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File: 141 KB, 800x375, town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6399651 No.6399651 [Reply] [Original]

Best Town Edition
HOMM/MM pastebin: https://pastebin.com/6G9B1cMA
Previous: >>6363184

>> No.6399660

that doesn't look like fortress

>> No.6399747
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>thread was archived before even 2 weeks

>> No.6399793
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>> No.6399795
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>> No.6399865

I really like how THIS was how Inferno was suppose to be a faction carrying its weight.
Instead its turned into a joke faction, since getting T5 lvl2 is a massive resource slog, and demon farming is a sloggy mechanic.

>> No.6399990

The issue with the dwarf mines isn't that they are all that annoying by themselves, but that there are 9 of them and you need the stats from the barrels in the first 5. After that the game picks up quickly and there aren't any real slogs until the Cave of Illusion.

>> No.6400082
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It goes better than I expected.

>> No.6400242
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>> No.6400259
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>archived before 2 weeks
>didn't reach bump limit
The period when we don't have regular HoMM/MM threads is coming back

>> No.6400298

I saw it on page 9 and could have saved it, but it was filled with enough shitposting it was best left dead.

>> No.6400346

What are your times for each mission? The best I got for this route is 137 days = 21 for Uprising + 46 for Island + 31 for Arrow + 13 for Giant + 26 for Aurora.

t.dumb Slav

>> No.6400471

17 for Uprising + 44 for Island + 31 for Arrow + 8 for Giant + 27 for Aurora (I destroyed all barbarians here, maybe could have saved a few days by using dimension door to the island right away).
Maybe i was lucky with logistics/pathfinding on mains or AI played dumber than usual, it's not really a big difference.
t. not really a bright slav either

>> No.6400494

Thank you sir. I generally play too cautiously. Will replay Uprising and Giant.

>> No.6400667
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>Factory heroes


>> No.6400691

Dude steampunk lmao

>> No.6400815

I wish that HotA never existed. It's a fucking cancer that kills HoMM3

>> No.6400918

It revived HoMM3 you contrarian retard. No one took SoD away from you if you want to be a luddite about it.

>> No.6401120



> HURR DURR it's non canon fan work because it's not from Ubisoft!

>> No.6401125
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All iterations and ideas of a male might hero

>> No.6401156

What the fuck was that first one.

>> No.6401173
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Ditching the poncho was a good idea. I like ponchos in westerns, but they don't vibe very well with a war horse, a commander stance and the staff. That's a bit of an overload of conflicting images. The final designs are the best along with the confederate army generals in the top row.

Also what's the deal with the first guy? Was he supposed to be a cyborg?

>> No.6401190

HotA is shit and deserves no discussion. Seriosly, fucking Disney-tier pirates and steampunk cowboys. DOOM wad made by a 9 year old have more value than this wannabe "what if NWC were alive" bullshit.

>> No.6401232
File: 227 KB, 244x450, Might and Magic VIII Pirate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disney-tier pirates and steampunk cowboys
The philosophy of M&M lore is to always pick the most obvious and cliché design possible before subverting it on the textual level. That's how you get generic angels who are secretly robots. If anything Cove isn't kitschy enough. Here's what pirates look like in Might and Magic 8. He looks like someone dressing up as a pirate for carnival.

>> No.6401240

Interesting. Where did you find this?

>> No.6401324
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> fucking Disney-tier pirates
but you are okay with Disney-tier genies
with stolen from DnD golem, with copy-paste Giant from Sinbad (a bunch of creatures from that movie made it into H3, Megadragon of H4 has it's Daddy in this movie too)

There was an interview where NWC said they made orcs green and not hog-like (unlike they were in H1, 2 and 4) because Warcraft 2 was popular at that time.

Entire Vampire race (units and heroes alike) look is based on Nosferatu. bald, two very sharp needle-like buck teeth, long claws etc.

So why on Enroth pirates won't be based on most popular and first-coming-to-mind visuals of the "Pirates of the Caribbean"?

Hota discord and DF2 forum

>> No.6401413

>It revived HoMM3
Different anon, but you can't revive something that never died nor faded in popularity.
I don't mind HotA myself. I mind it's rabid fandom, which you so nicely encapsulate.

>> No.6401419
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Unit line-up is terrible and that's all that matters

>> No.6401424

you guys are so pathetic in your hate
we are talking fandoms now?
Suuuuure because fandom equals quality of the game.

>> No.6401426

Like I've said, I don't mind the game.
I mind smug assholes that prance around and make sure to be as hate-inducing as only feasible, for the sake of it, just so they can go "Oh look, they hate the game".
Nope, people hate (You) specifically, for your stupid antics and deliberate baiting.

>> No.6401445

Oh look, Hotarager is having an fucking aneurysm because someone in the thread mentioned Hota again. How lovely.

>> No.6401453
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Can we just stop having those?
I mean what's the fucking point? We have a handful of asshats that each thread, every thread, start to go bananas over HotA, acting like bunch of 5 yo. "No, you big poo-poo, HotA bad", says Anon 1. And Anon 2 replies with "You da big dum-dum, HotA great!" and then we all have to endure the back-and-forth for next 50+ posts.
It's not even funny as a meme anymore.

>> No.6401503

Everything about the faction is too clean and those artificer goggles are cringe

>> No.6401504


>> No.6402481

are you new to the internet
because that's the internet

>> No.6402842
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Good. As a non-Russian/Slav who loves these games, I'm tired of every MM thread being hijacked and spammed by Vodka Drunkinskis having petty arguments over petty opinion shit

Any non-commies wanna debate/discuss any of the following

>Half-Orcs as sorcerers in Xeen - OP or noob?
>MM2's overall map design - kino?
>Is MM2 (genesis port) even playable by modern standards, or is the interface just too clunky?
>Dwarves in HoMM3 - why do they feel so shit?
>pic-related: Hot or not?

Just something anything besides:


and the fucking endless chains which follow.

>> No.6402847


>hot or not?

u talkin about 4th girl in bottom row? bcuz Drew Barrymore hot af

>> No.6402848

>I mind smug assholes that etc etc etc
Everything was fine until people started screeching about HotA a few weeks ago. You say WE are baiting when you have >>6401190
this bullshit? Come on, son. You're fighting ghosts in your head.

>> No.6402947

>Different anon, but you can't revive something that never died nor faded in popularity.
Between online lobby and improvements to PVP balance it sparked a new life into the game's online populace. If you really want to be pedantic about it, the game isn't very popular even now, active Slav community notiwithstanding.
>I don't mind HotA myself. I mind it's rabid fandom, which you so nicely encapsulate.
This is a very easy argument for you because you don't have to explain what you dislike about the game, but you can still aggro at anyone mentioning HotA at all because you're "fighting the rabid fanbase".

fuck off jannies this is the current state of the franchise and we should be able to discuss it, if you want to moderate it, moderate it fully instead of taking sides

>> No.6403182

Is there any lore compilations for M&M like Imperial Library for Elder Scrolls series?

>> No.6403297
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>kills a 20 year old game

murrican civil war mod, when?

