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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 87 KB, 600x399, A school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5872250 No.5872250 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we discuss the video game rumors that were bandied about the school yard in the pre-Internet days

>> No.5872258

When Mortal Kombat II came out, it was rumored that Jax had a "Sexality" in which he would rip off Sonya Blade's clothes and fuck her. It was believable as MKII introduced all those gimmick *alities and the hysterical mass media at the time was inundated with stories about how Mortal Kombat was destroying America's youth.

>> No.5872284

I remember being told, with total conviction, that there was a Yellow version of Pokémon with Zapdos on the cover. I think this may have been before the real Pokémon Yellow came out.

>> No.5872291

Kid I knew told me you can find the cyborgs sword in the labs after you defeat him in mgs1. That sucked really.

>> No.5872304

Some kid told me he completed Mario 64 and that "a newspaper spins around at the end with the news of defeating bowser".

>> No.5872306

"I have the Playstation 64" and shows a fucking picture of the black development PS1

>> No.5872310

You could make a wild mew appear by wandering around with a ditto

>> No.5872315

Lara croft nude code.
Faggot ass game magazine listed in in code section, so we bought a gameshark/xploder to try it with and it didnt fucking work. Fucking jews

>> No.5872515

Why Jax?
BBC propaganda even then?

>> No.5872516

There was a Code to play the bosses in SF2 snes

>> No.5872579

I did have a patch back in the day that replaced the texture of Lara with naked Lara with a hairy bush.

>> No.5872584

The truck, the fucking truck in Pokemon Red and Blue. "A level 100 (Sandslash, Machamp, Onix, etc.) with Strength is the only thing that can move it!" The worst thing was, I was so young, that I actually went back and fucked around to find the truck, and when I realized the truck was real I assumed that the rumour was real and I levelled up every pokemon I heard the rumour about to level 100 (thankfully with the item duplication trick I was able to do that pretty easily) and the fucking truck still wouldn't move.

>> No.5872617

You can use Stop'n'Swop items in Banjo Kazooie to unlock secret levels.
I regret actually putting a lot of time trying to find something, until Tooie was announced.

>> No.5872621

Niggers = rape. Probably.

>> No.5872624

Big one around the lunch table was that Sony or Sega were going to add support for each others games calling the addition Dreamstation.

>> No.5872626

You never asked anyone why? We used to tell people "you have to manually level, the candy doesn't get their strength high enough"

>> No.5872637

Yeah somebody said that to me as well as a kid, and I actually manually levelled Sandslash, but never bothered manually levelling the other rumoured pokemon after that didn't work. I also have a vague recollection of a Pikablue rumour but don't remember the details. The craziest though was I have an older brother, and I remember one of his friends telling me those other rumours were bullshit, but giving me instructions on the Mew glitch, which I of course thought was just my brother's friend messing with me because I'd fallen for other rumours in the past.

>> No.5872995

I feel I missed out on this sub-culture. No one at my school played games, or at least made mention of them. One time a guy brought his Game Boy to class in second grade but that was it.

>> No.5874245

If you gathered 99 Tissues from Gold Saucer and have them in your inventory before Sephiroth kills Aeris, you'll be able to stop the bleeding and she lives.

>> No.5874260

neigbor kid tried telling me there was a minus world in SMB, thought he was full of shit, was pretty mindfucked when i found out it was real

>> No.5874265

Tmmt 2 nes was 4 players if you had the 4 score adapter

>> No.5874305
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You can reach the mountains in Battlezone. I know this dates me, but at least we were talking about it in the early 90s when 2600 games were the poor person's NES. This urban legend goes waay back.

>> No.5874329

too bad she didn't bleed i guess

>> No.5874342
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Pikablue "aka Marill" in Red and Blue

There were a ton of methods for unlocking it, including some ridiculous trick where you had to do a bunch of surfing, Catching a shit ton of pikachus and having a water stone in a specific spot in your inventory, and finding it in a hidden room in Oak's lab. Obviously all were bullshit and Marill ended up sucking in Gold and Silver.

>> No.5874358

I remember the rumor about getting mew by surfing and using strength on a truck during the ss anne part.

>> No.5874476

There was this insane rumor at my school about Shining Force 2, where if you used the Sky Orb (I think that's what it was called) in front of Granseal in just the right place, you could go back in time and save Hawel, and also get Astral on your team. Astral supposedly had a spell called Exorcise that made flowers grow out of the enemies and instantly killed them. Bunch of kids said they did it, and each one added even more wild shit.

>> No.5874491


>> No.5874502

Heard in second grade there was a secret boss fight in Yoshi's Story where you could fight a bazooka toting baby Bowser

>> No.5874527

You guys realize the Internet was around when the Pokemon games were out right?

>> No.5874536

I had a friend in primary school that adamantly thought there was a "rainbow speed" in Star Wars Episode 1 Racer.

>> No.5874556

I overlooked that part because even with the internet available it was hard to disprove and put them to rest.

