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5346083 No.5346083 [Reply] [Original]

Working Designs was a mistake.

>> No.5346086

90's era SJW-ism.

>> No.5346091

literally only WD translated stuff has this kind of shite

>> No.5346096

This doesn't matter at all. Its embarrassing that you guys get mad about this stuff.

>> No.5346106
File: 536 KB, 1280x1109, 0HtTurA.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5346107

Fuck EOPs and fuck Vic Ireland.

>> No.5346116

is this the new hot meme on /vr/? A lot of posters aren't even in an English speaking country so it's a bit dumb.

>> No.5346118

What the fuck even is an EOP?

>> No.5346162


>> No.5346172

"English-only pleb," it's shit that started on /jp/. If all these faggots who say that actually spoke Japanese why would they even bother posting on an English-speaking site?

>> No.5346189

Wrecking Designs were originally peddling conservative and "politically incorrect" commentary, with their own brand of american exceptionalism.
They inspired a lot of other "translators" to do the same, and legitimized a practice that the literature world is only recently recovering from with tons of retranslations (that vidya will never get because it's too mediocre a medium, and even when it does, localization stans do their best to bully translators away from touching the LOCALIZER'S CREATIVE VISION)

As things turned out later, with the rise of the SJW undercurrent that think every aspect of life must be in service of the political cause (secular bible thumping translators that allow for pragmatic compromising just for what it takes for entryism, whereas the religious kind prematurely ejaculates and shows their true colors too soon) that "translation" philosophy was IDEAL for turning games into political advocacy.

It fucking crept to fan translations now. The Ninokuni DS translator is bragging about writing out fat shaming, something not even the official Namco script did. The Dynamic Designs fan patch guy who similarly sodomizes JRPG translations but with bombing sandcrawlers and showing liberals learned the hard way it was never about having fun fucking with other writer's stories with what he considers humor, but it was about promoting the CORRECT ideology. Similarly, Vic Ireland now supports H. C**nton, so all his past sexist and racist translation stuff is forgiven and he's resetera's darling.

And now you have Nintendo who gives the best of both worlds, with rants against capitalism and writing out characterization and self-inserts with "don't fatshame" "respect wahmen you pig jarpig hero with that offensive ladies first spiel" "fags are perfect unflawed creations with zero uncool personality traits and all their enemies somehow are very polite with them" AND replaces christian stuff with random greek names and covers up navels and shoulders.

>> No.5346202


>> No.5346205

Figured it was something like that. That is pretty ironic, if my Japanese was good enough I’d go shitpost over there too instead of LARPing here.

>> No.5346218


>> No.5346225

To be fair 5ch is a lot more autistic with rules and ban happy than this place. I can see why someone would choose shitposting here over that

>> No.5346238

Earthbound changed Paula from a normal little girl who cried and begged Ness to save her to "le epic tough girl" because the faggot localizer was a feminist.

>> No.5346276

>it's another episode of weebs get mad because they played the version with a bland, shitty, soulless generic script for $80 plus tip

>> No.5346289
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1372987712654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the existence of big boobs is sexist
The absolute state of chestlets.

>> No.5346294

>the localizer was a known feminist

>> No.5346346

That's a change for the better IMO fuck weeabos and their disgusting power fantasies.

>> No.5346352

The original dialogue was probably shit, take your weeaboo tears to /a/

>> No.5346453
File: 113 KB, 760x337, Paula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related
Also at 30:53 here

Go back to >>>/r/eddit/ scum.
Paula was supposed to be a normal little 11 year old girl not your political propaganda bullshit.

>> No.5346474

How about you go back to the sexist hole you crawled out of, pig.

>> No.5346478

I told you to go back.

>> No.5346481

No wonder people hate Americans.

>> No.5346487

Respect women if you don't wanna lose the teeth, kiddo.

>> No.5346496

/pol/fags need to go back.

>> No.5346504

What's wrong with that?

>> No.5346508

But you're the one who is not respecting women by wanting to turn them into men amerifag.

Fucking everything?
Faggot literally inserted his politics where they didn't belong. The fucker even wanted to give her a blowgun.

Americans are cancer.

>> No.5346510

That's not politics that's normal human decency. Maybe you'll understand when you turn 16

>> No.5346523

this desu
america is a jewish shithole and has to ruin everything for the normal people out there with their bullshit.

if only jap wasn't so hard to learn so i wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit...wish jap devs stomped their foot on the ground and didn't allow this sort of crap.