>> No.6403336

Not him, but here's what's good and bad about HotA to me

>I like Cove and having a Regna faction and think it's pretty well done
>Balance changes are overall decent on Conflux/Necropolis
>MP lobby stuff
>new map assets/sizes
>creature dwelling buildup
>level 2 creatures and heroes with related specialities got decent buffs making more heroes viable

>forces you to adhere to a specific developer vision with no ability to disable mechanics
>I am really bothered by the Resistance skill change and it should be an optional rule. By that point, why not just remove Eagle Eye and Learning altogether? Did they lose a game to a player using Resistance once or what? See also: Orb of Inhibition
>Cove is unbalanced in being fairly inexpensive to get started plus almost no bad heroes/units and some really good ones
>Factory takes the worst components of Forge and welds it to the developers autistic and setting inappropriate cowboy fixation while stripping it of the redeeming ideas the original Forge had, resulting in a messy faction of super clean and too modern wasteland scavengers (sci fi is part of M&M, the American Civil War/Old West is not)
>criticism related to the above point has seemingly lead to the developers doubling down on their autism which leads me to believe Factory will be even more unbalanced than Cove
>let me turn off the Resistance changes you fucks
>Jeremy is somehow allowed, Galthran isn't

I can deal with it but fuck them being babies about Resistance. "Nooooooo you're not allowed to use an RNG skill that's not fair!"

>> No.6403337

No man it's totally fucked and only got worse with the Heroes Chronicles Tarnum shit and Armageddon's Blade

>> No.6403520

>let me turn off the Resistance changes you fucks
I can't speak for random maps because I usually don't play those, but as far as scenarios go you can just go to the editor and re-enable any skills, artifacts and heroes.

>> No.6403616

>but as far as scenarios go you can just go to the editor and re-enable any skills, artifacts and heroes.
You can do the same with random maps, using the template editor.

>> No.6403656

based illustration

>> No.6403673

>forces you to adhere to a specific developer vision with no ability to disable mechanics
Yeah you know what else forces you to adhere to developer's vision? SoD.
>I am really bothered by the Resistance skill change
Ironically this is one change that can be disabled
>Cove is unbalanced
It's balanced for the current PVP meta. This might not be a good thing depending on how you look at it but it's hardly the level of vanilla Necro or Conflux
>Factory takes the worst components of Forge
You put so much into this line that you're gonna have to elaborate. What redeeming ideas? What worst ideas? How do you figure Wild West doesn't factor into the setting but cyberpunk, tesla coils and sci-fi does? Are you aware there's been considerable redesigns, and a new town screen is in development in response to criticisms?

>> No.6403676

Also different anon and adding to those. In no particular order:

>Is relatively stable and almost doesn't crash at all, unless in multiplayer
>Easy installation (can't be said about just about any other HoMM3 mod)
>Lobby as integral part of the game, no issues with different versions of the game while playing multi, since everyone is playing same version (GameRanger has problems with this)
>Even bigger maps allowed

>Dev team is absolutely and completely convinced they know better and will hear no criticism about just about anything they do
>Progressively more visible bias toward certain factions
>Simultanious turns exist... but behind paywall... in a free mod
>Bigger maps, but Logistics got nerfed
>Absurdly strong composite items that are made out of common artifacts
>Not all units rebalances are "real" rebalances (see - Conflux), mostly just half-hearted attempts at nerfs
>Certain on-map locations are poorly balanced (all those +fuckload resources/once per week or defeat 4 gold dragons for 2k gold - impossible early on, pointless when you have sufficient army)
>Strong bend toward very specific meta-gameplay, while actively dismantling other meta-play, leading to Red Queen race effect
>Utility elements of the mod could be so much better (compare with WoG's utility options)
>While there are options to adjust the game more toward your personal liking, they are relatively hidden and in obtuse places

>> No.6403681

Oh, and how could I forgot

>AI remains virtually unimproved
>AI isn't adjusted to the changes in the game in the slightest
Those two aren't the same thing, since at least it could be improved or "taught" to use new features properly. But it doesn't so good luck with AI handling various nerfs and alterations, at it has no clue about them.

>> No.6403704

>It's balanced for the current PVP meta
Not him, but this creates a simple problem: Cove is only balanced around one particular meta, so you have to play in particular way to not make it OP. And since the whole point is to gain edge, you are not going to do that and/or your co-players might not know the "official" meta, so the end result is a faction that's broken one way or another, just because its balance is based on the tunnel vision of how to play HoMM3 of the dev team.
And said tunnel vision is the result of 4 out of 5 issues that HotA has in my eyes. It's basically forcing you to play in one, true and only way and God forbid if you have different playstyle, because fuck you and fuck everyone who isn't following the tunnel vision. That's not fun in a strategy game. At all.

>> No.6403721

To further elaborate, on an example, my issues with the meta and "balancing" in HotA.
Sprites were labelled OP. Ok, I can get that. How they were balanced? By forcing player to construct a building that is utterly useless for Conflux. This means you are stuck for handful of days with Pixies that are terrible and/or slowing down your entire economy just to upgrade them ASAP, or you can forget about expansion.
In the same time, Storm Elemental is just as broken as it is in vanilla gameplay - it's still tier 3 unit disguised as tier 2, still has huge HP pool and still is an excellent shooter.
So rather than making Storm Elemental less broken, it's kept as it is (since it follows the official meta), and Sprites themselves are also kept as they are, but unlocking them is made needlesly complex by insisting on building a structure you don't need for anything with Conflux heroes.
That's not balancing. That's just idiotic quasi-nerf. I'm still gonna bee-line for Storm Elementals, even more so, since costs and time needed to get Sprites means I'm better of with Storm Elementals.

>> No.6403741

>>While there are options to adjust the game more toward your personal liking, they are relatively hidden and in obtuse places
Yeah I don't know how to do this and know I will be called an idiot for not knowing how to do so

>> No.6403753

>Can't get Navigation on maps without water
>Navigation specialists got decent replacements on waterless maps

>Anything that even resembles RNG is cut from the game, because "muh perfect meta gameplay"
>If your hero class can't roll specific skill, you just can't learn it in any way, even if you find a witch or university that teaches it
>Eagle Eye and Learning remain in the game and are unchanged in the slightest, with no plans to do anything about them, all while changing such vital skills like Logistics and Resistance

>> No.6403758

>Half-Orcs as sorcerers in Xeen - OP or noob?
Given the only real strength of the sorcerer is the mana pool using any race but an elf isn't good. Sure the extra hp is nice, but if you want to cripple the mana pool just get an extra archer anyway.

>MM2's overall map design - kino?
Maps are great, the judge quests are both interesting and frustrating at the same time. The sorcerer promotion is really well done.

>Is MM2 (genesis port) even playable by modern standards, or is the interface just too clunky?
All the console ports have major issues. Even the NES MM1 which looks a lot better won't let you change your own party.

>Dwarves in HoMM3 - why do they feel so shit?
Because they are a unit that is primarily defensive and slow, they aren't required in the tech tree, and the built in resistance is unreliable.

