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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 279 KB, 1280x1280, System-Genesis-System_Pack-2__34698.1394749034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5883469 No.5883469 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Genesis so mediocre?

>> No.5883472

because it's fucking 50 years old

>> No.5883484

But it came out 30 years ago.

>> No.5883486

Because you don't like arcade games.

>> No.5883497

Fart noises

>> No.5883521

>only 60 colors at once
>sound chip that could only make piano sounds without farting
It it weren't for Hard Corps, this thing would be worthless

>> No.5883524

Because it was made before your switch. Before you even.

>> No.5883547

Come on, anon. I'm a Nintendo fanboy and I still will admit that the Genesis has some amazing games, like Gunstar Heroes, Rocket Knight Adventures, Splatter House, Shinobi, Monster World, Castle of Illusion, Quackshot and YuYuHakusho to name a few.
I agree with the farting noises, though. And that was weird considering that some Genesis games had an incredible soundtrack.

>> No.5883589

Too many games have fuckhuge characters so you can marvel at the sprite detail but don't take screen space into enough consideration design-wise.

>> No.5883717

shitty graphics and sound

>> No.5883789

B-but.... it has Blast Processing!!

>> No.5883790

Why are you a fat fuck

>> No.5883852
File: 9 KB, 272x125, Genesis DOES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't that bad. Its extensive library of football and baseball games is only rivaled by the N64's selection of racing games.

>> No.5883868

it was literally a souped up master system

>> No.5883887

>literally a souped up master system
it had as much in common with the master system as the snes has. megadrive was based on sega's arcade hardware, you dense cunt.

>> No.5884854

>I love my NES with its 25 colors and grating fart soundchip

>> No.5884857


>> No.5885061

>too many mutt games
most japanese developed mega drive games actually had small character sprites. hell even on multiplat games, the mega drive version's were smaller.

>> No.5885086
File: 1.97 MB, 320x224, EDE3FAD5-2122-4BA3-AE8D-775485283509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking News! Super Nintendo is less powerful than a Master System! You heard it here first on /VR/!

>> No.5885091

Shit you are tarded

>> No.5885157

If anything that is less of a problem on genesis as compared to SNES due to genesis having the higher resolution. This is most apparent in multiplat games such as Pitfall. SNES version has a significantly smaller FOV.

>> No.5885647

>B-b-but muh Mario and Zelda! Muh Mertroid and slowed-down sprite action! Muh Chrono Trigguh! Muh colors and sampled sound with reverb!
Cope, Nintendrones.

>> No.5885736

Is having a lack of slowdown what kids call mediocre these days?

>> No.5885845

Because you are playing the mediocre shit games that people tell you to play. The real question is, where is your spine OP?

>> No.5885947


>> No.5885969

I think it's harder to get into the MD than into the SNES.
A console is only as good as it's games. No Mario, no Zelda - not to say there are no good MD games but none of the amazing titles lived on with still standing IPs - like Mario or Zelda for example.
That's probbaly what makes it less interesting for people that didn't grow up with a MD/Genesis.

>> No.5886003

>muh grafiks and sownd iz all dat mattuz
Guess who's missing the entire point of video games? Zoomer-tastic, zoomer spastic!

>> No.5886006

Because you play shitty american sports games?

>> No.5886007

I guess the point to you is being a huge faggot and if you don't reply to this post your mom is going to die tonight.

>> No.5886046
File: 10 KB, 246x260, 1568618792025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't.
Stop being a colossal fgt.

>> No.5886247

Do not use this word unless referring to internet protocol. You have been warned.

>> No.5886249

Because you have shit taste.

>> No.5886302

Hard Corps is the best game on the console, but Bloodlines and Rocket Knight and a small handful of others are essential too.

>> No.5886304

NES is probably the best-sounding console, and its library makes the Genesis look like a joke.

>> No.5886374
File: 19 KB, 320x224, 99497-eternal-champions-genesis-screenshot-showing-respect-to-each.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 60 colors at once

this shit was inexcusable for a home console released in 1988

early games were fine due their simplistic nature, but mid-late releases tried to make up for the lack of colors with a fuckton of dithering

>> No.5886402
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1567026240204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5886408

Jesus Christ

>> No.5886418

>twitch emotes
I feel bad for you

>> No.5886429

Intellectual Property. It's a common abbreviation, maybe not in the IT sphere but in copyright and trademark law - as well as gaming.
Get used to it, sperg.

