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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 905 KB, 1492x2156, 5kqnnq0pifg21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5370550 No.5370550 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such thing as a ""good"" remake?

>> No.5370553

What constitutes soul in one and not the other?

>> No.5370554


ffs >>5369172

>> No.5370556
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>> No.5370557

not with LA and to be honest a Zelda game with mostly Mario-based characters is a fucking atrocity to begin with. thank goodness somebody took the time to flesh out the unique Zelda universe with Zoras and Gorons and unique enemies (and not fucking Kirby sucking you up out of nowhere in a random dungeon) and all that.

>> No.5370561

>what constitutes the difference between a good piano player and a MIDI-piano synthesizer
anon, I...

>> No.5370569

Honestly you bitching about obviously superior products is pathetic, if you don't like thing just don't buy it. End this suffering, Kill yourself.

>> No.5370584
File: 80 KB, 600x338, CFADB0A4-3906-499B-90AA-62AE84C45E3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5370589

Not /vr/. You obviously want to bait out responses in this thread. Take your (you) and go.

>> No.5370590

The only "soul" picture that looks better is the bottom one.

>> No.5370594

Are you citing that as good? Because if you are you are scum.

>> No.5370601

>obviously superior products
kys braindamaged unconditonal corporate whore

>> No.5370606

hmmm the ones on the right look feminised or more like a smartphone game.

>> No.5370614

I mean the remastered visuals are outstanding and the engine is so faithful you can just swap back to the original version on the fly
It’s as good as it gets

>> No.5370616

Link between the worlds was pretty nice as ALTTP remake.

>> No.5370624

I think the stuff on the right is cute, OP. It looks like they actually put some imagination into the visual design. Not soulless at all.

>> No.5370625

This is incredible shilling.
I will never buy your stupid game, idiot. I own the original, why on earth would I spend more money for the option to have worse graphics?

>> No.5370630

This >>5370553

The one on the right looks gorgeous. I don't like the Zelda games though, is there something else that's supposed to make it feel "soulless"? What precisely do you mean when you use the term "soul" to refer to something like a game?

>> No.5370638

>muh new technology so it must be good
If they wanted to tech demo this they should have just made a new original title

>> No.5370639

You're just as bad as the DCEU fans on /co/.

>> No.5370643

Yes, but 21st century corporations aren't capable of making them.

>> No.5370694


>> No.5370705

Only if the original game is unplayable or not in English, such as Ys I & II on PC-8801.

>> No.5370717

I fucking love the tilt-shift look of the LA remake. It adds to the weird vibe that game had and plays up the dream-like whimsy of it

>> No.5370725

The fuck point are you trying to make?

>> No.5370732

What happened to the trees?

>> No.5370735

I really like the style, too, but the blur hurts my eyes and gives me a constant feeling that I need to re-focus my vision, which is incredibly uncomfortable. I like everything else about the style, so hopefully they remove the blur before release because it's ruining an otherwise nice art style.

>> No.5370753

What about them?

>> No.5370758

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.5370761

At least they kept Link left-handed this time.

>> No.5370767

not retro

>> No.5370770

Fucking retard kys.

>> No.5370814

At least in that game's case it's a pretty unique artstyle and they let you switch it off

>> No.5370827

Huh? I see nothing wrong with remaking something with new graphics. I am asking what your problem with it is and what the term "soul" means to you in this context.

Also, why is good in two sets of quotation marks? What are you even trying to say?

>> No.5370834

The Resident Evil 1 remake was pretty good, because it didn't mess with the formula that made original so good. The Links Awakening remake on the other hand looks like complete garbage. It's even worse than the Secret of Mana remake.

>> No.5370835

Game looks amazing, you gotta be a shiteating sega widow to dislike it.
Nintendo just got a new triple A gameon the way, what sega got? Oh yeah, sega died in the gutter back in 2001.

>> No.5370851

>starting consolewars with a company that isn't even in the console market anymore
That's pretty pathetic to be honest with you, but I didn't expect anything else from someone who consideres the remake to look "amazing".

>> No.5370858

I'm pretty sure it's a falseflag at this point.
Maybe a Sony fanboy trying to stir shit between Sega and Nintendo fans?

>> No.5370861

>old good
>new bad
you're retarded, just because your are stuck in hell with sega, doesn't mean the new games are bad.

>> No.5370878

I don't think there are any hardcore fanboys on this board. Sure, some prefer certain platforms although I believe that most people here play everything no matter what logo is slapped on it. Or atleast that's how I see it.

>> No.5370894
File: 888 KB, 1400x2300, remake_SMB3_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo has been screwing up remakes since the SNES days. why is anyone surprised?

>> No.5370905
File: 337 KB, 540x378, tumblr_inline_o00cj4ozsy1t7fr54_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man I'm as close to a fan of Sega as any company out there (not a huge fan of Nintendo or Sony) but I think the remade version looks much better. Not that the gameboy was bad, but the new visuals are deffinitely an improvement. Don't lump me in with idiots like him.

Also wondering like the others what the fuck OP means by soul and ""good""

>> No.5370908

Why did you post a picture of a good remake by them then?

>> No.5370914


Plastic-looking "HD" 3D is the cancer killing videogames.

>> No.5370915

this, and HGSS

>> No.5370923

the problem is, this is the only board suitable for sega widows, since they got nothing since 2001.

>> No.5370930

>Also wondering like the others what the fuck OP means by soul and ""good""
Judging by the image OP posted, I assume "soulless" means a low budget remake with eye cancer inducing blur, unneccessary shiny textures and atrocious character models to make a quick buck from gullible fans of the original who're blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.5370943

Huh well I don't think it looks all that low budget and besides the tiltshift blur it looks pretty great. I played LA back in the day but didn't love it and have no nostalgia for it. By my thinking it's nostalgia making people think the original had more "soul". But whatever, it's not like I'll ever play the remake or the old one again.

