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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 725 KB, 1613x1078, ps1_castlevaniasymphonyofthenight_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6681481 No.6681481 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this game so hated here? I know it's overrated, but it's still a decent game overall.

>> No.6681489

It’s not. It is the same people that post Mario 64 is shit, Ocarina of Time is no good among other games.

>> No.6681504

It's too easy and the inverted castle was a gimmick for padding.

Aria of Sorrow is better in every possible way but it gets overlooked because it's a GBA title

>> No.6681510

1. Because Koji Igarashi ruined castlevania with this trash.
2. Because it's hardly a game, the challenge is non-existent.
3. Because bashing it triggers Sonyggers, fuck those faggots.

>> No.6681529

It's just the general backlash you'd expect from people who are actually invested in the Castlevania series after so many mainstream outlets claiming it is "The best Castlevania ever made".
It's a great game and it's an audiovisual spectacle, gameplay is also smooth and exploring the castle and slashing a ridiculous amount of different monsters and bosses is fun, but any game that is hailed as "the absolute BEST in the series and it isn't even close!" will get some people to scrutiny it and point out flaws or things they don't like, ESPECIALLY if it's people who prefer the classic games, which is a different genre (action-platformer) to SOTN (side-scroller action RPG).
Personally I enjoy SOTN for what it was, and I like all the references it has to the previous games, like being a direct sequel to Rondo and starting with the final battle of it, the appearance of Castlevania IV bosses and areas like the library and the treasury, and the battle with the 3 Castlevania III "zombie" characters. But I still don't prefer SOTN over the classic-style games.
It's still not bad and I don't hate it, but people tend to be hyperbolic as fuck online, it's either "the best ever" or "the worst ever", no in between.

>> No.6681536

this, but "every way possible" is kinda of a stretch, aria lose big part of the gothic feeling and you cant really compete with tracks of that caliber: https://youtu.be/TLmK6qOLXps
especially with gba's audio.

>> No.6681540

It's mostly a good game but I was let down after all the hype. I was mostly a classicfag and didn't get into the metroid ones until Aria of Sorrow which I enjoyed. So I went back to SotN after hearing it was fantastic and honestly thought it was inferior. Mostly due to the bosses being pathetic, the lacking difficulty and the inverted castle was just bad

I really like all of the quirky and unique equipment you can find of Aria, but the game is so easy and bosses literally melt within seconds that you never really get to use any of it. And even then Aria had the Soul system which had the same if not more variety and while the game still wasn't very hard it definitely let the souls shine a bit more

>> No.6681542

This game has about 4 vocal haters.

>> No.6681547

>you can find of Aria
Sorry, meant "can find -over- Aria's"

>> No.6681548

Belmont and Maria mode

>Good controls
>useful weapons
>fast pace gameplay
>reward skilled players


>> No.6681551

SotN, MGS, FF7: the /vr/ holy trinity of overrated dogshit.

>> No.6681575

I wish, but no. The game is still designed around Alucard's abilities. The exploration of the castle with maria or richter feels pointless since there's no upgrades to find or key items. You can (kinda) explore the whole castle from the beginning, unlike Alucard who must earn his way through the castle by gaining special abilities, but then you notice that most of the game is just going through hallways slashing enemies. There's no platforming involved like on Classicvanias, there's no bottomless pits.
Boss fights are also not balanced toward Richter or Maria, you can either kill the bosses pretty fast by using Hydro Storm/dragon attack, or spend like a hour whipping the boss until it's HP reaches 0. Most bosses don't really have fun patterns, it's more about finding their weaknesses (which works with Alucard's elemental weapons), like an RPG, not like an action game as the classicvanias.
I really, really wanted to enjoy the Richter and Maria modes, but it was mostly just an excuse to run through the castle again and enjoy the scenery and music, not really very interesting from a gameplay standpoint. The controls are good, though.

>> No.6681582

You're retarded if you actually think this, but I know you're just trying to bait.

