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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.33 MB, 3760x2110, GameCube-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7462218 No.7462218 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /vr/ hate this console?

>> No.7462230

It's a non-retro console that appealed to children in its generation. Most of VR is 30+

>> No.7462238

It's only Soncels and Microshitters who hate the Gamecube. Everyone else loves it.

>> No.7462249

there's always gonna be someone here that hates anything. do yourself and everyone else a favour and stop caring and definitely stop making threads about it.

>> No.7462256

It is just a Metroid Prime and Pikmin machine

>> No.7462261

Because it's literally zoomie's first console. And they all grew up to be trannies and faggots.

>> No.7462265

GameCube is fine. Make better threads faggot

>> No.7462285

Question: is there a component cable I can use if I have the gamecube without the digital av-out?

>> No.7462298

shit controller

>> No.7462318

>inferior to Xbox and PS2 for multiplats
>forgettable generation of Mario and Zelda titles besides Melee
>looks transgender
There is no reason to discuss this thing on a retro gaming board.

>> No.7462320

Because it's just a Melee machine. Every single legacy franchise on it is worse than the N64 installments, REmake and RE4 have gotten ported, bad controller, bad multiplats, looks stupid, targeted at children. Just a shit console all around.

>> No.7462338

Yeah, get a Wii.

>> No.7462403

>bad controller
You're thinking of the N64 or Wii, not Gamecube.

>> No.7462423

Worthwhile 3rd party games can be counted on one hand.

>> No.7462430

>undersized D-pad
>no shoulder button to match Z on the left side
>right analog stick is missing a cap like the left stick's
>weirdly shaped and arranged buttons that pale in comparison to the diamond layout perfection

It was a bad pad, Cubebabby.

>> No.7462449 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 300x414, Zootsax-2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, think back on how the landscape was during the early 2000s, from 2001-2005. The PS2 was hot. It had a DVD player. It had the normie sports titles and shooters. It had all the 3rd party support. It was coming off the success of PS1 and the general dominance of the market. PS2 was ubiquitous. So, all you really heard kids talk about in every school in the US back then past kindergarten was about the PS2. It was the "cool" console, not unlike the Genesis back during the '90s, but with actual acclaim to back it up.

Then... You have GameCube.

At this point, Nintendo had built up this family friendly image that kids grew up with, and they wanted to grow out of this. Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, all these things were immediately turned to cringe after the turn of the millenium. And Nintendo's bone-headed decisions didn't help. Zelda? Gets a realistic tech demo only to then do a 180° and use a kiddy cel-shaded look. Mario? Suddenly has a goofy-ass water gun strapped to his back cleaning up literal shit. Pokémon? Fell off hard after Gen 2 where it got its lunch eaten by Yu-Gi-Oh. This is a small sampling of how disastrous Nintendo was becoming.

With all this going on, what kid would be caught dead on Team Nintendo during those years? Simple. Losers, nerds, freaks. "That kid". If you were only a hardcore Nintendo fan in grade school, you were very unpopular and bullied a lot. Things gradually got even worse as ghetto nigger culture reached an all-time pitch fever by the mid aughts thanks to rap music and the release of San Andreas in '04. By 4th grade, even white kids wanted to drag their pants across the ground smoking weed, pretend-shooting glocks while saying "nigga" after every sentence. Bing bing wahoo didn't stand a chance.

And now, several decades later, these same children are now grown up ineffectual millenial manchildren, reminiscing about the GameCube and fabricating this totally made-up scenario where it was a good era for them. It wasn't.

>> No.7462773


Whites dressing ghetto was more a 1999 thing.

The only thing I remember about 2004 was a short lived scene fad.

>> No.7462792

why can't you accept that the PS2 is the best console of all time? this has nothing to do with taking sides or defending brands, you have to be a massive nigger idiot to think otherwise. nintendo shills should be rounded and killed.

>> No.7462824

wasn't this the only console for re0?

>> No.7462836

worst retro RE game.

>> No.7462843
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it looks like a chocolate chip cookie

>> No.7462845

No gaems, but better gaems than the nogaems64

>> No.7462850

top 5 game controllers

>> No.7462870
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Well I personally don't like the GC because Dolphin fanboys lied, saying PCSX2 was inferior - when in actuality, not only is PCSX2 a good emulator, I'd say I flatout prefer it to Dolphin in a lot of scenarios.

Emulating both PS2 and GC, you'll see the lack of games for the system, and even if you do try to emulate third party, they're usually worse.


>There are features exclusive to PS2 and Xbox that are missing from the GameCube version. The player is restricted to having one voice for the main character - as opposed to the six found in other versions. Eight of the 28 available music tracks are missing. The Gamecube's hardware lacks the light blur effect that permeates on the characters and arenas. Furthermore, certain 3 or 4 player arenas have reduced crowds due to the minidisc space limitations.

Another thing that hurts the Gamecube is just how bad the controller was - not hardware wise, it was one of the best designed controllers in that regard, but the lack of buttons really hurt it. In Godzilla on Gamecube, you have to use 2 buttons to do a grab. On the PS2 Godzilla, you can just use L1 to grab. Such a small change but it makes a big difference.

