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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.37 MB, 3024x3266, A3ABD291-4D12-4ADF-BD17-FC860B5F022F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6368225 No.6368225 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6368242

Don't you get sick of making the same threads?

>> No.6368260
File: 1021 KB, 500x484, misato laughs at you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duh, you are using a Sony TV. Try using a Nintendo TV next time dumbass

>> No.6368267

>console war bait
>reddit image
>iphone filename
shit thread

>> No.6368298

Nintendo is high end garbage.

>> No.6368305

nooooo stop liking the nintendo 64! i didn't have one as a kid and I get mad about people who did!

>> No.6368324

The aperture grille marketing gimmick isn't actually better, arguably worse than a good slot mask. It's also cheaper for Phony to manufacture.

>> No.6368332

Where's the cart? MM is one of the better looking games, looks like a proto DC game.

>> No.6368335


>> No.6368336


>> No.6368385

That's not a high end crt, first of all. Secondly, the n64 is likely not modified and using a composite signal. Finally, the n64 always looks pretty shitty.

>> No.6368432

low resolution textures, too much anti aliasing. patching ROMs to disable the aliaisng can help, but ultimately it's lipstick on a pig

>> No.6368450

700-750 lines is the sweet spot for n64. No seriously look up examples if you can find any.

>> No.6368469

It's not even really antialiasing. It has that too but the blur is that vaseline smear layer added after processing. The damn thing was designed to be the mario64 machine and if anything else happened to look decent it was wishful thinking.

>> No.6368479
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x2048, D30juD3WkAAiWjB.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one should do the job

>> No.6368490
File: 3.65 MB, 2200x1631, vagrantstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro 3d games usually look better on consumer end TVs. The lack of precision does a lot to hide the shortcomings of the low polygons and low texture quality without making the image look too blurry. There are exceptions but they are rare. Even good looking games like vagrant story usually look better on a consumer CRT. I played it on my PVM and the textures looked way too blocky meanwhile dot crawl on my regular tube TV did a lot to make up for it.

>> No.6368497
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, e674102dac1bf7c743cc681fb1855be2cec7d34eac01eea10404f479e0b70453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the game looks like when not put through a CRT. My PVM made it look a lot closer to this.

>> No.6368543

TVs come up weird in photos sometimes. from memory all 5th gen consoles look much better on old TVs (and look better in person because photos of screens have to be taken very carefully).

>> No.6368558
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1582764471235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using an OSSC.

>> No.6368627
File: 17 KB, 361x441, 1499217553865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's this thread again
Filters, AA. NOW FUCK OFF.

>> No.6368676

64 is just ugly by retro standards. You need to accept it and if you want nice looking games get a ps1 or saturn.

>> No.6368703

My RGB modded N64 looks pretty good on my 900TVL BVM.

>> No.6368759

kek, made me spill my yebisu

>> No.6368779

this v
how many fucking times
use S video faggot or mod it for RGB /thread

>> No.6368930

>All these faggots in this thread
>Ignoring how the OPs settings are fucked up
>Ignoring how it's brighter than the fucking sun

>> No.6368958


>> No.6368978

Imagine playing retro on such small TVs when other options exist.

>> No.6369001

Unironically looks better than a pvm

>> No.6369009


>> No.6369060
File: 213 KB, 512x256, textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majora's Mask uses the memespansion pak to push high res textures that leave it looking like a noisy mess.

>> No.6369129

All three have shitty 3D
>liking the ps1's warping textures and incorrect perspective
At least n64 has goemon

>> No.6369134

s-video or bust faggola

>> No.6369228 [DELETED] 

Even RGB and S-Video doesn't save the N64's blurry output. You need to use codes or rom hacks to disable the Anti-aliasing and heavy filtering going on.

It definitely does lighting and transparency better.

>> No.6369234

Even RGB and S-Video doesn't save the N64's blurry output. You need to use codes or rom hacks to disable the Anti-aliasing and heavy filtering going on.

The PS1 definitely does Transparencies and Lighting better than the N64.

>> No.6369280

The AA and filtering looks good. Get some taste faggots

>> No.6369281

Why would I want to disable anti-aliasing?

>> No.6369293

Fuck off back to r/faggot

>> No.6369302

PS1's output isn't perfect either with the massive amount of dithering.