>pic-related: Hot or not?
Skeleton hands

>> No.6403836

>>Dwarves in HoMM3 - why do they feel so shit?
>Because they are a unit that is primarily defensive and slow, they aren't required in the tech tree, and the built in resistance is unreliable
They are there to run the jew bank treasury

>> No.6403901

Who is the best homm3 player?

>> No.6403954

Should I play the Genesis version of Kings Bounty or the DOS one?

>> No.6404014

> forces you to adhere to a specific developer vision with no ability to disable mechanics
Like any game out there. Unless it's freely moddable which is rare and not this case (and you already have moddable Wog and Era, why Hota can't be different)?

>I am really bothered by the Resistance skill change and it should be an optional rule. By that point, why not just remove Eagle Eye and Learning altogether?
- their changes bad, my changes good!

>Factory takes the worst components of Forge
As anon previously mentioned, elaborate us on this

> inappropriate cowboy fixation
seems like it's you who have inappropriate fixation. They presented heroes who are not cowboys, they are remodeling townscreen, I bet the whole "cowboy" theme would be just a small part of overall aesthetic.

> Factory will be even more unbalanced than Cove
Do you have a degree in fortune telling?

> let me turn off the Resistance changes you fucks
you can but you are to obsessed with cowboys and hate to do that

>Jeremy is somehow allowed, Galthran isn't
Same as above. you can change it yourself. JUST AS YOU WANTED.

You can't rate game or movie based on it's fanbase.

>Dev team is absolutely and completely convinced they know better and will hear no criticism about just about anything they do
Why not join Devs then? There are hundreds of players demanding X and Y to be changed daily, often they propose conflicting ideas. Even if devs were adding all requested changes, some part of fans would still be mad.

>Simultanious turns exist... but behind paywall... in a free mod
You are speaking about SOD here. S.turns are free in HoTa.
And it's a feature of HD mod, not hota. All donations goes to one person who made HD mod, hota devs get nothing.

>Absurdly strong composite items that are made out of common artifacts
But that's a SOD feature... by this point it seems you've never bothered to even play hota.

>> No.6404029

>Like any game out there. Unless it's freely moddable which is rare and not this case (and you already have moddable Wog and Era, why Hota can't be different)?
I am different anon, but I think he meant that these changes narrow the number of strategic choices. In original, you have more choices.

>> No.6404035

>- their changes bad, my changes good!
resistance is not even nearly useless as learning and eagle eye are you fucking nigger.

>> No.6404053

I don't know... some of the things you say are just flat out wrong.

>Sim turns are free, as is lobby.
>Bias towards factions: Im seeing alot of Cove op in here, while in truth, they're in bottom tier of factions.
>Ironfist of ogre is arguably worse than aotd and much harder to assemble (4x Major artifacts). Pendant of reflection is hardly broken
>There doesn't exist a map location with 4 gold dragons. Black towers are always 1 dragon and are doable with a day-1 army with almost no losses.
>100% picked skill is nerfed while still remaining top tier, how is this bad?

>> No.6404059

This post reads like it was written by a neurotic, hysterical woman

>> No.6404063

Is hota skub of homm?

>> No.6404072

szopa, but if you want an english streamer to watch try lexiav or thexenofex
Not him, but resistance was changed because 15% rng could decide the outcome of the game (blocking opponent implo for example). Changing eagle eye and learning is difficult because you would need an useful effect while remaining balance. Removing them would fuck up hero balance (magic heroes are suddenly OP with 2 common bad skills not available)

>> No.6404078

>Bias towards factions: Im seeing alot of Cove op in here, while in truth, they're in bottom tier of factions.
But you are lying. Pirates are level 3 unit with level 4 tier stats with a nice price and very big town growth. Cannon is basically ballista but better. Nymphs are numerous and fast - perfect bait for neutrtal fights. Should I go on?

>> No.6404097

>This post reads like it was written by a neurotic, hysterical woman
that moment when you have no other arguments

>> No.6404210

>15% rng could decide the outcome of the game (blocking opponent implo for example).

>> No.6404232

Im not him and dont have no horse in this race anyhow. You just type like a colossal faggot

>> No.6404254

So does no one here ever discuss HoMM7: for blood and honor or am I just not seeing the posts?

>> No.6404272

We did a couple threads ago. What do you want to know?

>> No.6404320

No. I was the one who made the last thread before there's no HoMM/MM thread for like half a year. And before that, I had tried to keep the prev thread alive for 2 weeks with less than bump limit posts.
>Half-Orcs in Xeen
You get more HP but less SP.
No more squishy sorcerers, but you need more rest or get those SP bonus from wells.
I still take the Elf sorcerer, less HP more SP.
>MM2 playable by modern standard
I started playing CRPG in 91, so my standard at that time are: VGA graphic + music from sound card.
So I drew the line: MM3, Wizardry 7, Ultima 6, EoB series, Lands of Lore, etc.
No Bard's Tale series, SSI's GoldBox.
>Hot or not?
The barmaid is hot.
Your drunken female party members look silly.
Might get easier to have sex with, if you don't mind them puking during sex.

>> No.6405314

I asked last thread but the thing died. What do we do to fix druids? They do well early game and ok outside with meteor shower, but they don't scale very well.

>> No.6406580
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I love /vr/ and spend most of my time on this site here, but god damn it has some of the most cancerous /v/ rejects who won't rest until all discussion of a game is killed if there's even the slightest thing they disapprove of.

>> No.6406661
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>fight vs Fortress
>Mass Slow
What are some other great combos of town and spell?

>> No.6406668
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Stronghold tactics or/and mass haste

>> No.6406672
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>> No.6406684

Which Might and Magic game has the most puzzles? I've only played one before, I think it was 3 or 5 and did not enjoy the combat. It turned into me jousting hoards of enemies by running into them with auto-attack enabled and winning through attrition. The puzzles and riddles however were really cool, I had to actually take notes multiple times and that felt great, so which game has the most amount of puzzles?

>> No.6406691

She's too tricky, I still can't use her properly.

>> No.6406797

1 and 2 have a lot more puzzles, probably 2 mainly because it's bigger. Some of them are incredibly difficult which is why we send most people straight to 3 or 6, but if that is what appealed to you start at 1.

All of the games are heavy on combat and a lot of it is pretty mindless. In-game difficulty settings refer to the number and size of enemies (which are RNG in MM1-2), so you can turn those to minimum for MM2.

>> No.6406871

>resistance was changed because 15% rng could decide the outcome of the game (blocking opponent implo for example)
And that's bad... how? That was the entire point of that ability - random chance that could make or break the entire encounter. Especially if you had the right items, so the chance was much bigger.
But like pointed by all the anons already listing their issues with HotA - that mod absolutely hates RNG and any sort of randomness other than range of damage dealt by units. So rather than having an utility skill that might prevent you from casting a mass debuff or some other spell, it nerfs it into useless "-x %, but no random chances". I don't care how much damage a spell is going to deal. I care about not having to waste my spell on Mass Cure/Dispell to remove a debuff I was given thanks to the other side being 1 point faster than my fasters unit. And that's all meta that is in HotA - fastest army wins, period. And it's enforced with all the changes that are done to the game.
Also, as so many anons noted already, vanilla games offers far more variety of strategies and approaches. Which is ironic, when you consider the main pitch about HotA used to be "better game balance and more viable strategies". But that was years ago.