>> No.5874561


>> No.5874562

I didnt have internet I grew up in a trailer, so it pretty much didn't exist until i was 14

>> No.5874573

Not video game related, but a classmate told me about a computer virus called "salad shop" that has an animated dude come up on screen who starts throwing cucumbers and other vegetables, and whatever file that gets hit with a vegetable gets deleted.

>> No.5874580
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If you collect 1000 eggs in Nu Pogodi, a cartoon will start playing

>> No.5874585

There was a magazine that had a code for Twisted Metal 2 to play as darktooth. Everyone was pissed because they hid that it was a joke in extra fine print.

>> No.5874589

This sounds strangely like a real worm that existed. Those animated stripper dancer things that had a real girl dancing on your taskbar, they had several that if you opened a file she would talk about whatever you opened to be more realistic, only worked with a handful of programs like Powerpoint or Excel or WMP. Well anyway it worked like this. If you opened an excel file she would mention something about spreadsheets and make a sex joke about spreading her in the sheets but then your file would be erased OR... It replaced the file with one that if you tried to email it and someone else not infected opened it then they would have trouble doing specific things.

I just spent 30 minutes looking and I can't find it. It was pretty well known too. Since what it did wasn't always the same so it was harder to track for shit like Norton.

>> No.5874661

Man this just reminded me that there was a rumour that you could unlock Yoshi as a Pokemon by defeating Professor Oak, who actually does have a team buried in the game's code. Goes to show that some rumours may have been based on something even if they seemed crazy.

>> No.5874663

>1998 internet
Yeah and it was full of garbage info, there was no video streaming because it used too much bandwidth, and most of us were kids so if we had the internet we might not have necessarily known the best ways to use it.

>> No.5874731

At least you can go get them and access those secret areas.

>> No.5874743

Banjo-Tooie gave you dragon kazooie

>> No.5874801

Blood in the SNES Mortal Kombat being there after all.

>> No.5874913

There kind of were 152 with Mew and MissingNo.

>> No.5874951

>there was no video streaming because it used too much bandwidth,
oh noes, no meme youtubers! How did anyone survive or know what their opinions were?!

If you needed info gamefaqs was one of the best places to go (still is in some ways). You had to actually read. Not only was video too bandwidth heavy, a lot of images and css-heavy sites were. Anyone remember 56k warnings? Some sites like gamefaqs were fine and loaded almost as fast as on broadband, but if there was lots of images that were a few megabytes overall you just couldn't browse it.

>> No.5875002

>oh noes, no meme youtubers! How did anyone survive or know what their opinions were?!
Why are you projecting? My point was that you couldn't watch a video online of the glitches or secrets being carried out, so misinformation was more prevalent. Holy fuck you need to take a step back from your own assumptions.

>> No.5875030

There were infinite fatality rumors for this game, many involving nudity.

>> No.5875035

>My point was that you couldn't watch a video online of the glitches or secrets being carried out, so misinformation was more prevalent.
And it's a bullshit point because like I said you had sites like gamefaqs. I don't think I've ever gotten misinformation from a faq there. Yes you couldn't see something being performed, but again, you had to actually read and use your brain a little instead of mindlessly copying.
>Holy fuck you need to take a step back from your own assumptions.
I don't think so, meme youtubers are a huge source of information these days (often inaccurate) and it seemed you were including them. Try to be more clear next time about what you're saying.

>> No.5875036

>there was no video streaming because it used too much bandwidth
There was, of a sort, if you count watching Quicktime in a grainy postage stamp sized window. I remember seeing clips from the Criterion Akira laserdisc page like that around 1997.

>> No.5875038

(continued) I want to reinforce my point one last time because I still feel like you don't get it. Even if you didn't mean anything about any youtubers in the slightest, this sentence:
>Yeah and it was full of garbage info, there was no video streaming because it used too much bandwidth,
is shit. It's shit, it was never like that.

>> No.5875052
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stfu retard

Brother and I spent hours and hours trying to get this to work. We thought it had to be real because there were pictures of it right there. inb4 dipshit's rebuttal.

>> No.5875054

My cousin insisted there was a combo in Tekken that turned Gon into a giant t rex that ate the other player.

>> No.5875071

>check out lemonparty.org they have crazy cheat codes for video games

>> No.5875073

Jax and Sonya are implied to be former lovers throughout most of the series since they served in the same platoon

>> No.5875095 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1021x678, ff71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find the special medicine hidden in Midgar and give it to the sick guy in the pipe in sector 5, he will revive Aerith later on

>> No.5875109

If you beat all the cups 5 times in a row in Mario Kart 64, then you can get off your Kart at Royal Raceway the next time you play it, enter the castle, and play Mario 64

>> No.5875117
File: 72 KB, 1006x677, ff71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find the special medicine hidden in Midgar and give it to the sick guy in the pipe in sector 5, he will revive Aerith later on

>> No.5875149

That looks like a magazine to me knobhead.

>> No.5875181

There was also that runour that you could obtain the triforce in OoT, whatever that meant.

