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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 827 KB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20190531-180105_ePSXe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5711413 No.5711413 [Reply] [Original]

There is this brief moment in Resident Evil 3 after the gas station where you come across this segment in this thread pic.

>> No.5711414


Solve what? What are you gettign at?

>> No.5711415
File: 821 KB, 1978x1440, Screenshot_20190703-222612_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone many years ago made a video on a few easter eggs in RE3 and found some references to movies at the time. Including 'back to the future' and 'four weddings and a funeral'


>> No.5711418
File: 80 KB, 669x1000, MV5BMzRhMjQ0ZjMtNmU3OC00MzBhLWI0NDMtZTlhOGJkYzA4ZDUxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the bottom right image in the billboard is from a 1993 film called "A home of our own" that I stumbled upon by chance when looking up Edward Furlong's Filmography.

One of the images looked awfully familiar, It took another few weeks to remember I made the first association with RE3.

Would /vr/ be help me with this 20 year old easter egg hunt?

>> No.5711423

These aren't easter eggs per se, rather they're pictures to fill in scenes.

They never thought anyone wouuld look at these games clear enough to figure out what they were they just needed pictures that were vaguely human shaped. They just grabbed some easy to get celeb pics from the internet.

>> No.5711425
File: 20 KB, 255x152, 20190704_121023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one I thought was the album cover of "Urban Hymns" by the Verve
for a few years back in the early 00's

>> No.5711426
File: 29 KB, 225x265, 20190704_120749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But surely that makes them a type of easter egg? Right?

>> No.5711429
File: 17 KB, 160x213, 20190704_120301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More low res images in case anyone remembers a movie or celebrity from 90s.

>> No.5711442

No an easter egg is put in intentionally. That's just Capcom being lazy

>> No.5711496
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benny and Joon?

>> No.5711507
File: 6 KB, 290x174, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spotted another one, wino from age of innocence

>> No.5711542

How the fuck do you play these games on a phone. I mean control wise, that looks unplayable.

>> No.5711553

well resident evil is borderline unplayable with its controls scheme to that might be a perfectly complementary match

>> No.5711619

Excellent find, Anon!
Howd did you spot it??

Looks promising Im just trawling through google for on that matches.

Ive got a lingering feeling this is Sam Neill from Jurassic Park.

>> No.5711627

I've just seen lots of movies. I have hints for the other ones too but can't seem to find the exact pics.

>> No.5711639

Youre a fkn legend anon.
Good job.

What are your hunches?

>> No.5711641

You reckon its worth cross posting over to /tv/ for this??

>> No.5711650

sister act or The Bachelor
gary oldman with his wife?
christian bale/ethan hawke?
nicole kidman or alicia silverstone/drew barrymore
nicole kidman and tom cruise from far away

sure why not

>> No.5711659
File: 855 KB, 1439x934, Screenshot_20190705-015812_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep found it.

Benny and Joon (1993)

>> No.5711750
File: 32 KB, 365x345, 1561286115174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comin' over from /v/
Top right really looks like Colin Firth to me, this pic is similar but it doesn't match up exactly. I feel like I can recognise the actor in the picture directly to the left too and it's annoying me that I can't find who they are

>> No.5711756

i dont know. I'm getting an Andrew McCarthy vibe from it

>> No.5711762

Are all of these pictures from 1993?

>> No.5711767

Welcome aboard anon!

Yeah! Really close actually! Its either this on the same shoot but different angle or a shot from Pride and Prejudice.

I thought is was that dude from Home Improvement lmao.

Any idea who the one on the left might be? A singer perhaps??

>> No.5711768

yeah looks like in pride and prejudice 1995 but couldn't be sure

>> No.5711792
File: 23 KB, 512x288, unnamed (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it actually. There is a bias to the early 90s.


Plot twist its Todd Howard.

>> No.5711797

poetry, looks like 90-95 romedies/period dramas
who knew, they were big with the japanese crowd

>> No.5711825

Weren't there a bunch of Kindergarten Cop references in Silent Hill as well? How mysterious

>> No.5711870
File: 44 KB, 689x777, Untitasdasdasdled 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a red carpet pic?
do they look Asian or is my head playing around?

>> No.5712138

Kyle machlachlan? Twin peaks? I swear I've seen this photo but can't find it.

>> No.5712182

Guy looks like Christian Slater at an awards ceremony but I can't find the photo on google

>> No.5712192

They fucking used a photo of Alex Mack in one area so you're probably right

>> No.5712202
File: 139 KB, 1069x1390, hollywood-ca-august-16-l-r-actor-christian-slater-and-girlfriend-nina-huang-attend-the-premiere-of-pump-up-the-volume-at-manns-chinese-theatre-on-august-16-1990-in-hollywood-california-photo-by-barry-kingalamy-stock-pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going down the rabbit hole now
and going off what this anon said;
Here is Slater with an Asian girlfriend, not the same picture of course but could def be the right people.
He also stared in Heathers with Winona Rider in this period and it could be her

>> No.5712206
File: 84 KB, 909x1000, MV5BMTkyMTI5MTYxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODk0MDkwMw@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,909,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's him in Winny, looking at the original picture I think she's not tall enough though, unless she's wearing heals to the ceremony which would make sense

>> No.5712276

what fucking retard doesn't get tank controls

>> No.5712294

Here from /v/. Wishing you guys luck, I've checked them all but don't recognise anybody.