>> No.6406889

Coinflipping is bad game design. Good RNG is something you work around, which there is still plenty of in the game. Map rng, skill rng, morale rng etc.. Interference is also far from being a bad skill

>> No.6406902

Tactics is your best friend, regardless if vanilla or WoG's +3 Speed.
In vanilla, Resistance is well-worth it if you have the items boosting it (totalling at 40%), since it completely fucks up spell usage on you. Doubly so if you play as Thorgrim (+1%/lvl) and obviously using properly Rampart units (dorfs + unicorns are just insane, because you can forget about casting spells at all).
Also, Mass Haste/Dispell/Cure are great way of helping yourself, so pick your magic speciality accordingly. Or just get both Water and Air magic

>> No.6406910

Also, it's 20%, but it takes to play HoMM3 vanilla to know, rather than wanking HotA so hard, you never even played baseline game.
The biggest joke is how HotA first boosted Resistance to be more useful and viable (separate rolls for mass spells and new combination artifact also helped matters), making it by default a 50%, so pretty damn high chance to resist anu spell... only to then keep nerfing it, until it was replaced with some puny debuff on magic damage.
>Interference is also far from being a bad skill
Who even uses direct damage spells? You either pick utilities (buffs & debuffs) or tricks (berserk and hypnosis). So that's precisely why Resistance rework caused such uproar - a viable skill was reduced to being another Eagle Eye, because boo-hoo, in proper hands it could easily prevent most exploitive spells cold by saying you "Not today, nigger".
>muh coin-flipping
If you know how to use Resistance, it's not coin-flipping at all. Plus, by your own logic, Morale is useless game mechanics. After all, it's coin-flipping.
Yet somehow it's there and again, if you know your shit, is very potent.
It's just another retarded change in tune of "I'm low-skill, so let's ban anything intermediate under the guise of clearing the game from RNG, because I can't handle situations that aren't binary".

>> No.6406919

You try to play around morale every single neutral creature fight. It is uncertainty you can prepare for and control. Blocking the enemy mages damage spell on your powerstack on week 3 will win just win you the game flatout. It's clear to me you don't play pvp, so why do you care so much about hota balance? You're free to play the regular game, let others enjoy hota.

>> No.6406929
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Suck it, fags

>> No.6406937


>> No.6406942

It's clear to me that you have no arguments beyond "b-but I can't win if random chance blocks my spell", which indicates you are the bottom rung of PvP and can't actually thing other """"""tactics"""""" than Mass Slow on enemy in first round and everything falling apart once that gets cock-blocked on you.
Adapt, overcome, win, instead of being a crying bitch, because "RNG ruined my perfect game". If it was ruined so easily, it wasn't perfect and your battle plan was shit, relying on single gimmick to win. Meanwhile, a guy with Resistance is someone who is taking his chances. It works? Great. It doesn't? No hard feelings, because he can still play.

>> No.6406945

So not only you can't play, but also dropped out from school before what? 4th grade? Because that's when they explain percentages and probabilities.

>> No.6406949
File: 177 KB, 710x888, acceptable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Comic Sans made me kek

>> No.6406951

No dude I'm agreeing with you on this, resistance nerf is trash for jebus cross babies

>> No.6406956


>> No.6406961

Different anon, but I'm getting mixed message here:
Is Resistance bad, because it has too small chance to trigger and thus is such rare sight that it's not worth it?
Or is Resistance bad, because it's an OP skill that triggers non-stop and can decide the whole game for everyone?
Because those two are mutually exclusive

>> No.6406964

The percentage doesn't really matter, obviouly it's bonkers OP if it was really high. The fact that it's binary and so highrolley makes it bad for the game. I mean interference isn't the perfect answer, but it's better than resistance.

>> No.6407003

>Who even uses direct damage spells?
Interference lowers Spell Power right? So I assume it would also reduce duration of buffs/debuffs

>> No.6407021

Dunning-Kruger at its finest.

>> No.6407024
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>> No.6407052

>Interference is better, because HotA has it
Ftfy, drone

Considering the fact it lasts 15 turns instead of 20, it's irrevelant, when the alternative is no spell being cast at all, and that you can remove it first chance given with Dispell/Cure anyway.

Are you trying to describe yourself, drone?

>> No.6407061

>you can remove it first chance given with Dispell/Cure anyway
But if you consider this, doesn't that make Resistance just as useless? It's essentially wasting a skill slot for rolling the dice of cancelling a spell, or casting Dispel so to speak. The exception being damage spell but as you said, they are (mostly) worthless anyway.

>> No.6407090

>15 turns instead of 20
I thought might heroes are more popular.
Doubt they have 20 Spell Power.

>> No.6407169

Rob King=Virgin
Paul Romero=Chad


>> No.6407264

I don't think you know what this means

>> No.6407338
File: 586 KB, 1379x972, 1549446211439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a step-for-step guide for the Shadow of Death campaign that tells you what to do in each day?

I want to play it again but the first Yog scenario with the time limit is stopping me. In my previous playthrough I had to use a cheat code and permanently ruin my Highscore rating. I can do the other scenarios but time limits are fucking evil.

>> No.6407405

Each specific day? Probably not, though you could easily find something on youtube.

https://www.celestialheavens.com/178 has a decent guide. Basically you shouldn't be coming close to the time problems unless you are turtling too long at the start.

>> No.6407506

>Who even uses direct damage spells?
Resurrection, elemental summoning and animate dead were bane of online play for some time. Hero with more mana always wins.

Nerfing of intelligence and introduction of interference fixed that. Old resistance can't affect enemy spells so good luck with your gnome hero vs 9999 earth elementals

>> No.6407540

Nice ad hom faggot

>> No.6407542

Meridian on Youtube has RoE, SoD, and AB all on youtube on Impossible, with virtually no reloads. He plays very slow too, so it should help you out quite a bit.

>> No.6407687

MPfags ruined hota and this general

>> No.6408259

Seek therapy.

>> No.6408515

>modern HoMM

>> No.6408931

I cant beflieve the combine almost made it into homm3.

>> No.6409118
File: 21 KB, 176x232, 139984560066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UI design for zoomers
>massive distracting illustration of the hero taking up space
>way less readable icons than originals
>terribly typeset biography
>tons of space taken up by pointless ornaments
>overdesigned LOOK MOM FANTASY crest
People like this actually work on video games and get paid today.

>> No.6409391

> someone did a cool fanart
> autistic screeching

>> No.6409454


Do they need fixing? Keeping in mind that, MM7 is fun, but also ridiculously easy.

>Evil Dragon kid is the best class reward
>Tons of mana
>Black potions with no hassle
>The only GM skill you miss is incinerate, power cure and Lloyd's. Implosion, White Potions and walking fill the gap enough.
>No dark or light... that part actually sucks

Archers need more fixing than Druids imo. By the time they get GM spells, the game is over. At least Paladin Expert spells are useful.

