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6242965 No.6242965 [Reply] [Original]

DOes anyone know how to remove the cables from the black connector on a Snes controller? i got 2 original controllers with damaged cords, and want to replace them with cords from chinese clones, but i dont know how to remove the original cable from the black connector so i can avoid patcing new cables with solder, i wan it to be a clean replacement.

>> No.6243080

If you don't know how to work with cables and connectors you should have got cables that would "be a clean replacement". You're not going to be able to do what you want without the right parts and tools.

>> No.6243097

I looked for cable replacement from many "RetroGame Store Look Rare Vidya Bros" and all of them come naked, no black connector on the cable end.

I will have to solder the wires together i suppose, pain in the ass but whatever it takes to bring original hardware back to working condition.

>> No.6243878

>bring original hardware back to working condition.
But that's not what you're trying to do. You're trying to replace original cables with parts stripped from fakes.

>> No.6243983

Do you understand the meaning of the term "working condition" you retard? what this moron op is doing is the definition of retro love.

>> No.6243992

ask /diy/ and /g/ too

>> No.6244225

If soldering is too much for you youll have to crimp, possibly with heat shrink jackets if theres room

>> No.6244235
File: 46 KB, 466x468, 71V02J71BUL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably need something like picrelated

>> No.6244258

Do you understand the meaning of the term "original hardware " you retard?
See what I did there?

Seconding this, in particular /diy/. OP is almost guaranteed to find a 12yo EE who has totally done this before and has advice on how to wreck those connectors using common household items. OP needs to post gore pics after following said instructions.

There's no way OP is going to crimp that shit. He probably won't even be able to get his hands on on the connectors and couldn't afford a crimp tool even if he knew what he needed. The easiest thing to do is just solder the cable to the front of the board but OP is obsessed with that connector. Don't discourage him from doing silly shit to preserve muh original hardware in a "clean" way. Keks and lulz almost always ensure when clueless people fuck with shit they shouldn't. This is likely to be anything but "clean"

>> No.6244340

I don't think you do, retardfriend. Nobody gives a fuck if the cable is original, they give a fuck if the buttons feel right. Everything except the rubber pads and cord can be repaired, so there's no reason to "gore" some "for parts" controller instead of just fixing it and replacing the cable with a chink cable.
>b-b-but muh collector's value
Nah, bro, just restoring original hardware to working condition. This is basically why you don't sharpen old knives, refinish old furniture, or clean up antique guns. They're less valuable if you fix them because they're now in working condition instead of collector condition.

>> No.6244341
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>Keks and lulz

>> No.6244513

I though you just couldn't into reading comprehension but now it's clear you've gone full retard. You've never repaired anything and can't even comprehends what parts the controller is made of. I can't even tell if you're being serious about cleaning/not cleaning old shit or so retarded you fail at only pretending to be retarded. You're basically as stupid as someone who says they've had the same broom for 20 years and it's only had 17 new heads and 14 new handles.

>> No.6244662
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What about cleaning old shit? What about a bunch of assertions because you've been fucked on? you can fix everything in that's wrong with an snes controller with a silver pen nearly except for aged rubber like what you find in the cord and pads.

>> No.6244692

It's been a few years at least since I've seen a tryhard "I'm totally fitting in with 4chan culture" post as bad as this one.

>> No.6244973

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say because you've gone so full retard you're having trouble making coherent sentences. Are you saying you can fix a cracked case, pcb, etc with a silver pen?

I see "I'm totally fitting in with reddit culture on 4chan" posts as bad as yours all the time

>> No.6245048
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>I'm not even sure what you're trying to say because you've gone so full retard you're having trouble making coherent sentences

>> No.6245716

>the death dry of a failed zoomer
Thanks for playing kiddo

>> No.6245775

You're going about this the wrong way.
Don't remove the wires from the connector. Cut them a few inches back so that you can remove the outer casing, separate the colours, and splice as needed. Or just splice out the shitty parts of your cord. can replace with new wire of same type if you want to maintain length because you're sensitive about cord size. Shrink seal shit over top. Done deal good as new and you don't have to into the connector.

>> No.6245864
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>> No.6247380

>cracked case
Glue, who cares? But OP has a fucked up cable, and I've never even seen the outside of an SNES controller that was broken.
Yes, you fucking moron, that's exactly what "silver pens" do. It's ink that you literally put a fucking circuit down with.

>> No.6247462

link ?

>> No.6248378
File: 662 KB, 500x648, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek kid. Enjoy playing using wobbly controllers with buttons that work when they feel like just to prove to yourself that some guy on the internet was wrong.

>> No.6248546
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>> No.6249350
File: 34 KB, 600x750, i want to believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irony: the post