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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7422790 No.7422790 [Reply] [Original]

>people insist game is a hidden gem
>it's actually shit
why does this happen so often? are they just being contrarians for the sake of contrarianism?

>> No.7422793

I think they just want one good game for the gamecube, be nice to them, it was the last true nintendo console.

>> No.7422801

Do not trust /vr/ or /v/ lists

>> No.7422802

This game is multiplatform, and given the fact that people generally like it, YOU are the one being contrarian right now.

>> No.7422806

you have exclusive brain, it doesn't matter at all if something is multiplat, they just want a reason to play their gamecube, ports or not

>> No.7422821

If you are a console warrior past the age of 18, that is embarrassing.


So not only does the PS2 version have a following, but it was liked by reviewers and fans alike. So why the shitposting?

>> No.7422859

What was shit about it? Genuinely curious, I don't think it's a masterpiece but it has a lot going for it (genuinely funny, balls hard, rewarding and punchy gunplay)

>> No.7423016

You can say this about almost every gen6 platformer.
They all suck with very few exceptions

>> No.7423024

Yeah I agree, I tried it once and was not impressed at all. Felt very clunky and wasn’t interesting at all.

>> No.7423025

This game had some really great ideas.

The gun that lets you take over other bots was fun, being able to disassemble enemies piece by piece felt good.

If they remade this game with a fresh coat of paint, improved vehicle controls, and 5 v 5 online multiplayer, people would love it

>> No.7423053

It's the Conker's Bad Fur Day of the GameCube. A game that, for all intents and purposes, is greatly mediocre, but since it has the stunted development manchildren type of humor evocative of the early 2000s like South Park and Family Guy, that suddenly absolves it from all criticism and designates it as a '''''le hidden gem xDD'''''.

>> No.7423083

>people insist game is a hidden gem
>I play it and I'm not a fan
>They must be contrarians, it's literally impossible for someone to have different tastes than myself unironically.
Or, if you're not autistic, you can figure out pretty quickly that "hidden gem" = "I played this less popular game and it surpassed the expectations I had for it". It's overused and lost most of its meaning, but it really isn't hard to figure out. It also isn't hard to look at things from the perspectives of others to figure something out unless you're on the spectrum.

>> No.7423721

Imagine trying this hard.

>> No.7423965
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If you're talking about /vr/ specifically, it's actually pretty simple:
If you recommend something like Guardian Heroes to a normie they'll consider it a hidden gem because it's a great game they'd probably never hear about otherwise, but here everyone knows something like GH and what we're usually left with to call a 'hidden gem' is almost always trash pushed by contrarians/retards or "good at best" games

>> No.7423993

>is almost always trash pushed by contrarians/retards or "good at best" games
This is a dumb take. Metal Arms got positive buzz back in the day. How is people recommending it being contrarian?

Unless you're trying to say simply liking less popular things makes you contrarian, M in which case you have no idea what the word means.

>> No.7424018
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this game was good kys

>> No.7424094

gamecube really doesnt have any hidden gems

>> No.7424132

Honestly my biggest problem with it is that your melee attack does virtually nothing and there are numerous enemies in the mid and late game that just body you and kill you with their own melee
Also the visuals are super dark a lot of the time so it's not fun to navigate a lot of the levels
Beyond that obviously it has all the clunkiness of a gen 6 third person console shooter, and it's a shameless ratchet and clank knockoff

>> No.7424263

Still waiting on any progress being made to make a PC port with the source code leaked years ago. I want to play this again with full mouselook.

>> No.7425062

God, I knew I should have explicitly said I hadn't played this specific game and was just replying to the greentext, every fucking time I get an autist giving me shit