>> No.5370947

yeah no, stay mad.
what sega is releasing for their current gen console?
Oh wait, nvm.

>> No.5370963
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Why do you keep brining up Sega? Lol

I would love an eye-poppingly gorgeous remake of Space Harrier.

>> No.5370980
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>people just slap some neural upscaling on it

>> No.5370985

Sure but they'll never beat the original games since remaking something in this sense inherently means taking away part of what caused the good feelings you got from the game in the first place.

>> No.5371007

Resident Evil 1 and 2
Super Mario All-Stars
Metroid: Samus Returns
Final Fantasy III
Spyro Reignited
Crash N-Sane Trilogy
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth

>> No.5371024

Sid Meier's Pirates also.

>> No.5371029
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>> No.5371037

The plastic look is intentional in this case, they're trying to make everything look like miniatures in a diorama. It's not like New Super Mario Bros where it just looks plastic because it sucks. Though I would have preferred the same art style with a softer, non-plastic look, more like that fox game Adventure of Lucky or whatever.

>> No.5371041

>Metroid: Samus Returns
You mean AM2R? Yea, that game is really good.

>> No.5371047

They both have their merits anon, no need to be like that. I do of course agree that the way DoctorM64 was treated by Nintendo was ridiculous though. There's plenty of room for both and the assertion that AM2R would impact sales of M:SR is just silly.

>> No.5371052

My bad. I legit mixed it up with Metroid 2: Return of Samus, but to my defence the names are very similar and I don't have a 3DS.

>> No.5371054

Pretty sure your aspie negative attitude is the issue. Ignore the games, let everyone else play them while you miss out yelling in an empty room to yourself.

>> No.5371057

The blur is literally a feature of all tilt shift photography

>> No.5371070

Link's awakening was a dream. Half the mario references are mario 2 allusions, another game that was a dream.

>> No.5371080

Yeah, the Resident Evil 1 remake is great. I think Link's Awakening COULD be done well, but these plastic graphics are just lazy.

>> No.5371090

Now that's some nitpicking bullshit right there.

>> No.5371102

i'm sick of the vaseline plastic treatment every remake is getting too but that bottom analogy is retarded. link's face is even less detailed in the original

>> No.5371109

And it sucks to look at. I like everything else they've done except the blur kills my eyes.

>> No.5371116

You people are so triggered over this game that it's just sad. The style looks fine, be thankful Nintendo even bothered to remember Link's Awakening lmfao

>> No.5371117
File: 333 KB, 420x315, orwie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you really nailed down autism son

>> No.5371118

you retardo retards realize you are comparing:
>emulator SS
>youtube printscreen
Most of you, like OP, never held a GameBoy, because if you did, you would know that games on gameboy looks like ASS.

>> No.5371121

Really to mask loading and rendering as you move in real-time across the island.

>> No.5371126

The camera angle isn't down far enough for that to be an excuse. It's just there to "look good".

>> No.5371143

But you didn't even post a remake

>> No.5371162

I thought about that already and that might explain it but I'm still upset over that.

>> No.5371197
File: 81 KB, 500x498, cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with these fellas here. I honestly didn't mind ORAS, but I can recognize the complaints as valid.

This game, Sword of Mana, Final Fantasy 3 and 4 on DS, Tales of Destiny DC, and Kirby Super Star Ultra are all examples of good remakes in my opinion.

>> No.5371224

Nightmare in Dreamland is a shit remake, anon.

>> No.5371228

That hurt my feelings. I thought it was very nice. I liked the portability, the hats changing for Kirby's on screen sprite and the enhanced colors.

>> No.5371234

I like it except that blur...why do they do that?

>> No.5371263

Maybe they're trying to copy Octopath Traveller.

>> No.5371269
File: 53 KB, 478x286, bcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My only gripe is the change of the neutral zones to fed camps

>> No.5371271

Apples and pears.

To hammer home how dumb your analogy is, and your point as well, there's enough software out there which can perfectly mimic everything a piano can do, but you went for the MIDI-piano. You're the dude saying you would rather have a MIDI piano than one made by modern technology because you have a nostalgia boner for the shitty sound of it.

>> No.5371315

It's mimicking tiltshift photography which is a technique to make things look tiny due to feild of focus as if it was being taken by a macro lense. Unfortunately as withmost tiltshift photography is garbage and doesn't actually pull off the effect because it just indiscriminately blurs part of it without taking distance into account. Other than that though I think this looks great.

>> No.5371321

YS1&2 complete is actually pretty great aesthetically.

>> No.5371336
File: 38 KB, 400x400, BUT THATS WRONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so idiotic and one sided. Why does the waterfall cave in the original have dots? its supposed to be a cave, not space. What the fuck are holograms in the sky supposed to mean? Why does it make an effort to say the originals bushes are unique but doesn't even remark on the remakes? Do you often see bushes with stripe patterns? I understand discussing the pros and cons of originals and remakes but this is nostalgia loyalty and it doesnt remark on changes the author does like. This comparrison is worse than the kirby one I swear

>> No.5371350

Its not bad at all.

>> No.5371362


The camera angle is doing my head in. Anyone nauseated by it.

>> No.5371363

It all makes sense when you understand how poorly autistic people deal with change and that these are things from their childhood.

>> No.5371368

imagine these people using a time machine going to the All Stars launch. "DONT BUY IT! IT HAS UGLY CLOUDS!"

>> No.5371427


>> No.5371437

To be fair, the remake does look worse than original.

>> No.5371452

Discuss the pros and cons in a nonbiased way. I 100% am down for calm exchange of opinions

>> No.5371458

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I certainly don't agree. I've never loved tge mario series though so I really have no nostalgia for the original. I don't think either version is amazing, but do think the remake is the better of the two.

>> No.5371465

I think it is okay for someone not to like a remake, but starting a thread about it with such a hostile stance is a recipe for disaster. We don't have to be so negative.

