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File: 126 KB, 256x286, Jagged_Alliance_2_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6336371 No.6336371 [Reply] [Original]

Getting ready to replay it after not having touched it in ages, anyone got any general expert tips / which guns are best and stuff like that?

General Jagged Alliance 2 appreciation thread.

>> No.6336372

Oh yeah, also I have the 'Price of Loyalty' expansion but I've never tried that before, if anyone wants to try and sell me on it?

>> No.6336383

Vanilla or 1.13?

>> No.6336396

Put Biff and Meltdown on the same team, best dialogues in the game.

>> No.6336397
File: 6 KB, 106x122, Bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price of Loyalty
I can't find that one for JA2
Sure you're not thinking of HOMM2?

>> No.6336410

>I can't find that one for JA2
>Sure you're not thinking of HOMM2?
That's what I get for reading the HOMM general right before making this thread. I mean 'Unfinished Business'.

On Steam, so I'm assuming 1.13 / patched.

>> No.6336414

1.13 has every flavor of Steyr so Aug rifle/smg chassis and TMPs are my favorite guns. You get a lot of ammo choices so they're viable for the whole game and have all the options you could want to bubba them up.

>> No.6336417

1.13 is an unofficial patch, but still very highly recommended.

>> No.6336421
File: 12 KB, 106x122, Gumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "1.13 is autism!" poster
but, yeah, I recommend it too

>> No.6336770

>1.13 has every flavor of Steyr so Aug rifle/smg chassis and TMPs are my favorite guns
I'm sorry I don't speak burger / freedom, what does this mean exactly?

>> No.6336778

Steyr is an Austrian arms company, anon.

>> No.6337364

>doesn’t speak gun autism
>about to play 1.13
you’re scamming yourself

>> No.6337427

"1.13 is autism!"
As predicted

>> No.6337694
File: 21 KB, 300x100, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just give broad advice I usually give, assuming you'll be playing 1.13 :
-Early on, prefer Night Ops to assault sectors as the reduced visibility is more suited to your weaponry then (pistols and SMGs).
-Max Wisdom on every character you make as it defines how quickly your character will level up in overall experience and in each skill.
-My previous point also means that it is wise to invest in below average mercs with high WIS as they will quickly become assets to your team.
-Keep in mind where you're engaging the enemy, a pistol or SMG can more often than not be better than rifles in close quarters because of low AP cost to ready and fire the weapon assuming you're using the right ammunition.
-Almost always leave someone covering an angle with APs left before ending a turn. If the person is experienced enough they will get interrupts allowing you crucial shots on exposed enemies.
-Nades, wire cutters and lockpicks are all very useful past the first couple of towns.
-For guns I generally don't recommend any particular one, I would just tell you to get someone on a long range rifle/sniper as soon as you can as it is a huge asset granted your positioning is good (roofs are a no brainer). Avoid pump and bolt action rifles unless the character has a large AP pool.

>> No.6338095

Not him but it is kinda is Gun autism and I like it that way. Like you kinda have to be a gun person on some level to enjoy the realism of 1.13 over vanilla.

You have to be extremely detail oriented or you might fuck up and give your merc some 9mm ammo without realizing that it's 9x19mm ammo and his gun shoots 9x18mm ammo and it won't load. You have to know what kind of ammo you're putting in a gun and 1.13 has fukken standard, hollowpoint, AP, AET, tracer, glaser, cold-loaded, and match-grade ammunition and you can't mix and match them in a mag.

I still have NO idea whether or not attaching your night vision goggles to your helmet deactivates its effects or if you can essentially wear night vision goggles and sun goggles at the same time with this method.

And honestly there needs to be some kind of guide for LBE attachments because the inventory system is kind of a mess.

And I still like it over Vanilla and I always clean and maintain my guns after I play it.

>> No.6338128

If I may add to this.
-Night Ops is viable throughout the entire game if you invest into good NVGs and play stealthy with silenced weapons, this makes Dimitri one of the most useful RPCs in the game if you do this playstyle.
-Using a knife on a dead body lets you take their clothes, using that knife on the clothes lets you turn it into a rag, combining that rag with a bottle of alcohol (not beer or wine) makes a molotov cocktail. Molotovs are extremely effective denial-of-area and crowd control grenades and if you throw them right behind a group of enemies you can then hit them with stun grenades and they'll be stuck in the spreading flames and burn to death.
-Characters with the hunter trait tree get bonus APs specifically for rifles and shotguns so they can counter the pump action/bolt action AP cost.
-A gun that isn't completely shit will last you through the entire game and I've beaten the game using characters who still have their starting weapons equipped.
-Interrupts also let you run away and this can be useful for leading targets directly into an ambush.

>> No.6338768

Thanks guys this is all gold, am copying it down to a notepad as I speak.

>> No.6338898
File: 150 KB, 984x641, jagged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can Alt+Click to sell items on the ground of a sector from the map screen. If you don't mind micro-managing discovered loot following a battle, you could edit the config file so that enemy soldiers drop from every equip slot. In vanilla, I think they only drop what they're carrying. This can lead to a lot of dosh early on, so base this one off how you want to play the game, because you can easily break the game from having all the money you need from selling slightly used ARUC backpacks. More so if you edit the percentage you sell for, default is 15% I think.

Pic related is where you can find the config editor in your 1.13 folder

>> No.6338918

do you think it doesn’t partake in gun autism? do you think that’s a negative?

>> No.6338978

Almost everything in 1.13 has a popup box when you hover your mouse over it and taking the time to read those really helped me adjust to the mod from vanilla. At first I hated it but now I really appreciate the overall synergy and quality improvements.

A good general idea is to spend a LOT more time looking through Bobby Ray's Guns n' Thangs and shop screens for item descriptions and ammo types. I think if you mouse over ammo a box will pop up telling you if your team has any weapons in their inventory that take that ammo.

Vanilla has those big inventory slots and then small ones. I think 1.13 has like 4 sizes and you have to have specific Load Bearing Equipment (your tacticool harnesses as well as packpacks and pouches) to put stuff in certain places. The updated interface means that these slots now show you how many of a specific item will fit in that particular spot so you can figure out where to put things. There's also specialized load-bearing equipment that I sort of ignored in the beginning but they help you save and optimize inventory and tailor mercs to different battlefield roles.

There are also classic firearms from like 1890-onwards including lever-action rifles and M-1 garands and mosins. They've got mechanical advantages against other guns but have limitations on attachments. It's a lot to process but I like the freedom it gives you to roleplay, which is what I always considered to be the main strength JA2 has over X-com.

They also brought back Snitches from JA1 and they have a few good niche uses outside of morale management.

Yeah the best part of 1.13 is it brings out your inner /k/ommando.

In one playthrough I didn't even edit the ini files (just picked -enemies drop all equipment- from the starting campaign screen) and got stupidly rich selling dropped guns and ammo to the arms dealers throughout the whole game. Like more than I was making from taking over all the mines rich.

>> No.6339041

Also shitty grenades might not just be duds anymore. Sometimes you'll throw one and it'll do nothing, but then it goes off the next turn, which is the best kind of happy accident for enemies that bunch up when they come at you.

There are also tripwires and claymores now which I don't really use because they're kind of clunky but it is incredible when the run-at-you-screaming type enemies get atomized. You can also attach shotguns to them but I never bother. My alternative to all this is to lay a few mines and then drop RDX crystals next to them. In general I use explosives more liberally in 1.13 because you get more of them and also Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers and antitank rifles which makes fighting the tanks extremely satisfying.

>> No.6339140

One thing I'll mention: I'm British and while I've heard of a few guns I know very little about them in general.

Is there a handful (like 3 or 5?) any of you would name especially as being really good picks early on for the price, and ones I should be working up to and their specialized use? That sort of thing.

>> No.6339232

Ideally 12g shotguns and 9x19mm smgs because you'll get a lot of ammo for them from looting. Pistols are ok but have shorter range and damage. If you're buying specialized guns you might not find ammo for them in the field and have to check Bobby Ray's, which is expensive.

You can also just take whatever you can get your hands on and get the most ammo for from dead enemies. You should pick up guns as you progress. As long as you have a good mechanic on your team you can repair it between fights and it'll last until you get better stuff. You'll recognize the better stuff when someone shoots half your health off through your armor with it. You can stick attachments on weapons to make them work better anyway. When you look at stats just go to range and damage and decide what works best.

It really comes down to personal taste. The handful of guns you know are probably in the game and they all probably work?

Just get rid of every .38 special you find they're trash.

>> No.6339273

>You'll recognize the better stuff when someone shoots half your health off through your armor with it.
That doesn't sound reassuring.

>The handful of guns you know are probably in the game and they all probably work?
Guns I know:
>Desert Eagle
>P90 (Thanks casual few days of playing Counter Strike 1.6! Though I keep wanting to call it an RCP90, take a wild guess why.)
So slightly more than the average journalist.

>> No.6339323

There are like 15 different AK-47 variants in 1.13.

And all of the other ones are in it and are decent options.

>> No.6339332

>There are like 15 different AK-47 variants in 1.13.
Damnit, now I'm gonna have to be the guy who says "that sounds like autism".

>> No.6339347
File: 536 KB, 1200x699, ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of slavs played JA2 man.

Just don't worry about it.

>> No.6339408

>more options
>hurr durr autism
I'd rather have the tism than be a retard quite frankly

>> No.6339464

Anon, why do you need 15 flavours of the exact same gun? Past the 5th or 6th one is there really any room for an appreciable difference between them and if yes why is it still called the same gun type?

>> No.6339493
File: 650 KB, 497x1083, Kalashnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the same reason people made more than 15 different types of AK IRL.

Because you can.

>> No.6339497

It always made me wonder how a IRL Gumpy would perform on a battlefield.

>> No.6339506

I seriously hope you're playing Jagged Alliance with a genuine General MIDI box


>> No.6339525

I only see one AK-47 on that list though. I was expecting:
>AK-47 with scope
>AK-47 with silencer
>AK-47 B+C
>AK-47 with laser sight
>AK-47 fully automatic edition
>AK-47 with strap on dildo
>AK-47 all of the above combined

>> No.6339545

Oh no, AK is a family of rifles from the russians. They're modeled on the AK-47 (the version made in 1946) but have different chamberings and some furniture variations based on the requirements of the Russian army.

But you can buy a scope, silencer, underslung grenade launcher, folding stock, full auto/3 round burst selector, laser sight, and strap on dildo and stick them on any of those and they work.

Half the fun of 1.13 is sticking a bunch of attachments onto a gun you personally like.

>> No.6340079
File: 91 KB, 1234x717, ja 2 merc like flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early in the game, you'll be finding a lot of 9x19mm, like >>6339232 points out. Blue banded magazines are hollow point, good against unarmored targets in the early game (or for taking out bloodcats if you enable them.) For most of the game armor-piercing rounds are what you'll want to use (red-banded magazines.)

Later, you will have a lot of 5.56mm and 7.62mm rifle rounds. Both are viable, but more often than not, 7.62 will deal the damage. If you don't want to worry about having to scavenge or buy multiple ammo types, you could outfit your sniper with a PSG1, your heavy with an M60, and your assault/scout squad with FN FAL OSW's. It's a big initial investment, you can clean up sectors pretty effectively.

>> No.6340258

>the AKS-74 description

>> No.6340469
File: 561 KB, 540x623, monke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for some weapons if I remember correctly there are purple banded magazines. I don't know what kind of bullets these correspond to but I do know they pack a punch no matter the opponent's gear. I used to clear house with Scully with nothing but a M93r equipped with those and a knoife.

>> No.6340475
File: 259 KB, 500x523, 1558215358870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also completely forgot about tracers, don't neglect tracers if you're planning on using automatic fire a lot. Tracer bullet give a non negligible accuracy buff whenever one is fired. There is even several situations where I had a more accurate shot using burst/auto than single shot because of them.

>> No.6340538
File: 40 KB, 410x598, incoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean the AET rounds?

>> No.6340558

>I'm British and while I've heard of a few guns I know very little about them in general.
Off topic, but the englishmen I've taught to shoot IRL are usually the best learners because they don't have start with bad habits. I had one Mancunian chap who was firing full auto SMGs and carbines like a pro after one session.