>> No.7462885
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>No gaems, but better gaems than the nogaems64


>> No.7462896

because most of them are faggots looking back on the system either through rose-tinted glasses or not in the mindset of when it was current. there were plenty of reasons to own all 4 of the major 6th gen consoles at the time and fucking bickering about which one was superior when they all had drastically different libraries is maximum autism

>> No.7462898


>> No.7462907

the mario 64 machine is still missing Viewtiful Joe though, so it can't have better gaems

>> No.7462909

it has like only 3 exclusives worth playing

>> No.7462927
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And if you wanna do

>M-m-muh 4 player!!1

The PS2 has that in spades with games like Champions of Norrath and Gauntlet Seven Sorrows, and with PCSX2, the multitap thing is a meme - but how about six players in the Smackdown games?

The long support on PS2 has Smackdown games up until 2011, with varying features. You can have either arcadey (Just Bring It, Shut your Mouth) or simulation (SVR series). The Gamecube has 4 WWE games and they all have something mediocre about them, like how Day of Reckoning 2 is still only 4 wrestlers on screen.

>> No.7462932
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>he's still at it
Dude its ok, they are both great emulators made by talented devs, just ignore the retards shitting on pcsx

>> No.7462951

I just feel badly bamboozled of my time, with inferior versions of Def Jam or THPS3 when it comes to controls.

>> No.7462954

>Doesn't like Mario
>Doesn't like Mortal Kombat
>Doesn't like Bomberman
>Doesn't like Starcraft
>Doesn't like Starfox
>Doesn't like Star Wars
>Doesn't like James Bond
>Doesn't like Perfect Dark
>Doesn't like Turok
>Doesn't like Pokemon

>> No.7462959
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How did you know?

>> No.7462967

turbo based

>> No.7463070

I actually liked it. The controller is good too, don't know anyone who hated it.

>> No.7463074

>mortal kombat
Worst games in their series
>star wars
Better in the shitcube
>n64 fps
I'm really sorry you had to play single stick 20 fps shooters, people make fun of console shooters but I can't imagine anything worse than that

>> No.7463103

What was interesting in my circle was that, yes, edgelordery ran rampant, but everyone ALSO had a Gamecube for shit like Smash and Metroid.

>> No.7463113
File: 92 KB, 421x282, 1547406450476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to remember the average /vr/anon is 30+ and it circumstances of the console during the era it was being sold in.
At the time the PS2 had a stronghold on the casual market due to having the most acclaimed or controversial games during 6th gen era and being a cheap dvd player helped as well.
The hardcore gamer market was dominated by the Xbox due to it having the FPS juggernaut called halo,a really good port of morrowind and the successful fable franchise and the Xbox was basically a mini gaming PC that point was adored by the hardcore market due to faster loading times, can connect to the internet for LAN play and graphical rich games.
Whereas the Gamecube had no proper market at time, early marketing for the cube was shitty they were trying to emulate the edgy marketing of playstation and xbox brand but failed and these ads hurted family friendly image of Nintendo for a bit(also the ads failed mentioned the GC was more powerful than the PS2). Later adverts tried to fix the problem by making more family orientated but it was too late.
Another point was 3rd parties ported most of the Gamecube efforts to the PS2 and PS2 versions were much more better e.g having more content.
This made the Gamecube market only Nintendo fans due ninty exclusives and sheltered kids due to their parents won't buy em a PS2 or Xbox because it had violent games

>> No.7463116

My stupid ass brain fucked up the formatting

>> No.7463128

>trannies and faggots
The fact you talk like this proves that you are the real zoomer. pls take it back to /v/

>> No.7463272

Gay controller, gay color, gay library, gay storage media, and future gay user-base. It's a fag system.

>> No.7463276

based and bunker pilled

>> No.7463282

I'm pretty sure almost no one considers Bomberman 64 to be the worst in the franchise (this is coming from a Bomberman fan who hasn't played 64). I'm pretty sure that Act Zero is considered the worst, or one of those Bomberman Land games (but not the DS ones, those were good).

>> No.7463801

>Everyone else loves it.
Which is why it was the best selling console of its generation!
Oh wait....

>> No.7463865

It has nothing to do with generations, more to do with them being an angry social outcast who will never have a chance at meaningful human relationships.

>> No.7463867


>> No.7464008

>Implying that the Wii is the most loved console because it sold more than the Xbox 360 and PS3
Okay boomer.

>> No.7464035

My first console was a SNES and I'm still a big Cube fan. Play it all the fuckin time. Was on Resident Evil 3 and Double Dash this morning.

>> No.7464049
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It's not about hate, it's about recognizing that this console is a piece of shit. This is just a fact. Pointing out a fact is not a hateful activity.
Poop stinks and there's nothing you can do to change that, and I don't hate poop just because I said "it stinks".
Because we live in a world of clowns, nowadays any criticism or unpleasant truth is labeled as "hate".