>> No.6681632 [DELETED] 

Shut up Australia.

>> No.6681634

That's a funny looking cover

>> No.6681637 [DELETED] 

Not retro you fucking nigger

>> No.6681640
File: 96 KB, 512x416, jamaican sotn localization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6681642

I blame the GBA for Aria loosing a lot of the gothic feeling. The lack of a backlight requires that everything be so brightly lit and over saturated that it actually hampers the feel of the castle. Circle of the Moon on the other hand is very gothic and nearly impossible to see anything on unless you play with a Light/SP

>> No.6681823

Game is awesome and one of the best examples of the genre. Ignore retarded zoomer autists.

>> No.6682067


Pre 1999 release. Sprites on primitive low poly 3d. It is retro you stupid fucking moron. God damn how do you survive day to day life being this fucking stupid?

>> No.6682071

Aria doesn't have nearly as many clever little details/secrets as Symphony.

>> No.6682157

I hate this game, It's a metroid clone done bad enjoyed by people who never played metroid.

>> No.6682168

soulless cover

>> No.6682254

You're a retard

>> No.6682264
File: 3 KB, 131x149, 1398978415041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drops crissaegrim*
nothing personnel kid

>> No.6682269

>This will go great with my two Rings of Varda dropped back to back
True story. How does the drop window works anyway? It's time-interval based or something?

>> No.6682285

Random is random, even with a definite drop rate %.
Play something where an item has a shitty drop rate and you'll know the real pain
>8 hours of grinding, no drop
>next session, item drops on 2nd mob

>> No.6682324

I'm a big Castlevania and Metroid fan and I for some weird reason I don't like this game. Something about its atmosphere just sucks. Contrary to what people say, SoTN doesn't feel like a Castlevania game for me but not because of its gameplay, no, because of the overall feel of it

>> No.6682331

N64 titles conspicuously absent.
Meds. Not taken.
Voices. Heard.

>> No.6682336

No Saturn games either, what's your point?

>> No.6682350

You forgot Nights, ALttP, Super Metroid and a bunch of other good games

>> No.6682378
File: 459 KB, 720x546, vlcsnap-2020-05-08-22h01m58s014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV's always had multiple influences, varying from the hammer horror movies to famous animes, but SotN is the first step where the balanced leaned heavily towards the later and that they actually admitted it.
Some things are straight out of Vampire Hunter D; and I mean outside of having a half-breed protagonist whose on neither side, and who enters a vampire lord castle to destroy him; he enters said castle in the exact same manner, by jumping off a horse while riding and launch himself through the half closed drawbridge and gate.

The heavier anime influence (it was always there but not to such an extent) considerably changes the atmopshere and tone from what we had before.

>> No.6682502

There are no neutral rates. Overrated just means popular for he who cannot cope.

>> No.6682510

You play SOTN for the soundtrack and aesthetics, not really its gameplay. Hating it seems a bit too far, its still fun to breeze through, but I don't think regards its gameplay that highly.

>> No.6682564

It's not. It's legit one of the best games of all time.

>> No.6682729 [DELETED] 

not retro >>>/vrpg/

>> No.6682815

The game is slow and shitty, you need to play with characters that the level design arent made for to play with polished controls. Or play a portable port.

But muh 30 frames walking animation. Who cares?

>> No.6682832

it's been proven repeatedly that Castlevania mostly copies Miyazaki films, anybody have the screenshots to prove it?

>> No.6682837

It's among the best games of all time.
Amazing graphics, amazing soundtrack and the game is full of content.

>> No.6682849

Its a very mediocre game. And grossly overrated by obnoxious fanboys. Its like a fat ugly fucker pushing his hairy, greasy belly into your face. Any chance he gets.

>> No.6682864

>and the inverted castle was a gimmick for padding
I've tried to play through it three times now, and I really enjoy it right up to the point where the castle is inverted, and then I immediately lose all desire to play. Does anyone else have this happen?

