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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 311 KB, 1280x1024, Twilight_Town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5873179 No.5873179 [Reply] [Original]

My whole childhood I wondered why Twilight Town was the saddest, creepiest experience on the planet, despite how much I liked the design of the town

Are there any other games that have a similar juxtaposition between comfy, and loneliness? It's such a specifically sad thing.

>> No.5873204

Not /vr/.
Fuck off.

>> No.5873223
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The first game he thought of was not retro, but being on the /vr/ board it is safe to assume that he is looking for examples in retro games (Before 1999, Dreamcast and prior.) we can curse him out or just give examples of retro games with the atmosphere he describes and make this a good thread, not that we're off to a particularly good start thanks to you.

For me it's Mikage-Cho, the town in the first Persona on the Playstation 1. The music changes before the demon invasion and post-crisis, but both have a specific, unsettling ambience mixed with the fun and safety you would expect places like parks, roads, schools, hospitals and shopping centers to provide.

>> No.5873309
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>> No.5873681
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I figured since Dreamcast was okay, ps2 would be too, but I wouldn't really want anything later than that generation

Anyway, Persona's a good example.

Another obvious one that I forgot was Donkey Kong 64

>> No.5874535

Fuck this whole thread, learn to follow the rules. They are in the sticky, there is no excuse. No bargaining, no bullshit, just follow the fucking rules.

>> No.5874558

how about you go fuck yourself

>> No.5874568
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There's a section in Shenmue 2 where you have to balance across beams as you go up a big dilapidated building and if you fall off you die. It's called ghost hall building, the rest of the town is fairly cheery so there's a stark contrast in being in there.
There's other parts of the game where you try to get into secret fighting matches in rundown buildings in otherwise normal heavily populated districts.

Majora's Mask is a really good example of this I think, where in three days the moon will kill everyone and a lot of the townsfolk are carrying on like nothing is wrong. Outside the heavily populated and bustling city there's four fairly unsettling biomes where shit is going down for everyone.
A monkey is being executed in the swamp, aliens are invading the ranch and abducting cattle, the mountain is frozen over and various others in distress. You have to just help who you can and continue to rewind time until you can stop the moon from falling and defeat the evil in the mask.

Pokemon G/S/C has ecruteak city where there is a burned down tower that exists in a primarily happy place. It also has the ruins of alph which is a very unsettling place to be, where a certain radio station will be on the fritz. These locations are spooky in contrast to the generally upbeat vibe of the rest of the game.

>> No.5876473

Jesus christ are you two faggots going to cry about it??? Go back to mommy's basement you virgin kikes.

>> No.5876515

uh oh anon, this is definitely not retro, have a fun vacation.

>> No.5876518

Where's he going? Will you be escorting him you pussy whipped biotch?

>> No.5876527

read the sticky

also read the rules, no racism trolling flaming outside of /b/

>> No.5876538

Pin it to your blouse ma'am
If you can't contribute to this thread then see yourself out, you said it yourself, no trolling or flaming outside your dorm room.

>> No.5876560

not retro

isn't summer supposed to be over?

>> No.5876565

sadly summer never ends

>> No.5876571
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Not for OP apparently.

>> No.5876573
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Since this tread is toast anyway, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?

>> No.5876581

> the saddest, creepiest experience on the planet
That's because it's an artificial simulation created by DiZ to restore Sora's memories, it's inhabited by NPC's and the only real person in it is Roxas... and I guess Axel too? fuck Kingdom Hearts lore is confusing but Axel sure is a hotty, I'm actually kind of a huge Axel Saix shipper, also I'm probably gonna get the Nobody symbol tattooed on my body somewhere I was thinking on my right wrist? I have this big ol' headcanon about how Organization XIII is a metaphor for trans people but I doubt anyone on /vr/ wants to hear about it and this game isn't retro anyway, also I think 358/2 days needs a remake or at least a movie or something

>> No.5876592

This and fuck Kingdom Hearts besides

>> No.5876597

this game is for closet gay kids

>> No.5876603

no spyro
no crash
no jill
no cloud
no amaterasu
no lara croft
no alucard

what were they thinking indeed?

>> No.5876624

>Organization XIII is an allegory for trans people, in that they're evil, have terrible style and attempt to force people to side with them and join their cause
Sounds about right. Yeah, tattoo that gay ass thing on you.

>> No.5876627

Also, fangame-tier art direction. None of the characters look like they should exist in the same universe. At least Smash Bros makes some attempt at consistency, so it doesn't look weird when you have Mario standing next to Simon Belmont.