>> No.6369334

Vaseline fetishist, are we?


>> No.6369343

240p with Vaseline smeared over it isn't good looking. If anything it's headache inducing

Not all games use the dithering though. And over S-Video or Composite it's not even noticeable. And yes, PS1 and Saturn over Composite are still sharper than the N64 over S-Video or RGB.

>> No.6369357

Yeah that's the blur, not AA. Why would I want to disable anti-aliasing?

>> No.6369360

Because the AA causes part of the blur. The N64's AA isn't your modern style AA. It's a very early crude form of it that just ends up blurring the image.

>> No.6369373

The N64 uses dithering too. The shitty AA just blurs it.

>> No.6369438
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, EA42mJJXYAEzxWF_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh vaseline


>> No.6369446

Doesn't matter how good your screen is, if you're using composite like a retard it's going to look bad.

>> No.6369449

S-Video and RGB doesn't make much of a difference for the N64 sadly.

>> No.6369465

because you're fat and gay.
And you aren't using at least S-Video.

>> No.6369467

>color bleed doesn't make a difference
Uh, yes. Yes it does.
On the other hand, antialiasing's a good thing, though; not sure why people hate it so much. It's not a fucking PSX, and that's a good thing.

>> No.6369468


>> No.6369470

>color bleed doesn't make a difference

What difference does color bleed make when the entire screen is blurred to shit?

>> No.6369483

>being retarded
>blurring is the same as blurring plus dot crawl and rainbowing and a less stable sync signal
Do you disable all antialiasing in modern games too? The N64 has AA because it was ahead of the other consoles of its generation.
AA can be turned off in software; you're going against developer intent if you mod your system to disable it.

>> No.6369485

Composite has a lower effective chroma resolution than s-video as well

>> No.6369498
File: 3.38 MB, 6146x2783, chroma-ringing4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Video vs. Composite.
Slight ringing and more blurred chroma in composite video for sure.

>> No.6369504

>blurring is the same as blurring plus dot crawl and rainbowing and a less stable sync signal

We're talking about Composite, not RF. Secondly a good majority of the N64 S-Video cables you buy still have dot crawl because they're shit quality.

Even with the good ones though, it's still not going to make much of a difference in picture quality. Sure you lose the checkerboard composite artifacts, but the rest of the image is still a blurry mess.

>Do you disable all antialiasing in modern games too?

No because modern games aren't running at 240p. They're AA implementation also isn't simply blur the entire frame to shit.

>> No.6369510

>composite video isn't prone to a less stable sync signal due to phase shifting
>dot crawl isn't a thing in composite video
>Dot crawl is a visual defect of color analog video standards when signals are transmitted as composite video
First line.
>a good majority of the N64 S-Video cables you buy still have dot crawl
So make your own fucking cable. Shit cables aren't the system's fault.

>> No.6369513

>modern games aren't running at 240p
Why does that matter? That's a measure of vertical resolution, not horizontal resolution.

>> No.6369539
File: 685 KB, 3264x2448, 2piJ5Et.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369607
File: 968 KB, 1280x1116, SvideoCompare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dot crawl isn't a thing in composite video

Where did I say this? Must you N64 fanboys put words in peoples mouths?

Sure those things are there, but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be, especially when talking about the freaking N64. It's not like the Genesis, PS1, Saturn or Dreamcast where video cables actually make a noticeable difference.

Let's compare. All shots are captured from real hardware. The N64 is using good quality S-Video cables, the Saturn is using a cheap cable you can get on amazon.

>> No.6369623

Honestly even good quality s-video cables have this sort of edge artifacting that looks like the sharpness is too high. Still beats regular composite but I wish it didn't have that.

>> No.6369629

You said "we're talking about composite, not RF" in response to my saying "lurring plus dot crawl and rainbowing and a less stable sync signal".
All of those things are inherent to composite video signals, although certainly worsened by using RF.

>> No.6369632

I just drill holes and panel mount S-Video jacks on my systems.
Same for RGB.
That way I control the cable quality.