>> No.6682952


maybe it's 2hard4me but I've finished a few classicvanias. I suspect it just kinda sucks, but it could be my imagination.

>> No.6682968

It's not hated but pretending to hate it riles people up easily.

>> No.6683236
File: 483 KB, 762x926, Castlevania_VHD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to watch Vampire Hunter D


>> No.6683318

Are you pretending to be retarded? This is not a GBA game.

>> No.6685237

the retards that made this game tried to copy super metroid but completely misunderstood what makes super metroid great

>> No.6685253
File: 156 KB, 400x350, Wonderboy 5 (MonsterWorld 3)_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6685674

t. dilate dickhead

>> No.6685680

Simon originally a tranny?
Possibly Sonia (Sonya and Cammy clone)

>> No.6685696

It’s by Japanese people, focused too hard at being artistic, and doesn’t try hard enough to be “bad-ass and rationally-mindset” like Half-Life despite them both sharing the same gameplay sins.

>> No.6685945

So they completely misunderstood what made Monster World great?

>> No.6686598

rent free

>> No.6686614

It could have been great but it had terrible level design, exploration was completely botched, and difficulty was insultingly low. It was okay for me as a twelve year old, but these days it just doesn't compare to much better games, both int eh series and in the genre.

>> No.6686617

Not this dipshit again. You're still at it? You're completely wrong about everything.

>> No.6686619 [DELETED] 

Castlevania was never good.

>> No.6686621

Because every Castlevania thread always degenerates into SotN fags calling everyone else's favorites trash. Simple, really.

>> No.6686630

Lmao fucking ignoramus. In Jap pop culture, the whip comes from Indiana Jones, and the horror aesthetic comes from Hammer and Universal movies. D is the product, not a source. How stupid and ignorant about EVERYTHING are you? Holy fuck.

>> No.6686631 [DELETED] 

Castlevania threads should be a bannable offense.

>> No.6686658

That’s because GBA games look and sound like shit

>> No.6686663
File: 87 KB, 471x237, 1591348618716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a classicfag, this is the only metroidvania I played and while it was certainly an amazing audiovisual experiecen, the difficulty was just not there. Even if you decide to cripple yourself the game is still too easy and loses a lot of its appeal.
I didn't mind the inverted castle, I just wish it had more music tracks playing than final toccata.
It was a good experience, but its main issue is the lack of any challenge. Never tried the GBA/PSP games but I assume they're more or less the same.

>> No.6686676

Cotm is more up to your speed if you're a challenge fag, though it isn't comparable as the old games since you can chesse the entire game through an exploit. I find Aria more fun though, even if its easier, it still had some challenging and fun bosses

>> No.6686681

Imagine you being this retard.

>> No.6686685

Shut up dumbass

>> No.6686953

Yep. GBA fags think we should praise ugly looking and bad sounding entries of a series (non-linear CV) whose value relies almost entirely on its presentation. If I'm going to spend hours moving through large areas with little-to-no challenge or platforming the game has to at least look and sound amazing. Symphony of the Night is easily the best of the inferior style of CV

>> No.6686958 [DELETED] 

Classicuck cope.

>> No.6686982


>> No.6687004

No, it's pretty bad and unfocused. It also killed what used to be a great game series.

>> No.6687010

Cringe soulless post.

>> No.6687026 [DELETED] 

Keep seething.

>> No.6687082

yeah so im thinking hes based...

>> No.6687147 [DELETED] 

The absolute state of /vr/

>> No.6687180

i think metroidvanias are boring.

>> No.6687184


>> No.6687187

classic games were garbage compared to metroid, shinobi, ninja gaiden and ghosts 'n goblins.

>> No.6687265

I still don't know how to kill cat witches.

