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File: 2.46 MB, 2880x1980, Sega-Saturn-Controller-NA-Mk-II-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7369530 No.7369530 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7369540

The dpad isnt as good as snes/playstation, but other than that its my favorite controller

>> No.7369543

Nintendo didn't make it.

>> No.7369545

What good is a great controller if there are no games to play with it

>> No.7369581

saturn has the best library of its gen

>> No.7369606

But what if you only speak and read english?

>> No.7369618

It's current year, use patches.

>> No.7369619

The console never gained a foothold

>> No.7369624

Musty bait

>> No.7369630

Come on man I'm a huge Saturn fan and even I can't make a claim that bold, the PSX just outright steamrolled its competition

>> No.7369634

I can't, I enjoy it so much that I own several Sega Saturn controllers.

>> No.7369638

Is this a joke? Virtua fighter alone proves how much better a 8 direction pad is. I can't imagine being able to consistently pull off moves like Jacky's somersault kick on a PSX d-pad

>> No.7369639

the l+r buttons are not satisfying

>> No.7369641

I agree with that anon. Would rather a SNES Dpad than Saturns.

>> No.7369653
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. It has the worst library of all time, and only weebniggers would dispute this.

>> No.7369658

shoulder buttons are too... convex

>> No.7369669

this meme sucks

>> No.7369706

None found

>> No.7369728

I like it

>> No.7369736

No analog (and before you mention it, the saturn analog pad sucked, it literally has a nipple on it)
only two shoulder buttons instead of 4
could use start + select in the middle, just to match the rest of the industry
uses a fucking parallel input part instead of serial (resulting in larger and more expensive connector with more pins - this is arguably a fault as it drives up the cost of mass manufacturing)

It's still the best pad to emulate anything pre-dating the Saturn, but it doesn't have enough buttons for anything made later. And the d-pad and the buttons were the best ever made for any console.

I could also mention that it's a little bit small and not as ergonomic as say the Xbox pads which you can grab with your full hand, but that's down to preference.

>> No.7369762
File: 18 KB, 282x252, 25fz2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking Street Fighter makes you a weebnigger

>> No.7369771

Not Xinput compatible so it's useless.

>> No.7369781

>I can't imagine
Expected from a sega chud

>> No.7369793
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, E9E7A348-63DF-49B9-B564-BBD8F4F96FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspelled Sega Chad, incel

>> No.7369801

PC will never be relevant for video gaming.

>> No.7369851

6-face buttons is impractical for a thumbpad

>> No.7369924

The top row of buttons are terribly shaped.

No select button.

>> No.7369946

What games are you playing that require a select button?

>> No.7369960

>Expected from a sega chad

Thanks bro

>> No.7369984

it's awfully forced these days

>> No.7370015

but worse than a playstations?
i get preferring the SNES pad, but the ps dpad has always been hot garbage

>> No.7370037

I find the Playstation D-Pad to be inoffensive, each press feels separate. The SNES one is so mushy, no idea what fans see in it.

>> No.7370041

It has a real Dpad. That's one Dpad more than the PissStation.

>> No.7370072

if only it had any games

>> No.7370089

Outright delusion

>> No.7370101
File: 175 KB, 1320x478, Street Fighter II Fujiwara 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370107

both me btw

>> No.7370110

Open your eyes Sonygger

>> No.7370115

High IQ post

>> No.7370124
File: 226 KB, 511x474, uhm sweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370142

It has more games worth playing than psx, you are just too lazy/stupid/too much of a fanboy to play any of them.

>> No.7370213

>What games are you playing that require a select button?

all SNES titles (okay, you can get around this by mapping it to Z or C)
all non-analog PS1 titles (no way to get around for these)

>> No.7370227


>> No.7370231

You mean the game that is superior on sega?

>> No.7370236

hes an EOP

>> No.7370237

I mean I'm playing the English patch on my OG Saturn right now, and everytime I want to look at the map I have to load into the menu scree and then press L which brings up a map against a black background instead of just overlaying it on the play screen at the press of a Select button.

>> No.7370238
File: 2.41 MB, 2304x1728, Spot_the_combo_breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished the XYZ buttons were the same size as the ABC buttons. Even without that feature, it is my favorite controller.

