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7407840 No.7407840 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on the Rampage series?

>> No.7407862

intentionally designed to be quarter-sucking button mashers where skill barely matters

>like all arcade games, lol

Rampage is cool but playing it solo on a console gets pretty stale imo. I like the scientist lady.

>> No.7407894

I never played the console versions, but the arcade game is only fun for five minutes because of the novelty of fucking shit up, but it gets boring really fast.

>> No.7407909

It's great fun for a quarter!
But it's not something I'd wanna spend more than a credit or two with.
Skip the home ports, but if you ever come across an arcade machine then pop a quarter in it.

>> No.7408128
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>hey what if we remade rampage, but it didn't suck?

>> No.7408138

Owned the N64 version and played it with my friends. Can't imagine it holds up well at all now

>> No.7408147

I played it at a console arcade a lot. As a kid I thought it was impressive that it had so many levels (though obviously as an adult now realize it's fairly easy to design a Rampage level).

>> No.7408152

Fun concept but pretty boring after 5 minutes.

>> No.7408187

Is rampage technically the first giant monster game?

>> No.7408342

I mainly know it through the NES version, which I always liked because of the freedom it gave and because of its dynamic (i.e., destructible) levels. But yeah obviously it's shallow and you get tired of it pretty quickly. I still kinda like it somehow but I don't generally have any interest in actually playing it.

>> No.7408385


>> No.7408409

Has one of the better video game to movie adaptions, which is not saying much.

>> No.7408438
File: 57 KB, 540x287, tumblr_muurkaIZAm1sgpajbo8_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like the scientist lady.
Fantastic legs

>> No.7408440

stolen image from a waifu site that stole the image from Tumblr. Could not find quality screenshots

>> No.7408594

She honestly doesn't look that much better in game. Those screenshots are about as good as it gets lol

>> No.7408608

In game she wiggles her ass though. It's super cute.

>> No.7408670

The problem is the game never evolved after its solid albeit basic starting point. Playing subsequent Rampages was like picking up the next Cave Story remake.

>> No.7408694

this game does suck, though, rampage is unironically better

>> No.7408709

lol ok

>> No.7408712

its just a shitty fighting game and destroying buildings/eating people is secondary to that, what makes it 'rampage remade but better'?

>> No.7408771

it's still fun after 5 minutes

>> No.7408779

in rampage the threat escalates and there are many different locales, in war of the monsters you just have like 5 maps and every time its just monster v monster shit

>> No.7409370

>the fighting game is a fighting game

Not him but it's really not hard to understand. Destruction in war of the monsters was fun but the monster fights were obviously the main purpose. Rampage gets boring because it gets repetitive and lacks a distinct goal other than smashing similar cities 100 times in a row. If there were rival monsters or more substantial threats (the mechs were a start) the series probably would of stuck around.

Also as far as I know, "Total Destruction" was the most recent rampage game and although it had the selling point of having a million different playable monsters all of them played exactly the same. If they took a note from war of the monsters and gave different monsters different abilities and special attacks that also would of added something. As it stands rampage just does not have enough variety or incentive to motivate a player to keep playing for more than a few levels.

>> No.7409392

If I had direction over a rampage game I would of put more focus on specialized structures and different ways of destroying buildings so it's not so mindless. Having a Seattle level where the space needle starts off in the background but gets closer and closer with every block of buildings destroyed would give you a clear goal and purpose and get you excited to reach a unique obstacle. Throw in some boss machines and enemy monsters to fight as well as different movesets for different player monsters and you'd have a classic.

>> No.7409393

Snk king of monsters is better

>> No.7409402

1 and World Tour are fucking great. Total Destruction's not bad either.

>> No.7409554

I really like the series, but I have to agree with most people here: it becomes repetitive too quickly. It's a real shame, Rampage has a lot of potential but it's been dead for too long and Warner Bros. doesn't give a fuck about these games.
By the way:
> Rampage World Tour > Rampage 2: Universal Tour > Rampage: Total Destruction > Rampage (1986)

>> No.7409694
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glad I'm not the only one

>> No.7410535
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I remember playing the N64 game at a friends place with his brother. It was fun for a limited amount of time. But we would switch back to Vigilante 8, or some other N64 game they had/ Outside of that, I never really put much time into this series. I did have a version of it for the Master System, though. I mean, I was more into King of the Monsters.

>> No.7410538
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Redneck Rampage was an interesting side story but I couldn't figure out how it was connected to the main plot.

>> No.7410587

World Tour: Found it somewhat enjoyable, but grew tired of it to quick.

Universal Tour: Just ok, didn't add much imo.

Total Destruction: It looked better graphically, but still just ok.

