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File: 163 KB, 1080x1080, sega Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5684959 No.5684959 [Reply] [Original]

Sega Forever, an official Sega Instagram account just uploaded this picture.

It's now confirmed that PVM is the way to play Sonic.

>> No.5684965
File: 3.77 MB, 3661x2705, sonicPVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5684967

a 6'' pvm? nah son

>> No.5684979

Why not? Just get some glasses if you can't see, nerd.

>> No.5685303
File: 547 KB, 940x636, tumblr_inline_p93fwch8Cx1r4x5x7_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the "shitty" composite with a nice 29" CRT anyday. Is better than going for crazy expensive equipment with a tiny screen. Fuck this PVM meme

>> No.5685358

Too bad sega fucked it up so badly in the mid 90s

>> No.5685392

And I guess the way to play Sonic is also on a PAL Mega Drive.
Gotta love that slowed down versions of the music, perfect for smoking a blunt and blazing it if you ask me

>> No.5685675

It’s also the PAL version, and obviously 50Hz is the wrong way to play Sonic. So your point is moot.

>> No.5685942

Sega Forever is still a thing?

>> No.5686089

Instead of uploading that shit, they should had "uploaded" the fucking Taxman's versions of 1 and 2 for PC and consoles on its birthday

>> No.5686091

It would have blue borders if it was 50hz

>> No.5686110

Yes and it's still the shittiest thing Sega pushed out since Sonic Boom. I'm still waiting on that Segagaga port they said they were totally gonna make.

>> No.5686285

What makes you think that it's a PAL Mega Drive?

>> No.5686303

Im so tired of buying TVs

>> No.5686576

then don't you fucking baka

>> No.5686589

That PAL Mega Drive is obviously modded for 60Hz.

The fact that you can look up what a PAL Mega Drive looks like.

>> No.5686591

>The fact that you can look up what a PAL Mega Drive looks like.
"idk do the work for me"

ok so you have nothing

>> No.5686597

I own a PAL Mega Drive. I know what it looks like. You on the other hand can just use fucking google and stop asking for spoonfeeds. There are only 3 kinds of official Model 1 Mega Drive units, figure it out, smartass.

>> No.5686604
File: 18 KB, 750x296, 1549406998184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing Sega today has any resemblance or bearing to Sega then, and their intentions. They are simply marketing to manchildren with disposable income dummy.

>> No.5686616

Do you not know what FOREVER means?

>> No.5686621

Objectively wrong. The fake transparency on the waterfall graphics won't look right on a PVM.

>> No.5686625

ore maybe they're only confirming that 250tvl is the proper way to play.

>> No.5686634

Yes they would because CRTs have nothing to do with those effects.

>> No.5686637

PVM's are sharp as fuck and won't blur those pixels.

>> No.5686641 [DELETED] 

Why would they need to be sharp, when those pixels are automatically blurred by the console itself.

>> No.5686645

Why would they need not to be sharp, when those pixels are automatically blurred by the console itself?

>> No.5686649

you're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about. even a 20l5 will do the waterfalls properly if you plug composite into it. it's the ntsc artifacting that does the transparency effect.

>> No.5686654

fucking bullshit

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.5686660

>it's the ntsc artifacting
It's the low-pass applied to the signal that does it. Transparency effects work perfectly on PAL.

>> No.5686670

Not him but I want pics as well.

>> No.5686679

>duuuhh even if i made the statement you have to prove that im right

>> No.5686697

http://bfy.. tw/OFsc

>> No.5686716
File: 1.50 MB, 4800x1200, 1451377506908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic that is always loved around here.

>> No.5686726

composite looks better

>> No.5686730

Composed definitively looks better. RGB looks like some emulator integer scale, with bilinear enabled on the second.

>> No.5686796

wtf is rgb sync lol

>> No.5686860

sega was built for composite and nothing else. rgb might be the worst since sega knew what theyre customers were playing on.

>> No.5687659

>being this retarded