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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.88 MB, 768x576, quake jank.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424402 No.6424402 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the starting gameplay demos in all video games so shit? Apparently these are the devs, and they can't play their own fucking games?

>> No.6424440

What's the problem? You posted one of the few memorable levels in Quake

>> No.6424538

I think they were intentionally average, a speedrunny gameplay wouldn't properly showcase the game to a new player

>> No.6424593

The gameplay is absolute ass. You probably play like that so you can't tell.

It's not average, it's just awful. You don't need speedrun gameplay to not be awful. Even as a kid I'd look at these demos and wonder if the person playing was retarded.

>> No.6425321

In Blood the demo shows you the dynamite secret so only the most stupid players have to pitchfork that first zombie

>> No.6425336

>wastes dynamite on melee enemies
>calls somebody stupid

>> No.6425351

>on anything above normal

>> No.6425356

i think it's the result of someone who is way too familiar with the game trying to pretend to be someone who has never played the game before
the results are often a bit too far and just come off as really stupid looking, half the time they just off themselves in a very intentional looking way, probably because they were hitting a time limit

>> No.6425364

you everty trioed prentirng to ype drunk? it'sa proebably something like ythat

>> No.6425378

i suppose it's also possible there are cases where demos are recorded on earlier builds, but are only broken enough to look dumb, and not so broken as to be noticed and replaced

>> No.6425624

I know for Super Mario Bros they didn't have cartridge space to dedicate to recording a demo, so they just kept reading random sequences of data as input until they found something that slightly resembled someone playing the game.

>> No.6425626

This seems the most likely to me. It's like when someone who can sing well tries to sing badly. As opposed someone who actually can't sing.

>> No.6425631

Ah so you're one of those kids who think attract demos are meant to be superplays

>> No.6427760

Because the game was so brand fucking new and they hadn't had time to get good at it, ye ijit.

>> No.6428183

I think a lot of devs missed the opportunity to use attract demos as a showcase of high level gameplay, since before easy access to the internet the average player wouldn't realise that level of skill is even possible. I'm talking a preview of advanced movement techniques or scoring tips that people could refer to and practice to improve. Fighting game attract screens could show real viable combos for players to copy, and PS1 era extreme sports games could show solid lines and some trick theory in motion to help newbies understand how the game is meant to be played. Back when THPS2 was new most people didn't know you were supposed to link everything with manuals and different grinds as much as possible.

>> No.6428198

It shows what the game looks like when you play it for the first time, not what it looks like after you've autistically played thousands of hours replaying the same shitty stages.

>> No.6428203

>show people ridiculous moves and tactics that require familiarity and practice
>game doesn't sell because most of us want to have an enjoyable experience and not be an autistic "high level" player
>blame audience

You don't sell a game to 5% of the target audience. That's not even business 101, it's remedial business.

>> No.6428220

>pressing buttons at a competence greater than a monkey with motor issues is autistic

>> No.6428329

I've always had a weird fascination with attract modes like this. It's like looking into the fossil record or something.

The same way looking a a T-rex skeleton makes you visualize it in the flesh as a colossal apex predator, watching pre-recorded inputs makes me imagine the dev with a controller in hand making those imputs that got preserved for all time.

>> No.6428593

I bet you're the type of faggot who spams webms of himself doing a billion useless jumps and crouches in a game thinking it looks cool.

>> No.6428604

I guarentee you the devs play better than that. They probably figured they wanted to show off the game while leaving it up to the player to get good.

>> No.6428894

Ah so you're one of those retards that strawmans on 4chan and is an A or B basic bitch in general.

They developed it you shitbrick. They had countless hours with not only the game but also its fucking coding.

>> No.6428912

So shitty players don't feel bad

>> No.6428956

The real answer is, keyboard only was still the default control scheme that most people including the devs used. Hence it looking so weird now.

>> No.6428981

t. pleb who plays on Still Kicking

>> No.6428985

>retro FPS

>> No.6429027

I agree. They probably don't want to show off to much of the game either, giving away secrets and spoilers.