>> No.5875223

>there was no disinfo on GameFAQs
Lol you're fucked, or you didn't actually use the internet in the 90s. On top of that, there were no "reputable" websites because the internet was still new, and search engines were even in their basic stage, so somebody looking up video game help often got sent to garbage sites like UGO forums or CheatCodeCentral, both of which were full of garbage rumours and shit.

>> No.5875232

Please see a specialist for your mental impairment.

>> No.5875236

Not video game related but the funniest one I remember were kids saying Nail would kill Frieza back when DBZ was first airing.

>> No.5875515


>> No.5875526
File: 88 KB, 460x322, Sega Genesis Blood Code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I have forgotten this? Recess rumors drove many a wild goose chase for the SNES blood code.

>> No.5875529

Never heard of 'sexality' but 'nudality' was always a persistant rumour.

>> No.5875542

This made my inner child angry.

I told my friend that if you beat crash 3 100% and then fight nitro, die on the second half of the fight where the moon is, the ship will fall on the moon and unlock a bonus moon level with a moon gem at the end. He called me a month later asking why it wasn't working. Laughed really hard but felt bad for how much time he'd spent.

>> No.5875627

I was at my friends place and he told if I would beat him at Tekken he would kick and punch me as hard as he could. So I lost him on purpose :(

>> No.5875641

One in particular that I remember hearing was that, in Luigi's Mansion, you can make a portrait ghost in a Santa Claus suit appear if you climb the ladder in the twins' bedroom during the blackout and get into the top bunk bed. As a retarded little kid, I thought something was wrong when I could get Luigi to climb the ladder but not actually get in the bed, I considered it more believable that I had to do something else in the game before Luigi would get in the bed than that that kid just lied to me.

One that I didn't fall for though was when a different kid told me that he knew of a way to unlock an alternate campaign that swaps Mario and Luigi. By this point I had played through Luigi's Mansion enough times that just a mere cosmetic change in the character model sounded appealing to me, just to be able to experience something new with the game. But this fat little fuck would only tell it to me if I gave him one of my chicken nuggets at the lunch table. I gave it to him, and I don't remember exactly what he told me to do, but as soon as he said I had to jump up somewhere, I immediately knew he was bullshitting me, he hadn't even played the game.

I should be over it, but for some reason, I'm still fucking salty over that. That smarmy little shit owes me a fucking chicken nugget.

>> No.5875698
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I heard a rumor that Myst was a good game but it actually sucks balls.

>> No.5875706

if you pee in 99 toilets in duke3d, duke will jack off

>> No.5875710

Into the toilet?

>> No.5875776

This was his original post dumbass: >>5874663
this is what we were talking about - the internet. Not "pre-internet". Pre-internet is what the OP was saying, but my discussion for him was about 1998 internet. I have no fucking clue what you barged in not even indicating you weren't him.
Man, to be sitting here and reading shit of this caliber, what am I doing with my life? IGN, Game Informer Online and Gamespot all started in 1996. Gamesradar launched in 1999. EGM, Nintendo Power, and so many other gaming magazines had their websites as well, I can't be bothered to look them up. That's not even counting the countless reliable amateur websites.

Why are you bringing forums up idiot? Nobody's talking about forums, the actual passed FAQs on the gamefaqs site were reliable. The original statement was that the whole internet in 1998 was unreliable and no it fucking wasn't and you need to blow that retardation out of your mind.

>> No.5875846

>most of us were kids at the time, even if we had internet we may not have known the best ways to use it
>search engines were in their infancy
You came into a thread about game rumours to get mad at "fucking retarded kids could have just it looked it up"
Congratulations, you made yourself mad

>> No.5875865

he says "guess I do have time to play with myself...AAAAHHHHHH".

>> No.5875884

My statement was there wasn't a way to reliably prove rumors and disinformation wrong back waywhen. So if someone said do such and so and you can then this and that unlocking stuff, you had no choice but to consider it as viable unless you knew that the person who told you was prone to lying.

>> No.5875892

There was always a kid who's uncle worked at Nintendo and had games no one knew existed.

>> No.5876018

A guy from my school gave me a few Game Shark codes for transforming your team into some rare Pokemon like Sapposaur (Venusaur's evolution), Charcoal (Charizard's evolution), Venustoise, Pikablu and the like. The codes were bullshit of course but he kept insisting his brother got those Pokemon using the codes.

Show Bill a Pikablu and he will let you access his secret garden, behind his house. Starter Pokemon can be caught there.

You can get the Triforce as an inventory item by fucking around with the Zelda OoT "beta quest" stuff. It's given to you by Rauru after completing the Light Temple in one of the "beta worlds", which you access by the path behind the four
gossip stones next to the Temple of Time. Just wiggle the cart just the right way while trying to walk through the stones, and you will get behind the fence. Stairs will appear leading to the Light Temple.

>> No.5876146

When SMB3 came out, a kid at school said something to the effect of Japan already being on Super Mario 7. Not gonna lie, I kind of believed it.