>> No.6409470


>Russians/Slavs ruin every HoMM & DotA thread

It's because their countries are meth empire shitholes and their women look like neckbeard hairy-moled men so they have self esteem issues. The only way they feel strong and accomplished is to pick a nerdfight over some insanely petty shit.

I don't think those two Anons arguing for the last three threads even care about whatever bullshit, they just need to "win" over the other flithy vodka-soaked retard they are fighting.

Can we get a separate "no commies allowed" MM general thread?

>> No.6409820

It's not a cool fanart. It's bad fanart.
When you get older you understand that just because you put effort into something doesn't mean it's good or welcome.

>> No.6409909
File: 159 KB, 1200x798, 1585985000851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you consider 'Cover of Darkness' a viable map location or more of a gamebreaking annoyance? I've thought about putting a few of them on my map but I'm not sure. Considering the importance of quick and precise movement in HoMM 3 it feels OP/almost cheating.

>> No.6409913

One of the cooler things the HotA campaign did was introducing older Alkin who has seen some shit.

>> No.6409917

I agree with anon.
It looks cool until you think about how interacting with it works. You still have to fit a entire tree of units, skills and artifacts in there to compete with vanilla HOMM3.
HOMM5 has this issue, and its obnoxious to keep going between the pages in the book, to see basic shit or do inventory/troop management.

>> No.6409921

I read somewhere AI "sees" the whole map anyway.

>> No.6409952

Classes that can start with spear don't really have early game issues. They put out a ton of early damage and can still go spear/dagger from the start. Archers' weakness a relatively weak mid-game until they get GM bow, Town Portal, and Fly. Even then it's not weak with solid melee, and master bow for ranged. I think their only issue is the same as Thieves, their promotion basically requires Invisibility, but they can't cast it. Pick up a scroll and it's fine though.

Druids on the other hand have the weak start of a sorcerer, a decent mid game, and then they become one of the weakest classes at the end due to having nothing special. You lose out on Power Cure, GM protection from magic, Starburst, Town Portal can't be cast in combat, sparks and poison spray don't give enough shards to be as effective as they should, potions can just be bought in Celeste/The Pit by the time you can get the promotion, and mana isn't an issue because they don't have anything worth casting. The fact that the Warlock promotion is all the way in Eeofol tells you it's irrelevant because by that point the game actually is over. Getting a couple extra skill levels is nothing compared to GM. They aren't even a viable replacement for a Cleric because of no GM body and that Clerics for some reason get Merchant GM.

>> No.6409978
File: 513 KB, 1600x1200, 1586938796668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea. Thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.6410101


I agree with all of this, but I've really never had any trouble wrecking MM7 as any party combo at all.

>> No.6410341
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>> No.6410348
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>> No.6410378

Damn, that next to final map in price of loyalty is absurd, enemy is too strong since the day1.

>> No.6410406

i love the idea of combining artefacts, and i would like that each town gets their own. so if castle has aa, towers have tt, inferno has ab, nexropolis has aotd, dungeon has aodf and stronghold has the ogre fist, what combination artefacts would bastion, fortress and conflux have? we already have the base artefacts for them in the game. for bastion i would make it cast expert magic mirror and antimagic on all your troops to play into the anti-magic theme of the army. i know it sounds op, but the stat boost from the combined artifact would be very weak, as it consists of common items- dwarven shield, centaur axe, unicorn helmet, armour of petrified wood

>> No.6410434

Armageddon's Blade is not a combination artifact.
It's forged using 3 artifacts in story of the AB campaign.
>nexropolis has aotd
Cloak of the Undead King > Armor of the Damned
>what combination artefacts would bastion, fortress and conflux have?
HotA & WoG have new combination artifacts.

>> No.6410478

Well yes, but they always feel like a dead weight for most of the game. You can win with solo ranger (it's actually one of the stronger solo classes), but you shouldn't feel "why did I bother picking this" at the end of a regular game. Druids, Rangers, and to a lesser extent Thieves all have this problem. You might throw Paladins in there as well, but especially Light Path they get super powerful with double paralyze.

The expansion campaigns are a huge step up in difficulty. I don't remember where it is, but just wait until you get to the scenario where they have around 1000 bone dragons split across their heroes and you have to fight around month 3.

>> No.6410502
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<- details

>> No.6410507
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>HotA & WoG have new combination artifacts
I know that
>cloak of undead king
it buffs an ability and im talking about artefact buffing your army with spells at the start of battle. aa casts psalm, etc.
for the fortress combined artifact i think mass stone skin and shield would nicely add to the defensive playstyle of the town
i dont know about conflux thou

>> No.6410602

It's probably the final map of pol that you're talking about. I glanced at walkthrough of the campaign and it seems I'm supposed to gather month of troops and don't show up near enemies while they're fighting each other.

>> No.6410681
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>> No.6410720

I'm American and you sound like a faggot

>> No.6411105

>there are swords, shields, helmets armor that go together
How the fuck did I never notice this

>> No.6412198

I think it's either that or the end of Voyage Home. It was absolutely awful the first time I played it. It was actually broken on my first playthrough because they got dimension door and walked into my base by week 4 with 400 bone dragons. I think it got patched out in later versions.

>> No.6412507

No, I beat voyage home already, it was fairly easy.
I thought there's some ambiguity in end, but being loyal to your lord and fighting against your sister is clearly the good ending.

>> No.6412676

Actually he's still right.
Pirates and certain aspects of Cove are great and all, but once you compare it to strategies which aren't exclusive to this town and you view Cove with other towns in mind... it's actually not that amazing outside of singleplayer.
Cove and Cove's campaigns are the most fun I ever had in singleplayer, because of the sheer options, but it's still nowhere near Top 5 in multiplayer.
And in fact, even when it wasn't in Top 5, it still received nerfs, update after update.

>> No.6412918

Of all the shitty things you could have pointed out about slavs you decided to say their women are ugly?
Last time i checked the general consensus seemed to be that the slav women are hot.

>> No.6412963

That's probably why he got no (You)s from slavs. This part was so over-the-top ludicrous I could only laugh at that it.

>> No.6413931
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>> No.6414197

I'm not much into the lore, but how did necromancers end up next to elves in the first place?

>> No.6414705

I don't think it's directly stated, but Necromancers tend to go where no one else wants to so they can be left alone. The land itself is mostly controlled by goblins who are on good terms with the Necromancers. The actual Necromancers' Guild (The Pit) is completely underground.

The constant human/elf wars over the centuries supply plenty of corpses as needed, so it serves as a perfect location. It's desolate enough to not cause problems for the guild normally. The only real issue is trade. They trade with Nighon of all places (Necromancers themselves can't make the jars required to become Liches), and the desperation of the guild is a focal point of MM7 on both light and dark path.

>> No.6415254

Where is Mongo?

>> No.6415560
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've seen this person, then please, dial the number at the bottom of the screen. His parents miss him very much.

