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7451685 No.7451685 [Reply] [Original]

Final Fantasy 6: Revised Old Style Edition romhack updated.
>Made "Dark World" music retention hack nonstandard, moved to Extras section.
It's literally perfect now.

>> No.7451720
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Except for the fact that it's a fan-made patch of course

>> No.7452370

As opposed to the official localizations that aren't accurate to the original Japanese game?

>> No.7452506
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>translation doesn't preserve my precious Japanese cultural references!

>> No.7452509

I'm confused. Are you for or against romhacks? Localizations are literal romhacks.

>> No.7453196

ff6's official original american translation is garbage. it's all nostalgia. i'd understand arguing for the gba translation but that game version is trash and no other romhack ports it to the snes.
and rose has the most comprehensive bug fixes among all ff6 romhacks, another shitty thing in the original game.

>> No.7454336
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>Yet another "mash every source I can find together and call it "translation'" episode
Every one of these projects can fuck right off. Appreciate the bugfixes, that's cool, but unless you're translating from Japanese from the ground up (i.e. Tomato) you have no business touching the script.

>> No.7454475

Fuck Tomato. Even he has no business translating, because he too has to cave and add his own crap because there's no translating some parts. Unless you're playing and reading the original Japanese version itself, you're never getting it 100% exact.

>> No.7455029

>professional translator has no business translating
top tier take from /vr/ big brain.

>> No.7455396

lmao are you fucking serious dude, the fuck would you know about the 'original Japanese version' you EOP retard? Mato is revered for a fucking reason and it's one your autistic ass will never understand, keep looking at English-to-English comparisons and seethe forever

>> No.7455504
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>> No.7455527

It's a good translation. There's no continuity to final fantasy so being enjoyable is more important than autistic accuracy

>> No.7455531

Good. There's no value in being exact in video game translation.

>> No.7457395

are american standards really this low?

>> No.7457409


>> No.7457413


>> No.7457420

The original translation is fine, probably the best of all SNES RPG's. I see no reason to play any romhack outside of bug fixes.
Now, if Phantasy Star 2 and 3 had some good retranslations and fixes, then i'd be interested.

>> No.7457467


>> No.7457680

>actually an american

>> No.7458038
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FFVI's translation has charm, flow, and a sense of authorship. Fan translations are always robotic, clumsy and full of redundant attempts at 'culturally accurate' weeb cringe. These are the guys who genuinely like western VAs going 'gnnh' and 'hnnnh' every five seconds in modern FF.

>> No.7458174

For translations of a cheesy videogame story for kids? Yes my standards are not particularly high. I might have preferred an A+ for the original rather than the B- that we got, but retranslations are an unnecessary curiosity, nothing more. Even for a C-tier 1990 translation like FFIV I find the retranslations rarely add anything I care about.
>Are you for or against romhacks
I'm for romhacks and against translation autists obsessed with accuracy pushing their version as the definitive one.

>> No.7458181

They ruin these games by doing that. I mean the rom hackers, their "accurate translations" suck, just terrible writing.

All I want is a simple title screen hack.

>> No.7458424
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>> No.7458443

Geez, ZEALITY, RPGOne and J2e stigma really fucked up fantranslations forever for you spastics, huh?

>> No.7458678

I played J2e for ff4 back in the day and enjoyed well enough. But it wasn't considered definitive, it was primarily an opportunity to play the original Japanese version of the game with the original abilities and item drops. And with FF4, the official translation was, at times, nearly incomprehensible.

The problem now are these compilation hacks that are sold as the definitive way to experience the game that combine bugfixes, grammar corrections, QoL enhancements, and technical improvements with more significant content changes. This is particularly true when it comes to retranslating items, monsters, and ability names, where you wind up interfering with players' ability to communicate more than anything else. A newfag will refer to the "Great Sword" and an old player won't know wtf they are talking about unless they know the hack.

In this case, my main disappointment is the choice to favor the GBA translation over the original SNES translation when it comes to these things.

"RegalCutlass" becomes "Great Sword" instead of "Regal Cutlass"
"Epee" becomes "Bastard Sword"
...And so on.

I would prefer that a hack labeling itself as "Old Style Edition" preserved the names and labels on gameplay elements as they were originally translated on the SNES and not use the GBA. If you want to hack the GBA version, hack the GBA version. If you want to backport the GBA translation to the SNES, label your translation as the "Faggy New-Style Edition" and don't pretend it's definitive.

>> No.7458708

>ff6's official original american translation is garbage. it's all nostalgia.
true but to appease Woolsey faggots I'll say he did good for the time
>i'd understand arguing for the gba translation but that game version is trash
Also true, GBA version has too many flaws to compare to SNES. Screen crunch, white noise of shitty soundchip even with sound patch, etc.
>no other romhack ports it to the snes
Basically true however a hacker named Serity managed to fit the whole GBA script into the Japanese T-Edition hack using a Lua patch and Snes9x-rr.

So for modern day standards Woolsey script is pretty bad nostalgia aside. GBA version is still probably going to be "good enough" for casuals and for romhacks there's
DeJap(lol), TWUE, Relocalization Project and ROSE. These are all their own things now except TWUE which is just touched up Woolsey and to me none are worth it when we have the GBA script.

I've taken the T-Edition pill and haven't looked back. Feels good.

>> No.7458829

Japanese honorifics should be left out of English localizations. There, I sad it.