>> No.6688594

I don't hate the game, it's a fine audiovisual experience, but I hate what it did.
I hate that it completely destroyed the franchise, I hate that it turned konami into making more of those types of games, I hate that the storyline was botched and the people who like it claim that it's the best, I hate that it spawned a whole sect of the community who were glorified Metroid-but-with-XP fans, I hate that it overshadows the Classic games to this day, I hate that people love it, and I hate that we haven't gotten a single good Castlevania game since. They literally could have made Rondo of Blood 2, but with Alucard and the same story, and it would be so much better.

>> No.6688934

To be fair we had a lot of good Classicvania games by that point anyway. I'm with you in preferring them to SotN and its ilk, but I don't really feel like the Classicvanias didn't get their due.

>> No.6689279 [DELETED] 

cry more

>> No.6689932
File: 451 KB, 819x647, 1594461641372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo nigga whats a schmoo? And why you got that sword in your haed?

>> No.6690256

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking since years. I can’t get into SOTN after playing aria of sorrow. Being able to get every ability of every monster is fucking amazing.

>> No.6690262

We dont hate the game, we hate you

>> No.6690304

It's suffering fom the same thing as FF7, PSX kiddies spammed them so much that a generation of contrarians decided to hate them by liking the previous titles better and now it's contrarian to like the first two. In other words fuck you

>> No.6690928

This should have been the end of the thread.

>> No.6690951 [DELETED] 

Feels good not to be as mentally ill as Castletrannies.

>> No.6690991

I prefer AoS too but >>6682071 is true, the miniscule res of the GBA hurts some of the sprite work (Alura Une comes to mind), the music is obviously worse, and there are less command weapons (Zero? Can't remember.) in AoS, like SotN's awesome Moon Rod.

Debatable but AoS is most definitely one of the best looking GBA games.

>whose value relies almost entirely on its presentation
Biggest strength of AoS is its gameplay.

>> No.6691002


Harmony of Dissonance > Portrait Of Ruin > Order Of Ecclesia

>> No.6691060

>They literally could have made Rondo of Blood 2
SotN is very much a progression of ideas introduced in Simon's Quest and Rondo of Blood. Maybe if Super Metroid hadn't been such a massive hit they wouldn't have gone so far in the Metroid direction for SotN, but who knows.


>> No.6691468

>All of these zoomers talking about the DS games like they actually count
Please summer, end soon, I beg of you

>> No.6691550
File: 53 KB, 300x557, castlevania_dracula_x_frontcover_large_mqHWmrpUXy8hNsU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They literally could have made Rondo of Blood 2

They already did that though. Notice how the original name is Dracula XX, as in a sequel/spin off of the first Dracula X (Rondo).

>> No.6691684

More luck = higher drop rate of rare items.
Messed around with it on a game shark pro back on ps1.
Once your luck is cranked up to an absurd amount it drops only second item on list.
All the time every time.

>> No.6691694

This is the post of somebody who's never played Dracula X

>> No.6691887

Indeed the soma one is the absolute best metroidvania game ever made.

>> No.6691901

Load up jewtube and search for the clock tower ost.

I'll do it for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEdgubvviYk

>> No.6691904
File: 46 KB, 480x360, looks like shit he says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>looks like shit

>> No.6691941


>> No.6694537

Very based-vania fan.

>> No.6694575

More like Söyvania.

>> No.6694610

Seems like a pretty autistic thing to hate.

>> No.6694694
File: 633 KB, 576x663, bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>onions = bad
only in america can one of the healthiest foods have a negative stigma. you all deserve the fucking plague.

>> No.6694706

>every way possible
Yeah, about that? Feel established worthy.
1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uzHSQsPA-k0&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTm5b6Oe4oHReosLTzYCcsF&index=19&t=0s

2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mmMAHtYuYRM&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTm5b6Oe4oHReosLTzYCcsF&index=18&t=0s

3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wz6AO5GE4ho

>> No.6694714

I miss the /vr/ that was here before you started coming.

>> No.6694717

>little hardware
>gothic art work exists
The way handheld was designed. Never understood your post.