>> No.6340745

surely you know about the ar-15 as well

>> No.6340774

I mean I've most likely seen it wielded in films and I may even have heard the name once or twice, but I'd never have thought of it.

>> No.6340976
File: 89 KB, 1443x900, ja 2 merc hate flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've seen, Brits can handle a USP pretty well too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRRwbhN4-sU

Asians are better with Glocks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq0ztaCwb-A

>> No.6341681
File: 10 KB, 106x122, meirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best merc

>> No.6341871

Okay, what the hell exactly are these flowcharts?

>> No.6341881
File: 82 KB, 576x1024, 1581722970705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard 1.13 adds a fuckload of difficulty not meant for first time players of the genre/game. It's more like a complete overhaul mod for veterans of the genre who also are gun enthusiasts. Is this true? Seems like a pretty misleading title.

>> No.6341937

>Is this true?
yeah. it's also become bloated as hell over the years.
>but muh modularity
it's a mess that's lost its focus. anyway, it more adds content and sperg hyperdetail. it needn't be super difficult, but can be. the game plays very well vanilla and there isn't any good reason to play 1.13 as a first-timer.

>> No.6341938

They're exactly what the filename says they are. Hiring mercs isn't just about getting a group that looks pretty to you, or has the skills you want, its about making sure the team works well together. If you pair mercs that hate each other in a squad, it can lead to insubordination, or worse, mercs killing each other. Both pics have a key to designate what the arrows mean. Read it, dummy.

>> No.6341942

That's a thing? Not just at most affecting conversations?

>> No.6341946

Put Buzz and Lynx together, and inside of a week, one of them will be dead.

>> No.6341956

Now I want to do that just to see it.

>> No.6342171
File: 51 KB, 339x116, 12370_screenshots_2014-09-26_000019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Scully. His salary gets absolutely ridiculous once he asks for raises though.

>> No.6342516

There's a really useful npc relationship chart here


>> No.6343108
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>> No.6343404

I find it difficult to start a new game without hiring Igor and Grunty. Great entry level mercs who are useful through to the end of the game.

>> No.6344054

they're quite solid

>> No.6344081
File: 52 KB, 200x394, Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 10.42.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leech never should have been taken out of 2, I'm glad he's back in 1.13.

>> No.6344097

Does anyone have the install files for 1.13 handy? Both of the mirrors on the official site are down.

>> No.6344261

The gun autism is a good thing.

>> No.6344286


Scroll to bottom for latest, v8776

>> No.6344292

It's also entirely optional so I don't get how it's even a problem. Like if you're into CRPGs it has such a wealth of stats that I'd find it hard not to like it. Maybe because most rpgs are either fantasy or cyberpunk scifi.

>> No.6344303

i played 1.13 and wanted even more gun options

>> No.6344323

Thank you very much m8

>> No.6344340

No worries. I got trouble booting it, and had to apply the Win10 fixes in the Docs folder (except the .reg file). Also had to run it under compatibility mode, Windows XP Service Pack 3 and also override the DPI settings to 'Application'. Just letting you know incase you need to do the same.

>> No.6344367

I'd recommend DL'ing JA2 modpack by sevenfm from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PD_Wav_Gx8B8bTE2eKp-AKSWZ1u5lp7H

It has all the good stuff as well as new ambient music. Loved it the last time I tried it, and the setup couldn't be easier - just extract the contents to a clean JA2 folder.

>> No.6344386

I can't play without AIMNAS and big maps anymore

>> No.6344487


>> No.6344826

I remember a mod called Instruments of Violence (IoV) which adds like 6 gorrillion guns and attachments but is completely unbalanced if you wanna try it. I don't even know if there is a working version available out there anymore though.

>> No.6345429

>you can be sure to see it soon on a hijacked airliner near you

>> No.6345704

is there a non-chinese version

>> No.6346914

How is AIMNAS?

>> No.6346923

I used to have this as a password

>> No.6347802

>I still have NO idea whether or not attaching your night vision goggles to your helmet deactivates its effects or if you can essentially wear night vision goggles and sun goggles at the same time with this method.
The helmet slots serve purely as storage except for camo items. In game, pressing - I think - Shift+N will toggle between sun goggles and NVG. You should be able to see the difference especially at night.

>> No.6348035

Thank you, I really didn't know what to think when my helmets started displaying vision stats.

>> No.6348126

It took me a while to figure that out too
Also, binoculars have to be in the right hand slot to give a vision bonus

>> No.6348275

If you get a map pack that makes urban areas more dense, Meltdown becomes an absolute killing machine.

>> No.6348287

The entire folder you linked or a specific thing in it?

>> No.6348395
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>> No.6349847

The fuck do you think the "readme.txt" is in there for?

>> No.6350156

1.13 is a shitty, bloated, tedious inventory management hell with no clear focus except moar weponz xdd to appease brainless ameri gun nuts who don't care about video games unless it has 60 different pistols you can use

>> No.6350314

It's only your own unhalted autism that makes it tedius. Just leave shit you don't need behind (or quickly sell all items as 1.13 allows you to) and be done with it.
There is even a "less guns" option in the game.

>> No.6350426

How do you install 1.13 anyway? I'm looking in the downloaded folder but don't see any sort of a readme, and I'm hesitant to just start running random files without a plan.

>> No.6350447

Extract the 1.13 into the game directory, overwriting everything. If you get problems running, open the Docs folder and check the Windows 7-10 fixes. Come back if you get issues, I might be able to help.

>> No.6350535

Have you seen the people behind 1.13's organization skills? They're fucking awful at it. Multiple dead forums and a refusal to use a central site for hosting their mod.

>> No.6350576
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Always bet on Fidel

>> No.6350581

Plenty of choice OP, i found myself in that position about a month ago. Here are a couple of links to get you going.

> Straciatella
> SCI 1.13
> JA2 1.13 v7909 + AI
> Vengeance Reloaded

>> No.6350623

Odd looking hints and tips there partner, they look distinctly like fan made patches and mods instead.

>> No.6350835

yeah figured i'd plug a few good ones. as for the actual tips and hints, i always enjoyed patusco's guide http://www.sininen.de/Patusco13.txt

>> No.6351389

Open up INI Editor and make the following changes.

PLAYER_TURN_SPEED_UP_FACTOR - Set this to whatever you please, I set it to 0.5, there's one for enemies, creatures, militia, and civilians too, I set these to 0.2
AUTO_FAST_FORWARD_ENEMIES/MILITIA/CIVS/CREATURES - Set all of these to 2, except enemies which you set to 3.

This makes NPC turns ludicrously fast, making your turn come about much faster. Optionally, set DEAD_LOCK_DELAY to a much lower number, but not too low or else it can skip legit AI turns that are just taking a moment to process.

And make sure to disable zombies in options. It's amusing but not a very fun gimmick.

>> No.6351491

absolutley. I usually started with Lynx because of his marksmenship but once I understood the game mechanics, Stephen is the best merc for a beginner: great skills, experience lvl 5, and he's fucking cheap.

>> No.6352103

Neither is affordable on Insane difficulty

>> No.6352524

how insane are we talking here?
insane with enemies drop all and 10 IMP mercs is pretty different than sci-fi and melee only with no robot

>> No.6352751

1 IMP, ironman, and sci-fi are standard
By "melee only", do you mean not using guns?
I don't see how it's possible on insane. The first fight is brutal
Is there a setting to turn off the robot?
Is the robot really that overpowered?

>> No.6353559
File: 94 KB, 206x225, [Continued Slaughter].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gearing up to start playing JA2 for the first time in ages and have basically faded memories at most with almost zero idea what I'm doing any more so it'll be kinda like I'm playing fresh, would anyone want me to post pics and my thoughts from my playthrough as I go along here, would anyone here get enjoyment out of that?

Also if I do go for that, anything special I should do? Light challenge run stuff maybe IDK if anyone has any interesting suggestions whether it's to make things harder or different or easier or whatever else I'm listening and may do one or two.

>> No.6353637

>Is the robot really that overpowered?
No but he makes absolute mincemeat out of the bugs.

>> No.6353640

>Is there a setting to turn off the robot?
just don't get it you moron

>> No.6353653

Friendly reminder to play 7.62. Hard life with GEG mod, it's the retarded, janky but still fun brother of Jagged Alliance 2 fueled by slavmagic code and tape.

>> No.6353824

lots of people have played ja2 for long enough that they tend to mess with the settings to shake things up
i asked about melee-only sci-fi because this thread reminded me about a guy who said he melee'd the crepitus queen to death by stunlocking it with hand-to-hand
no idea if that's actually possible or not, i prefer to throw gas or bullets at the thing

>> No.6355179

I'm always interested in more JA2 threads.

>> No.6356685

I welcome any PC game threads here, since there are so few

>> No.6356937

Honestly, JA2 threads on here are usually bogged down by schizos shitting on 1.13 when it's one of the best mods out there, and especially the AI project by sevenfm.

>> No.6357029
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Alright then, starting now I guess.

Here's my settings, they seem reasonable enough but I don't really know what I'm doing here.

>> No.6357108

Anyone got a good name for my personal Merc? Trying to think of something that's not too played out at least.

If nobody replies in the next 13 min I'll just call them Kenshiro.

>> No.6357169


>> No.6357192
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, Jagged Alliance 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Randomly pick the name Kenshiro
>Realize I can make him a Martial Artist
Well fuck, now I guess I have to.

Sorry, deadline passed.

>> No.6357221
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I'm currently torn between Renegade for lore accuracy, or Undertaker because he's used to dealing with people who are already dead.

>> No.6357243
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Guessing I'll regret my choices sooner rather than later, but oh well.

>> No.6357284
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, Jagged Alliance 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody earlier was talking about how Stephen is a great starter merc, so I guess I'll hire him.

Quick advice wanted though: Should I be hiring him for two weeks and spending all my money on him, with just two mercs? Should I hire him for less time and also get somebody else, and if so then who?

Please advise, I forget what the standard procedure is.

>> No.6357351

i like barry and igor for the early game
beth is pretty solid, because of the high wisdom
grizzly is pretty good as well
you could just buy a sniper with gear for one day to get a good weapon right at the start

>> No.6357361

FYI you can drop explosive, medical and technical from 35 to 0. you will get extra 15-ish points but it's still more points to put in something else.
you can increase the starting level to get better interrupt chances

>> No.6357390
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>35 marksmanship

>> No.6357413

>you could just buy a sniper with gear for one day to get a good weapon right at the start
There anyone who fits this bill well?

>> No.6357426

Why the fuck am I giggling at this post so much?

>> No.6357582

Okay hold the fucking phone, I'm trying the first battle if only to give me time to grasp the controls but for some fucking reason my mercs keep moonwalking everywhere I tell them to go. What the hell gives?

There a pause button for me to hit right at the start to give me a moment to get my bearings?

>> No.6357595

Any one with a scope is good, including Scope

>> No.6357606

i think nails has an FAL choice in 1.13

>> No.6357620
File: 447 KB, 1024x768, Jagged Alliance 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update, leaving shit here for the night because something feels horribly, horribly wrong with the controls.

I can't walk forwards and can only moonwalk backwards, selecting my mercs is a fucking nightmare because clicking the portrait doesn't do shit and only selecting them physically in the world does something, though half the time that "something" is "select both my mercs and have them try to move to an average of the ordered spot depending on how far apart they were" and a cavalcade of other stuff.

Only managed to survive the 3 dudes who jumped me despite having to moonwalk into their faces, because Kenshiro punched out 2 of them with interrupts.

What the hell? Also are there any important hotkeys I should know here?

>> No.6357698

Did you Alt+TAB recently when playing the game ? FYI if you hold tab while moving a merc he/she will either :
-sidestep if he's oriented in the correct way (doesn't work if the weapon is raised or not standing)
-walk backwards to the corresponding tile in any other case

>> No.6357706

check your "alt" key

>> No.6357715

Meant alt

>> No.6357837

you alt-tabbed out of the game
when you return, game always thinks you're still holding alt. alt+click makes mercs move sideways/backwards, alt+click in inventory (map mode) sells items instead of picking them, etc.
tap alt again after returning to game to fix

>> No.6358421

And JA2 crushes another new player

>> No.6358573

>Did you Alt+TAB recently when playing the game?
Well yeah, how do you think I was coming out of the game to talk in the thread? I'd have set it to windowed mode if I'd seen the option for it.