>> No.6415653

Speaking of Heroes 4 factions, what's the best one for starters? I got the game recently and was meaning to check it out, but a lot of the gameplay and interface seems different from 2 and 3

>> No.6415660

Academy, just max genies and you are good to go, one big stack for ice bolt or summoning illusions if you are fighting spell immune creatures. fill the rest of your slots with single genies who could each cast song of peace 2 or 3 times, tier 1 and 2 creatures quickly become obsolete and they are all also incredibly slow

>> No.6415901

>Be /out/ for a week
>Check HoMM/MM general
>Screetching about HotA

>> No.6415906
File: 31 KB, 419x261, Both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloak of the Undead King > Armor of the Damned
Pic related
Probably Pole. Rampart in Polish is bastion (not just faction, but ramparts in general). But HoMM3-specific is the massive problem with Tower and Fortress. For whatever reason, Tower was translated into... Fortress, while Fortress got translated as Citadel. Causes a never-ending confusion.

>> No.6415936

What the other anon described
Generally, what you need to know about HoMM4 spells is that they are kinda-sorta faction related. Your faction has its "main" magic type and two "nearby" schools. Order Magic of Academy has the best spells overall, while having access to Life and Death schools, too.
Consider this, when compared to HoMM3
>Hypnosis is even stronger
>Illussion troops have the HP of the originals, rather than dying in single hit
>Precision is OP in this game due to the way how ranged retaliation works
>The only way to get Slow, Forgetfulness, regular and Mass Dispel, Town Gate, Teleport, Berserk and Blind
>Flight turns ANY of your units into a flier
>Has new spell known as Blur and Mass Blur, granting massive Range defense
And all of those are Order-specific spells, so unless you are playing as Academy, Castle or Necro, you can't even access those at all.
On top of that, your tier 2 and 3 are casters, which can spam some of the most broken spells on their own, allowing you to pretty much cast 3 times per turn (and that assuming you only have single stack of any of those units), while you have two fantastic range units, too.
Your two lord classes are the best Magic class of them all and the Might hero is fantastic as a builder/scout, since you have access to estates and unit-growht boosting skills. Combine it with general incentive of HoMM4 to make hero-only armies and you should know the drill.
The faction is just flat-out OP, and even if you are playing as deliberate anti-magic, they still can fuck your shit easily, simply by illusioning your own troops and with good enough caster/big enough stack have MORE of them than your own army.
Ironically, the other factions are relatively balanced between each other, it's just Academia that's fucking broken. But it was kinda-sorta intended to be a clutch faction for the main campaign, so I guess there is a reason for that.

I wish we were living in an alternative reality where HoMM4 is a finished game.

>> No.6416062
File: 146 KB, 711x900, 1588189227374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was looking up Heroes 3 spells and

>In the Might and Magic universe itself, "magic" and "spells" are actually just another term for ultra-advanced-technology.

Does anyone know where this in-lore explanation is from? Is it true?

>> No.6416096

Nobody but the terminator robots are high enough on the tech ladder to tell them apart.
Nobody in MM can tell apart super tech weapons vs the magical variant. On top of that you have FTL Star Trek Replicators being used to produce melee weapons, which makes it even weirder.

It only seems like the Phantasy Star case:
Technology is a crude imitation of true magic, but its very hard to tell them apart.

>> No.6416448

It's mentioned very early in the series then not talked about later. I can't remember exactly where but it might be in the MM2 manual.

>> No.6416870

Do you know that angels are robots in MMverse?
And those demons are aliens.

>> No.6417107

Has a town tier list for HoMM 3 ever truly been finalised?

>> No.6417119

Depends too much on the template/map, single or multi.

>> No.6417154

Necro is op, dungeon and conflux are strong, inferno is shit. Everything else is around the same.

>> No.6417169

>no option for "Take Wench to Bed"

>> No.6417176

Not eroge.

>> No.6418084

Anything but Inferno.

>> No.6418229
File: 363 KB, 800x400, a_tough_start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendship ended with MAGNUS
Now BORAGUS Iis my best friend

>> No.6418290
File: 74 KB, 888x915, history of CRON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm, I was under impression the elemental magic depends on elemental Lords powers', but I guess it was proven several times that spellcasters can imprison and even destroy them. Which can be an indication that magic is a more advanced force.

>> No.6418606

It's intertwined. You could argue that there's a magical component to the Ancients (although the Guardians are strictly robotic), I guess the point of it is that at a certain point, mega-advanced technology becomes practically "magic".

>> No.6419623

It's a power that controls elementals, rather than takes power from them. As mentioned though, no one outside of the ancients or the guardians would have any reason to treat it differently than it appears on the surface level.

>> No.6420341

The only thing Inferno exists for is trolling people with your Grail special ability.

>> No.6420454
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>> No.6421246

Am I the only one that plays the factions with the best waifus?

>> No.6421254

>factions with the best waifus
which faction?
>best waifus

>> No.6421265

Depends on the game. Usually Human and Elf. There was sexy Succs in 4.

>> No.6421451
File: 31 KB, 130x130, 241588733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Minasli, the Master of Water will never get wet for you

>> No.6421530

Such as?

>> No.6421660

What about the built-in Town Portal?

>> No.6421817

it costs 10k so you need a seccond inferno town plus another ten grand AND a built citadel

>> No.6421863

It's useless 90% of the time since you'll very rarely have two infernos and that much gold to spend before you get expert earth and town portal.

>> No.6422904
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>> No.6423459

>Red Dragon

>> No.6423818


>> No.6424829
File: 144 KB, 960x766, 97417377_10157694375563717_6558388522389078016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6425638

How do I re-enable Resistance and forbidden heroes in HotA in the editor? How do I load the proper template pack?

>> No.6426709

If it cost 10k it might be more viable, but it's 10k in every single city.

>> No.6426817
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>> No.6427905

>find grail
>fag appears out of no where
>get sniped

>> No.6428145

Spamming demons is fun.

>> No.6428423

>How do I re-enable Resistance and forbidden heroes in HotA in the editor?
Go to Tools > Map Specifications (or just hit Ctrl+Enter) and (un)check what you want in the Secondary Skills and Heroes tab.
>How do I load the proper template pack?
I'm a campaignfag so I can't help you with that - maybe some other anon will tell you.

>> No.6428464
File: 253 KB, 1275x480, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6428474


>> No.6428502

Thanks, but I'm trying to turn it off in the random map gen

>> No.6428873

RMG Template Editor.exe in the game folder
open the template you want to edit (HotA_RMGTemplates folder / template / rmg.txt)
Template > Template Settings
Put Interference in Disable, put Resistance in Enable

>> No.6429173


>> No.6429432

I really want to off myself after going through Castle Alamos. Kriegspire was fun, except those Minotaurs with instant death attacks or those drakes flying up to the ceiling and forcing me to snipe them but in general it was challenging but fun. But Alamos, man, its size, amount of enemies and not knowing where to go and what to do makes it very bad experience. I even muted the sound because of that endless "oonga boonga" sounds Magyar's make. It is so annoying.
Is there anything else insufferable waiting for me in the future? Or it is the only one dungeon like this?
Also, who is that fat guy hiding in the snake temple? Is he like an easter egg boss or something?

