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7401254 No.7401254 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people shit on this game? Is it because 2 is so different and they've never played the first? It's excellent. Shit tons more branching paths compared to 2 as well. Plus that music is insanely funky.

>> No.7401267

The second game is the only title in the franchise that has the most different versions

>> No.7401413
File: 103 KB, 800x767, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saturn port was fucking awful and somewhat hurt the games reputation. Most of the plebs on here have probably only played that, and even if they've played the original arcade game it's probably with emulation and with a shitty fucking controller/mouse. Can't compare.

The arcade was fucking excellent. I'd say it was easily the best game of its type at the time. It was always the most popular light gun game in any arcade that i visited, or just flat out the most popular game there. There was nothing else like it, it graphically shit on even the most high-end PCs of the time, the B-movie feeling was perfect, and blowing limbs off zombies felt so fucking good and satisfying. Sex m8.

>> No.7401418

No one shits on it but way more people have played 2 and 3 thanks to them getting ports
The Saturn version was always rare, Sega should release a modern port even if it's just model 2 emulation

>> No.7401453

>The Saturn port was fucking awful
It's a great port

>> No.7401480


No, the arcade game is great. I think most of the complaints came from the Saturn port not being as good as the arcade original. But even then, The Saturn port is still good in its own right. I think it is one of the better light gun games on the console. Back in the day, there was also a Windows 95 PC port of the Sega Saturn game.


This game is based directly on the Saturn version, but has D3D enhancements, and the ability to use the arcade models for the enemies. But the environments still used the Saturn assets.

>> No.7401580

No one shits on HotD the fuck are you talking about OP?

>> No.7401583

pc port is where it's at

>> No.7401615

>pc port is where it's at
Is there an easy way to use a light gun with it? I wonder if it is possible to replace the environments with the ones from the Model 2 game?

>> No.7401630
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Because no one wants to remember that awful Shiturn port and it faded into obscurity once the great HotD2 on Dreamcast released.

>> No.7401728

I've never seen anyone shit on that game

>> No.7401841
File: 88 KB, 960x1440, House Of The Dead residue proof 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually love this game. But I can't ignore that it has a Mandela Effect with it's name.

>> No.7401915
File: 84 KB, 680x775, eugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely manages 20fps
>graphical glitches
>poor graphics for a late release Saturn game
>mostly received average reviews

Virtua Cop 1 and 2 are great ports. Sega Rally and VF2 are great ports. The HotD port wasn't remotely close to any of them in quality. I'm pretty sure Sega didn't even handle the port themselves.

>> No.7401936

Probably could use a Sinden gun on it. Though you could also just simply emulate the model 2 arcade version with the windows emulator.
I used it to emulate Virtua Cop with my Sinden gun and it works fine. All I had to do was go into the Sinden software and remap the mouse buttons to zxcv.
Model 3 you have to use overlays on since the Sinden software can't overlay it's border over the full screen window.
Same issue with Demul.
This link to the wiki has tons of helpful info to set stuff up with the gun. I bought two of the non recoil (red and blue) guns. I love them. They work great, even on a curved monitor or projector.
They even work on CRTs after tweaking some settings on the CRTs.

>> No.7401964

Runs at 30fps in america. Occasional dips. Its a 97 arcade game running on 94 hardware. Compromise is expected.

>> No.7401968

It was based on the crappy Saturn port. Does it even support a light gun? If it don't then it's not even in the running. But the PC is even more disappointing in way, because PC could of at least had much better graphics than Saturn, but it simply used assets from the Saturn port, which was already bad looking for a Saturn game.

Arcade was absolutely miles ahead of any ports, to the point that it's almost like a different game. House of the Dead 2 is an entirely different story though, that received a completely perfect Dreamcast port.

>> No.7401998

It's funny to think that there's less light gun games on Dreamcast (5 and 1 minigame) than there are games that support the fishing rod (6 games).

>> No.7402007

Tons of dips, not occasional. That also doesn't excuse the many graphical glitches. And again, look at Virtua Cop 1 and 2. Both ran on the same Model 2 hardware and VC2 pushed the Model 2 pretty hard, but it still got a great Saturn port with a far better frame rate, little to no glitches, and very good graphics (for a Saturn). While VC1 is surprisingly close to the arcade and has a perfect frame rate. Both are highly polished quality ports, unlike the Saturn/PC ports of HotD.

>> No.7402008

It was outsourced to Tantalus. Supposedly they weren't really even finished with it or something, but it was rushed out the door regardless. Been a while since I played through it so I don't remember all the quirks, though I remember the window near the end of stage one that a monkey breaks through wasn't even there, so you just get glass shattering out of a void. Overall though it does look like shit.

As for OP, yeah people love the arcade game but do not like any of the home ports, because they pale in comparison. I don't think anybody could really dislike the first HotD unless they simply don't like lightgun games. The atmosphere, graphics, enemy design, difficulty, branching paths, and everything are just top notch. The voice acting is shit, of course, but in that charming 90s Japanese game way.

>> No.7402132

Nobody hates HOTD1 unless they only know it for the Saturn port.

>> No.7402657

I always preferred this over 2. Based OP

>> No.7402675

Few dips, my source is I just beat it. The game runs pretty well. House of the dead stays pretty consistent and there are numerous points where there's a ton of enemies on screen and it doesn't skip a beat. Glitches are minor things like a texture not loading in time, it corrects itself quickly.

Once again, it's a good port but people make up a lot of things about it to make it sound unplayable.

>> No.7402690

>Why do people shit on this game?

Because they played the Saturn port.

>> No.7402697

first game has no memeworthy dialogue that makes it memorable.
It's better as a rail shooter though. Compared to every other HOTD I've played it felt the least like a cheap quartermunching pile of garbage.