Right so Alt is what was fucking me up, will try that later when I go back in. Thanks.

>> No.6359494
File: 40 KB, 818x499, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reinstalled with 1.13, and I noticed this. Am I gonna get v&?

>> No.6359574
File: 345 KB, 1024x768, Jagged Alliance 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah Elliot, the simp king.

Not alt tabbing out of the game worked great, my mercs move normally again and everything works fine, but like I mentioned I'm not sure how to tab out of the game to come shitpost here without it.

There's no option for windowed mode that I could see of and no video related options at all, does anyone know if there a fan patch or a command line edit I can do to get a windowed mode working here?

>> No.6359640
File: 23 KB, 468x171, Jagged Alliance 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd sorted it, guess not.

Fuck man why does it have to be Alt? It's such a useful key for stuff like Alt + Print Screen.

>> No.6359674

Bro, for fuck's sakes, you don't have to windowed. Just tap alt every time you tab back to the game. That's ALL you have to do. Damn bro low IQ really ruins lives.

>> No.6359678

Just re-click alt after alt+tabbing.

>> No.6359682

He still couldn't figure it out after somebody literally told him what to do. fuck's sakes what a brick brained mofo

>> No.6359690

Come on anon, be nice. Tabbing out was also giving me graphical glitches and I prefer windowed mode anyway, why do have to be that way?

>> No.6359692

You'll survive, bro

>> No.6359732

tabbing out wasn’t possible for me when i played it a few years back, so it looks like some progress is being made

>> No.6359778
File: 377 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far, so quiet. Nothing after the initial 3 guys, but I'd assume that will change when I try to take Drassen.
Fuck man, 16bpp makes everything look ugly as sin.

>> No.6359794

Only 3 guys in the initial fight? When I play, it's12
Why didn't you take the road to Drassen?

>> No.6359839
File: 858 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't you take the road to Drassen?
Wanted to go into Drassen from the north, also didn't want to waste time on any enemies on the road when all I have is 2 mercs and basic gear.

Kenshiro wanted to punch things and doesn't really know the meaning of subtle, so he just walked out onto the runway in broad daylight, Steven started a bit off to the side due to cowardice. Let's see how that goes for them.

>> No.6359853
File: 4 KB, 138x29, Jagged Alliance 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No, that's impossible, there must be a bug in the game, just shrug off the assault rifle dude.
perhaps this was a worse idea than I initially assumed.

>> No.6359860

>Ira not recruited
>still has the letter from Enrico
why even bother going to Drassen at this point? If you're going to skip the first quest, San Mona is a better first stop.
There are a few quests there that you don't even need guns for. Including a fight club.

>> No.6359868

Dude, I mentioned right at the start that I barely remember anything here. Saw the letter in my equip but I've no idea where I'm supposed to take it, while Drassen looked nice and secluded away from the enemy capital.

>> No.6359873

Also, a favorite starter tactic of mine right after you land in Omerta - knock out as many enemies as you can, because they're easy targets, and steal ALL their equipment (if enemy is knocked out, you can take all their stuff even without "Drop All" option)

A good fighter merc would have Dauntless personality (more resistant to suppression), Hand-to-hand / Martial arts skill and Athletics (running costs much less AP, can run much further in one turn)

Speaking of running - press R to run. Press S to walk. running is faster (costs less AP) but drops aim and uses a bit more energy, though not as much as walking with sights up. You can also sneak-run, which is very viable.

>> No.6359904
File: 877 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked fairly well, sort of. Steven took out 3 guys without taking a scratch, though there's some colonel guy in the middle of the field that I can't see at the moment, as well as some recruit lurking around.

>> No.6359907

Oh right, and much thanks for this tip, it's incredibly useful.

I vaguely remember something about an aimed shot, how do I toggle that?

>> No.6359910
File: 910 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hello Serg, how nice of you to come around the corner into Kenshiro's face at such close range, very kind of you.

>> No.6359932
File: 913 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly thought I'd fucked myself when I went with melee, but this is working out better than I could have ever hoped.

>> No.6359939

another tip - when you have hostiles in the sector, drop your backpack (the big one) - it even has a dedicated drop backpack button in the inventory. carrying a backpack in combat gives AP penalties and disallows you from climbing/jumping over

speaking of which, you can J up onto flat roofs or Shift+J through a window (shoot out the glass first or you'll take some minor damage)

I usually right click on target and scroll to spend extra AP for better aimed shots. in full auto fire it was Shift+Scroll or Alt+Scroll to adjust number of shots. in 1.13 you can both spend APs to aim and add shots if your gun has automatic fire.

>> No.6359972

and loads of cash, and Tony
Tony starts to sell good SMGs when progress = 10

>> No.6360053
File: 878 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*screams in xcom tier accuracy*
I have gone through an entire fucking clip in my attempts to hit either of these niggers, with not one hit to show for it. What the flying fuck, how do you train stats (marksmanship) and how soon can I begin?

>> No.6360070

that enemy is quite possibly out of range of your weapon

>> No.6360080

Neither. Straciatella is the best way to play it - all the needed fixes without the autism of 1.13

>> No.6360082

You were warned about a 35 in marksmanship
You train it by shooting people
Or by throwing knives at people
Or by throwing a knife at one of your characters behind an intact window

>> No.6360097
File: 887 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was a nightmare to deal with, they had way more guys than I'd expected. Gonna collect everything and call it a night, then do San Mona that I was apparently supposed to do tomorrow. Should have more time rather than just a few hours, too.

Is red and black flashing iron sight "out of range"? because I'd hit several guys with that previously, but against these two I was missing by about 10ft on every shot.

>You were warned about a 35 in marksmanship
This is Stephen with 85 marksmanship and a FAMAE SAF with foregrip and folding stock. Also Kenshiro has 80 Marksmanship now since I restarted and took
's tip that I can milk and extra 45 points out of him.
>Or by throwing a knife at one of your characters behind an intact window
Sounds cheesy as shit, I love it. How fast / viable of a method is this, out of curiosity?

>> No.6360110

>>Or by throwing a knife at one of your characters behind an intact window
>Sounds cheesy as shit, I love it. How fast / viable of a method is this, out of curiosity?
Different anon, but if you set up a macro for this, it's about 15-16 minutes to train Ira to have 90-something Marksmanship. Without macro, it's about twice as long and you have to do all the clicking yourself.
I mean this exploit is as old as the game itself, by this point even people who never played know it.

>> No.6360117

Also, since you are looking for cheese - dump your STR as well and then just throw heavy shit on such merc, then make them run. Once they collapse from fatigue, just wait and make them run some more.

>> No.6360127

why wait when you can have them carry a water barrel, and drink from it every time they collapse to get energy back

>> No.6360142

Thanks guys, if I ever knew this stuff then the knowledge has flown out of my head over the years. There's very little I still remember.

>> No.6360159

Because after few minutes of doing so, it runs dry and you just have to wait.

>> No.6360165

not in 1.13, if you're in a sector that lets you refill canteens

>> No.6360167

This is how I figured out Stamina "exploit" in State of Decay, just by coping the one from JA. Worked even better and faster.

>> No.6360178

I'm talking general exploints here, so you just wait.
I mean you know people still play the game vanilla... right?

>> No.6360189

>'s tip that I can milk and extra 45 points out of him.
while you have done that, be advised that with 0 medical skill you cannot use first aid kits or med kits at all with that merc. but from the map view you can assign train/practice until he learns at least 1 point.

>> No.6360219

i was under the impression the guy asking for advice was playing 1.13

>> No.6360291

>i was under the impression the guy asking for advice was playing 1.13
The guy here, confirming that I am.

>> No.6360343
File: 1.69 MB, 3840x2160, 715871781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JA2 looks beautiful with ReShade.

>> No.6360969

How long is this game?

>> No.6361002
File: 7 KB, 106x122, Hamous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends on your play style, mods, and difficulty settings
Easymode with vanilla settings and the game is a fun 80s action movie
Insane difficulty, 1.13, with increased food and drink requirements and all counterattacks enabled and it becomes a strategy game/mercenary simulator

>> No.6361010

about usual strategy game length
you've got some time to burn now, i figure

>> No.6361843
File: 628 KB, 1599x2048, Screenshot_20200422-010814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On JA dev Ian Currie's linkdn, there is a mention of a fantasy srpg called Dragon Alliance that was being developed but never released.

If that games was being made by the same team as JA2 i feel it would have been such a good game.

Any info at all on the prototype, what it looked like, etc?

>> No.6361874

Deceptively long

>> No.6361917

Then before you start running around with extra luggage, make sure you've found a spot for canteen refills.

>> No.6361920

Vanilla is basically a rainy weekend game - you sit on Saturday morning and by Sunday afternoon you are done.

>> No.6362013

What sort of places can I refill at? I've not been too far but I don't remember seeing anything like that.

>> No.6362064

Should I play Vanilla first or?

>> No.6362532

>Or by throwing a knife at one of your characters behind an intact window
Currently trying to do this now, but I'm apparently fucking it up and just don't understand what's meant by it, I throw the knife at the other merc through the window, the window breaks, and I'm not even sure if I'm achieving anything or not.

>> No.6362608

Currently seriously considering restarting my game and not fucking up this time, also minmax my starting merc a bit and not put 0 medical and stuff.

If I do go for this, which stats other than Wisdom should I be dropping my points into anyway?

>> No.6362615

you generally want decent marksmanship, as well as some leadership and medicine
agility and dexterity help a lot

>> No.6362625

There an available list of easy ways to train stats, so I know which ones I want to start with as high as possible, and which ones I'd want to just stick low and train easily once I start?
Currently referring to this which was posted earlier in the thread, but some of it is going over my head.

>> No.6362627

If you never finished the game in vanilla, you MUST play it vanilla first.
Part of the reason why 1.13 is called out for its autism is that it is made for game veterans. Playing it as your first time with JA2 is... painful, to put it mildly.

>> No.6362735
File: 174 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As best I can tell, this is my best bet for minmaxing, and I want to get my hands on an anti tank mine or two as soon as I can and place / remove it a bunch for Wisdom.

>> No.6362865

I played Vanilla before 1.13 and honestly that helped a LOT. I wouldn't have appreciated the changes 1.13 made if I hadn't played vanilla first, the quality of life improvements add up but it's very overwhelming for a first-timer.

>> No.6362874

This game would be perfect
I have been thinking about a fantasy version of JA2 for years
If I won the lottery, I would make it happen

>> No.6362881
File: 945 KB, 1679x1017, Jagged Alliance 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely lost track of how long I've been here now, the last two guys are running around like headless chickens but I can't hit them to save my life.

I've gone through two fucking clips, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6362910

The upside to 1.13's complexity is that you can stick suppressors on rifles and use RPGs rather than one-shot LAWs and a lot of really cool shit that wasn't in vanilla but if you want to enjoy that look up how the inventory system works because it's DIFFERENT

>> No.6362926

Holy shit, this is so fucking stupid, I unironically want to restart or quit because of how piss poor my accuracy is. I'm 6 tiles away with an M14, every sniper related perc I could pick like Sniper, competition shooter, etc, and I run out of magazines before I can kill more than a handful of targets. What the fuck is this bullshit?

This crap is why I avoided the road the first time.

>> No.6362994

when you aim, do you have an orange/grey bar below the circle?
how much orange does that bar have?

>> No.6363002
File: 902 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, restarted the battle and this time I found a nice little spot where I stay hidden 99% of the time, but I gain Agility pretty fast.

Gone up 7 Agility and a level so far. Any votes on how far I should take this?

>do you have an orange/grey bar below the circle?
No...? I can't think what you mean, at least.

>> No.6363014

sorry, i meant inside the circle
if you aren't using the new aiming system, it should show you what your odds of hitting a shot are

>> No.6363019

>it should show you what your odds of hitting a shot are
Isn't that number the amount of action points spent on the shot?