>> No.5346526 [DELETED] 

Yeah human decency is turning little kids in their elementary school years into trannies according according to americans.

>> No.5346530

God damn /pol/fags are retarded. If you want to understand the efforts of localization and how difficult it is, go check out one of many books on Earthbound instead of being an ignorant faggot homing in on one line because it triggers you.

EOP faggots get obsessed about the stupidest shit.

>> No.5346531

What the fuck are you talking about, you crazy lunatic. You sound unhinged.

>> No.5346535

Who was more shit:
Working Designs
Compile Heart

both are ass and a half, but who was more ass?

>> No.5346539

>character has less than five lines in the whole game
>they change the tone on the localization
this is your brain on schizophrenia

>> No.5346542

Of course you don't know what I'm talking about because you don't even pay attention to what's happening around you, scum.

He literally changed her character and was even trying to change what she used for weapons because it triggered him.

Thank god he didn't have much time to change things more so he didn't take the cancer any further.

His opinion of Japanese Culture is downright offensive in the first place.

>> No.5346545

I can't think of a single positive quality about Compile Heart.

>> No.5346547

Japan's opinion on women and minorities is much more harmful. We should nuke 'em a third time.

>> No.5346550

And he literally did his best to ruin those few lines.
Never mind that the game alludes to Paula being very respected by the kids at her preschool/home to the point where one of the kids considers her like a real mother.

But never mind that because feminine strength apparently doesn't matter.

Heck in the JP version one of the NPC's says that "he heard that Paula kicked the kidnapper's balls off"(which was toned down in the localization) so in no way was Paula "weak" in the original version.

It's just as usual an arrogant American looking down on other people's cultures.

>> No.5346551

>Thank god he didn't have much time to change things more so he didn't take the cancer any further.

You really are retarded. The entire game is heavily translated and altered from the original game. The changes to Ness and Paula being only a small fraction of the changes. You're just focusing on this incredibly small line because you're a dumb culture warrior obsessed with a game that's over 20 years old.

And calling it downright offensive is hilariously fucking thin-skinned of you faggot.

Compile Heart translations were just boring and bad. Working Designs were passable as long as the story stayed relatively serious, but then they would throw in all kinds of stupid pop culture shit or dialogue that simply didn't fit the world at all.

>> No.5346556


>> No.5346558

>Japan's opinion on women and minorities is much more harmful.
No it isn't sweetie. That's why there's less divorces and single moms in Japan.
That's why there's far less crime and murders in Japan.

Compare that to the US which is a nightmare and Japan seems like heaven.

>> No.5346559

>He literally changed her character
anon, she literally has three or four lines dialogue in the whole game, including that one after you leave her at her home
she doesn't has a character to begin with, stop being retarded

>> No.5346560 [DELETED] 

Because their women are heavily oppressed. And they won't even take in more immigrants the fucking racists.

>> No.5346561

>Compare that to the US which is a nightmare and Japan seems like heaven.
I'd sure love working 16 hours of unpaid overtime a day, being raped on the subway and not being allowed to report it and having the highest suicide rate in the world. But they have drawn pedophilia so it all works out, right? Disgusting culture.

>> No.5346563

>That's why there's less divorces and single moms in Japan.
Japan also has fewer marriages with a birthrate that's dropping through the floor. Also, when you get divorced in Japan women will retain custody 99% of the time and men are expected to vanish out of their child's life completely.

If you think Japan is heaven somehow anon, then you need to actually try living in Japan.

>> No.5346567

>The entire game is heavily translated and altered from the original game.
I know about all that. But those aren't major and most of the time they're arguably more fitting considering the 1950's inspired American setting.
For most of the shit the translation is fairly faithful.

The localization suffers from a lot of inconsistencies though.
One minute Buzz Buzz says they sent an assassin to kill him and then the next minute an NPC in Happy Happy Village saying "I hope you kids get struck by lighting and die" gets changed to "I hope you kids get struck by lighting".
Nevermind going out of its way to remove all allusions to religion(par for the course at the time due to NOA's policies) but not changing Paula's Pray command which is a huge one.

It is downright offensive though. To say shit like "japanese women try to be cute" because of societal expectations is very ignorant...only idiotic Leftist Americans think this.
Women try to look good fucking anywhere and it only seems that JP chicks try more because Japan wasn't corrupted by jewish ideologies like feminism.

>> No.5346569 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 620x1305, Screenshot_2019-02-04 The secret of Japan’s mysteriously low crime rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ. No wonder incels love that country so much.