>> No.7464076

>being triggered over those two words and implying he will never have sex to try and make him feel bad

>> No.7464349

>I bought the PS2 version of RE4.

>> No.7464384
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>>I bought the GC version of RE4.
Poor gamecube kid never able to play ada's story mode.

>> No.7464410

>pretending that a shitty side story that no one cares about makes up for a terrible port.

>> No.7464420

For 3D games, heavenly controller.

>> No.7464425 [DELETED] 

>Oh wait...

>> No.7464446

If the Gaycube is as universally loved as you claim it is, then that would be reflected in sales figures for its generation.
Are all zoomers this fucking retarded?

>> No.7464493

20M isn't decent for a games console, as apposed to a DVD Player disguised as a console? Just look at the software sales of the GameCube, NGC owners actually bought software.

You also need to be aware that Nintendo made money on both hardware as well as the most popular games that they own the IPs of. Compare that to the PS2, which was a third party machine.

The GameCube was successful when you look at Sales, revenue and actual profit margin, instead of just blindly looking at sales numbers.

>> No.7464658
File: 28 KB, 445x438, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GameCube was successful when you look at Sales
Stop embarrassing yourself, dude.
without the Handhelds revenue, your favorite childhood brand would have withdrawn from hardware production (similar to Sega).

>> No.7464662

The original No Games Machine. You had Smash Bros and that was about all worth owning.

>> No.7464679

congrats, you didn't read his fucking post

>> No.7464710

>NGC owners actually bought software.
You nintendo's people live in a bubble of deep delusional state.
Software sales: gamecube: 208 millions. ps2: 1.5 billion.

>> No.7464735

i like how he's throwing around words that legitimately make people feel like shit, but you decide im the one trying to make people feel bad for calling him a zoomer

>> No.7464814

>A game console has to outsell the competition to be universally loved
Not true. People can love a console that underperformed years after it was discontinued. Hence why people are buying up Carby's or GCHD to play Gamecube in HD. Others are buying up Wii's that are backwards compatible to Gamecube, so they can play Gamecube games they missed out on, as well as playing good Wii game exclusives.

>> No.7464856

I totally bypassed the Ps2 and the gamecube. Borrowed both of them from friends to see if they were worth buying, ended up using the Ps2 more for its DVD player than games. Forgettable consoles

>> No.7465443

I was talking about you implying he'll never have sex

>> No.7465447

>Wahhhh you'll make the trannies sad
Go back to /r9k/

>> No.7465469

It's not and never will be retro

>> No.7465505


>> No.7465507

i had one and enjoyed it i dont like the controller much though

>> No.7465508

>rent free
Live in denial, wanker

>> No.7465513

>1.5 billion dvd player

>> No.7465539

you replied to 2 posts. that was the other guy

>> No.7465697

Same reason a lot of fools here hate on the Sega Saturn, the Nintendo 64, and the Gamecube. All great consoles with plenty of great games.

People will hate on anything, here especially. Even the Atari 2600, the Sega Master System, the PC Engine, fuck, I've seen people hate on the Super Nintendo here. You see it all after a certain point. (not long)

>> No.7465758

You didn't read the reply properly. All of that profit made on those software sales go to Nintendo because the majority of the best selling IPs they own own. The PS2 was a third party machine, how the fuck ate you not getting this?

Sales only mean something when you factor in revenue and actual profit

Nintendo also went on to sell more of those GameCube games on the Wii. They're still selling Mario Kart by the bucket load in the switch... It came out seven years ago..

>> No.7467008
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only console /vr/ unanimously hates is the Sega Shiturn.

>> No.7467021

>/vr/ unanimously hates
Good one

>> No.7467085

Not true, cuck. Plenty of Saturn Chads on /vr/. The only system everyone universally hates are clone systems from ANALogue.

>> No.7467148

Sorry sweetie, but pretending to like a failed system whose library is nothing but pedophillic anime bait for fat greasy socially inept shut-in virgins doesn't make you a chad.

>> No.7467164

T. Barren housewife

>> No.7468060

Very true

>> No.7468089
File: 128 KB, 757x753, 2 year progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it sucked. Huge fucking disappointment.
As a kid born in 1990, I enjoyed SNES and thought N64 was fantastic, so I expected gamecube to be even better, but instead it was far worse.
Dumb controller, very childish intro/logo every time you turned it on, and a very unimpressive library.
I remember arguing with my older brother and his friends who warned me that GC was going to suck and that PS2 was better - I didn't want to believe it but they were very quickly proven right.

>> No.7468098
File: 18 KB, 554x554, nocube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my nintendo cuboid

>> No.7468140

Never listen your friend or brother

>> No.7468148

Absolutely BASED and red pilled review of the gay-pube

>> No.7468161


>> No.7468163

and sunshine, but sunshine was a 7/10 at best

>> No.7468164
File: 26 KB, 698x498, Screenshot 2021-02-27 093038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks cute

>> No.7468181

i'd rather use the wii instead of the shitcube

>> No.7468225

>Being triggered by sexy looking women in a video game
>Thinks all Sega Saturn games are anime
>Obviously never played the majority of the Sega Saturn games such as Virtual-On, Fighting Vipers & Virtua Cop
Social Justice Cuck/Nincel/Soncel detected.

