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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 600x600, nintendo64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7247427 No.7247427 [Reply] [Original]

>no good turn-based RPGs (inb4 Paper Mario, miss me with that baby shit)
>no good tactics games besides Ogre Battle 64, which pales in comparison to Final Fantasy Tactics
>no good sim games besides Harvest Moon 64, which has a better version on the Playstation
>no good vs. fighting games (inb4 Smash, miss me with that baby shit)
>no good jab 'n jogs whatsoever
>no good shmups besides Bangai-O, which has a better version on the Dreamcast

Just what the fuck is the appeal of this console? Why's it so overrated?

>> No.7247457 [DELETED] 
File: 639 KB, 500x262, goe_99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent absolutely free.
N64 will continue to be popular and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You will die and N64 will continue to have its legacy and people who love it. Tough luck.

>> No.7247472

>oi pass me a postage stamp m8, I wanna write a list of n64 bangers

>> No.7247479

every time i see one of these posts i think about the time i was dating this kid's mom in 1998 and accidentally broke his PS1 when i was nailing her. apparently he left the console on the couch and a jacket fell over it, and my knee was leaning on it the whole time while i slapped cum into his mom's ass. he was really upset so i bought him an N64 for christmas that year and when i showed it to him, he said mario was for babies.

3 years later his baby brother was playing mario.

>> No.7247490

why are you posting on 4chan as like a 40 year old bragging about fictitiously banging someone's mum?

>> No.7247568
File: 161 KB, 338x298, N64 sales 1996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just what the fuck is the appeal of this console?
It had new experiences instead of more of the same from the 16-bit era.

>> No.7247634

Snoyfags btfo

>> No.7247675


>> No.7247683

>no incel games
Sounds like a good console.

>> No.7247684

How the fuck did Playstation get bullied nearly entirely out of the 10 best selling games, holy shit. imagine not being able to leverage over 20x the console sales into anything remotely approaching success in game sales.

>> No.7247703
File: 1.79 MB, 2552x3507, february1997sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, imagine if the N64 kept that same energy during the entire year

>> No.7247707


>> No.7247708

the ps1 had way more games to choose from, so it didn't have everybody buying the same five games out of desperation like the n64 had.

>> No.7247715

Murica sales are bottom-left

>> No.7247731
File: 143 KB, 876x1225, Best selling games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best selling game of each year was an N64 title for the five years it was commercially relevant.

>> No.7247768

>Best selling games
What else N64 owners gonna buy besides those listed games ? Was like 1 worth buying game per year for the N64 owners, right ?

>> No.7247791

>nothing but Madden and Cawadoody since the 2000s
the PS2 ruined video games

>> No.7247821


>> No.7247841

1996: Wave Race 64
1997: Goldeneye
1998: F-Zero X
1999: Super Smash Bros.
2000: Majora's Mask

>> No.7247848

>PC Master Race's top game is Fifa
Fucking kek

>> No.7247862


>Jab n jog

Are we supposed to know what that means?

>> No.7247916

>10 games worth buying on N64
>Everyone buys those same games
>1000 games with buying on PS1
>Sales spread out across many more games

Literally just stop and think for 10 seconds and surely you could have figured that out. Im a N64 fanboy for life and even I know everyone had the same 10 fixing games dude.

>> No.7247919

> no good turn-based RPGs
Correct. None exist. For any console.

>> No.7247950

It's the same as any other Nintendo console: absolute shit by all objective measures, yet clung onto by incessant nintendrones, whom are desperately attempting to maintain this myth that Nintendo has ever produced something of worth. Nintendo is shit, and always have been, their poor consoles and shit games are best ignored.

>> No.7247953
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To be fair, '97 was when FIFA really came into its own. Commercially and artistically.

>> No.7247956

Hello Australia.

>> No.7248170


>> No.7248185 [DELETED] 

Anyone knows why Nintendo triggers autistic people so much? I thought autists were supposed to enjoy video games, not develop a boogeyman hateboner for it.
It must be weird to be so obsessed with a japanese company.

>> No.7248248


Top kek

>> No.7248271

Probably not reliable when Sonic 3D Blast is shown as a bestseller

>> No.7248303

No idea, but it's hilarious reading their posts as they lose their minds over it

>> No.7248321

These mini lists on the right are not bestseller lists, but the mag's editors "most recommended".

