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File: 8 KB, 2048x1792, EeMiF7MUYAAxqo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6667381 No.6667381 [Reply] [Original]

According to Frank Cifaldi, this is the oldest existent tile art for the SFC, the logo for what would become Pilot Wings, Dragonfly, made to showcase the SFCs Mode 7 sprite rotation abilities, in 1988.

We would never have this without the leaks. This is what it's all about, lads. Preservation.

>> No.6667407

Except that Nintendo could preserve it just fine.

>> No.6667416

But no one would know it exists... Its importance is to the world, not dusty HDs

>> No.6667468

Why is it important to release it tl the world?

>> No.6667478

Because it belongs to all of us, its a part of history. It's bigger than IP and assests saved on some forgotten HD

>> No.6667479

>Because it belongs to all of us
No. It belongs to Nintendo.

>> No.6667497

"Lads" go fuck yourself

>> No.6667529
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Not anymore

>> No.6667546

Nintendo COULD preserve a lot of things fine. But they don't. Because it's not important to them.

>> No.6667562

They actually can't because their backup of it would fail one day and eventually it would no longer make business sense to preserve such things when they aren't producing any money.

>> No.6667586

Storage is dirt cheap for corporations and they preserved it for 30 years.

>> No.6667595

Eventually they'll miss a timed HDD swap out and the wrong hdd will die too soon and it'll be gone.

>> No.6667598

Yeah, sure.

>> No.6667660 [DELETED] 
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From information contained in the leak itself, apparently several, likely even the majority, of the backup tapes the files were stored on had already corrupted or were otherwise unable to be transferred over to HDDs. Someone noted that only seven of forty something were successfully backed up. Presumably, unless Nintendo goes through greater data recovery efforts, the data on those remaining tapes is inaccessible in it's current state or lost forever.

>> No.6667673
File: 7 KB, 518x368, Ed0MnAlU0AE5VjJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From information contained in the leak itself, apparently several, likely even the majority, of the backup tapes the files were stored on had already corrupted or were otherwise unable to be transferred over to HDDs. Someone noted that only seven of forty one were successfully backed up. Presumably, unless Nintendo goes through greater data recovery efforts, the data on those remaining tapes is inaccessible in its current state or maybe even simply lost forever, if the tapes themselves or the original data sources weren't backed up elsewhere prior to failure.

>> No.6667679

fuck nintendo

>> No.6667729

Fair enough.

>> No.6667753

The history of Super Metroid, lost forever.

>> No.6667769

Nintendo is the same company that has very likely lost the source code for Super Mario Bros. They had no clue this shit was over on the iQue servers and they would have let it all die an obscure death had this not happened.

>> No.6667773

>caring for the source of old games
the creators apparently didn't so why should I

>> No.6667802
File: 80 KB, 1120x630, a demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creators don't care about anything other than getting your money so maybe you shouldn't be playing video games at all and keep your money

>> No.6667804

And furthermore, you're full on retarded if you view Nintendo the current business entity as the same collection of humans that produced these games. The games are the art and product, the company is the rights holder and financier. I'd why this would bug you unless you REALLY REALLY give a shit about IP rights for a bunch of unrelated old Japanese dudes and not about art and human history in the long term.

>> No.6667812

Are these each a workstation at Nintendo?

>> No.6667820

I see that your pic has a Twitter filename.
Would you mind sharing the source?

>> No.6668010

>According to Frank Cifaldi
Stopped reading there. Fuck that faggot. He tried canceling THQ because they did an interview on 4+4 chan and claimed they were pedos for doing so.

>> No.6668019

>lost the source code for Super Mario Bros
Nah bro, SMB1 source is in the All Stars folder in Friday's leak.

>> No.6668039

Those tape backups are from NEWS workstations[1]. From the contents of the tapes that were preserved, it seems like they only contain graphics data for the most part.

>other.7z / NEWS.7z / NEWS / テープリストア / list.txt

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_NEWS

>> No.6668068

>Fuck one of the most active, competent and well-connected game preservationists because he rightfully called out a company for unprofessional bullshit.

>> No.6668073

He was part of that? Well even if he was, he was hardly the only faggot on that bandwagon and honestly probably had some of the littlest impact given that the dude isn't even a journo.

>> No.6668078

Not the original, its highly modified

>> No.6668080

>because he rightfully called out a company for unprofessional bullshit.
>t. ranny

>> No.6668081

desu that doesn't really mean much if Nintendo was unaware iQue held this stuff. They famously uploaded someone else's .NES for sale.

>> No.6668084


>> No.6668090

There was a Eurogamer article on it a few years ago. It's called like "Did Nintendo sell a ROM back to us?" Or something retarded, but the meat of the article is strong.

