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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.39 MB, 320x240, castlevania4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7476390 No.7476390 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: bad gimmicks in retro games.

>> No.7476410

This game is a remake of Castlevania Arcade.

>> No.7476414

>ITT: f i l t e r gimmicks in retro games

>> No.7476443

This game has one of those tech demo vibes of early SNES games along with F-Zero and Pilotwings.

>> No.7476445

>those medusa heads
Thanks for the anxiety

>> No.7476451

it's a bad gimmick because it's so tedious, but at the time the effect was very impressive

>> No.7476458

neither arcade castlevania is anything like castlevania 4 what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7476479
File: 196 KB, 480x359, dice_palace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad gimmicks

Ah, Trashure's specialty.

>> No.7476483

the dice palace is kino you plebian

>> No.7476539

>stupid puzzles
>stupid mini-bosses
>"way back" makes you do it all over again if you land on it
Nah, fuck the dice palace, bro.

>> No.7476564

When I was playing it for the first time I legitimately thought I was suppose to fall into the hole.
I wasn't

>> No.7476586

What's wrong with it? It's fun and worked well with the new whip mechanics

>> No.7476595

same, it makes way more sense than sitting there and waiting for a bridge to extend under you

>> No.7476647

It's a waste of your time, all just to show off MUH MODE 7 EFFECTS!

I would take an autoscroller from any other Castlevania game over that shit.

>> No.7476650

>I would take an autoscroller from any other Castlevania game over that shit
No you wouldn't.

>> No.7476651

It's poorly implemented, but the intent of using the tech for actual gameplay that wouldn't be possible otherwise instead of just for eye candy is commendable at least

>> No.7476657

Super Castlevania shouldn’t have been call four.

>> No.7476720

It is Castlevania IV. It's just that Dracula goes the extra mile this time when making his Castlevania

>> No.7476760

Would people with braindead now thoughts III is Castlevania V?

>> No.7476770

It's not 4, it's short for Super Castlevania: Intravenous

in reference to the vampires

>> No.7476786

Are you with braindead how typing Englitch what country you come?

>> No.7476806

Noone care

>> No.7476936

This is some 'heat is die' tier broken English.

>> No.7476986

Fuck that stage. I made it to the boss flawlessly my first time and killed him and his bomb he drops on his dying breath killed me and it took an hour to get through this boardgame bullshit to get back to him

>> No.7476987
File: 802 KB, 1148x762, top down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every mode 7 gimmick is attrocious
obvious request from nintendo

>> No.7477059

Yeah being able to jump on stairs ruined Classicvanias.

>> No.7477071


Sounds like you're the kind of person whose time isn't worth much anyway. It's probably fine that somebody wasted some of it, yes?

>> No.7477079

I don't think Nintendo had to request people to use a new hardware feature. They themselves were against using it just because they could, that's why it isn't used in Super Mario World.

>> No.7477082

F-Zero was a launch title.

>> No.7477083

Oooohhhh little bitch got a stingy wingy in her bumpy rumpy and now she made a whoopsie poopsie wwwwaaa waaaaa waaaaahhhh

>> No.7477092

I know. That's probably part of why they didn't feel it necessary to force it into every game.

>> No.7477096

Not being able to jump on stairs was a problem with previous games, not a good thing.

>> No.7477105


Not every one. Pilotwings is mostly itself a giant mode 7 gimmick and it's fine. Likewise F-Zero. ActRaiser had the zoom-in thingy at the start of an action segment, that was fun and brief. I think there were a few show-offy mode 7 effects in Legend of the Mystical Ninja and they were unintrusive (probably). The "biological" stage in Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts is okay. I don't remember exactly what Mario did with mode 7 but it was probably fine.

I agree that the Castlevania and Contra ones need improvement. The game D-Force is a big gimmick and isn't very good. There are probably a bunch more bad ones I'm forgetting because they were bad and who wants to remember that. The effect was certainly overused. I never found it to be a very big deal though.

>> No.7477114


Yeah exactly. Just a shell that drips out 4chan noises periodically, and probably something similar on other social media. What does it really matter what you do or what happens to you? If anything you should maybe consider writing to Nintendo to thank them for keeping you mildly busy at times and thus saving you from being a minor and forgettable annoyance for others.

>> No.7477140
File: 111 KB, 511x370, dayum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7477171

this guy are sick

>> No.7477173

Mode 7 was used for some boss special effects in SMW.

>> No.7477220

>getting triggered by "muh"
I don't think 4chan is for you, sweatie.
Reddit or resetera would be more your speed.

>> No.7477245

>Haha you disagree then go to resetera amirite fellas
I don't think /vr/ is for you, sweatie.
Maybe /v/ would be more your speed.