>> No.7468264

I love my purple lunchbox and nothing any of you do or say can change that.

>> No.7468271

>he needs sexy chicks in videogames because he can't get any in reality

>Obviously never played the majority of the Sega Saturn games such as Virtual-On, Fighting Vipers & Virtua Cop
Of course, how could I forget the other thing the Shiturn was great at: inferior, rushed, sloppy arcade ports.

>> No.7468323
File: 84 KB, 632x992, 1612458532279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke cucks like you are always triggered by sexy women in video games. Which is why you cry whenever you see Lara Croft with big tits, yet praise The Last Of Us 2 for having a tranny as the main character. And for your information, I can get real chicks. I've had sex with over 30 women since high school, been in and out of relationships, but they're all sexy unlike the woke ugly women(or men claiming to be women) you date.

>> No.7468351

>projecting this hard

>> No.7468364

It's not a projection, it's reality. You woke cucks date ugly woke women, that's always been a fact. Sexy video game characters like Lara Croft, Kasumi or Chun Li triggers you. You Wokesters are a joke.

>> No.7468371

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.7468459

i liked the gamecube, i was a fan, but it was a flop, the lowest point in nintendos history at that time, and gets overrated by people on here who had it as their first console. super mario sunshine was especially seen as a huge disappointment at the time, probabaly the worst ever mainline mario entry at that point. really average for a mario game. gamecube also had the worst versions of multiplats with no online play and it didn't even have gta. had a pretty weak library. but people on here talk like it was an incredible system, so I think that's where the backlash comes from. it was just average all round, even the first party games were average compared to n64

>> No.7468528

I'm pretty sure I'm older than you, kid.

>> No.7468576

It wasn't a flop. Nintendo made a profit on hardware and software. It was commercialy successful.

>> No.7468710

But why are you projecting?

>> No.7468852

it was a flop dude nobody cares if nintendo technically made a profit on the hardware. the sales were abysmal. it was not a success. it was a laughing stock in eyes of the public and completely dead by 2005. nobody was playing on that thing by 2005 besides 6 year olds and hardcore nintendo fans (which i was one of at the time). it was a total low point for nintendo, coming from the popular n64 they slipped into irrelevancy that gen, lagging behind even the xbox. that's why they shifted their approach with the wii. you could sell 5 units and make a profit on the hardware but nobody would consider it a "commercial success" lol. was the wii u a success too?

>> No.7468863

I don't. The Gamecube is a fine system overall with a good enough library.
My only complaints are the controller sucks and this is where Nintendo's first party games started slowly becoming really shitty, especially Zelda and Starfox

>> No.7469002
File: 53 KB, 768x448, msh-I dont date social justice incels with gender pronouns on their twitter profile..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no projection here. You woke cucks get triggered by the slightest hint of sexiness in any video game character the likes of Chun Li, Lara Croft, Sonya Blade, Mileena, Kitana, etc. It's sad and pathetic really to get triggered over the original vision of what the artist had in mind for that character.

>> No.7469017

Bc it only sold decently in North America, so it makes all the PALfags on here angry.

>> No.7469093

>complaining about gender pronouns on social media profiles
>posts a woman with purple-dyed hair
Oh the irony.

>> No.7469152

>nothing but pedophillic anime bait
you sure you're not thinking of the PC-FX?

>> No.7469169

The only real appeal that the Gamecube had was that it had really quirky games like Killer7, Pikmin, and Wario World. Its library just doesn't really hold up to the Xbox and especially the PS2, which had even more quirky/unusual games just due to the sheer amount of games released for it.

>> No.7469189

pcsx2 dropped win7 support way too early, which is one of the several reasons why it fucking sucks donkey dick
and the gamecube is based af and the best/last objectively great nintendo console, if that means i'm a zoomer then.. yeah i am

>> No.7469206
File: 2.90 MB, 304x208, lunar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he meant the Saturn.

>> No.7469246

The market doesn't hate it. Go look the prices of GC games and controllers compared to Xbox/PS2.

>> No.7469287

wtf i'm a saturncel now

>> No.7469352

>Implying that women who dye their hair a certain color, is exclusive to woke women.
Stereotyping is such an ignorant thing.

>> No.7469358


>> No.7469393

It's always liberal women who've drunk the progressive kool-aid that do that kind of shit, though.

>> No.7469438

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.7469676


>> No.7469684

PC-FX love 2D. Unlike other people who kiss 3D butt.

>> No.7469821

Apart from the whole collection of Resident Evil games, there is not much reason to have a GameCube. Even more if you're like me and don't really care with Nintendo's IPs

>> No.7469829

What game is this?