>> No.6429038

This is my thinking too. It's from an era where players were expected to figure the game out for themselves. The video is just to show what the game looks like, not how to play it perfectly.

These days it seems a lot of people seem to watch a youtube video and then try to replicate what the "good" player is doing. And while I'm sure it speeds up the process of winning it also kinda takes the game out of it for me.

>> No.6429081

Quake 1 doesn't even let you mouselook without a console command. The default was keyboard control.

>> No.6429119

I see nothing wrong with the demo you posted. It provides plenty of information and reflects how most people would play quake while answering common game play questions.

>> No.6430109

- walk over floating objects to pick them up
- don't run into your own grenades
- stay away from walls when using grenades
- don't stand still, enemies can hit you easily

>> No.6430116

I'm pretty sure they do it on purpose to get people to make threads like this

>> No.6430146

Have you never set foot in an arcade, OP? The demos that run in attract mode almost never showcase perfect play. They are usually intentionally slow so as to be watched and comprehended by new players. It's no good showing a new player a demo of pro play - they won't have the slightest clue how to replicate it.

>> No.6430218

someone please help. I'm trying to play quake on mark v because it's basically spasm but I like its ui and features more. HOWEVER no matter what I do I can't get the music to work. I've put it in an id1 folder, made sure it's in mp3, have external music on (tried it off as well) and it's still dead silent bar the sfx. Anyone who uses mark v can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.6430241

...update I had my morrowind cd in the drive and taking it out fixed it

>> No.6430513

>Ah so i'm one of those retards that strawmans on 4chan and is an A or B basic bitch in general.

>> No.6430553

Like so many other things, Super Metroid did this right. Finishing the game even unlocks extra demos that show advanced techniques.

>> No.6430772

>but also its fucking coding.
What has this to do with anything at all, you dope on a rope?
>They had countless hours with
Oh, ya mean the game they hastily converted to a FPS a about month before release? The game was brand spankers even to the guys on the inside.

>> No.6430775

>Playing piano is as easy as pressing buttons durrrr

>> No.6430780

It is when you're talking about something trivial like video games

>> No.6430809

Always thought these were the AI in dumb difficulty level playing.

>> No.6430810


>> No.6430815

Well you don't really get good at a video game when you spend 99% of your work-hours looking at code.

>> No.6430885

Even someone with very limited coding experience wouldn't understand this. Isn't there a waifu thread you can go be retarded in?

>> No.6430958

>They had countless hours with not only the game but also its fucking coding.

John Carmack was notorious for making coding his leisure. Being a genius developer doesn't necessarily make you a good player, you fucking retard.
Heck, nobody thought of making mouselook the default option until Quake 3.

>> No.6431226

You know the only reason you asshats are so prolapsed is because your gameplay is probably comparable to that webm. You're absolute fucking idiots. I cannot believe you're fucking stupid enough to think not one person at id that was MAKING THE GAME had enough time to "git gud" at it and make a not-dogshit demo. It doesn't even require gitting gud, it requires not being fucking retarded, which you don't understand because you literally are all retarded. I'd ask you all to kill yourselves but you're not going to reproduce anyway so it makes fuck all difference in the end regardless. In the meantime however stop posting. And yeah fuck it, kill yourselves.

>> No.6431232

Oh, and I "suppose" not one faggot had time to actually test out the gameplay while making the code huh? I suppose not one dickhead at id had ever played a fucking FPS before Quake, they surely didn't have experience with Dooms and Wolf before that. Hell I suppose they never even played video games, they just literally stared at a screen looking at code all day. And I suppose you weren't born with a brain defect but you were most definitely born with a retardedly ugly face that not even your ugly ass cunt of a mom could love so now you spend every day being a fucking retard in a shithole apartment somewhere saying shit that is so hopelessly stupid you should probably jump off a cliff. I suppose that would make things around here about 0.001% better.

>> No.6431246

Nobody's asking for perfect play dipshit. It's remarkable just HOW BAD the gameplay is though. Do you think gameplay has to either be perfect or utterly dogshit? YOU FUCKING UGLY DICKFACE.