>> No.6668091

wack0 clearly gained access to more than just an iQue server. I doubt iQue had the gen 1-4 source. Maybe he worked his way into Nintendo's servers from there.

>> No.6668095

Imagine the history lost when Miyamoto's NEWS workstation failed

>> No.6668102

That was Frank 'fuckhead' Cifaldi that baselessly made that claim. He has said on some forum(retardera?) that he isn't even sure if it's true.

>> No.6668109

Is it, though? NES code can run without modification on a SNES. Only the graphics and sound handling parts would need to be modified. Most of the code should be original complete with original comments.

>> No.6668115

Why wouldn't they? The original pitch was for it to be the Chinese Nintendo machine. There's even an officially built NES emulator inside the leak.

>> No.6668116
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How does this even make sense

>> No.6668119

Except Marat Fayzullin confirmed it as his dump so idk what you're on about.

>> No.6668128

sure thing, bud.
>Frank Cifaldi
>>I think it's pretty clear in my GDC talk that I'm putting out a theory based on a very loose "investigation," I just watched it again and I am not stating it as some indisputable fact.

>> No.6668135

For the most part they collect magazines and press assets. They dump some CDs in The Internet Archive when they feel like it.

>> No.6668145

There's more. The excel title lists of every game released on every system. There's no reason iQue would have that. More evidence that wack0 had wider access. Plus, articles about his arrest mention he stole thousands of logins.

>> No.6668149

We need more money to scan these 6 million magazines by the end of the century goy

>> No.6668156

that's interesting. Thank you.

>> No.6668164

One of the biggest parts of Frank's preservation nonprofit is the preservation of game ephemera. Simply preserving digital assests is good and is definitely something they do but is also something anyone can do. It's a whole lot harder to track down every issue of ant obscure US Enix customer newsletters that were offered in the 80s and probably 6 people probably subscribed to and shit like that. That is one of their biggest missions and they have recovered tons of stuff.

>> No.6668171

desu I think prototype vers of the games are 993829x more important than that ephemera

>> No.6668178

So you're saying he didn't get all this shit from iQue like is claimed and he got access to bigger shit than that on NoJ servers?

>> No.6668183

Not him. I think that preservation of press material is very important.

>> No.6668184

Well it is and they do preserve those but the physical game epehemera is also extremely important, not least because of the attitudes some have towards it such as yourself

>> No.6668189

I'm saying it seems like iQue was used as an entry point, but who knows. Unless wack0 comes online and gives his story I don't think we'll ever truly know the extent of his hacking of their systems.

>> No.6668193


You're talking to someone with tons of gaming magazines. The prototypes are just a lot more precious

>> No.6668195

Well he's banned for using the internet so that seems doubtful

>> No.6668201

>Marat Fayzullin confirmed it as his dump
I love when anons blatantly try to pass off as knowledgeable but clearly don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.6668203

Of course they are and Cifaldi preserves those he has been involved in obtaining and dumping some huge ones like Sim City NES, its just the archive is a whole lot more than just digital assets and that is why it isn't all digital like this guy thought, alot of it is physical

>> No.6668214

Just telling you what I have seen other anons say in these leak threads, I've heard it said that is the closest we are likely to ever get/exists anymore but that it is still not the original source code

>> No.6668216


>> No.6668261

>muh preservation
like anyone gives a shit.

>> No.6668268
File: 236 KB, 1200x900, Db7-51dXcAAc0dC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, without speculating let's at least go over the facts.

Zammis, under the alias Riley, was involved in attempts to crack open the iQue Player so it could be homebrewed. He gained access to Nintendo's(iQue's?) servers in March of 2018 according to articles. On April 27th, an iQue SDK appeared on the warez scene.
Tons of iQue ROMs, including unreleased games, also appeared around that same time.
A couple days later, on April 29th, homebrew is achieved on the iQue Player, with Zammis(Riley) listed as one of the people behind this.

According to the verge article( https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/28/18286027)), Zammis gained access to "highly confidential game development servers" and "[stole] 2,365 usernames and passwords". Nintendo noticed his breach in May of 2018 and estimates the cost of damages at $1.8 million dollars.

>> No.6668269

They literally do though, that's why we are talking about it to begin with. That is why Frank has a nonprofit that has had several investors funding it... Because some people do care.

>> No.6668274

Damn so he had tons of access then... Seems silly to think he wouldn't use it.

>> No.6668292
File: 801 KB, 794x459, xwomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a lot of cases, we won't know what to look for if we didn't know it existed in some form in the first place.

>> No.6668304

Just look for anything that looks like a game for a known system if you really want to preserve everything.