>> No.7469880

Stop projecting bro

>> No.7470102

Have you ever heard of Anna Belle Peaks? She dyes her hair pink and she's a Trump Supporter.

>> No.7470109

Not retro.

>> No.7470568

I love these posts, speaks for everyone else and then, offers their own uninformed opinion like it should be taken seriously. Classic /vr/ post.

>> No.7470571

Smackdown sucks now and I enjoyed both of those with friends. I'm glad we got both games.

>> No.7470574

>worst bomberman
fuck no, that goes to act zero and girl

>> No.7471678

I'm sorry that your fat, misshapen ogre fingers lack the ability to press a slightly offset button, boomer

>> No.7471680

>Console with enough shovelware to put the Wii to shame
>Console that only sold as much as it did because Sony appealed to normies who only bought it for a DVD player, rather than to actually play games
>A console made by a company who don't give a flying blue fuck about their own IPs and would rather have EA, Square Enix, & Konami carry their asses

Yeah, REAL great console you got there, Snoyboy.

>> No.7471685

God controller for 3d games.
Dogshit for 2d.

>> No.7471694

GC controller is dogshit for anything but bing bing wahoo. imagine trying to play gta or halo on that thing

>> No.7471713

>everyone hates it except the people who don’t
spot on, dipshit

>> No.7471757
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They don't hate the system as much but more so on hating the folks behind the idea of making the Gamecube and there dumbass thinking of making mini disc and shit. And seeing they cant go after Nintendo they rather go after the system.

>> No.7471816

>nobody cares if nintendo technically made a profit on the hardware
Technically? They either did or they didn't.

Nintendo made a. Profit on both hardware and software, The top 11 best selling Gamecube games are all Nintendo IPs, every one of their IPs in the top 30 sold over 1 million copies, that's money going straight to Nintendo.

Disappointing? Yes. Flop? No

>> No.7471880

>Stop accusing me of the things you're accusing me of
t.Whiny Social Justice Incel

False. You've obviously never heard of people who own multiple consoles from the same generation. You poorfags only stick to one-per-generation.

>> No.7471891 [DELETED] 

but why are you still projecting?

>> No.7471901

Boomers hate nicely designed childish things.

>> No.7471914

>Disappointing? Yes. Flop? No

In the context of how well the PS2 was doing and the size of the market, it's a flop.

>> No.7471930
File: 488 KB, 1034x753, Tick Tock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ is or was a Special Bubble for 30 something Gen X'ers who grew up on the NES/SNES

But their days are numbered and unless the mods want a ghost town they had to allow discussion of the GameCube, PS2, and X-Box.

>> No.7471962

>In the context of how well the PS2 was doing
Then by your logic the PS2 was the only "successful" 6th gen console, the Dreamcast killed Sega and Microsoft was selling the Xbox at a loss

>> No.7471969

If the shoes fits, sure.

>> No.7471986
File: 2.82 MB, 2505x1879, zoomer_vs_boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghost town
Reminder there were deader boards than /vr/ before the rule change. You subhuman zoomer fucks ruined this place, hope you are happy with yourselves. Btw, 6th gen still isn't retro, even if your tranny mods let you post it here now.

>> No.7472018

6th gen's just living in your head rent free

>> No.7472030

I'm 31 and grew up with a Genesis like a non fag

>> No.7472046

You're a little young to grow up with a Genesis. Were you poor? Brazilian?

>> No.7472069

You're not getting any younger, boomer. Take your meds

>> No.7472094

I was given a genesis in 94 and had it alone until 98 when I got a ps1 for my birthday.

>> No.7472109

Because the only game it has that's worth playing today is killer 7

>> No.7472171

>mixing fantastic games/franchises like Metroid Prime, Devil May Cry, and Halo CE with dogshit like Overwatch and Kingdom Hearts
Whatever supports your narrative, you disingenuous schizo boomer.

>> No.7472190

You need professional help.

>> No.7472201


>> No.7472203

the only good games on it have been ported to other hardware

>> No.7472218

>You need professional help.
Says the tranny with gender pronouns in their twitter bio.

>> No.7472223

I just remember the Gamecube being an absolute fucking joke that was ruthlessly mocked by the gaming media back in the day, for a lot of the reasons >>7462449 pointed out

>> No.7472225

Want to know how I know you're a millennial who LARPs as a boomer?

>> No.7472229

But why do you project so much?

>> No.7472248

Why do you deny the truth so much?

>> No.7472393

Luigi's Mansion
Mario Sunshine
Twilight Princess
Mario Power Tennis
RE Remake
RE Zero
Pikmin 1+2
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Metroid Prime 1+2
What have I missed?

>> No.7472409

Baten kaitos
Beach Spikers

>> No.7472414

because just like every nintendo console its shit compared to other options and is only popular because they locked games to it

>> No.7472417

Thanks for the read. I think this is a reasonable take. I was never a Nintendo kid, so I ended up with a GC just so I could play edgy games like RE4, MGS.

>> No.7472439

>its shit compared to other options and is only popular because they locked games to it
Its shit because I cant play Nintendo games on my PlayStation. That's what all this is really sbout isn't it.

