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File: 24 KB, 265x375, Resident_Evil_2002_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7425481 No.7425481 [Reply] [Original]

am I doing something wrong or is REmake significantly harder than the ones that came before it?

>> No.7425491

You just stopped before you got the shotgun. It's rough but isn't majorly hard.

>> No.7425497
File: 73 KB, 640x651, c2b812f8-2220-47ae-98b0-a199e3cb4272.inline_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I even have the grenadegun and still I'm always barely scraping by on supplies

pic unrelated

>> No.7425518


Your mistake is to face the enemies first. the classic series was designed for the player to avoid monsters.

They even created EVADE


>> No.7425521

It's more bullshit because of the retarded crimson heads

>> No.7425525

Classic RE games are based on routing. You have to play it more to figure out the route to follow

>> No.7425545
File: 3 KB, 140x156, wtgggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to sack up, sweet cheeks. this aint no picknic, bitch

>> No.7425578

>I'm always barely scraping by on supplies

Sounds like the game is challenging and not too hard. That's good, isn't it? What's the problem?

>> No.7425579

REmake is probably the hardest in the series at the beginning. It has the worst difficulty curve I have ever seen in any video game ever, the beginning mansion segment is nearly impossible, then once you hit the spider cabin the game becomes so easy it is impossible to lose.
I know the original game also got significantly easier at the spider cabin but the mansion segment wasn't nearly as unbalanced. They took the limited supplies meme way too far, the appeal of the original game was always the exploration and puzzle solving, not running out of shit in combat.

>> No.7425638

REmake Hunters are more fair than the OG Hunters which always had an option to decapitate you. This makes the second mansion easier due to having the full arsenal available.

>> No.7425704

Jfc git gud

I'm serious, I cream myself over how this game progresses, I start off scared then I'm out running zombies, killing snakes and blowing the beaks off crows. The game is kino and the best remake in video game history.

Git Gud.

>> No.7425725

Most rooms have a zombie thats out of the way and a zombie that's in the direct path of one door to the next door

You should only kill the ones that are in the path and just run past the others

If you have the shotgun aim it up and shoot just before the zombie can touch you, it has a high chance to blow its head off

>> No.7425731

Every single RE game gives you enough ammo to kill everything in the game and still have 50+ rounds left.

>> No.7425739

Avoiding enemies is the quickest way.

>> No.7425780

You have not played enough video games. REmake has a relatively smooth curve, you stand away from the zombies and shoot them, then progress to better weapons, then more challenging enemies appear. The hardest thing you do with a pistol is probably like, shooting the dog you need an item from (because otherwise all RE dogs, in classic RE fashion, can be hilariously easily run past).

>> No.7425784

jill has nic bobs in this game

>> No.7425903
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>> No.7425932

If you shoot the zombies at all you run out of ammo.

>> No.7425948

Better to just put your guns in the trunk and only use your knife if you have to.

>> No.7425964


>> No.7426089

Bro I didn't even realize you could bait the zombies into lunges and then leave them in the dust when I was a dumb teenager and played this. You absolutely have the ammo to shoot the zombies. Burn some of the ones you leave on the ground in places that are hubs or are just conveniently close to item chests so that you don't have to use bullets on crimson heads. Make sure to thoroughly look for items and not miss them, primarily so that you can complete the fucking game because its basic gameplay is to do so in order to progress, and you will certainly find enough ammo to shoot zombies.

>> No.7426262

Defensive items by themselves make REmake easier than every game before it.

>> No.7427190

It's only hard because it feels slow as shit compared to every prior games.
Gameplaywise, it is probably the easiest one in the series since it expects far less from you.

>> No.7427774
File: 25 KB, 354x390, becca_face_unimpressed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried shooting the zombies and unlocking the doors with keys?

>> No.7427796

I know REmake fans usually don't care, but honestly I hate that the shotgun was no longer a guaranteed headshot at close range. Exploding zombie heads was so fucking satisfying on the psx RE games, especially when you could get a group of zombie close and get multi-headshots. But in order to not negate crimson heads, that fun mechanic had to go.