>> No.6363027

i'm not talking about a number, but a bar
give me a sec

>> No.6363054
File: 809 KB, 1024x768, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6363061

And that's a direct % chance to how likely I am to hit? More red is better?

>> No.6363087

mostly, yes
it should be noted that it describes the % to be accurate, not to hit
so, you sometimes can have a shot be large% accurate, but still have an object like a chest-high rock or a tree absorb the shot
same thing if there's a person between you and your target. you're liable to hit them even at that high% accuracy
i believe an all-grey bar doesn't always mean 0% chance to hit, but always means a very low number
in 1.13, the sniper/markman trait doesn't increase accuracy for the m14, from what i remember
it gets bonuses from the automatics trait
even then, the m14 is still a very solid weapon for any merc, but a designated sniper ought to use a sniper rifle once you have one usually

>> No.6363129
File: 916 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me 2 hours of savescumming, but I finally won the fight for this nameless bit of road in the forest.

>in 1.13, the sniper/markman trait doesn't increase accuracy for the m14, from what i remember
Well fuck, I hired Lynx for a day with premium equipment to get my hands on it thinking it was one. I don't really know guns though, what's the best sniper rifle I could reasonably hope to get my hands on to take advantage of the perk?

>> No.6363258
File: 1.07 MB, 800x600, ja2 2020-04-22 22-14-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're aiming at something, hit F to get a readout of your chance of hitting out of 100. Here it's 91/100. Increase points into aiming and hit F again to see that number increase. That should help a bit.

>> No.6363295

Oooo, now that looks great. Now if only I didn't have to savescum hard just to win one nothing battle in the middle of nowhere, that'd be fantastic.
I'm about 99% sure that's why I quit playing the first time, it was getting monotonous having to reload everything.

>> No.6363324
File: 1.63 MB, 800x600, ja2 2020-04-22 22-50-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I generally don't take shots if it's under 70 or 80, but in some desperate situations I've actually nailed a shot with only 45/50. Positioning / Flanking is obviously important too, and night missions will become essential at points because the armies are just too big or outgun you. Gotta sneak up on those cunts with night vision goggles. Anyway enjoy. It's such a great game, but takes some work to get into it. There's a lot to learn. Any questions? "why can't I..." / "is it possible to.." / "how do I..." etc. I'll be here for a while, so happy to help.

>> No.6363359

>Any questions?
Yeah, how do I extend a merc's contract, and I have Bobba Ray's set to 2/10 since it was the default - what's the best gun I'll be able to buy from him that does count as a sniper rifle and what bric-a-brac should be be buying? Shit like Binoculars, I have a pair but don't really know what good they do.

>> No.6363380
File: 581 KB, 800x600, 1391398061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I extend a contract
Go to the Map screen and click on the bits circled in red.
>Bobby Ray
Bobby has a rating that goes up as you progress through the game, and allows you to buy better guns. Press V on the map screen to see progress. I think it goes up every multiple of ten, so 10 / 20 / 30 etc. Check back each time that goes up. I can't answer what the best gun is because of this reason, but I would recommend going for guns with the longest range. Hover over a weapon on his site to see the range. Actual Sniper Rifles come later, and come with 10x scopes which is nice. :)
>What bric-a-brac should I be buying?
Wire cutters to cut holes in fences, tool boxes for repairing stuff, and plenty of medikits. Grenades can help too. Night Vision goggles as previously mentioned. That's about it for now. You can of course find these around the map as you progress.

>> No.6363385
File: 389 KB, 800x600, ja2 2020-04-22 23-29-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I have available for snipers with a progress of 37. In the meantime, go for rifles with long range.

>> No.6363398

Alright, cheers. I assume I should just scope / silence / laser pointer / whatever every gun I intend to use for any extended period of time?

Will try this stuff tomorrow.

>> No.6363413
File: 1.26 MB, 800x600, ja2 2020-04-22 23-41-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah basically. I don't bother with silencers myself, but scopes definitely. Be aware that it gives you 'tunnel vision' when you're aiming, and so enemies can come from the side without you knowing. Be sure to cover all angles when you're in a hairy fight. I've had a fucker come right up to me a stab me in the face because I wasn't covering my flank. You might see your mercs walking about with the gun up and aiming. That uses extra energy and still gives you tunnel vision. Either Crouch/Stand Up again to reset it, or aim and cancel the aim (so right click twice) and they'll lower the weapon. Also use Ctrl + V and Ctrl + C to see what enemies / what you see (pic related). Helps sometimes with planning attacks, especially if you're stealthing it up to keep out of enemies sight.

>> No.6363418

Oh another thing I should have mentioned. Buy Extended Ears. That allows you to hear things coming.

>> No.6363658

the m14 ain't a bad weapon in general for jagged alliance 2, but a weapon the game considers an actual sniper rifle is gonna cost you a bit more-if you're using the 1 day hire route

>> No.6364253

A completely crazy idea I just had, was wondering if it's possible and if so then how:
Is it possible for me to somehow disarm or knock out an enemy without harming them, then arranging a sort of sparring fistfight with them and my 36 str IMP merc to improve their dexterity and whatever else?
Good idea? Bad idea? The game doesn't work that way? etc.

>> No.6364294

You need more mercs, mate. Have the ones with shitty weapons do the grunt work like laying down suppressing fire and scouting so your actually good shooters can get into position to take killing shots.

>> No.6364296

>You need more mercs, mate.
I need more money, mate. I got Stephen for a week, my I.M.P merc, less than 2k in the bank, and that's basically it.

>> No.6364326

I always go for cheap ones with potential, my IMP merc usually being the only one with something like an MP5 and the Machinegunner perk so I can kill enemies reliably with the burst fire. Grunty and Igor (and Ivan when I can afford him) are pretty much guaranteed to be with me every time.
Enemies at the start will only be walking around with shit like .32, 9mm and 12 gauge at the start of the game anyway.

>> No.6364329

you can use ctrl+click on a nearby enemy to try to grab their weapon, sure
but usually, a fistfight doesn't last that long in jagged alliance 2
i don't think you'll be able to grind much

>> No.6364348
File: 260 KB, 800x600, 287658296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, funny idea but not the most practical. It'd take a while to get 36str up to a reasonable level, and you'd have to keep healing the enemy or they'd die. You'd go through so many medikits healing them that it wouldn't be worth it. Better off to get another merc with higher strength to cover high str requirement tasks.
Yeah for this reason, I changed the mine output to double, and changed the sell value of weapons in sectors (pic related). Much easier to get money that way. Sure it's not legit, but I'm in a casual mode at the moment. It's hard enough as it is anyway desu. Especially when you get to places like Grumm. hooboy.

>> No.6364367

i don't see a real need to modify the sell values or mine payouts, but turning on "enemies drop all" makes perfect sense to me
no way 90% of handguns dissolve into the ether when the guy carrying them gets shot in the head

>> No.6364370

Well, the sell for 25% their value otherwise. Each to their own.

>> No.6364382

i always figured the price of weapons would plummet in a place half as chaotic and well-armed as arulco

>> No.6364539

Where do I download the vanilla version?

>> No.6364668

In a few weeks(?) Sseth will release his stupid video. Whatever thread is up will probably explode with retarded kiddies pretending they have played Jagged Alliance games.

>> No.6364671

>In a few weeks(?) Sseth will release his stupid video.
What's wrong with Sseth?

>> No.6364675

From what I can tell by a cursory glance at the guy's content, I think his audience would prefer /v/

>> No.6364710

That is to be expected, obviously.

>> No.6364752

How am i supposed to see anything on this screen whithout going blind?

>> No.6364897
File: 921 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran into another group of 9 mercs along the road, but thanks to the tip from
I'm abusing the shit out of the last guy's sight radius and the fact that he's 100% focused on my other merc, in order to train agility.

Guess I'll do this until I get bored.

>> No.6364931

Fair enough. How's the rest of it going? Hitting shots more often now?

>> No.6364940
File: 921 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitting shots more often now?
Hah, no, not really. Only if I shoot from two tiles away.

Not sure how much longer I'll keep grinding Agility for, I think I read somewhere there's some sort of bonus for getting it into the 90s but I don't remember exactly.

>> No.6364948

if you hold down the minus key on the number pad, it'll speed the game up. Might help with grinding. :)

>> No.6364980
File: 922 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that was a toggle it'd be fantastic, but I need one hand to tap D to end my turn and one to move the mouse a little every few seconds so I've no realistic way to hold it down all the time.

Seriously hesitating if I want to continue grinding this or not at this point, on the one hand I don't know if I'll get such a good chance again and I'm only 10 points from maxing it out since I assume stats cap at 100, on the other hand it's taking about 3 min or so at best if I go as fast as possible in order to get one point now and I'm going a little mad.

>> No.6364996

Around 90 is pretty good, you could stop there desu. You're at the start of the game so the rest will come naturally quite quickly.

>> No.6365027
File: 921 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a little break and feel better for it, and now I realise I can just run back and forth doing laps behind his back and that gains Agility much faster.

Will time how long it takes to get the next point, if it's a reasonable length of time I think I'll go for max desu.

>> No.6365073
File: 936 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked okay, but not well enough that I wanna bother going for the last 5 points.

Now I stole his weapon and an just bullying this guy who helped me so much, by repeatedly punching him in the legs/dick for 2 damage per time to see if I can get a point of dex for it.

>> No.6365089

The 1.13 co-op is a disappointment, or at least in its current state. I know it's primarly a singleplayer game and the janky ass co-op is abandoned/still in development, but I've been longing for a turn-based tactical co-op game for so long. Just imagine having a squad of mercenaries controlled by you and your best buddy.

>> No.6365118
File: 806 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a quick stop at this lake thinking I could fill up my canteens, but I guess not unless I simply don't know how to.

>> No.6365223
File: 845 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason the game locked up, and after restarting it the bottom half of the viewscreen is lagging out and the game is behaving strangely, I've no idea what's caused it though and restarting twice more after closing the process hasn't helped.

Might have to leave here if this can't be fixed.

>> No.6365376
File: 869 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enemy calls for reinforcements
>They spawn on the south border, where I literally just came from
Fuck's sake.

Not shown: another 5 or 6 living enemies in the southwest corner who are currently hailing Stephen with a shower of bullets, most missing but the odd one hitting. Give me a break.

>> No.6365484
File: 855 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fun way to spend 2 hours of my life. I'm assuming I have to rest to get my energy back or something, but I'm unsure exactly how to do that. Just let time pass while my mercs are sat around?

>> No.6365587

you can click the checkmark to end your turn if that's easier
drink from a canteen to get back energy, then press 'ctrl+.' to refill it
the sectors you can refill canteens in are pretty specific, mostly towns from what i remember

>> No.6365605
File: 1.84 MB, 712x424, VOG-25 jumping grenade.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grenades can help too.
If only you find a rifle with a slav grenade launcher and VOG-25P grenades, they're absolute crowd killers

Ctrl + .
Select 'Fill canteens'

>> No.6365613

>I'm assuming I have to rest to get my energy back or something, but I'm unsure exactly how to do that.
If you mean the energy points limit, you need to let your mercs sleep.
Map view, click the column with the bed icon next to the merc's name

>> No.6365617
File: 417 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely forgot this website existed, are there any diamonds in the rough here or are they all moist garbage?

>> No.6365645

mostly, the advantage is price
1.13 brings back a few old mercs from previous games with the site
cougar is a decent choice, and beth is a solid medic who has very good wisdom, so she can really be quite good by the end of the game
stogie is pretty solid from what i remember, and gaston is one of the two who have the rooftop sniping bonus, the other being a bit tricky to get
i think 1.13 also puts spooky in merc, and he’s a good soldier and great fun
I believe you need to work with merc for a bit before they start to hire the higher end guys, which may be a problem

>> No.6365714

Different anon, but is price ever really an issue? Mind you, I never played 1.13 aside a very short stint with it (dropped after few hours due to unrelated with game reasons, then didn't came back to JA for few months), so my opinion is based on vanilla, where money is a problem only when assembling the starting team.