>> No.6369673

I was referring to the "less Stable Signal" part mostly. Composite isn't perfect but it's not this unstable horrid mess you're trying to claim. The pictures I posted prove that. The N64 shots are using good quality S-Video cables that don't have the Composite Cross-talk issue cheaper ones have. They're being compared to the official Nintendo Composite cable that came with the system. And you can barely tell a difference comparing the two save for the text if you really look closely.

The Saturn though you can easily tell the difference. The shadow becomes a mesh, the leaves become more crisp, the rings are identifiable, the text and 2D elements pop more and are more crisp, you can see the individual pixels along the polygons easily, etc.

As stated, for the N64 S-Video and RGB aren't going to get you very far like they do for other consoles like the PS1, Saturn, Genesis, etc.

>Butchering a console that has a perfectly fine AV port that uses standard connectors you can easily get a hold of to make your own cables.

Are you retarded?

>> No.6369843

>it's "butchering" to improve a console you never intend to sell to anyone, or to add S-Video to the rear that you never see of a Genesis
I knew someone'd bite.
>there aren't millions of model 1 genesis systems in existance, and every last one needs to be kept in perfect cosmetic shape forever and suffer from terrible quality video
Are _you_?

>> No.6369846

All that goes for N64's as well as genesis consoles.

>> No.6369849

Composite video sync will slide side-to-side slightly with changes in color and intensity.
I have captured this on video before.

>> No.6369869

This. UI in particular is can look really bad with the flicker. S-Video may not blast the quality to ultrahdmi status, but its still a worthwhile step up that happens to be relatively accessible.

>> No.6370052

You realize that most RGB cables use Composite Sync for their Sync signal right?

When there's a standard AV port you can use, then yes it's butchering. Secondly why even bother adding S-Video to a Genesis these days? The System already outputs RGB. You can get an RGB cable or a Component cable without modding the system.

>S-Video may not blast the quality to ultrahdmi status
It does on a system that doesn't blur the image to shit like the N64.

> but its still a worthwhile step up that happens to be relatively accessible.

I'm not saying S-Video in general is bad, I'm saying on the N64 it nets you very little.

>> No.6370168

>Composite video sync will slide side-to-side slightly with changes in color and intensity.

>sync affecting color in any way
you sure?

>> No.6371342

>No cart in the N64.

How hasn't anyone noticed this?

>> No.6371363

> high end crts
> not even a Sony HR tube

>> No.6371421

>how was anyone retarded enough to think no one noticed this?

>> No.6371579

Because N64 was garbage.
>Textures applied to shapes enhanced the realistic look that many PlayStation games were striving for. While the Saturn held up to the PlayStation relatively well, the N64 was greatly limited resulting in more of a cartoon style.
>The PlayStation conquered both the Saturn and the N64 on the texture front, but in different ways.
>At a glance, the Saturn’s 1.5MB of video memory exceeds the PlayStation’s 1MB, but the Saturn’s video memory is segmented and has a smaller limit for textures. On the Saturn developers have 512KB for textures and display lists, 512KB for the frame buffer and 512KB for the 2D background CPU. The PlayStation, however had a more variable setup for its video memory and developers typically had about 700KB usable memory for textures.
>As if the 512K of Saturn textures wasn’t limited enough, the PlayStation completely dwarfed N64’s 4kb of texture. This meant that the N64 developers often had to either use small textures across a surface or resort to Gouraud shading of polygons instead of proper textures.
>Many N64 games (Mario 64 being an example) used Gouraud shading heavily to make up for a lack of texturing. This contributed to the cartoony look of many N64 titles as opposed to a more realistic look of competing PlayStation games. Many critics of the N64 style will refer to the graphics as being “blurry” or a “Vaseline filter”. One could argue that this helped the N64’s graphic seem less pixelated.
>Developers like Rare were able to be more careful with the texture layering to work miracles with games like Banjo Kazooie. Banjo Kazooie was texture mapped, filtered, and had perspective correction/z-buffering.

>> No.6371641

Made me laugh.

>> No.6371645

>use S video
PS1 and Saturn composite look better than Nintendo's s-video, that's how shitty N64's video signal is.

>> No.6371667

so what's best? S-Video, Composite, or Scart?

>> No.6371683

s-video and composite are video standards.
SCART is a connector. It can carry these video standards.
RGB is better than s-video and composite, and SCART can also carry it.