>> No.7472445
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It's fairly on point. He just left out how people felt about the Xbox generally but I don't think it's as relevant - it was also a cool alternative but mostly played for its really big games with a few people having smaller hits like ninja gaiden. Nintendo by the end of the generation was full on "identity crisis" mode.

>> No.7472529

zoomers will never understand or believe it, but nintendo was more or less irrelevant from the launch of the ps2 to the wii. the ps1 was still going strong and very cheap, and a lot of parents bought a PSOne for their kids since it was tiny and could be put in their bedrooms easily. everyone had a ps2 in the living room, and microsoft had replaced sega as the alternative console that heavily focused on american favored titled like sports and shooters and had a more mature college kid type aura around it, along with a bunch of weird or niche games.
Nintendo just didn't have any market at all outside of really sheltered kids whose parents wouldn't let them have anything but mario games they remembered from when they were younger, and the gamecube was treated by a joke by the media.
It's a really strange contrast that happened kind of overnight too because the N64 was easily the Nintendo console most accepted and loved overall, especially by older demos. even if you didn't have one yourself you'd always have a friend who did and you'd get people together to play the wrestling games or goldeneye, the N64 was actually super popular in dorms because of that even years after, until XBL took off.

>> No.7472587

Nintendo tried to go for the same demographics as Sony and Microsoft but didn't have the games to appeal to that market. Like you said, the GCN was a punching bag. Seeing TTYD be praised so highly these days is just funny to me, I remember when it was called incredibly mediocre and used as an example of how out-of-touch Nintendo was.

>> No.7472959

You didn't need a thread to ask that

>> No.7473108

Prove me wrong faggot

>> No.7473131

>worthless extra content
Its on Wii edition too and i didnt even feel like playing it

>> No.7473137

I know right, us REAL boomers were playing computer games on our PDP-7's.

>> No.7473142

Wii thru today is an even lower point
Gamecube was the last ~okay nintendo console

>> No.7473227

You just projected again

>> No.7473246

Sucks for you. I was playing t94 games in my mothers uterus.

>> No.7473271

It's a great machine, but 3d graphics don't belong on /vr/.

>> No.7473648

Nah, bruh. I'm just speaking facts, yo.

>> No.7474085

take your meds schitzo

>> No.7474107
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Guess we can't discuss 4th gen anymore

>> No.7474118

Prove what exactly? You haven't offered anything remotely credible.

>> No.7474121

the gamecube is a rare console that's literally entirely redundant these days. the only functionality-related reasons you would buy one are if you're extremely autistic over the component AV out being allegedly a bit better than the Wii, or if you just HAD to use the original GC gameboy player. Wiis are cheap, plentiful, and way more useful. I would say the GC is even more unnecessary than a dreamcast these days

>> No.7474451

Hot take warning!
Wii's all good n stuff, but it just lack the aesthetic of GC.
GC is unabashedly childish and quirky. It feels like a plushie in your bed, not sterile glossy appliance for bored wine moms.

>> No.7474515
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>> No.7474569

>white kids wanted to drag their pants across the ground smoking weed, pretend-shooting glocks while saying "nigga" after every sentence

I swear to god my best friend was like this, we played through San Andreas and he started acting like a "gangster", listening to 2Pac and he said "I wish I was born as a nigger" and shit like that, even though he was blessed with Terence Hill like blue eyes.

Well he became a drug addicted loser so I guess he got what he deserved.

Oh and yeah, he really did start talking shit about my GC games for being childish and shit, what a faggot really.

>> No.7474631

The PAL GC has RGB out, you also have the SDGecko which allows you to run all the homebrew that the Wii does.

GBA Emulation sucks on the Wii, and theres a homebrew GBA player disc that allows you to get more out of the GBA player. The GameCube isn't completely worthless these days.

>> No.7474810

It's a games console, not a fashion accessory. Get a grip. There are coloured Wii consoles anyway, if you can't bear using a console that doesn't look like a child's toy.

>> No.7474980

literally none of these are worth playing

>> No.7475062

>in its generation

as in... not the current one? not even the last one... or the one before that?

>> No.7475091

Super monkey ball is terrible.

>> No.7475132

Made for prepubsecent children

>> No.7475195
File: 134 KB, 800x397, 215156615_kNNko-L-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a window to the past when Gamecube was around

>> No.7475202
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>> No.7475213

All its games are bad just like every other console in its generation and all generations afterwards.
Early 2000s was the absolute death of gaming, the late 90s was the beginning of the death of gaming, and we live in an era where kids who grew up in that era were brainwashed into thinking those games were actually good when they were not.
Make /vr/ 8/16bit only. There are no games worth the title "retro" afterwards.

>> No.7475260

i thought it was ok, played the ps2 more tho. don't know why it makes people froth from the mouth

>> No.7475285
File: 196 KB, 800x1133, frothing_demand2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't know why it makes people froth from the mouth
Because of their demand for Ikaruga, only for Gamecube.

