file that's loaded.

>> No.7900641

>more sounds
Could add a WOO to DSHOOF

>> No.7900652
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So is there no way to load a save in Quake from the command line?
Not the console, the command line.

I'm trying to make shortcuts for my stuff
>just put it in the cfg
That works for 1 launch and then gets removed from the cfg

>> No.7900693
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So it looks like if I put an autoexec in /Id1/, it'll run for all the packs.
But if I put an autoexec in say, /hipnotic/, it'll only run for Scourge of Armagon.

So for each modpack or whatever I can put an autoexec in its folder with the load savegame command in order to make my individual shortcuts for each campaign work.
Kind of annoying, but oh well.
Plus I don't think it'll work for Quake 1.

Actually, come to think of it, I could just put
>load "s0.sav"
in the /Id1/ autoconfig, and then EVERY mod or level pak would load their own s0.sav, solving the problem.
Or would they try to load the s0 in /Id1/? I'll have to check
So, that works, but only if you ONLY have an autoexec in /Id1/ and not the other folders. Quake I think tries to run autoexecs in the folder of the level pack it's playing before looking in /Id1/ to find an autoexec.
It's a shame that Quake doesn't let you load saves from the command line, now you can't use bat files or shortcuts to jump into a save.
And what about demos? Without the ability to load a save, are they now required to start at the beginning of a level? Or does Quake stick the save into the demo file?

>> No.7900710

quake +load "s0.sav"

>> No.7900769
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I played some of Deathless, and it's a boring set of Doom 1 speedmaps. It doesn't hold a candle to an actually good Doom 1 megawad like Based Ganymede. Why is it one of the official add-ons?

>> No.7900776

Are we shitwadding tonight?

>> No.7900779

because no copyrighted content and runs on vanilla

>> No.7900783

play something else

>> No.7900787

I ain't the guy running the show, i'm just wondering if he's streaming tonight. Also, DTS-T amplifies in shittiness in episode 4, especially with the last few maps so he definitely should play that if he wants to learn what makes bad wads bad.

>> No.7900793
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Yeah Anon, just had a few things I needed to do. I'll start right away if you're up for it.

>> No.7900795

Not even a week after it was released and someone already extracted the wad to play it on PC.
Doom fans are fast.

>> No.7900803

Based Anime

>> No.7900806

I fucking love Sakigake!! Otokojuku. Anyway, on with the stream.

>> No.7900858

Hey, who here plays Quake Co-op? What's the best port for doing that?
I like Mark V, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a "this port is good for single player only" situation like PRBoom

>> No.7900864

Does anyone here use linux AND rofi? I made a rofi launcher for doom.

>> No.7900881

Feel free to think of more stuff, I kind of don't have so much free time for the nearest future, so someone else will have to make and implement stuff. Maybe the guy who was in charge before could do it?

If someone knows Extended DeHacked, we could probably add distinct active and pain sounds for individual demons. I gave the Zombies a new pain grunt, but that is also shared by the Imp and Revenant, and so on. I wanted to implement the locker slamming sounds, as maybe for the shotgun, but couldn't make it sound good.

>> No.7900915


>> No.7900924

d2_coast_10 hasn't aged very well.

>> No.7900925

Open up that bakery again, lads. Time for someone to cook.

>> No.7900960

Its funny that GZDoom is weird about cheats because dehacked actually lets you change cheat codes in vanilla and boom.

>> No.7900965

>What's the best port for doing that?
I've seen people recommend either Quakespasm-Spiked or ProQuake.

>> No.7900967

d2_coast_08 on the other hand

>> No.7900968

I think dsda-doom at some point wants to improve multiplayer capabilities for coop. Don't think its highest priority, though.

>> No.7900970

Is the QSS site down or do I have to do something with my dns in order to access it?

>> No.7901024

New vkQuake beta
Includes r_scale, r_fullbright, support for AD custom huds, some other neat features

>> No.7901028

Your excuse, /vr/?

>> No.7901029
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GZDoom reads dehacked lumps just fine (most releases), but it ignores those changes.
It's absolutely silly to me some of the hard wired changes they have in GZDoom.
I'm playing with the colors for the invulnerability powerup right now, except that it ignores the 32nd row on the colormap so you have to define a full-screen rgb to rgb fade based on pixel brightness or luminance or whatever.
So I can't do the high contrast black/white but keep the reds like I can in vanilla. At least not any way that I can see.
Tonemap doesn't read the colormap, so that doesn't help.

I can have it be greyscale and not inverted, and maybe even get some semblance of high contrast out of it, but I can't isolate a color it seems.

Also it affects the sky, which is technically a bug, but it would be nice to have an option to toggle it (if I just haven't overlooked one).

GZDoom is great and all, and I like a lot of the mods that come out of it. But it has some weird decisions that were made. The cheat code thing in particular.

SSS i guess: >>7900009

>> No.7901053

Bros i can't pistol start Vivisection on UV.

>> No.7901073

Oh, but I did get custom cheat codes in there.
So that's fun.

>> No.7901076

I found it fun. Easy short maps, with unique themes for each episode instead of the usual phobos/deimos/hell. Perfect to play, when you are tired to play anything too challenging.

>> No.7901091

If network conditions are ideal, Quakespasm (spiked) is good. If pings are high, FTE's improved netcode should help a lot.

>> No.7901119

You can jump into and ktx server in quakeworld and type in "votecoop". For vanilla. Not sure about mods/expansions.

>> No.7901124
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DTS-T is bad, but its very first level was made by a guy when he was still in high school. It was also periodically added to for over ten years. The enthusiasm and the ideas are there, just not the skill needed to pull them off. I could sit here like a snarky asshole and nitpick everything it did wrong, but that doesn't make me a better map designer than the author. I'm the guy who brute forced the pi puzzle, after all. I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can say that people can't see for themselves too.

I guess what I've realised is making a good map is a hell of a feat. It also makes me appreciate what an amazing job Id Software did, especially since they were breaking into new territory. Same goes to the regulars in this thread.

See you at the next stream, fags.

>> No.7901280


>> No.7901290

in ur dreams

>> No.7901335

That Thing level in DW made me so uncomfortable. Gotta give it to this mod that it makes me feel uneasy at some points compared to the base game and expansions.

>> No.7901348

well, i'm waiting

>> No.7901349


>> No.7901357


>> No.7901431

One thing that always stuck out to me about GZDoom (and ZDoom before it), is that you literally cannot manually enable the ghost monsters bug from vanilla. Theres a setting that toggles whether arch-viles can resurrect crushed corpses, but this has nothing to do with the ghost monster bug.
And before anyone says "it works fine in Icarus map24", thats because of automatic campatibilty: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Automatic_compatibility
So effectively, if a map relies on it, you have to contact the gzdoom devs to "whitelist" it, because they refuse the let the player manually enable it, nor mappers enable it in mapinfo because
>Note that compatibility options that aren't linked but are described as "bug reestablished" are not, and will not be, available as normal compatibility options. They rely on the engine behaving in a fundamentally broken fashion and should not be used anymore.

>> No.7901479

Retribution which is another fan made version which is the best. Offers classic Doom style shotgun animations too