>> No.6365801

No picture, because I managed to glitch an ammo clip onto my cursor while I was in the map overworld screen and couldn't do anything, but I just did a long and brutal fight for San whatever against a load of Kingpins and two guys with names like STEVE. No idea what's up with that.

Annoying thing was my M14 ran out of ammo, switched to a random Glock and then that jammed. No clue on how to free it so I was stuck.

>> No.6365816
File: 2.93 MB, 808x428, razor stealth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Razor is a real fucking killer
(athletics + melee + throwing + psycho trait + likes/liked by Fidel)

>> No.6365817

>No clue on how to free it so I was stuck.
Attempt shots. It will either unjam or jam again. If you have a decent save, go back and try again.

>> No.6365824

Nicely done. Woulda slung a grenade in myself and killed them all but nice capure at the end

>> No.6365829

How about cleaning / maintaining the gun? I started with a gun cleaning kit, but it's currently an ornament as I've no clue how to use it.

>> No.6365835

money can certainly get tight if things go poorly
higher difficulties also can make spending a bit less safe

>> No.6365837
File: 192 KB, 595x592, ja2 2016-06-16 16-20-35-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>split Razor from the squad just to get some fuel from a gas station or something
>get invaded by 60 enemies
>run all fucking night around the woods around the gas station, picking off enemy soldiers 1 by 1 with throwing knives and a sabre
>never actually raised alarm among the enemies
>when almost all got killed, fucking 20-something more came to the sector
>sliced them as well, only last 5-6 killed with a rifle

so lethal he fucking dulled a sabre from all the kills

>> No.6366076

how does this game play, is it like an rts or what

>> No.6366094

Think tactical shooter, but turn-based.
Alternatively, think your 90s skill-based cRPG, but with mercs and guns

>> No.6366121

you ever play xcom ufo defense?

>> No.6366186

RTS, like Starcraft, usually have a real time tactical screen where you see individual units and a real time strategy map where you see a minimap that covers the whole game or battle
TBS, like HoMM, have turn based tactical and strategy maps. Like if chess went to individual battles when the pieces met
Then there are variants like Total War that have real time tactical maps and turn based strategy maps
JA2 has a real time strategy map. The tactical maps are real time, until combat, then it becomes turn based

>> No.6366409

so something like fallout 1 but with more than one character i can control and it's set in the real world?
if so, this might become a favorite of mine before i even get the game

>> No.6366592

it's less of an rpg than fo1, and more of a strategy game, but i could see some comparisons
it's quite an excellent game, so if you're even somewhat interested in it, you absolutely should check it out

>> No.6367027

That's some good shit.

>> No.6367194

anyone like JA1? never gets talked about, feels bad man

>> No.6367272
File: 274 KB, 1024x768, 792359823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love it. the music on soundblaster was my jam. and the guy that would say "....in perfect condition" when you'd examine objects will stay with me forever.


>> No.6367307

can I play Unfinished Business and Wildfire with the 1.13 mod from JA2? I'd like to go through those games with my 1.13 settings once I'm done JA2

>> No.6367370

Aaaah this game handles like ass on Windows 10. I just reinstalled with 1.13 after seeing this thread and it took forever for me to get it running, and now it does run but I can't scroll the the overhead view to look around from the left or top edges, I can only scroll down and to the right then have to click the minimap if I want to readjust it.

>> No.6367371

If you downloaded the mod pack from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PD_Wav_Gx8B8bTE2eKp-AKSWZ1u5lp7H

you can switch the mod by launching through "INI Editor.exe". You can't play Unfinished Business though because that's not a mod but an expansion instead.

Mods included:
1. Jagged Alliance 2 1.13
2. Arulco Revisited 1.4 + Strohmann's update + fixes
2. Arulco Revisited + Lev Progression
3. Arulco Revisited + SDO mod
4. NightOps Maps + SF
5. NightOps Maps + SF + SDO
6. Wildfire 6.07
7. Wildfire 6.07 + Lev Progression
8. Wildfire 6.07 + SDO
9. TypeP (JA2 Reloaded)
10. TypeP (JA2 Reloaded) + SDO
11. Arulco vacations 1.10 + update 3
12. Arulco Folding Stock 4.5
13. Urban Chaos 4.5
14. Deidranna Lives 4.5
15. NightOps maps + Arulco Folding Stock 4.5
16. TypeP (Ja2 Reloaded) + Arulco Folding Stock 4.5
17. IoV 929 Revised
18. NightOps maps + IoV929 Revised
19. TypeP (Ja2 Reloaded) + IoV929 Revised
20. Aimnas (old items mod + actual bigmaps)

>> No.6367378

Old 1.13 is basically unsupported and the AI is so subpar you're basically stuck with hordes of mindless enemies coming at you straight up with no tactics.

See the link in >>6367371 to get improved AI with rebalanced enemy numbers (but still much more challenging, smarter tactics they throw at you).

>> No.6367381

wow that's great - thank you!

>> No.6367940
File: 19 KB, 373x344, 448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a first time playthrough should I play vanilla, 1.13, or Straciatella?

>> No.6368207

If you feel you don't have it in you to rush through the vanilla content, go for 1.13 straight up. When it comes down to it the gameplay isn't all that different, just less of a slog and more interesting due to weapon/AI changes.

>> No.6368264
File: 368 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go through the motions AGAIN and rearrange the spoils of battle for 15 min
>Go to save
>Now it's put money on my cursor
What the FUCK?

How do I fix this? I just want to save my game but it's putting the last item I had on my cursor back into my cursor when I go to the tactical screen in order to save. Help urgently wanted.

>> No.6368282

I've had that happen to me before with a clip of ammo. No idea why it happened. I just kept clicking about on the screen and pressing escape and it eventually went away. Can you right click on the merc's portrait there and access his inventory? Try clicking on his gun too.

>> No.6368285

Also try Ctrl + S

>> No.6368295

Eventually got it off, by picking up my merc's helmet when nothing else worked. I have no fucking clue why.

>> No.6368310

Quick question: found a lesbian porn tape in a chest in one of the buildings, gave it to the dyke in the porn shop and she thanked me before walking off.

Was there a point to that? should I have given it to somebody else? Seemed weird and pointless to do.

>> No.6368315

Speak to the shopkeeper...

>> No.6368316

Yeah it's really odd. I tried to replicate it but couldn't. Just happened randomly once...slightly worrying

>> No.6368319

>Speak to the shopkeeper...
I did, repeatedly. He thanked me for getting rid of her but I saw no other effect.

>> No.6368326

What are the leadership ratings of your mercs?

>> No.6368331

35 and 59

>> No.6368339

Hm try speaking to him with the higher leadership. Should get a new speech bit, unless it bugged out.

>> No.6368345

I did, and he was even less friendly, basically brushing me off and saying he needed to go take inventory.

>> No.6368347

Do you have uncharismatic traits? Might be that he doesn't like your mercs.

Info here but it contains spoilers on what this is about;

>> No.6368363

Oh right, he was saying
>"Tony stepped out for a bit. you'll have to come back later if you're looking to see him."
but I didn't really understand what he meant so I ignored it.

Two more questions I guess:
1: Where's Miguel? I'm looking for him to turn this letter in, but I've yet to find him. I'm in the 3rd area of town now.
2: Why the fuck do the Kingpins in town suddenly turn hostile to me? While I wasn't looking at the screen I just heard an alarm and now I'm being attacked.

>> No.6368380

1. Right at the first sector you landed. There will be a woman there named Fatima
2. Not sure on that one. Have you been taking any items in town? Might have pissed them off that way, or again, they don't like the look of your mercs for whatever reason.

>> No.6368391

>Have you been taking any items in town?
Been opening up every cabinet and taking anything lying around, though I don't think I was seen doing so if that matters.

>> No.6368396

>2: Why the fuck do the Kingpins in town suddenly turn hostile to me? While I wasn't looking at the screen I just heard an alarm and now I'm being attacked.
That is a bug that happens at random for some reason, I'm not entirely certain if it triggers anywhere in the sector, but so long as you save frequently and reload, it won't happen again at that specific point in time.

>> No.6368403

>Been opening up every cabinet and taking anything lying around
that's why they attack you now

>> No.6368409

That's false. There's a bug that can trigger hostilities over literally no fault of your own.

>> No.6368441
File: 555 KB, 1280x961, 1576364728696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strongly suggest you to avoid 1.13 for your first playthrough. JA2 is pretty damn good as it is and has enough content for you to enjoy. Be aware that 1.13 is a mod, not a patch and has a fuckton of new content and game mechanics. I believe it's a good idea to get used to the core game mechanics first, otherwise you might end up getting overwhelmed by everything that 1.13 has to offer.

Also, I've been playing Straciatella lately and had no real problems with it whatsoever. You might want to give it a shot.

>> No.6368518

He can still play 1.13 with core mechanics. The basic game itself has secrets you won't know about without googling (like the xray detector). Starting out with 1.13 ensures you don't have to slog through a game that has nonsense AI, but instead enjoy the vast improvements that have been made and slowly get familiarized with the mod. Getting used to vanilla just makes the mod more daunting - needlessly. He'll likely burn out playing vanilla before even trying 1.13.

>> No.6368528

>1. Right at the first sector you landed. There will be a woman there named Fatima
Feel myself dying a bit inside, I've been utterly convinced all this time that I needed to go to San Mona for this shit so I cleared it out completely. Even after reading your post it didn't click for me and I was searching the first area of San Mona for "Miguel" as that's what I thought you meant.

It's only after I finally just looked it up out of frustration that it's clicked that I was supposed to look for some woman in the ruined town of Omerta that I kinda ignored almost completely.

>> No.6368587
File: 791 KB, 1024x629, 1568071139998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I remember 1.13 used to require a lot of tinkering with configs in order to get a more-or-less proper Vanilla+ experience. Has something changed since the last time I've tried it?

>> No.6368597

Yes, sevenfm happened and released his modpack with rebalanced enemy numbers and awesome AI improvements.


>> No.6368607

Poor anon. But, that's just how it is with old games. You need to look things up unless you already have good intuition from predicting design choices.

>> No.6368625
File: 151 KB, 388x443, 1578670146367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check it out, thanks. I was just thinking about replaying JA2 again and now I've got a good reason to do so.

>> No.6368634

No problem. Have fun. Btw, this is the kind of cool little detail the guy is adding beyond obvious improvements:

>> No.6368670

Nice! I've checked out his other videos and it seems like this guy is doing his best at making JA2 as perfect as possible. I can genuinely admire his dedication.

And yet I still do believe that vanilla JA2 should not be dismissed completely and must be played first. Other than the reasons I've mentioned eariler, I think that at the very least newcomers will be able to appreciate all those changes and QoL improvements.

Also, I forgot to ask - is ironman run viable in 1.13? Is it as prone to crashing as it used to be before or is it actually stable now?

>> No.6368723

>And yet I still do believe that vanilla JA2 should not be dismissed completely and must be played first. Other than the reasons I've mentioned eariler, I think that at the very least newcomers will be able to appreciate all those changes and QoL improvements.
Yes. I was thinking this as well, but from experience I was simply too burnt out to check out mods and shelved the game again. Appreciation is nice, but I invested so many hours in vanilla alone you could lose a lifetime just from appreciating how things differ, I guess. Matter of opinion.
>Also, I forgot to ask - is ironman run viable in 1.13? Is it as prone to crashing as it used to be before or is it actually stable now?
It should be much, much better than say older 1.13 builds. One prominent annoyance of JA2 was how the AI could get stuck with the clock spinning forever, sevenfm fixed that particular quirk, which was still a problem in 1.13 from my experience, though I still experienced some crashes from ambushes.

>> No.6368809
File: 883 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't updated much as I haven't been doing much of interest. Took over San Mona thanks to
kinda making me think I had to go there for the first quest, since he assumed I knew where I had to go for that and I really, really didn't.

Hired Ira mostly to carry my shit, almost finished taking over Drassen Airport now and fuck me I hope I'll be able to buy and sell guns soon.

