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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 67 KB, 220x162, Super_Mario_World_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6298386 No.6298386 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so soulless? The graphics are so unappealing, the level design is so forgettable and mediocre. I know most people won't agree with me on this, I feel I have to right to say it. It feels rushed and boring coming out of SMB3.

>> No.6298391

i need to go back in time and personally abort whatever person who'd eventually come up with the soul v soulless meemee cause it's given so much pretentious vindication to the meaningless whimpering of retards

>> No.6298394

You have a right to your opinion, even if it's a shitty opinion. SMW is brimming with soul. Everything you said about SMW I is more true about SMB3

>> No.6298401

You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't celebrate you making a whole thread for it, in fact I'm pretty sure there's already an unpopular opinions thread.
SMW is full of soul, as is SMB3, and it also has some of the best and most memorable level design of all time.

>> No.6298406

not to mention the music, god the music in SMW is some of the greatest of all time. The main theme in SMB3 is so boring and bland in comparison.

>> No.6298409

Both games have great music. I never got the SMB3 vs SMW mindset.

>> No.6298412

lmao retard

>> No.6298458
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>> No.6298464

It's the Mario game with the MOST soul.

>> No.6298473
File: 121 KB, 554x554, 1585221263350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked it much.
>20 lives by the time you get to the third castle
>no difficulty at all
>ugly graphics even for a launch title
>the music is... eh

>> No.6298474

>third castle

>> No.6298475

>not having at least 30 lives by the time you reach 3rd world in any Mario game
Get good, memester.

>> No.6298503

>>ugly graphics even for a launch title

Zoomer confirmed.

>> No.6298505

No. SMW is fugly.

>> No.6298508

Zoomer definitely confirmed.
Wh do zoomers think their opinions are worthy of anything, though?

>> No.6298510

maybe just fuck off to reddit retard

>> No.6298515

Fugly, from fuck ugly, is a term that predates zoomers.
>t. saying it at elementary school breakfast table since before you were born

>> No.6298519

he's right though

>> No.6298525

seems like I hit some nerve

>> No.6298557
File: 48 KB, 407x342, Mari Uh-Oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all can't like the same things in life or the same games. We're not meant or supposed to. That's what makes you different, and makes you YOU. Instead of just being like everybody else.

Chrono Trigger is the game I can't get into. As much as I try, and I mean, TRY to get into that game, I can just never... find the appeal of it. I find the characters to be shallow and only beloved by fans because of vainly designed sprite designs instead of deep personalities. I find the difficulty to be un-balanced. The whole "time traveling" gimmick I see as nothing more than a map-swap, which isn't even done very well. Marle is only important for the first couple hours, and Ayla enters a futuristic timezone filled with robots and doesn't freak out or even say a word about it.

But hey, Chrono is still a really fun game for others and I'm happy THEY can enjoy it. It's just not for me, and I'm gonna stick with Final Fantasy 6, just how you're likely gonna stick with Mario 3. Be proud and wear your preference like a badge of honor, anon.

>> No.6298580

>i'm right though
alternate ending
>there's more than one zoom

>> No.6298607

Not him but I remember fugly as a mostly 90's phrase. I think SMW looks great personally but I've never liked playing it a ton.

>> No.6298623

Soulful post.

>> No.6298625

Smb3 had way longer time in development didn't it? I like both, but 3 does give world a run for its money even if its from the previous generation.

>> No.6298637
File: 81 KB, 680x334, mario4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok. Mario 3 is the best tho

>> No.6298647

This is a garbage bait post but I don't even necessarily disagree.

SMW has a lot of distinctive character, but it invests that in being a super fucking slick and clean next-gen game that was meant to sell consoles.
As a result it sort of set the baseline for the SNES and the "SNES feeling" that a lot of super nes games had. It's the technology, but also the specific way the technology was used that a lot of devs took their cues from.
Plus it's conceptually built on top of Mario Bros. 3, which deliberately had an artificial theme to the world's construction, because I guess Nintendo saw Mario as like a platonic platformer for a long time. SMW doesn't do that to the same extent (through SMW2 doubles down on it to fuck) but it's there, and just kind of subtractive whenever it's not in your face all the time like SMB3, without replacing it with its own reality in any major way.

Not that this soul/soulless trash-meme is in any way meaningful or even has a definition anybody agrees on, but it does have a kind of... plastic feeling, and donates its impact a bit by being a trend setter, so a dumb could make the mistake.

>> No.6298669

All SNES JRPGs are overrated and you can only possibly enjoy them if you go into it with the mindset of "THE ATMOSPHERE MAN THE GRAPHICS AND SOUND ARE SOO GENUINE", or "THE NOSTALGIA DOOD IT WAS GOOD FOR THE TIME BRO".

>> No.6298675
File: 563 KB, 1100x2300, mario3_vs_world1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world's level art is pretty ugly

>> No.6298678

Bait but true

>> No.6298762

>It feels rushed and boring
this makes it retarded bait

>> No.6298768
File: 689 KB, 500x438, Super Mario World.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All subjective. If you find Mario 3 ugly, and World as the nicer looking game, then Mario 3's stage variety becomes a "jack of all trades - master of none".

>Overworld pipes in Mario World just warp you
Which you may find more convenient than manually traveling through underground pipe sections.

Mario 3 has more power-ups but they're more obscure and you lose them soon as you are hit. World has less power-ups but has Yoshi which lots of players find awesome.

Only 1 exit per stage in Mario 3, whereas SMW has branching paths along the map and secret exits to discover. Stages can also be replayed.

That chart only demonstrates what is missing from Super Mario World. It doesn't mention how Mario 3 is missing the Star Road which is loaded with fun stages, and how Mario 3's warp map is just a series of tunnels to which you simply choose a world you wanna travel to. Also missing in Mario 3 are the Switch Blocks (blue, red, yellow and green) and all those fun Ghost House puzzles.

Stages in Mario 3 are much shorter than the stages in Super Mario World. Some can even be beaten in a matter of seconds.

There is no "better of the two" Mario game. It all comes to preference.

>> No.6298770

It's a very good game, too bad it has zero difficulty, if there were far more levels like Tubular or Outrageous, the game would be perfect.
It's in the likes of games like Super Metroid Super Castlevania IV and SotN, groundbreaking and exciting, but made for 8yo's.

>> No.6298782

>Super Castlevania IV
You think Castlevania IV was made for 8-year-olds? I always thought that game got pretty challenging during the later stages.

Oh no! I'm breaking 4chan's ultimate rule!
Showing a sign of weakness and admitting that I find a game difficult!

>> No.6298783
File: 35 KB, 625x626, you're baiting too hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6298793

Castlevania IV dumbed down the difficulty by making the movement much more forgiving. You could control your direction in midair, something you couldn't do in the NES titles. You could also whip in all 8 directions, which made the sub weapons almost completely pointless.

