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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5650170 No.5650170 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest with me, are there are any NES games that aged all that well?

>> No.5650174

Tetris (NES) still seems to be played at a tournament level so I guess it did pretty well

>> No.5650189
File: 6 KB, 256x224, F2A63FEC-853D-4D18-A988-C47E13DD3289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5650193

I still play through castlevania 3 and ninja gaiden once a year, give it a shot OP.

>> No.5650198

Junior stop shitposting on that forum of yours and get back to studying. Don't you have any exams to study for right now?

>> No.5650206

Since when do grade schoolers have exams?

>> No.5650278


>> No.5650392

I think even people who have never played older games before would enjoy stuff like Mario 3 or Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.5650398
File: 75 KB, 1000x551, Boomers+may+cry+looking+pretty+sweet+_1a393e46f4a3644ce45211d21a8dec33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I've played desu. Ive been meaning to try crystallis but they haven't ported it to the switch on its own and I don't want to buy their compilation packs.

>> No.5650412

Holy shit that asshole aged like shit.

>> No.5650420

>what are emulators

>> No.5650428

The NES is the single most overrated system in the history of gaming. Definitely doesn't imply it's bad, just that it's literally impossible to discuss any other 8-bit system around Burgers without them chimping out.
They can't be blamed, of course. Nintendo's well documented anti-consumer practices mean that's where their 8-bit knowledge starts and ends, bless 'em, and they just can't shut the fuck up about the thing.

>> No.5650431
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No, nothing here for you, go back to /v/.

>> No.5650504

>Be honest with me, are any of you as gay as me

>> No.5650637

There are more good NES games than good SNES games. Ninja Gaiden is still a top-tier platformer.

>> No.5650662


did he have a chin reduction or can fat really do that to you

>> No.5650707


>> No.5650946
File: 41 KB, 618x410, jessica-lee-tom-welling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nearly 20 year difference between left and right. Sure he's put on some weight but he's still like 6'3" and handsome.

>> No.5650992

dr mario

>> No.5650996

>Not wanting to play a jrpg on a comfy handheld
Emulators are fucking bullshit in comparison desu. Yes I can play on an emulator just like I can play a classic game on a smartphone touchscreen but that is cancer.

>> No.5651108

his face changed completely, he looks creepy, lost all his good looks

>> No.5651129
File: 239 KB, 1500x2373, 283bdaf94c6e44ed2e6d9f0525728ddb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be real he used to look this good, what the fuck happened. Drugs, it has to be drugs, fuck hollywood man

>> No.5651148

/v/-tier thread

>> No.5651151

tetris is a format and formats don't age.
don't even think about posting any more redundant shit like that.

>> No.5651162 [DELETED] 

I literally specified the NES version of Tetris you retarded fucking dumb autist.

>> No.5651221

You know you can just put emulators on a PSP right? Your excuse holds no merit.

>> No.5652031

His face is a bit pudgy but it’s probably more the change in hairstyle and grey stubble throwing you off.

>> No.5652395

I always love "young vs. old" photos where the "young" photo is an obvious publicity photo that is professionally lit, touched up and/or photoshopped while the "old" photo is simply a random street shot of same celebrity 10-20 years later.

>> No.5652818

/tv/ is filled with autists that can’t comprehend that actors age best their best known roles.

>> No.5652820

Age past*

>> No.5653109
File: 85 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-170926101015-634.Tom-Welling-JR-092617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This damage control.
He is just fatter and older. But he is the opposite of aging bad.

>> No.5655257

Super Mario Bros. 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Kirby's Adventure
Most arcade ports like Pac Man and Galaga.

>> No.5655276


>> No.5655303
File: 54 KB, 640x640, watching you bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you all on about? It's just age. He looks totally fine right now.

>> No.5655348

The absolute state of Gen Z

>> No.5656242

He retired and got fat. He's back because he lost everything in a divorce. He didn't have enough time to get into shape for his comeback since he needs money now.

>> No.5656270
File: 3 KB, 114x138, Mm2mechadragonsprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NES Mega Man series are still gorgeous games with perfect mechanics.

>> No.5656281

looks like shit

>> No.5656664

It's still really fun to fuck your friends over in Ice Climber, but Ice Climber wasn't even especially good for its time.