>> No.6429440

Brace yourself, Castle Darkmoor is hundred times worse than anything.

>> No.6429525
File: 47 KB, 541x540, I want to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's MFW Castle Darkmoor.

>> No.6429540

I'm currently playing through the campaign of HoMM 2, I'm fairly new to the games and decided to start with 2. My question is, why are the enemy heroes so powerful? They always just seem to roll up to my armies and nuke them with super powerful magic with spellpower at like 5 despite having no artifacts that boost them while most of my mages are at like a 2 or 3. Is there a way to raise spellpower I just don't know about?

>> No.6429574

The HOMM games are pretty much just an arms race with you rushing to put together an army and shove it down your opponent's throat ASAP before he can do the same to you.

How far into the game is it that they are "so powerful", are you sitting around in your starting castle waiting around to slowly build up a big army, or are you getting out there and doing as much as you can?

>> No.6429576

It is not like I wanted to have fun with this game, or something.

>> No.6429589

What mission? Sometimes enemy heroes start with high level and/or army/artifacts.

>> No.6429603

Do you have a really good solution to a million powerful but fairly small flying enemies in large open spaces that like to dodge slower moving attacks?

If yes, then Darkmoor should only be "annoying" for you.

>> No.6429631

I'm on the 4th mission of the "good" campaign and 2 months, 3 weeks in. I've managed to take one of the castles off the orange player and vanquished them, with 2 other castles I've built up so I have 4 in total. But now I'm stuck in a state where there are enemy heroes bumbling about near my castles with fairly menacing armies, and I have to defend them with whatever I have and I can't really mount a counterattack while they are still here, and it's such a devastating loss to fight any of them since even if I have a better army, they just nuke my guys with spells and I suffer heavy losses no matter what.

>> No.6429641

Roland's campaign is notably harder than Archibald's campaign for various reasons. 2 months and three weeks is a very long time, it's not at all unusual to beat many of the HOMM2 campaign missions in under two weeks each.

I'm not very familiar with Roland's campaign though, I know there's one or two specialists for it around though so maybe they can advise you once they see your message.

>> No.6429680

Just rush enemy castles with dwarves that you can collect on your way. You have dwarven alliance, right?

>> No.6429689

I sure do, though it's probably too late in the game for that. If I get annoyed enough to restart, I'll try dwarf rushing them and see how that turns out.

>> No.6429805

Thank you

>> No.6430239

HOTA is so fucking gay. at least WOG is fun. Maybe i will try homm5.5

>> No.6430256

Ah yes, expert Earth. Can't play a single match without it!

>> No.6430324

Darkmoor and VARN are bigger, but easier to navigate. Having to find all the tree hints are what make Alamos annoying. The scrolls in VARN are pretty similar though.

Q is a special easter egg boss and obligatory Star Trek reference. The horn of ros showing hp was so useful they made it the new 1 spell point spirit magic spell in MM7/8. There is also a hidden small easter egg "dungeon" based on the NWC offices.

>> No.6430762

Alright, I beat that mission, onto the next one. SO I guess I should play a more "rush enemies and take castles" approach in the future.

>> No.6431865
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>need someone with scholar
>warlocks have a quite high chance to get it
>hire alamar, even better if the mageguild wont have resurrection
>12 levels, 2 witch huts and 4 skills at expert later still no scholar
next time I hire the first la creatura who has it in my tavern

>> No.6431929
File: 20 KB, 458x458, 1464878223018-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to belive that alchemists could be useful in any situation

>> No.6433518

Neela will break your neck with her blue thighs when she's not being swirly town there

>> No.6434283

Every time I play 3 I want to play MM7

>> No.6434521

>bought MM6 from GOG
>Hall of the Fire Lord
>Complete the dungeon and exit
>Fucking can't move
>Can still attack and cast spells
>Town Portal works, still can't move when I arrive
>Reload save
>Can only move inside Hall of the Fire Lord, movement doesn't work when I exit
>Reload earlier save, from before I ever set foot in that accursed place
>Still can't move
FUUUUCK this buggy chaotic piece of shit dungeon. Fix one bug and another pops up. Anyone else encountered this particular problem?

>> No.6434552

No, I have never had that problem with it in any version. That sounds like a corrupted file.

That dungeon was actually bugged in v1.0 where you could get max quest exp (2^24) by continuing to click the quest completion over and over, but it got patched out in the version GOG uses.

>> No.6434567


>> No.6434571

it happened to me in prev thread >>6380834
first i restarted the computer to fix it, but it happens multiple times so it irritated me (restart takes time).
then i found some kind of solution: casting fly.
after casting fly, try to levitate then move around.
after i successfully move around, i landed then reload my game.
but this doesn't always fix it.
one time, the bug happened (can't move, turn around, jump) and my party got drifted backward (which ever direction i faced).
casting fly didn't solve it, when i press the button to fly, my party was like doing a really high jump then land on the ground again.
took like an hour messing around (sometime quitting to windows and did something else for several minutes), but i finally got rid of it.
when the bug happens, reloading or restarting a new game won't fix it, you'll get stuck.
try casting fly, levitate around and see if it fixes your problem.

>> No.6434601

Yeah, I had the physical copy for years and used to do the infinite XP bug from that very same dungeon. Funny story, one playthrough I got too greedy and spammed that XP to oblivion, and it made the game all wonky. The worst part was the stats of my Cleric, her XP and age got switched around somehow, so she had 27 XP at the age of a couple million. That didn't do wonders for her Seven Statistics, to say the least.

I'll give this a shot, pretty sure I tried flying and I couldn't go up or down either, but thanks for the tip.

>> No.6434605

does the bug persist when you start a new game?
also try restarting your pc and see if it's still like that.
fyi, i don't use the fan patch.

>> No.6434609

sorry, it seems the bug persists when you reload another save.
just like what happening to me.
reload or restart don't fix it.
but once the bug disappears, reload & restart work.
i suspect it's some kind of memory corruption or something.

>> No.6434709

That sounds plausible. Do you think I should just fiddle around with it for a while in-game and hope it gets better? Thanks a lot for the help so far btw, not many places on the Internet I can ask about this sort of thing.

>> No.6434719

sometime the bug disappears by its own.
sometime the bug appears when I was doing other things (browsing 4chan, watching youtube).
i don't know exactly what triggers the bug.
but it happens a lot and I kinda stop playing because of it.
last time i played was like a week ago, party level around 15+.
whenever it happens, i usually try the fly method.
if it doesn't work, quit the game for several minutes (5-15 minutes), then try again (with fly spell if necessary).
if it''s still doesn't work, restart my pc is the last option.
i suspect the memory got corrupted and leaked because after quitting the game, the bug persists (like some of the game processes are not terminated and continued to be used by the new process when i run the game again).
i don't know if this is because of the modern windows version of the nature of the game itself.
i'm not an expert, it's just some wild guess.
but in my case, restarting always fixes it.
although it may comes back later, the bug keeps reappearing even when i'm doing nothing.