It's not a bad game, they just, as Arin put it, changed the base mechanics of the game but didn't think about how that changes everything. They made Simon so much more powerful (better movement, better attacks) but kept everything else the same. That's why it's easy.

>> No.6298803

I don't understand this at all but I know it's because SMW was my first memory of exposure to video games in general let alone a video game. yes I am Zoomer. I remember being too young to read and sitting in my brother's lap watching him play it, and ever since it held a sort of mystical quality to it. Like it was some perfect game that exemplified everything good about the medium.
Later in high school a buddy had a SNES at his grandmother's and we spent an entire summer over there fucking around and sinking a ton of time into playing it. It oozes soul

>> No.6298820

Don't bother to reply to him, it's allstars-kun. He still leaves out many assets and powerups from SMW out of his cherrypicked collage.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like Mario games, he's just a shitposter that wants to instigate more shitposting. I'm not totally against it, because shitposting is sometimes a good way to get discussion going, but he's really repetitive and has been using the same shit for years now.

>> No.6298824

>as Arin put it
Holy shit, nice bait btw, but Arin never finished Castlevania IV. he gave up at stage 8, was too difficult for him.

>> No.6298841
File: 94 KB, 640x480, Super Castlevania IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well see, those are all good points, but I always find the earlier Castlevania games for NES to be too difficult. Not so hard I could never beat them, but hard enough I wasn;t interested in investing enough time to do so before losing interest.

I feel the extra controls and movement in Castlevania IV only made it a funner game. I'm not a casual gamer, but I'm not super hardcore either. I'd say I'm somewhere in that upper/middle range, as in the toughest games I've beaten are ones like Mega Man 1, Contra without the 90 lives code, Prehistorik Man on the higher difficulty setting, etc.

Some games I love but they're above my level of skill and it drives down my interest in playing them cause I know I'll likely never finish them.

>> No.6298845

>but kept everything else the same
Factually wrong. CV4 is the Castlevania game with, vastly, the most amount of enemies that do angle attacks at you (lots of bats flying right to your face in diagonal).
>That's why it's easy
CV4 is not the hardest, but not really easy either, it sits somewhere after the actual hard CV games (Haunted Castle, CVIII, X68000)

>> No.6298886

trump world
bernie 3

>> No.6298894

>comparing the masterpieces that are these games to shitty american politicians
come on anon.

>> No.6298907

you'll come around

>> No.6298912

The game is still better than SM64.

>> No.6298914


>> No.6298926
File: 149 KB, 1144x536, koopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really dropped the ball with the koopa designs

>> No.6298946

Why? I like how Iggy, Lemmy and Larry each have their own distinct facial expression.
They also have more animations.
The only thing that threw me off was the colors, but then you realize it was playing with the concept of using the 4 colors of the Super Famicom clover (same as the 4 palace switches, or the 4 Yoshi colors).
SMW Bowser is definitely my favorite sprite of him. He never looked that menacing and demonic again.

>> No.6299017

OP is either gay, or a gay zoomer.

If you never ate at McDonald's in the 50s, you wouldn't understand how much they've changed, or how good it used to be. Same concept applies to Nes/Snes titles. If you didn't play it back then, you won't ever understand it now. It will never be the same experince. Aren't trolls suppose to rot away?

>> No.6299020

I'd actually say you don't even need to be from the past to appreciate SMW's excellent gameplay that is still pretty much unrivaled to this day.
OP is just a faggot, plain and simple.

>> No.6299024

3 is so much better it's ridiculous.

You shouldn't post that awful fake transparent water if you want to say SMW doesn't look retarded.

>> No.6299026
File: 344 KB, 1600x1300, censorship_dolphin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like you are proud of how ugly and censored world is

>> No.6299029

Not that anon, but I'm sure very, very few people would agree with you. World's graphics just ooze with soul and stylistic mastery.
Yeah but you can always buy the japanese version if you really want to eat dolphins.

>> No.6299030
File: 124 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299039

Haha, clearly you never beat the game without using continues. One screw up in Frankensteins block and you are pretty much damned into continues. So many cheap one shot areas that can take you down... Easy is not the word to be using. Less abusive then a violent drunk Irish NRA uncle is an appropriate description, but this game will still belt whip you like psycho foster parents till you bloody all over.

>> No.6299820
File: 223 KB, 1627x941, unused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is it one of the greatest Mario games ever released, it has one of the largest thriving ROMhacking communities in existence.

Although to be fair, Miyamoto himself felt that the game was rushed and unfinished. The amount of empty space in the game's ROM shows that they could've, and probably wanted to add a lot more to the game.

>> No.6299896

The water looks good on what it was intended to be displayed upon.

>> No.6300021

How can one post have so much soul?

>> No.6300112

I'm not sure if anyone would've cared about yoshi eating dolphins considering all the other monsters he can eat in the game. Hell even tar didn't stop him in Game and Watch Gallery 1 and that's something nobody would ever eat.

>> No.6300206

this is a good and thoughtful post and I appreciate you making it

>> No.6300209

Aw shucks, thanks anon

>> No.6300239

Small brain: liking SMW best

Average brain: liking SMB3 best

Galaxy brain: liking SMB1/SMB2 (Lost Levels) best

Contrarian brain: liking SMB2 (Doki Doki Panic) best

Zoomer brain: liking 3D Mario best

>> No.6300356

>Chrono Trigger is the game I can't get into.
You need to do something about that shit taste of yours.

>> No.6300365

Reminder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx2nrS9bD3E

>> No.6300369

The Graphics aren't as impressive as Sonic The Hedgehog, but it's certainly miles better than SMB3. Also SMB3 isn't that great. I had more fun with SMW than SMB3.

>> No.6300621

I remember first seeing SMW in a shop window (you know, in the "demo" mode where it's autoplaying one of the special levels with Yoshi and Wigglers) and being blown away with how amazingly colourful and fluid the game looked compared to SMB3.

Naturally I was elated when I got a SNES with SMW for Christmas, however I'll admit that it was never the game I'd imagined from seeing the demo mode.

It actually came across as kind of "stiff" and just not quite there, in a way I could never put my finger on. I still really liked it though.

Yoshi's Island ended up being far closer to the experience I'd imagined back then.

>> No.6300631

You got it, but you forgot:

No brain: liking Land 2 best

>> No.6300659

SMB physics is floaty garbage and merryo takes up too much of the screen. SMW feels better.

>> No.6300665

It gave us the moles. So thats good.

>> No.6300669

>SMB physics is floaty
>Keep in mind I've never played SMB

>> No.6300683

I don't care for SMB3's physics either but it's definitely an unpopular opinion. Much prefer SMW's tight controls.

>> No.6300698

I can tell from your post that you emulate

>> No.6300712

I've held that opinion since I first played the games back when both were new. For some reason I love the way SMB1 feels and can play it to death but have never gotten that much into how 3 plays. I think it's the more complex level design making me want tighter control and that's exactly what World delivered.