>> No.5712876

Im looking through the promotional material from Pride and Prejudice and Jurassic park. Ill have more time after work.

It seems there isnt anything past 96.
Perhaps it would be worth contacting Capcom? Though Id doubt they'd care.
It would be handy to know when they finalised the gas station part of the game and work backwards from there

>> No.5712913

I don't think this is slater. that hair has some frizz to it

>> No.5713075
File: 140 KB, 700x1888, silent-hill-kindergarten-cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look this up.

Holy shit. This made my fucking day.
Gonna reboot SH this weekend

>> No.5713337

Samus should kill you zoomer

>> No.5714274

Aren't most of this stuff on fan sites

>> No.5715293

Some but not all.
If you got links please share them though.

>> No.5716165



Whang just made a vid on this. Way too coincidental.

1. He made the thread OP to help research his video.
2. He came across this thread and thought it was interesting topic.

>> No.5716178

did you watch the video? someone linked him this thread

>> No.5716179


Posted before I even wathced the vid. Yeah, he cites and even quotes from this thread. He was more than likely one of these very posters.

>> No.5716195

funny how that works out

>> No.5716201


I knew he got it from here. I was thinking he was gnona pull a youtuber move and pretend he discovered all this himself.

>> No.5716208

Fuck off, dude. Stop advertising your gay faggot channel.

>> No.5716212

we got whanged, anything for a buck

>> No.5716220


>over a million subs
>has to adveritse on 4chan


>> No.5716224
File: 25 KB, 137x172, Floomby 06-07-2019 143512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else sees a young Kirsten Durst here? At the time it would be Little Women or Interview with the vampire, so it doesn't match all that much, but I still see her.

>> No.5716239

You're here right now, aren't you Justin?

>> No.5716245


He'll check back the thread to see if we can solve more of this and will make an "update" video. This is hwo these youtube guys operate. They treat 4chan and reddit as grunts who do their research for them then they "report" it and then get the ad clicks.

>> No.5716246

Afaik all of these were not discovered until 2011.

>> No.5716250

Was the reason for this ever determined?

>> No.5716252

That Kirsten Dunst looking one is Ariana Richards from Jurassic Park.

>> No.5716253
File: 149 KB, 789x1024, 1540527449301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5716259
File: 109 KB, 527x1000, 1546661676160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5716263

I knew that was mel gibson! The shape of his head is unmistakable

>> No.5716281
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They needed a reference for an American elementary school. Remember, these guys are in Japan after all. "Kindegarten Cop" would seem the most obvious since the title gives away it's in an elementary school.

Getting design ideas from vhs tapes is pretty common back in the day. Simon Belmont is taken from the prologue of Conan the Barbarian film. And the rest o the designs are from horror films of the 30's to 50's.

So if you've ever wondered: Why is Simon a "barbarian" in the middle ages, and why does he wear yellow with some weird head thing? It's because he's based on a scene from Conan the barbarian and the headware is a crown.

>> No.5716313
File: 59 KB, 400x300, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5716347

>elp solve an easter egg
Sorry. Can't do that, or make a pill to cure retardation and zoomerism.

>> No.5716363

Pierce Brosnan?

>> No.5716437
File: 960 KB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20190707-013046_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh they even referenced playboy as well, fucking kek

>> No.5716440

Is that the warehouse at the beginning?

>> No.5716442
File: 1018 KB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20190707-013013_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....And dino crisis

>even the tanker crash in RE2


Makes you wonder how many more there are still to find.

>> No.5716446

Nah this is in the dead factory. After Carlos talks about the nuke.

The dino crisis is in the hoapital lobby, and tanker is in the tram

>> No.5716615
File: 253 KB, 1440x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not understanding simple tank controls.

>> No.5716645

You need to have an IQ greater than 90 to be able to comprehend tank controls and be able to control such a game naturally, with zero effort.

>> No.5716785
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, friendlyfireisenabled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Maddox videos are great, wish he'd do a proper full series on all of it. Hard to recommend a Digibro video to people on why the whole situation is so funny.

>> No.5716989

>He made the thread OP to help research his video.
This is a common tactic in /vr/. Between the companies shilling their plastic garbage and e-celebs using this as a resource, that leaves us with the only organic threads being arguments ad to why the Snes/Sega is the better system.

>> No.5717095


Poor Maddox. Guy tried to write a book and spin that into fame and he ignored videos. If Maddox made videos consistently since 2006 he'd be still huge. And he absolutely needs to hit the gym and stop being so scrawny.

>> No.5717987

>implying these sad sacks of shit don't advertise on 4chan
Kill yourself. Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.5718037
File: 1.03 MB, 2280x2196, RE3 Billboard Overview - listed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated list.