>> No.7370320

No option button

>> No.7370326


>> No.7370356
File: 121 KB, 1000x1130, 3453455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370362

please visit reddit.com/retrogaming thanks

>> No.7370373

For mahjong sure

>> No.7370441

poster is underage

>> No.7371090

Do you use one controller for everything? I don't and I rather not have analog sticks and 4 shoulder buttons for games that don't require them.

>> No.7371209
File: 268 KB, 1000x723, 130887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not this

>> No.7371308

>Do you use one controller for everything?
I literally do. I leet haxored a bunch of "ODE"s ($1 ESPs) so I can sit in bed and use my HSS-0130 to run the microwave, espresso machine etc. Checkmate zoomies.

>> No.7371331

Sega Saturn controllers have a place in my heart and I won't stand here and let you joke about them. Be gone!

>> No.7371486

no good games to play

>> No.7371503

anyone else gets kind of a Gundam vibe from this?

>> No.7371625

No select button. No turbo.

>> No.7372192

I'm not even joking, kid. An 0130 moistens even the driest of gashes and the simple multiplexing protocol makes it ideal to interface with "ODE"s aka cheap a cheap chinkshit ESPs. Your mom just splooshed reading this. You know she only spies on you because you have her corpse propped up in a chair, right?

>> No.7372258


>> No.7374045

The buttons rattle a bit when I shake the controller like a tard.

>> No.7374050

Take my meds

>> No.7374056

This with the later directional hat would be the ultimate controller

>> No.7374069

just got my first shiturn a week ago, loving it, but are the <<< and >>> supposed to be super shallow or is that just wear and tear?

>> No.7374105

no select button

>> No.7375382

It won't fit in my anus. Yet.

>> No.7376416

Maybe it could do with one more button. Maybe it could include some microswitches here and there.

>> No.7376651

The shoulder buttons are just microswitches so yeah.

shoulder buttons

>> No.7376669

Shoulder buttons are shite.
Face buttons placement AND shapes are pretty bad
Handling of the whole thing is so-so

Only the d-pad is really good on that thing

t. a guy who bought an adapter to use ps/ps2 pads on an og jp saturn console

>> No.7376670

based bernie poster

>> No.7376685

>The SNES one is so mushy, no idea what fans see in it
This. The SNES controller besides ergonomics has always felt inferior to the NES controller to me. Literally every NES controller I've used felt perfect.

>> No.7376690

You can literally play any retro game with one via emulation grandpa

>> No.7376719

>shoulder buttons
Maybe they should add really soft microswitches as face buttons too.

>> No.7376739

No (good) games

>> No.7376776

NES buttons are much punchier.

>> No.7376803

I honestly don't get the appeal of 6 face buttons. Makes more sense to divvy up functions between other digits instead of giving your thumb 6 buttons to manage on it's own. Best solution I've seen is the xbox elite controller where you have the four face buttons for your thumb, 4 shoulder buttons for your two pointer fingers, then two paddles on the back for your middle fingers

Speaking of which, the shoulder buttons kind of suck on the saturn pad. It's also slightly annoying that the top row of buttons are as small as they are, wish they were the same size. And while the dpad is nice, I still overall prefer the snes dpad, and I'm an even bigger fan of clicky sticks on the neo geo cd controller

It's a good controller but massively overrated IMO

>> No.7376812

lmao, a fucking PSX dpad was used to win the largest fighting game tournament in the world for the most competed in game in the genre

>> No.7376816


>> No.7376817
File: 39 KB, 800x600, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7377407

I don't even own a switch.

>> No.7377543

There is something about this controller that I love. It looks so neat and that shiny black plastic. Its a nice evolution of the Genesis one. Looks comfy and simple. Like atari's joystick

>> No.7377679

>I honestly don't get the appeal of 6 face buttons.

Play Street Fighter.

>> No.7377753

Again, makes more sense to me to have shoulder and rear paddles that you can use multiple fingers with. On an arcade stick you've got three or four digits dedicated to buttons, where as with a 6 button pad you're using them all with your thumb. Unless you sit the controller on a surface and treat it like a mini arcade stick or something