>> No.6300762

Soulless post

>> No.6300784

Moving the soul post

>> No.6300787

Get the fuck outta here. Land 2 was dope.

>> No.6300843

Handheld Mario games were shit, thankfully Wario came in to save the day with his series.

>> No.6300979

There's a SMW hack called Just Keef Edition that's pretty much the vanilla game, but with more stuff going on. Would recommend.

>> No.6301101

Yoshi's Island is the worst Mario game ever made.

>> No.6301131

be nice he was just a babby

>> No.6301556
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>> No.6301617

>Just Keef Edition
Disgusting abomination

>> No.6301618

they came on the same cart dipshit i had no choice i only had like 3 fucking games.

>> No.6301623

The sunken ghost ship is the laziest fucking level. Starts off spooky and leads you believe something cool is about to happen and you just fall for a bit and collect a magic ball.

>> No.6301628

That's not SMB

>> No.6301630

The entrance for Bowser's domain opens up after you beat that level accompanied with slightly eary music so I'd say that counts as spooky if you played it as a kid.

>> No.6301634

To give you an idea of the artistic/aesthetic sense and general level of retardation behind this hack and almost every rom hack in existence, this is the guy who made Keef Edition:

>> No.6301637


>> No.6301639

did you know smb3 was actually a game called super metroid in japapn

>> No.6301679

They did waste the sunken airship aspect pretty hard.

>> No.6301742

It almost feels like, since SMW was a launch title, they were too afraid of making the game too hard.

>> No.6301746

I think it's a weird knockback effect from the NES days. SMB3 is a pretty hard title to beat all in one sitting with no saving. SMW has saving, quite constantly at that, but was designed as if it did not, constantly throwing lives and easy stages at you.

>> No.6301752

Can we stop with the "Soul" and "Comfy' nonsense? t's cringey as fuck.

>> No.6301769

It makes complete sense when used properly but so many people completely miss the point and think it means "I LIKE THIS ONE THING AND DONT LIKE OTHER THING" and thus it might as well not mean anything anymore.

>> No.6301779


>> No.6301780

I remember first seeing SMW at a friend's house. Was blown away by it. I remember he showed me Donut Plains 1, specifically remember the place where you can fly and grab a lot of coins, entering a pipe, and him showing me how to fly. Then he also showed me valley of bowser, by entering in one of the pipes on donut plains that takes you to the secret level. I remember being blown away by the music in valley of bowser. As far as I could tell, that sounded like real heavy metal music. First time I listened to music of that quality on a video game.
When I got back home, SMB3 didn't feel as awesome anymore.
I love both games, and nowadays I can appreciate them both for their art style, but back in 1991, seeing SMW in action was really mind-blowing, and kids who weren't there for it will never understand.

>> No.6301783

Comfy makes sense though. How else would you describe the feeling instilled by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUJCpOZIjdo playing while the game's cycle is in the midst of night?

>> No.6301786

These replies aren't helping.

>> No.6301793

I first saw Super Mario World at a department store in Los Angeles in 1991. I told Mario on the screen how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and take photos of the demo kiosk or anything.
He said, “Oh, like-a you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “a-huh? a-huh? a-huh?” and closing his pixellated hand shut as he turned to the screen. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the Ghost House door with like fifteen coins in his hands without finding the secret exit.
The Boo at the ticker line was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to hit the P-Switch and find the blue door first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear the Boo, but eventually re-entered the level and hit the P-Switch.
When multiple Boos suddenly appeared to block his way in a circle, he stopped them and told the Boos to each attack him individually “to prevent any ectoplasmic infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me across the store through the CRT. I don’t even think either of those are words. After he dodged them all attacking individually, he interrupted them by going through the blue door and slamming it shut.

>> No.6301804

Nice? Peaceful? Nostalgic? Infantilizing? Comforting?
Anything but comfy

>> No.6301806

>Comforting but not comfy
Ok guy.

>> No.6301949

Synonims and extended vocabulary exist for a reason you know. If everyone keeps using the same buzzwords it's just gonna bring down discussions and encourage caveman level shouting. This is an imageboard for adults, not some random football club pub where everyone's cheering for the same or a different team.

>> No.6301952

>This is an imageboard for adults, not some random football club pub where everyone's cheering for the same or a different team.
console warriors would argue otherwise.

>> No.6302005

I will never not get butthurt that the first topic I ever made here died at 20 replies, despite being about something I haven't seen before or since on /vr/ and 7th grader-level bait like this frequently gets 100+

>> No.6302318

All the more reasons to get rid of those braindead idiots. If they let them make the same shitpost threads over and over again they're gonna be a bigger problem for this board then "6th gen when??" posters ever will be. It's no coincidence that most of those consolewarriors are also the same people who keep shouting stupid buzzwords like 'boomer'.

>> No.6302387

Well, what was it? I’d probably rather discuss that anyway.

>> No.6302393

>this shit thread again
fucking flamewarmongering /v/transplants

>> No.6302721

Truest post in /vr/

>> No.6302747

Why are mariobabs so sensitive?

>> No.6302757

/vr/ can't cope about /v/ having better freedom of speech.

>> No.6302759

>freedom of speech
90% of /v/ is people arguing against each other about things that aren't even video games.
Console war faggotry isn't freedom of speech, it's faggotry and as such should be punished.

>> No.6302774

It’s not soulless, it’s just not as good as 3, but the comparison isn’t all that fair though as 3 is apex Mario.

>> No.6302807

Literally /vr/eddit

>> No.6302809

Funny you should use that word, because SMW lets you actually throw objects vertically, making them reach the apex.
3 is still the best, but World is just as good. The only thing that makes 3 a bit better is that it's a bit more difficult.

>> No.6302812

who are you quoting?
making critics/discussing games != shitposting just for the sake of shitposting.
Saying "this game is shit" is not really criticizing a game, you're just exposing your kindergarten-level argumentative skills.

>> No.6302814

Popular games are garbage and inferior to obscure games.

>> No.6303190

Damn this feels like going back to 2005

>> No.6303303

Not him, but I remember thinking that at the time of release. It just looked bland and like a step down compared to what came before and what the competition had to offer, and I felt that at an age where the console wars hadn't even really started at school (not that I experienced them much in my neck of the woods).
Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of my all time favorite games. It took romhacks to make SMW interesting.

>> No.6303363

Fuck off, SMB3 has more soul than SMW (Both are soulful)

>> No.6303368

Gaming will never be taken seriously.

>> No.6303374

Level size is meaningless. SMB3 has way more difficult levels than SMW, even if some of them are very short. Also, they are much better designed, you can break SMW too easily with the cape and/or blueyoshi, and the yoshi secret level. SMB3 have some of the most kino levels in marios games.