>> No.5346570

>To say shit like "japanese women try to be cute"
I would like you to explain idol culture in Japan then. Please, tell me more about how much you know about Japan.

>> No.5346571

Oh she does have character. Most of it comes from other NPC's telling you shit about her(same as with other characters like Jeff) though and thank god most of that shit wasn't altered.

>> No.5346573

Only Japanese women act like retarded autistic children and their sickfuck society actively rewards that kind of patronizing behavior, though.

>> No.5346579

Everybody knows j-pop idols are thin veiled prostitutes for the yakuza. Most of them end their careers by becoming porn actresses.

>> No.5346580

>Because their women are heavily oppressed.
No they are not you idiot americunt.
That's why they're happier than disgusting american roasties who go through 3-4 divorces and end up being crack addicts.

Why the fuck should they take in immigrants?
They saw what happened to the US and especially the UK. They're protecting their own country from harmful influences.
But anyways, they do take immigrants but they mostly take in other Asians such as Koreans or Chinks for obvious reasons.

>> No.5346582

Seething nazi-weeabo. Nothing more hilarious than a extreme right wing weeabo not realizing he and his kind would be the first to be shot in the gulags if he actually lived in fascist society.

>> No.5346584

left wingers are the ones who want gulags, my dude

>> No.5346585

>I'd sure love working 16 hours of unpaid overtime a day
No such thing you idiot. 16 hours a day is a salaryman's schedule but they get paid for those hours.

>being raped on the subway and not being allowed to report it
Nice meme. There's more rapes in a week in America or England than there are on a whole year in Japan.

>having the highest suicide rate in the world
Which is still far less people dying everyday on the west. This mostly happens due to their very strict education system.

>But they have drawn pedophilia so it all works out, right?
Yeah, while America has the real thing. They're not satisfied by cartoons so that's why Disney Channel and Nickelodeon exists.

>> No.5346589

Japan already is taking in immigrants though because their elderly population is dying off and they lack workers for basic shit. That's why there's a ton of foreign care and nurses.

>> No.5346594

>highest suicide rate in the world
Anon, Japan isn't even on the top 20. What made figures are you looking at?

>> No.5346595

>hen you get divorced in Japan women will retain custody 99% of the time
This is the same case with the west. If anything it's way worse in the West and men always get fucked in court. They have to pay custody and split everything 50/50 too.

No it's not heaven, no place in this world is. But compared to western countries like America, England, France etc. it sure is.

>> No.5346603

This isnt true. It's a lie economists make up be wise they think if you dont have 5-7% GDP growth your country is struggling

>> No.5346605

It's no different from popstars in the west like Britney Spears and shit. If anything it's tame by comparison, magazines used to put underage Britney in pretty revealing clothing back in the 90s and nobody said anything.
They still do it to this day with the newest stars.

How delusional and unaware can you possibly be?

See, this is the kind of arrogant americanism I'm talking about.
Can't understand different cultures so let's shit on them.

>> No.5346606

In the west you split shit 50/50 with whomever you divorced and pay child support.

In Japan, the men get everything, the women get barely anything and zero child support while also being stuck with the child. In what world is that better than the west you dumb faggot. Why should a parent be allowed to abandon their child if they fuck up?

>> No.5346608

>underreported statistics

>> No.5346609

Ah the classic someone who doesn't agree with me is a far right nazi

>> No.5346615

>Talk about how Japan has zero birthrate and an aging population both of which are facts stated by the Japanese government
Are you OK anon? Are you having a stroke?

>> No.5346616

Ah the classic someone thinks nazis wouldn't consider him a degenerate for masturbating to children and otokonoko traps.

>> No.5346617


>> No.5346618

>Japan already is taking in immigrants
Lol they are not.
Japan would rather replace their population with robots than do that.

>> No.5346620 [DELETED] 

>drawn child porn

>> No.5346621

I thought cultural marxism degenerates stuck to /v/.

>> No.5346623

>says the americunt who secretly masturbates to the newest underage hollywood thot and excitedly waits for her 18th birthday so he can let out his perverted thoughts out in the open safely

>> No.5346625

>In Japan, the men get everything, the women get barely anything and zero child support
Sounds good t b h

>> No.5346626

lot of projection going on here

>> No.5346628 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 232x122, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing more embarrassing than a right wing weeabo.

>> No.5346629


Sounds perfect, actually.

>> No.5346631


Americans hate americans too, don't worry about it.

