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File: 799 KB, 1282x752, ffv_cutscene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6093420 No.6093420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the laziest remakes of retro games?

>> No.6093430
File: 183 KB, 988x480, 5-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this style is what square always had in mind for their chibi sprites.

>> No.6093448

>original sprite artist redoes the overworld sprites
>fans bitch and moan

>> No.6093462

And the Special Editions is what Lucas always had in mind for Star Wars.

>> No.6093475

False equivalent. Though indeed some things in the special editions were what Lucas had in mind.

>> No.6093498

Chrono Trigger for Steam

>> No.6093505

Secret of Mana, which despite the graphical overhaul has all the problems of the original and more

>> No.6093510

Which new problems did they add?

>> No.6093514
File: 258 KB, 1024x1536, source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would also say the the iso remakes of FF5 FF6 remakes, but the monster sprites in the game looks really good, so someone at least cared.

I would personally say the "source" remake of half-life, there a bug list a mile long ranging from broken bosses, models and AI breaking, hitboxes and weapons feeling different from the orginal and a dozen other glitches. The lighting system is broken and often ruins the moods of the darker parts, and all you get is some shitty looking water and ragdolls. Worst part is that valve is aware of all these problems and refuses to fix it because it is an "abandoned project." Just feels like valve half-assed it and didn't care.

>> No.6093523

you can't just handwave every analogy by claiming "false equivalency!" or "apples and oranges!" both things just suck regardless of intent, plain and simple

>> No.6093524
File: 103 KB, 256x384, EWJ_DSi_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not exactly a remake but the Ubisoft versions of Earthworm Jim that they shat out onto DSiware and the like are truly awful. For one they got the rights to the game but not TenNaple's voice so all Jim's lines are re-recorded and sound like shit. Then they added a bunch of garbage like these photo booth things.

>> No.6093532
File: 41 KB, 506x512, ff5psone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the original sprite look Square used, but it's undeniable that it's the style they were done in and the hideous look of the sprites we see in the remakes are likely very much what they always were meant to look but didn't because of hardware limitations.

As for the special editions, it's partly revisionism as with the Greedo shooting or shoehorning Boba Fett in the background of any scene he can. But there are other scenes like Jaba in ANH where it was left out originally for technical reasons and that is somewhat analogous to the FF situation.

>> No.6093534

Why did the romancing saga 2&3 remasters fail to capture the designer's intent despite having the hardware to display improved graphics?

>> No.6093538

Why do you guys always discuss the "worst" remakes? Discuss the best ones so I can actually play the ones people recommend.

>> No.6093563

Different series have different styles. That's specifically the FF look. Saga, Mana etc all have different styles. If they do a high res Chrono Trigger the sprites would again look different.

>> No.6093717

This looks a lot better than the sprites we got in the "remaster". I don't know what your point is supposed to be.

>> No.6093732
File: 10 KB, 324x158, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is not the style of the sprites (which do not look like the artwork you posted by the way), but that everything looks terrible in the remakes. Pic related: original, remake, and what could have been (but would still merit modifying the entirety of the graphics as the perspective change leads to jarring issues).

>> No.6093731

Romancing SaGa 2 and 3 got great remakes

Chrono Trigger too (after several patches)

>> No.6093739

Who knows nigga, ask ArtePiazza. They do mostly DQ remakes and ports. No idea why they were assigned to do Romancing Saga 2/3

>> No.6093740

That isn't what the sprites look like, are you blind?

>> No.6093746

You already posted it. A lazy port that objectively has worse graphics than an SNES game.

>> No.6093748

You post this in every thread yet those drawings don't look even close to the new sprites

>> No.6093749

I think you need your eyes checked.

>> No.6093750

>left out originally for technical reasons

Not the case. Jabba's slug design was made for Return of the Jedi. The character in the cut scene in the original Star Wars was never going to look like that.

>> No.6093759

Body shape and eye placement is completely different. They literally are not in the same style.

>> No.6093928

Yeah he was just a dude. He was also sort of obsequious with Han in that scene since he just stone-cold murdered his hired goon/assassin

>> No.6093957
File: 1.19 MB, 943x1533, terra japanese boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty damn similar to me.

Yeah the scenes were filmed but he always knew he didn't want Jaba to just a generic dude, he was always supposed to be some kind of alien. So he cut them.

>> No.6094210

The remake sprites were made by the original sprite artist iicr.

>> No.6094302

Just looking at the hair should tell you that they are completely different sprites.
I have no idea why some people here are trying to defend those lazy sprites. I played RPG Maker 2003 games that had better sprites than the FF5/6 remasters.

>> No.6094374

It's the same style done by the same artist. Anyways I'm not defending it, I also think it looks like shit. Just saying that's what they were always going for.

>> No.6094406

It's also cut because the scene is completely redundant
>Greedo shows up to say Jabba is mad that Han doesn't have his money. Han does not have the money, or at least, no intent to hand it over at this time.
>Deleted scene shortly after has Jabba meet Solo at the Falcon. Jabba is mad that Han doesn't have his money. Han does not have the money, or at least, no intent to hand it over at this time.

>> No.6094438

The ultimate point of this, if we accept that this is what they were going for, is that we should sometimes be grateful for hardware limitations or design constraints that counter-intuitively force superior aesthetic or art. It makes you wonder if some modern games or movies would have been improved in certain ways (storytelling? pacing/editing? "atmosphere"?) if they couldn't rely on state-of-the-art tech to accomplish whatever they could dream up.

>> No.6094440

That looks neat tho.