>> No.5371472

I mean, remove Mario from the screenshots here >>5370894 and you'll notice how the remake looks like any generic modern indie game while the original remains recognizable as a Mario game even without him. If that makes any sense.

>> No.5371483
File: 327 KB, 1600x800, zero_mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there such thing as a ""good"" remake?
well anon, I think that a good remake is one that takes the original idea of a game and brings it into the modern day; improving on it, whilst expanding upon it, keeping the original heart and feel of the original. The goal shouldn't be to replace the original, because a lot of people prefer original versions to begin with (think REmake 2). Can't please everyone but you can do what I said above. Not a really easy task for sure, but it is possible. My personal favorite remake is pic related. They expanded upon it, made the controls more solid, whilst keeping the heart of the original.
So yeah, I think there is such a thing as a good remake. Just not very easy to accomplish and requires some good thought and care.

>> No.5371596

Good remakes are games that take what the original had and adding on top of it, maybe even change it but still keep the feel the same.

RE2 remake was great, it wasn't like the original, but it was still loaded with puzzles and thing to find and explore while adding more story and polishing things. It didn't take away from the original or make it into something it's not. RE1 was great because it was the original game but with more content made in the same way as the original. Two different ways but both valid and worked well, because they didn't change the essence of the experience (that sound gay but it's true).

Something like Lufia 2 for NDS was a completely different game with familiar elements from the original and didn't do so well because of that, it strayed too far from what made the original click. If they had kept the structure and gameplay the same as it is now, but taken the setting, story beats, and roles of the characters back to what they were it would've been more warmly received even though the gameplay and presentation are so different.

However, there is no "good" remakes for some people, the only way some would like to see a remake of LA, for example, is if was a monochromatic 8-bit game released on the gameboy, there's literally no way you can please those people.

>> No.5371603
File: 48 KB, 630x596, hold_the_de_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf you stole my post

>> No.5371639

I have no idea what the game on the right is but if it's a real remake then it doesn't look too bad? They at least tried to stay true to the original and just directly translated it to 3D. Some of the choices like depth of field and that terrible looking Link model are kind of questionable, but at least (as far as I can tell from those screenshots) they didn't try to "improve" the game itself.

>> No.5371640

I'd like to congratulate you for being one of the few people on this board who isn't a drooling ignoramous.

>> No.5371648

>RE2 remake was great

>> No.5371652 [DELETED] 

I really like the remake's look, it makes me think of clay models. Looks like the whole game will have the feel of a diorama, which is very cute. The depth of field is a little weird though.

I just wish they'd remake ALttP with the LBW engine and style.

>> No.5371665

...They look like any modern indie game because the indie games are mimicking the style of Mario. You are aware of how time works, right?

I've already addressed you in the last part of what I wrote.

>> No.5371679
File: 95 KB, 500x707, 1495893147467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I disagree, I understand what you mean. I think like All Stars heavily inspired pixelart in the 2000s. Think of how many Newgrounds cartoons and flash games that used the All Stars assets. It seems like it was alot so I think it would create a mental association with mediocrity. I feel like with many remakes like the Link's Awakening one; if the originals never happened and the remakes were released now as the original, a fan 'demake' that looks like the existing game boy one would be mocked on message boards like this. Am I making any sense?

>> No.5371696

A good remake is one that reinterprets and re-imagines content, creating a new vision of a classic. I cannot stand 'faithful' remakes that simply update the visuals, they inevitably dilute the vision of the original, and become a lesser product, seeking to supplant it, rather than stand alongside it.
I consider REmakes 1&2 to be stalwart examples of good remakes, they are distinct creatures that offer a different experience from the same seed.
It's not retro but I consider Shadow of the Colossus PS4 a classic 'bad' remake and a much uglier game than the original

>> No.5371707

Graphical updates are fine if the update is a big one, like in the LA remake they just showed. If it's something like the Wind Waker or Twilight Princess "remakes" then they aren't really remakes as much as just a re-release. When the visual update is really big it necessarily changes the game in a meaningful way, something that higher res textures and smoothed out models can't do. The 3DS remake of OoT is just on the cusp imho, it added much to the quality of the game while updating the look significantly enough that I would consider it a remake more than just a re-release.

>> No.5371709

Nah it's great.
You thought right.

>> No.5371736

>I don't like the Zelda games though, is there something else that's supposed to make it feel "soulless"?
No. Soul/Soulless is one of the biggest buzzwords to have ever existed.

"Dedication" vs "Half-assed" would be more appropiate, but even then there's nothing half-assed about the new Zelda remake (that we know of yet). Half-assed is something that is more about "remasters" that barely change games.

>> No.5371746

Good post. This is basically what the issue with the Psycho remake is: they set out to make a 1:1 faithful copy of the original, and you end up with a product that is shit because it didn't try to be its own thing.

The issue I see with the Zelda remake on the OP is that it is way too faithful to the original. It's stupid.

>> No.5371803

Super Mario 3: Bros is such a good game

>> No.5371838

>changes the game in a meaningful way
In what way? Admittedly there's very little to go on, but it looks like the exact same game.

>> No.5371847

That's only because you recognize them as such. The first panel is clearly Mario either way. The only one not clear is the 4th

>> No.5371848

If this game came out today, /v/ would lose their shit over it being a 1:1 soulless remake.

>> No.5371850

Holy shit you have autism. Like for real. CWC levels.

>> No.5371854

this board too honestly. people already hate it for some reason

>> No.5371858


>> No.5371887

You have the option to:

• play the remake
• not play remake

>> No.5371890
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Oh, be nice!

>> No.5371908
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They want to find a way to resell reheated pizza, we like cold pizza. Most people don't though, but reheated pizza tastes weird, and never tastes as good as it was fresh... reheated pizza is a rerelease on new hardware. A remake is someone trying to recreate the best NYC or Italian pizza or whatever in the world by looking at pictures and eating it once... and then to add their "signature style" to it they add a bunch of retarded toppings like sardines and marshmallows... and add blue food coloring to the crust.