>> No.7475308
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1613102635879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you care to elaborate or are just going to keep spitting out autistic bullshit without explanation.

>> No.7475312

All the series we had come to love were experimented on during the gamecube era. Sunshine is ok but its not the mario game the system needed, you spend most of Windwaker on the water thats not like zelda, honestly the only reason its as fondly remembered as it is, is melee faggots.

>> No.7475314

Pffffft no thats the wii actually. Gamecube was made redundant because of that.

>> No.7475382

Wii kicks the shit out of the gamecube buddy

>> No.7475881

>cubie janny deletes the redpilled cube review

Cubie? Cubie are you okay?

>> No.7475891
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>> No.7476019

>Unironically responding to copypasta
Lurk moar and shut the fuck up

>> No.7476124

Yes, they're called video games.

>> No.7476993
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Not him but the GC controller was shit

N64 controller rocked though

>> No.7477013
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>> No.7477630

The Gamecube controller is perfect. The N64 one was shit because it required 3 hands.

>> No.7477839


nice meme

>> No.7477880

It had a pretty pathetic library but it gave us a few goat's like REmake, Prime & Windwaker. It's biggest crime was Sunshine, that game is an absolute slap to face. It doesn't deserve to be hated, but zoomies over-praise the thing which rustles the feathers of boomers like me.

>> No.7477882


The only games worth playing on that list are WW,REmake & Prime 1&2. All 3 of them are on other systems/.

>> No.7477898

To be honest, because of contrarianism of 4chan combined with their hatred of melee, which is only half contrarianism.
Nintendium durable, good games such as Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess, and even got good ports and stuff. Gamecube was good, affordable, and I know that what I am saying sounds like a commercial, but dang I have plenty of good memories playing on it.

>> No.7478092

Why are you replying to me? I made the list from someone's opinion, go bother them.
They're all available on other systems, that was the whole the reason behind the list. Its almost as if you didn't bother to read the post I replied to.

>> No.7478586

so was the wii u also a commercial success?

>> No.7479424

>imagine trying to play gta or halo
You could play those on the Xbox. Even if the GC had those games back then, most people would have gone with other consoles anyway. The GC had its own library of games which worked well with its controller, and which were enjoyed by those who owned it. The Zoids vs games for instance would have been nearly unplayable on the PS2's controller, but that's not a mark against the PS2. They're just different machines with different controllers, capabilities, and games, and they all appeal to different people. If you don't like a console, that's fine: don't play it, and don't waste time shitting on it. Varietas delectat. Vive la différence.

>> No.7479635

>say it's a controller designed for bing bing wahoo
>your crippling autism makes you respond and write a paragraph about how it's a controller designed for bing bing wahoo
kill yourself

>> No.7479779

>being unnecessarily and implacably hostile over a video game console released i 2001
>not autistic

>> No.7479781

I said the controller was bad you failed abortion.

>> No.7480967
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Here is your answer

>> No.7480991

The controller was extremely comfortable in your hand but the button layout was stupid, the lack of an L1 or left z button was a gross oversight, and the c stick nub is stupid. Its not a good controller. The form factor is very comfortable but it has so many other flaws that it sucks.

>> No.7481240

the people who autistically bash the GC have never actually played any of its games. Its library may not be as extensive as the ps2 library but it sure has some quality games, and while some of them are not even that popular, like Baten Kaitos, it's a fantastic game nonetheless.
The GC brought us the best Paper Mario game of the franchise, Pikmin, Metroid Prime which was a great adaptation to 3D, REmake, 007 Nightfire which I played countless hours of with my siblings, Mario Sunshine which had tight as fuck controls, Super Smash Bros Melee, Mario Kart Double Dash, Zelda Wind Waker, Super Mario Strikers, Billy Hatcher (a weird game but still I had a fuckton of hours clocked in it).
I'm sure I forgot to mention more good games but those are some of the ones I still own or have played in the past.

>> No.7481368

I want to know what makes thousand year door better than paper mario 64. Everything I've heard about it makes it sound like just more of the same but with even worse writing.

>> No.7481446

All those games you listed are mediocre and frequently inferior to the ones that came before them.

>> No.7482065

>The GC brought us
>007 Nightfire
No it didn't, it's a multiplat that had a simultaneous release on GCN, PS2 & Xbox.
>i-it's the best version though!
The GameCube didn't have the best version of any FPS regardless of how well it ran, simply because you were forced to use that atrocious controller. And if you're counting multiplats only for the system that runs them best, then the GameCube's library becomes even more pitiful than it already is, since Xbox versions of multiplats are better in the vast majority of cases.

>> No.7482102

spot the triggered zoomer
go play Fortnite kid, the grown-ups are talking

>> No.7482104

this is unfortunately true

>> No.7482109

you will never be a woman
your parents will use your real name when they bury you
1000 years from now archaeologists will dig you up and say "this was the skeleton of a man. A sad, weak man, but a man nonetheless."

>> No.7482115

is this loss?

