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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5874845 No.5874845 [Reply] [Original]

Are 5th Gen consoles just completely unplayable today?

Also is there even any reason to go back and play those games anymore?

>> No.5874850 [DELETED] 

PS1s can be pretty unreliable and I've been told that the Chinese replacement drives have taken a dip in quality though I haven't confirmed that myself. Happily PS2s work perfectly well and there are real OEM lasers to be had. Saturns also use pretty industry standard lasers and are built better than PS1s. N64s are practically instructable.

To enjoy the 3D games in them you have to be able to appreciate low-poly as an aesthetic but anytime who can appreciate 2D pixel art should be able to approach low poly from the same perspective - assuming they're not just bandwagoners who don't actually get it.

>> No.5874851

Kill yourself zoomer.

>> No.5874854

>THIS thread again

>> No.5874856

>actual serious reply to a copy paste heel gimmick thread spammed over and over again
thanks mods

>> No.5874858 [DELETED] 

That's every thread now

>> No.5874859
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No. Yes.

B8 is B8. B8 is best if the fish can't tell it's bait.

>> No.5874972

It's the golden age of 3D games. The trend of every successive generation has been to water down, genericize, and refine games for maximum mass palatability in an era when challenge and even momentary frustration are more frightening propositions for the modern ADHD-addled mind than death. There are exceptions, but this is the trend. If you want mechanically, visually and aurally interesting polygonal games 5th gen is the best place to find them. If you want polished patronizing boring disposable garbage tuned to perfectly satisfy braindead shells and roughly adult-sized walking vaginas that call themselves game critics then just buy the latest 85+-on-Metacritic release.

>> No.5874993

Now's the part where he turns around and says he is actually a boomer hardcore gamer with NES as his favourite console and he's 1cced the hardest arcade games but then fifth gen game around and he saw through it right away and never liked it. Obviously it's all a larp by some bored preteen.

>> No.5877093

Still much better than nowadays games

>> No.5877540

This is most likely bait but I will say this; my PS1's disk lazer is dying.

>> No.5877546

Thread starter here
No this is not bait

Im legit curious what people think

>> No.5877624

Downloading a complete NTSC PS1 iso torrent right now , 450 GB worth. Had the complete 64 rom collection for years now, what does that tell you?
If you don't know it was the last great generation , everything after 5th generation was on a downward slide

>> No.5877725

flip the whole console upside down before you turn it on

>> No.5877758

Some of the 2D games on PS1 are good and there are good racing games on there. Also Ape Escape. There are also a lot of tank controls games which is a style that doesn't exist anymore and probably won't come back. So for people who like those games 5th gen is where you want to be. I don't know why anybody would play stuff like Spyro or Crash in 2019 but people do so there must be some appeal.

N64 has some good 3D games if you like collectathon games which is another genre that has fallen by the wayside. And yeah there's good racing games there too...

>> No.5877762

Nah. Shit, 90% of what I play these days is on PS1. Amazing era for gaming.

>> No.5877763

>N64 has some good 3D games if you like collectathon games which is another genre that has fallen by the wayside. And yeah there's good racing games there too...
And sports, and fps, and adventure games, and something in every genre including rpgs, puzzle, 2d and even rts.

>> No.5878005

chinks still sell replacements

>> No.5878034

5th gen is honestly where there starts to be a real argument for emulation being superior to the originals, due to increased framerate and resolution. For what it's worth though, I still prefer playing the originals on my CRT at low resolution.

>> No.5878351

Most newer games are boring and dead inside somehow. I love going back to play retro.

>> No.5880106

maybe true, i have a ps1 scph 70001 and the laser works but skips no matter what some times even whit sealed games. bougth those chinese laser replacements and crap worked fine for like a year and then died so now i just use a ps2 slim scph 70000 and that shit reads perfect all the times.

>> No.5880267

No, we just gather here to make fun of /v/

>> No.5881449

Especially for the ps1.... There is no point to play FF7, 8 or 9 on it anymore. The new ports and remasters are superior with fast forwarding. Ff8 is actually playable now

>> No.5881475

OP how is this not bait? If you're asking if there's a reason to go back and play old games then there isn't one.
You counter with you want our opinions, however you just need to go looking around /vr/ to see them.

>> No.5881496

If you're really attached to your ps1 or want a replacement that will last there are still OEM lasers available for like 90 bucks on Amazon.

>> No.5881515

The Jarpigs hold up ok because they are just menu simulators (no disrespect). A lot of the tank control games dont hold up, but the ones that were able to so it well do like the RE trilogy, Dino Crisis, Silent Hill, etc. do.

Ridge Racer Type 4 is the shit.

Damn I got mine for $30 back in the day, are they not being manufactured anymore?

>> No.5883029



Now eat a fat one.