>> No.6368821
File: 351 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck me I hope I'll be able to buy and sell guns soon

>> No.6368840

make sure you order your shipments to drassen and not somewhere else

>> No.6368863

And it's very underwhelming. No cool guns, no scopes or anything neat I can attach to my guns other than a bipod, no sniper rifles or really much of anything other than a few basics.

Other than toolkits and ammo, is there anything worth buying early on? Interesting looking options include but not limited to:
>Nightvision goggles 1
>Sun Goggles
>Rifle Sling
>Sleeping bags
I'm also considering buying some TNT, to grind the explosives skill with. I'm interested in anything that'd be good for skill grinding.

What ammo type exactly do I want for an M14 and a Ruger mini-14? They're the best guns I have, but both completely out of ammo.

>> No.6368885

Throwing knives for Mrk grinding.

You can safely place tripwire without running the risk of it exploding to train Exp if you want.

7.62 and 5.56 ammo for the guns, respectively.

>> No.6368904

Ech. Downloading that pack fixed the startup issues the game was having (once I put Windows XP compatibility & 16 bit color mode on the exe) but I was already past that point before with my previous install. The major issues i'm having right now is that in fullscreen mode the game is laggy and stuttery as fuck, in Windowed mode it performs totally fine but as I mentioned before I can't fucking scroll the screen on the top and left sides, only the right and bottom.

Might be something to do with the window defaulting to being in the top left portion of my screen on a dual monitor setup but that wouldn't explain not being able to scroll up on the game overview within a map. I can't move the window either, every time i try to select the top of the window to move it it will click inside the window.

>> No.6368914

You could always just get used to scrolling with the arrow keys. As for stuttering, I recall there being some, but not too bad.

>> No.6368923

Btw, you shouldn't need compatibility modes. Could be the cause of stuttering.

>> No.6368937

Oh well in that case the game crashes every time i start it up without compatibility modes.

>> No.6368971

>You can safely place tripwire without running the risk of it exploding to train Exp if you want.
Sadly they don't sell it, just TNT.
They don't even have 7.62 ammo.

>> No.6368985

the store's selection improves as you progress through the game

>> No.6369008
File: 581 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I mean I figured, but I need to shoot people now.

Tried going to the gun shop in San Mona again, he STILL won't let me in the back though.
Tried killing him so I could just go through, missed twice at almost point blank range and then my gun jammed. Story of my fucking life.

>> No.6369015

he's saying that the other guy is out updating stock or something?
i can't remember whether you were meant to use "friendly" or "direct" to get him to move

>> No.6369020

>he's saying that the other guy is out updating stock or something?
Was earlier when I first visited, just came back especially now and he didn't say anything of the sort, just "Oh hay you're becoming a regular customer".

>> No.6369330

ok, then everything should be fine, but you'll have to wait a day before you can buy and sell

>> No.6370247

He would say "tony stepped out for a bit". Both friendly and direct should work for him to let you in, so it's either bugged or the merc you're asking with has the unsociable trait.

>> No.6370308

I tried 2 different mercs yesterday that shouldn't be unsociable, but no dice.

If it is bugged, what workaround solutions do I have? Can I TNT my way into the back room without fucking anything up? Kill the guy? What works?

>> No.6370314

>Can I TNT my way into the back room without fucking anything up?
Yup. Might take a few goes before you get it right without hurting anyone, but that would work

>> No.6370371

What do you need to make TNT work anyway, just TNT or do I need a detonator too?

>> No.6370443

At least the basic timed detonator is needed. You also run the risk of ruining the TNT as you try to attach it on a merc with low stats (wisdom?).

>> No.6370481

Honestly 1 is too tedious for me, Deadly Games has some really unfair missions.

>> No.6370649
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, Jagged Alliance 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got myself a water source and knowledge of how to fill my canteens now, time to train my maggots a bit.

Could do with heavier stuff for this, but this was as heavy as I could make myself. Aiming for at least 50 strength, maybe 60, probably don't have enough heavy equipment for more.

>> No.6370724
File: 767 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a solid 60 Str, even got HP to 93 and gained a level.

Not entirely sure what to do next though, I'm kind of waiting on this ammo to be delivered before I can really do a hell of a lot more. Guess I'll try to take over Drassen with the ammo I have left but I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.6370828
File: 881 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do this with a worn down Ingram M10 that jams a lot and so many enemies in such a tight space is basically hell.

There any good strats I can use for this? Will probably redo this fight from the start, I don't think any amount of savescumming will get me out of this position.

>> No.6370839

read somewhere that keeping LBE items with other items inside in your hands is what can later cause items to glitch in various ways, or make your game bug out like the item stuck to your cursor thing

once I stopped carrying LBE in hands i got way less issues like that

>> No.6370857

retreat from the battle (run to the edge and exit) you can do it with all mercs at once or individually, though they will get split into separate squads with the latter option. you can reassign them back when they arrive at the same sector

as a harassment tactic, you can cancel the trip after retreating and re-enter the sector again. you can do it immediately after retreating or let time go by for a few minutes so enemies definitely reposition. the enemy should then be dispersed over the sector again so they're not ganged up on your position. kill one or two, run away, repeat.

if your guns are jamming, try to find a tool box and fix them up to at least 85-90%.
the gun repaired first is in the mechanic's second hand (toolbox being in the first hand). you can use this to "prioritize" which guns you want fixed first

>> No.6370897

>if your guns are jamming, try to find a tool box and fix them up to at least 85-90%.
I'm currently ordering two of them, it's half of why I wanted to wait around for my order from Bobby Ray's to come.

>> No.6371125
File: 34 KB, 500x447, [Barks Internally].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get an interrupt on a guy coming around the corner
>Miss a 90% shot at the head from 4 tiles away
>Miss a 96% shot at the head from 4 tiles away
>He gets his move and throws a knife in my face
Fuck me it's UFO defense all over again.

>> No.6371198
File: 379 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More painful than I'd hoped it'd be, but I took the mine. When do I get paid for it anyway? I'm kind of desperate for money about now. Speaking of, where can I sell all these extra guns? Am I stuck waiting to access that bugged shop in San Mona?

I remember almost nothing here.

>> No.6371215
File: 899 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, how do you train Wisdom exactly? I thought you were supposed to get it while training explosives, but I've been setting and disarming this bunch of TNT repeatedly for a few minutes now and Wisdom doesn't look to have moved an inch.

>> No.6371258
File: 898 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the way to 90 in explosives, hasn't changed my Wisdom at all as far as I can tell.
What am I fucking up?

>> No.6371294
File: 736 KB, 800x600, ja2 2020-04-25 20-58-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When do I get paid for it anyway?
speak to the guy in the place outside the mine a few times. he'll agree to start giving you money.
>What am I fucking up?
Nothing. I think Wisdom is one of the attributes that takes the longest to train up.
>I remember almost nothing here.
Remember to actually heal your mercs later after bandaging them on the map screen. For example, set Deadshot to 'Patient' and the one with the highest Medical skill to Doctor then let time pass. Pic related.

>> No.6371305
File: 261 KB, 800x600, 7293587295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where can I sell all these extra guns?
The gun shop in San Mona that you can't seem to get access to. Or, sell them on the map/sector screen. Click on the crate icon, then click the sector you want to sell the items. They must be on the floor of the sector, and you must have mercs present. Then hold ALT and you'll see pic related.

>> No.6371374

Do you get shafted on prices for the latter?

As for the gun shop I tried going there again on a throwaway save, said I was becoming a regular customer, talked about a sale on rubber items, then told me he has work to do.

Took a guess on what part of the wall to blow my way through and managed to piss off both Hans and Tony, unsure where the best spot to do it is.

>> No.6371384

>Do you get shafted on prices for the latter?
Yeah. Tony pays a lot more, but there's a cap per 24h period.

>> No.6371397
File: 878 KB, 800x600, ja2 2020-04-25 21-42-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get something like 25% of the value of the weapon if you sell that way. I changed that in my ini so they sell according to quality of the item but I think you said last time you don't want to do that. so you're stuck with being shafted.
>unsure where the best spot to do it is.
Round the back of the shop, where Tony is. As I said, it'll take a few goes to get it right, but it's possible. Try where either of my two mercs are here.

>> No.6371398

Is it better to play JA2 without the 1.13 patch on a first playthrough?

>> No.6371403

Depends how much reading you like to do, and if you've played a Jagged Alliance game before. Playing with 1.13 requires a fair bit of research of what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.6371405

>and if you've played a Jagged Alliance game before
No, never. My only experience with this sorta stuff is Fallout: Tactics and I guess console stuff like Advance Wars if that counts.

>> No.6371410

I would recommend going for it, but be aware 1.13 brings a lot to the game. Have a flick through this, and if this sounds interesting to you, go for it. You can always ask questions here if you get stuck. :)

>> No.6371417

Eh, not really unless you don't like being overwhelmed with features instead of working with what comes into play organically. You can choose the old aiming system for balance sake and you're good.

>> No.6371420

That doesn't include sevenfm's stuff, and 1.13 without the AI project is, frankly, obsolete.

>> No.6371426

I know that, it's just a primer to a newcomer to get a feel just how much the game has been changed.

>> No.6371471


I love this new music, feels so epic when encountering a tank.

>> No.6371494

Sounds great. I'd love to be able to merge all of the music for all of the mods I have so it plays across all of them, but I understand it's not easy. That whirring of the tank's turret is hair raising too.

>> No.6371507

Honestly it's pretty robocop-esque sci-fi stuff and rather silly compared to a modern tank like abrams https://youtu.be/uuLzLt1Q7z8?t=103, but it is an old game.

>> No.6371519

Although listening to something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRu5cipNG-w it's not that far off. I would love if this was in the game instead. Sounds super intimidating.

>> No.6371527

holy shit yeah, that's intense. Have it playing when you can't see it either, just to put you on edge a bit more while exploring a sector.

>> No.6371541

wisdom trains the slowest from what i recall, and stats increase slower the higher they are
honestly, 85 wisdom is pretty solid

>> No.6371547

You need C4 to train wisdom. Plant & defuse for it to go up. But, if your merc has lower than 85 Wis, you'll have a very hard time not getting it to explode on you while defusing.

>> No.6371553

>I changed that in my ini so they sell according to quality of the item but I think you said last time you don't want to do that.
I've nothing against doing it, at best I might have said I don't know how to do it.
I actually tried to change it so that IMP mercs can have 100 in a stat as I wanted 100 Wis, but no dice it doesn't seem to have worked.
I also disabled the Drassen counter attack, I hope. If I didn't then I'm about to be fucked desu.

>> No.6371556

Only C4, nothing else works? Oh well thanks, doubt I'll be able to get any of that for a hot minute.

>> No.6371559

Not sure about C1, but I distinctly remember needing C4 and not TNT. Not 100% certain though.

>> No.6371570

>doesn't seem to have worked.
Should do, worked for me alright. You're in the Data-1.13 folder and not the Data folder? Odd if not, as it worked for me.

>> No.6371572

Wait. Isn't that variable for when you create IMPs? Maybe create one quick to test it. Should be able to set it to 100 now.

>> No.6371584
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Pic related.

>Wait. Isn't that variable for when you create IMPs? Maybe create one quick to test it. Should be able to set it to 100 now.
I tested it when I restarted this game and it should have been set this way since
but it didn't let me then.

>> No.6371601

Oh you're using the ini editor. Fair enough. Yeah that looks all ok.

>> No.6371710


>> No.6372250

1.13 is pure autism, just get stracciatella and enjoy the game as it was designed

>> No.6372995
File: 4 KB, 71x74, Jagged Alliance 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still no toolkits

>> No.6373057
File: 183 KB, 637x478, ja2 2020-04-26 14-57-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got him! super happy lads

>> No.6373065

I'm not in the know, who's this?

>> No.6373071
File: 406 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how do I tell if I disabled the counterattack correctly or not? I don't want to continue and then get fucked over a few days from now, just want to know when I should expect the attack if I fucked up.

>> No.6373074

Just because it's the original design doesn't mean there isn't greater enjoyment to be had from the modded content. The devving work suffered from time constraints, that's why certain features such as the supression system has placeholder code that was left unfinished.