>> No.5371948

Autists need to be aborted.

>> No.5371990

I don't agree with that really. In the 4th picture maybe because there are mushroom sprites in the sky, but the first picture is clearly Mario in both versions. The others are only distinctively Mario because that's how you remember that game.

>> No.5371998

>When the visual update is really big it necessarily changes the game in a meaningful way,

How so? I don't see that necessarily.

>> No.5372007

>Link between the worlds was pretty nice as ALTTP remake.

That wasn't a remake you fucking retard.

>> No.5372018

Reading that was like having stroke. and secondly, reheated pizza can be better depending on what it is. idk what the marshmallow thing was about. If you are saying that the Turtles in Time remake was off than I can atleast agree.

>> No.5372035

You got it backwards. Playing old games is cold pizza. Remakes are fresh pizza.

>> No.5372065

maybe other people like it and don't have the original you self-centered jackass

>> No.5372091

>I don't think there are any hardcore fanboys on this board.
Sega gets its dick sucked pretty hard around here.

>> No.5372129

What about the Monkey Island 1 & 2 remakes? Those were nothing but a visual and audio update, to the point where you push at a button at any time during the game and instantly flip to the original graphics and audio, but the art update is about as faithful as you can possibly get short of just tracing the original.

>> No.5372131

If you don't have autism, yes

>> No.5372184

I played the original back when I first got into emulation, and honestly I didn't think much of it, I never really liked the pallete of master system games or their general aesthetic, the music is decent at best (being pretty generous here) and the sound effects are certainly on the bad side, but most of all it was the animations that turned me off from it, the game just looks so stiff in motion and it makes the game feel clunky.I managed to beat mecha dragon and make it to the town, but then I quit.

What a difference the remake made.

I actually really enjoy the gameplay once you sprinkle on some good animation. Still feels a little clunky, but nowhere near as bad. Being able to actually stomach the game long enough to get through the town I discovered that the game has a metroidvania kind of style to it and I wound up just falling in love with it.

I even found myself switching back to the class SMS graphics/sound sometimes just for kicks. I love that you can stop the graphics transition midway and play with a splitscreen remake/retro style.

The game wound up becoming something quite special to me. It's the only game in the this generation I bothered collecting all the trophies for (not that there were that many). It became a game I really missed after finishing everything.

I'm looking forward now to the developers future work. I hear they're doing Streets of Rage and using the same animation team.

>> No.5372190

These were also great. I really don't know what else you could ask for in a remake.

Well, maybe they could have used the art style from Curse.

>> No.5372193

Sorry, I bought it for my niece and that's what she told me. I'm inclined to believe her though, she's pretty up on her Zelda.

>> No.5372203

>You're the dude saying you would rather have a MIDI piano than one made by modern technology because you have a nostalgia boner for the shitty sound of it.
But what if he DOES have a "nostalgia boner" for the way MIDI tracks sound? It's simply personal preference. Not defending the soul vs soulless Reddit bullshit though, that point was retarded.

>> No.5372213
File: 258 KB, 800x854, IMG_0465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason a game made in 2019 should have a 3D interpretation of the representational graphics from a gameboy game 26 years later. We have the technology, now is the time to make the games we envisioned in our heads while playing, what we saw when we looked at the official art. This blurry funko pop aesthetic looks plain awful and works against the atmosphere of the original. I will not buy this game.

>> No.5372218
File: 63 KB, 640x638, 1520025811512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game already got remade nigger

>> No.5372429

Should'e gone with WindWaker Toon Link style instead of generic chibi crap

>> No.5372435
File: 5 KB, 194x259, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard anouma hates remakes, I am sure it's one of his jokes. Seems like It has gone too far this time. He always wants to add something!

>> No.5372453
File: 314 KB, 800x790, -SITER_SKAIN-_ALLTYNEX_Second_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happens

>> No.5372457

Guys, this remake looks freaking cool. Stop being such butt hurt fags about it. It's going to be so awesome.

>> No.5372481

>when the original is soulless

>> No.5372512

You made a thread on /v/, too, didn't you?

>> No.5372534

/vr/ has turned into /v/ if you haven't already noticed. This board might as well be trashed at this point.

>> No.5372538

We can still redeem this place. the last few dozen replies arent so aggressive we can still have decent discussion. We should make threads about our interests and be good lads

>> No.5372551

They're remaking LA again? Nintendo is officially dead now.

>> No.5372578
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>> No.5372604

This has to be false flagging at this point. That one is comedy gold.

>> No.5372650
File: 176 KB, 539x497, 1549878955806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is missing the fucking zeppelins. Look at this shit of a remake

>> No.5372664
File: 697 KB, 664x538, KA_vs_NIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Look how much bigger Adventure is

>> No.5372762

But Toon Link IS generic chibi crap.

>> No.5372768

Link is just a generic elf.

>> No.5372773

Yeah REmake 1 and REmake 2 are both arguably better than the original. Though this only really applies to REmake 1, REmake 2 is too different.

>> No.5372807

Meh.Pros and cons. The new one plays like butter and looks pretty good. Not fantastic mind you, just really good for a NES remake.

>> No.5372818

You're not wrong, but why compound the genericness?

>> No.5372823
File: 130 KB, 438x370, 6575bb5e-d76e-4ac0-9a71-ec49892960fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The new one plays like butter
The 3DS port of the NES version fixes all the slowdown issues without fucking up the art direction. It's literally the definitive version of the game and shits all over the garbage pile that is Nightmare in Dreamland.

>> No.5372834

>zoomer with a puberty 'stache
Opinion disregarded.

