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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7005093 No.7005093 [Reply] [Original]

no wonder they gave it out for free

>> No.7005102

Imagine being filtered by one of the most accessible experimental 3D games

>> No.7005103
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Shiturncels put NiGHTS in their top 5 best games for the system. LMAO.

>> No.7005330

t.Samefagging Nincel


>> No.7005337

there's four IPs for four posts, retard. how could i be samefagging?

>> No.7005359

He's low-iq, if the console warrior insult didn't already make that obvious.

>> No.7005362

Apparently this game really triggers n64 fans.

>> No.7005368

No it doesn't you sperg. NiGHTS doesn't trigger anybody, its too out-there and experimental and flew under the radar for almost everyone.

>> No.7005370

They did? Where?

>> No.7005375

Why can't they stop talking about it then? They're obsessed
>flew under

>> No.7005378

>flew under the radar

>> No.7005382

they're giving away the PC version for free through the Sega 60th anniversary website

>> No.7005395

>Why can't they stop talking about it then?
>the implication that anyone ever talks about NiGHTS

>> No.7005403

Oh shit, thanks for the info anon.

>> No.7005405

The only one obsessed is you with your Nintendo fanboy paranoia. Are you still traumatized your mom got you NiGHTS and a Saturn instead of an N64 with Super Mario 64 for your birthday or something?

>> No.7005410 [DELETED] 

Why are Sonyggers like this?

>> No.7005420

>title character is a transvestite pedophile jester who touches kids in their sleep
>entire game takes about 5 minutes to beat
>dogshit controls require you to buy an entirely new controller for it to play like something other than liquid ass
>is still hot garbage even with the 3d pad
jesus, and THIS was supposed to be Sega's answer to mario 64 and crash?

>> No.7005431 [DELETED] 


>> No.7005436

We got this instead of a new Sonic game. Sega JP and US were both huffing paint fumes when this shit happened.

>> No.7005437

That's the craziest thing right? The biggest Saturn fans barely talk about. N64 fans? Can't shut up about it!

>> No.7005439

Yuji Naka isn't obligated to only make Sonic for the rest of his life; the Sonic X-treme devs were incompetent retards and that's Sega JP's problem.

>> No.7005449

Yes he is.

>> No.7005454

>Yuji Naka isn't obligated to only make Sonic for the rest of his life
He should've been forced to by Sega higher-ups. All he had to do was make a 2.5D Sonic scotformer and then he could've done his stupid flying gay clown game later on with the engine.

>> No.7005460 [DELETED] 

>falseflagging as a sonic fan

>> No.7005465

And this is why /vr/'s opinion doesn't matter

>> No.7005471 [DELETED] 

literally one faggot

>> No.7005484

Mentally ill cope.

>> No.7005486 [DELETED] 

kys australia

>> No.7005490 [DELETED] 


>> No.7005493 [DELETED] 

Euro PC are garbage.

>> No.7005514

First I wasn't impressed because I didn't understand the game. But once I understood how to play the game, it's awesome. Great game. I think it's better than all sonic games, and manages the idea of being fast, precise and clever much better than any sonic game. And the levels are beautiful and the character design is better than in sonic games.

Such a great game. You just need to understand it.

>> No.7005956

>Samefagging again
Okay Nincel

>> No.7005978

Better than Japshit.

>> No.7005986 [DELETED] 


>> No.7006024

you had to be there
i was blown away when i saw this at a retail display / i didnt even play i just watched someone else

the memory stuck with me for over a decade and i bought the system as an adult specifically to play nights on.
the other badass library of burned cdrs was just a bonus

>> No.7006028

im convinced if they slapped sonic instead of the purple guy it would have sold so many more copies

sonic and tails instead of the children

>> No.7006029

I don't know who's worse, if australia-kun for still forcing the dead as fuck bernieposting, or the retarded guy who always replies to everything with "t. nintel".
Inb4 it's also australia.

>> No.7006053


>THIS was supposed to be Sega's answer to mario 64 and crash?

I like Nights (It finally clicked on my most recent play - after years of not really getting it), but I can completely understand this reaction as well.

It's a cult classic, not a system seller. Sega fucked up by not having a (good) Saturn Sonic game

>> No.7007035

The PC version is very clean and smooth. Was this entirely remade, or is it still a port?

>> No.7007049

The PC version is a port of the PS3 remake I think

>> No.7007945

They did?

>> No.7008253
File: 57 KB, 606x592, 1568261188348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we not allowed to like literally anything Sega-related on this board?

>> No.7008375

The ones who hate Sega are either Nincels or Soncels. They likely never grew up with more than 1 system each generation. I'm lucky my family got me Sega, Nintendo and Playstation consoles.

>> No.7008417

They fucked the analog controls on the remakes. Best stick to the original.

>> No.7008426

how so. Mind you, I actually have the original with the famous 3D pad for the Saturn.

>> No.7008430

Have you played the remakes? It doesn't control nearly as smoothly as the OG with the 3D pad.

>> No.7008431

I should try both, I guess.

>> No.7008483

Thats the remake.

>> No.7009313
File: 11 KB, 312x499, D6AFCFC1-DC10-4F4D-8E87-CA456AA04662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a terrible book
no wonder they gave it out for free

>> No.7009351

t. Seething Atheist Incel

>> No.7009369

t.gullible brainlet

>> No.7009392

What a worthless opinion from someone with terrible taste

>> No.7009401

doesnt miyamoto have NiGHTS as one of his favorite games?

>> No.7009661

>gullible brainlet
Project much?