>> No.5886485

I was a SNES kid but I always liked the dithered look on some MD games. Like Vectorman and Aladdin.

>> No.5886565

Why do you suck cock?

>> No.5886587

Same thing SEGA kept doing again and again til it went out of the console market.
>Hey, let's put out a KILLER console before EVERYONE ELSE! BWA HA HA!
>Put out killer console before everyone else
>4 months later here's the competitor's way, way, WAAAAAAAAAY better console
>Goodbye SEGA

Happened with the Master System, the Genesis, the Saturn and the Dreamcast then they gave up.

>> No.5887105

My mother is already dead. I know this for sure because 'twas I who raped her to death. That fucking bitch. Also, this doesn't make any sense:
>I guess the point to you is being a huge faggot
Am I to infer from that comment that all those who enjoy a game because of its playability have homosexual tendencies? Strange little maggot you are. I want to drop a piano on you, and then I want to beat what's left of you into pulp with an Acme mallet. You odious shit. You serial hamster botherer. You honk of a pedo clown's nose. May the fleas of ten thousand camels infest your armpits.

>> No.5887107

1990 was 70 years ago

>> No.5887116
File: 209 KB, 771x2224, Fourth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 months later here's the competitor's way, way, WAAAAAAAAAY better console
Nigger are you even trying?
>Happened with the Master System
Guess you really aren't.

>> No.5887118
File: 19 KB, 330x330, 1534838806985435436h54h54h3h3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your mom and dad never loved you and you take pills you make your dick fall off. Faggot.

>> No.5887127
File: 25 KB, 640x400, populous_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit was inexcusable for a home console released in 1988
>I am a Literal Larping Zoomer Who Wasn't Even a Sperm in My Dad's Nutsack in 1988: The Post: The Movie
Damn near every arcade arcade and even PC game was rife with dithering intended to be blended with analog signals. A cursory glance in MAME with games from the late 80s would show you this, but I understand that being a zoomer you need to act like an authority on shit you've never even experienced second hand.

>> No.5887130

>colors on screen: 64 to 75 (standard)

i bet sheath edited that

>> No.5887134


>> No.5887138

It's because a lot of composers had to use shit like GEMS

>> No.5887142

>It's because a lot of western composers had to use shit like GEMS
And even by 1995 composers were able to makes GEMS come through, don't rely on third impressions of zoomers who their info from Nintencuck autists.

>> No.5887149

Fuck off bass and guitar are the only instruments in GEMS that don't completely suck -toejam & earl also uses it. And even then it sounds utterly pathetic next to metal squad

>> No.5887152
File: 56 KB, 552x465, b08trygb 0854yt-803v4yntpnrdhg80n54yu564yb647by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5887157

No nigger, you fuck off.

>> No.5887164

Don't bother, nintoddlers are brain dead cult faggots. Just laugh at them and move on.

>> No.5887176

It's not a nintendo vs sega thing, it's a GEMS was a pile of shti and americans are talentless hacks type of thing. Jesus check your insecurity, tranny.

>> No.5887184

>seething this much

>> No.5887192

You homosexual pedophile that song is 75% PCM samples,
So much for your fart toy..

>> No.5887207

>75% PCM samples
Proof, until then cope.

>> No.5887224

I bet you think those neo geo guitars are frequency modulation too. LOSER

>> No.5887268

>US$189.99 (equivalent to $384 in 2018)
>US$199.99 (equivalent to $368 in 2018)
It's shameful that teachers encourage kids to use wikipedia as a source these days.

>> No.5887286

Just show us where the GEMS soundchip molested you and when that made you decide to chop your dick off, transnigger.

>> No.5887289

because it was the budget system
it'd most overrated console ever if sega hadn't gone on to release two more

>> No.5887296

who would be more credible than actual human beings?

>> No.5887352

Its actually way better overall but snes has mario and zelda

>> No.5887353

Anything touched by American AIDS is corrupted and unholy. By the way it's a sound ENGINE not chip.

>> No.5887670
File: 31 KB, 320x286, Down-Child-Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5887689

it used plain old off the shelf hardware in an economical way, crappy low resolution texas instruments VDP (meh) low end FM chip (meh) 7.6mhz 68000 (not even 10 or 12mhz? why?) basically it was weak and uninspired. possibly hindered by a backwards compatibility requirement to the master system also.

>> No.5887690

Your taste in games sucks obviously.