>> No.7248336

>no good tactics games besides Ogre Battle 64, which pales in comparison to Final Fantasy Tactics
You should find the nearest bridge and jump off of it, ya huge fagboy.

>> No.7248384

It still has the best wrestling games and the best 3D platformers years later. While shit like Zelda and Goldeneye has been improved upon, they still have redeeming values that make them playable if in Goldeneyes case, you can accept the dated controls.

>> No.7248405

The N64 was the King of the Wrestling games. You had WCW Revenge, WM 2000, No Mercy, VPW 64 and VPW 2, all in one console generation.

>> No.7248446

Best platformers and best shooters of its generation.

>> No.7248448

Cry moar

>> No.7248467

Fuck paper mario

>> No.7248472 [DELETED] 

I'd rather fuck paper peach.

>> No.7248502

>>no good shmups besides Bangai-O, which has a better version on the Dreamcast

HAHAHAHAHAHHA, no, you drunk, n64 is the superior version with best better mechanics, everybody knows that

>> No.7248506 [DELETED] 

Both are great, but I agree N64 has more in-depth mechanics, DC is a bit casualized but still good and has a couple extra bosses.
But don't mind australia-kun, he WILL hate on anything nintendo, and that's fun: he will never escape Nintendo, for it is deeply ingrained in his psyche.

>> No.7248508

Starfox64 is still the best rail shooter ever made
and Sin and Punishment the best crosshair shooter.

>> No.7248569
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>> No.7248571 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7248607

Enjoy your extra slowdowns, inferiour graphics and music, and shittier bomb system, Nincel.

>> No.7248636
File: 76 KB, 641x530, 1608261413198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7248887

enjoy your dumbed down mechanics segay

>> No.7248969

That pepe looks like Marilyn Manson somehow lmao l

>> No.7249325

My opinion, Bangai-O felt better as N64 classics.

>> No.7249368

Cartridges were limited, but the N64 was and is still a fun console because it had a lot of fun games and the controllers (despite being weird as shit) were responsive and versatile. That said, if you don't like any of the hundreds of games on it then it is what it is


>> No.7249383

Blast Corps, Shadowgate 64, the list goes on

>> No.7249515

>Also no built in FM chip: YM2164

>> No.7249693

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7249731

Psx is the jrgp console and nothing else in contrast.

psx=rpgs basically
n64=fun tier adventure stuffs
xbox=first person
saturn=point and laugh, too much arcade tier

>> No.7249836

You forgot all of the survival horror on PS1 you messy bitch

>> No.7249845

Such as parasite eve, a horror game and jrgp?

It's basically the jrgp console, n64 adventure, saturn arcade, xbox first person.

>> No.7249975

Can this console ever get a fucking break? For the love of god what the fuck did this console do to you people?

>> No.7249990

it's literally 3 autistic guys on 4chan. every other site on the internet is filled with 29 year olds sucking this thing dry and anyone who actually grew up with one has fond memories. bitter, angry men makes these posts.

>> No.7250002

For fighting games actually there"s Flying Dragon which is really fucking cool

>> No.7250009

Forgot about that game. My brother and i played it a bunch back in the day

>> No.7250023

Shut. The fuck. UP!

>> No.7250030

B-b-b ogre battle wahhh

>> No.7250043

That's hot. Did she have a fat ass?

>> No.7250061

>Console wars thread again
the state of /vr/

>> No.7250141

>miss me
Why are zoomers allowed to post?

>> No.7250574
File: 23 KB, 331x446, cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of get the feeling most of those three discs are only needed to store the world map twice, the character models three times, the music, the pre-rendered cutscenes and those (for the time) amazing models of Cloud and Sephiroth at the end. I'm not sure but I think you could run the game on the Nintendo 64 if you removed that stuff and replaced it with more storage friendly content. Don't get me wrong, those things were nice (if a bit archaic now) but I'm not sure it needed to be exclusive to the PS1 for so long.

Can someone with more insight tell me, could a compromised version of the game (one that replaces the cutscenes, music and high-poly models at the end with simple solutions) run on the N64 or would the game need to be remade from the ground up to make a functioning N64 version? I know RE2 was on N64 and I know the PS1 version of Rayman 2 is actually worse than the N64 version. My understanding is that the N64 is mostly superior in terms of hardware and that it's really just the lack of a CD drive that prevented most PS1 games from being ported to the system

>> No.7251058

>n64 adventure,
Literally just has OoT, which isn't even good.