>> No.5346632 [DELETED] 

You tell me you don't masturbate to futanari lolicon. I know you do. And the fascist conservative society you love so fucking much would label you a degenerate and kill you for that.

>> No.5346634

>In Japan, the men get everything, the women get barely anything and zero child support
This is not true at all. Japanese divorced men are expected to pay child support.

They aren't obligated to share everything they've worked for their entire life with a bitch though, which is actually fair.

Divorce is also not easily granted in Japan either due to their convoluted Family Law.

>> No.5346635

It's funny to see right-wing weaboos condone the destruction of the family unit. I thought they were supposed to be pro-family, but in reality they don't want to bother raising kids. They want to be able to abandon them whenever they want.

>> No.5346636

dumb frogposter

>> No.5346639

Again, I think you may have some issues given how you are the one who keeps bring up these things and projecting them

>> No.5346640

No. I mean needing to have a growing population and rising gdp.

It's a joke. What if you dont have it? What do you have? A bunch of happy people continuing to live and enjoy life? You dont need to import a bunch of slaves to do work for you or have children instead of you.

>> No.5346641

>Convoluted family law
Family law is practically non-existent in Japan. It's also jus sanguinis, meaning if you have a child with a Japanese national in another country (say, America), they can abduct your child to Japan and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5346645

>It's funny to see right-wing weaboos condone the destruction of the family unit.
But we're advocating for family you dumb piece of shit.
The 50/50 law is what ruined families in the west. It bred lots of entitled bitches who will get with a man only so she can screw him on court and get an easy payout.

In Japan this 50/50 bullshit law doesn't exist and to add on to this they have this convoluted Family Law which makes divorce all the harder to actually obtain from court.

>> No.5346648 [DELETED] 

Cringe. Good luck with your drawn child porn, would be a shame if religious conservatives made it illegal.

>> No.5346649

>convoluted Family Law which makes divorce all the harder to actually obtain from court.
You keep repeating a lie that literally doesn't exist. For marriage and divorce it's just a single form signed by both people. That's it. Anything more complex will go to a mediator.

Can you cite your claims where it's actually convoluted? Because it's not. You're objectively wrong.

>> No.5346656


I'm pro-family, you lowlife degenerate. What I'm not for is women abusing anything and everything they can to put men into forced submission. Humans are not equals, no matter how much Jewish money tells you otherwise. The people who are best fit to run things, should run things.

>> No.5346657

>Family law is practically non-existent in Japan.
Hello idiot, talking out of your ass again.

If anything it's one of the most complicated in the world being segmented into 4 types of divorces and shit.

>> No.5346661

>You keep repeating a lie that literally doesn't exist.
See >>5346657 idiot

>> No.5346662

You seem to really obsess over your child porn getting banned, something you're not telling us?

>> No.5346664

He will be crying soon enough if it ever happens to him and he gets screwed majorly. but it will be too late.

>> No.5346667

Nice videogame thread.

>> No.5346668

So you're saying that if you have a divorce, you're OK with a woman taking away your child, but not your stuff?

That's exactly what I'm getting at. You dumb incels are literally more concerned about being selfish faggots than actually raising a kid. If you were pro-family, then you would actually care who gets the kid during divorce and you would care about joint custody.

>If anything it's one of the most complicated in the world being segmented into 4 types of divorces and shit.
No it's not. Have you ever actually lived in Japan or studied any of the culture beyond bitching about video games on a korean knitting forum?

>> No.5346676

>The absolute state of chestlets.

Big boobed women need work too.

>Wrecking Designs were originally peddling conservative and "politically incorrect" commentary, with their own brand of american exceptionalism.

Their "comedy" was all over the place. Even that sexist comment was obviously tongue in cheek stuff.

>> No.5346678

I like how you're deflecting the money issue. Like a child can be raised and fed with rainbows and good intentions. You're really speaking like a woman; "money's not the point". Yeah, maybe because you're a woman, and your way of sustaining yourself is to attach to a host and siphon all the money and willpower from it for as long as you can, and hopefully get pregnant so you can coast on it for many more years.

>> No.5346686

>So you're saying that if you have a divorce, you're OK with a woman taking away your child, but not your stuff?
Not him but women 99% of the time take the kid, so I'd rather not have to give the bitch half of everything I've earned too.

This establishes a very harmful effect on families with females knowing they have more power in court and that they can abuse it and get an easy life. A lot of bitches out there don't care about their kids and just use them as additional psychological warfare against their partner.

This law has bred millions of these type of absolute psychos greedy bitches.

