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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6404691 No.6404691 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ ever netplay together?

>> No.6404696

Nah, but I'd be down to gameranger some age of empires, if anybody's interested.

>> No.6404739

I like to play F-Zero Vs with my bros from time to time.

>> No.6404804


>> No.6404808

I do some Doom multiplayer with the lads
Jk have no friends because I'm mentally ill.

>> No.6406064

Some people play fightcade and have tried to make threads here to get people into it, but for the most part trying to get channers together to play anything is a disaster.
>/v/ used to have a private server for D2, developed custom mod that sorta added PlugY features, guy running server stopped and that was the end of it
>the chan that must not be named used to have regular gamenights for all sorts of games including a tricked out version of Jedi Academy MP, before they got deplatformed the server hosts had mostly given up and the threads were down to a small group that could rarely agree on what game to play which usually lead to gamenights with barely any players
>they used to have an entire board (/radcorp/) dedicated to their own custom mod for Delta Force Joint Ops they would play regularly, mod hasn't been updated in forever now and no server has hosted it for about as long

The problem is the userbase comes from all over, different timezones and connection speeds. Even if you could get three people interested in playing with you here, there's a good chance 1-2 of the players will be suffering from horrible lag while the host and the other player nearby have no issues. Even then, gonna have to set a time and date for everyone to play, and what do you do if people don't show up at the proscribed time?

Hell, just trying to play Diablo 2 online with a group of random people is virtually impossible unless you play 24/7 with other 24/7 players. You need everyone to play together at the same time. Anyone who goes ahead and plays without the rest of the group to level or grind up gold or whatver will end up outclassing everyone else, and then it just turns into a game of "follow overpowered guy and watch him rape face". Anyone who misses a single session will have to grind themselves back into position solo or fall behind.

>> No.6406090

I'll play some doom with ya, bud

>> No.6406123
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anyone wanna play metal slug

>> No.6406485

Just exercise restraint, and schedule infrequently so you have something to look forward to, that's what I do with my MMO group.
>Everyone get to between level min~max by Friday.
If somebody misses a session then they just grind a bit harder next week and catch up to the minimum part of the range. Another example for your list which illustrates my point is Phantasy Star Online with /vr/, everyone did their own thing on their own schedule but it was agreed that if you're going to party with people then you have to be within so many levels of the members or it's no fun for the rest. 10~20 of us played that way for years.

>> No.6406489

I would, bro, but not computer atm, sadly.

>> No.6407023

Not many people are willing to wait for the group to catch up, or wait for the next time the group meets to continue playing. Or have a bunch of alts at different levels so they can be able to party with others regardless of what level the group is at. The PSO group is the first time I've ever heard of people getting together on a chan and playing games together anytime recently
>for years
Did they fall apart like /radcorp/?

>> No.6407080

>mentally ill
that's the /vr/ slogan tho?

>> No.6407105

I'm down for some perfect dark but my ping will be ass

>> No.6407156

After the main thread maker stopped coming around I inherited the general essentially, updating the pastebin and making threads then I had a kid and made sure somebody in the group had all the tools to keep it going and was willing to do so, the threads stuck around for a long while after I left, not sure how many times the team changed hands after that.

The idea is that if anybody rushes on ahead, that's fine but nobody is going to want to play with them. In the case of PSO it was easy to catch up because a few TTFs and you're back in the game. I'm sure people had alts that were max level but I never asked.

The most important thing is to have frequent threads so new players can discover the game, a good pastebin so players don't have to waste time not playing to get a newbie up to speed and consistent "rules".

As a sidenote if you're interested in PSO, I never used it but it has a sandbox mode on Ephinea nowadays. So you can essentially make a character at any level but your score for leaderboard stuff doesn't count and you can only play with sandbox players. If you just want to have a fun time you could start as a sandbox group and if people like it start a progression group once people are invested in the game.

Best of luck to you, you'll probably have to start something yourself, somebody has to.

>> No.6407220

No thanks. I've tried to play games multiple times with channers in the past, it always ends in failure or just playing with a small group once or twice and then never being able to get people together again. After years of this I no longer have any strong desire to play with people from any chan. These days if I wanna play some retro game with someone else, I use what already exists. If I wanna play console games, I'll try to get a friend to play with me. If I wanna play something online, I'll find whatever community still exists and go play with them. This way everything is already setup and I don't need to play wrangler just to get people to play with.

Doesn't help the majority here is /v/irgins who want to shitpost about vaguely retro videogame related shit instead of actually playing retro games. See the Gauntlet threads that die faster and faster with each passing year.

>> No.6407226

I've been thinking about starting the /vr/ Gauntlet threads again but between the 2-week limit and the unending influx of /v/ trolls I cant be assed

>> No.6407237

The last one died before post 30. Are you planning on changing anything or just posting it again so it can die before post 30 again?