>> No.5876672

>Show Bill a Pikablu and he will let you access his secret garden, behind his house. Starter Pokemon can be caught there.
I heard that as well. Also I do remember there being a rumor about a Surfing Pikachu as well that can be captured.

>> No.5876689

1. Not everyone had access to computers.
2. If we did, we were too young and too dumb to search for specific stuff like that.
3. If we did search for video game websites, there was no information for most of these rumors
4. If we did find info about the rumor, there was a 50/50 chance that it was incorrect or they were fueling the rumor.
5. If the info was correct, the rumor still persisted just like any urban legend. If Bloody Mary was a persistent thing, why not a video game rumor?

>> No.5876696

reading some of these rumors makes me wish companies would hire kids as creative leads

>> No.5877313
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I didn't have a lot of friends who would discuss vidya with me at school, but my brothers would tell me things, mainly about Pokémon.

>If you get all 151 Pokémon, Professor Oak gives you a map that lets you go to his secret forest where you can get the starter Pokémon again. It's the grass outside Pallet Town that you can't access.
>There's actually a Pokemon Green version, we used to own it but I think it fell down the side of the sofa.
>If you time it right during the start screen and press A+B+Start, the Pokemon shown on the screen will be the one you have as your starter if you do a new game.

I was around 4 or 5 at the time so it was all believable.

>> No.5877348

There was a surfing Pikachu in Yellow version, but it wasn't accessible under normal circumstances. I can't remember how you got it, but I think it was the first sort of "event" pokemon.

>> No.5877396

it was basically a romhack before that was a thing. Official nintendo employees would load it onto your game at events

>> No.5877403

Ah apparently there was also a way with Pokemon Stadium and the Transfer Pak.

>> No.5877432

I know you guys know what I'm on about, but that fucking Pokemon Red/Blue official guide that had the fucking most DISHONEST game tips of all time.

I can't remember the specifics, but having an OFFICIAL guide say that the Down and B trick works, or telling you to use your Master Ball on a fucking Arbok or something.

I believed that guide cause I was a moronic 7 year old, but fuck me that was the most dishonest game guide

>> No.5877453

I did a lot to try to get that truck to move... :(

>> No.5877463

Most first world places had libraries with internet in the late 90's. With accurate search setups no less.

>> No.5877541

Pokémon, Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter II had the most rumors of any games.

>> No.5877709

youre getting very mad, dude. we're talking about shit we believed in the fourth grade, forgive us if we didnt know exactly how to triple check someone's sources online.
most of the time i had no reason to think my friends were full of shit and even if i did, my mom didnt like me going online.

>> No.5878039

What truck? if it's SS Anne, you can't reenter the area after completing it. You had to trade pokemon to you from the start of the game with the HMs and even then you couldn't move the truck in that area.
That trick to increase catchability might be real!
>most of the time i had no reason to think my friends were full of shit
Now this brings back memories lol.

>> No.5879045

I did catch a Kyogre (ik not retro) at full health with a pokeball using that down+b "trick" lol
I still don't really know how that happened

>> No.5879063
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Clearly, judging by this thread.
Did anyone ever argue with their friends over what exactly Ryu was saying when he used his fireball and dragon punch? One kid was adamant that he was saying "All you can!" during the dragon punch, while I argued that he was saying something about or directed at Ken.

>> No.5879065

I remember the Seuxuality rumor in my school was Liu Kagn grabbing Sonya's tits, squeezing them and saying "TO-KY-O! TO-KY-O!"

>> No.5879140

Back in elementary school my friend said he was playing the Data East Robocop arcade game at the local pizza parlor and he made Robocop do a funny dance in front of a building and it unlocked a mode to play other Data East games.

>> No.5879145

In Gold, if you beat the elite 4 100 times they'll give you a mew.
I gave up after ~40 I think.

>> No.5879294

This guy are sick

>> No.5879309

My friends would say they've seen Nintendo 65 at a store or some shit

>> No.5879315

>"i got the new zelda game, link's got an axe in it"

>> No.5879382

I remember this kid told me he had this big fat cheat book for Mortal Kombat 3 with all secret Fatality codes in it and shit. "There's one where Sub-Zero turns into a bird and bites their head off!". Fuck that kid.

>> No.5879521

There's a truck in the area by the SS Anne, and yes, that's part of what made the secret compelling, is that it is an area that can't be navigated to without circumventing the normal path of the game. That's what made it interesting and somewhat believable (especially as a kid) that the truck might be hiding a secret.
The catchability trick is 100% not real, the code of Pokemon games has been looked at every which way.

>> No.5879558

some shit at school told me that in the mario party 3 pizza eating minigame (the one that 2v2) if you held L R and Z at the same time an d pressed B your character would turn into Vampire Mario and eat the other characters

>> No.5879634

Pikablu is under the truck

>> No.5879643

When I was a young kid I assumed there were only legitimate sites, ie Lego.com, Pokemon.com, etc.
Only when I was around 10 I actually discovered fan made sites.