>> No.7458897

Did you see what it did to the Opera Lyrics? Instead of just porting over the already perfect GBA version, ROSE """"modified""" it. Needless to say it was trash with awkward wording and scrambled imagery.
Even oldfags admit that the GBA version's Opera Lyrics was already perfect and I don't see the point of changing that. Even the TWUE, as trash as it was if I recall, uses the GBA's lyrics.
First it fucked up that change with the Dark World theme for World of Ruin and now that that was amended, ROSE then fucked up the Opera lyrics.
Like, I don't get it, are these romhackers genuine with their aim for the best translation or do they just want attention? Because ROSE could have simply made a big FFVI: ROSE in the opening title screen if so.
It's one big dumb romhack just as dumb as TWUE which I honestly thought was the stupidest idea about FFVI's translations.

>> No.7459237
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>I played J2e for ff4 back in the day and enjoyed well enough. But it wasn't considered definitive, it was primarily an opportunity to play the original Japanese version of the game with the original abilities and item drops. And with FF4, the official translation was, at times, nearly incomprehensible.
Even so, it was still better than the official PlayStation translation a few years later, at least in some respects.
>The problem now are these compilation hacks that are sold as the definitive way to experience the game that combine bugfixes, grammar corrections, QoL enhancements, and technical improvements with more significant content changes.
They're, um, not sold. But I see what you mean, people come for the revised script but are foisted by unnecessary shit baked in. I think ROSE is honest about that though, it tells you pretty up front that it does more than text. Making all this junk optional patches was the one thing the ancient RPGOne hack did right, you have a point that hackers have too much of an ego these days.
>Relocalization Project
Dr. Meat's version is better than TWUE then again anything is, Rodimus was just first and keeps announcing revisions that barely do anything when he gets wind of rival projects so he's boosted by normies but it doesn't work on real hardware for the single-digit percent of you that are affected by that so I guess it has to be the sucky one.
What a brave anon you are, stating something that's been obvious for years, well done.

>> No.7459571

I keep waiting that some retard fixes the RPGONE translation, but obviously it's never going to happen

>> No.7459620

Haha, no. Today's know-it-all hackers use existing utilities to make their script edits, which is why recent FFIV & FFVI hacks are edited from inferior US versions. Thanks, Rodimus!

>> No.7459724

It's shitty, because the translation is really well programmed compared to the localized SNES version

>> No.7459747

>Slattery opera
>two different "star" metaphors in one stanza
Ok buddy

>> No.7460460

>consistent imagery is bad
Are you pretending to be stupid

>> No.7460490

Woolsey's SOULFUL humor makes FF6 a lot better. I've played multiple versions from the GBA to modern ports to direct Japanese translation. Woolsey's writing is the best of them all.

>> No.7460736

see that's based

>> No.7460823

>Like, I don't get it, are these romhackers genuine with their aim for the best translation or do they just want attention?
Bit of column A, bit of column B. They're filling niches but the niches are wearing thin at this point, until someone does another translation from the ground up and documents their work we're stuck with a handful of autists mashing the same two together based little else but what reads good inside their (often inflated) weeb heads.

>> No.7461373

>until someone does another translation from the ground up and documents their work

The closest thing i can think off with that description is the romhack made by hairy hen,

>> No.7461472

We have kWhazit and no one cares enough to make it playable. No one wants to put the work into a total retranslation that'll just end up in the Alternative bin. The hacks are fighting for 'definitive' status so they're all toeing the line. GBA basically did the same thing by using woolsey as a starting point.

Mato showed there's not much to be gained anyway because GBA is accurate. GBA is just overdone and flowery

>> No.7461486

that autist doesnt even speak english, let alone japanese

>> No.7461498

Referring to yourself in the third-person is off-putting, anon.

>> No.7461986

Sadly the current version is more of a draft, but it's a draft that blew Rodimus Prime and Dr. Meat out of the water. The perfectionist version will probably surpass the ROSE script if it didn't already..when it's finally done. hairy_hen is based but seems like a busy fellow being involved in film preservation efforts too. It's also the only rescript project that was intended to be a personal projects until friends said this is too good not to release publicly, so it suffers the least from author-ego.

>> No.7462079

The worst part is that there's 2 options to fix this problem, >>7459571 or make an re-translation from scratch, but it's something that never happen because ff6 romhacking is filled with retards that >>7461472 is talking about

>> No.7463091

>ITT: nostalgialards defend shitty SNES era translations because 'muh childhood' and can't admit any faults
Christ this thread is awful. The only difference between /v/ and /vr/ is there isn't as many people saying cope.

>> No.7464695

This. Jesus christ, the worst take on translations is that the original is fine because it is playable yet praise the game that it is a classic.

>> No.7466365

Does anyone have the version 1.1 of the Sound Restoration Hack for the GBA version?

>> No.7466480

Someone who can't even comprehend the posts in this thread has no business having any opinion at all on videogame translations.

>> No.7466489
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>They're, um, not sold.
It's a figure of speech, anon.

>> No.7467631


>> No.7467661

>the official translation was, at times, nearly incomprehensible.
Literally played the game when I was practically a toddler, had no issues understanding it.

> an old player won't know wtf they are talking about unless they know the hack.
So once the first translation of anything goes live nobody should ever correct it?

> "RegalCutlass" becomes "Great Sword"
> "Epee" becomes "Bastard Sword"
Yeah, because the point isn't to clean up the shitty translation, it's to do a proper translation

> I would prefer that a hack labeling itself as "Old Style Edition" preserved the names and labels on gameplay elements as they were originally translated
Ain't nobody stopping you.

>> No.7467664

Phantasy Star 3s translation is perfect as is

>> No.7467689

It perfectly matches the game, that's for sure.

>> No.7467705

It had an average review score of 89% across 5 major magazines, and yeah, its translation was that good

>> No.7467847

I want to play the GBA version of the game in Vita with decent sound but Retroarch lags with version 2.1. I've heard the game runs with with 1.1