>> No.5876628

>Organization XIII

Oh, they're "evil".... because why, anon? Why are they evil, what is so evil about wanting to be human?

Literally all Organization XIII want, is the basic right to be recognized as human, and to have their lives be valued as much as any other human. That's what I want, that's what everyone wants. Nobody's Lives Matter.

>> No.5876634

I want to hear about your lore.
Were you born the sex you are now or did you transition?

>> No.5876648

>Literally all Organization XIII want, is the basic right to be recognized as human, and to have their lives be valued as much as any other human.
All the while destroying other people's lives in the process, innocent ones, no less.
This isn't Shakespeare, nor is it even Bladerunner. It's a dumb action-rpg for kids and tweens to go buy more Disney products.

>> No.5876652
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This was a nice balance that Mega Man Legends struck for me. The wide open spaces in Kattleox Island's streets and the outskirts of town made the whole island feel like it was almost barren, despite how cheery most of the game is and how many people were in the few buildings you could enter. I guess they wanted it to feel more like a real place, instead of a series of rooms like most towns in games are.
I'm pretty sure when Riku-Ansem and Namine appeared in Roxas's Twilight Town, they were both the real, non-data versions of themselves. Also, people bitch about the long build-up of the intro in TT a lot, but I don't think it would have worked as well if it was shorter. Seeing things slowly fall apart and characters go "off script" really sold it.
I'm curious about your headcanon, too. I'd read it if you posted it.

>> No.5876682

I actually enjoyed playing through the simulated Twilight Town. It was comfy as fuck, just a bunch of kids walking around a slow-moving small town on their summer vacation, but at the same time it had this unnerving atmosphere, like it was just teetering on the borderline between reality and fantasy.

>All the while destroying other people's lives in the process, innocent ones
You mean "innocent" people who think Nobodies deserve to die? Fuck them, they don't deserve hearts.

I'm MTF trans

also lemme see if I can dig up my old Organization XIII copypasta, there was a lot of layers and I don't know if I wanna rewrite the whole thing from memory....

>> No.5876698

Yeah, so Xaldin should've transformed Beast, thereby abandoning Belle and leaving the rest of his castle servants to remain forever tortured and misfigured as common household objects, eh?
Sounds like some pretty retarded logic.

>> No.5876704

Most of the people in Organization XIII aren't even evil, they're just a marginalized group who want to be acknowledged as humans and have the same rights as everyone else. They have to deal with genocide and bigotry, discrimination, etc. as well as government bureaucracy that wants to define them out of existence and claim that their feelings aren't real.

The artificial Kingdom Hearts they're creating (that big heart-shaped moon thing Saix is always staring at) is basically the Nobody equivalent of gender-affirming medical care; it's the thing that they're hoping will make them "complete" in the eyes of society. It's ethically sourced, it's something that they create and maintain and benefit from, and a lot of shitty humans want to storm into their castle and say "No fuck you, you can't have this, not with MY tax dollars." Fuck humans in the Kingdom Hearts universe. And fuck Yen Sid, he probably voted for Trump.

Nobodies who join Organization XIII also have this ritual where they are given a new name, they abandon their deadname in the search for their true selves and it's really beautiful.

Oh and to top it off they all wear boymoder hoodies, lol

>> No.5876705

>"innocent" people who think Nobodies deserve to die? Fuck them, they don't deserve hearts.
Those are the notions that fuel the ongoing conflict. There's really no way to root for anyone as an outsider looking in. One would probably default to siding with "innocent" people wouldn't they?

>> No.5876709

>so Xaldin should've transformed Beast
Okay come on, every marginalized group has a few Xaldins, you can't judge the whole group just because you don't like that guy, everyone hates Xaldin, even Organization XIII hates Xaldin except maybe Xigbar and Luxord.

Well, and Lexaeus, but I think Lexaeus really just tolerates him.

>> No.5876735

>"High literature"
While actually it's tripe for the 16 century illiterate city folk, not much different from the tripe for the modern city folk.
The Japs love their "the antagonists are not so different" screeds, but they aren't all that different from Shylock's cries for compassion (which he does while plotting to completely ruin his enemies for the wrongs inflicted).

>> No.5876739

>gender-affirming surgery
>not the glorious Israel expy

>> No.5876750

people will be butthurt but this is pretty much how i saw it as a kid. i couldn't understand why everyone was so mad that they wanted to have hearts of their own, especially considering that they wouldn't have to hurt anyone to get them iirc.