>> No.5879707
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>> No.5879714

Oh you, Ken ;-)

>> No.5879719
File: 335 KB, 960x960, rwzoybutitm01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There fucking has to be something in the pool at the very north point of the map, and on the little island in the north west. Anyone have a dad at Nintendo who can shed some light on this, tia.

>> No.5879735

No, bro. The manual actually told you the exact pronunciation. You were asking to get berated if you pretended to hear something other than what they say.

>> No.5880093

Ff7 and getting areith back post disc 1. All the shit I did as a teenager to get her back because some dude said he did it at school and it worked

>> No.5880147

>arcade game
yeah kids were all over those

>> No.5880152

some moron was adamant that on Mortal Kombat 1 on SNES you can fight Jade if you get double Flawless without blocking, and do a Fatality exactly in the middle on the Warrior Shrine
anyway we wasted a fucking afternoon trying this shit

>> No.5880280

Some kid told me that his friend managed to pull Bowser out of his clown car and then you got to choose your weapons before melee combat.

>> No.5880295

"Hadouken" was "AZUL KICK" to me
the fireball is kinda blue-ish

>> No.5880298

>after you've tried this 10 times read the name of the person who sent this in
>A.P. Rilphulls
I dont get it

>> No.5880320

>Arcade game

Nice backtrack, kid. The arcade had the moves on the fucking sticks panel and side panel. Then in a scripted marquee event in units with no graphics that interrupted attract mode. Any more shit attempts?

>> No.5880328

lol you are as retarded as they get.


April Fools, ya fool.

>> No.5880329

How was childhood in post-soviet Russia anyway Sasha?

>> No.5880332

how was i supposed to know it was released in April

>> No.5880350

Because the letter author's name was A P Riphuuls.

>> No.5880393

That spacing man, it's like you're trying to post somewhere that awards you for being clever.

>> No.5880493

Duke and Lara were in a relationship.

>> No.5880498

>The final boss of FFVIII is a business man wearing a turtle shell.

>> No.5880534

>Final boss is a businessman.
Maybe they were thinking about an SNK fighter?

>> No.5880539

I remember reading that issue. The old pink Lara Croft code. I think they did the same with the DOA volleyball games but it could have been a different publication at that point.

>> No.5881074

The thing that made Red and Blue rumors so compelling is that a lot of the shit that actually worked was on the same tier of weirdness as the made-up rumors. Weird glitched up Pokemon, Pokemon over level 100, a secret fight with Professor Oak that you could only get with glitches or a GameShark...hell, the fucking glitch that *actually* let you get Mew required so many strange and seemingly arbitrary steps that it made the "Mew under a truck" rumor seem totally reasonable by comparison. Throw in all the mysterious stuff like the grass on either side of Pallet Town and you've got possibly the most fertile ground for schoolyard rumors in history. Only the earliest N64 games really come close.

>no misinformation on late 90s GameFAQs
Yeah you definitely weren't around for the late 90s internet.

>> No.5881103
File: 320 KB, 597x440, SaffronCitySSB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Gyrados is an unlockable character in smash if you do an aerial knockout and your opponent flies directly behind the pokeball tower.

2. Nude misty if you catch all pokemon in under 2 hours.

3. This >>5874342

>> No.5881160

Barrett is a faggot

>> No.5881370
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>> No.5881536

Then most first world places can cross number 1. There are still numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 to check.

>> No.5881545

I remember the most ludicrous one, that I tried.

In a magazine in the UK, it said you could get nude Lara in TR2 by rolling,jumping, and crouching in time to Atomic Kitten's "Never Ever". At the time I tried it for hours, but like...there's no ordering, no rhythm. Kids these days with phones/tablets have porn so easy

>> No.5881551

I don't know about the guy of the original message, but in my country you rarely found the game in its original cabin. They mostly had one cabin and would change the game (even if that meant limiting the controls and even the number of players).

>> No.5881556

I remember trying to get 'Pikablu' for a long time. I'd read some method that involved finding the keys lying near one of the slot machines in Celadon (which don't have a purpose).

May just be a coincidence. Oak is the only (former) Pokémon trainer you don't fight, so it makes sense that people think you might be able to unlock a fight with him. The fact that he has a team hidden in the game's code may have gotten out much later.

I don't know when Oak's team got discovered though.

>> No.5881581

I've got a decent one from my asshole cousin about Pokémon GSC. I never knew if he read it online or just made shit up whole cloth. Probably the latter since he knew I was not quick to doubt anything. There was a 6th legendary bird, and to get access to it you had to do 12 laps around Kanto in a certain timeframe without bumping into walls. After the 12th lap, a mysterious man appears to you outside the bullet train in Saffron with the bird. You have to battle him with this legendary bird and the bird trio from Kanto, and when you win, you get taken to a 3rd tower similar to the ones Ho-Oh and Lugia sat atop where he releases it and you have a chance to catch it.