>> No.6371696
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x1960, 20200405_150109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks alright to me

>> No.6371706

Wow so uh....vroomers how do you explain this one?

>> No.6371707

Gorgeous. Anyone who argues in favor of the N64’s anti-aliasing is a heathen.

>> No.6371709


>> No.6371712


>> No.6371740

Not retro.

>> No.6371761

I bought one when I was 8 in 1998 and it was a mistake.

>> No.6371805

thanks for the explanation
is there a way to know which video standard a connector is carrying?

>> No.6371814

sure you did

>> No.6371942
File: 77 KB, 785x785, seethe and dillate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372014

Multimeter, conductivity testing mode and pinout will tell you which wires are connected.
SCART cables with only composite and audio connected are unfortunately not uncommon.

>> No.6372032

Ugggnnhh yes i can see the pixels now uuuhhh so retro....gonna make a vid about these sweet mods that make the game like the developers uuhhh truly intended... on my uuunnhh youtube channel......

>> No.6372057

Now type this without crying.

>> No.6372067

Why would I be crying? I can finally see the retro puxels on my n64! It didn't feel retro at all before! It was all smooth, like if the devs didn't care at all about getting that retro feel in their game, you know? So glad we have these sweet hacks now to fix their incompetence and restore that pixelly goodness these games deserve!

>> No.6372078

Anyone who pretends aliasing is good is a mindless poser.

>> No.6372085

Anyone who pretends it isn’t preferable to the N64’s crude attempt at AA is a flaming homosexual.

>> No.6372087
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, alKCKFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the hipsters removing antialiasing and the dither filter (they can never tell these apart or understand what they actually do by the way!) also do pic related if they could?

>> No.6372092
File: 2.12 MB, 640x360, n64_aa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cude attempt at AA
Truly a mindless poser. Gotta have muh pixels or it isn't le retro, even if those pixels are a negative on the overall image quality.

>> No.6372093

n64 games were ALWAYS ugly

>> No.6372095


I think you mean Sync over Composite which is similar to what HD Retrovision cables are doing.

>> No.6372106

>Truly a mindless poser
Keep coping, lad. Nearly everyone invested in retro gaming video fidelity disregards the N64’s shitty anti-aliasing. You’re in the minority.
>Gotta have muh pixels
Quit babbling on about this you Vaseline-loving spastic. Aside from the edges being sharper, it looks nothing like nearest neighbor in an emulator. “Muh pixels” is a lame strawman.
>a negative on the overall image quality
If you have shit taste.

>> No.6372108

>Nearly everyone invested in retro gaming video fidelity disregards the N64’s shitty anti-aliasing
Yes I'm sure you and the other posers who get their opinions from youtube influencers think the same way.
>“Muh pixels” is a lame strawman.
How so? You seem to be the one jerking off over pixels so much you want an aliased image.

>> No.6372110

Who said anything about removing dithering?
Where did you get the idea people can’t differentiate the two?
>do pic related
I would not emulate N64 games in HD. No.

>> No.6372113

>Where did you get the idea people can’t differentiate the two?
You seem to be unable to. Hint: it isn't the anti aliasing that gives N64 games their blurry look.

>> No.6372114

Thanks again. Given that's what's needed to figure it out is it not really worth worrying about?

>> No.6372117
File: 624 KB, 3162x1080, N64Deblur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to come up with a better argument than "crude AA" to actually call the N64 anti-aliasing bad. Pic related, the version on the right has a gameshark code disabling AA and it looks worse than the original, especially Toad's head.

>> No.6372121

>How so?
Because on a CRT the lack of AA doesn’t result in pixel soup reminiscent of modern indie shit. The goal is clarity, not mUH pixELs!!1!

>> No.6372128

And thus, the comparison was made worthless.

>> No.6372129

Great job proving my point. The dither filter's job is to hide dithering by smoothing the entire image. It has nothing to do with antialiasing, which only is applied to polygon edges. Ignorant hipsters mix up these two and talk about the n64's antialiasing as if it just blurs the entire picture. If you should remove anything for a less blurry image it would be the dither filter, but there's a good reason it's there because it does a good job at making the heavy dithering less noticeable.

>> No.6372132

>Because on a CRT the lack of AA doesn’t result in pixel soup reminiscent of modern indie shit
CRTs aren't magic, a low res aliased image is still going to be low res and pixelated even in composite.