>> No.7251156

The deal with RE2 on N64 was that the only thing the N64 had to actually do was display a background image and a few models. The rest of the N64's processing power was committed to decompressing assets on the fly for the entire game, which was unusual. This can't be replicated for FF7. When you go into a random battle, all the 3D graphics would consume too much processing power to allow for good audio decoding on the fly.

>> No.7251164 [DELETED] 

Don't play his little console war game, he's a mentally ill shitposter.
Real Bangai-O fans enjoy both games, as they're different and offer fun both ways.

>> No.7251190
File: 247 KB, 480x361, intredasting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real Bangai-O fans enjoy both games, as they're different and offer fun both ways.
But only one can be the best, and that's Bangai-O for the Sega ChadCast.

>> No.7251306 [DELETED] 

Would be cool if Console Wars did an episode on Bangai-O.
Dreamcast is good, but I still prefer the original for having a more in-depth scoring system, since the real game starts when you play for score. Also, while I enjoy the DC's new graphics and all, I prefer the more retro graphics of the original. Bangai-O itself's sprite is also better looking on N64, it has more details when it unleashes the missile fury, you can see all the missile pads coming out of its body, for some reason not on DC.

>> No.7251372


>> No.7251537

Snoys always claim that their system has hundreds of good games but it’s like pulling teeth to get them to actually name them.

When they do it’s just shovelware and inferior multiplats.

>> No.7251557


>> No.7251591

that doesn't help just fucking tell us

>> No.7251604

>miss me with that baby shit
bro just give them a chance

>> No.7251609


>> No.7251931
File: 46 KB, 645x448, godhand-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat 'em ups

>> No.7252136
File: 225 KB, 800x1167, wpj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no good sim games
*blocks your path*

>> No.7252184

>Wonder Pedo

>> No.7252193 [DELETED] 

I really love how the N64 makes loser seethe so much.

>> No.7252213

>no good vs. fighting games
MK 4 was actually pretty good on the N64. People forget about it because of the garbage PlayStation and Dreamcast ports.

>> No.7252214
File: 46 KB, 924x527, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is a massive failure in any other region besides US. Americans and their animal instinct towards consumerism is the cause the n64 phenomenon in that region. Rational beings dared to touch this console.
Just imagine now being a n64 kid and having to wait months and months for a game worth to play.
In Japan and EU this console have been ignored like a turd.

>> No.7252226

>Benford's law
go back to school

>> No.7252264
File: 3.23 MB, 445x247, 1607844088188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n64 doesn't have any games in the worst genres
>why doesn't this appeal to me bros?

>> No.7252315
File: 447 KB, 562x427, tranny_bashers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst genres
Shit taste, as expected of a tranime poster.

>> No.7252325
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>> No.7252338

>no good vs. fighting games (inb4 Smash, miss me with that baby shit)
Sony seemed to think it was good enough to try to rip off.

>> No.7252724

It's pretty to say a system has no games when you can just add a parenthesis saying the games it does have don't count for arbitrary reasons.

>> No.7253303

>elf ear
>probably closest Zelda fan

>> No.7253306

>Australia and Zealand support

>> No.7253314

What the fuck was Capcoms problem?

Seriously. They had what... 40 fighting games in this generation and not a SINGLE one was brought to N64? Fucking why?

Not even SF2 collection? Super SF2 was the best selling SNES game! There's got to be some reason they didn't bring 99% of there games to N64. And then they bring Resident Evil 2 and Megaman Legends? Fucking weird.

>> No.7253320
File: 14 KB, 240x168, WCW_vs_NWO_Revenge_N64_250x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo, AKI, and Rare.

>> No.7253496

>Wrestling games
Come on

>> No.7253615

>>Jab n jog


>> No.7253623

The appeal for me was the wrestling games and Super Mario 64. It's overrated because it's Nintendo.

>> No.7253765

The PSX has every genre covered. But people will remember it as a JRPG machine.
>n64=fun tier adventure stuffs
get three other N64 controllers and you have the best couch gaming machine of the generation. the N64 has a lot of two and four player split screen games, and four player games in general. Outside of that, 3D platformers/ action games, some racing games, FPS games and a few other genres.
>saturn=point and laugh, too much arcade tier
Playstation has a lot of arcade tier with Namco. Saturn really has the best 2D fighting games of that generation, as well as some decent arcade ports. It also does have a pretty underrated selection of RPG's and 2D shooters. The console has some original stuff too.