>> No.6303381

Looks like SMB3cucks are losing and out of arguments.

>> No.6303391
File: 87 KB, 500x650, 2d_enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was mario world made in MS paint by amateurs? the character sprites are so ugly

>> No.6303401

>Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of my all time favorite games. It took romhacks to make SMW interesting.

Super Mario World took out everything that sucked about SMB3 and made the good things better.

> 16-bit colour palette. Compared to the washed-out look of Mario 3, Super Mario World glows. And they become more muted and murky when they need to, like Ghost-houses.
> Yoshi, enough said
> Proper save system
> Spin Jump is one of Mario’s greatest innovations
>World map and the absence of a linear overworld, in contrast to Mario 3, which is effectively a lifeless grid
>Bonus levels and the hand tthat grabs you in # was random, mini games in World are rythm based and involve skill
>Levels in SMW explored more of the Y-axis, in contrast to SMB 3
>Far more intuitive level design with multiple exits and thus replayability
>P-switches enforce the above point
> Far better cutscenes in SMW
> Introduced many more enemies for the first time in the franchise still in use today
> Each castle is unique and different – unlike the generic airships
>Much more dynamic to the levels that force the player to learn and develop previously unlearned tactic like the dolphins on Butter Bridge only jump in one direction. Or the fireballs in the Forest of Illusion jump to the left or right, leaving dangerous tails of fire separated by Mario-sized gaps
>Star Road and its Special World for more advanced platforming never before seen in the states at that time
>Capitalizing on the console’s hardware advantage, SMW shows off a musical complexity that was literally unheard of at the time.
>Mario 3 is actually a stage play, evidenced by the bolted-on ‘set’ and how Mario exits the stage at the end of the level. We wanted to play Mario, not the Matrix.
>Bowser fight in Mario 3 is almost anticlimactic and the main way to kill him is avoidance
>SMW wasn't featured in a shitty move

I'll stop with objectivity, could keep going though.

>> No.6303405


>> No.6303409

the pipes just teleporting you is an improvement. the game making you play a little bit just to move pipe to pipe in 3 always felt like padding

>> No.6303415

the goombas and koopas look different because they both have different gimmicks than in 1 and 3. i don't think world's goombas are even canonically considered goombas

rest are marginal autism "differences"

>> No.6303417

Ever notice how mario world only has like 6 music tracks? Always disappointed me.

>> No.6303429

>16-bit colour palette
Which they didn't use very well. So flat and bland, though given it was an early title, I could almost have looked past that. But the direct competition just looked and sounded so much better.
Here's an ad that perfectly encapsulates the mood at the time, though obviously biased, kind of true and a demonstration why Sega managed to gain a foothold on a market that Nintendo previously dominated at:

Most of what follows in your post is highly subjective, but I do agree with you that it had a good engine, QoL and some gameplay innovation that was a step up. It's just that the game built around that was kind of mediocre and unexciting, especially compared to what came before.

But back then, if you only had a SNES and were of a certain age and this was your first game, you'd be hard pressed to see past that, and there's also a lot of kids/young adults that discovered it through watching lets-plays of romhacks on youtube that have breathed life into it beyond what was intended, or indeed, achieved back in the day.

>> No.6303445

lmao this smb3 autist is so dense.

>> No.6303451

>But back then, if you only had a SNES and were of a certain age and this was your first game, you'd be hard pressed to see past that, and there's also a lot of kids/young adults that discovered it through watching lets-plays of romhacks on youtube that have breathed life into it beyond what was intended, or indeed, achieved back in the day.

Anon... it sold 20 million copies. You must be a zoomer. You're acting like it's a cult classic.

>> No.6303464

>muh zoomer

I'm actually saying that some of you guys a little bit younger than me, most likely American, have these rose colored glasses on whenever we speak about it, precisely because it came pack-in or what amounted to a pack in with what was most likely your first system in many cases.
It's no a cult classic, it's what amounts to vanilla. Solid, yet bland and far from adventurous.
Heck, that Chinese knock-off demake floating around at the time clearly shows that Nintendo could have just made it on the NES.

>> No.6303468

fuck your shit thread, OP and fuck off to /v/.

>> No.6303471

Cross surpassed is in every way. The only good thing about Trigger was the music. I'm a sucker for good music.

>> No.6303475

I'm not OP.
And I rarely visit /v/.
Miss the early days of this here board though. More discussion, less sperg-out frustration.

>> No.6303481
File: 70 KB, 3104x896, donutplains2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why this is controversial. Even Sega of America was relieved when they saw SMW, not only because of the underwhelming graphics but the samey gameplay as well.

>it sold 20 million copies
It was a launch title bundled with the console

>> No.6303489

Segatard cope.

>> No.6303509

SMW is way too easy except for the secret levels and some of the levels in the last world. However it can save, which Mario 3 cannot. Mario 3's difficulty is a lot better and actually gets pretty hard near the end (not that you are ever going to game over or anything). The problem with Mario 3 not having a save feature is that you either have to play from the start with all the boring, easy levels every single time you start up the game, or use the warp whistles to macgyver a sort of save system for yourself. Using the flutes, to me, feels like cheating though.

>> No.6303536


It was a killer app. Worth buying the console for even if you bought nothing else.

>> No.6303596

Thread poll:


>> No.6303610

Zoomers definitely don't say fugly

>> No.6303706

>Sega of America
What games did they develop?

>> No.6303708

>the character sprites are so ugly
I don't see it, all-stars kun. They all look pretty nice.

>> No.6303831
File: 1.90 MB, 3300x2300, 1570099077579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are gonna make a shitpost bait thread about Mario soul/soulless, at least do it right.

>> No.6303845

>you can break SMW too easily with the cape and/or blueyoshi
time to pull this out again
>>There are 72 levels in SMW. I just played halfway through 53 of them, keeping track of how many can be broken either by a feather or a blue Yoshi. Once I hit 37 levels which can't be, more than half of the number available, I've come to the conclusion that most levels cannot be broken in that manner, no.
>In transparency, out of the 53 I played, 16 were able to be broken.

>> No.6303848


>> No.6303850

Nothing of value was lost in Mario 2 and 3 except for the kings being turned into mooks instead of unique creatures. Mario 1 and TLL are a bit of a mess but there are patches for the physics and any simpleton could can change the graphics.

>> No.6304060

Nothing will fluster people more. Mario 3 and 64 have a lot more poured into them. SMW is just pushed out to compete against the Genesis. I agree with you though, SMW just made it more of a standard to have some sort of continue system and many levels. Problem is that most levels aren't that memorable. Sure you get more game, but it isn't particularly engaging. It just shows why lot of other games just had six tightly made levels which I find a lot better. Thankfully for people they just make rom hacks or Mario maker levels so you can just play a lot of more refined levels in a row.