>> No.6372135

This picture, like most of the hipster gameshark hacks, is turning off BOTH the AA and the filtering, contributing greatly to ignorant bandwagoners conflating the two.

>> No.6372137



No, that's the N64's internal resolution showing.

>> No.6372143

On a fucking BVM. To say there isn’t a difference between 240p on a set with or under 600 TVLs vs 240p upscaled on a modern TV is laughable.

>> No.6372145


True, but you can clearly see where the AA improves the image on the right and makes the left look worse. The top of the grey wall looks exactly like it should when the AA is on. That's not dithering.

And nothing about Toad looks better or worse because of dithering, just the blocky awfulness as it changes to cement.

>> No.6372150

Yes. 240p upscaled with no interpolation.
>Increasing the internal resolution != upscaling

>> No.6372151

>To say there isn’t a difference between 240p on a set with or under 600 TVLs vs 240p upscaled on a modern TV is laughable.
They're both going to be pixelated unless some sort of AA is used. Obviously a flat screen is going to be more pixelated but that is besides the point.

>> No.6372153


Yes, they're both upscaled after the fact.

That has no impact on the AA, because it's applied to the internally rendered image.

So no, it doesn't matter what the output resolution is, the AA and its effect are still shown authentically.

>> No.6372156

I'm not disagreeing with you, just pointing out that there are two variables at play here. You can clearly see on for example the mushroom graphic on top the left is more blurred. That's the filter at work, which really DOES blur the entire screen like people claim AA does. AA is absolutely not affecting the mushrooms since they're just a texture.

>> No.6372169

More delusion. 240p displayed with no upscaling on a CRT looks much softer, assuming you’re not using a BVM or VGA monitor. Claiming it’s all the same is just laughable.
Yes. CRTs are not magic. 5th gen 3D will still look like 5th gen 3D and not like renaissance paintings when viewed on a CRT. But there’s a clear and perceivable difference that makes displaying them on CRTs preferable, and that difference should be taken into account when making these comparisons.

>> No.6372173

Also nice Reddit spacing, faggot.

>> No.6372178

>240p displayed with no upscaling on a CRT looks much softer
Completely fucking irrelevant argument. Now you're trying to change the conversation because you can't disprove the fact that N64 AA looks great and isn't crude.

Here's another fact, we'll just get your bullshit dancing around the facts out of the way. You take >>6372117, scale either half of it down to 240p, and display that on a CRT, and compare them, the AA will STILL show through. That's an upscale after the N64 applied its AA, which is the only subject that matters at the moment.

And you STILL can't answer why the AA is """"crude""""

>> No.6372187

>N64 AA looks great
Thanks for the laugh, man. I’m sorry you can’t get over your childhood console’s shitty video quirks. Maybe someday you’ll learn it’s okay to have faults.

>> No.6372190


Not an argument, seethe some more.

>> No.6372193

gb2reddit por favor

>> No.6372194

Nice argument, pixelboy.

>> No.6372196

Thanks, coattail rider.

>> No.6372202


Haha, what a fucking loser, he can't even just shut up when he gets mad about a childhood hobby he's wrong about.

>> No.6372204

Now I see where the antialiasing = blur meme comes from. No surprise, it's from retrorgb, the number one source for revisionist videophile hipsters.

What Quake allows you to toggle isn't antialiasing, but the dither filter, of course. Yet all those codes turn off both for god knows what reason.

>> No.6372219

Go shove one of those three prongs up your ass you little söy guzzling cuckold.

>> No.6372239


>> No.6372241

>N64 Fanboys think this is what PS1 Zelda would look like

Meanwhile in the realm of PS1 homebrew:

>> No.6372917

>pixels are a negative on the overall image quality.
I'm not really seeing any difference, maybe the one on the left is slightly sharper? Looks like the colors (what little there are) are a touch more vibrant too. I know it saves a couple of frames per second to have it disabled on the system, maybe antialiasing at such a low res wasn't really worth it if the impact is so minimal and smooth fps is such a rarity on the system.

>> No.6372979

Not the same Anon, but I actually prefer to collect systems with aftermarket mods that add optional functionality, provided the modding is done in such a way that it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.6373206

On top of everything else you've been told... the right picture definitely looks better.
Left is blurry headache-inducing garbage.