Also I vaguely remember something else about getting to an inaccessible waterfall on Mt. Silver that lead to the "grasslands" in the top left part of the johto map, where legendary dogs roam commonly. Anyone else hear shit like this or was my cousin just an ass for getting me all excited? (I tried the one with the laps around Kanto)

>> No.5881595

You can get the SS Anne to stay without cheating actually.

You have to make sure you don't fight all trainers on the ship. You then have to get Cut from the captain, and then fight one of the trainers. Lose, get warped to the Pokémon Center, and voila.

You just have to make sure not to re-enter the harbor before getting Surf, because the ship departs as soon as you enter the map.

>> No.5881627

thanks for the info but getting back in there is largely pointless, there's nothing to go surfing in there for lol

>> No.5881679

Well there's the truck, not that it does much. Just pointing out that you can go there and try to move it as much as you like without any cheating or glitching.

>> No.5881907

>Atomic Kitten's "Never Ever"
I think you mean All Saints.

>> No.5881957

I'd completely forgotten about this Yoshi rumour until you said this, I heard it as well. I guess someone once saw the Professor Oak Battle from surfing on cinibar Island and it grew from there.

It reminds me a friend said you could unlock Boshi in Yoshi's Story, it was a purple Yoshi that wore sunglasses. Completely didn't believe him but I was genuinely surprised later to learn Boshi was real, just not in Yoshi's Story.

>> No.5881981

Thanks for the bronze, broke stranger!

>> No.5881990

There's actually another pretty easy trick, saving in front of the sailor and then surfing through him.

>> No.5882021

I remember being told that you could unlock Toad as a character in Smash Bros Melee if you hit every one of the credits in the classic mode credits shooting minigame. I didn't believe them though because I had already gotten the message from when you unock all the characters and he said "c'mon do you really believe what the game tells you?"

>> No.5882071

I remember reading about SMW's "level 97" (which would have just been the 97th exit if it even existed).

It was in the videogames pull-out supplement from a newspaper. It was saying something about getting to the falling bit on the sunken ghost ship by a certain time (or something) then instead of getting the green ball at the end, you had to swim under the platform.

>> No.5882085

The funny thing is that there's almost a nugget of truth there, with glitches you can get at least 100 exits and find some of the fucked up test levels

>> No.5882106
File: 72 KB, 360x267, zelda_skiesarcadia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here:

https:/ /htloz.net/archives/htloz/2000-2001/fanstuff/itsreal.html

Anyone else remember Hyrule: the Land of Zelda?

>> No.5882117
File: 16 KB, 240x195, amt_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret outfits!

>> No.5882126
File: 528 KB, 640x640, 1567739110045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a cousin that swore he knew a guy with an "orange" copy of Pokemon, which was a special cartridge they used to load prize Pokemon onto your save data as a prize for winning a sweepstakes (things like Mew or other pokemon you couldnt possibly get)

>> No.5882130

well that is how mew was distributed, so seems potentially legit

>> No.5882203

Yes I did. The 90's in the UK were a wild time

>> No.5882547

the game rolled an RNG value and you happened to get one that said "pokemon stays in the ball and gets caught" despite odds against you

good work, down+b probably didn't do shit beyond feeding into the RNG

Real talk, stuff like down+B CAN work... in TAS conditions, where you can also check the RAM and use inputs to manipulate RNG values. Just doing it on your own is nothing more than a false positive, 99.9999999% of the time.

>> No.5882610
File: 141 KB, 908x849, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you do this in conjunction with recruiting Zack? IIRC you had to collect all the 1/35 SOLDIERs and 99 Masamunes from Speed Square to find the Excalibur among them, then insert it into the hole at Gongaga Reactor, which crumbles apart revealing that Zack has been hiding there recuperating, and he joins the party.

>> No.5882663

No one cares about YouTube shitheads Tommy

>> No.5882792

Like it's any better now you naive twat

>> No.5882815

A friend in 6th grade told me about how his cousin had not only Pokemon for his Win95 computer, but also Mega Man 9 that had a playable Bass.

Haha, yeah right!

It was true though

>> No.5882846

Friend told me in middle school that if you shoot all the credits In melee you'd unlock Toad. I beat classic mode over and over for 2 days trying to 100% it

>> No.5882856

You can easily get confirmation on whether things gaming rumors are true now, and we're no longer kids and can verify these things.

>> No.5883421

Sonic in melee

Or just in general any character requiring you to beat 1 million in vs infinite or shooting all targets in the credits

>> No.5883439

Who's Aerith?

>> No.5883605

I almost lost it readingthis

>> No.5883825


>> No.5883895
File: 366 KB, 1724x1244, 1539492848447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that guide I was on about.

Bear in mind this guide was THE OFFICIAL Red/Blue guide. It had some GOOD guides in there, especially Rocket HQ, but FUCK ME, what dishonest "tips". Read for yourself

>> No.5883993

That bitch from Faggot Fantasy VII.

