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File: 1.41 MB, 2810x2380, Daytona_USA_CCE_1996_U_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7420868 No.7420868 [Reply] [Original]

I loved my pack-in copy of Daytona and have played it hundreds of times at this point. I finally played Daytona CCE and Jesus Christ it is awful. The physics are off, the fucking music sucks, and it barely has more content than the original. The extra content also fucking sucks. The only thing that's nice is the extra draw distance. How was this received back in the day because I had no idea this game sucked.

>> No.7421969

Agreed. The only bad thing in the original Daytona USA port was muh grafix, and the only good thing in Daytona CCE was mu grafix.

>> No.7422257
File: 665 KB, 1280x1780, Official Sega Saturn Magazine 014 - 069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was praised for the much better draw distance and frame rate (30fps vs. shit 20fps in original port) and the fact that Sega finally added some proper new content, for once (new tracks, even though they're extremely dull shit).

Apart from that pretty much everyone was disappointed with the fact that this wasn't Daytona. Felt nothing like it. It was in some weird middle ground between the classic Daytona, which was very much a fun and over the top arcade racer, while also trying to be a somewhat semi-serious nascar game. Everyone just wanted an actual good port of Daytona but we got this retarded imposter. Strangely some magazines gave it good reviews still, mainly because it was a pretty large technical improvement graphically over the very bad port of the original, which had given the Saturn a bad reputation as being underpowered (compared to UK PSX release games like Wipeout it looked and ran like shit). Sega Saturn Magazine (pic related) gave CCE 90% after saying it wasn't the Daytona people wanted. They even said it was enjoyable to play. Dumb cunts. In reality, most people didn't like the game or how it handled. Games "journalists" have always been a complete joke, no matter what year we're in.

I bought CCE but my biggest memories of it are disappointment, and myself and friends taking the piss out of the utterly appalling mutt music and the joke that is mutt nascar "racing".

BTW, reviewer in pic related is Richard Leadbetter, who now runs Digital Foundry, which almost solely focuses on technical/graphical stuff. So is it any wonder that he scored CCE high due to graphics. He was always a shit reviewer.

>> No.7422414

I wish Sega ported Super Monaco GP or Outrunners to Saturn instead of those shitty tier ports. how the fuck VF 2 is almost arcade perfect and Daytona gets a Nintendo DS tier treatment

>> No.7422427


Lol at this abomination. Draw distance looks nicer but makes you wonder why they went with a different engine.

>> No.7422561

>How was this receveid
It was more or less the coup de grace for the saturn.
I remember returning it after a few hours, getting wipeout xl instead, and never looking back.

>> No.7422659

You like the original Saturn version? The render distance and framerate make that game feel like absolute shit after playing the arcade version

>> No.7422679

HI Sega lord x

>> No.7422695
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega Lord X
I wish there was one chad Sega fanboy I could respect. I recall Sega Lord X boasting about going away to camp as a teen and spending his week playing arcade games at a lodge which he didn't regret.

>> No.7422715

>I wish there was one chad Sega fanboy I could respect

You don't respect Ray Amsley?

>> No.7422731


Glad people were disappointed. Also wtf with that review. That page you sent at least just has the guy highlighting negatives yet still giving it a 9/10 score.

>> No.7422742
File: 1.29 MB, 498x296, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude should stick to dancing


Mega64 Shenmue video was based.

>> No.7422751

>Mega64 Shenmue
that video is almost 20 years old holy fuck

>> No.7422965
File: 119 KB, 661x650, 6457-daytona-usa-dreamcast-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How did they fuck this up so bad?
I have a better question, how did they fuck it up twice?

>> No.7423045
File: 603 KB, 1280x1780, Official Sega Saturn Magazine 014 - 068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other half of the review.