>> No.6434724

by the way, have you tried the spell method?
cast fly, go up and move around?

>> No.6434727

same problem

>> No.6434861

Restarting the computer seems to have fixed it, at least temporarily. Restarting GOG Galaxy might also have fixed it, not sure. Thanks a lot for the support.

Thing is, ascending/descending when flying didn't work either. I was not allowed to move anywhere EXCEPT inside Hall of the Fire Lord. I used Town Portal to Free Haven, couldn't move, used Lloyd's Beacon back to HotFL, could move just fine. Weird. Hope it doesn't persist, but if it does, I'll just be patient.

>> No.6435185

when she's not being swirly down there

>> No.6435989
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Well, Darkmoor is down. I admit, attacks through the walls and ceilings are not cool. I do not like your flying eyes, Agar. But Supreme Temple was very easy in comparison. It was harder to get to it then through it.
Is level 60 would be enough to go in Dragonsands?

>> No.6436113

You can beat the game at level 1, it depends how you play it and invest your skillpoints.

>> No.6436343

60 is enough to finish the game without any min/maxing. The biggest annoyance of the dragons is that every single one of them breaks items, though the Tomb of VARN just has its guardians.

>> No.6436426
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Damn, this map took me almost two months, 54 days to be specific. At least I wasn't wrecked on the second week like on the first try, red AI decided to attack the his blue colleague this time.
I wonder how much time will I spend in the next one, I heard enemies have even more enormous stacks here.

>> No.6436651

There was that guy who managed to beat it in 26 days without leveling or something

>> No.6436656

There are a few people that have done it in 5-6 days before. It requires some absurd optimization like using the riddle teleporters in the Thieves' Den in Frozen Highlands to port to Castle Ironfist so you don't have to use a day to travel.

>> No.6437525

i know speedrun mm3 using mirror and getting the best 2 henchmen in last town.
how to speedrun in mm6?

>> No.6437703

It depends heavily on hirelings. You are constantly switching out Wind Masters and Gate Masters so it's an RNG nightmare. As a result most attempts haven't been RTA, they have been done in "in-game days" which would end up looking more like a segmented TAS structure if you viewed it. Regardless the focal point is rushing to Kriegspire to get the +30 level fountain, so a level 1 team becomes a level 31 team.

>> No.6437704

And switching those two hirelings out for pathfinders and explorers when you need to go to a new zone.

>> No.6437749

dead game. Thanks HOTA devs.

>> No.6437763
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You again?

>> No.6437924

8 minutes later and that's all the content we get.

>> No.6438803
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>> No.6440110

Tried out the MMMerge mod. Lots of fun rolling over MM8 with blasters but for some reason minimum bow recovery is capped at 30 so bow skill isn't all that useful in the first place. The Eeofol fountain takes gold to use, so you can't really farm it unless you want to spend hours savescumming it.

After playing it I think a triple knight team (or maybe some monks if you start in MM7) would have been the way to go. Archmages/liches just die way too fast even with Preservation to be much more than a Lloyd's Beacon bot, but you have to have one.

>> No.6440496

>dead game.
Last time I checked multiplayer is still full of crazy slavs

>> No.6440538

What the fuck did vodkaniggers mean by this? Seriously, I think HotA is pretty impressive, but this bugs me the most about it. Call me autistic, but every vanilla creature was a clearly established being from fantasy/mythology. Then HotA devs came along and ruined the tradition with a bunch of creatures with made up names they pulled out of their ass.

There, I fixed your game Ivan

>> No.6440579

Nix is just another word for water-being, such as nymph, mermaid, siren and so on. And a fangarm ("fang-arm") is a tentacle.

As far as Ayssid and Haspid go however, I have no idea know either and google doesn't give anything when I search for the terms. Maybe Ayssid comes from acid (poison)?

>> No.6440596

"Haspid" comes from "asp/aspis" for a venomous serpent. "Ayssid" is supposedly based on "assidam" which is an obscure creature from medieval bestiaries based on eyewitness accounts of ostriches. All of these words have etymologies but they're obscure as fuck and it really feels like they picked them just to be snowflakey

>> No.6440686

Reminder that Tier 7 factory unit is 100% ripped straight out of chrono trigger. Akira Toriyama should submit a copyright takedown request.

>> No.6440703

Factory is fucking stupid anyway

>hey we already have a canonical, lore-friendly high technology town in the Forge, why don't we just rework it and put it in the game?
>LMAO no we'll completely scrap Forge and make a new EPIC COWBOY STEAMPUNK XD faction just because fuck you

>> No.6440720

Canonically Resurrectra's side won and the Forge was never activated. If HotA were to reintroduce Forge now they would literally have to rewrite the lore.

>> No.6440725

>Resurrectra's side won and the Forge was never activated.
Where can i read about more homm lore?

>> No.6440730

Random donut steel steampunk cowboys with no precendent in the lore are a much bigger offense to the lore than just saying "actually, Kastore and the Forge won or somehow survived" (something Caneghem was already considering for the Forge expansion)

>> No.6440737
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I went down a rabbit hole with this one

>> No.6440783

Make town portal colorless like magic arrow.

>> No.6440809

The more you know.

>> No.6441123
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I like it.

>> No.6441725

>but every vanilla creature was a clearly established being from fantasy/mythology.
Actually it was just DnD, from the look of the gnolls to outright ripoffs like Gorgon. Yeah technically Gorgon was the name of Medusa in Greek mythology but it wasn't a bronze scaly bull. That's DnD. Beholders, same story, patently a DnD invention so much so that you can't even call a creature like that a Beholder in new video games or your ass will get sued. I went through some of DnD monster manuals recently and they picked 'em clean. But it's no surprise given that Caneghem and Co. were huge DnD nerds like many CRPG creators back in the day. In fact, "Crag the Hack" was one of Jon Caneghem's DnD characters.

>> No.6442415

>this exact post in a twitch stream just now

>> No.6442480

Big if true.

>> No.6443542

The Forge required the oscillation overthruster which was used in the device that brought the party to the webstation on the Light Path of MM7. All of the parts aside from that are still in the almost completed Forge, so in theory someone could simply steal/take the part and start up the Forge that Kastore was building if they knew how to connect it.

>> No.6443748

I like hota

>> No.6443762

me too buddy

>> No.6443790

I don't see why you guys are drawing parallels between Forge and Factory, when it is obvious that HotA vision of the new town evolved far from the original "re-implement what 3DO planned but scrapped" concept. As it stands now, it is an entirely different thing on it's own, more like a breakaway tower faction than anything else and it should be judged on it's own merit, not in comparison to an unrealized dream that even the original devs were too much of a pussies to place in a game and gave in due to fan pressure.

>> No.6443985

14 days bump limit
thread is a bit slow, less than 300 posts
we'll make a new one soon

>> No.6444051

>14 days bump limit
That's a thing? On some slow boards a thread can go for months with no problem.

>> No.6444148

It's 14 days here (I don't remember since when).
Just test by yourself.
This thread won't get bumped anymore.

>> No.6444370

New thread

>> No.6444826
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