>> No.5884668

This poster is clearly underage if they think that kids in 1998 knew how to confirm video game rumors. People weren't really hacking the roms.

Plus we were too busy trying to find naked pics of Tenchi Muyo characters to think of anything else.

>> No.5884735

There's no fucking way this is real, right?

>> No.5884749

If you look up Pikablue on google you see weird things

>> No.5884758

I convinced other kids that there was a blood code in Street Fighter 2 on the Mega Drive

>> No.5884804

christ I tried that on the PC version a few times

>> No.5884858

it's not implying zubat is rare

>> No.5886251

Lots of other horseshit. Most notably that Team Rocket steals your pkmn.

>> No.5886265

No, these were made in the early days of internet trolling.

>> No.5886474

You're pretty gay if you think any of those websites were reliable at launch.

>> No.5886753

Thats exactly what I was talking about.

>> No.5887445

Sounds like he was playing Spider-Man on N64 considering that had a similar gimmick.

>> No.5887457
File: 22 KB, 352x300, Malon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one Legend of Zelda Malon nude code.

>> No.5887469
File: 41 KB, 360x433, ermac_in_mk1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My friends insisted that they saw someone in MK2 get sucked into the main tree in the forest stage and they fought the Keebler elves.

Also, I saw the grainy Ermac screenshot in EGM before my friends did and I lied and said that I fought him. I was a stupid child.

>> No.5887520

My friend once told me there was a Mortal Kombat porno where Shao Kahn fucks Kitana with his dick that so long, it wraps around his waist like a belt.

>> No.5887797

The gamma sword in ff6

>> No.5887798

Well, it was ff3 on SNES at the time. Still, anyone heard of it?

>> No.5887806

>The arcade had the moves on the fucking sticks panel and side panel. Then in a scripted marquee event in units with no graphics that interrupted attract mode.
What the hell are you talking about?
SFII didn't have any of that

>> No.5887924
File: 71 KB, 700x900, 1485541b7f0bada21448423fb3f970a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you play as Chun Li and get a perfect you have to take off an article of clothing
I never told anyone that secret, but I sure had fun playing SF2: The World Warrior on SNES. I ditched fighting games after that because Mortal Kombat didn't have any big booty bitches with muscular legs and panty hose in it.

>> No.5888092

>it was true though

>> No.5888101

Nah, this guy was one of those "My uncle works at a video game company" types and was usually full of shit. He was always at the last level before anyone else too.

>> No.5888113
File: 35 KB, 341x354, Confused Samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A turtle shell
I understand the Businessman thing because of Shinra but a fucking shell?

>> No.5888217

>Vidya hoaxes will never ever be as big as before due to datamining niggers

>> No.5888256

I'm sure some of the most infamous fake codes like were invented by publishers.

Cheats were put in games to make sure they're talked about; so what better way is there to get people to talk about the game then spreading a nude Lara Croft cheat.

>> No.5888527

Yeah, even as a kid I looked at him and went "wtf..." I could only imagine fighting that one guy in the train on disc 1 but just comes back later wearing a shell and looking about as stupid as he described it.

>> No.5888550

this is a good thing though
imagine actually trying some stupid 100-input buttoncode like 20 times expecting it to work or something else inane like beating an impossible enemy or getting a pixel perfect jump onto a nonsolid platform. its a waste of time and even when people actually experienced it they just ended up frustrated when it didnt work and they realized they were had. theres nothing comfy about being lied to.

>> No.5888585

>n64 is still the new thing
>"smash bros 4 will have the crowd that cheers for the fights come out and fight you"

>> No.5888602

A lot of cheats were actually put in just because the developers wanted to make their playtested easier, or to get to a certain point to test parts of it more easily.

>> No.5888607

I heard all the usual stuff, probably propagated by the magazines of the time like Shen long, Nude raider, Yoshi is playable in M64, Aerith can be saved, Pikablue hidden in red/blue ect. but I bet I have a few homegrown ones.
>the SNES can totally play NES games with an adapter just like the sega power base but it was only released in japan
>SM3 powerups are hidden in M64 if you beat the game in a certain amount of time
>the gameboy camera can be hooked up to a full size printer if you dad works at Nintendo
>they didn't release super metroid on the n64 because the system because the samus model in smash was too complex

>> No.5888704

i just found this while looking for some retarded fake cheats from uk gaming mags in the 90s.

"Q:I have gotten Mew and I have tried to get the transform lollipop by
talking to the people in the vermillion city poke center 100 times each.
I haven't gotten the transform lollipop yet.What is the real way to get it?

A:I have never heard of this transform lollipop that you get when you have mew.
I have also researched this theory and found out that you have to talk to the
any person in the vermillion city pokemon center 100 times.The lollipop was
supposed to transform mew into metamew or metallic mew.The lollipop trick
is a lie.If you try it you will just be wasting your time."