>> No.6304074

You're probably a Sonic fag. *Coofs.*

>> No.6304081

Yeah I know, the fact that SMW was rushed out for launch yet is still a better game than SMB3 baffles me too!

>> No.6304524

> Why don't I have nostalgia for something I didn't play back in the day


>> No.6305008
File: 346 KB, 1040x390, flatandbland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So flat and bland

Zoomer be trolling now.

>> No.6305254


>> No.6305327

Grass World
Grass World
Cave World
Grass/Height World
Grass/Forest World
Plains World
Cave World

no significant differences in level design between grass worlds or cave worlds

Grass World
Desert World
Water World
Big World
Sky World
Ice World
Pipe World
Lava World

each with their own unique style, level elements per world, unique tilesets and enemies.

>> No.6305340

That comparison photo isn't doing you any favors.

>> No.6305472

I definitely understand why people often discuss which game is better. Most would agree that they're the top two 2D Mario games, so naturally there's interest in which is the best. What I think is weird are the people who disparage whichever one they don't prefer. Like, they're similar in most regards. If you love one, I can't think of a valid reason to outright dislike the other.

>> No.6305501

Hit the nail on the head.
I don't even think most people shitposting 3vsW were even alive back in the day

>> No.6305538

>Even Sega of America was relieved when they saw SMW
exactly, this is the exact point when Sega came to dominate the console market and never look back. if it weren't for SMW's boringness, Nintendo would still be making consoles to this day and Sega might not have survived long enough as a hardware company to produce the Sega Pluto that sold a bazillion copies so far.

>> No.6305541


>> No.6305562


>> No.6305708

Dreamcast >>>>> N64/Shitcube/Wii/Pii U/Shitch

>> No.6305710

Cross was pure garbage.

>> No.6305721


>> No.6305730


>> No.6305736

>Grass World
>Desert World
>Water World
>Big World
>Sky World
>Ice World
>Pipe World
>Lava World
>each with their own unique style, level elements per world, unique tilesets and enemies.
So have fun seeing them over and over and over again in every NewSMB game.

>> No.6305746

Please mods ban this schizo.

>> No.6305925
File: 76 KB, 358x480, SMB3book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is just shitposting ala allstars-kun, but since anyway fuck it, this is a bait thread, I'll just elaborate on my thoughts.
SMB3's world variety is great, but they're separate, smaller maps.
SMW is one big interconnected map.
Now, I don't want to shit on SMB3 because it's actually my favorite Mario game, but let's be fair for a bit:
Desert World is great, but inside the pyramids it's still just underground setting, it doesn't have a special "pyramid" setting with unique assets, it's an underground level. Desert levels included many fun enemies and the quicksands, though, and unique looking assets.
Now let's go to water world, it's still grass lands, with water. SMW also has levels that mix grass with water. Even in ways SMB3 didn't (Mondo).
Giant level is a great idea at first, the first level is pretty memorable, but did you notice how most of the other levels are also normal grass levels with regular size enemies?
Sky world is also more grass levels at first, and then sky levels later. SMW also has sky/height levels.
Ice world is another cool one that introduced actual new mechanics and stuff. SMW does have 2 ice levels though. Not much, but it does have them. I actually think an ice area in SMW would have felt out of place, since it's a tropical land.
Pipe world is really cool ngl, and world 8 in SMB3 is just badass. Ironically, SMW has more lava levels than world 8.
At the end of the day, Mario's core design is that it has 4 main types of levels: Athletic, Underground, Underwater and Castle. There can be variants, like heights/sky, which make emphasis on more tricky platforming, with lots of pits you can fall off from, and the Ghost Houses in SMW, which are more puzzle-oriented, like they separated the puzzle elements from SMB3's Fortresses, and made 2 different kind of levels in World: Ghost Houses for puzzles, Fortresses for action-packed/mini-castles. I liked that distinction, and Ghost Houses were a great addition.

>> No.6305943

Thank you for the reasonable and analytic post. SMB3's settings have some great and unique aspects to them but SMW hardly lacks variety like people claim it does. Despite this and preferring SMW overall, I very much agree that SMB3 World 8 is a lot more interesting and badass than what SMW did for Valley of Bowser.

>Giant level is a great idea at first, the first level is pretty memorable, but did you notice how most of the other levels are also normal grass levels with regular size enemies?
Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed that. I always see it get brought up but it really is a mostly wasted idea that they gave up on after designing a level or two.

>> No.6305996
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, iM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm just passing through and I saw this and I gotta say, you are absolutely wrong on this.

I do not like Mario. If it was all that I had to play right now I'd do something else, anything, besides play. I've played a lot of them and I don't like them anymore. When I did play it was because it was back in the day and it was all the options. The only exception is if I'm sharing the game with someone.

This Mario is definitely one of the best ones.

That word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.6305998

The cape is cringey.

>> No.6306045
File: 237 KB, 463x524, ClBVZbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck damn. What is with the cringey shit? Stop fucking using that word you fucking pussy.

Cringe. Something pussies do.

Pic has never been more fucking related.

>> No.6306068

it 100% is a bait post but I just wanted to actually talk about the differences between smb3 and world.
My point isn't so much that SMB3 had so many things that SMW didn't but that it was able to give them memorable areas and create worlds in a meaningful way. SMW is all over the place, if you mess with stuff like the SMW randomizer it really just shows that the levels would fit in any world. As a kid I didn't even realize the donut bridges were supposed to be a world, I just thought it was a couple levels and castle between areas since there was nothing to really separate it and keep it thematically consistent.
Ghost houses are a huge improvement I can't deny though, and SMW introduces plenty of its own level elements, it just doesn't do a good job of making memorable levels out of them.

>> No.6306085

I understand where you're coming from, I really do, but if you don't enjoy the Mario games then you really don't have a dog in this fight

>> No.6306095

Yeah, you're right. I've never played any Mario games in my life. And if I did I'd have to still think they were the greatest ever or else I don't know what I'm talking about. You understand jack shit.

>> No.6306121

Yeah SMB3 definitely succeeds at giving each world a theme, even if at the end of the day the levels are still the same 4 archetypes for Mario games of athletic/underground/water/castle.
However, I think SMW doesn't need to have a unique aesthetic for each area, because it's one big world, instead of 7 smaller worlds. The bridge area is an area, not a world. It'd be "area 4" of Dinosaur Land.
Still, each area introduced new stuff:
Yoshi's Island starts you off with traditional grass levels, a grass-water level, a mountain level, and the castle.
Donut Plains introduces the cape, alternate paths, ghost houses, the first real underwater level in the game, and the first underground level in the game. And has the first Star Road.
Vanilla Dome expands on the underground theme, and mixes it with water, and lava, as well as having unique levels like the one with bullet bills, or the water one with dolphins if you take the upper route. Not to mention the Vanilla Fortress, a unique underwater fortress level.
Cheese Bridge introduces the sky levels, and has the most well hidden level in the game, Soda Lake, with unique enemies.
Forest Of Illusion introduces the forest setting, which can be said to just be an extension of the grass type levels, but well, so are all the themes on SMB3, it's just grass/athletic levels with different aesthetics. Forest of Illusion actually has an emphasis on secrets (more than the usual, even if SMW is secret-heavy), and has a unique maze-like underwater level.
Chocolate Island may not seem like much, but the choco colot palette are charming, and it introduces new enemies and has some cool secrets too (including an ice level).
The sunken ship is super memorable and a nice nod to SMB3 fans (and I don't care if it's not a real airship level, I like the idea of an underwater ghost level). Valley does feel a bit tame as a last area in the game, since it's another underground area like Vanilla, but that music and that castle made it for me.

