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File: 23 KB, 318x314, MikeTysonPunchOut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
769229 No.769229 [Reply] [Original]

Punch Out thread?

>> No.769290

I wish I had something to contribute to this

>> No.769294
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>> No.769316

I am utter shit at this game, but I like it. It is good fun.

>> No.770025

I can't even beat Soda. I stand no chance against Mike. I really want to beat him someday though.

>> No.770338
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>> No.770350

Soda Popinski was really easy for me. Once you know his patterns you can TKO the bitch by the second round.

Mr. Sandman on the other hand, jesus fucking christ is he hard.I think I beat him once and then after only lasting 30 seconds with Tyson I just gave up on Punch-Out.

>> No.770657

back in the day I beat Tyson twice, once by TKO, once by decision.

now i can't get past Soda Popinski. i'm blaming my logitech controller's sloppy D-pad, but it probably means i'm an old man.

>> No.770661


Input timing on this game is ridiculously tight. If you're playing with any sort of input lag (like say an emulator on an LCD screen), the later fighters will completely wreck you even if your reflexes are sharp.

>> No.770681

true, I really think the people who complain about this game's difficulty are just using poor emulators. nes punch out really isn't that hard, especially after playing the nightmarish wii version

>> No.770717

>Nightmarish Wii version
Really? Because Tyson himself was much tougher than anything in the Wii version, even DK.

>> No.770745
File: 78 KB, 800x450, PunchOut_KingHippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care at all
What you fuckers have to say
King Hippo was best

~ Haiku

>> No.770781

Emulation hurts it that badly? Maybe that's why it's so hard for me. How does using an LCD affect it?

>> No.770792


You can also TKO him in the first round as he's programmed to get knocked down after every uppercut via a star punch.

So basically, counter his first 2 hooks for a star, duck, then keep tapping down, he'll sorta crouch down and hold his next uppercut, punch him in the stomach, dodge or cancel his next uppercut, star punch.

Rinse, repeat for phases 2 and 3. RNG heavy though as he might just toss hooks all day.

>> No.770807
File: 124 KB, 338x254, HoyQuarlow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this guy. Bigger cheater than Wii Aran Ryan.

>> No.770886

Fuck that guy. Rick and Nick Bruiser are much easier than him.
Narcis Prince was a real push-over. Still an entertaining match though, I love landing an uppercut on his face.

>> No.770889


The LCD is usually a bigger culprit than the emulator. A decent emulator only adds 1 frame of lag. The LCD will add 2-6 more depending on how fast its scaler is, and to a lesser extent its display response time.

iirc you've only got a 3-4 frame window to dodge and successfully counter Tyson. Just a little slower and you can dodge but not counter, rendering the game unbeatable. Any slower than that and he'll just wreck you before you even know what's going on.


That and the Aran Ryan in Super Punch Out literally molests you.

>> No.770903
File: 40 KB, 128x352, Punch-Out_ARC_Pizza_Pasta_banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan stole that move from this guy, who I'm upset wasn't used again. I want to see my heritage made fun of in a Punch Out game.

>> No.770896

Aran Ryan is pretty easy once you've learned his patterns. He has a few openings right before his drain attack where you can land a hook or two followed by an uppercut.

>> No.770936

Huh, I've never noticed any problems playing other games, but I guess most games don't come down to life or death by 1 frame. I play on a 32" LCD with either Nestopia or Nester. Does this apply to all games, like PS3 hooked up to a TV, or just emulated ones? I imagine most people out there now use LCDs so is it that widespread a problem?

>> No.770960


It'll affect pretty much anything you pipe into the LCD. And no, not all games have such tight timing so you can just adapt to the delay most of the time.

Modern games are designed to take the delay of modern displays into account so you shouldn't experience issues with anything newer.

>> No.771069

>Narcis Prince was a real push-over. Still an entertaining match though, I love landing an uppercut on his face.

I know I'm in the minority on this, but I found SPO to be more fun than NES Punch-Out. I felt that the fighters had move personality and silliness on Super Nintendo. I remember laughing like a manic when Dragon Chan's trainer begins yelling at him in Chinese.

>> No.771101

Perfect timing, guess which article got updated:


>> No.771108

that just reminds me of hamburger helper pizza pasta and my heart bleeds from the knowledge that i will never again eat it

>> No.771112

That old comic book
Captain N: The Game Master
King Hippo: Huge cunt

>> No.771116

I used to have more problems with Super Macho Man's spin punch than Tyson.