Just take a look how satisfying it is to collapse the whole roof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-BxD8qtebw

>> No.6373079

Simply save, progress time, and find out. You would have known already if you had done that during the time it took you to post.

>> No.6373084

Mike is the most expensive merc from JA1. In JA2, he works for Deidranna and is strictly your enemy. There are extra dialogue pop-ups if you bring along AIM mercs into the sector where he attacks you.

The guy you responded to must be running some mod to be able to recruit him.

>> No.6373095
File: 564 KB, 1664x980, 1574121781787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the enemies to say their prayers.

>> No.6373108

I didn't even consider that.

Got attacked in the afternoon of the same day by 9 men, but I've no clue if that was the counterattack or just a roaming band of guards, and even if it is the latter I'm not keen on doing the entire fight just to lose everything later.

>> No.6373119
File: 378 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be lying if I said I felt like I'd learned anything here, I can't really tell the difference between random attacks and scripted ones.
How do you train militia anyway? Gonna get real annoying to defend this all the time.

>> No.6373140
File: 715 KB, 1329x429, 2983759236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, nice. Thief player? What are Taffer's stats?
Aye, 1.13 mod.
I think the counter attack for Drassen is about 50 enemies. So if you get something like that, you'll know it's a counter attack.

Just took over Alma from assaulting the army base first. The enemy called reinforcements from both the east and south sector, so now they're defeated, I get 3 sectors straight away. I'm guessing the last sector is too. 30+ enemies taken down in the night, including the hiring of Mike. Took about 2 hours. Now to pick through the loot before moving on. God I love this game.

>> No.6373143
File: 74 KB, 249x366, ja2 2020-04-26 15-50-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set a merc's assignment to 'Militia' on the map screen; pic related.

>> No.6373154
File: 43 KB, 225x402, 1584838070825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow man of culture! I haven't really bothered much with stats and decided to go with a basic infiltrator kind of IMP merc.

>> No.6373156

Counter-attacks have one distinctive feature: they're always like 3 squads of elites coordinating a move on you at the same time. The modpack has fewer numbers on them, so you won't see 100 man attacks, but - I don't know - around 50 like the other anon said is probably right.

>> No.6373362

did you recruit him after shooting him, or were you able to do it right away when talking

>> No.6373374

Sweet. Well, good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Had to get him down to critical before he would talk business.

>> No.6373387

for some reason, that didn’t work for me, but i loaded and tried talking at the start and it did
using an older version of 1.13, maybe that’s the issue

>> No.6373396

That's weird. What did he say or could you just not talk to him? I had to get a merc with high leadership too or he wouldn't be interested. Luckily I got Raider with me, who has 88 LDR.

>> No.6373415
File: 926 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can quickly feel the will to live leaving my body, there's 17 enemies in the sector though they seem to be all privates.

Fuck me somebody please give me a break. I just want to sit here and train militia for a few days uninterrupted so I don't have to slog through these long and annoying battles any more. Would also be nice to get my shit finally delivered from Bobbys, been needing repairs and ammo for irl days.

>> No.6373417

after i wounded him down to critical, he would just say the line he uses right before he attacks
i tried healing him at dying, and the same thing happened
i think i tried when he was at full health and recruited him with miguel but it might have been scully

>> No.6373420

i sometimes took over two sectors of drassen, then trained militia before taking the last sector and initiating the counterattack

>> No.6373424

What difficulty are you playing on?
Ah, Miguel has high leadership. Might be the reason :). To be honest, Raider wasn't near when I found him, so perhaps he is recruitable without fighting, you just need a merc to speak to him with a good leadership stat.

>> No.6373448

>What difficulty are you playing on?
Experienced. Didn't feel ready for anything more, especially since while I played once years ago, I've forgotten basically everything.

>> No.6373465

y'know you might have fun on novice while you get back up to scratch on learning everything again

>> No.6373491

Nah, I'd feel like I've wasted my time if I did that. It's really only a struggle in the first week - now that I have the ability to order ammo and a money source I'm going to stabilize quickly.

Right now though? I only have one gun worth a damn, two mercs worth a damn, and a desperate need for repairs and ammo. That early dip into San Mona kinda fucked me, especially since I couldn't even use the gun store.

>> No.6373501

you could have got 20k while in san mona. there is a quest. not the end of the world if you think you can stabilize now, and you can always go back and get it at a later point.

>> No.6373505

currently top of the catalog lads. we winning

>> No.6373507

>you could have got 20k while in san mona.
Wiki said I'd have Kingpin riding my dick demanding even more if I did that.

>> No.6373509

You would, but with the extra cash you could get more mercs and take him down, or progress into other areas and take more mines.

>> No.6373535
File: 544 KB, 960x943, 1eab439887b971764e9125ae8ed9e264567591b4ba4e7e0b13098d02b3738a71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey hey people is making a video on JA2 so enjoy this thread, it may be the last one before it's impossible to talk about the game for months

>> No.6373572

Honestly never really understood the dread some people show in regards to him, I've been in a couple of other generals that had doomsayers saying that the threads were gonna go to shit, then nothing happened and we got one or two more posters maybe and it all stayed on /v/.

>> No.6373578

how do you know that?

>> No.6373587

Same reason I know it as well: the first 5 seconds of his most recent video gives away what he's working on next.

>> No.6373596

i see.
i guess i have to give him credit for warning everybody.

>> No.6373598

who's this autist?

>> No.6373685
File: 312 KB, 1025x769, 1571660785487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just got my ass handed to me. I'm starting a new playthrough now.

>> No.6373692
File: 942 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took two complete restarts of the battle before I finally found a choke point that could work well enough for a 3vs19 situation, still took 70 damage on my IMP merc though, hadn't got much choice as they brought 5 soldiers around the corner on the same turn, it was all I could do to keep from dying.

>> No.6373706
File: 386 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even been 4 hours, please fuck off and let me lick my wounds at least.

>> No.6373709
File: 901 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we live, just to suffer?

>> No.6373713

Looks like that's the last group attacking you for now. Hang in there.

>> No.6373729

Quit taffin' around and liberate Arulco already. Looks like you might need a Barney and Garrett IMP to help.

>> No.6373742

1.13 makes it so easy and tempting to get yourself a full squad of IMP mercs, but it's just going to ruin the fun.

>> No.6373758

This is why I always hire 3 cheaper mercs at the start instead of 1 expensive veteran. With IMP + 3 mercs + Ira + Dimitri, you have a full squad of 6 to secure Drassen. Even without the counterattack there's a bunch of reinforcements in neighboring sectors that can join the fight.

>> No.6373759

Range = accuracy. For the longest time i thought weapons have no accuracy modifier. Turns out its their range.

>> No.6373770

Anyone else feel like its tradition to hire Gus when you go into Meduna? He’s so ridiculously overpowered. Expert heavy weapons and you can hit mortars from a mile away and never miss LAW shots. And level 8 means someone farts in the wrong direction halfway across the map you get an interrupt.

>> No.6373820
File: 927 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two enemies remain and one is dying
>The other one has a fucking aimbot or something

>> No.6373824

>using a cheat to start out with tons of money
>hire the best mercs and go straight after the omerta mafia
>even among the best of the best, gus was still carrying the team
love that guy

>> No.6373863
File: 382 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay let's do this again: please let me have some downtime to relax.

>> No.6373870
File: 376 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you wish to quit the game? Y/N

>> No.6373874

Looks like disabling the counter attack didn't work, if you did it mid-game.

>> No.6373880

I think that's just a random patrol jumping at the opportunity.

>> No.6373883

having a few cheaper mercs to help out is certainly nice for times like that
you've got 20 green militia in the city?

>> No.6373889

>Looks like disabling the counter attack didn't work, if you did it mid-game.
Did it before I even started the game.

Maybe, I just wish they would FUCK OFF already.

>you've got 20 green militia in the city?
Just finished training the 30th now, yes. 10 in the Airport and 20 at the mine.

>> No.6373901

if you did it before starting, then that probably isn't the massive counterattack.
30 militia will certainly make a big difference either way

>> No.6373928

Currently just training more and more militia, got 10 blue and 30 green now, I'll take a break irl for today probably but I'll go clear out Drassen once the mine is secure.

1.13 question for anyone who can answer: In Bobby Ray's I saw a ton of new holders and bags and similar paraphernalia, is there any good ones, especially for holding grenades and maybe other explosives? I grinded my IMP merc up to 99 Explosives skill and some grenades would have been real helpful recently.

>> No.6373938
File: 110 KB, 628x466, 298357982362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, if you look to the right of the item, it will tell you what it gives you.

>> No.6373971

Yeah, but anyone got any recommendations on which is most practical to live with?

>> No.6373978

TT Assault Vest
LRAK SAW Vest // for machine guns
SAW Pouch // for machine guns
AR-Mag / Utility Pouch

Is generally what I'd get for assault rifles.

>> No.6374007

Flecktarn vest,
AR-Mag/Cant/Grenade or Cant/Grenade/Utility pouch,
MP Holster
backpacks as needed

>> No.6374067

Got attacked twice more by 21 more enemies, but I just auto resolved those.

Now? Now I'm swarming these fuckstains in the middle. Go away already.

>> No.6374125
File: 550 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.6374180

I’ve been on /vr/ since the day it started and JA2 threads always die. Weird this one completely blew up

>> No.6374185

Okay, stopping for the night for real this time. Drassen is all militia'd up and I've repaired as much as is possible for 41 Mechanical skill, but I can't unjam the terrible condition guns.

Two questions I hope I can get resolved for tomorrow:
1: What's the best way in or around Drassen to train the Mechanical skill? I've a set of lockpicks, a toolbox, and time on my hands.
2: How does the "throw throwing knifes at a window" method that was mentioned days ago now work exactly? I just got a full set of throwing knives now, but the last time I tried this the window broke and I hit my other merc in the head.

Been doing my best to keep it alive with discussion of my playthrough.

>> No.6374196

I try not to autoresolve in the early game so that I get all the gear dropped by the slain enemies.

>> No.6374207

>I try not to autoresolve in the early game so that I get all the gear dropped by the slain enemies.
dropped gear vs fighting the 5th random patrol group with 2 mercs and shit guns
Some things just aren't worth the trouble, desu.

>> No.6374497

i tended to get scammed by autoresolve in general anyways, rome total war taught me to resent the feature

>> No.6374659

I don't really know/follow much about 1.13 changes if that's what you are playing, but in regular JA2 the quickest and best way to increase mechanical is just to repair stuff, moreso than lockpicking in my experience.

If MERC is open I would hire Gasket and have him do repairs and unjam guns. In almost every game I hire him just to trail behind my main crew and repair shit the moment I conquer the sectors. You could have maybe started with someone like Barry and would be ~50-55 mechanical by Drassen and that might have gotten you over the hump. Barry's probably the best overall merc in the game as far as one to keep for the entire game.

>> No.6375108

Autoresolve is so atrocious it actually manages to get your mercs killed _reatreating_. Even if the combat starts with them on the edge of the map.

>> No.6375415
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>> No.6375804

Mike, more like M'aiq, cuz he's a liar.

>> No.6375814

A liar? What did he lie about?

>> No.6375818

When Kennedy was shot Mike was 7 years old.

>> No.6375827

"Little can be said about Mike, the "Mystery Mercenary", simply because little is known. Persistent rumours, however, do place him in Dallas on the day Kennedy was shot and at Stormin' Norman's pool party in Kuwait. A known fact - he only works for the extremely experienced!"


>> No.6375834

Started by Mike

>> No.6375837

Nah, I doubt he would. How do you know how old he is anyway?

>> No.6375881

Then you doubt wrong. Mike is established by multiple AIM members, especially the good ones, as a liar. AIM itself talks about his overinflated prices and his obvious lack of conscience.

Mike's age is confirmed by Ivan, it was 9, sorry I forgot the exact number.

"Я - лyчший! Кoгдa Кeннeди был yбит, Maйкy былo дeвять лeт. Maйк - лгyн!" (I'm the best! When Kennedy got killed, Mike was only nine. Mike is a liar!)