>> No.6306132

i hate internet slang

>> No.6306196

I think saying that different SMB3 level themes are just extensions of grass lands is a bit disingenuous. SMB3 desert level design is meaningfully different than grass level design - no hills, very squared off edges, emphasis on blocks, especially brick blocks. Ice world is meaningfully different, more flat expanses, more emphasis on tricky enemy placement to get you to slide into difficult enemies. Pipe maze levels are almost all vertical. SMW levels have almost all level elements in all tilesets, you can always find pipes, or slopes, or water, in any area because it's always part of the tileset.
Also bringing up powerups reminds me, there is no defending SMW's lackluster powerup system vs SMB3's. Yoshi does not make up for the loss of 4-5 completely unique powerups (depending on how you count), plus the better inventory system with more room for interesting map design with map-focused powerups, plus the better powerdown (Special Powerup -> Big Mario -> Small Mario) that wasn't just changed to justify having an always accessible inventory slot.

>> No.6306213

>I think saying that different SMB3 level themes are just extensions of grass lands is a bit disingenuous
I said in general. Which is true for worlds 3, 4, 5.
World 8 also reuses a desert level, and a grass level (but at night, the only night level in SMB3).
I did give credit to the desert levels (although pyramid levels are just underground areas), ice levels, or the pipe levels.
I'm just saying that SMW also has level variety and new ideas introduced in each world, but they're less "enviromental especific" than SMB3 because, as I said, SMW is one big world, it's Dinosaur Land, so each area doesn't have to change drastically, you're still in the same place, whereas in SMB3 you're travelling to entirely different places. Both ways to do it is cool IMO, it was nice when each Mario game felt very different from each other.
>Also bringing up powerups reminds me, there is no defending SMW's lackluster powerup system vs SMB3's
There actually is. It's cool that SMB3 has so many powerups, but we know that at the end of the day you'll spend most of the game as Raccoon Mario, unless you're a hardcore guy who likes to do small Mario for a smaller hitbox, but higher risk.
SMW not only has Yoshi, but colored Yoshies. It also has weird limited powerups like that Lakitu cloud that you can actually ride for the first time on a Mario game (and maybe last time too? It was cool, I loved firing fireballs at koopas while riding the cloud in one of the Forest levels), or the balloon powerup, which only served as a small bonus feature in some levels, but was fully realized at Tubular (and traumatized many a kids).
Kuribo's shoe is very cool, but at the end of the day it's just a powerup for walking over certain plant enemies, which you can do in SMW with Yoshi. And the hammer bros outfit, while cool as fuck, is not that much effective than Fire Mario.
I hate being "harsh" against SMB3, because I love it and I wouldn't change anything about it. Just standing up for SMW as well.

>> No.6306247

>it was nice when each Mario game felt very different from each other.
that we can agree on, NSMB being able to mix and match ideas was very cool... and then everything just copied NSMB and there hasn't been a new Mario since.
Admittedly I don't dislike SMW, I think it's a fine addition to the series, but it really isn't this masterpiece that everyone says it is. There were even plenty of other platformers on the SNES that were way better. I'm just sore that there was never a direct sequel to SMW, it always felt like it had more potential than substance and then it never got followed up on. YI doesn't fucking count, it only got called SMW2 for marketing, I mean an actual Mario game. If DKC could get three games in three years that all felt reasonably unique, SMW could've had a direct followup.

>> No.6306257

I think SMW deserves the praise. It think it did enough and even more. The Special world added new features not found in any of the regular areas. It's cool that Romhacks exist and all though, but I'm satisfied with SMW's levels.
As for SMW sequels... I dunno, people always say that Nintendo rehashes a lot, but when it comes to main line Mario, they always kept it tight to few actual main Mario games per console.
A real SMW 2 would have been nice, but I appreciate that R&D1 were able to do other stuff instead. Yoshi's Island being its own thing is better than having another SMW.

>> No.6306261

>Yoshi does not make up for the loss of 4-5 completely unique powerups
Agree with >>6306213 here -- the extra powerups 3 has are barely utilized outside of secrets and you'll basically be playing only as Fire or Raccoon Mario for the vast majority of the time, as those are the only two common powerups. World is the same in this manner but with the Cape instead. The equivalent in World to 3's secret and rarely used powerups would be the utility you can get out of Yoshi from different shell types, as well as the differently colored Yoshis from Star World.

Also I would like to chime in and say that while 3 definitely deserves merit for making its distinct environments memorable, I honestly prefer World's approach where they constantly mix things up and have a blend of everything going constantly, even as new elements and settings get introduced. It makes for its own form of variety while playing rather than variety that appears when you glance back at the list of specific areas.

>> No.6306340

>but it really isn't this masterpiece that everyone says it is
Same could be said for SMB3, and those glasses are an even deeper shade of red at times.

>> No.6306434

You look insecure

>> No.6306515

Anyone else hate the secrets in Mario World?

>> No.6306531

they're both great games, although smb3 feels more polished, relatively speaking.

>> No.6306856

SMB3 is a near-end of console life game that Nintendo threw their all at with no real launch restrictions. SMW is a launch title that was rushed to meet that deadline. To this day I wonder what SMW would be like if they hadn't had to push it out the door because I already like it much more than 3 even with some of the flaws from its rushing.

>> No.6306863

What you mentioned is one reason why I love World but another reason is that it's got a few levels that are still unique to this day. Seriously, name me ONE game where the sublevels change depending on the time you take to get through them and how many coins you collect.

>> No.6306910

right, that explains alot about the two games. I recall reading an interview in which the devs said they could've expanded and fine-tuned SMW quite a bit if they had the chance.

>> No.6306918

Where did the idea that SMW is a rushed game come from? Interviews, right?
When I was a kid, I couldn't believe the amount of content SMW has, and I'd never call it an unpolished game. To this day the best controls I've experience in 2D games. I use SMW to test input lag and controller pads.
If it really was a rushed job, wow.