At the time i got the impression with CCE that because of the PSX's success, Sega were trying to copy how many PSX games were doing things. So basically a less arcade look and feel, instead being more "realistic" and "mature". So Sega removed the really fun and catchy Daytona music, replacing it with more serious music (and some of the worst i'd ever heard in a game at that point). They then tried to make it look more serious and less arcade-like, so the new tracks are extremely dull, nothing like the arcade tracks, and the cars have more "realistic" textures while also being far smaller on screen. Again, less arcade-like. It's fucking bizarre how Sega tried this with their most iconic arcade racer. But at this point in time Sega were at their peak of bad decision making, so we got this abomination. Then after almost no one liked CCE, they then released the Jap version which brought back the original music and (very very) slightly tweaked the handling, but it's still shit. It also added different times of day for the tracks (seen here >>7422427 ). Too little too late.

>> No.7423060

Did the US have an official magazine?

>> No.7423078

>Sega Saturn Magazine (pic related) gave CCE 90% after saying it wasn't the Daytona people wanted. They even said it was enjoyable to play. Dumb cunts. In reality, most people didn't like the game or how it handled.
Yeah, they're dumb for praising a game more tailored to the hardware. Not the people who thought this was going to be a copy of Daytona USA: Good Version

>> No.7423161
File: 156 KB, 352x352, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish there was one chad Sega fanboy I could respect


His Panzer Dragoon Remake video is great btw, and i 100% agree with everything he says in it. Needs to make more vids though.

>> No.7423214


Makes sense. 20some years later I forget what things were like with Sega back then. Thanks for sharing these.

>> No.7423609

I didn't find it to be a bad racing game, in general. I mean, it is not really Daytona. But it's fine as a generic stock car racer that uses Daytona's tracks. This is most definitely the Sega Rally engine. Virtua Fighter 1 and Daytona USA Saturn ports most certainly had criticism for technical issues. Most of the reviewers would rank these two pretty highly. Sega released Virtua Fighter Remix that was made using the VF2 toolkit, and given away as a freebie to some who registered their systems. Daytona CCE was remade using the Sega Rally Saturn toolkit. It most certainly does show in the view point FOV (no wide angle like Daytona) and the way the cars kind of control like Rally cars. Or limousines? They did try and tweak the physics on this one, with different releases. I never owned this game for the Saturn. But rented it a few times. It does also have two player split screen, which was nice. I don;t even mind the soundtrack. Some cheesy hair metal tracks. Jun Senoue and Richard Jacques do tracks. I had the Windows version of this game, Daytona USA Deluxe, which is based on the NetLink version and does look better than the Saturn version. It is easy to find an .iso. It also supports direct3D, but oddly in D3D the game is locked to 25fps, while the software rendered versions runs at 30. Sega Rally for the PC does the same thing, too.

>> No.7423764

>I finally played Daytona CCE and Jesus Christ it is awful.
I was introduced to this trash by seemingly everyone saying it's what the original Daytona should have been all along if there had been more development time. It's the worst Saturn game I own. Awful

>> No.7423775

CCE's terrible, but Daytona on Dreamcast is excellent. Severely underrated game

>> No.7423796

>You like the original Saturn version?
I think it's great. I don't even have any nostalgia for it--never owned a Saturn when it was current. I'd rather play Saturn Daytona than the 360 arcade port

>> No.7423827
File: 157 KB, 538x368, R963a09db7b4842837d39432352287b03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7423882
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7423885

well memed lad

>> No.7423951

Daytona USA on the Saturn is pretty impressive if only for the fact that in an era where you might be racing against 3-5 other cars in a racing game it managed to have 40 cars on the track at the same time.

CCE is fun, but I like to think of it more like a diet NASCAR game rather than Daytona USA.

>> No.7424089


>> No.7424097

I actually like National Park Speedway:


Both Desert City and National Park Speedway were reused in Daytona 2001 for the Dreamcast. The PC port has it's own bonus track, and an unlockable "classic" Hornet Car skin.


The classic Hornet car doesn't make the game feel like classic Daytona. I think it does use modified handling. But the game engine still makes the game play differently.

>> No.7424296

>I have a better question, how did they fuck it up twice?

2001 is a lot better than CCE. The physics and handling are pretty close to the arcade games.