>> No.6373372

>obsessed about nintendo
>obsessed about the n64
>obsessed about zelda
>wojak posting
>outing himself as a projecting shota homo

>> No.6374725

>looks great
>the AA will STILL show through
That isn’t a good thing.

>> No.6374959

Ninteeeeendo... I mean, Sooooony, Hire This MAN!!!!

>> No.6374969

I know this is bait, but use S-Video or RGB

>> No.6374980


>> No.6375305

just because you found someones old security camera monitor doesn't make it a "high end" crt lol why are people like this

>> No.6375404

I'll take the right one every time.

>> No.6375525

It depends on your needs. For a consumer CRT television, particularly in NTSC regions, S-Video is the best you're going to be getting. RGB-SCART is these days mainly used for people either using PVMs, professional monitors designed for studio use, or a box like an OSSC to cleanly handle the signal for a modern flatscreen TV. Since cable quality really matters for RGB, you're best off buying them new from reputable retailers anyway, so you don't need to worry about them secretly being composite.

>> No.6375797

My N64 flash cart just got here last night but I had to work. I was told to look for a No-Intro romset.

Do I really need to wait 10 hours for this download to finish or is there another way? I have the patience but backwoods internet like this tends to be unstable and drop out.

>> No.6375823

If unstable internet is an issue, consider using a download manager that can deal with dropouts elegantly.

>> No.6376003

is this a shitty attempt at fitting in with board culture?

>> No.6376098

don't you get sick of falling for obvious bait?

>> No.6376325

Picture is faked

>> No.6376326

The Zelda games, maybe, but Banjo-Kazooie looks absolutely breathtaking on mine.

>> No.6376380 [DELETED] 

>borderline N64 graphics
>played almost exclusively on CRTs
>released nearly two whole decades ago, when Gen 2 was still the current Pokemon gen
>not retro
This is why we need the rolling rule for 6th gen only

>> No.6376382

My bad, realized that's a rom hack or Brawl but my point still stands

>> No.6376405

>reddit meme TVs
go back

>> No.6376432

Looks like a PVM 14N6U, not the "highest end" but still RGB with 500tvl. Very solid monitor

>> No.6376504

Sonyfag cope.

>> No.6376575

>borderline N64 graphics
Melee's graphics are way beyond N64

>> No.6376581
File: 37 KB, 584x480, 47684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The textures are extremely underwhelming especially compared to Brawl which is on what is essentially an overclocked Gamecube. Character models aren't great either.

>> No.6376602

doesn't OP get sick of baiting

>> No.6376606

>The textures are extremely underwhelming
No they're not. The textures are actually soulful and are reminiscent of early 3D models.
Future smash titles just have the same bland plastic look

>> No.6376629

>reminiscent of early 3D models
Hence the N64. Not saying the textures are bad they're just N64 tier which is bad by GC standards

>> No.6376665


>> No.6376675

Yes, we, the people who use this board.

>> No.6376678


>> No.6376681

What I mean is it's an art style, not an inferior design.

>> No.6376718

>M-muh Sony
Rent free lmao.

>> No.6376721

you and what army?

>> No.6376773

the people who use this board and have to put up with spergs crying that 20 year-old games and systems aren't retro

>> No.6376872

>Yes, we, the /v/ermin and redditards who shit up this board

>> No.6376875

Half of the posters in the CRT general literally post on r/CRTgaming.

>> No.6377051

So confirmed this board is infested with redditards. Thanks for backing me up.

>> No.6377056

>shadow mask marketing gimmick

>> No.6377058

Funny thing is the redditards would shit on me if they heard me say Melee's graphics were borderline N64.

>> No.6377419


>> No.6377623

A combination of a reconstructive filter that attempted to restore the N64's internally rendered 24-bit frame-buffer from its 15-bit, RAM stored, frame-buffer (Quake 2 and potentially a few others bypassed this by outputting a native 24-bit color image) and a horizontal blur filter (stretches the horizontal resolution, no matter what it was internally rendered at, to 640 pixels wide) meant to make the N64 look better on lower end CRTs of the day.