>> No.6306931

>popular thing bad
>there we go XDDDD another successful le troll on le chan

>> No.6306943

>Where did the idea that SMW is a rushed game come from? Interviews, right?
Yeah, it's been admitted several times in interviews.

>When I was a kid, I couldn't believe the amount of content SMW has, and I'd never call it an unpolished game. To this day the best controls I've experience in 2D games.
Believe me, I'm with you. When I was a kid I would've never imagined it was rushed either and was blown away by World's vast interconnected map and the seemingly endless secrets you'd find. It's not like the rush jobs of today's games where it's a broken mess with tons of missed potential and clearly dropped ideas, they still put out an incredibly high quality finished product that did most everything they wanted it to.

>> No.6306962
File: 121 KB, 500x337, miyaurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember an interview where Shiggy called it his favorite Mario game though.
He often changes what he says though, because I also seem to remember another where he said the original was his favorite. But yeah I still think he's proud of SMW, even if it was "rushed" for his perfectionist standards.

>> No.6306972

>>I remember an interview where Shiggy called it his favorite Mario game though.
Me too, it was cited many times in gaming magazines when Super Mario World got re-released on the GBA. It wasn't till recent years that I saw Miyamoto also stated that his team had to rush it, which is understandable considering it had to be released together with the Super Famicom in 1990 in the same year SMB3 got released in the USA. Which makes me wonder, what about Tezuka's take on SMW's development? He also had a big role just like the rest of the team but his opinions don't seem to be shared as much as Miyamoto's.

>> No.6307225
File: 233 KB, 724x596, 1562235078238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time I've read this pasta version, made me laugh hard.

>> No.6307261

I remember reading that Miyamoto-San was actually dissapointed with SMW. he felt it was too much like SMB3. The only thing he felt was of value to the game was Yoshi, which was something He wanted in the NES games,

Now on my opinion, I like SMB3 a little more because of the various powerups, but SMW is great fun too.

>> No.6307270
File: 752 KB, 3558x2370, 1398162575452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a source on that? Because he seems to love it
>"Super Mario World (1991) is something that included of course all the action you saw in Super Mario Bros. but it also had the map features, so it also had that element of players having to think about where they were going and what they were going to do next. I also think that it is a game that developed a large number of staff people who became producers and directors."

>> No.6307274
File: 78 KB, 500x500, SMWOST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SMW OST t-shirt
Damn, he's showing off. That thing is probably impossible to find.

>> No.6307639


>I remember shit, so Ill just spew shit out of my ass without a source.

>> No.6308183

That's what I'm thinking. I get preferring SMB3, I like the style better too, in terms of the quality and detail of the sprites I'm not seeing the issue.

>> No.6308192
File: 60 KB, 693x663, 1531692504474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Height World

>> No.6308656

What really gets me about super mario world is that his mission of SMB3 only just ended and right away he has to go on another adventure in dinosaur land! Can't a guy get a vacation?

>> No.6308685

>Can't a guy get a vacation?
That's literally why he and Peach came to Dinosaur Land to begin with, and then Peach gets kidnapped anyway.

>> No.6308694
File: 9 KB, 512x448, super-mario-world-winter-1291481898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't a guy get a vacation?
They do that once they beat Bowser.

>> No.6308712

The other day I was bored and played it for the first time since many years. I tried to have fun and went straight to the top levels. I am no pro or anything, I'm just an average player. went straight to the stars levels, beated them all.. then ended up in Bowser's castle, in literally FUCKING 5-10 MINS

i reached the fucking final castle in few mins, it was so fucking anti-climatic, I got mad at the pure bullshit and closed the game. fuck this shit
I meant to try the star levels to test my skills - wasn't expecting to end up in the fucing final castle in 10 fucking mins

>> No.6308714

I meant to say that you don't have to be a pro, a speedrunner or hacker or anything to beat the game in probably 20 fucking mins
the fuck is this bullshit

>> No.6308715
File: 1.33 MB, 796x800, Box_NA_-_Super_Mario_World_Super_Mario_Advance_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6308718

It's meant to be easy.

>> No.6308723

Yeah I learned how to get to Bowser's castle in 10 minutes as a kid too, but it took me a long time to learn all these secrets.
At the end of the day, you can also do the same in SMB3 through the warp zone if you know where to find the flutes.
The real challenge of SMW is doing all the Special World levels.

>> No.6308726

I don't hate any Mario game.

>> No.6308741

yeah, fucking anti-climatic
I admit I haven't quite played SMW3 a lot. only played it very few times on my uncle's NES when I was a kid, so I don't really know the game that much. never touched it with emulators either cuz I am lazy, perhaps cuz it it's an easy game too. I remember it as a hard, challenging game. You just don't go to the flutes you mention in mere 10 mins, atleast not like SMW. Reality is the SMB3 lel I played as a kid already had the flutes available, or something like that. dunno nes games were weird back then with all these pirated or modified cartridges...

>Special World levels
Ah, forgot about these, and yeah they are fun Don't remember how to reach them tho

>> No.6308756
File: 21 KB, 500x375, super-mario-3-cartucho-family-game-19860-MLA20178969421_102014-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reality is the SMB3 lel I played as a kid already had the flutes available, or something like that. dunno nes games were weird back then with all these pirated or modified cartridges...
Hehe yeah, I also had that version. it's a hacked version that I think was the most common in famiclones. It gives you unlimited items, of any items. You can use any item any time you wanted. I remember just having fun exploring every corner of every level using P-Wings. Fun times.
In the official version, you can grab 2 flutes on the 1st world (one in level 3, another in the fortress), then there's a 3rd flute at the end of world 2. It might take more than 10 minutes, considering you have to play world 2, and then once you get to world 8 you have to play through the whole world to reach Bowser's castle, though, but yeah it still has a way to reach it pretty fast.
>Ah, forgot about these, and yeah they are fun Don't remember how to reach them tho
You just need to find the secret exit on the 5th Star World level, which will lead you to another star road on top of the mountain in the middle of the map, warping you to special world.

>> No.6308785
File: 10 KB, 259x194, final boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to give it a serious run one day, heh
My older brother has, well, more memories with the game. He says he just used the Tanooki suit and flyed through all the levels lol. Of course, we had the hacked version

There is something I'll never forget tho and my fondest personal memory of the game < pic related. don't remember why but this boss fight means a lot to me. be it negative (the game scared me in some parts as a kid, being honest) or positive

>> No.6308793

I also have great memories with SMB3, some of my fondest childhood memories. Playing it a lot with 2 neighbor friends, and the day we FINALLY reached Bowser, we were too afraid to fuck it up and having to start over (which, actually, wasn't even a big deal because with unlimited items you could skip through most of the game, but still), so we called my dad, and he managed to beat Bowser in 1 try, without ever having fought him before. We cheered him and enjoyed the ending screen. One of my best vidya memories. It felt like a group work, like we all contributed to beating the game since we've been playing the game for months until that point. Even with all the cheating by being able to use unlimited items, it still felt like a tough road. Also, I think I only learned about how to access the unlimited items later, at first we didn't know. Finding out about it felt like a secret itself, we didn't think it was a hacked version, just a hidden feature the game had, lol. To be a kid again.

