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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 300x300, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5641224 No.5641224 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best MGS game, change my mind.

>> No.5641236

Snake Eater is my favorite overall but yeah, Ghost Babel is the best retro Metal Gear game.

>> No.5641261
File: 27 KB, 576x400, Mggb_metalgear_wreckage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First post, best post.

>> No.5641275

this old sack of shit looks and moves like modern indie pixel trash

>> No.5641292

Lowest IQ post I've seen in weeks. Congrats.

>> No.5641301


>> No.5641305
File: 327 KB, 464x502, 1559688410962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I'm retarded I thought it was just metal gear ghost babel.

>> No.5641314

It was renamed Metal Gear Solid in North America since most gamers here weren't familiar with the older games.

>> No.5641329

Slow clap friend, slow clap. You're a special level of retard.

>> No.5641350


so it's not an mgs port or remake to gbc it's an actual different game?

>> No.5641353

it's kind of an alternate universe/non-canon sequel to the original metal gear

>> No.5641364

MGS3 > GB > MGS2 > MG2 > MGS > MG

>> No.5641380

MGS1 > MGS2 > MG2 (MSX) > GB > MGS3 > MG (MSX) >

>> No.5641384

Switch MGS2 with MGS and you get my ranking. I like all of them a lot though, MGS2 is still awesome.

>> No.5641453

Maybe not the best but easily the most underrated but it still has some annoying segments like the conveyor belt puzzle. The power outage section can also be annoying if you missed the NVGs, funny how you never get to actually see Owl of you miss them cause the cutscene is in total darkness.

Still a great game really liked how it continued the MSX style and made the game an alternate sequel to MG1.

>> No.5641460

give one reason why that comment is low IQ or retarded. It's simply stating a fact.

>> No.5641635

Show me a single modern indie game that looks like Ghost Babel.

>> No.5641656

Show me a dog and I'll tell you who you are

>> No.5641657


>> No.5642309

It's raiden training pre-MGS2

>> No.5642330

The vr missions are, but not the main game.

>> No.5642343

Conveyor belt, bomb placing, and door switch puzzles are much worse than anything in MGS. MG2 is the best game in the series.

>> No.5642370

This. GB is objectively inferior to MGS. Why is /vr/ full of click bait contranians?

>> No.5642638

>puzzles too hard for me! me can only handle brainlet-tier PSX MGS!
Git gud fag.

You too nigger.

>> No.5642650

stay mad

>> No.5642659

Snake's Revenge is teh most underrated MGS game. Everybody shits on it yet it's a more fun sequel than MGS2

>> No.5642672

This actually looks pretty good. Missed out on the GBC, just wasn't playing many games at the time. Going to play this for sure.

>> No.5642693

It definitely helps to emulate it, whether by PC or by a more recent handheld. I love Ghost Babel but it always felt a little uncomfortable to me because of the radar. A bigger display helps a lot.

>> No.5642697

Because it's simply good pixel art. Your statement is a tacit admission that you only like pixel art if it looks shitty which is both idiotic and hipster to the max.

>> No.5642721

Ghost Babel sucks.

>> No.5642729
File: 96 KB, 809x900, 946407F6-9E92-4CAF-8080-F16638E60FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5642738

This. Only poorfags who grew up with a handheld and no console like it.

>> No.5642772

>a handheld and no console
haha, can you imagine that?

>> No.5642774

Actually the GBC came out just in time for millions of kids to want one for Pokémon. I had never owned a Nintendo handheld before that.

>> No.5642901

Random question for you Europeans: Was ‘Game Boy Color’ spelled as ‘Game Boy Colour’ on your packaging?

>> No.5642924
File: 1.04 MB, 960x960, DA82E0BB-207B-4BE1-93EB-13E6F2C9269D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5642975


>> No.5642980

Why don't you actually make an argument for it instead of bringing your shitty /v/ threads here

>> No.5643034

He got buttblasted in the other MGS thread so he had to make this one.

>> No.5643043

MGS is the ultimate poorfag Metal Gear since you could easily pirate it on your PSX or PC back in the day.

>> No.5643049

>being this butthurt

>> No.5643065
File: 36 KB, 640x648, 1522975231478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahahaha. Fucking CHRIST the contrarians around here are legitimately retarded. Anyway, 3 > 2 > 1. Now go back under your rock.

>> No.5643074

>having a PC with internet to pirate the game back in the day
>a poorfag
Holy shit he is actually retarded

>> No.5643075




>> No.5643081

>he didn't get free burnt games from his piratefag friend
Wow, what a loser.

>> No.5643086

>had to rely on other people to play games
>not a poorfag

>> No.5643092

Thanks for proving that PSXfags were the poorfags of the '90s.

>> No.5643094

why you don't admit that you don't care about metal gear op?

>> No.5643104

>so retarded he makes shit up

>> No.5643112

Are you denying the fact that the PSX was the most highly pirated retro console?

>> No.5643113

>hes now just arging with himself

>> No.5643114

This is probably a bait thread, but liking Ghost Babel the most doesn't seem that unusual to me. It's a 2D application of MGS1's stealth in a game that stays more focused on stealth. Anyone that likes the MSX games will likely also love Ghost Babel.

>> No.5643137

This game probably acted as a gateway into the MSX Metal Gear games for a lot of people in the west as well. It definitely was in my case.

>> No.5643141

>This is probably a bait thread
Definitely a bait thread, but OP shitposting shouldn't ruin a good game.
I had played both Metal Gear 1 and Snake's Revenge (yes I know not Metal Gear 2) on the NES and didn't know about it originating on the MSX until much later, and glad I did play them. They are still pretty fun

>> No.5643162
File: 42 KB, 269x457, dontgetgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5643452

metal gear acid exists

>> No.5643469

Are the Acid games fun if I don't normally enjoy CCG stuff but love the Metal Gear series?