>> No.7253793

You don’t like one of the finest performance arts around?

>> No.7253813

Nobody was going to pay $60 for SF2 in 1998, anon. It makes much more sense when trying to maximize money through ports to just make more PSX ports. Not only do you already have lots of teams well acquainted with the PSX hardware, but more people will buy the PSX port in the first place.

Remember, the N64 really only did well in America.

>> No.7253819

I was poor growing up, didn’t have the luxury of buying a hundred $50 games, so I rented what I could get and had some great experiences and some not so good. Games like Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, and Majora’s Mask took me a long time to beat because I was a kid still learning how video games worked. And multiplayer games like Goldeneye and Starfox brought friends over again and again. I didn’t even have a second console until 2009 with the PS2.

>> No.7253830

>one of the most beloved games decades later and presented at the Smithsonium for their greatest video games exhibits isn’t good

>> No.7253852

It’s funny how the same autist that makes these threads on a daily basis trashes the N64 for being only successful in America while saying the Saturn is better due to outselling it in only one country. And how vast the Saturn’s library was despite barely any of it’s games selling well. Only one or two Saturn games sold over a million copies.

>> No.7254145

It had good games.

>> No.7254152

based and n64pilled

>> No.7254162

N64 was the console if you had friends. PS1 was for the lonely kids who sat alone at school.

>> No.7254164
File: 25 KB, 400x300, s-l400 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one or two Saturn games sold over a million copies.
Donkey Kong 64 sold over 5million units. One of 64s best sellers. I would rather play shitty Croc than DK64.

>> No.7254262

Croc still sucks.

>> No.7254267

DK64 is based as fuck. I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy it.

>> No.7254273

Thanks for pointing out what I already said.

>> No.7254856

Maybe the N64 would have been more successful if it had gotten some fucking games?

Also, just like that other anon said, the N64 sold better than Saturn and Saturn got like 20+ Capcom games and most of its fighters.

And before people say it's limitations they could have used the expansion Pak which the Saturn also had to use for the same games.

>> No.7254930

Who cares you autist

>> No.7254958

Because for years Nintensharts non-stop shittalked the PSX and Saturn. You're now seeing the pushback. Funnily enough, you won't be there to claim what's wrong with people when another PSX/SS bashing thread gets made.

>> No.7254972 [DELETED] 

>other people are console warriors, thus, I shall become a console warrior too
Not how it works, auster.

>> No.7255114

That's just not true. Nobody bashes the psx and saturn and never has.

>> No.7255208

Gaslighting: the post

>> No.7255234

It won't let up. People can't seem to cope with how well regarded the N64 was and still is to a degree. In this day and age it is drowned out by whiny contrarianism purported by tribalistic manchildren who are always looking to circlejerk their hateboners for the console. It's not going to get better. Personally I'm going to keep loving the N64 as I always have.

>> No.7255567

Sonyfags are the scum of the earth. I don’t have a horse in this race so I find the threads pretty funny though.

>> No.7255585
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> UK Magazine

God it sucks to be a Euro fag

>> No.7255613

I agree but don’t act like the US is any better with all the madden shit

>> No.7255629
File: 1.22 MB, 806x650, britbong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok. Madden might get one slot in a top 20 of that month

This thing is filled with British cringe. Fucking Wallace and Gromit!?

>> No.7255695

That never happens on this board. It is n64 hate threads 24/7

>> No.7255848

Everybody I knew pirated PS games. No such thing on the n64

>> No.7256268

This. 1997 to 2001 everyone and their grandma had a modded Playstation, a Blockbuster (or local mom and pop) rental membership, a spool of CD-Rs and a CD Burner.

Rent a game for the weekend, own it forever. Then share your new burn with all your friends. The only pro arguement for the Playstation side is imagine how many copies of FF7 would have sold over Zelda OoT without the pirating. But it's what helped Sony move consoles over software, people knew it was a free meal console at a time where it could be seen as black magic

>> No.7256327

the ps1 had tons of fighting games (including exclusives like bushido blade, tobal, evil zone, gundam battle assault 2, slap happy rhythm busters, etc.), tons of shmups (again, including exclusives like einhander, harmful park, internal section, etc.) and was also stacked with survival horror, racing and light gun games. it wasn't just rpgs.