>> No.6308817

lol'd at the dad, cute. When I had the nes I was in kinder and I didn't really have any friends cuz I was, well, a kinder kid living in his little world, so no real kino experience there
Man I used to be amazed at everything back then, Mario 3 being the biggest one. because really, it just feels like a long, epic game lol the theatrical style, the many different worlds... truly magic

>> No.6308819

This is a very, very shitty defense video. I agree but the fucker can't articulate whatsoever and just resorts to insults.

>> No.6308826

I agree. The IV haters are often stupid guys who either try too hard to sound like "hardcore gamers" (without knowing that CV IV is actually the hardest to speedrun), or just egorapter parroters, but that guy didn't really made a good video defending the game. First of all, the game doesn't need defending, it's a classic for a reason, and a few internet contrarians won't change that, but if he really wanted to make a video praising the game, he didn't do a good job at it. So many things he could have mentioned in favor of it and he didn't, instead focused on repeating the same few things over and over, and acting like a tard. Oh well, youtubers.

>> No.6308867

This game doesn't have much of a dinosaur aesthetic really besides about 4 new enemies and Yoshi.

>> No.6308872

And that's fine, it manages to be mildly dino-themed without overdoing it, while still being a traditional Mario game.

>> No.6309117

Yoshi himself was such a game changer that it became the main inspiration for Yoshi's Island and got himself a spin-off series. While not all as good as SMW I'm glad Nintendo decided to do more with him than just using him as some gimmick in one Mario game. Not saying that he was just a mere gimmick though because finding out you could actually do different things with Yoshi when he put a differently colored koopa shell in his mouth was awesome to find out.

>> No.6310248

SMW doesn't have goombas, it has Galoombas


>> No.6310265

They were straight-up called Goombas in SMW itself. The new name wasn't until 3D World.

>> No.6310292

Still a shit tier redesign. The original mushroom shape was based.

>> No.6310307

why couldn't you just let this thread die already?

>> No.6310324

It's actually a good design. Think of them as a sub-species of the goombas that are native to Dinosaur Land.
Both can be based, but being able to pick up Goombas and use them as projectiles against other goombas is based, too.

>> No.6310328

Because despite shitposting, we still got some good discussion and points of view going.
Fuck the 3 vs W shitposting though, both are great classics and no amount of flaseflagging will change that.

>> No.6310815

bait but true

>> No.6310819

FUCK you.

>> No.6310828

go back to /v/

>> No.6311070

they were always distinct from regular goombas in japan

>> No.6311556

yoshi is better than all of the mario 3 power ups and there are different color yoshis and baby yoshis. most of the mario 3 power ups turn mario into animals which i always thought was just weird. i dont want to be a fuckin frog or raccoon or whatever. those are gross animals that i want off my lawn.

also that chart is misleading in the levels section because what is called "plains" and "forest" is actually like 6 or 7 different backgrounds at least. there is also a starry night background in mario world. and whoever said the levels don't have their own personality or whatever is just bullshitting.

and who gives a shit about "map screen features and minigames" when its shit like matching games. like oh boy i cant wait to play mario 3 so i can play the fucking slots minigame. give me a fucking break.

and giving mario 3 a bonus point because they just remade the original mario bros in it for a head to head mode is just plain ass invalid especially when trying to make the argument in the same breath that super mario world was too similar to its predecessors.

>> No.6311570

you're replying to an extremely autistic shitposter who's known to nitpick stuff.
He probably doesn't even like SMB3 either.

>> No.6311579

I'd just like you to know that I love this post and the way it's written.

>> No.6311582

Roy got butchered

>> No.6311814

why care

>> No.6311818

SMW trimmed the fat and added a yoshi. It's basically a room-cleaned version of SMB.

>> No.6311847

yoshi is severely overpowered. saying hes the best powerup just proves how casual you are. he makes you virtually invincible

>> No.6312209

He looks fine. I also like that you can see their spiked bracelets in the SMW sprites.
Kinda, but at least devs didn't let you use Yoshi on the ghost houses/fortresses/castles. Also come on, using the word "casual" on a retro board? That word wasn't used back in the day. It was a time when games not being ultra hard was a welcome change, unlike today when all games are actually piss easy so people get amazed when games with average difficulty like Souls come out.

>> No.6312440

if they were facing the same direction that image would annoy me less.

>> No.6312450

>/vr/ can't cope about /v/ having better freedom of speech.
It's kind of true. Especially since the gamecube turns 20 next year and still isn't considered /vr/, while the Dreamcast has been for years now.
Still, you'll get flogged or ignored if you try talking about GCN on /v/.

>> No.6312478

>It was a time when games not being ultra hard was a welcome change
I never paid attention to difficulty when I was a kid playing NES, I almost never got to the end of games, and I never cared. My friends and I either liked a game so we played it, or didn't like a game and didn't play it. Its difficulty wasn't relevant. Now that I'm old I do notice difficulty, but I've never played a good game that I wish was easier, while I've played a bunch that I wish were harder. SMW gets a lot better when you play small and without Yoshi, but even when playing with those restrictions it would be a lot more fun if it were harder

>> No.6312482

Mods do your job.

>> No.6312485

Shut up, microdick

>> No.6312490

seething /v/edditor

>> No.6312513

>Bait but true
Where's the bait?

>> No.6312520

There are at least five DOOM/retro FPS threads right now. Fuck off.

>> No.6312525

>if you go into it with the mindset of "THE ATMOSPHERE MAN THE GRAPHICS AND SOUND ARE SOO GENUINE"
And why wouldn't you go into it with that mindset? The atmosphere, art, and music are often incredible. People look at paintings and listen to music sometimes without any doing anything else simultaneously, especially if the atmosphere is good; even if these games aren't mechanically engrossing they can still be great

>> No.6312547

Dreamcast was released in 1998.
It has nothing to do with 20 years passing by or 30.

>> No.6312906

power ups is the most forced comparison here. world's has more versatility evening things out.

>> No.6312972

people who make these comparisons dont even realize that all stars was developed by the same core leads

>> No.6313316

if it wasn't for the shit palette and music (except for the new songs, those actually sound great) this would be the definitive way to play smw

>> No.6313536

>this would be the definitive way to play smw
No, even without the flaws you mentioned, and even on a CRT via GBI, it still has that shitty resolution. Its only benefit is portability

>> No.6313690

I'm replaying it today and it's just you, OP.

>> No.6313707

This. I just replayed it again the other day because of this thread. Had a great time, timeless classic.
I feel sorry for people like OP who are unable to be receptive to this much amount of soul.