>> No.5346694

I'm going to guess you're autistic/retarded, so I'll keep this as simple as possible: In Japan, when you get divorced the woman gets nothing. No money, no property, no nothing. They're also expected to raise the child as well despite getting nothing out of the divorce.

You're right that a child can't be raised and fed with rainbows and good intentions. But guess what: That's what women are stuck with in Japan when they get divorced. And that's why I'm calling you a retarded incel: Because you're more obsessed with what you get out of a divorce than helping your child during a divorce.

>> No.5346702

If theres no winner in a divorce, then theres less reason to seek one. If you dont come away with 12k a year for the rest of your life, theres no reason to break up the family in the first place, and you may as well just stay married.

Also: video games!

>> No.5346705

Considering how hard Japanese men have to work, to the point of fucking their mental and physical health, and much say women have on picking and choosing before marriage, I'd say it's even. But who cares about the men's troubles, am I right? You sure don't. Also, I'm pretty sure you're pulling that out of your ass.

>> No.5346706

>They're also expected to raise the child as well despite getting nothing out of the divorce.
Proven false already because they do get child support.

And you're still not getting how their system is far more superior because it discourages divorces(rather than encouraging them like the west does). After all it's women who always want to divorce far more often than men and that's a fact.
This prevents the disgusting "single mom" symptom that has become so prevalent in the West.

>> No.5346709

>No it's not.
Seek help

>> No.5346715

I do care about men's troubles. That's why I'm calling you guys retarded, because father's rights in Japan are possibly among the weakest in the world. But none of you actually care about raising or seeing your kid, just ensuring that 'bitches and whores' (that you chose to marry for some reason) can't touch your precious video games.

>> No.5346717

>I do care about men's troubles.
No you don't. Otherwise you'd be opposing the utterly asinine 50/50 law.

>> No.5346725


You're running in circles while trying to act like your bullshit rhetoric is "the right thing to do", and that you're taking the "high road". You can move along now, this ain't your hugbox.

>> No.5346740

First off, it's not even a formally codified law. It's state-by-state, so I don't see a need to oppose a state I don't live in. Secondly, it's 50/50 for things you own jointly. The fact that you're so paranoid about women stealing your shit is why you're an incel.

This ain't your hugbox either, faggot. And as far as I can tell, the reason why this thread got started was because you got triggered by people calling you a dumb faggot over minor text changes.

>> No.5346756

>bro conservatives are just as bad
>conservatives loved edgy humor back then but were also stiffnecked bible thumpers

Just stop.

Fuck off

The entire world hates weeaboos you insecure faggot. Especially the Japanese.

>> No.5346786 [DELETED] 
File: 821 KB, 706x1712, rupaul pedophile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5346812

Sir, this is a video game board.

>> No.5346871

>Gets called a faggot
>returns the same insult

Good one, m8

>> No.5346880

>This doesn't matter at all. Its embarrassing that you guys get mad about this stuff
its shitposting at this point, much like what you're doing too.

>> No.5346886

Did you ever wonder how weird it is that these types always have a shit ton of photos and screencaps involving this kid to spam threads with? Like literally hundreds.

>> No.5346896 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 992x860, 1460172253315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5346904
File: 370 KB, 2540x1211, 4chan resetera_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit resetera presence on /vr/ is out of control.
What happened? Was there some kind of mass banning there or something?

>> No.5347079

Everyone talking about divorce in the Working Designs thread is an asshole.

I played Lunar games in high school. The jokes were lame, but I ran through a moving factory dungeon powered by dragons and beat up a man in a chicken suit. Fuck the localization, that was fun.

>> No.5347086

now someone make a third one

>> No.5347087
File: 34 KB, 550x438, so sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutley seething

hits close to home huh? ps - as a person of color, it's not flattering when white liberals and leftists sexualize us. it's gross, and it's creepy. you have to stop.

>> No.5347094
File: 137 KB, 500x417, mrbvpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WD was the best localization company, and still is.

Great games, lots of fun, and great packaging.

Pic unrelated, what silly weebs want

>> No.5347106

Calm down Vic

>> No.5347113 [DELETED] 

There's way more rape in the USA. Especially in 'progressive' democrat run paradises like Chicago and Detroit.

Imagine an amerifat libshit trying to insult another nation with rape statistics lol.

>> No.5347127

Americans were a mistake.

