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File: 347 KB, 757x643, snatcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6606034 No.6606034 [Reply] [Original]

In retrospect, why was Kojima rarely if ever called out for his blatantly plagiarism by gamers/journalists?

>> No.6606040

Literally everyone and their mom copied Terminator and Alien back in the 80s

>> No.6606051


>> No.6606067
File: 453 KB, 698x527, Dom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE why didn't they sue SNK?

>> No.6606071

You'd be going after half of Japan for shit, the 80s and 90s were rife with copying big Hollywood.

>> No.6606127

After they sue Konami for making a predator clone

>> No.6606142


>> No.6606152

The whole metal gear solid sound track was a ripoff of speed thats why they changed the sound track for the gamecube remake

>> No.6607631

People had lower standards back then.

>> No.6607637

Because video games journalism wasn’t a thing until after this release.

>> No.6607753

fuck man, at least I'm not alone thinking that. I always start whistling MGS theme and then finish by whistling Speed theme (with a bunch of false notes)

>> No.6607778

>that one Russian band who sued Konami about how the MGS main theme sounded like their song but Konami tried to pretend they had never heard of them before

>> No.6607905

Japs are still Asian, at the end of the day.

>> No.6607927

Wish I could say the same about my country (I'm USA, we don't even have an ethnicity anymore, 56%)

>> No.6607934


>> No.6607957

The native population is up to 56%? Damn, how do they all fit all those people on the tiny reservations they have?

>> No.6607975

With identity politics

>> No.6608251
File: 27 KB, 390x282, snake-plissken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid Snake was a blatant rip off of Snake Plissken.

>> No.6608282

Different fields in art influence each other. It took a while but it goes both ways now.

>> No.6608307

The entire video game and anime industry in Japan spent a decade copying Streets of Fire. At least Kojima ripped off multiple things at once.

>> No.6608430

Not just Final Fight and Streets of Rage? Street gangs and brawling were pretty ubiquitous throughout the decade, Streets of Fire might have been a potential progenitor, but did all roads lead to it?

>> No.6608440

Nobody called out George Lucas for ripping off Akira Kurosawa.
Kojima will be fine.

>> No.6608734


>> No.6608796

What Speed are you guys referring to here? I've never heard about this but curious to hear it now.

>> No.6608835

>Nobody called out George Lucas for ripping off Akira Kurosawa.
Lucas admitted it several times. There's barely any Hidden Fortress influence in the finished script aside from Princess Leia's and Queen Amidala's story. The influences from Flash Gordon and various Spaghetti Western movies set during the Mexican Revolution era are as strong as Kurosawa's.

Han Solo is a copy of the "mercenary cowboy who joins the revolution" archetype, he's like Bill Tate in A Bullet for the General and Polack in The Mercenary. Luke's and Anakin's Jedi training and fall to the Dark Side is an blatant ripoff of Day of Anger's plot. And it should be obvious where Django Fett's name came from. But of course reddit only knows about Kurosawa.

>> No.6608895

The American movie with Keanu Reeves

>> No.6608909

Yep, but that gave us classics like Bubblegum Crisis, so I can't be mad. Peak 80s aesthetics...and one of the first Anime I got on VHS. So long ago, seems like that was in another life.

>> No.6609686

Go back now

>> No.6609690

Why? Homo

>> No.6609693

Anime industry don’t copy actual.

>> No.6609694


>> No.6609768

Take it easy, Lucas nerd.

>> No.6609773

This, and it was great.

>> No.6609778

Good post, interesting reading about influences like that.

>> No.6609780

lol yeah, keep telling yourself that

>> No.6610164

Not that dude, but what?

>> No.6610186

Literally mentioning Keeanu Reeves at all even when the context is an old movie he was in makes you reddit, even though he's been an actor for way longer than zoomies have been alive

>> No.6610410

Chill our faggot
using terms like "zoomies" makes you reddit as fuck

>> No.6610434
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 382AA114-5DFF-47C5-B264-5F27597496F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> keep telling yourself that

>> No.6611640

That was my initial guess but couldn't remember any theme to the movie. Good flick.

>> No.6611652

>an fag who suck Keanu cock

>> No.6611672

Copy right laws aren't the same in different countries. Nearly everything is inspired or copied from something else. Get over it.

>> No.6612019

Snatcher was LITERALLY just bladerunner mixed with anime shit. I have no idea how people give him such firm blowjobs just because he knew how to plagiarize shit.

>> No.6612023

Anime was born out of trying to copy Disney. Anime is a medium designed to copy other works.

>> No.6612027

You may as well ask why hundreds of other people were rarely if ever called out for "blatant plagiarism." No one cares.

>> No.6612043

There's a difference between inspiration and plagiarism. Kojima regularly straddles the line.

>> No.6612065

You could fill a thread with just Konami's examples of Xeno and Terminator ripoffs.

>> No.6612216


>> No.6612362

French comics are more influential to anime and mangas than disney.

>> No.6612490

Because they understand what that term means, unlike you.

>> No.6612501

Annoy him.

>> No.6612517

Fuck off back yourself you absolute meff

>> No.6612759

And we'll never get an Escape From game despite it being perfect material for it.

>> No.6612784

t. Kojima cocksucker

>> No.6613601

Get laid, spurg. Lucas is a garbage-tier hack.