>> No.5372842 [DELETED] 
File: 535 KB, 581x536, snipping_tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are absolutely right

2 fast for modern gamerz

look at section 3 of level 1-2, after the poppy bro (((HEROIN REFERENCE))), enemies stuck in walls with no purpose but to slow the game down. sacka(((RYE))) slowed it down on purpose, to dumb down the masses (((CONSPIRACEE)))

>> No.5372847


>zoomer with a puberty 'stache

You don't know who i am.

>> No.5372848

Unironically felate a shotgun

>> No.5372868

>Something like Lufia 2 for NDS was a completely different game with familiar elements from the original and didn't do so well because of that, it strayed too far from what made the original click. If they had kept the structure and gameplay the same as it is now, but taken the setting, story beats, and roles of the characters back to what they were it would've been more warmly received even though the gameplay and presentation are so different.

I actually liked the DS game because it tried to be different instead of just a repaint of the SNES original while still keeping the music of the first two Lufia games intact and still keeping a focus on puzzles if not an even bigger one because of the character switching - two of the best things about the original game in my opinion.

The square like designs that seemed very uninspired and the character development of the cast that was just as limited as the original game and the huge amount of backtracking is what ruined their chances to strike gold with it. Oh well, at least you can still use Dekar at the end of the game unlike the original, where you only had a choice to keep him during a whole playthrough when you do the Ancient Cave in GIFT mode.

Also, I wouldn't mind it if they tried it again with both Lufia 2 and other classic RPGs on the SNES like Terranigma but I'm not sure if Square Enix wants to focus on anything else than FF or Dragon Quest anymore in regards of game remakes.

>> No.5372871

my cock is soooo fucking hard

>> No.5372874


i dont like celebs fucking invading these threads

how did i become one


>> No.5372895
File: 226 KB, 1266x656, 1513146655238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frlg had shitty graphics and censored dialogue. hgss was even worse.

>> No.5372897
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>> No.5372910

What are you jabbering about, you incoherent fuckboy?

>> No.5372934

well hot damn!

>> No.5372945

"Soul" just means "I have nostalgia for this." Just be fucking honest goddamn.

>> No.5372956

seconding this, one of the best ports ever

>> No.5372985
File: 448 KB, 800x300, resident-evil-1-Remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Resident Evil 1 Remake is a literal masterpiece. The Gamecube version is atleast. They fucked some things up in the remaster of the remake for modern consoles.

>> No.5372994

This looks good.
Y'all are just mad that it looks different

>> No.5372996

>judging master system's color palette in emulator

>> No.5373025

>ITT: people with autism arguing in absolutes when there are shades of grey

>> No.5373061

bro ur fuckin dum

>> No.5373086

>ugh, floor is purple, clearly no dream-like texture cuz I say so
>calls the right image "bland scenery"

some comparisons are convincing but that one is just retarded cherry-picking. it's pretty much a Chad vs Incel/Aggressive Advertising formula he's using for a "comparison".

>> No.5373125

Anon please take your autism pills

>> No.5373247

in the outlines thing your pic points out there is a big mistake
only Kirby has a black outline
the wispy woods tree doesn't have a black outline it's light brown to show the object just like all the background objects have

>> No.5373442

The worst offender is how chatty new games are. Jesus, with a couple of sentences I'm happy.

>> No.5373459

Most remakes just have no reason to be.

>> No.5373538
File: 23 KB, 225x224, SMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the superior way to play SMB2 (and Mario Bros.) and no one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.5373556
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>> No.5373559

One of my least favorite parts of HGSS is that now they force you to confront Lugia and Ho-oh.
The obligatory legendary quests are so obnoxious.

>> No.5373560
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>> No.5373569

Sprout Tower is also mandatory in HGSS.

>> No.5373573
File: 1.02 MB, 857x713, 1543358773021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this is a sick burn. Savage.

>> No.5373586

Do you guys understand what "different take" means? also yet again the comparrison is one sided and opinionated. The space part is cool in both versions.

>> No.5373602
File: 12 KB, 294x273, 1472166500129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the definitive example of a good HD remake.

Superior to the original in every way, keeps all the old content while adding a good amount of new stuff, expands on the smaller levels to make them full-sized, actually keeps most of the same art style and further improves on it, etc.

>> No.5373603

just because it's different doesn't mean it's good

>> No.5373607

based and saved

>> No.5373654
File: 309 KB, 730x1000, Martha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link's Awakening has Goombers, Bloopers, Cheep Cheeps, Piranha Plants, Thwomps, and a Chain Chomp, all of which come from other games and aren't even in Mario 2 at all. The sole Mario 2 enemy was the Shy Guy.
In what way is that half?
I'm not the anon you're replying to, by the way, just confused by how wrong you are, unless you meant other stuff that I'm forgetting. Here's a list in case I missed something: https://zelda.gamepedia.com/Enemies_in_Link%27s_Awakening

>> No.5373659

I like the addition of voice acting, but the visuals make the game look like shovelware

>> No.5373670


>> No.5373671
File: 1.62 MB, 1000x1300, May.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised someone suggested this. Even when I played this a decade ago, it always felt like a cheap remake of the original to me. I don't want to say it's "soulless", but it just didn't feel like a good remake. The sprites and such are too clean while lacking any sort of charm to them. Probably the weakest mainline game in the franchise, in my opinion.

>> No.5373770

How can a person honestly look at these comparisons and not agree that the images on the left have a vastly more appealing art direction and tasteful look to them. Just baffles me. No, they don't look bad when looked at alone, but they don't do their originals justice at all. They went from colorful and fun games to realistic and brown. It's just an eyesore.

>> No.5373782

You forgot to list Boos
bombites are bob-ombs, which were from mario 2
also wart is in the game

>> No.5373784

and pokey's also debuted in mario 2

>> No.5373791

ok here's a complete list.

Mario Enemies in Link's Awkening
>Boo Buddy
>Piranha Plant
>Chain Chomp
>Shy Guy

>Wart appears as friendly NPC

>> No.5373803

I see. I guess I missed a lot more than I thought. Still less than half, but enough that I could see someone misremembering it to be around there and thus not as bad as I was making out to be.
Still less than half, though.