>> No.5876752

>Shylock's cries for compassion (which he does while plotting to completely ruin his enemies for the wrongs inflicted)
Uh... You're using old antisemitic tropes to justify why you think Organization XIII are evil?

>> No.5876765
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>i couldn't understand why everyone was so mad that they wanted to have hearts of their own

Because pic related, basically. In Sora's mind, it's totally normal and "good" and "fair" and "just" that the Nobodies should be treated like inferior beings. So of course they're "evil" for wanting to be treated like equals. How do you convince a kid like Sora that Nobodies deserve the same rights as humans, when he's chosen a wise old keyblade master and master wizard and hardened racist like Yen Sid to be his moral compass?

How do I convince someone that my life matters, when they've already decided that it doesn't?

>> No.5876792

You guys realize you're talking about Disney hyphen Final Fantasy crossover right. How embarrassing.

>> No.5877965

Holy fucking redpill

>> No.5877967


>> No.5877978
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>> No.5877982
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>> No.5877995

There is literally nothing wrong with being a Nobody.

>> No.5878017

Other than lacking basic human traits such as morality and guilt.

>> No.5878181

kill all trannys.

>> No.5878209

>they lack morality
>therefore we must exterminate them
Nice morals you got there, human.

>> No.5878217

I'm playing Chrono Cross right now for the first time and I think it fits perfectly. I just went to Serge's grave in the Another World and it hit me hard. The whole island is a paradise but in the other world it's got a deep undercurrent of melancholy. No one followed their dreams and shit.

>> No.5878254
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They're using the hearts of Heartless and people to form their own, and have the capacity to form their own just by hanging out with Sora.
Axel managed to recover just by hanging out with him and was reborn as a decent person.

The only reason Sora and the gang went after them was because they were putting their selfish ideologies above the expenses of innocents and caused all kinds of havoc on other worlds.
All they had to do was stop acting like fucking assholes and be willing to put their egos aside and leave peacefully with the populace.

The only real threats were the Heartless and as evidenced by Saix, he was using them to bully Sora because he wasn't siding with them, and Larxene deliberately forced Naminé to wipe Sora's memories of his childhood so he would be used as a puppet, despite being completely innocent and looking for a way out of the labyrinth of both the Castle and the endless Meadows.

Finally, while Sora was on his way to trying to save the worlds swallowed by Darkness in KH1, Xemnas pulled Sora into fighting him in Hallow Bastion, in an effort to use him for his own gain even though Sora was on his way to free millions of stars from purgatory and ending Ansem's reign.

Moral of the story?

The Organization XIII are a bunch of fucking cunts.

>> No.5878262

God, Sony's scots are so terrible.

>> No.5878274

>Fuck over other people for their own needs, due to their own mistakes
>Don't even feel guilty about doing so, incapable of it
Yup, some great heroes those Nobodies are. So selfless and kind.

>> No.5878512
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Link's Awakening did it.

Go in unspoiled if you haven't played it already.
It still hurts.

>> No.5878607

lol how is DK64 anything other than cheesy/goofy

>> No.5878613

Its soulful

>> No.5878624

>I'm MTF trans
Can't at all say I'm shocked to find out the tripfag retard who comes to /vr/ to talk about Kingdom Hearts of all fucking things is a mentally ill tranny.

>> No.5878657

>All they had to do was stop acting like fucking assholes

>> No.5878682

>I'm MTF trans
Mentally fucked? Sure, I'd buy that for a dollar.

>> No.5878782

>Japanese company
>Japanese console
>most memorable games are GRR SO BR00TAL western games

What did Sony mean by this?

>> No.5878928
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, ogxb swbf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6th gen thread still up
d-does th-this mean we can finally discuss 6th gen (which is retro btw) cool

is jannie dead?

anyway i liked pandemics battlefront 1 more than 2 because in 2 the vehicles had no cockpit view with modeled interiors, shouldn't a sequel add features and not take them away?

>> No.5878945
File: 348 KB, 600x800, wtf how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since the topic of this thread is crappy square games from the 2000's, how the actual hell did this dmc wannabe abortion get a greatest hits release? who did square have to pay off to make this happen?

>> No.5878951

It’s too big and at the same time empty.

Also the game made the mistake to be released after DKC and B&K and be inferior to any of those two IP.
Also DK64 feels like related to the awful DK show, maybe because they are both awful.

Also never forget they’ve killed Wrinkly Kong for no reasons and it’s so sad because no kongs feels at it’s sad about that. Why would they want to kill her and let cranky alive and alone all those years.