>> No.5347140
File: 26 KB, 396x360, kill everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5347142

bwahaha that's a very esoteric and disgusting little fetish you have there, anon

>> No.5347186

they created Neptune, miracle of the universe

>> No.5347223

You have to pay to post from outside of Japan on futaba or 5ch. Either for a vpn in the former case, or for a ronin subscription in the latter. On top of that, the Japanese are a rather humorless people, and their online discussions are somewhat rote and boring. 4chan is both more entertaining and provides a sense of superiority over the "EOPs" if you know Japanese, hence why westerners who learn Japanese still continue to use English imageboards.

>> No.5347224 [DELETED] 

Imagine being such a /pol/tard that you unironically post an image, made by yourselves, that acknowledges how retarded you are but yet still choose to post it.

>> No.5347245

>meaning if you have a child with a Japanese national in another country (say, America), they can abduct your child to Japan and there's literally nothing you can do about it

>> No.5347325

That works both ways, i.e. you are no longer required to hand over a single cent in child support and aren't liable to get JUSTed, Brendan Fraser style. Then you're free to start a new family with zero baggage. It's either a blessing or a curse, depending on your point of view.

>> No.5347328

>chesty women are sexist

As a feminist, this is news to me.

>> No.5347465

this whole thread belongs to >>>/pol/

>> No.5347671

Imagine being you

>> No.5347697

Those kids are going to grow up to be nazi sympathizers. They are never going to forget the day their dad humiliated them just to make his own white guilt feel better.

>> No.5347703

Shit like this is why I fucking hate weeaboos.

>> No.5347735

>mods delete his autistic nationalist ranting
>still comes back in to try to get the last word


>> No.5347960

>That's not politics that's normal human decency.
You mean the original with a 11 year old girl understandably crying when imprisoned in a cult shed with no way out, is "indecent"? And I thought Victorian puritanism was bad.
Does everyone has to be an immaculate emotionless mary sue and gary stus who only speak in allowed patterns, so that it's less "obscene" for your liking?

Leave it to "game localizers" to erase parts where the story actually has strong women, and then use "the need for strong women" to further erase more of the story.

>If you want to understand the efforts of localization and how difficult it is,
The world doesn't owe the "editor" a favor for the editor's self-inserts he's having such a hard time cramming in a SNES game instead of worrying about better things like how to fit actually relevant game text.
That process is completely unnecessary, just like Mother 3 was translated just fine the way it is, before "some folks" decided it needed a "transphobia cleanup localization". People playing the uncucked fan translation coped just fine without experiencing that supposedly "necessary process".

Are you seriously stanning for the FF7 trainwreck (by the admission of its translator) ?

>> No.5347969

>before "some folks" decided it needed a "transphobia cleanup localization".
which translation was this?

>> No.5348051

lol u fucking snowflakes get triggered over everything

>> No.5348187

The "rewrite" from 2015. Lots of shilling for it even on gaming websites, saying messing with the characterization of almost everyone is a net positive that's needed in all translations because the original always sucks, and some promoting it as replacement for Tomato's 2008 translation that tried to stay close to autistic degrees to the original, down to the way the lines were timed.


>> No.5348194
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1463945987412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been almost 19 years since they released lunar 2 eternal blue, their last major release, and hardcore weeaboos are still butthurt enough about working designs to lose their shit at them for no reason

>> No.5348204

Says the Working Designs fan.
Working Design fandom once heard of someone's romhacking project to fix the broken gameplay balance in Lunar 2, and make it not all caps anymore, and went and harrassed him across forums enough to bully him out of it, because they felt threatened by the eventuality the game might finally get a retranslation.
Same stunt with getting Game Arts to drop the better Xseed translation for Lunar 1... except this wasn't even a retranslation hack. It was just a balance hack. They were low IQ that badly.

>> No.5348205
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x2268, 20180811_202439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working designs is great!

>> No.5348218

FF7 is a fantasy so japanese quirks don't matter here at all.

All everyone wants is a normal cut and dry translation with no bullshit thrown in there like in localization.

>> No.5348223

>On top of that, the Japanese are a rather humorless people
Nice meme. If anything the translated quotes I see from there are always more interesting than the generic memespeak that passes for "humor" in 4chan.

>> No.5348238

Chrono Trigger was probably the best localization I've seen. Based Ted Woolsey.
The DS version sucks in comparison, Slattery just isn't good with words.

Plus some of the added lines like Magus saying "Hear that, it's the sound of the reaper" to Ozzie was plain epic and it pissed me off that Slattery removed that from the DS version.