>> No.5373919

>this game will be Wart's first 3D model
>AND Prince Richard's
unless they do something dumb like replace them with Bowser and Marth

>> No.5373943


>> No.5373973

Don't speak such things, you'll give them ideas.

>> No.5373997

Wasn't Prince Richard an assist trophy in Smash 4?

>> No.5374001

that was Sable Prince but him and Richard are from the same game

>> No.5374012

Right, I knew they were from both games but I get the two characters mixed up. Maybe one day I should actually play that game. I hesitate because the combat doesn't look too fun.

>> No.5374145

I also picked up a SMS to play PS1, and guess what? The pallete was still shit. The slight inaccuracies of an emulator do nothing to hide the putrid shit that are the graphics of the SMS.

>> No.5374152
File: 26 KB, 300x400, Lufia_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a Lufia and Fortress of Doom 3D remake that brings the view down and makes the environments nicer and more varied. It's such a basic game but with adding some complexity they could make a really fun, relaxing, traditional romp that could really draw a crowd, one that's hungry for some of that old school weeb content.

>> No.5374165

> relaxing, traditional romp
Those didn't sell in their hayday, what makes you think they're going to sell today?

>> No.5374214

Why are you mentioning SMB3 instead of 1? 1 in all-stars is basically non-playable.

>> No.5374236

There's literally one change and it's how you break bricks you gigantic baby.

>> No.5374247

Don't forget Princess Peach as a one-off cameo and Kirby (though not Mario) as an enemy.

You know they will. Wart hasn't been relevant to Mario or anything else in over 25 years, so expect him to get replaced with a generic giant frog.

>> No.5374257


Most of them, it's just that most fucking idiots are too wedded to the past to appreciate it.

The remakes that fail are the ones that fuck around with mechanics significantly, with an underappreciation for original mechanics. (i.e. why the games were fun.) The only other remakes that fail are where the console that the remake on is so unsuitable for the game that it's unplayable.

>> No.5374282
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new (soulless) version ironically takes away the isolated reverie feel you get from the original. Best Zelda is now forever dead.

>> No.5374284

It really is, not even because it fucked up the 3D effects, but because the graphics and powers are comparatively worse (and less convincing) for the system it's on.

>> No.5374289

The dogs and chickens will never be remembered, because the HD SHADOWED COLORS make them almost completely unnoticeable. Sad af.

>> No.5374378


>> No.5374382

>it's just that most fucking idiots are too wedded to the past to appreciate it.
Ah yes, the kulaks were just too wedded to the tsarist past to enjoy the gloriously remade communist society

>> No.5374384

What a shock that you're a fucking poltard

>> No.5374408

>thinking leninism was bad makes you a poltard
I'd say you're from tumblr or reddit

>> No.5374541

I feel like a lot of that is nitpicking, but the end result of all stars was pretty disappointing to me. I feel like it ruined a lot of the well thought technical details and charm of the original.

>> No.5374548

I mean, the technical details are objectively worse, but it really comes down to the fact that I hate how busy the new art style is. It adds a lot more detail, but the original does more with less, so to speak. Everything's clear and crisp but still conveys what its suppose to.

>> No.5374576

>implying sms graphics aren't hot garbage
nice meme

>> No.5374637

because its already a given that the game is ruined because of broken physics

>> No.5374689

dunno,looks fine to me.
I cant wait to play it.

>> No.5374703


>> No.5374967
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>> No.5374972

All the in sync "autism" responses to this post (which is not the kind of post a chan would consider autistic,) pretty much proves your point that you're dealing with literal paid shills.

>> No.5374984

What is with all the quotation marks? Is everyone here ESL?

>> No.5374989

I hate the overuse of that word but I would bet real money that the guy who makes these soul/souless charts and freaks out over caves in Mario All Stars is legitimately autistic.

>> No.5375013

I can't argue with this. I love what they did with Chester's theme.
God damn this game is rad.

>> No.5375029

I want to play as Link, not some plastic binky baby toy bullshit.

>> No.5375158

Then don't play the remake. It's super easy.

>> No.5375163
File: 29 KB, 328x314, 50300456_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took a literal pile of shit and turned it into solid gold. Shame Celceta was the complete opposite.

>> No.5375216

How exactly is right soulless?
Sound like nostalgia-fag shitposting.

>> No.5375219


>> No.5375223

wtf i hate all stars now

>> No.5375562

So I just miss out on a zelda experience everyone else is going to be sharing? How is that fair to me, being a zelda fan?

>> No.5375567

but noone explained why its bad on its own merits. its entirely one sided nostalgia loyalty. you people cant explain why you think its bad artistically without bringing up the old one

>> No.5375579

But they both look super fun??? Isn't that what's important in games?

>> No.5375719

Who says life has to be fair to you all the time?

>> No.5375756
File: 1.05 MB, 720x1040, 5kqnnq0pifg21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translated for you

>> No.5375776

This is the most entitled and self-centered thing I've ever read.

>> No.5375794

I'd like to think the anon was joking.

>> No.5375830

Resident Evil 1 and 2 are good remakes.

>> No.5375832

new game bad

>> No.5375971

I would really like to think that too, but I suspect it would be wrong.

>> No.5376072

So who exactly is the victim here?

>> No.5376083

OP is the eternal victim of everything. The cruel world moves forward with no regard for his desire for it to always be 1997. Torture is his life, nostalgia his only escape. It's a horrible state of suffering that he dearly needs validation to make tolerable.

>> No.5376096

Shit, sucks to be them. Probably should die because new things happen literally every half second.

>> No.5376101

Someone finally gets me.

>> No.5376128

These threads should start off with this existential disclaimer.

>> No.5376137


>Is there such thing as a ""good"" remake?