>> No.5888734

It totally is. Here in Spain we had those things published in a monthly suplement that came with the official Nintendo magazine, and they surely were aware of the potential of these rumors on expanding the lifetime of the game, because they present as fact such an amount of bullshit that I can't even believe it.

>> No.5888761

Fun fact: You can get more moogles in FFIV!
Even more fun fact: While this was a schoolyard myth, it turned out to actually be true!
Through the airship glitch and sequence breaking, you can get the moogles from the start!
Who as far as the game's code is concerned, are merely placeholders for the main cast you get later. So if you never get that main cast in the proper way. You get the moogles instead!

>> No.5889123

>>SM3 powerups are hidden in M64 if you beat the game in a certain amount of time
that would be a nice reward in SMO

>> No.5889175

"The leading rumour in Japan was that you needed to bring both the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing to the shrine, which would make Celebi appear,"

Hironobu Yoshida's theory is that, as back then they would use additional sprite parts to give texture to rooftops, staircases, rocks, and more, they might have added in the shrine with these additional sprites just to spruce up the area. Basically, it was probably just part of the background.

"So if Celebi wasn't planned for the shrine, what was it there for? According to [art director Takao] Unno, nobody remembers what the shrine is for among the original staff. That's the true mystery behind Celebi."


>> No.5889419

Emulators did exist at the time, but were a lot less common, more likely Chinese bootleg game disks

>> No.5889484
File: 2.30 MB, 320x240, DpCc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone saying they saw a magazine article claiming that Akuma was an unlockable character in RE2. I spent like a month trying to find this article, eventually got my hands on it, then wasted an obscene amount of time trying to complete the ridiculous requirements only to find out on my fourth attempt that it was all a hoax.

>> No.5889625

the goldeneye64 island

>> No.5889638

I know this isn’t retro but fuck it, by far the worst one in my experience was Sonic and Tails in Melee. This one wasn’t even a true rumor either, it was just another EGM April Fool’s. A number of people I went to school with still insisted it was true and I was honestly pissed because we were nearly teenagers and I felt like they should be smarter than this by then. One of those guys was my best friend too so not only did I get to find out he was retarded, he acted contemptuously toward me because someone who “never lies” told him it was true and it was just some rando in another grade he’d never mentioned before. This guy somehow went on to become a software engineer

>> No.5889642

I had the magazine too and was upset it never unlocked. I swear if you can invalidate what others believe to be true they break the f down.

>> No.5889817


>> No.5889827

Not everyone had access to the manual or to officially licensed arcade cabinets for that matter. Even knowing the moves, a bunch of my friends were convinced Ryu and Ken said something different from "tatsukmaki senpuukyaku" because it wasn't exactly normal for kids to know shit about Japanese pronunciation back then.

>> No.5889843

I remember hearing about missing no, and was super skeptical. After trying and seeing it for myself, every other Pokemon rumor seemed real to me. I spent hours chasing bullshit specifically because Missingno turned out to he true. Yo, what the fuck was up with Gamefaqs allowing bullshit cheats to be published anyway? I mean, you could expect that from CheatCC. But Gamefaqs...fucking Gamefaqs. They wasted so much of my life by passing fake cheats as fact. In retrospect, I'm guessing it brought a fair amount of traffic their way.

>> No.5889859
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, definetely_the_nintendo_nx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake leaks/hoaxes are pretty much relegated to new console releases and Smash bros now which stinks

>> No.5889884

Nintendo only huh

>> No.5890057

I remember all these retarded methods for getting Togepi and Pikablu and Pokegods and whatnot that basically went like this:
>enter this Gameshark code
>go into the grass and you'll be attacked by a glitchy Pokemon
>catch it and name it Togepi
>you now have Togepi
I mean it obviously sort of worked but even as a kid I could see that just because some faggot says "this particular glitchmon is Togepi" doesn't mean it's Togepi.

>> No.5890063

>I can't remember how you got it, but I think it was the first sort of "event" pokemon.
it was, but I think they were Japan-only events. When Pokemon Staium came out, winning a cup on the hardest difficulty while having a non-rental Pikachu on your team in every battle would let you teach that Pikachu Surf, which was how your average kid got theirs.

>> No.5890067

I legit knew a guy with the Deoxys distro cart for the GBA games, so that one's believable enough. Some people did have that shit.

>> No.5890072

There was some fucking NES game where you had to enter a 20 buttoncode on the title screen within like 5 seconds that it took me fucking forever to get right. Can't remember which one it was, but it was some obnoxious bullshit.

>> No.5890085

>You can unlock Goku if you beat 100 Man smash just using Donkey Kongs wind up punch

>> No.5890091

Dude...this guy just started a new school yard rumor.

>> No.5890143

in the north west island there is one entrance of the "moon world"

the another entrance is on a secret exit of vanilla dome 3, that you can only access by bringing the p-switch from the end of the level to the beginning

>> No.5891338

why was the truck put behind the SS Anne, was there ever an answer for this?

>> No.5891475

p sure it's just decoration

>> No.5891481

Leftover graphical asset.