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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5721753 No.5721753 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody here actually play video games, or do you just argue about resolution and scanlines and frame rates and emulators all day?
I never cared about any of that stuff as a kid. I was just happy to be playing video games.

>> No.5721763

so.. you made a thread for what purpose exactly? because you're insecure about what other people may or may not be doing? cmon man.

>> No.5721835
File: 468 KB, 1440x1472, zx481nqz4nm01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5721857

I'm here mostly for the memes and to tell people about the SMAS brick glitch

>> No.5721859

What? Someone can’t state their bewilderment at the fact a video game board spends more time arguing over the minute than discussing actual games?

>> No.5721860

Of course. I find it harder to focus on gaming, though, since my energy levels are low and my concern about life levels are high. Pulling out the smartphone and posting while on the toilet or as I'm getting ready to go to bed for a nap is easy and less mentally involved than playing a game.

>> No.5721878

>I never cared about any of that stuff as a kid. I was just happy to be playing video games.
Then why are you wasting your time making shitpost threads? acting like you are above everyone else only works if you arent doing what they also tend to do.

>> No.5721885

Lots of people seem to prefer to complain, demand, and respond to bait. Just look at the rage caused by hoarded prototypes versus the relative lack of interest and actual discussion generated when a previously undumped prototype gets released. Post a photo of a prototype PCB and a blurry YouTube video and your thread will reach 100 replies. Post a link to the freshly released ROM and the thread might get 5 responses or something.

People just like to be mad, I guess, and arguing over minutae and obvious bait is a good way to get yourself worked up into a rage.

>> No.5721909

I play games. I was just playing Oracle of Seasons the other day :)

>> No.5721918

>green fireball on the second row
BLUE BOARD, spoiler that shit

>> No.5721926

What am I missing? They're always green in that game.

>> No.5721931

This board would improve if emulation threads were banned and people were forced to figure out how to play games on their own. Emulation threads aren't even retro most of the time. They're just excuses to discuss modern hardware.

>> No.5721980

literally mariao making a sieg heil

>> No.5722023

based nintendo

>> No.5722029

Talking about video games on 4chan is impossible because

1. everyone here is too stupid and autistic to discuss anything which is subjective, such as game design or artistic direction

2. Discussing how you were personally affected by games is the height of being "reddit" and this is forbidden.

3. Grow up, video games are for children you fat virgin manchild

>> No.5722169

best summerfag post I've seen this year, actually getting (You)'s

>> No.5722202
File: 63 KB, 960x886, 5n5YvLj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5722229

Okay what game are you playing right now? I've been playing Granada. Great stuff.

>> No.5722237

How do you discuss anything which is subjective though?
Honestly asking. I was thinking that the other day and I don't think there is a way of discussing that is not governed by subjective opinions.

Most normies just "discuss" media by pointing out positive characteristics of whatever they are talking about.

>> No.5722254

At least emulation babies actually play games sometimes. The cancer killing the board are collectorfags posting pictures of posessions for online validation like this was regular social media, calling everyone who doesn't a jelly poorfag.

>> No.5722307 [DELETED] 

You also have a penis and think you’re a woman. You don’t count freak.

>> No.5722342

And? You are under 6' and think you are a man.

>> No.5722357


>> No.5722519

i'm sure a post from 2012 is relevant. that said /vr/ is not a place where summerfags would come. this place is the same as it's always been.

>> No.5722561

You are some kinda retarded, anon. Discussions aren't debates. The goal is not to "win", but rather to just talk.
>guy 1: well, I sure do like Super Mario 3
>guy 2: what do you like about it, friend?
>guy 1: I love the level designs and that princess sure has a rapable rump
>guy 2: waifufag...
See? It doesn't have to be about anything. It's just enjoying (sort of) talking to other people about someyhing you like. Or dislike, or whatever. Just exchanging opinions.

You probably have to have "objective facts" lined up before you post anything, and call others stupid or retards for not doing the same. Right?
Ptobably too insecure to just make a statement based solely on your own impressions too? And you absolutely just regurgitate whatever board's popular talking points are. Just to feel "correct".

Lighten up and stop trying to be right about everything.

>> No.5722573


>> No.5722594


>> No.5722597

>able to recognize the origin of the image from the filename
I literally just found it on Google. I didn't even pay attention to where it came from. Control your autism.

>> No.5722653

>what is 4chanx

>> No.5722702 [DELETED] 

Imagine defending a tranny faggot freak.

>> No.5722741

>I was just happy
that stopped happening for most people

>> No.5722756

The fire flower is such a cool power up. You get a sick looking color palette and can throw bouncing fireballs.

>> No.5722770

Has this website war thing gotten to the point where we even hate image hosts?

>> No.5723052

Why was SMB3 the only Mario game with soul?

>> No.5723062

does the fireball really float in SMB3? never noticed.

>> No.5723104

You are right on the money my man.
People are legit autistic and retarded here.
Expect some butt hurt for calling them out lmao

>> No.5723167

>graphics don't matter in VIDEO games

>> No.5723485

What is SMAS brick glitch?

>> No.5723498

Didn't see that word for a long time. Thank you.

>> No.5723796
File: 107 KB, 944x720, IMG_6383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here to shitpost and act retarded so people will get angry.

>> No.5723832

Truth be told, I don't think moot was considering the number of oldfags that just simply avoid 4chan in the summer.

>> No.5723959

hey friend!
i come here to find shitty opinions and flame about my personal convictions.