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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6877845 No.6877845 [Reply] [Original]

Is this thing just endless shovelware and inferior ports?

>> No.6877860

Yes, just like the rest 6th gen consoles.

>> No.6877864
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Reminds me of another system that /vr/ pretends to love dearly...

>> No.6877870

nintendo 64?

>> No.6877872

The N64? I'm pretty sure there's plenty of anon's who hated their controller.

>> No.6877885
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This, it's the N64. Almost put my damn company in the grave! I had to rely on those friendless RPG nerds buying Game boys to keep us going...

>> No.6877890

Same with DS.. original gameboy / colour are better

>> No.6878069

Not just, but mostly. A few games are worthwhile:
Rhythm Tengoku
Wario Ware & Twisted
Drill Dozer
Wario Land 4
Advance Wars 1 & 2
Mother 3

and borderline:
Metroid Fusion
Circle of Moon

>> No.6878078

>good game = bad XD

>> No.6878079

yes ton of bad games but theres a few good ones

>> No.6878132

That's everything.

>all game consoles

If you like everything x thing or person or place has you're insane. Or retarded. Or both.

Human taste is meant to vary.

>> No.6878187

Nobody here pretends to like N64. There's just zoomers who unironically think it's a good system because it has two first party titles that are good,

>> No.6878205

I'm 31 and it's good.

>> No.6878214


Maybe you just have shit taste?

>> No.6878216

Every song by Genesis is great faggot

>> No.6878220


>> No.6878252

Yes. There is a reason the highest selling games are still some of the worst selling pokemon games.

>> No.6878950


How is it I can still hear the OP picture fight song after almost 15 years?

>> No.6878956
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That's funny Bernie, I was thinking about the memecast too!

>> No.6878961

Has there ever been a greater incentive to revisit towns than to read everyone's mind? Golden Sun also let's you move shit like a Jedi, bend the elements like an Avatar, and summon goddess waifus.

>> No.6878970
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Well, you have to remember how it was back in the early 2000s. Phone emulation didn't exist (smartphones didn't exist), handhelds that could emulate older systems didn't exist yet. Being able to play SNES games on the go was a novelty and appreciated by many people. Also, despite cropped screen resolution and tinier sound, the ports were for the most part pretty faithful and even added extra content. It's like when capcom made the compromised ports of their arcade games on PS1 but added more content to make up for it.
Also, it has pic related which is frankly one of my favorite games ever made, and it's neither a port, or shovelware.

>> No.6879050

What 2 games are they?

>> No.6879051

but, dont they looked like asa with the overly bright washed out colors?

>> No.6879240

hard pass on that shit opinion m8

the one thing both systems have dick for is good mainline Nintendo games, their heavy hitter series all whiffed on GBA/DS it seems.

>> No.6879245

imagine thinking that everyone who likes something old is a young person

>> No.6879263

I mean it was that or literally nothing, and have you even played them on an AGB screen before? Sometimes I wonder if anybody even played these games on the screen and device they were designed for, or if they just bring them up side by side on their PC screen via emulators/screenshots.

>> No.6879268

NFL Blitz and Gauntlet

>> No.6879317

GG 40-year-old

>> No.6879328

I would also point out that a boxed, good condition complete copy of any of these Advance titles (the NES Classics, the Mario World remakes, etc etc etc) would basically hold its value today. So they arent worthless, whereas emulators are worthless

>> No.6879358

>game in op's pic is neither

>> No.6879404

It's new if you consider the scope of gaming systems that can be discussed on this board.

>> No.6879485

I really like the GBA and I'm sorry to feed the beast, but:

Advance Wars 1 is quite literally Portmake: The Game (just a revamp from SuFami Wars)

Advance Wars 2 is just Advance Wars 1: The Neo-Tank Expansion

>> No.6879664

Megaman Battle Network exists.

>> No.6880554

Nice try, but even I pretended to like the N64 even though I hate it.

>> No.6880572

I love Starfox 64....

>> No.6880790

Who cares? That doesn't really do anything for you unless you're interested in selling your shit. Acquiring video games as an investment is absurd, just buy fucking stocks or something. I play some games on real hardware and I emulate for others and I have a good time either way.

>> No.6880795
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Kuru Kuru Kururin (pic related) and Mario Golf Advance (surprisingly great as a 3-mins-at-a-time phone game) are the only reasons I've had to play a GBA game for like a decade.

>> No.6880810

>Super Mario 64
>Smash Bros the OG
>Rogue Squadron
>Pokemon Stadium
>Pokemon Snap
>Ocarina of Time
>Majora’s Mask
>Episode 1 racer


>> No.6881181

This anon has it right. There are some great games, but even more shovelware. It’s saved by its backwards compatibility.

>> No.6881348

you had to get one to play pokemon.

>> No.6881565

Pokemon is shovelware.

>> No.6881573

the TMNT sidescrolling beat em up game on GBA was fuckin awesome

>> No.6881705

The gba is a weird console, its ports are shit, its soundchip is shit, lots of games looks like shit, most of its library its shovelware shit even, but despite that it has a more than decent ammount of amazing games that justify its existance.

>> No.6881796

No, but tons of superior ports like Super Mario Bros 4: Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2

>> No.6882207

>Super Mario 64
That's one.
>Smash Bros the OG
Smash Bros. is not good. Have you ever played a real fighting game?
>Rogue Squadron
Better off playing the PC version.
The devs tried to stuff so much stuff in this game that it just becomes confusing and frustrating with the amount of backtracking you have to do.
Don't know what this is.
>Pokemon Stadium
It's literally the actual Pokemon game with most of the content gutted.
>Pokemon Snap
Never played a rail shooter before? There are way better games in this genre.
>Ocarina of Time
That's two!
>Majora’s Mask
Silly spinoff game with a silly gimmick. No thank you.
>Episode 1 racer
Better off playing the PC version.

>> No.6882223

>Better off playing the PC version.
You mean the dreamcast version

>> No.6882262
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>> No.6882658

>Pokemon Stadium
>It's literally the actual Pokemon game with most of the content gutted.
Never seen a more shit, glass is half empty take before. Stadium takes out the filler shit and focuses purely on the gameplay and battles. Doing a rental team only run of the game has some of the most bullshit, nail biting moments you'll ever get in a pokemon game.

>> No.6882661

>replying to an console warshitposter

>> No.6882665

>>Rogue Squadron
>Better off playing the PC version.
Well, actually... kinda, but not entirely. Grfixx look nicer, but there's many gameplay glitches that hinder the experience. The game was developed for the 64.

>> No.6882713

I like Nintendo but let's be real: if it's a Nintendo console is gonna have a fuckton of endless shovelware and inferior ports.

I like Stadium but come on, catching and raising Pokemon isn't filler. This isn't like the latter games where it tries to make you care about a dumb plot.

>> No.6883016


>> No.6883020
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