>> No.5883031
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Please go back to /v/

thank you

>> No.5883649

The OEM ones are new old stock but there are much cheaper new third-party ones available.

>> No.5883794


>> No.5883797

Now this is just nostalgia talking. Gaming objectively turned to shit beginning with the 7th generation.

>> No.5883813

You are completely right
gaming did turn to shit at that time

>> No.5883834

The only legitimate criticism against gen 5 (Non cartridge) games is the load/save times with reading discs.

With modern emulation its not even a problem though.

>> No.5883947

Currently playing FF9 for the first time and loving it. Fuck off.
>falling for the OEM meme
Just bought two chink lasers, they're both fine. The construction is almost identical to the originals, but they have 2019 manufacture date codes.
>are fifth gen consoles unplayable today?
>With modern emulation [load times are] not even a problem though.
So what you're saying is the _consoles_ are unplayable.
I disagree with that, though I cede that load times are still annoying.
Exactly. Though it took Nintendo a little while longer to complete its descent into hell compared with Sony and Microsoft's rapid plunges.

>> No.5883952

I oiled the spindle motor on my original drive with white lithium grease and suddenly it was able to read everything, even burned CD-R's (I'm modchipped) flawlessly. The vibration/rattling was apparently making the laser have a harder time reading the discs.
Might be worth a shot if you still have your 7001's original laser.

>> No.5883953

Mine was a 5501 btw. So it had the metal sled like yours would - it wasn't one of the early PS1 drives that _always_ fail.

>> No.5883964

>1st gen
Barely counts as games.
>2nd gen
A few minutes entertainment at most.
>3rd gen
Peak /vr/. Hardware is no longer garbage, and the arcade influence is still strong.
>4th gen
Start of the decline. Arcade influenced is abandoned to dumb down games for the retarded masses.
>5th gen
Pure trash. Everything good is sacrificed for ugly graphical gimmicks. Frame rate drops through the floor. Loading times are introduced.
>6th gen
Now systems are powerful enough to display hideous interlacing artifacts all the time, not just on menu screens.
>7th gen.
Start of the recovery. This is the 3rd gen of 3D, and now the hardware is actually powerful enough for 3D.

However, Sega gets special credit for remaining behind the times and not realizing that the market only wanted trash. The Genesis retains plenty of 3rd gen. quality, and the Dreamcast is its own special 5.5th gen which is actually better than 6th gen.

>> No.5883973
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>decline set in with the 4th gen
If anything 4th gen was peak /vr/, developers taking the lessons they learned in 3rd and improved on them. Not to mention we now had actual real arcade hardware in our homes now thanks to SNK.

>> No.5884862

>Are 5th Gen consoles just completely unplayable today?
Nope, just the gaystation.

>> No.5884865

>It's the golden age of 3D games.
That would be 5.5/Dreamcast

>> No.5884871

OP is a bored Shitposter who is larping as PR Manage from a Giant Video Game Publisher pretending that old games are bad, and only New AAA Games can rock.

>> No.5884875

Twice the VRAM of PS2, actual HD w/ vga box, online games, much better textures, still gen 5.5
Ok retard

>> No.5884890

>7th gen start of the recovery
lmfao you're telling me the PS3/360 AAA generation of movie games was a "recovery"?
Fuck this might be the stupidest opinion I've read on this board.

>> No.5884901

As dumb and inconsistent as tranny janny mods can be, I think that namefag just deleted his own post.

>> No.5885291

Gen is by time, not quality. I already said it was better than 6th gen.
Most are trash, but just like the NES, sheer quantity resulted in some good ones.

>> No.5885418

I have three PS1's. Two American and one Japanese, both of the american ones crapped out years ago but the jap one works like it was brand new, what did they mean by this?

>> No.5885424

get a ps3, mod it, rip your ps1 game collection to it.

>> No.5885503

gens 4 & 6 are peak gaming, the hardware got good enough to do what the devs wanted and the devs refined controls and just the games themselves as a whole to make them a superior continuation of what they were doing the gen previous.

gen 7 was pure ass cancer, unstable sub 30fps framerates, screen tearing everywhere, ugly brown & yellow & grey color pallets, not quite hd “hd”, japan not knowing what to make and basically giving up and going handheld only with 3ds and vita, sure there were a few gems from gen 7 like:
- mirrors edge
- demon and dark souls
- cod4
- halo 3
- metal gear rising
- lollipop chainsaw
- dead rising
but overall holy crap that gen sucked ass, I basically just used that time to catch up on gen 5 & 6 games I missed out on instead, even gen 8 with its endless sea of remasters and remakes is better.

>> No.5885537
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>Are 5th Gen consoles just completely unplayable today?

No, not really. Right around the start of October I play a Resident Evil game ever year

>> No.5885593

>Are 5th Gen consoles just completely unplayable today?

>Also is there even any reason to go back and play those games anymore?
Yes. Have fun.