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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 261 KB, 2048x1228, rONwGsS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7475741 No.7475741 [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing today, men of wealth and class?

>> No.7475759

>men of wealth and class
Wrong website.

>> No.7475821
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that disgusting abomination away from my Dreamcast, you sick fuck.

>> No.7475867
File: 142 KB, 723x424, 1614630134276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bernie faggot never sleeps :(

>> No.7475984

not retro

>> No.7476000

Now hold on a second. Is that a wireless controller?

>> No.7476006

Doing just fine, thanks. How's life in the slums?

>> No.7476013

What's that sticking out the back of your 'cast? Also,
>mixing Euro controller with US System
Dangerously based.

>> No.7476026
File: 41 KB, 759x800, OMEGALUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using wireless stuff on real hardware

>> No.7476094


>> No.7476203

Better this than the dreadful infra-red controllers

>> No.7476249

Bernie Stolar did nothing wrong

>> No.7476250
File: 1.50 MB, 876x1162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need an ODE for the model 2 to come out
Been playing some Crazy Taxi and Dynamite Cop on the Dreamcast recently

>> No.7476431

how's that wireless DC controller? I love me wireless shiturn

>> No.7476435

MODE runs on Model 2

>> No.7478624

why'd you post the vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment America

>> No.7478631

>calls himself a man of class
>doesn't use a Victor Saturn

>> No.7479639
File: 21 KB, 400x415, hisatopen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to make fun of someone else
>embarrasses himself in the process

>> No.7479719

best poster on /vr/

>> No.7480035

The Dreamcast is so aesthetic. It is a shame the library is shit or playable elsewhere.

>> No.7480048

really struggling to think of any Dreamcast games that have superior ports elsewhere
Maybe the Capcom and SNK fighting games' actual arcade cabs, that's about it
Anyone who talks shit on the Dreamcast's library hasn't touched the system

>> No.7480117

>playable elsewhere
Doesn't mean they're as good as the Dreamcast version. You really gonna play Rayman 2 on the Playstation over the Dreamcast?

>> No.7480152

>anon, why do you have seven pictures of some old guy on your phone?

>> No.7480246

b a s e d

>> No.7480253

the man who will save /vr/
looks like an m-cable

>> No.7480570

As a matter of fact... yes.

>> No.7481919

another saturn thread, saved from the grave

>> No.7482361
File: 724 KB, 720x720, saturn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopping in here because of subject relevancy but I got a for-parts Saturn thinking it'd just have a dead drive so I can get a Fenrir, but its video output is fucked. I tried it with a cheap AV cable and it was absolutely distorted (see video), and a HDMI cable I got for testing had it much more stable, probably due to a better-made pinout on the plug, but either way, there was significant interference and after about a few minutes it'd just shut off. I'm getting a soldering station and a multimeter to see if I can get it back up and running, but I know fuck all about what'd specifically be causing this beyond possibly some circuitry or capacitors being fucked (I did check inside but I saw no visible damage). Any ideas?

>> No.7482364

I'm not sure if you know what memes are.

>> No.7482374
File: 1.67 MB, 2336x1752, saturn components.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of the components surrounding the AV port for reference

>> No.7482381

isnt this just the case of a loose av port. wiggle the av cable and see if anything happens

>> No.7482382

Yeah, that video is me wiggling the cheapo AV cable. The HDMI one was much better but still had interference that still wouldn't go away even when adjusting the connection, and either way the video signal would go completely dead after a minute or two, regardless of the cable

>> No.7482449
File: 50 KB, 768x383, ThatLookWomenAlwaysGivesYouAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men of wealth and class

>laggy wireless controller adapters
>HDMI converter dongle for further lag
>going into an inevitably laggy flat-screen TV to top it all off
And there you where, thinking you somehow was one of us.