>> No.771127
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>Regulations don't deem it unfair to use a weapon in a boxing ring. I'll allow it.

>> No.771150

I don't believe you've beaten Tyson if you couldn't handle macho's spin move. That's one of his easiest moves to dodge for me.

>> No.771159
File: 8 KB, 256x224, Super Punch-Out!! (U)_00015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mad Clown is an Italian who used to be an opera singer.

>> No.771167
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>> No.771174
File: 9 KB, 256x224, Super Punch-Out!! (U)_00006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-Matches are three minutes in length.
-If a fighter is knocked down and cannot stand up before the count of ten, it
is a Knock Out (KO).
-If a fighter is knocked down three times in one match, it will be ruled a
Technical Knock Out (TKO), and the other fighter will win.
-If neither fighter is knocked out before time expries, the match is over and
the challenger automatically loses.
-There are no illegal moves or punches.
-If you lose, you can rematch as many times as you have continues left. You
will earn an extra continue every 50,000, 100,000, 150,000 and 500,000 points.
Once out of continues, you must re-challenge all boxers in your current circuit."

I guess not. Still, that rule is hilarious.

>> No.771206

I would have loved to see him or Pizza in the Wii Punch Out. Imagine the between round animations.

>> No.771209


I take it you've never played Space Station 13.

>> No.771220


If I think about it more, it could make sense. The guy was old as fuck, and his swings probably wouldn't have had the same oomph to them as before, if at all. I could imagine the ref allowing it given that he was handicapped in that manner, but the problem is that the guy is also extremely fucking fast.

Also Gabby Jay wasn't allowed to have a weapon. It would've been hilarious if after Quarlow, you get a special match called "GABBY'S REVENGE," where he picks up Quarlow's stick and goes apeshit.

>> No.771224


Oh, I have.

Every now and then I hear the feint vibrations of the honkmother.

>> No.771381

Tyson/Dream, Nick Bruiser or TD Mr. Sandman?

>> No.771389
File: 8 KB, 239x200, too long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought your picture was a dakimakura, OP.

>> No.771395

Fuck, don't tell me this. I just started playing Super Punch Out again for the first time in, I guess, nearly 20 years. It's so fun but FUCK I can't even beat Mr. Sandman! How the hell am I gonna finish this game...

>> No.771439
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Because I've lost all control of my life.

>> No.771443
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I've been wanting a Stone Cold Steve Austin dakimakura lately.

>squeeze the pillow

>> No.771447


He can crush your fucking arm and put it out of commission with that one attack that he does fairly often. Strong AND utility.

Tyson/Dream is quick and hard-hitting, but kind of a one trick pony. He'd probably be a strong contender though

Title Defense Mr. Sandman from the Wii version is a fucking beast too. He might could beat Bruiser.

>> No.774815
File: 48 KB, 481x323, 1370284473755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TD Bald Bull

>> No.774821

I... need this.

>> No.775038

Hey, so I recently decided to use an emulator of Super Punch Out because I haven't played it in ages. I have the first three circuits all with a 4-0 record, but the special circuit won't show up. What is up with that? Does it not show up on certain versions? Do I need to redo all of this on a different version of the emulator?

>> No.775051
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The code/password for Mike Tyson is etched into my cerebral cortex. I don't even know the Konami Code this well.

zero-zero-seven three-seven-three five-nine-six-three

>> No.775056

That's a weird problem. I've been emulating Super Punch-Out every so often for the last 14+ years and never ran in to that. On the PSP, Wii, PC, what-have-you.

Anyways, you could probably find a Game Genie code to remedy your problem.

>> No.776263


Happens sometimes when you use save-states

>> No.778224

I'd have preferred to have Mad Clown over Bear Hugger, would've made for a very visually interesting fight, not to mention challenging.

>> No.778228

>That and the Aran Ryan in Super Punch Out literally molests you.
And gains life by doing so. Think about it.

>> No.781579

Mike Tyson was the only fighter on the original that's any good. All the rematches on the Wii version are more difficult than their original fights except maybe Super Macho Man (just because I find him very predictable and easy to dodge on the Wii).

>> No.782897
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>Replayed Super Punch Out
>Wreck everyone
>Nick Bruiser
Hot damn this guy is tough.

>> No.783292

that feel when i can get to tyson on a psp emulator no prob but get my shit slapped by him everytime