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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 223 KB, 1000x729, bernie-stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6908052 No.6908052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can see mods are fags when the harmless thread I make is deleted but speccy flood still goes on. They clearly are not aware of the future.

>> No.6908069

the angry boomer is trying to make a point by spamming but doesn't understand that mods' point that they don't care if he ruins his own board, as long as he simply follows the rules that he used to hold so dear. It'll be a tough lesson for him I assume.

>> No.6908075
File: 21 KB, 640x366, stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a rather state of affairs, isn't it?

>> No.6908078

I got a 3 day for posting the cover of Metroid with the message
as in, the beeping that happens when you're low on health. I guess the faggot mod didn't even know this and banned me for off topic. Hey faggot, if you don't even know retro games why are you policing them?

>> No.6908086

haha im sure they knew exactly who posted it and why, they're a pretty clever crowd after all

>> No.6908090
File: 97 KB, 800x1195, sega-dreamcast-bernard-stolar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I came here for the first time, I thought that the PS2 becoming retro was the inevitable future. Now I see that /vr/ should have kept its limit to Dreamcast

>> No.6908096
File: 5 KB, 480x360, you know who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came from the future and this man is an android, a clone, he's not bernie.

>> No.6908098
File: 697 KB, 840x1114, tinfoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6908108
File: 25 KB, 343x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, brother. This is not the future we envisioned together, is it?

>> No.6908121
File: 16 KB, 225x279, thats mr stolar to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this future is clouded by a single man, a man of the spectrum, a man who color codes his legos. the mods know this, but they pity him and allow him to have small moral victories here and there because they don't want him to actually kill himself over this board evolving into something futuristic and robust.

>> No.6908136
File: 49 KB, 282x358, 20200922_004619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly unsettling, what the future has become. If only they've knew better.

>> No.6908141

the future is still bright, kind soul, the removal of this man of the spectrum will be swift and just, and the board will enter a golden age.

>> No.6908150 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 285x371, 1600746598246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one, way of reaching the Golden Age...
Buy another Dreamcast

>> No.6908162

but I already have enough dreamcasts to loan out to 10 friends if need be, surely the answer isn't buying another one

>> No.6908173

Yes it is.

>> No.6908181

okay, which of the dreamcast's legendary colorways do i buy this time?

>> No.6908192

Japanese Hello Kitty

>> No.6908194

no seriously

>> No.6908202

Yes, seriously

>> No.6908209

alright ill get it anon but im not happy about it

>> No.6908215

I'm not falling for that one again, tell Fred Durst I want my money back.

>> No.6908224
File: 25 KB, 364x273, bernie-stolar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come and get it

>> No.6908231

don't taunt me with a good time bro

>> No.6908238
File: 4 KB, 171x250, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.6908240

might have to take you up on the offer

>> No.6908245

When will you retarded boomers figure out that the underage shitposting zoomers are the mods?

>> No.6908246

that makes a lot of sense, do you have any proof?

>> No.6908249
File: 368 KB, 1000x729, 1596165116564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead make my day

>> No.6908258
File: 7 KB, 249x225, 371C0E25-6B50-4456-9FE3-B49CFD84C1B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside Bernard.

>> No.6908276

I'm inclined to believe this theory.

>> No.6908282
File: 141 KB, 1152x735, bernie_stolar_1997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over my dead body, Nigel

>> No.6908284

Who thought that zoomers as mods would be a good idea?

>> No.6908285

no but i just know it's them, who else would want to ruin our board??? 3do?

>> No.6908290

Saturn trannies are still alive aren't they? Nonetheless, I still agree with you

>> No.6908352

Spectrum fans showing their unconditional love for the best system ever made is not flood.
As you were.

>> No.6908369

Shoo shoo

>> No.6908398

>Saturn trannies are still alive aren't they?
Who do you think is behind the Speccy spam?

>> No.6908404

obviously it's the guy who's been crying about the rule change since day 1 lmfao

>> No.6908412

Screw you guys, i'm going to reddit

>> No.6908419

just don't come back right afterwards this time, alright?

>> No.6908572

You mean back where you came?

>> No.6908716

Yes. I said it and I'm always right about everything. Only slightly joking.
I don't know what would count as "proof" but if you look at things leading up to the rule change you'll see that there were many threads that were off topic, blatant zoomie shitposting, etc that weren't deleted despite being reported by multiple people. Maybe there's another explanation for how this happened that doesn't involve mods being the shitposters. It might have been their gay tranny lovers or something.