>> No.6375894

You're gonna believe someone that killed for Lenin in the Red Army? Get real. And show me the other quotes of them proving him a liar. A traitor maybe, but not liar. He says it himself when you speak to him in JA2;
"I got the call. The cash was good. Real good, so I took the job. I don't care which side I work for."
"Aw, don't look so surprised. It was never about the glory for me. Its about money. Point is, I'm too good to work with others. Was part of AIM for a long time."
He's just in it for the money.

>> No.6375904

You're gonna believe some liar who claims to have shot Kennedy? Get real.

Gus Tarballs: "An old score settled,Woody. Ya know... I had to wait for Mike to leave A.I.M. before they'd take me on. Big shot's been bad mouthing me for years,but it ain't gonna happen no more."

Wolf: "Holy slimeball! It's Mike."

Cliff: "Mike ? I knew that overconfident ass would find himself in this situation."
"Mike deserved that! As far as I'm concerned,that bloody American braggart should have been terminated a long time ago."

Fox: "I dated Mike. He had about as much life in him as he has now." upon killing him

Stephen: "I got Mike. He wasn't as tough as he liked to think"

>> No.6375906

Yes, he's an asshole and people hate him, I get it. But he's not a liar. You are wrong.

>> No.6375909

Ok, Mike

>> No.6375915
File: 95 KB, 520x320, 3958729382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just back away. I'll give you a head start before I shoot you.

>> No.6375918

Right, time to get back to business, but before I do I think it's high time that I get that wimpy strength up a bit, now I have some heavier gear.

Intending to do this shit until 80 str, then hire Gasket as
mentioned and order some more stuff, because I swear some of the shit I ordered is missing but Pablo doesn't seem to be responsible.

>> No.6375925
File: 561 KB, 562x686, Screenshot_2020-04-27 Gus Tarballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang! What luck! I'm begging ya,Woody. Let me be the one to off Mike. Small favor. Won't bug ya for nothing no more.

>> No.6375928

He's literally a prodigy in multiple fields according to stats. Peak health, unmatched dexterity, 20/20 eyesight, natural tinkerer, genius level smarts, could very well take top spots at olympic shooting contests with that Mrk. You can't claim he lied himself his in-game ability.

There's no doubt about it, he's hated out of jealousy.

>> No.6375931

>Pablo doesn't seem to be responsible.
Did you bribe him?
Exactly. All the mercs that have something bad to say about him are jealous in one way or another. Mike is so good, he doesn't need to lie about anything.

>> No.6375934

>Did you bribe him?
No, but when I opened the goods my merc didn't comment something's missing.

>> No.6375941

They don't always do, you poor soul. Always grease the spic's palms, or better yet shoot him dead and- hold on a second, let's wiki this
>Do not kill him. Killing him will cause a drop in loyalty in Drassen, and he will be replaced with Salvatore Luppus, who can lose entire shipments through sheer incompetence.
Godddamn it so that's why my shipments were disappearing 15 years ago. The things you learn, man.

>> No.6375943


Bobby Ray's has a random chance to just lose stuff in shipping.

>> No.6375947

I disabled that feature in the game and then blew both of those smelly wetbacks back to hell. I figured the militia would handle my shipments correctly.

>> No.6375950

Yeah, that's true now that I think about it as it happened to me recently with Pablo when I was playing 1.13. The email simply never arrived.

Makes me wonder now if Salvatore is truly incompetent or the wiki lied.

>> No.6375951
File: 771 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's twice now I forgot to upload the pic.

Going a bit crazy already though, while grinding Str is easy it's irritating. I lose focus for one nanosecond and she's face down in the sand.
Does it go up faster with even heavier weights? What's the heaviest I could make her?

>> No.6375957
File: 382 KB, 800x600, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this. Str is not that effective in the AI project alas

>> No.6375964

What even are those?

I'm hoping to get her Str up to about 80 so I'll feel confident putting her into the boxing matches to also gain Dex, plus I'm just sick of her carry limit being so low.

>> No.6375978
File: 1.31 MB, 640x480, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripwire with the machinegun attached, but you could just order something heavier.

Also, this is how you're supposed to train str in the latest revision.

>> No.6375986

>Tripwire with the machinegun attached
I'm assuming I'll be able to get that from Bobby Ray's eventually?

>Also, this is how you're supposed to train str in the latest revision.
What's the nuances of that, do I have to do it in specific areas? I'm assuming I need as much weight as possible.

>> No.6376001

>I'm assuming I'll be able to get that from Bobby Ray's eventually?
Depends on your settings and if you're playing 1.13. Every one of those tripwires has a machinegun attached, so it'd be costly. I'd just mortars normally honestly.
>What's the nuances of that, do I have to do it in specific areas? I'm assuming I need as much weight as possible.
It caps out at around 1200% for some reason, so I don't go beyond that. In the vanilla you could just overload them to like 6000%, cancel travel, and go to 100 str in a second. Here, it's optimal to compress time for as little as possible, then cancel. Doesn't really matter where you do it so long as it's not in towns.

>> No.6376013

>Here, it's optimal to compress time for as little as possible, then cancel.
So basically plan a travel route, unpause time for a second and repause it, then cancel the travel route and repeat?

>> No.6376021

Sorta. I unpause, and react to the time starting to run and pause again immediately. That's enough for the mercs to take a moment to return to the original sector and get an advance.

However, after 11-13 instances of this, their stamina drops, and eventually it will drop to 0 and force sleep. For that reason, they have to be stationary at around the 13th time, and the stamina will instead increase.

>> No.6376053

Is there a key combination for selecting a travel route and canceling it? Because this is pretty annoying too as I don't have enough stuff and it takes about 8 repeats to get 1 point in the mid 60s.

Also, what's the magical way to train Marksmanship? I mentioned this but the last time I tried throwing knives with a window between two mercs one of them got a knife in their head.

Also, what does affection do? At least I'm assuming it's affection or some sort, I see "Stephen: Ira -2" and stuff like that from time to time.

>> No.6376064

>Is there a key combination
Noo, unfortunately not. You can make an autohotkey script if you know how.
>what's the magical way to train Marksmanship
You need a merc that won't turn hostile, and a wall in-between your 2 mercs and that's it. You can't advance with just knife throwing though, you will need to shoot the merc and actually land the shot for it to work. Therefore to train Mrk you need a merc with a vest and green/blue ammo to land hits that won't damage the target. Or you can use militia, depending on the version they won't turn hostile for shooting them.
>what does affection do?
I guess that's the stat that makes certain mercs dislike one another? Like Iggy and Miguel? Not sure.

>> No.6376123

Thanks for the Str training tip my man, worked well and it's marginally less annoying than the alternative, but much more importantly it doesn't require me to keep filling my canteens now so I can do it anywhere.

Guess I'm not gonna be able to freely train Marksmanship up to 95 like I'd hoped, shame. Onwards to Omerta and then San Mona I guess.

>> No.6376139
File: 381 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't upload the pic again
That's it, I'm fucking senile.

>> No.6376141

Godspeed anon

>> No.6376291
File: 883 KB, 1680x1018, Jagged Alliance 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, really feeling the grind. What triggers Bobby Ray's to upgrade the merchandise exactly? Getting reeeeeeally fucking sick of these shit guns. Even running back and forth by the lake felt better than this.

>> No.6376307

Probably a combination of time and number of towns captured, but no idea. I like to have all the guns available from the get-go.

>> No.6376316

>Bobby Ray's will only stock items up to a maximum "coolness" rating. Items with low coolness include such things as pistols, non-armor clothes, 9mm ammunition, and so forth. Items with high coolness include the best guns, heavy armor, rare ammunition and so forth.

>Bobby Ray's is programmed to have better equipment as the game progresses. This is done by comparing the current "Progress" value (visible when pressing "F" in-game) to the item's Coolness value. If the item's coolness is too high for the current game progress, Bobby Ray's will not sell it.

Googling, I guess this means you have to capture whole towns to unlock new toys.

>> No.6376317

>I like to have all the guns available from the get-go.
Yeah, super wishing I'd done that, but I assumed he'd at least start with some basic rifles or something and that'd tide me over until the endgame. Would 1000% change it if I could go back and warn myself.

>> No.6376353

>I like to have all the guns available from the get-go.
I wish, with all of my heart, that I'd done this myself. I just kind of assumed that the default settings would give me at least an assault riffle or two and maybe even one sniper rifle or something to work with when I first got access to the place.

Having to do with with pistols and a jamming SMG though means I'm CONSTANTLY having to savescum every turn for 5 or 10 minutes until I find a battle order that works. Over, and over, and over again. It's incredibly tedious and makes me feel like I have hardly any progress even just killing random patrols. Was fun at first, but after the 15th samey battle? kill me senpai.

>> No.6376359

>make post
>doesn't show up even after 10 min
>make it again
>NOW it shows up

>> No.6376406

Sounds like you'd enjoy the game more on easy with the old aiming system. The game is hugely about memorizing how the environment works and knowing how to recruit dimitri/ira as quickly as possible along with the MERC dudes for low pay. And maddog for that matter.

Especially 1.13 and the AI project incentivize big squads of 15 man for realistic skirmishes.

>> No.6376417

>Sounds like you'd enjoy the game more on easy
I really hate doing that to myself though, hell if anything I like to crank the difficulty up. There's just only so many samey fights I can tolerate though.

Finally beat that fight in Omerta, only to now find out you can't train militia in Omerta. So fucking much for that.

>> No.6376436
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Played for 4 hours, raised my strength 15 points on my IMP merc and won one random battle in Omerta, that's it. Fuck man I'm sucking at this.

>> No.6376468

Honestly not trying to get into the vanilla/1.13 shitflinging, but are you fairly new to the game? If so, i'd really recommend you just get Straciatella and play vanilla. It's an already extremely deep and complicated game without 1.13, and 1.13 just adds way too many layers and inventory managment that, in my opinion, make the game way too cumbersome and too much of a slog for non-experienced players, especially when your merc count really starts increasing.

>> No.6376475

I know a lot of people agree but "grinding" skills in JA2 is kind of lame. I always thought that it's more fun to work around your merc's deficiencies, having mercs compliment one another, etc.

It's sort of rewarding to take a group of psychos and retards who can't hit the broad side of a barn through the whole game, and let them naturally turn into destroyers.

>> No.6376479

>militia in omerta
Oof, you actually thought you could do that. That sucks, haha. First playthroughs of old games will do that to you. You should talk to the priest in Drassen mine, btw. He'll ensure food supplies are are brought to the rebels and then you can recruit dimitri for free in their hideout.

>> No.6376486

Having all the guns available at the start just fucks the balance of the game up, as does the Drassen Counterattack and pretty much every other addition in 1.13.

>> No.6376491

Drassen counter-attack is balanced in the modpack though. You'll be attacked by only around 30 elites.
Str is pretty comfy to improve and not a big immersion breaker though.

>> No.6376508

Not my first playthrough, but Ionly once and it was at least a decade now. Don't remember the specifics of how things worked, just little bits of my first playthrough.

>30 elites is 'only'

>I know a lot of people agree but "grinding" skills in JA2 is kind of lame.
Eh, I'm only grinding my IMP merc just to see if I can create a super soldier, anyone else might get a few points accidentally along the way but only my IMP merc is important to me.

>> No.6376513

some grind really helps when you wanna get creative and start trying wildly dangerous maneuvers like making manuel run up to a tank that isn't facing him, chuck a jar of RDX crystals at it and run away, then have another merc shoot it with a mortar which obliterates the tank with a big nasty explosion

>> No.6376565

Eh you can always work around it by not capturing all 3 sectors of Drassen.

>> No.6376582

>Eh you can always work around it by not capturing all 3 sectors of Drassen.

>> No.6376641
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Spy mercs are neat to play with
you can clear out a big part of a sector with enemies just by selectively back-stabbing and then moving the bodies away

>> No.6376662

how does setting up sandbags and concertina wire work?

>> No.6376734

The thread has been autosaging all day, if anyone wants to make a new one sometime in the next 8 hours and link to it here that'd be cool and we can continue this, otherwise I'll make one tomorrow morning.

>> No.6377189

do it anon. i'm really enjoying all this ja talk

>> No.6377227

go ahead