>> No.7427810

Stop killing the zombies and turning them into crimsons. They're ridiculously easy to avoid and the few you do want to kill you can easily burn as well. REmake is by far the easiest RE game there is. Even doing invisible zombie mode is piss easy once you memorize their locations .

>> No.7427832
File: 624 KB, 600x738, 1587476653897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shooting the zombies

>> No.7428173

I love how ever single fucking post in this thread contradictsthe last:

>shoot all the zombies you have a kajillion bullets, anon
>just dodge them and save ammo, anon

>> No.7428378

> am I doing something wrong
Playing the dogshit fixed camera RE games
> inb4 zoomer
Fixed camera isn't inherently bad, and some retro games did it well, such as Silent Hill and God of War. However, Resident Evil's fixed camera is indeed very bad. It has more unnecessary camera cuts than an amateur Youtube vlogger and the controls feel like crap. Every door is a 10 second loading screen and you go through a door every 30 seconds so you spend a quarter of the game in loading screens. And ink ribbons are an inherently retarded concept, especially in a game with so many traps and gotcha moments. Losing half an hour of progress because of limited saves is not fun unless you derive joy from needless annoyances.

>> No.7428383

spoiler: you can beat the game both ways

>> No.7428390

>I'm always barely scraping by on supplies
why the fuck are you playing RE bro?

>> No.7428429

i agree for the most part. the first half of the mansion is a bitch because of limited ammo, you have to traverse most of the mansion without being able to access most the rooms,and get very short on ammo. on top of that, many of the zombies are in hallways.you really got pick your battles.although the final key and getting into the guardhouse, ammo-wise things get way easier from there

>> No.7428437

They're not contradictions, there's hiking and mountain climbing.

>> No.7428471

Is it really hard to understand that there are different difficulties? Easier difficulties have more ammo and you can afford to fight more zombies. Harder the difficulty the less ammo, and you probably need to avoid more.

>> No.7428482

Shotgun + aim up is still a guaranteed headshot, the sweet spot is just a lot smaller compared to RE2 or RE3 where you could aim up with a shotgun & decapitate four zombies in one shot.

>> No.7428496

This is wrong. The assault shotgun in the REmake has a 75% chance for a headshot.

>> No.7428578

This is an indictment of OP, not the posters. The game is beatable both ways and he still can't do it somehow.

>> No.7428582

Is it true that Chris deals more damage?

>> No.7428585

The difficulties is actually a place where i think REmake is an abject failure. It has a lot of ones and some unlockables but
>Hiking: Far more ammo, far less enemies
>Mountain Climbing: Far less ammo, far more enemies

Where the fuck is the middle difficulty that has both more ammo AND more enemies? Hiking is too easy and Mountain Climbing is too hard.

>> No.7428597

Chris runs faster, has more health, and has a higher chance of critical hits. So while he was worse than her in the original game, he is FAR better than her in REmake.

>> No.7429019


Its regarded that Chris is hard mode and Claire is easy mode, simply because of the lock pick, item space and access to weapons

>> No.7429047

I think you mean Jill

>> No.7429048


Unlike Dino Crisis 2 I see no reason to go into combat in the game.

Not to mention that most bonuses are time challenges, and getting into combat in this game is a waste of time

>> No.7429059

Chris gets to not spend any ammo or defensive items in the mansion because he can just tank zombie hits thanks to his enormous health meter, occasionally healing.
Add to that the crit chance and the run speed and he's significantly better than Jill. The run speed alone is super amazing.

>> No.7429115

Without the combat what is there though? really awkward and clumsy evasion of attacks? Is that supposed to be an enjoyable experience?

>> No.7429117

Sounds like a subsequent runs thing if you already have a plan to just tank certain bites, and not the true first timer run, which also benefits from extra item space due to not knowing what order to get and use every key item.