>I see nothing wrong with the demo you posted.
>It provides plenty of information and reflects how most people would play quake

>> No.6431247

I can tell reading this post that you do not know the touch of a woman. Imagine getting this mad over a Quake demo.

>> No.6431250

Same person.

>> No.6431256

Lol I literally have my girlfriend right here next to me you fucking retarded ugly abomination.


>> No.6431387

the default was mouse control with move mouse forward = go forward
and mice had terrible fucking dpi so it involved a lot of picking up and recentering your mouse on the mousepad
honestly we were cavemen

>> No.6431413

>the attract mode of a game is not up to my standards, this is an outrage

>> No.6431417

Some people move fucking on with their lives in comparison to you, an always angry dude and fag-sounding sperg.
Not everyone in the world needs to be some speed running retard.

>> No.6431426

You're either trying to be a contrarian idiot, or you're actually a mental spastic. Either way, neck yourself and improve the gene pool.

>> No.6431440


Because they're supposed to die to end the demo you dumbfuck

>> No.6431501

What webms that kiddo? All I did was laugh at a tard who got butthurt when someone made fun of a tard. And now I'm making fun of a tard who got butthurt because he can't into reading comprehension. That's pretty much all there is to do today on mini-/v/ Laugh at retarded zoomers. Enjoy embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6431505
File: 77 KB, 1200x800, projection_lens_overhead-projector_-100762333-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432282

Why is OP treating this like some sort of grave offense and attack on his honor? Why is his blood pressure so high? Did the Quake demos fuck his mom?

These people are correct.

>> No.6433175

>Did the Quake demos fuck his mom?
I have a picture to commission.

>> No.6434458
File: 92 KB, 800x800, joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you ugly retard you have authority nowhere. And I'm right, you're triggered because your gameplay is actually THAT SHIT.

blah fucking blah didnt even read your stupid bullshit

>wew I am posting a stupid 4chan meme buzzword that I don't understand again

You people are so shit at games lmao. You can't even tell why that gameplay is so awful because you have zero fucking gameplay fundamentals even in simple fucking FPS games.

This board will literally never stop being a total fucking joke.

>> No.6434464

Yes, and? You think gameplay is suddenly good because a console command was used? OMG HE'S USING FREE LOOK HOLY SHIT I GUESS THIS MEANS THE GAMEPLAY IS GOOD NOW!! Jesus you're a real fucknugget nigger aren't you?

>> No.6434468

I think I'm gonna go with this. Yes, that makes sense, especially considering the general prolapse of retard players itt.

>> No.6434527

>look at me. look at me and laugh.
We all are

>> No.6435360


x2 - the demos are funnily pretentious. Guess it was Romero's game recorded.

>> No.6435374

Anyone who isn't a manchild with deep seated insecurity issues sees high level gameplay and goes "that looks cool cool" instead of absolutely SEETHING about autists and 1000 hours of gameplay like worthless dorks

>> No.6435387

Features like an attract mode are the kind of unplanned shit you add randomly one night when your brain is overcaffeinated, maybe in the hotel at a trade show or something. Not even really an afterthought because you weren't actually exactly thinking and aren't sure why you did it, but it adds to the product so your coworkers say "oh that's cool" the next morning and then everyone completely forgets about it.

Whatever half-assed proof of concept demo you recorded to test it out therefore just stays in forever.

>> No.6435417

>You can't even tell why that gameplay is so awful because you have zero fucking gameplay fundamentals even in simple fucking FPS games.
I don't know why you're giving me that reply when I'm agreeing with the opinion that the demos actually demonstrate low skill (possibly on purpose). The notion that makes the most sense is that they were done as they were as to just show some features off, and intentionally not looking pro as to not put off newbies and casuals, they couldn't look awakward and low skill like this otherwise.

You seem highly emotional about these demos for little reason, when most people probably don't give them much thought, or even attention.
Until this thread, I never thought about how low skill they were, and now that I've paid attention to that, I probably won't again, so why are you so hysterical about this stupid thing that doesn't matter?

>> No.6435420

>local man gets angry at video game that came out 2 decades ago

>> No.6435876

>local man calls 8yo child a man