>> No.5718051

I'm just being picky here, but the 6 photo is not exactly the same one. Look at Marty's hat in relation to Clara's hat.
Like it would be from the same photoshoot and everything, just not that exact picture.

>> No.5718057

You could say the same about number 4 being reversed. But if its overall accurate it shouldnt matter.

>> No.5718060

It's kind of understandable why Maddox wanted to go after books, writing is his strength and he was also capable of drawing reasonably well, which is much easier to adapt for a book. A video is much trickier to do, and it's obvious his format was quickly thrown together. YouTube's explosion was to him as to what movies with sound were to Charlie Chaplin.

>> No.5718084

I swear I've seen #8 guy somewhere, in a series about treasure hunting or something
#10 looks like an asian military photo aside from the center person

>> No.5718343


>> No.5718502
File: 136 KB, 1024x772, 151A9F1F-9E7C-4AF2-85C1-2AFADC6B422A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think top right resembles Bruce Campbell quite a bit.

>> No.5718508

Agree that most YTers are shit, but Whang always gives credit & just wants to encourage people to solve internet mysteries. Doesn't number 9 look like Shannen Doherty? 90s were her prime

>> No.5718571

Where do we email him our names so we can get credited for doing all the work while he gets the views then please?

>> No.5718596

Hahaha no.

Whang's shit, fuck him.

>> No.5718713


t. Whang

>> No.5718772

Fuck off, Whang!

>> No.5718781

Ha ha, /vr/ no mess with Lo Whang

>> No.5719007

It's been commented that it could be Beverly Hills, 90210. With Shannen and Luke Perry. But still no photo.

>> No.5719010

Why is Whang shit?

>> No.5719106
File: 169 KB, 467x551, 20190708_020615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So fucking close.
(Dante's peak 1997)

>> No.5719583

Whang sent me here

>> No.5720179
File: 262 KB, 1500x1046, a-league-of-their-own-1992-shutterstock-editorial-5882562f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought 10 was A League of Their Own are first glance...

>> No.5720909

Funny how that works out eh??

Like, some of the films are pretty obscure. Its even more weird that they'd bother putting that much detail in the backgrounf for a sequence thats literally a second long.

>> No.5720949


The person who made the background just wanted to add some detail by having a board with some pictures on it. They did some quick searching online for some promotional images from films and used them.

>> No.5720957
File: 635 KB, 640x480, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real RE mystery image. It's clearly based on a real image or images.

The Heli is untouched but te people were traced over and redrawn as STARS members.

>> No.5721242

Looks like a real police pic. Possibly from an online news site.

>> No.5721275

I can tell you that heli looks like a Bell 206.

Your best bet would be to look up the N number in the back thats partially obscured in the FAA registry and see if you get a match.

Look for a period between 1969 to1999 just in case the registration changed.

Oh and the LAPD and police helos use a similar color scheme/decals iirc

>> No.5721296


Oh, the N number is actually fake. The heli is the one that is shot at and crahses on the roof. You can see the full number is:



>> No.5721358

Ahhh it wouldve been cool if it was a legit heli.

Good eye though

>> No.5721486
File: 125 KB, 657x704, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They erased the actual Heli number and put in the Resident Evil heli's number.

I'm curious if they also went through the trouble of changing the emblam to the RPD's.

>> No.5721663

I kinda wanna say Michael J Fox for this picture

>> No.5721705

I remember that movie, damn it puts 'small town folk' on a pedstal.

>> No.5722248


I cant even play NES games on a Galaxy S8 using a bluetooth PS4 controller. It's a full 1second of input lag

>> No.5722275

Yep, it's real heli with a fake serial number. I researched this kinda in depth a few years ago. IIRC
>real helicopter
>fake number
>fake paintjob
>the photo itself is very likely a composite of a squad photo and a helicopter photo due to behavior of shadows and scale

>> No.5722334

Tried using PSView and jpsxdec to try and rip the texture from RE3 but couldnt come up with anything. Perhaps someone more experienced with that sort of thing?

>> No.5722371


the girl in 9 could be a young Jennifer Connelly, or Shanon Doherty

>> No.5722382
File: 39 KB, 304x380, MPW-68176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like there is facial hair there, could it be Magnum P.I.? There seems to be a lot of pictures of him wearing blue collared button down shirts with green foliage behind him.

>> No.5722406


If Shanon Doherty the guy might be Luke Perry, or Jason Priestley

>> No.5722419


The guy at the center reminds me of Bill Murray in Space Jam, but the jersey color is different

>> No.5722580

Jeff Foxworthy maybe? He looks like he's wearing glasses too

>> No.5723187

8 - Kyle Maclachlan?
9 - Shanen Doherty?

>> No.5724091

Looks a bit like the guy from The Nanny.

Brendan Fraser maybe?

>> No.5724196

How is it being lazy? The artist making all this was prob under tight time constraints and found a clever and fun way to speed up the work