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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6305603 No.6305603 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6305614

It's software

>> No.6305617 [DELETED] 


>> No.6305651

This is now the how hard the game is thread.

How hard is Eswat GEN on easy mode?

>> No.6305657
File: 29 KB, 249x350, E-Swat_box_usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6307262

Harder than Sonic 2 or Sonic 3, not harder than Sonic 1.
Although it has the annoyance that is Sandopolis Act 2, if you don't know your way it can get confusing and you'll die by a time over. But don't worry, checkpoints are everywhere.

>> No.6307575

too hard for me

>> No.6307582

It's not that hard, harder than 3 though.

>> No.6308140

Genesis plastic cases were generally harder than contemporary Super NES cardboard boxes. I'm not sure that they were harder than CD jewel cases, but the latter were very brittle.

>> No.6308442

Hey zoom zoom, S&K came in a carboard case

>> No.6308496

Is your hand phasing through the cartridge?
If not, then it's hard.

>> No.6308649

Not hard, but pretty shit.
Sonic 1 and 2 were miles better

>> No.6308670

Sonic 1 is unfinished

>> No.6308692

Stop bullshitting on the internet.

>> No.6308730
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Not very. Sandopolis Act 2 can be pretty annoying if you're not well versed in the essentials of Sonic gameplay, but everything else is a breeze.

>> No.6308734

Fine. Sonic 1 is funfinished.

>> No.6308737

I'm Funproving this funpost

>> No.6308768

Easy. All Sonic games are
t. sonicfag since I was 6 and got my first genesis

hey, if I loved these games so much as a kid it was partially because they were't frustrating and were games I could beat, easy games. they are very easy to play
I literally can't fucking understand how can people lose at this game "ooh look, you can store the data, pretty useful if you lose haha" (I know I know, this isn't S3&K thread, but it's the same shit)

compared to 80% of games out there, Sonic is a fucking joke in the difficulty side

>> No.6308780

I'd call it the most realized Sonic game. It manages to be the most solid experience, without resorting to gimmick pace-breaking bonus stages, or Super Sonic shenanigans (as cool as SS is design-wise)

>> No.6308858
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It's super easy and I kinda prefer it's levels over Sonic 3 even though sandoplis gets a bad rap it's a pretty drag on act 2 but once you reach lava reef it's refreshing

>> No.6308875
File: 1.89 MB, 1778x1333, Sonic_and_Knuckles___Sonic_3__JUE_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6308880

from the other side of the wall?

>> No.6308891
File: 1.90 MB, 1778x1333, Sonic_and_Knuckles___Sonic_3__JUE_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down below

>> No.6308895
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>> No.6308903
File: 558 KB, 1778x1333, Sonic_and_Knuckles___Sonic_3__JUE_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please tell me first if you know which part is this from. if you already knew you wouldn't just say that

>> No.6308912
File: 600 KB, 1778x1333, Sonic_and_Knuckles___Sonic_3__JUE_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yellow spring just doesn't send you up that far
looks like only down is the only legal accesible way, but how????

>> No.6308927

It's probably the hardest of the classic Sonic games, but still not what I would call genuinely challenging. Sandopolis isn't really that tough, just annoying in the second Act, and I can't think of anything else that I got truly stuck on. It takes some practice to get all the Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds, but it's still the easiest Sonic game to do it in (might be because I think Blue Spheres is the most fun of the special stages). You can beat it in a weekend no problem.

I never understood people saying Sonic 1 was the toughest. I think it's just because they try to play it like the other non-CD classic Sonic game. If you take your time, there's not really that much that's going to give most players a hard time except Labyrinth Zone's boss and Scrap Brain. Maybe it's just me, but I had the easiest time getting through it as a kid, although I guess that could be because I played them in order and was just better at Sonic by the time I was done.

>> No.6308928
File: 3.18 MB, 5888x1536, sk-lrz-act1map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah look, found the map

fucking bullshit. I had this question ever since I was a kid with my S3K cartridge, all these years... and you were supposed to use Tails?? this is not like the Hidden Palace one that was kept as a secret - here, in Lava Reef, you could easily see the Ring just fine but never be allowed to reach i!

>> No.6308960

ok gotta leave this here
cuz it's just interesting

there are many routes for Tails

>> No.6309093

Not hard.
Finding all the emeralds is kinda hard. All 14 of them. And getting good at the minigame to get them.

>> No.6309148

Not particularly.
Really the only "hard" level is maybe Sandopolis Act 2.

>> No.6309149

Blue Spheres is definitely the easiest Special Stage to get all the emeralds in.

>> No.6310389

Wtf, not hard at all, who told you classic sonic games were hard?

>> No.6310413

Are they hard with some input lag?

>> No.6310457 [DELETED] 

Oh my God he said the N Word!!! Janitor!!!! Remove the post!!!!

>> No.6310519

Sonic The Hedgehog 1, the game, on Sega Genesis. It is an unfinished broken game.

There are parts in the game where you can end up left for dead with no chance to redeem yourself. A path can lead you to inevitable death, a path you can go on as any other, can lead to a one way option of "die now"

>> No.6310531

Never had that problem with the game. Ever tried to get good?

>> No.6310535

Agreed. I still have never got all the chaos emeralds legit in sonic 2.

>> No.6310775


I'm honestly the total opposite, I SUCK at the blue spheres game but thrive in the Sonic 2 special stages.

>> No.6310787

Hard as fuck I never beat it but I beat sonic the hedgehog 3 multiple times since that was the only game with checkpoints

>> No.6313162

what filter have you got going on there?