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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 400x300, 410860CE-79E6-4062-BEFE-F71C04A419D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5592007 No.5592007 [Reply] [Original]

>*adds additional frames of lag to those already added by your hdtv*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.5592009

snes already has 1-4 frames of lag because it does input polling weirdly also hdtvs are for /v/

>> No.5592012

Why does it matter, you fags are all pathetic skillet casuals anyway.

>> No.5592019

99% of this board games on an HDTV. OSSC and similar faggot shit is constantly shilled.

>> No.5592027

nice numbers, put em back up your ass

>> No.5592038

I'm the 1%, weeeeee

>> No.5592043

Works on my machine w/out game mode and my 8bitdo is on an old ass firmware

>> No.5592054
File: 18 KB, 750x296, 1549406998184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL yet crt is the most posted thread here.

>> No.5592056

not really I use my crt

>> No.5592094

>playing on an HDTV
You deserve it

>> No.5592142

hdtvs are for /v/

sick fuckin burn

>> No.5592195

My cousin has a SNES plugged into a 4K Sharp TV and uses these controllers.
Absolutely fucking unplayable, he's making games harder just by doing that. It's like half a second of lag even with all the post processing shit turned off.

>> No.5592216
File: 219 KB, 1250x1000, tetrisattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave the SNES mini to my mum with this controller and she doesn't use it because even she notices the input lag. For the curious, she's in to Tetris Attack

>> No.5592240

based retard

>> No.5592268

I play SNES on my PC with an Xbox 360 controller. It just works.

>> No.5592320

>99% of this board games on an HDTV.
Considering how slow this board moves and the fact that 185 IPs posted to the most recent /crt/, I doubt that.

>> No.5592372

CRTs all day faget

>> No.5592620

>8bitdo controllers are garbage
What a shock. It's almost like people have been saying this for a year already.

>> No.5592656

>having a laggy TV in the first place
Plebs need not apply

>> No.5593080

I have a CRT and a plasma TV. Apart from the obvious visual difference, the games feel the same.
I feel sorry for LCD plebs sometimes.

>> No.5593124

Who the actual FUCK emulates games using anything other than a keyboard?

Fuck off with that controller, OP.

>> No.5593836

>i don't understand what lag is
Don't feel bad. Most children your age don't.

>> No.5594108

Now I want to Sex your mom, patrician taste

>> No.5594181

>my moms not a zoomer
I'd certainly hope so or you'd be super underage

>> No.5594252

>Playing on muh 'real hardware' rather than RetroArch with runahead.
It's like people actually enjoy input lag.

>> No.5594414

i play on a crt and when i play 7th gen or newer i use a monitor

>> No.5594463

>frames of lag

>> No.5594465

I play shit with runahead and my 8bitdo m30. I have a hell of a time trying to find where the input lag is. Fucking hell I have my PS1 plugged to a shitty CRT TV over here and I can't fucking tell. Only thing that pisses me off is Saturn emulation, that shit does have input lag and I can't enable that option without running into framerate issues.

>> No.5594572

>the games feel the same
They shouldn't unless your CRT is HD

>> No.5595143

What controller would you say is better? I'm hard pressed to find something that has a similar level of easy to find and purchase, decent price, and overall level of customer positivity