>> No.7429373

>I'm always barely scraping by on supplies
Thats the best part though.

>> No.7429532
File: 466 KB, 1500x1500, jill_face_disgust_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually kills zombies

>> No.7429643
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, DSC00389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're doing something wrong. It's actually quite a bit easier than the PSone trilogy and RECV.


I like the way they made it so you can't rely on it for instant kills. There's greater tension when using it compared to the original.


Nah both shotguns are RNG critical weapons like the pistols in REmake.


In the original this was true, because the differences between the two were negligible apart from the inventory and items slots, which heavily favoured Jill. But Jill has major weaknesses in REmake, while Chris has major advantages. It's much more balanced, although Jill probably does have an easier time of things overall.

>he can just tank zombie hits thanks to his enormous health meter

Not on hard mode he can't

>> No.7429793

>Not on hard mode he can't
she has probably only played the sourcenext ports. they give you a ridiculous amount of hp in it even on hard

>> No.7430270


>Losing half an hour of progress because of limited saves is not fun

When do you ever lose half an hour of progress? You are given such a large amount of ribbons on easy and normal. There are also many typewriters. I can agree that the fixed camera angles can piss me off (especially as someone who has beaten the game 8+ times), but you can't deny that they add cinematic value to the game.

>The controls feel like crap

I can't believe I took you seriously. It is one the most responsive RE games in the whole franchise.

>> No.7432320 [DELETED] 


>> No.7433571

Yeah its definitely harder than the original..or at least the mansion part is.Once you get to the guard house it should be smooth sailing from there.

>> No.7433579


I am at a point in my life that I am playing whatever game I encounter.

I already have plans to try to finish some game libraries

>> No.7433584

>It is one the most responsive RE games in the whole franchise.
I wouldn't say the controls are bad, they have some nice flourishes that make the tank controls look and feel more natural, but compared to 1-3 they're definitely more deliberate, the higher animation standards cut both ways.

>> No.7433696
File: 107 KB, 695x391, resident-evil-remake-hd-mansao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a video recently where the person said REmake is a puzzle game and I've gotta agree.
Not so much on the very first playthrough but definitely later on when you're beating the game in 2 or 3 hours.
By then you've memorized the location of most zombies, the challenge is choosing the right items for each run from one area to the next so that you minimize on time.

God I fucking love this game.

>> No.7434092
File: 3.70 MB, 3063x2297, 1613114331475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speedrun autists

>> No.7434108

And Crimson Heads by themselves make REmake harder than every game before it.

>> No.7434124
File: 239 KB, 700x714, 1420079687147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunters in RE1 can't always decapitate you, it just seems that way because health is displayed differently than later titles. You display as green fine up until the 50% mark or so and hunters can decide to go for a decapitate as soon as you hit around 60%. If you load up a save right now with full health and run around a hunter they won't use the decapitate animation until you take some hits.

Another quirk of the first game is that dogs can't kill you with an attack from behind as they have no killing animation from that angle, so if you're in danger and face a corner they'll hit you forever without killing you.

>> No.7434173

But resident evil games were made with speedrun in mind.
Thats why the unlockable weapons are unlocked when you beat the game fast enough.

>> No.7434175

>Another quirk of the first game is that dogs can't kill you with an attack from behind as they have no killing animation from that angle, so if you're in danger and face a corner they'll hit you forever without killing you.
Well this cures the only thing that still gives me the heebeejeebees in re1. Thanks anon.

>> No.7434228

What difficulty are you playing on? I remember playing on normal and having a challenging but good time. What's giving you trouble, the ammo/herbs, the enemies, or the puzzles?

>> No.7435175

I love Jill but if you prefer her game over Chris then you're a tranny scrub

>> No.7436483

It's probably the hardest of the original games if you don't include Zero (because it's shite). But it's incredibly fair. Your second run through the game will be an absolute breeze.

>> No.7436498

This is why you've barely been in anything, Rebecca. Remember that.