>> No.7477249

Hashtag roasted

>> No.7477268

Is there a romhack that removes this room?

>> No.7477358

I loved the gimmicky spin move in the top-down levels as a kid. The problem is the idea was ahead of the controller. They needed to implement strafing in top-down with a SNES controller. If they could have used a dual-analog controller, they wouldn't have needed to rely on bumpers and camera movement.

>> No.7477360

I just beat CV4 for the first time today. Although this room does slow down the pace, it and the part after are a nice break after 4-1 going to 4-4 when playing through for the first time and struggling. I watched a speedrun right after I beat dracula and I played like complete shit stage 8 onward.

>> No.7477378 [DELETED] 

Not only is little baby bitch basedgoy mad but now he's samefagging with his phone ooohhhh little basedgoy chug that basedsauce hmmmm mmm mmmm like a littele baby bottle yumyumyum cummywummies yuuuuuummytuuuumy just like daddy used to make for little basedgoy mmmmmmmmmmmmm <3

>> No.7477386

no way. almost all of CV4 is the devs showing off how good the new hardware let them make the game look, slowdown be damned.

>> No.7477432

>samefagging with his phone

you wish this was the case, but its not. im just some rando that was witness to you getting owned on this ridiculous little corner of 4c. but whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep tonight, chief.

>> No.7477450

Its only saving grace would have been to add multiplayer, but they blew it.

>> No.7477494

Shut up

>> No.7477502

There fan patch for cpu boost.

>> No.7477636

>ripping off Cuphead
How did they get away with it?

>> No.7477964

Lots of bitching here, never change /v/..Oh wait....

>> No.7477987

ITT: austard kun going full retard (more than usual edition)

>> No.7478015

Baffles me how anyone could think this is better than bloodlines, let alone rondo

>> No.7478021

Well, bloodlines has the shit boring easy mini bosses clogging the level design, shit programmed autoscrollers and shit boring easy boss rush at the end.

>> No.7478095


>> No.7478314

Those are all fun

>> No.7478367

how is that a gimmick

>> No.7478487

It wasn't a bad gimmick. You just suck

>> No.7478502

The fuck is F-Zero?

>> No.7478505

Bloodlines is gimmicks: the game.

>> No.7478762
File: 163 KB, 973x721, shitfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two reasons why this particular part is objective bad game design

1) This part I circled in red. The jump looks feasible. Try it and you'll fall through the blocks to your death

2) Medusa heads. In every other CV game, and everywhere else in this very same game, when there are Medusa Heads, you know they'll keep spawning forever and ever so you gotta move fast and reach the end of the scroll. In other words seeing Medusa Heads is a sign you gotta move and being stationary is just a waste of time.
Yet, this particular moment requires you to do just the contrary: wait and kill/dodge a preset number of Medusa Heads, which goes against everything learnt in the series and in the game.

>> No.7478859

>Yet, this particular moment requires you to do just the contrary: wait and kill/dodge a preset number of Medusa Heads, which goes against everything learnt in the series and in the game.
this is extremely not difficult to figure out, it is merely somewhat boring

all the spinny stuff in that game is fun

>> No.7478861

>this is extremely not difficult to figure out, it is merely somewhat boring

There is no reason to assume you have to stay here and wait.

>> No.7479418

The only good things Rondo has going for it are really fun bosses and helping laying the groundwork for later games. It's outclassed at a lot of what it does by games before and after it, including IV.

>> No.7479426

Different anon, I played a bunch of Castlevania games before IV and that's actually exactly what I did. Figured that hole to the right was just that, a hole, that black fuzzy outline over it was 2ominous4me. I do see where you're coming from, though.

>> No.7479440
File: 283 KB, 748x398, castlevania_remakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thought the Rotating Room was hard
Must suck being a shitplayer. I'd love to see you try actually difficult CV games like X68000.

>> No.7479453

No? The top down stages are great, also you can strafe with R and L, not sure why idiots sperg out about no dual analog on a game from 1992
Also F-Zero is great and possibly one of the best uses of mode 7 on the console, have you even played these games you're shitting on or were you filtered?
Even SCIV, are you guys complaining about it being gimmicky or was it somehow too hard for you? I played through those sections and just thought "huh, neat" and moved on
really? filtered by the easiest castlevania game?

>> No.7479527

It's a retelling of Castlevania NES.

>> No.7479534

good breakdown fuck the retard who replied to you

>> No.7479542
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another "DUDE LMAO GRAVITY SWITCHES UP" gimmick

NES was fucking filled with this garbage towards the end of its lifespan. They even made a whole ass game based around it called Metal Storm and it was cringe as fuck. This isnt fun and this isnt clever. Its like the junk food of video game design. If you find walking on the ceiling revolutionary then you might be a bonobo ape.