>> No.6668314

>Pedigo has since stated in recent years that he owned a prototype containing of X-Women: The Sinister Virus that has since become unplayable and the only remaining proofs of its existence are various screenshots taken by several video game magazines and promotional gameplay footage


>> No.6668320


>> No.6668326

then why is it still so hard to find issues of pc gamer

>> No.6668335
File: 40 KB, 787x288, 1587405278507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On April 27th, an iQue SDK appeared on the warez scene.
What's funny about this is he was the first one to "notice" its release, and acted like he was surprised by it. At that point, he probably believed he was getting away with everything.

>> No.6668341

I would say "but Nintendo already preserved it," but then I saw >>6667673.

>> No.6668348

No clue, most of their physical shit hasn't even been digitized yet

>> No.6668371

What qualifies a game as worthy of preservation IYO?

>> No.6668376

Got famous by claiming others dumps as his own and riding off other peoples work, and now people just give him all stuff because he's "famous"

>> No.6668397

IMO it should be based on what percentage of the game's assets in the game are available. For example the least worthy are localizations, like Danish version of some PS1 game. The game is already pretty much available and the version might change like 0.01% of the assets. Then prototypes, which can vary a lot and have maybe >5% of a difference from the released game. Then of course unreleased or really obscure games that haven't been uploaded anywhere which would be an 100% increase from having nothing

>> No.6668653

Why the fuck didn't he dump it!?

>> No.6668658

>has since become unplayable
I wonder how it was stored. If on a floppy, I can believe it, but if it were on an EPROM cart, I would bet money that it is still fine, unless it were left on a windowsill for a month or something. EPROMs are actually pretty good at holding data for quite some time, despite what some people seem to think.

>> No.6668659

He still has more connections with the people who can get him this stuff and has done much more than just what you listed, he's the more accomplished archivist for this stuff thus far.

>> No.6668670

Yet, he never released source code besides for that Hone Alone 2 tie-in video game.

>> No.6668682

So? Sometimes he has agreements with whoever he obtains stuff from in place that dictate when and how he can release something... For instance he has at least one unreleased prototype that the owner stipulated they be dead before it can be released. In that case his hands are tied if he agrees to it.

>> No.6668689

Well unless someone contacts him and tries to get him to allow them to attempt to recover it, it wont survive

>> No.6668698

>Sometimes he has agreements with whoever he obtains stuff from in place that dictate when and how he can release something
Sounds like a pussy.

>> No.6668714

Hopefully someone can. I'd would say it is more likely to be corrosion or overlooked PCB damage than actually corrupt EPROMs.

>> No.6668735

My point is that he gets too much attention for how little he actually releases.

>> No.6668741

He and The Lost Levels released some good stuff back in the day. Bio Force Ape, Titan Warriors, Pescatore (I think), and others.

>> No.6668764

This. Also who the fuck is Frank Cifaldi?

>> No.6668984

>According to Frank Cifaldi
lmao that guy doesn't know a thing about video games. That's why on his podcast he just sits in the corner and barely says anything, the others try to throw him a bone occasionally and ask his opinion and it's always "i haven't played it"

>> No.6668987

oh wow he can xerox an old issue of EGM and dump 1 or 2 NES games and then never give back the carts to the donors. What a historical genius someone give him an award.

>> No.6668994

Well man he thrives on connections with old devs and game biz people, if he fucks one over by not honoring their agreement for release of whatever they give him (usually this is for legal concerns of the person, warranted or not) then his other connections could just tell him to fuck off.

>> No.6668996

Uh huh, and how many game preservation nonprofits do you run? How many prototypes have you obtained and dumped? How many old obscure publisher newsletters have you tracked down? Fuck off.

>> No.6669003


>> No.6669646

Wow, what an absolute fucking nobody.

>> No.6670565


>> No.6670571
File: 32 KB, 400x538, itbelongsinamuseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6670572

begone, Nintendo spy

>> No.6670579

I would love to see the source code to that, even though my assembly is limited (and just for x86). BOB's source code was interesting to look at.

>> No.6670581

>He tried canceling THQ because they did an interview on 4+4 chan and claimed they were pedos for doing so.
You have to go back.

>> No.6670929

it's really not preservation if it's just one entity who has it or the information to recreate it
imagine if libraries were closed to the public, or the internet archive didn't have any way for people to actually look things up, or museums were just basements of stuff locked away
what would be the point?

>> No.6671491

Well by that logic we shouldnt care about IPs nintendo doesnt use anymore in general. Guess we shouldn't care about F-Zero and Pikmin in that case

>> No.6671501

Plus when one person holds information it'll die with them, or die before it can be spread while with them.

>> No.6671515

Preservation of things like news letters and magazines are still really important though since they give an insight of the companies actions and general culture of the time surrounding these games. It informs us about how people acted around these games as well as how people viewed them and their influence among other things.