>> No.5657501
File: 70 KB, 1080x1080, supercuck and superchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't have enough time to get into shape for his comeback since he needs money now.
Pretty much this. Every appearance at a convention he improves, definitely hitting the gym regularly.

>> No.5657525

Yeah, every good NES game aged beautifully. The nightmare that is modern video games by contrast makes the NES era look even better.

>> No.5657547

My list:
The Mario games, let's get that out of the way
Kickle Cubicle is still a really fun action puzzler, a bit like Pengo but more puzzly I guess, very fun game and gets difficult. Way underrated.
Gun-Nac is a top-tier space shooter even today
Recca is just impressive, it's borderline bullet hell on the fucking Famicom. Plus it has great music.
Gimmick! has an interesting gimmick. Pretty unique and fun.
Kirby's Adventure is basically a SNES game in an NES cartridge
Felix the Cat is an underrated as hell licensed platformer, very fun
Metal Slader Glory is fucking insane, best looking game on the NES. It's a VN and it has a great story and 80s Japan sci-fi aesthetic.
Punch-Out aged so well that they didn't need to change anything for the Wii game
Sweet Home is neat. Less you know the better, check it out
The Mysterious Murasame Castle is sort of like a top-down Shinobi. Very difficult but very fun, blocking attacks and getting up close with your sword is satisfying as hell
Balloon Fight is the best black box game. It's like Joust but way easier. Joust is better, BUT Balloon Fight has the fun Trip mode.
Bubble Bobble

>> No.5657548 [DELETED] 

My list:
The Mario games, let's get that out of the way
Kickle Cubicle is still a really fun action puzzler, a bit like Pengo but more puzzly I guess, very fun game and gets difficult. Way underrated.
Gun-Nac is a top-tier space shooter even today
Recca is just impressive, it's borderline bullet hell on the fucking Famicom. Plus it has great music.
Gimmick! has an interesting gimmick. Pretty unique and fun.
Kirby's Adventure is basically a SNES game in an NES cartridge
Felix the Cat is an underrated as hell licensed platformer, very fun
Metal Slader Glory is fucking insane, best looking game on the NES. It's a VN and it has a great story and 80s Japan sci-fi aesthetic.
Punch-Out aged so well that they didn't need to change anything for the Wii game
Sweet Home is neat. Less you know the better, check it out
The Mysterious Murasame Castle is sort of like a top-down Shinobi. Very difficult but very fun, blocking attacks and getting up close with your sword is satisfying as hell
Balloon Fight is the best black box game. It's like Joust but way easier. Joust is better, BUT Balloon Fight has the fun Trip mode.
Bubble Bobble

>> No.5657549 [DELETED] 

sorry for double posting, i dont even know how the fuck that happened
i guess my phone's wifi went out for a second?
inb4 phoneposter, again sorry

>> No.5657690

goddamn super man turned in to a manlet smdh

>> No.5658342


>> No.5658693

>Timeless NES games
Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Brothers
Super Mario Brothers 2
Super Mario Brothers 3
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Kirby's Adventure
Tecmo Super Bowl
Ninja Gaiden
FWIW the NES Tetris is still my favorite version of the game. Might be nostalgia.
>tetris is a format
hey tard try to learn what words mean. Obviously Tetris doesn't age because its game mechanics can be fully represented by crude graphics (just like Chess) but that doesn't mean it's a "format." It's literally a game.
I half agree.
lol cope
eurogames were shit then and are shit now.

>> No.5658718

Ah yes. All those sunken pirate ships at Niagra Falls.

>> No.5659684

I don't think games age. The only credible examples are non-concrete game systems (such as saving, audio/video/gameplay options, shit like hitboxes) that are worse than they are today due to technological inferiority, instead of game design choice. If it was fun back then, it's always fun now, and if you can't set aside a shitty save system that's pretty laughable because children could 30 years ago. The exception is novelties of the time, fads, wearing out. Think about really REALLY early video games that were shat out so quick and appreciated merely because they were games, and games were a fad, and if its a video game it's cool, right? But of course, some things are so simple and fun they endure.

Anyway, hijacking thread really quick to ask what the differences are between the original nes, original famicom, and av nes and famicom. I can't decide and I'm fucking tired as balls and need someone to dumb it down for me real quick.

>> No.5659704

Look at his nose. It's taken a fist or two in the last 20 years.