>> No.6694783

Ghost ship, Bloody Tears and DoI were cool bgm.

>> No.6694817


>> No.6696057

So good retro style rendition. More better than CD original.

>> No.6696787

Sftu subhuman

>> No.6696815

They start you off with a character who doesnt have a long range whip and has a little tiny sword and they expect you to kill enemies with a little tiny sword, ok sure.

>> No.6697502

Been playing a lot of CV lately, now my timing is off in every 2D sidescroller. Trying to beat Actraiser, it's suffering. Great game, by the way.

>> No.6700248

Boo boo!

>> No.6701016


>> No.6701058
File: 1.16 MB, 2728x2128, cosmo_soy'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, tranny.

>> No.6701161

Some people like this game a little too much even though it's great, so it's fun to troll them.

Remember Nightmare before Christmas and how great it was until every fucking retard and their Grandma had Jack Skellington on everything? I couldn't look at the movie the same way knowing all of the cringe fans who go around mindlessly adorning a fictional clay character on everything. The same holds true for anyone that takes a great game a level too far. It becomes almost a cult like symbol that you can't criticize for anything. Anyone who comes in and criticizes this game is likely trolling and for a good reason too. Don't be autistic and take criticism at face value, it's supposed to be funny and rustle the jimmies of all the fan boys.

Cuphead was another great example. While it was great, the game was little more than contra with an old school(and admittedly gorgeous) cartoon style. It was an art form and that alone made the game a joy to look at, coupled with the high challenge. Again, some fans took it a level too far and if you tell them that it's basically a contra clone with a fresh coat of paint they get really assblasted.

>> No.6701170

You should really work on your ability to enjoy things regardless of others

>> No.6701620

>oh it your face
Kys sub human

>> No.6701874
File: 136 KB, 1300x1300, 42a310a1e0c68fa6b5e6a3ef91112dc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrarian Zoomers and Butthurt Classic Boomers hate it. The Dracula X series is my favorite of all the Castlevania stories and I'm a straight up IGAvania junkie. If you want the full X story, play Rondo of Blood, SoTN, and Aria of Sorrow.

>> No.6701882
File: 91 KB, 960x642, EGXYYn7XoAEPFiP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play for the story

>> No.6702357

Onions is perfectly healthy if you don't depend on it for 50+% of your caloric needs. Otherwise it will turn you into a literal tranny from all the estrogen-like compounds.

>> No.6703506

because /vr/ is a bunch of edgelord basement dwellers who can't like anything that is generally liked by the average person

>> No.6703996

I hate how pricey it is.

>> No.6704040

Americans are just so afraid of someone else thinking that they are gay that they think being afraid of actual milk is very manly

>> No.6704135

nah chrono triggernigger is definitely one of the trinity

>> No.6704224

I'd through Bloodlines and Portrait of Ruin in there too, though I guess that'd spoil the Julius being a Belmont twist.

>> No.6704296

Söy milk isn't real milk retard.

>> No.6704867

roms are free, disks are reusable

>> No.6704951

it was too easy the first time I played. what are some limitations you should put on yourself to avoid the game being super easy?

>> No.6705149

Richter mode. The only thing I hate about it is having to double-tap to run, ruins the immersion.

>> No.6705161


>> No.6705175

Drink oat milk or butter milk

>> No.6705185
File: 164 KB, 525x469, 1569098374571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extrogen is poison
Yet women are the ones graduating more than men in the usa and live longer than men and are the ones that are considered the fairer sex and women have more estrogen than men.

Really makes you almond.

>> No.6705190


>> No.6705871

Top notch BGM demake!

>> No.6706794


>> No.6706870

Play it without equiping anything, no weapon no nothing, no subweapon, no grinding and no special abilities (unless it is neccesary to advance, like turning into a bat to get to Richter, after that you have to turn it off), no items. I got to Richter, but couldnt beat him.

>> No.6707109

I wouldn't say its a bad game, but its far from exceptional. Did have some good memes though.