Resident Evil 2 Remake literally came out 2 weeks ago dumbass

>> No.5376350

>Shame Celceta was the complete opposite.
I'm still pissed about the soundtrack
I know it was almost impossible to surpass Dawn of Ys, but they just ignored half of the original's soundtrack.

>> No.5376394

Dragon Quest/Warrior III remake for GBC was tits, although I must say I do prefer the map tiles from the NES version. Another decent one was DQV on PS2. I've never cared for the DS or mobile remakes because they changed too much shit but DQVII looks good (never played it). For the most part, I think people who cry about synthesized music should give head to a Mossberg, but DQVII soundtrack is so fucking based, I need that Japanese version lol!

>> No.5376402

>zelda fan
Jesus Christ, why? After LTTP that series went to shit. Zelda II is the best game in that series - by far.

Zelda II, the original, LTTP in that order. Anyone who says otherwise sucks dick [or wants to].

>> No.5376502

see >>5374382
I guess people should just fatalistically accept shit without complaining.

>> No.5376548

What could have possibly been going through your mind when you skewed the native aspect ratio on an image that SPECIFICALLY compares visuals?


>> No.5376557

>REboot is a good remake
It doesn't even play like RE2

>> No.5376572

Don't forget the awesome fucking soundtrack by Simon Viklund https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP8TURjR-Qk&index=2&list=PLBPITmTJeJSLQ9vFwaZqlpi1i06mJnl4M

>> No.5376627

I can't take anybody seriously when somebody said they prefer the NES version of Dragon Quest III compared to SNES version

>> No.5376634

How about I put a brick in your face and you complain about not having any teeth anymore, bitch

>> No.5376641

GBC version > SNES.

>> No.5376815

The original tracks were pretty good, but 95% of the remixes were god awful. Even Origin didn't fuck up with that badly when it came to remixing old music.

>> No.5376860

You misspelled REboot 2 but for the rest it's ok i guess

>> No.5377165

Original metroid is more open, and there's more Alien feel to it. In general it's an improvement, but it doesn't replace the first Metroid due to lack of a huge chunk of its heart.

>> No.5377167
File: 345 KB, 1600x800, H2x1_NSwitchDS_WonderBoyTheDragonsTrap_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5377278

I'm sorry it's just hilarious to me that someone really feels that way about video game remakes.

>> No.5377497

Obviously. FRLG came out at a good time when GB/GBA connectivity wasn't possible, thus mechanically and graphically overhauling the original games for the modern generation. It also added sizeable post-game content for those already familiar with RBY.

LGPE is virtually the opposite of that. The game REMOVES mechanics like abilities, held items, and proper wild battles though I actually like encountering Pokemon in the overworld, the one nice touch in an incredibly shitty game. Zero postgame outside of le catching them all and super repetitive """""master""""" trainer battles. This last point is subjective but Kanto pandering is at an all time high now, and it hasn't stopped since 2013, I'm sure at least a lot of the core fanbase is getting sick of it by now.

tl;dr Old game genuinely good, new game tragically bad.

>> No.5377505


Do you just keep heaping on quotes the more upset you get? Shit this is funny.

>> No.5377509

Not upset my guy, I'm quantifying two different games.

>> No.5377513

Well LGPE seems more like a Reboot, then a Remake.

>> No.5377517

Ehhhh... I dunno. The forced Pokemon gimmick with the Monster Medals really hurts it.

>> No.5377519

I actually always hated fighting wild pokemon. I thought fighting the trainers was fun but the wild pokemon fights always felt like annoying filler. Removing them is the one thing LGPE got right.

>> No.5377525

Nostalgia. That's all. OP played the original in its original form and that's the one he's attached to his childhood so that means the new one is automatically bad.

>> No.5377780

"soul" usually refers to a preference for superior art direction, all the NES remakes posted here are usually changed for the worse, they lose their very appealing and very specific artistic design choices for GBA-esque eye-sores.

when it comes to gameplay, there's also an issue with devs frequently messing with bosses/hitboxes/physics, which is all endemic of porting a game to a new engine but with no fine-tuning for accuracy

>> No.5377790

ya, REmake is loved by everyone, even by those who still prefer PSX RE1 or the DS remake.

why? actually good art direction (arguably better), and with gameplay enhancements that are ACTUALLY enhancements, not some dopey port-over that messes up old gameplay quirks/physics and actually improves upon it

"soul" in the context of videogames is a real thing

>> No.5377849

Resident Evil was way ahead of it's time in terms of 3D action gaming that it needed to be remad to fully realise it's greatness, it was a great boon that Mikami was allowed (Capcom re-releasing a game? I never) to go back and produce the game he intended without the hard limitations he faced in 95-96

>> No.5378413
File: 18 KB, 600x600, low quality bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda II is the best

>> No.5378418

I actually liked the original YS III and played it on SNES, Genesis and Turbo CD.

but mostly because I had it as a kid so I was just nostalgiafagging, for the most part

>> No.5378427

>shitty compressed audio
>fucking sunbleached graphics
>small ass screen
>ten times easier
Nice port

>> No.5378649

It's nothing like Pokémon.

>> No.5378818

Had it as a kid on my SNES as well, but I threw my cartridge out the window. Might have something to do with me already having played I & II beforehand.

>> No.5378967

It’s great but /vr/ gives it a pass because they played it young and were not cynical shitposters back then

>> No.5378983

You need someplace other than /v/ to go if you want to talk about anything older than a month without the thread being buried under tons of shitpost threads. So I spend more time here talking about pre-99 games and hope we can get PS2 approval soon, because all the current games have been discussed to death around here.

>> No.5379035

Not him but what's so fake about that? I'm sure there are a lot of people who like Zelda HF, 2 and Link to the Past and don't care about later games just like the reverse of that is possible as well. I don't know where you've been the past 2 decades but the zelda fandom is bigger than it's ever been and so it's much more likely to have different opinions on them.

Not that I would assume Zelda 2 to be the best - LttP, OoT and <not /vr/> are higher on my list - but it's not that horrible of a game. It's just different.