>> No.7482129

Not retro, has no games, nintensoi.

>> No.7482764

>zoomers will never understand or believe it,
Believe it or not, nearly every zoomer grew up with the PS2

>> No.7482972
File: 62 KB, 350x600, tumblr_2882a26daaed201d6d3f573904280f5c_18f2d6b9_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its fanbase is compromised of people like pic related

>> No.7483363

Pikmin, Metroid Prime and the Mario Strikers series started on the Gamecube. You don't know anything about the system's library.

>> No.7483385
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Most accurate post here.

Also, trannycube is not retro.

>> No.7483457

Oh I don't hate it at all. It didn't have a ton of games, but what it did have was pretty great

>> No.7483848

I take it you have never played TTYD.
You get an entirely new party of companions with entirely new abilities, new items while keeping most of the old ones, much more versatility in playstyle because you get tons of new badges, lots of new puzzles and game mechanics, the game is much longer than paper mario 64, the baby yoshi chapter is great, the pit of 100 trials, the detective chapter is really comfy, paper ability upgrades for Mario and so much other more stuff.
TTYD is a straight upgrade from the previous game no doubt. I love them both but there's no doubt in my mind that the second game is much better.

>> No.7483862

Like that other anon said, some of these games appeared for the first time in the GC or were entirely new adaptations like Metroid Prime.
And even if they were sequels, if you can't find something that you like in that list, including Luigi's Mansion, Twilight Princess, Eternal Darkness, Chibi-robo, Viewtiful Joe, then the problem is you, not the games.

>> No.7483873

Yeah I've heard that, but I also heard the story is tumblr fanfiction tier. Super paper mario was a pretty good game too despite not being an rpg but its story drags it down pretty hard.

>> No.7483880

I totally forgot 007 Nightfire was multiplat but that's not the point, it's further proof that the console had its own unique great games and even had some decent multiplats.
the controller was never an issue for me, and while it may look weird you get used to it pretty quick, even if you play an fps.

>> No.7483996
File: 90 KB, 1200x675, yoshiarc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super paper mario was boring as fuck, and I still have a copy of it lying around because I went into it with high expectations coming from TTYD.
If you liked super paper mario you'd probably love TTYD. I don't know what you mean by "tumblr fanfic" but it sounds like you're just biased against it for no reason, because the story is fun with tons of unique characters.

>> No.7484364
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it spawned some of the most insufferable fanbases out there. fuck them

>> No.7484449

God damn there is a lot of boomer seething in this thread

>> No.7484724

i salute all 7bros that made it this far but i'll probably move to 10 this year since 7 support in software is rapidly going.

>> No.7484779

Dude. This is one of the best controllers.
wtf it’s still used for smash and a lot of speedruns.

>> No.7484798

I don't hate it.

I just don't like the controller design and it only accepting small ass discs.

It also didn't seem to be marketed to people my age when it came out.

It seems they only had young children in mind where as N64 was more universal.

>> No.7485082

The ONLY “””””people”””””” who get upset by these bad words are transcels. No one will ever love that abomination you see in the mirror. 41%

>> No.7485086

I have a wife and two kids. You are a faggot and a tranny. Stop delaying your inevitable suicide. Give your entire family a break and just get it over with!

>> No.7485226

Metroid had existed since 1986.

>> No.7486208

Metroid Prime.

>> No.7486215

Shit take, man. N64 had a lot more kiddie shit and cheap ports, while GameCube had mature rated games and much better quality multiplats. If anything, GameCube was Nintendo's first attempt to market directly to older teens and 20 somethings.

>> No.7486248

Its amazing that its taken Nintendo so long to realise that 3rd party developers will stab them in the back at every opportunity. They learned a harsh lesson from EA and Ubishaft with regards to the Wii U.

>> No.7486918

Shitty controller
Shit storage medium that necessitated games with less features
Shit fanbase who parroted bullshit about the system (i.e. ITS THE MOST POWERFUL 6th GEN SYSTEM, etc) for years
>Its amazing that its taken Nintendo so long to realise that 3rd party developers will stab them in the back at every opportunity.
Maybe that wouldn't have happened if Nintendo wasn't the one backstabbing 3rd parties on the NES

>> No.7486920

Is still Metroid.

>> No.7488034

There was Mortal Kombat and I'm pretty sure Turok waa Mature too.

N64 also had the advantage over PS 1 at the time you could use 4 controllers without buying a shitty adapter.

>> No.7489023

No, not really. It has significant amount of input lag, some games are unplayable in hardware modes (True Crime comes to mind, plays perfectly in Dolphin btw) and SHADOWS IN RIDGE RACER ARE STILL FUCKING BROKEN! I'm sorry dude, but Dolphin is objectively better. I'm saying this as a dude who can't find a worthwhile game to play in GC yet completed tons of games on PS2.

>> No.7491148


>> No.7491998

no games and not retro

>> No.7492007

please, call them micrococks

>> No.7492018

Damn, I feel vindicated in my hate for this console. Didn't even know you guys hated it so much.