>> No.5643482

sure its like a puzzle game more than a ccg

>> No.5643525
File: 311 KB, 2002x2048, 1E8AB703-2C89-43C4-B0FF-561F4855FCDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its like a puzzle game

It’s is a contraction for it is or it has.
Its indicates possessive.

>> No.5643539
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5645459

based & redpilled

FUCK 3D metal gears and FUCK sonyggers

>> No.5645462

Why do /v/ and /tv/ post like this? I swear everyone on those boards thinks and types exactly the same. Probably the worst examples of hive mind behavior on the entire site.

>> No.5645465

go back /v/

>> No.5645470

why so much seething nintoddler

>> No.5645476
File: 459 KB, 1250x1250, three fucking mgs games in their top 100 list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back /v/
ironic coming from a /v/irgin that likes mgs

>> No.5645478

you know so much about what /v/ likes maybe you should stay there.

>> No.5645479

msx got the most good 2d metal gear games

try again seething gaystation nigger

>> No.5645480

why should i? i wouldn't fit in there, unlike you with your shit taste in shitty "games" like mgs

>> No.5645481

is the /ogg/ poster having a breakdown or what?

>> No.5645483

He was having a meltdown in the other Metal Gear thread, this one is sort of an offshoot bait thread to trigger him.

>> No.5645484

>your shit taste in shitty "games" like mgs
but im not the one who likes ghost babel

>> No.5645487

Good. That dork spends way too much time here.

>> No.5645489

ghost babel sucks too. everything metal gear related is utter trash

>> No.5645497 [DELETED] 


>> No.5645498 [DELETED] 

have sex

>> No.5645503 [DELETED] 

get aids and die niggerfaggot

>> No.5645545

Yeah so anyways, the GBC game improved on what the MSX/NES Metal Gear titles had built before. Ghost Babel is the best Metal Gear game, but it is not the best Metal Gear Solid game.

>> No.5645552

I've never played a MGS game, apart from a few times playing the NES one as a kid and having no idea what to do. Is it worth going back to try now?

>> No.5645556

Not him but I deffinitely put it on the level of MGS, though I'd have a hard time picking which I think is ultimately better.

>> No.5645558

What kind of games do you like playing? Do you enjoy story and cut scenes?

>> No.5645569

Sims, strategic shit, air combat, I guess some action/adventure shit, sometimes a FPS if I'm in the right mood, some entry-level platformers and the occasional RPG. A game with a story is fun as long as it doesn't drag, I think the last story-based game I played was the first Asassin's Creed some months back. I'd sort of like to give the first MG a shot, it's been on my shelf since a friend gave me a box of NES stuff he found at a garage sale last year.

>> No.5645580

I think you'll probably dig it then. Start with the first one and go from there.

>> No.5645587

Cool, been hemming and hawing all day trying to pick something to play, think I'll go with that then.

>> No.5645619

You only claim that because it's a solid yet still overlooked game. If it were more popular you'd be flocking back to MGS2 like all the other contrarian faggots.

>> No.5645786

You mean MG2SS, right? Lots of people liked MGS2 the best.

>> No.5645798

No he's still pretending like MGS2 was unpopular and only contrarins like it lol

>> No.5647590

MGS2 was definitely hit with a lot of backlash shortly after its initial release. There was no shortage of used copies available at any GameStop back in the early 00s. If anything, it’s been reappraised over the years and is now thought of more highly.

>> No.5648174

Ghost Babel was shit. Now skateboarding on MGS2S was kino

>> No.5648853

Opinion safely discarded. Are you here because you're waiting for your /tv/ ban to end?

>> No.5648942

This. At the timeGamefaqs basically got derailed, because 90% of the site's traffic was people on the MGS2 board, bitching. And that lasted for months. And once the bitching died down, people just moved on and left MGS2 behind. That's why MGS3 was such a drastically different game. MGS2 was so hated and so controvercial that Kojima wouldn't even touch any kind of real follow up to it.

MGS2 has become more popular as time has gone on. But even now, older games like FFVII still fetch halfway decent prices, despite being quite common. While any copy of MGS2 goes for $5 or under. Even now, at the arguable height of it's popularity.

If you don't believe me, do some digging.

>> No.5648965

What the fuck?
Getting warmer.

>> No.5649295

Raiden training can be MGS1 as well

>> No.5649320

It's five bucks because it sold 8 million copies. I liked it so much I bought it back in the day, and the re release substance.
Fucking awesome game
>Not retro tho
Gameboy Color MGS is real fuckin good, I feel that most of the people giving it a hard time maybe didn't play it?
It translated MGS gameplay so well , and there's nothing comfier than handheld gaming

>> No.5649323

>Liking snake eater
It was ok

>> No.5649369

Ghost Babel is great but I just can’t get enough of that 60s spy movie aesthetic.

>> No.5649552

Well I think it sucks to look at. I don't like the graphics much. MG1 and MG2 looked more visually appealing.

>> No.5649569


>> No.5649610

Technically not retro because it was released post 2000?
But what do I care, I prefer this over a GBA or Gamecube thread.

>> No.5649627

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
>video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
>platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>> No.5651794

Board only bans are really rare unless you get banned from boards like /trv/.

>> No.5651921

i wanna argue that MGS3 is the best but ghost babbel & MG2 are probably the only metal gear games i haven't played so i can't give you an opinion on them.

as for handheld metal gears i prefer MGA2 or MGPW.

>> No.5651959

>ghost babbel