The former can be solved by Gameshark codes or cartridge patches (a process that removes the non-blurring AA though) while Tim's RGB mod allows for the horizontal blur process to be removed in most games.

>> No.6378004

uggly ass filter
try the hdmi mod!

>> No.6378045


Right looks way better

>> No.6378361
File: 89 KB, 728x154, n64_edge_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The N64's AA isn't your modern style AA. It's a very early crude form of it that just ends up blurring the image.

Why do people comment about shit they don't understand? Your "modern style AA" is literally stuff like FXAA and MLAA which are SCREEN anti-aliasing techniques which search for patterns in a framebuffer and blur the fuck out of anything which matches a pattern. That's cruder than what the N64 does.

The N64 does a EDGE anti-aliasing technique where the edges are marked out by the GPU and stored as coverage values in RAM. Read the pic related from the programmers manual, it sounds *exactly* like old-school coverage based edge AA, the same sort of thing supported by 3dfx cards. With edge AA there is no blur, only the edges (the 'silhouettes') of polygons are affected.

You might be wondering why if edge AA is so good, why isn't it used now? The reason is that it usually has weird z-sort requirements (on 3dfx cards and PS2 it requires back->front sorting, on N64 that requirement is lessened to opaque polygons sorted before transparent polygons) that nobody can be fucked with anymore, and that it doesn't play well with shaders (even later techniques like MSAA doesn't play well with shaders these days).

Ironically, if there's one image quality criticism of coverage based edge AA, it's not blur but that has a tendency to occasionally produce "noise" around edges (random specks of miscolored pixels near edges).

Anyway as mentioned above in this thread, the people who think the N64's edge AA produces blur don't know how the console works and all of their beliefs are based on random gut feelings, misinfo, and misinterpreted facts.

*All* of the console's blur is produced by the dither filter and the horizontal blur scaling.

>> No.6378367
File: 14 KB, 300x287, 1583449889013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6378379

>"modern style AA" is literally stuff like FXAA and MLAA
10 year old techniques are not modern. N64's edge AA blurs edges. That's blurring.

>> No.6378396

>10 year old techniques are not modern
Yet they're still been used today.

>N64's edge AA blurs edges. That's blurring.
*clap clap clap*

>> No.6378408

>Yet they're still been used today.
Turns out blurring is less of a problem at higher resolutions, especially when they don't really cost anything.

>> No.6378409

Genuine answer: that is not a high-end CRT TV; that's one they use for monitoring security camera rigs or in police stations, that's a medium rig. High-end CRT TVs are actually about 30" - 40" big. I owned one. What you own is a shitty dingy as we call it in Ireland, you mount that onto the wall in a kitchen, a chinese takeaway or a hospital waiting room; you thought it was high-end. If this is just a meme the make and model of the TV ruins the meme entirely.

>> No.6378427

No, screen AA techniques like FXAA and MSSA suck at any resolution, because they often misinterpret texture patterns as aliasing patterns, and blur the fuck out of textures.

The negative effect on textures is the same no matter what resolution you render at. Also "better" techniques that work well with shaders these days are stuff like Nvidia's TXAA is just a selective combination of methods (like MSAA + FXAA)

There are other techniques like temporal AA, but they have their own screen blur problems like motion blur.

The only AA method which works properly on today's games without blurring the screen is supersampling AA.

>> No.6378436

>FXAA and MSSA suck at any resolution
OK prove it
>all that other shit
really don't care kid, 64 looks blurry

>> No.6378458

>OK prove it
https://image DOT ibb DOT co/cOdvEn/ESO_NoAA.png
https://image DOT ibb DOT co/fLnY0S/ESO_FXAA.png

Check the ground on the left of the images (put the spaces back in).

>really don't care kid, 64 looks blurry
Yeah but maybe now you've learned why.

>> No.6378461

>Yeah but maybe now you've learned why.
I've known why, AA is part of the blur formula

>> No.6378473
File: 14 KB, 388x275, 1254816614155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AA is part of the blur formula
You're welcome to stew in your own mire of ignorance, it's a free country.

>> No.6378490

Thank you for your concession, the N64 is a blurmachine.

>> No.6380061

They literally marketed Melee on the graphical overhaul, retard

>> No.6381346

you seem to have mixed up the words "especially" and "only"