>> No.6908725

Anon, that's the same time frame as the "gigaleak"

>> No.6908771
File: 1.57 MB, 1598x761, mods aren't doing their job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blatant zoomie shitposting, etc that weren't deleted despite being reported by multiple people
That has been going on for YEARS. How do you just ignore the endless canned shitposting that went on around here? The quality of 4chan, and /vr/ with it, NOSEDIVED with the 2016 elections. Remember the kind of shit that has been endemic to to this board:
>X game is really overrated and I hate people who like it
>console war pt 2514: a new cope
>hey, I'm going to pretend to be as retarded as possible and make a really retarded thread tailored to make you angry, and you're going to fall for it over and over, this thread will hit bumplimit
>complaints about not /vr/ games
>millionth thread asking about why the 32X/Jaguar/3DO failed
>yet one more thread asking about le video game crash XD
>thread made only to complain about the ZX Spectrum or Amiga
>thread that belongs on /bant/ or /int/, thread derailed by /bant/ or /int/ posting
There were often multiple of these at once. Looking at the Speccy shitposting in the catalog right now, I'd hazard a guess that it's about one person who's really mad about the rule change, false flagging like usual, basically trying to prove their point in an incredibly sophist way, and there's no shortage of that kind of poster on 4chan.

>> No.6908989

It's not a single person.

>> No.6908992

>It's the asshole who claims the whole mess is started by one person who is the only shitposter around.

>> No.6908998

None of the mods here know retro games. That's why the moderation is so poor.

>> No.6909007

Is it just one person? Probably not by this point, but it's likely that most of it is driven by just one or two guys, out of pettiness and spite, or just to be a troll.

>> No.6909020

>by this point
Holy shit the amount of mental gymnastics

>> No.6909030

Out of curiosity, how long will it be before you accept the rule change was bad? You can't just stay in denial forever right...

>> No.6909035


>> No.6909050

It’s all me, I told you this last night. I did all the GBA threads, all the Super Mario 3D 2: Super Mario Sunshine threads and now I’m doing all the Speccy threads. When I get banned I just reset my IP address. Mods don’t rangeban me for some reason. Anyway I’ll get bored soon and move onto spamming something else, thinking either Amiga 500 or Atari Jaguar, not sure yet.

>> No.6909054

Yeah you're adding dozens of new IPs to the board when you post within a few minutes. Fuck off, you even type the same as you do when you're whining about the phantom autist annoyed at 6th gen.

>> No.6909056

Oh now it's gone up to two guys now. The fact is that one autist spamming can't do what's been done to /vr/.

>> No.6909072
File: 14 KB, 738x415, 1BB19E43-0936-4FA6-8E7D-C203E50434E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was all caused because you couldn’t keep your ocd under control and simply had to respond to every one of my classic retro GBA port threads (which were perfectly within the rules of the sticky btw). If you had just ignored them instead of exhibiting industrial levels of turbo seethe the rules probably would’ve never changed.

>> No.6909086
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 500_F_288301419_M4K6xK22abTaRVyADSXuD8nLEf0LY6ol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you had to [x], you [x], you, you, you

>> No.6909092

Oh look, it’s the schizo nonce who tried to post loli porn of roll from mega man. Are you going to flood the thread with pictures of your Mary Kate and Ashley cart collection again or did you remember to take your happy pills this time?

>> No.6909096

>"nooo, I'm totally not a schizo, you are, please stop shitting up the board with your 500 ips, and what do you mean I have to take my meds?"

>> No.6909103

What timeframe is that and what does the "gigaleak" have to do with it?

Zoomies have been infiltrating the system for a long time. That's how they operate. Infest and destroy from within.
There has always been shitposting but for the most part it was dealt with. But relatively recently there were a number of threads that weren't shitposting. They were just completely off topic. They were reported by multiple people yet they remained while many other off topic posts were deleted. The only logical conclusion is that someone in a position of authority prevented these threads from being deleted. If you have any other explanation I'm happy to listen. But complaining about plain old shitposting isn't one.

>> No.6909104

False flag and samefag all you want my little schizo friend, you’re never getting your board back.

>> No.6909132

Anon, sorry to break your bubble but your anti 6th gen boogeyman that is supposedly responsible for all the current 6th gen backlash was just a /v/ tier shitposter. He didn't really care about the rules or the GBA threads, and he only started to get really annoying at the ports threads like a couple of months before of the rule change. It was you, right?

>> No.6909171

>The only logical conclusion is that someone in a position of authority prevented these threads from being deleted. If you have any other explanation I'm happy to listen.
They could just be fucking bad at their job. I mean, have mods on 4chan ever been known for being expedient and efficient?

>> No.6909182

>The fact is that one autist spamming can't do what's been done to /vr/.
You'd be very surprised at the effort some people will put into shitposting.

>> No.6909219
File: 47 KB, 451x680, 071971F2-FC67-4927-A080-BE11E81E3939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was you, right?
Why don’t you ask your mod friends on the Discord? I’m sure they will be happy to confirm the IP address. By the way, it’s curious that I’ve basically been free to flood the board almost every day for the last few months without ever receiving a permanent rangeban. It’s almost like they approve of my efforts because controversy brings more traffic.

>> No.6909226

The mod that gave a shit left when the rules changed on account of autism.

We only have a mod that trolls now.

>> No.6909228

Can you prove this, or is it just conjecture?

>> No.6909231

There is a mod Discord, someone post the screenshots.