>> No.7256354

such as silent hill, overblood, galerians, echo night, hellnight, etc. all the n64 had was shitty botched resident evil ports.

>> No.7256376
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>The only pro arguement for the Playstation side is imagine how many copies of FF7 would have sold over Zelda OoT without the pirating

FFVII outsold every single Nintoddler game besides SM64 which was bundled with the console.

>> No.7256403

Tifa moved a lot of units, OoT only had Adult Malon's milkers to help.

You can't top Tifa.

>> No.7257440

Wizardry series would like to have a word with you.

>> No.7257450

More contrarian anti-n64 bandwagon bullshit

>> No.7258120

The RE2 port was actually surprisingly good, considering they crammed 2 discs full of content (minus a cutscene) into one cartridge, also has exclusive features like a randomiser mode and a superior movement control scheme.

>> No.7258127

I think the PS1 is the better system by a mile, but you are an insufferable fool.
>Conveniently omits the fact that SM64 and OOT, two of the best games of all time, came out on the 64
Also nice cherry picking. Doom 64 is better than PSX doom, see I can do it too.

>> No.7258197
File: 199 KB, 1920x1920, 1B8FB857-1F25-4726-B068-3CA5C5543638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby shit
theres some1 id like u to meet

>> No.7259058

That game was ass lol

>> No.7259093

>considering they crammed two disc
I want Metal Geat Solid, Chrono Cross and any two disc based PS1 game to be ported.

>> No.7259096

Croc is best "dinosaur" games.

>> No.7259116

If mario 64 and ocarina are "the best games of all time", why the n64 was not a huge sucess across every region ? How could everyone but americans miss this "mark" in the gaming history. What about nintendo not even bothering to make a remake of the two of their best games of all time? Are they really that blind to miss so much money?

As you see, the subjective argument of ocarina and m64 being the best games of all time is not a reality.

>> No.7259578

He cute

>> No.7260025

>why the n64 was not a huge sucess across every region ?
Because Japan and Europe have shit taste in games. Seriously the nips were only playing shitty JRPGs and Europe was only interested in GT and Fifa.

>> No.7260108

Also it was well known that the Playstation was a free ticket for free games.

Japan and Europe were ahead in CD burning and VCD tech and were already making CD copies back in 1994.

By 1997, peak N64/PS war; why get a N64 and have to buy expensive cartridges when you can burn 100s of games for the cost of a spindle of 20 CD-Rs.

>> No.7260117

This is also what hurt the Dreamcast, it was late to the game but the CD burning culture was at peak performance with no need for even mod chips and you even had stores in China Town selling copied games to save ya the trouble of renting and burning yourself.

Did great for Sony / Sega hardware. Did terrible for Sony and Sega software.

Sony survived because it's Sony with it's other revenue, Sega on the other hand.....

>> No.7260354


>> No.7261283

America has the shittiest taste of all, though. They think Donkey Kong and Mario games are good.

>> No.7261718
File: 709 KB, 1280x960, gt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No good sim-racers or action-platformers, either.

The N64 was a fucking joke of a system.

>> No.7261739
File: 37 KB, 600x450, i sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7261750

sim tribalism didn't exist back then on consoles

>> No.7261798

>Play racing sim. 200 hours of playtime to unlock a fast car
I agree 64 had no games but its for the best this time.

>> No.7262308

>so it didn't have everybody buying the same five games out of desperation like the n64 had.
I remember a kid in school who bought the N64 on launch day.
He bought Waverace when it came out because it was literally the only other game apart from Mario that was available.

>> No.7262316

All that chart demonstrates is the severe retardation of britbong gamers.

>> No.7262386

Should have picked something fun.

Road Rash Jailbreak, for instance, was a way better game than Road Rash 64.

>> No.7262727


Why delete this when OP's
shit is consolewar bait?

are you OP?


it's not funny

it's never been funny

it's never gonna be funny

>> No.7263681

>Why delete this when OP's shit is consolewar bait?
Because OP's post speaks truth.
Sorry it upsets you, N64 fanboy.

>> No.7265167

cringe and nintensoypilled.

>> No.7265351

i did pretty well growing up in the 90s as a PC/N64 chad there was never a dull moment

>> No.7266967
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>he didn't backup his N64 blockbuster rentals

>> No.7268615

muh mayrio
muh zelder
muh pokeymens