Yeah there's the infamous "You got whacked because you were weak" but he did that because it was the 90s and that kind of cheesy humour was the thing then...the line would have been cool if it was "you died because you were weak".
I hate the DS line "Your death was owed to weakness" or some shit like that...it just sounds so unnatural.

>> No.5348242

I wish Aeon Genesis was an official company.
Their translation for Live-a-Live(especially the second up-to-date version) was god-tier.

>> No.5348269

Did you get stuck in a time warp sometime back in '08 grandpa? /pol/tards are so stupid and out of touch they think beards, bow ties, skinny jeans, and fucking plaid are "hipster fashion". You might as well be complaining about those dang hippies with their tie die and their free love and their "end the war in Vietnam" for how relevant that pic is. Indulge me, tell me about how hipsters loooooove Starbucks, or maybe a hilarious bon mot involving guys wearing scarves.

>> No.5348275

Japan's legal system is notably corrupt to the point where they don't document crime at all unless they know they can convict someone. Japan is a hellhole and is literally dying a well-deserved death because of how disconnected from actual human needs their culture is.

>> No.5348365

Unironically true in the world of the average flat chested roastie.

>> No.5348373

Yet it still stings you deeply enough to furiously bang out a paragraph :^)

Reminds me of all the dumbasses writing page after page about how cuck, s*yboy, NPC etc ~totally~ don't apply to them ahahah

>> No.5348374

Imagine how you would react if they had her lines of dialogue turned into something incorporating rants about illegal immigrants and the violent crimes of non whites. I guess you wouldn't care since it is only three or four lines of dialogue.

>> No.5348395

America arguably has the worst gang problem any country in history has ever had, but we keep them contained with free housing and food stamps so the trust fund babies and legacies don't have to think about it.

You are absolutely deluded if you think crime is more prelevant in Japan than a low trust society like Weimerica.

>> No.5348558

Nah, I thought it was fun to write. I imagine you are probably pretty similar :^)

>> No.5348595

Yeah I enjoy the banter

>> No.5348619

Good sport man. Honestly with so many bait threads out there I feel like people sometimes forget you are supposed to have fun with these things.

>> No.5348662

Yeah, as soon as this thread hits page 10 no one is going to remember any of these arguments everyone's so heated about and find another thread to dig their toes in over console wars or developer intention or whatever. It's the cycle of /vr/ you just gotta ride the bants.

>> No.5348709

Looks like bullshit, I'd like to see the exact lines of dialogue that were "changed" because this looks like unsubstantiated hysteria to me.

>> No.5349629

Gideon is a salty turbo-SJW. The If... translation is pretty cancerous, meme-wise, too.

>> No.5349704

I prefer the English change. It make the character more likable and interesting to me. I wonder if maybe the English writer is better than the Japanese writer in this instance? Is that hard to imagine for a weeb such as yourself? Or does it just bother you that much that a girl character could be considered cooler than you originally thought? If you consider the latter sjw censorship, you should really reconsider your priorities and values as a human being before you attempt to talk to other people again to save yourself future embarrassment

>> No.5349708

How is it “politics” when he is part of a localization team. Did he run for mayor? What the fuck are you talking about politics for. He made the game better and your complaining?

>> No.5349732

>I wonder if maybe the English writer is better than the Japanese writer in this instance?
thought the localizer to himself, like video game localizers tend to do.

>> No.5349748

Not everything Japan shits out is golden. Same goes for any artist or writer. You would be surprised at how many things go through an editor's hands before it gets to you. Every book you've ever read, every movie you've ever watched, etc.

>> No.5349763

Imagine defending this shit even ironically

>> No.5349764

>Not everything Japan shits out is golden
Well, of course not. But this "I can write better than this guy, time to change his works" is still beyond me. Even if it were true that the localizer can write better.
I think something like that only passes because video games are just being seen as trash, and with novels this wouldn't happen, even for the most abysmal kitsch.
But then I am reminded about the first translations of Jules Verne's works having lots of omissions and alterations. The first English translations, that is.

>> No.5349769
File: 74 KB, 1624x945, ff6-day-04-014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut and dry translation

>> No.5349803

Most video games are kitsch by definition. While I wouldnt be against people having the option for an accurate translation in Mario RPG or Superstar Saga, the 10 year old target audience in english would never find it as funny as their japanese counterparts, so the localizer for those games coming up with his own stuff I'm okay with.