>> No.7479931

Alien Soldier pulls the same shit. Fuck Trashure.

>> No.7479947

Can anyone post Castlevania Bloodlines triple autscroller

>> No.7479973

That's a straight-up ripoff of the King Dice fight in Cuphead. They even called it the Dice Palace ffs

>> No.7479974

>Castlevania Bloodlines triple autscroller
still more interesting than Rotating Room, kek.

>> No.7479992
File: 196 KB, 1024x1251, Harley Davidson pinball flyer 2nd edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The center post on HD Stern

>> No.7480028
File: 25 KB, 768x672, dfdsfsdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glitchy mess where you fall through platforms that move unpredictably.

Would have worked better with floaty controls.

>> No.7480105

the what

>> No.7480120
File: 465 KB, 4888x4744, Bloodlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7480127

That level is fun and keeps you engaged

>> No.7480130

I only see 2 here.

>> No.7480132
File: 2.95 MB, 8838x1485, Bloodlines 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are easily amused.

>> No.7480136

F-Zero is great even without multiplayer, the fuck you talking about? Were you even alive then?

>> No.7480193

I guess I would be if those levels weren't full of enemies. Do you get bored in the pre-Death hallway in CV1, it is "just a hallway" after all

meanwhile in SCV4 you fight with evil patches of grass and club skellies that just stand there

>> No.7480223
File: 172 KB, 6400x360, Bloodlines 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One two or three screens long hallway vs. the entire level being a hallway

>> No.7480261

>One two or three screens long hallway
there are multiple in CV1 alone, they're some of the harder and more memorable parts actually

now post the raft from x68000 and pretend like that's more boring than dangling motionless for 20 seconds

>> No.7480267

The raft in x68000 is boring as fuck and that whole game is insanely overrated. Peak "it's good because it's obscure and my tastes are fucking superior for pretending to like it"

>> No.7480329

prefacing with the fact that I was always a big SCIV fan as a child and recently played Bloodlines for the first time this year
How is it even a competition? Bloodlines is at least challenging and the gameplay is more than 8 directional whip
The setpieces like the leaning tower are also more interesting than about anything in SCIV, although I have a soft spot for the barrel room

>> No.7480652
File: 38 KB, 708x400, clancer_pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf was the point of it? It's barely used in the game.

>> No.7481417

>The raft in x68000 is boring as fuck
No it's not, the mermen actions are RNG (unlike Rotating Room's medusa heads) and as the raft gets damaged you have a much narrower space to position yourself on making it a lot trickier to not get hit and fall to your death.

>> No.7481772

How the fuck can something be a rip-off of something which came many years later. Are you some kind of underage retard?

>> No.7481824
File: 667 KB, 960x720, fuck treasure and fuck mischief makers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7481850

Boss rematch gauntlets near the end of the game. It's worthless padding to make up for limited memory, ideas, and time constraints. And yes, that includes Mega Man and fuck that series for making that a tradition.

>> No.7481904

is something supposed to be bad about this?

Oh yeah I get it now, autoscrolling=bad

Fucking people.

>> No.7482713

>I don't think Nintendo had to request people to use a new hardware feature. They themselves were against using it just because they could, that's why it isn't used in Super Mario World.
It's been a long time since you played SMW, huh? Mode 7 effects abound

>> No.7482753

>picture not related

>> No.7483271
File: 2.94 MB, 320x240, cvar5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say bad autoscrollers?

>> No.7483365

I hate this game because it could have been good but it's not

>> No.7483605

Look on the bright side. At least it wasn't yet another IGAvania rehash.

>> No.7483635


This game has the same problem as samus return

It exposes the flaws of the original with better gameplay and design.

>> No.7483728

I found some early screenshots of this game in mags but I just don't care enough about this game to post them on TCRF

>> No.7483731
File: 168 KB, 302x211, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7485829


>> No.7485905

such a shame that a third of the game is wasted on mode 7.

>> No.7486072

>be 8/16-bit platformer(standard, action, run and gun)
>2D gameplay, sprite graphics using VERY limited memory, limited options for movement and actions
>try to use new mechanics to change things up and keep from being too stale
>maybe throw in a little visual flair to provide the player with a sense of quality
>assholes hate it because "gimmick"
No concept of game design, as usual, for many of you.

>> No.7486107

Still a gimmick

>> No.7486163

The problem is, people think "gimmicks" are bad things.
Gimmicks keep things from getting stale. The ability to scroll on an X - Y plane with very limited memory storage capacity in cartridge games prior to the DS/PSP era required some novel ideas and flashy effects. AKA "gimmicks".