>> No.6613605

Anime ripped off the Matrix and Transformers as well.

>> No.6613608

Of course not, dunce.

>> No.6613621

fippy pippy bippy pippy

>> No.6614428
File: 53 KB, 720x544, [Weeaboo-Shogun] Special Rescue Police Winspector Episode 01v2.mkv 08_08_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toei is finished!

>> No.6614432

Matrix and Transformers ripped off anime as well

>> No.6614436

Transformers didn't rip off anime. They got the rights to a chain of Japanese toys then repackaged them for an American audience.

>> No.6614439

Nah, the Chinese, Mexican and some Korean made worst rip off of all.

>> No.6614442

Nobody in Japan cares lol

Please don't post BS you basic bitch

>> No.6614942
File: 8 KB, 248x223, 8543268756783465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread seems to be people not knowing the difference between inspiration and plagiarism.
With the descriptions of plagiarism in here you can say everything's a rip-off of zoroastrian stories

>> No.6614982

Like totem poles.

>> No.6614989

t. weebshit

>> No.6615008


>> No.6615823
File: 6 KB, 320x224, Sonic1_ScrapBrainAct1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrap brains theme was a ripe off of blade runner

>> No.6616095

I can think of many other cases of the Japanese ripping off intellectual property

>> No.6616341


>> No.6616395

Basically this. If it was a game from the 80s or 90s, chances are it usually ripped shit off a bunch of 80s action films.

>> No.6616851


>> No.6616974


>> No.6618006

That a good thing.
No way, moron.

>> No.6618310


Never skip the arms day.

>> No.6618740

Look at the bar from snatcher before the sega cd version idiot. Full of pop characters from various Hollywood movies

>> No.6619174

And? That mean nothing, pero.

>> No.6620635

Shut up sub human

>> No.6621776
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 9E4B8762-70CF-4959-81BC-FFB8709897D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally most of the visual language from a cinematography standpoint is lifted from Kurosawa. Also kudos for picking up the most surface level connection between Star Wars and The Hidden Fortress

>”I remember the one thing that really struck me about The Hidden Fortress,” he said, “the one thing I was really intrigued by, was the fact that the story was told from the two lowest characters. I decided that would be a nice way to tell the Star Wars story. Take the two lowliest characters, as Kurosawa did, and tell the story from their point of view. Which, in the Star Wars case is the two droids, and that was the strongest influence. The fact that there was a princess trying to get through enemy lines was more of a coincidence than anything else. In my film, the princess is more of a stand-and-fight kind of princess. In the beginning, in one of the first drafts, I did have a little bit more of her and a Jedi, an older Jedi, trying to escape, but then it evolved into the story of Luke.”

>> No.6621784

I think you have a mental disorder. They both have timpani, and some similar chord progressions, but its not enough.

>> No.6622008
File: 779 KB, 1600x970, alan-mealor-efny-c64-boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There already was one for C64. Learn to /vr/

>> No.6622010

Uh no?

>> No.6622042

Based retard poster. Transformers was a bunch of robots lifted from Japan and repackaged under the Transformers brand. The Warchowskis are very vocal about their Anime influences for the Matrix and even pushed to get the Animatrix made.

>> No.6622053


God Policenauts sucks! It's like a really bad Visual Novel. And I don't know, seriously, VN are like the easiest thing in the world to design. So when you design a bad one, that is remarkable.

Like the entire story of Policenaughts is not only a pixel hunt, but you basically have to try everything, and then try everything multiple times. So if you don't know this, like if you want to know about some photograph, you ask about the photograph, and she tells you something, and then you have to ask the same topic again. So that photograph entry can occur 3 or 4 times. And then you have to start from the beginning and try them all again because the third time might have opened something new up. And you have to exhaust every single option. ALL OF THEM. Before the game will let you move on. That is HORRIBLE.

It's not like an oldschool adventure game. Because in an adventure game you don't have to look at and inspect everything on the screen multiple times. You're just sitting there, desperately wanting to move on with the plot, and then you're stuck trying to inspect every little thing over and over again, and asking people the same questions over and over again. Ah it's bad. And when it finally gets exciting, it gets exciting for 20 seconds then you're right back at it.

Is the plot interesting? Not really. You know what the story is? It is 5% Blade Runner, 95% Lethal Weapon. It's straight up Riggs and Murtaugh. It's not even subtle. He rips off whole scenes. It's amazing.

>> No.6622063

>The whole metal gear solid sound track was a ripoff of speed thats why they changed the sound track for the gamecube remake


>> No.6622354


>> No.6622362


>> No.6623165

Because he was not unique. Every game you've ever played and every anime you've ever watched was essentially westaboo fanboyism as seen through the Japanese eye.

>> No.6623229

This. What are they gonna do, sue the entire game industry at the time?

>> No.6624451


Gaming was more low budget and underground and got away with a lot of stealing. A lot of the music in classic games is stolent. You couldn't get away with this today. At the very least you'd get a cease and dissest asking you to stop.

Recent example would be Dragon Ball Z Kai I think having blatantly stolen themes from films and they had to go back and fix that. I guarantee you they would have gotten away with that in the 80's. It's just a different time then and a different time now.

>> No.6625747

He taking a load dump