>> No.5349862

>the 10 year old target audience
That's another question that plays into this, are localizers gearing the game to a very different audience than originally intended?
If this happens that wold of course be on the publisher, though. Whether they're thinking "we should market this to kids instead of teens because it's more profitable" and having to make drastic changes as a result, or by completely missing the actual target audience unintentionally.
There are hilarious examples from anime (One Piece) where the originals was butchered and censored beyond recognition, mostly because they were localized by the company with the most obvious target audience, 4Kids.

>> No.5349873

>are localizers gearing the game to a very different audience than originally intended
Well, I realized how poorly worded that was. Obviously, yes. I was thinking more in terms of different age brackets than the cultural difference between e.g. America and Japan here.
The latter is one of the points of a localization, but marketing something to American 10-year-olds that was intended for, say, Japanese adolescents is a different matter

>> No.5349902

Localizing a game thats supposed to make japanese 10 year olds laugh into one that makes American 10 year olds laugh is closer to the intent of the game itself. Bowlderizing a game for teenagers into one for small children is goes against the original intent and is indefensible even if it makes the publisher and developer more money.

>> No.5350326

Weaboos were a mistake. WD improved all these games.

>> No.5351401

*breaks Exile 2*

>> No.5351428

At least they were being ironic in that text box. Nowadays they unironically screech about sexism.

>> No.5351432

>Mr. Me

Jesus christ that's cringey. The official translation does a perfectly fine job of conveying that he's being cocky without making retarded attempts at localizing Japanese pronouns and making him sound fucking retarded.

>> No.5351593

Nobody thinks the fan translation is any good, m8.

>> No.5351602

that's some intense denial.

>> No.5351720

>decides they can balance a platform action game better than treasure

>> No.5352170

didn't mikami supposedly dislike how rebecca in re was a submissive girl and likes strong independent women like jill and claire

they're good games so i can't complain but it's odd and of course the usual suspects in the usa happen to love it

>> No.5352186

I don't even remember what she does in that game.

>> No.5352192

>makes the laser weapon useless, simultaneously doubles the price of every weapon while halving the price of the strongest weapon in the game
Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.5352218

the attempts to simulate the japanese pronouns like oresama are always a cringefest, someone tell these "professionals" nobody in english says "my noble self" but just uses i/me in a pompous manner

>> No.5352620

>as a poc
house niggers are the worst, literal cucks for the white cock

>> No.5352693
File: 66 KB, 437x437, IMG_4320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right wing celebrates the highest ideals of humanity - morality, duty, virtue, and honor while liberals whish to reduce man to an animalistic stock. This can be seen in their active encouragement of minorities to give in to their most violent and base impulses with impunity. A liberal future is a dystopia - a festering, swirling mass of human filth with no loyalty beyond their own lizard brain immediate gratification. A subclass of consumer drones who's only meaning for existence is completing the next Amazon prime order or watching the next Netflix special in their little grey dystopian bugman apartment blocks.

Keep repeating the party line about "muh uncle tom" as if all races consent to be united in your disgusting vision of the future; it means nothing to me. I already hate your ilk more than you'll ever know. Just know that in the grim darkness of the future, while our descendants are standing under a toxin filled sky and when every available resource has been turned to useless junk for the conspicuous consumption you need to fill your meaningless lives- mine can proudly say that I stood on the "wrong" side of history.

Anyway here's a funny cat eating spaghetti lol

>> No.5352712

Fucking cringe

>> No.5353928

Anon, nobody in Japan says "ore-sama" either. It's a word exclusively used by cartoonish villains drunk on their own ego, it's not supposed to sound like realistic dialogue.

>> No.5353942

Why try to explain the nuance of language to someone incapable of constructive thought?

>> No.5353971

100% redpilled.

>> No.5354137

i agree but without playing tribes ... anyways

>> No.5354173

WD is shit but honestly I loathe all other localizers so much more.
Like I can see some jackoffs in 1986 Redding thinking they were "game developers" and pulling stupid shit for it and having a laugh.

No one doing it today have any misconceptions about what they're doing, they're going out of their way to butcher works that don't line up exactly with their niche political fetishes. Literal subhumans.

>> No.5354567 [DELETED] 

People on those faggot sites need to go. Their trying to censor freedom of speech.

>> No.5354768

I know, I should have used "whose" instead of "who's".

I'm so embarrassed.

ty fren

This whole thread was thinly veiled /pol/ bait from the second OP chose a pic discussing sexism (even if that pic was meant as a tongue in cheek joke)

>> No.5355131

where did i say it was attempting to be realistic, it reads badly when translated to english regardless


the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5355169

Based as fuck, brother.

>> No.5355662

Hell yeah BROTHER