>> No.5379056

good thing your opinion of dictated by shitty people's dumb pictures on a shitty internet board for bad people

>> No.5379071

re1/re2 remakes are fun. they are "good" yet dont replace the original games

>> No.5379178

Bringing up politics ot of nowhere does, redditor.

>> No.5379632
File: 147 KB, 1000x562, Wonder-Boy-Returns-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am playing

<---- this crap

at the moment. Boy did they fuck this game up. From the Donkey Kong Country like sound effects to the department store background music. It's a disgrace. And whats up with those fucking flash graphics and the camera issues?

>> No.5379714

The left is pixelshit hipster trash, the right is 3Dshit Unity zoomer trash

>> No.5379871

You could just say you hate video games.

>> No.5379893
File: 174 KB, 1079x1500, 2E7FDF5F-F180-409D-BC38-A12482BEF7D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5380009

my main and only gripe about the remake is how cheap it looks. the whole thing looks like some fangame made in an afternoon on unity.

they could've just flipped the assets from a link between worlds and it would've looked more professionally made.

>> No.5380291

in my opinion a good remake fixes the original game's flaws, but in this case the original was fucking flawless so it's hard to make anything comparable to it.

>> No.5380295

fucking this

>> No.5380397

This shit makes me glad I grew up on SMB2 and SMW. SMB3's fanbase is the worst.

>> No.5380613

The fuck are you on about anon? FRLG were completely soulless and bad back when they wrre brand new. In the art department its a step down from Ruby/Sapphire and the original games they're based off of because they went for a bizarre blocky look. Plus they jerked off so hard to the originals that you couldn't fucking get Gen 2 evo's of Gen 1 pokemon before the post-game. They fixed none of the originals glaring issues, and had less features then Ruby/Sapphire (where are my fucking berry trees??). I said it back in 2004 and I'll say it again in 2019: FRLG sucks ass.

>> No.5380735

id suck your dick zoomer

>> No.5380780

>I would love an eye-poppingly gorgeous remake of Space Harrier.

I always wanted a Planet Harriers port:


There was a port planned for the Dreamcast, but it was cancelled.

>> No.5380785

>posting DX's photo as "part of the original's features and character design"
OP was so close to not being a faggot

>> No.5380895

I wonder if it's emulatable... But Space Harrier HD is still the dream.

>> No.5380903

Zelda II sucks

>> No.5380913

not him, but youre just bad at games. I have no nostalgia for it and I've been doing a playthrough recently and its kinda shocking how ahead of its time it is.

>> No.5380923

Why is it so fucking shiny?

>> No.5380926

This is the level of /v/tard that's converged on the board after this remake was announced

>> No.5380942

>Gameboy games from the early 90s are "pixelshit hipster trash"
fellate a shotgun

>> No.5380946

Dude people have been shitting on Zelda 2 here for years where have you been?

>> No.5380970

Being able to have more buttons to equip tools would be nice. The LA remake will most likely give us more buttons to assign items and dedicated buttons for picking crap up and using the boots. Maybe a shield button too.
Making the L-2 sword break pots would be nice too.

>> No.5381429

I've got a better question: where the hell have YOU been the past few years? If anything people are a lot more positive about Zelda 2 here than on other websites and even then it's not considered as horribly as you think it is/was. Jesus what's up with all these newcomers here the past few days who think they know what the consensus on this board is on several matters while they display how little they actually know this place?

>> No.5383271

>Making the L-2 sword break pots would be nice too.
They could/should've put that in the original version. Of course, by the time you get the L-2 sword the game's almost over, so maybe it wouldn't really matter.

>> No.5383276

LTTP is best. Zelda II is great. Original is nice.

Dicks are also cool. No homo.

>> No.5383291

Almost over? Heck you can get the shells you need once you get the flippers if you make sure to get the extra shells from the seashell mansion when you the landmarks.

>> No.5383294

So, how would this sound?
>B - Sword
>L - Shield
>R - Main action button for Boots and Bracelet
>A - Jump with Feather
>X and Y - Equippable item slots

>> No.5383296

Well, it's more than halfway over, assuming you've never played before or didn't know the strategy before hand.

>> No.5383323

I'd be fine with having the feather be an equippable item and give us a full three slots to work with. Otherwise yeah that's what I picture. Though I'd make use of ZR too. Though that's because I prefer having assigned to the R button

>> No.5383326

Yeah, but why wouldn't the jump be on A?

>> No.5383350

As a wee lad playing Link's Awakening on my super Gameboy, I had my controls so Y was the Gameboy's B button and B was A, so I could attack with Y and jump with B. Just a preferential thing, though I guess if the sword is a permanent button it'll be on B for sure.

>> No.5383441

How exactly could anyone remake a game that would please you people? Seems all you want is a romhack with QOL imrpovements and no graphical changes, and even then you'd bitch about it.

>> No.5383456

Be REmake. other than that literally all efforts would be fruitless. Even if /vr/ bands together to make the perfect remake, it would be hated by /vr/ a month later. You can blame /v/ invaders sure but after the Crash and Spyro remakes, its clear how ungrateful some of the people here are. Plenty of the anons are good guys tho I'd say

>> No.5383490

>Be REmake. other than that literally all efforts would be fruitless.
A lot of people here still bitch and moan about REmake, there is no exception. You will never, ever make a place like /vr/ happy as a whole so you're basically better off ignoring the people who will never ever be happy with anything.

>> No.5383658

Yeah, the art direction is arguable.

I don't like the colour palette of the RE1 Remake.

Everything is just Brown, it looks like... Shit.

>> No.5383676
File: 128 KB, 800x533, tetrisdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tetris dx
konami gb collection

massive trigger warning
>sega ages on 3ds
>zelda on 3ds

>> No.5383741

I just want literally any art style other than turning the world into plastic miniatures. That's the ONLY problem with it.