>> No.6672262

? But SMB All Stars doesn't play like SMB does, how are we sure it's the same code?

>> No.6672308

With some of this stuff, especially those at risk of being lost forever, a "foot in the door"of having it preserved at all by anyone is the first step toward public availability. Once he's dumped some guy's cart, that starts the journey toward it being available to the public, even if it might seem impossible. If it never gets dumped, it will never get released.

>> No.6673070

wait, we have BOB's source code?

>> No.6673579

>imagine if libraries were closed to the public,
Not that libraries are there for the sake of preservation given how people just damage everything anyway.

>> No.6673643

they probably won't lend out things which can't be easily replaced
the point is that knowledge in a dusty book in a basement accessible by nobody might as well not exist
accessibility is what makes preservation meaningful

>> No.6673804

Hi Resetera.
You don't see him calling out developers who post on your hateful motherbase, so it can't have been professionalism.

Besides, that point is mood.
The one reason to mock Frank Cifaldi is because he belongs to a dictionary definition picture of "lobster mentality". His retro compilations are of dubious quality (input lag, choice of versions, scope of improvements) yet he can find it in himself to publicly shit on other similar compilations (even by M2, or by his former partners who didn't contract him again) or "call them out" for not implementing "accessibility options" like... autoplay demos, "games that play themselves", something HE invented (arcade attract modes? emulator input movies? inconceivable!) because he knew how to repackage it in a shiny virtue signaling wrap paper. Game journalism reviews of his work are so sucking his dick that he literally went and begged them to mention ANY flaws in his products to make the reviews seem more credible.

That Aladdin remix, compared to having access to the whole source code, is a fucking joke. He had the entire source code and access to individual scrapped enemy logic, enough to implement ingame, and he only added an extra five inches rooftop in the first level with a generic guard and called it a day. Imagine having the gall to criticize others (like Namco doing a complete new nes port from source of gaplus, yet he and his friends are insuiniating it must have been a stolen romhack)

more about a media circus to market himself. Think tcrf and pals withholding the spaceworld pokemon beta and writing a big sack of bullshit story about a "dead japanese collector who's part of a hoarder cabal" whom they got the beta from his attic, for TWO years of "teases" and "drip-fed research exclusively on patreon and tcrf" and "will release it when our furry-approved localization is out". Virgin's Aladdin (whose source was never published ultimately) and SimCity are similar cases.

>> No.6673813

not him but the simcity source did get out eventually right?

>> No.6673838

Was Cifaldi responsible for the lame bullshit copied from various wikipedias in SF anniversary collection?

>> No.6673948

Either you have a vagina, or you are one. Which, hilarious easy to trigger fucker?

>> No.6673996

That's socialism to the max. Someone makes something and you think you're entitled to it. You're what's wrong with this world.

>> No.6674072


> Caring about Frank fraud Bitchfaldi

>> No.6674219

Hi, tourist. I know you think you're fitting by repeating the thing that someone else said to you that one time, but here's the deal: we generally only tell people they have to go back when they sound like they're from Reddit. And what that Anon said was the opposite of that.

>> No.6674543

Pretty much. I argued with dumbasses once in a comment section that stuff being "preserved" in a random server is poor preservation and might as well not exists if nobody can access it
The point of media is it being consumed, if it's not consumed, does it even exists? With that in mind, if I can go and download any old games anytime, then yeah, it's been preserved better than it being locked away forever and people being able to download it freely protect the data further

>> No.6674929

There are a lot of weird corporate supremacists in America who will argue against their own ability to see something.

>> No.6674936

I'm telling him to go back to cripplechan, retard. And since you want to defend him, you can head that way, too.

>> No.6674946

Ok reddit.

>> No.6674953

Okay, Cripplechan Anon.

>> No.6674970 [DELETED] 

8kun isn't the same website, thou out of touch, asshurt sóy.

>> No.6674978

Last post to you. All 4chan knockoffs are the same dogshit, with the exception of 420chan which actually lived.

Imagine coming to 4chan to defend your shitty imageboard.

>> No.6675410

I call him Frank Cuckfaldi

>> No.6675595

Yes it's out there. Apparently it was found on some old hard disk someone randomly bought. I don't know about the Megadrive version, but the SNES version was there.

>> No.6675716

I don't think he's talking about SimCity's source code, but the NES prototype.

>> No.6675807
File: 26 KB, 716x656, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has 1985 dates in it.

>> No.6675828

>Surper Mario

>> No.6675926

Reminder any prototype SMB graphics are forever lost

>> No.6676814

>His retro compilations

reason 1 why you're just a petty little bitch

>> No.6678364

Hi Frank.

>> No.6678367

>bumping dead threads to hide his embarrassing thread (>>6678186)