>> No.7486191

Not just because of the limits, but gimmicks are elementary to good game design in general.
Imagine a modern Jump'n'Run (or whatever), where each level is basically the same without any new twists.

>> No.7486236

Anon look at Cuphead's art style it came out in the 1940s!

>> No.7486246

So why do people complain about the stairs in Castlevania III so often if that's the case?

>> No.7486345

Jesus Christ I know this is bait but it still made me irrationally angry.

>> No.7487331
File: 16 KB, 640x480, alpha_weltall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemies you're "supposed" to lose to.

>> No.7487643

In Final Fantasy IX, I found a way to kill the overleved Dragon enemies up the hill at the end of disc2.

I was level 50 on Disc2 at the fight against Beatrix. I took out all her HP in one hit, and then the fight was over because she was supposedly too tough.

>> No.7487651
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n Final Fantasy IX, I found a way to kill the overleved Dragon enemies up the hill at the end of disc2.

That's end of Disc 1 sorry

>> No.7487976

You mean grinded like a madman? I did that too back then

>> No.7488649

Go eat a bag of dicks, Metal Storm is fucking awesome.

>> No.7488686

that's absolutely kino

>> No.7489204
File: 41 KB, 448x339, earth-mimic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SHIT, we ran out of ideas for bosses... uh... well fuck it, let's just rip off Missile Command!

>> No.7489207

Not really, there are ways to make the fight against the Grand Dragons easy. Basically you can be immune to everything they got except the direct physical hit, in which case it can only kill one party member at once.

>> No.7489293


>> No.7490283

Because they're filthy fucking casuals who need to stop whining like baby and git gud.

>> No.7490290
File: 1.28 MB, 186x238, this nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7490680

>It's a waste of your time
Whoa... one whole minute... gone... one entire minute that you can never get back... one sixty second interval of your life, forever taken from you... Konami does NOT respect players' time and it's just... ugh, it's just bad, okay?

>> No.7491127

I know, right? Fuck games being fun, let's bore them to tears instead.

>> No.7491382


>> No.7491397

Daggerfall Procedural Generation. Limited by 90s tech and a tiny studio.

>> No.7491997

redeemed if you can beat the boss and it drops a unique item

>> No.7492476

Coping Nofriendo.

>> No.7492829
File: 19 KB, 259x194, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this. Who thought it was a good idea to fill a room with spikes right before the last boss? I would always die here because it is impossible to swim through this area. You have to instead just let your character float onto the spike (without moving up or down). I'm not even joking. This game design is stuffed.

>> No.7492848

I just pictured a thousand kids crying and throwing a tantrum over this room

>> No.7493506

Or you could just use the clock.

>> No.7493617
File: 50 KB, 600x446, Com Title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timed hits. It's just extra wear and tear on your A button.

>> No.7493996

We could fill the thread with nothing but examples from Alex the Kidd

>> No.7494559
File: 7 KB, 248x192, mari-oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>examples from Alex the Kidd
'member the time he dabbed on Shitendo?

>> No.7494571
File: 4 KB, 127x175, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying to Black's bomb

>> No.7494572

All the mayors in that game are pretty neat

>> No.7495207

That one is a little scary. That's probably why he's a night mayor.

>> No.7496008
File: 2 KB, 506x252, yoshi_sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little faggot. He just makes an already easy kids game even easier. Plus all the games he's been the star of after SMW have been shit.

>> No.7496120

The real gimmick is having japanese manufacturers live rent free inside of you because your shit microcomp is not popular in 2021.

>> No.7496192

>le in ur head rent free! xD
Nice nu-meme, tranny.

>> No.7496518

Nerve: struck.

>> No.7496613

I always found this level so fucking boring
Takes foooreeeveeer

>> No.7496623

The level in CV Bloodlines where your view gets fucked-up and sliced in three

>> No.7497809

You can "literally" stop talking like some pozzed up twitter tranny anytime, brah.

>> No.7498012

be sincere, the fact that your childhood microcomps get (rightfully) ignored makes you really angry.

>> No.7498046

obsessed and schizopilled

>> No.7498059

I never knew you could just crouch to avoid the medusa heads. I just jump over them.

>> No.7498787
File: 24 KB, 382x551, trashure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, that's Trashure for you, bunch of talentless hacks that got purged from Konami for a reason.

>> No.7499231

upset that your gunstar thread got deleted? lmao

>> No.7500019
File: 330 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part of the game was really dumb

>> No.7500028

Limp fingered cope. Timed hits shake up the unbearable monotony of turn based combat.