>> No.7410623
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based, good taste

>> No.7410631

Gonna give this a big YIKES. Thank god the 90ies are over and we have more realistic girls like nu Tifa and Lara Croft.

>> No.7411115

I always liked Rampage, used to play the Atari ST version and later the Lynx one.
Shame what they did to the Wii version, its the ultimate version with most monsters but they added forced waggle controls.

>> No.7411156

*like most arcade games

>> No.7412191

What about Universal Tour and Through Time?

>> No.7412308

It's a game designed around mindless fun rather than autistic skill, not really a problem.

>> No.7412527

Anyone ever hack the Wii version to support the classic controller and/or the Gamecube controller? because waggle controls ruin it.

>> No.7412860

Downloaded the game only for these posts and I was not dissapointed

>> No.7413995

This is the only game I know of that saw release for the PS1, the Saturn, and the N64. I tried looking if there were any other multiplatform releases for all 3 major consoles of the time and this was it.

>> No.7414027

>This is the only game I know of that saw release for the PS1, the Saturn, and the N64. I tried looking if there were any other multiplatform releases for all 3 major consoles of the time and this was it

The only other one that I can come up with is Hexen. Perhaps Command & Conquer? Even though the N64 version is quite different. The Saturn and N64 both have Quake 1. Rampage World Tours was the only multi-platform game to appear on the Saturn, N64 and PS1. The Dreamcast has more cross platform games with the PS1 and N64.

>> No.7414090


Mortal Kombat Trilogy is another one. Which is another Midway release, too.

>> No.7414098

Yeah, it seems that 1997 was the only year a multiplatform release like this could have been possible - the Saturn was starting to slow down and the N64 was just picking up steam. 95/96 was too early and 98/99 was too late.

>> No.7414107

>saying yikes
In other news, water is wet.

>> No.7414119

>Yeah, it seems that 1997 was the only year a multiplatform release like this could have been possible - the Saturn was starting to slow down and the N64 was just picking up steam. 95/96 was too early and 98/99 was too late

The only other one I can find is Bust-A-Move 2.

>> No.7414340

I like the series a lot. They were always my favorite arcade cabinets. I wish more games used those claymation style sprites like world and universal tool. Shit looks rad.

>> No.7414906
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I love it a lot.

This is why I think Universal Tour is the best game in the series. Since it was made for consoles, they had to actually balance it. Plus more monsters, special abilities, and a surprise alien invasion.

>> No.7414912

No slutty scientist chick made it a straight downgrade

>> No.7414987

Duke Nukem 3D is on all 3 and is a great demonstration as to why you don't see as many cross ports against all three platforms.

That game renders totally differently across all platforms. PlayStation is more akin to the traditional Build engine, Saturn uses the custom partial 3D engine used for Powerslave, and N64 is totally 3D.

The architectures if the consoles was just so vastly different, you had to do extremely different things to get the same or similar results, it was expensive to port stuff, or sometimes seemingly impossible depending on the type of game you made.

It's a messy fucked up generation where everyone was still figuring stuff out, but it does mean that no console was ever the pure winner in terms of hardware, since each had their particular strengths.

>> No.7415274
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>No slutty scientist chick made it a straight downgrade
Yeah I can't even bring myself to check it out. What were they thinking?

>Since it was made for consoles, they had to actually balance it.
Interesting if true.

>*like most arcade games
Not really, even the original was a deliberate reaction against "git gud" games. You can't die right away no matter how bad you are yet there's not a lot you can do to avoid dying either. You pay a quarter for a short interactive cartoon and that's it.

>It's a game designed around mindless fun rather than autistic skill, not really a problem.
It does a good job of being the thing it's trying to be.

>> No.7416239
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>Interesting if true.
UT was only released for N64 and PS1 (there was a GBC port, too, but it's ehh). Cheap enemies like the Fryborgs who attack and stun you the instant you hit them are gone, reinforcements aren't constantly flooding the screen so actually have moments of respite to focus on punching buildings, and every monster has a unique ability they can use when you fill their Power bar that can clear entire screens of enemies or cause massive damage to multiple buildings in short order. You get extra lives much more often, which is good since you don't have infinite continues like in the console versions of WT.
Her presence is missed, yes, but I'm mostly here for the big monsters. Lizzie and Ruby fill the waifu quota for me just fine.

>> No.7416395
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Where my AAARGH! bros at?

>> No.7416489

I've beaten this game twice in my life. It gets so fucking monotonous, no idea why I went through it a second time.
It's pretty good but very little in common with Rampage. It's more like, but better than, the Godzilla 3D fighters. The cpu opponent AI is extremely good.