The only real fault is the controller sensitivity. Genki (who also made the Tokyo Extreme Racer games) did the port. The NA release did add a sensitivity slider to help deal with this issue. Though, apparently the game controls great with a racing wheel. I enjoy this one, but I do have to tweak the controls a bit. Overall, this is a really good port. The game runs at a nice 480p 60fps with little to no pop-in. It's easy to find a modded version with arcade sounds and music. The tracks from CCE are in this game too, but modified.

>> No.7424723
File: 19 KB, 450x312, homer-mad1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7424974
File: 188 KB, 850x1200, Virtua Racing 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can a Daytonafag please explain to me what the CCE was missing from the original in terms of handling? What was Sega Racing Classic like? I was more of a Virtua Racing/Ridge Racer/Sega Rally guy but I could never figure out how to play Daytona properly, so the finer differences were lost on me.

>> No.7425001

The handling in general is way stiffer and the drift timing, angling and just all mechanics related are way off. It's hard to explain but basically the core drifting mechanic is worse in every way. You can get used to it but it still feels wrong even after learning it over hours of practice.

>> No.7425218


>What was Sega Racing Classic like?

It is a port if the arcade game that runs at 720p and running on Sega's RingWide hardware. The game removes all references to Daytona USA Speedway, and is basically an unlicensed version.

>> No.7425221

This game is such fucking garbage. I was inspired by this thread to burn myself a copy and try it out again, but no, it's still trash. Doesn't feel ANYTHING like the original Daytona USA, it's stiff as fuck. The other cars have bad collision detection, and the game feels slow as fuck even at max speed. Enemy AI is braindead. Music is uninspired. Graphical style is bland.

And most funny of all to me is that even as a "graphically enhanced" port of the original Daytona, it's still light years behind even average PSX racers in terms of graphics. But really, who the fuck looked at a game like Daytona USA, and thought to himself "You know, that music needs to go, generic dad rock is a much better fit. Also while we're at it, let's get rid of the colorful, arcade art style and replace it with drab realism and muted colors."

Fuck this fucking game I fucking hate it fuck.

>> No.7425242

I don't think Daytona could ever work on the Saturn. It was just too advanced.

>> No.7425247

But the first release nailed the gameplay.

>> No.7425249

it just used the first and slowest version of SGL. If there was a Daytona 98 it would have been great.

>> No.7425259

It ran at 20 frames, dude.
Having three Saturn versions of the same game would be hilarious. But no sorry Saturn had to die so the Dreamcast could die.

>> No.7425271

The original Saturn port looks so good

>> No.7425279

It looks more faithful than CCE but it really can't hold a candle to Model 2 original. Even the Dreamcast has noticeably worse textures.

Fuck, Daytona still blows me away. No way it's an August 1993 game, it beggars belief no matter how much the cabinet cost.

>> No.7425285

>The original Saturn port looks so good

There's also a Windows 95 port of the original Saturn port of Daytona USA. This is a direct port of the Saturn game, it does have much better draw distance, less pop-in. But still runs at a locked 20fps:


>> No.7425305

>And most funny of all to me is that even as a "graphically enhanced" port of the original Daytona, it's still light years behind even average PSX racers in terms of graphics.

Burning Road was released in 1996, I generally like to call it Dayclona:


>> No.7425315
File: 2.99 MB, 640x480, crash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It ran at 20 frames, dude.
Good thing the game still plays 1:1 with the original.

>> No.7425318

pop in is identical. The only advantage of that port is the double resolution mode which is quite nice actually.

>> No.7425595

japanese cce is better

>> No.7425634

>pop in is identical. The only advantage of that port is the double resolution mode which is quite nice actually.

Really wish Sega could work with gog to get some of their "Expert Software' releases on Steam, along with some of the DreamCast era stuff/ A lot of Sega games ended up with pc ports.

>> No.7425719

>>>7425285 (You)
>pop in is identical. The only advantage of that port is the double resolution mode which is quite nice actually.

Oh, you are right. And yeah, the Windows port supports 640x480, but has no dirextx or hardware support, like Daytona USA: Deluxe.

>> No.7426147

I'v been told the Japanese Saturn release of this is way better? Does it still have the OG music?