>> No.5878957

I was gonna say because it was the early 2000s and the PS2 was lacking any major titles, but it came out in 2006 when the PS3 was on the horizon and the 360 has only been on the market for a few months. I'm more surprised that PS2 games sold well enough to get Greatest Hits rereleases that late into the console's life.

>> No.5878963

there is no way that game sold well enough to merit "greatest hits" label

>> No.5878968

>When the program came to PlayStation 2 in 2002, games could become Greatest Hits titles after selling at least 400,000 copies and being on the market for at least one year.

400K is nothing.

>> No.5878981

>it's ok to have not-retro shit on /vr/ as long as the topic is about jarpigs

so this is how far /vr/ has fallen

>> No.5878997
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twilight town isn't creepy or sad at all what are you talking about? it's maximum comfy, chulip more fits that bill.

>> No.5878998


>> No.5879001

Report this thread, fuck these zoomers. Go talk about this shit on /v/.

>> No.5879005

yeah the jannies on this board let gba games and ps2 jarpigs fly, they should just make 6th gen /vr/ at this point since they already let people get away with it anyway, since this board has devolved into /v/ tier console waring and /v/ crappy memes

>> No.5879008

No, also, fuck you.

>> No.5879014

the topic was 'is there any retro games with a contrast of comfort and isolation' it's sidetracked into some weird shit
here's my kickass post>>5874568

>> No.5879016
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>> No.5879021
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It's just a weak excuse to discuss a shitty 6th gen game, although your post was pretty kick-ass.

>> No.5879027


>> No.5879048
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this game wasn't that bad obviously not as good as the original but it was not terrible like some internet personalities would have you believe

>> No.5879053

Fuck you, not retro. Also, haven't been able to finish it in the three years I've owned it. But you have shit taste, just like your shit ability to follow rules.

>> No.5879057
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>pic related

I really like Doom 3 and I dislike the flashlight change for BFG edition.

>> No.5879060

Who cares, discussing it is against board rules.

>> No.5879067

Well, you aren't wrong.

Also as long as we're talking about videogame headcanons, Plague Knight is a bird

>> No.5879069
File: 84 KB, 774x598, tip tip cheereo old lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen thread up for 2 days? NO MODS NO RULES ANARCHY WOOOOOOO

>> No.5879073

but 2 had space battles

>> No.5879076

Game doesn't follow board rules, also stop breathing please.

Doesn't matter, both games are off topic.

Basically I'm going to shit this thread up until it dies.

>> No.5879082

Unfortunately I don't think this board currently has a janitor as this thread has been up for days and nothing has been done.

>> No.5879092

Well I'm on break until next semester, so I'll have plenty of time to shit this thread up. Maybe some rapid spamming tomorrow, we'll see where the day takes me.

Is it really so much to ask you fucking autists to follow the board rules? There's like 4 of them for fucks sake.

>> No.5879108

I can discuss it with the OP if I'd like and you can't stop me lol
Fucking pathetic! lmao
You could really see the inside cockpit in Battlefront 1? and here I thought BF2 was the definitive sequel and version of the series..
>*shakes my head

>> No.5879117

>I don't think this board currently has a janitor
There was one on earlier, as some edgy /v/ faggot was posting Columbine pictures and asking about FPS top scores or some other dumb shit like that. It was promptly removed.

>> No.5879120

Lul, you responded to me three times. I don't want to stop you, I just want people to follow the fucking rules. There's another board for this. There's also five bajillion other sites to talk about 6th gen on.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5879124

So does that mean I can flood the whole board with transgender headcanon threads if I want to? :P

But don't worry anon, I promise to only use this power responsibly.

>> No.5879130

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5879136

>posting Columbine pictures and asking about FPS top scores
dude wtf lol
Now it's two times :) :) :) :) :) :)

>> No.5879148

JBP didn't mean this kind of structure

>> No.5879149

No wonder you can't follow the rules, you can't even count. Four comes after three, not two. Two comes after one.

Inbreds, I swear.

>> No.5879154
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>> No.5879163
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Great thread. Always like seeing bottom dwellers get riled up. I want to say that pokemon level with the suicide music. That has a similar feeling.

>> No.5879167
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>> No.5879175
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Yes, how dare someone want to follow incredibly simple rules? Real fuckin' losers, those people. All the cool kids don't follow incredibly easy to follow rules. Nah, anonymous internet rebellion is the tits, everyone is doing it.

>> No.5879185
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What an upstanding fellow.
Hey, wait, don't do that, put that down!