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5342438 No.5342438 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the most based game of all time?
> Kill trespassers
> Gun down tree huggers and protesters
> Exterminate greedy workers going on strike
> Clean up riffraff the police are too incompetent and afraid of dealing with
> Tatoo naked women on your mech
> Fight your own brethren if necessary
>Do it all for money and glory

>> No.5342548

yeah it's a pretty based and redpilled game

>> No.5342670

Yeah, the games are all very morally gray. You can join any side you want, because in the end of the day, you're just a mercenary out for money. I think the most funny situations are when two rival corporations send you the same mission, but on different sides. Of course you can only accept one of them. For example, in the first AC, you get two missions at once where the objective is an installation in some plains at night. You can play as either defenders or attackers. If you play as attackers, there'll be another AC to help you. If you play as defenders, you'll have to _fight_ that AC.

There's also the mission where you can actually steal something you were paid to protect. Happens at least once per game.

>> No.5342746

>morally grey
I would say morally righteous

>> No.5342998

>Chrome did nothing wrong

>> No.5343018

Those are mostly shitty things though.

>> No.5343160
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>> No.5343267


>> No.5343278

>Do it all for money and glory

The underlying theme is simply "I'll pay you some cash to make me richer", just like real life. You're no better than a drone.

>> No.5343287

Only the ones were you either fuck the corporations or the Earth

>> No.5343320


>> No.5343373

Many of those people you mention are explicitly stated to be performing acts of terrorism, so you're not exactly in the wrong for eliminating them.

>> No.5343396

These games are so great but I wish they didn't all have at least one mission that makes me want to tear my hair out. The really hectic situations make me wish it was on PC with keyboard/mouse support. The customization is really incredible.

>> No.5343490

What about that mission where you have to attack a city and destroy everything? The one where Rossweisse (Losvaize) appears at?

>> No.5343494

>not exactly in the wrong
Of course not, you are 100% justified in each situation. Protesters, squatters, and hippies are all lowlifes (and usually paid irl by literal terrorists) and deserving of death by gunfire. Your Raven did nothing wrong.

>> No.5343496

I thought it was Valkyrie? But even there the city is a dump with an incompetent police force. The ppl will be better off under the protection of Chrome. You actually are a hero.

>> No.5343504

Losvaize (misromanization of "Rossweisse") is the pilot, Valkyrie is the AC.
The game specifically says she is a loyal and righteous pilot. You're destroying things and she only shows up so late because she was in another mission and got called to defend the city in a hurry.

There's also that mission in one of the PS2 games where you do mostly the same as this, but you can also destroy the tram cars that people use to commute, and they even give you a bonus if you do it.

Not to say how many partnerships and couples you've ended in the middle of battle. Of mention is one couple in Last Raven, where if you kill the girl first, the guy gets mad. However, if you kill the guy first, the girl panics and tries to run away in tears from you. Of course you just massacre her.

>> No.5343505


>> No.5343517

>are explicitly stated to be performing acts of terrorism
That's what they want you to think anon

>> No.5343542

It's also intentionally unclear whether the player character is a real person or an AI/cyborg that's wired into the mech

You could be a robot that kills real humans with ruthless efficiency in most of the games of this series

>> No.5343546

AC is a great series, stop being such a massive "le based" faggot

>> No.5343547

I think the most interesting missions are the ones where they send you on a fake job and you show up and there are just 3 pros there waiting to assassinate you

>> No.5343556

Isn't the protagonist of Master of Arena Leos Klein, the antagonist of AC2?

>> No.5343559

The last mission in 1 is pretty great
>uh come destroy these mines someone planted in Raven's Nest HQ
>surprise two Nineballs
>end up taking down the AI controlling Raven's Nest
>unique game over screen showing the player character being filed under "eliminated"

>> No.5343580

shit was hype as hell man

>> No.5343675

Fuck that room with all the floating blocks you have to climb.

Why did they feel the need to introduce platforming? Other than that it was cool

>> No.5343751
File: 107 KB, 640x480, Armored Core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naked women

whoa wait what I've gotten pretty far into AC 1 but haven't come across this?

>> No.5343784
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>> No.5343785
File: 7 KB, 150x150, 5F30AA21-05CD-452F-BFB1-42741955FE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this...

>> No.5343791
File: 9 KB, 150x150, 732DE76F-1CCF-4C88-AAE8-70A2F200AD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one too...

>> No.5343792

I think you have a peculiar definition of "naked", anon.

>> No.5343797

Must be american

>> No.5343798
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 2E1C8873-5488-4D7D-8CC6-E68481E59E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this one...and then

>> No.5343802

>Edit emblem
use your imagination
your welcome

>> No.5343808

I believe there is ms-paint-eyedropper-like function you can use to achieve this goal easily

>> No.5343832


>> No.5343985
File: 49 KB, 814x500, tommy looks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it the most based game of all time?
Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.5344149

Not him but eat my asshole, Charlie Brown
Armored Core is literally the most based game of all time

>> No.5344151

Fuck off

>> No.5344186
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>> No.5344451

Everytime you came across another Raven was cool too

>> No.5344961

Yes I go there but that's not the point...

>> No.5345082

>However, if you kill the guy first, the girl panics and tries to run away in tears from you.
Poor Mumu, it's not like she's ever a challenge either way, I truly felt bad for her and Garm, they were clearly not part of Jack's program.

>> No.5345090
File: 509 KB, 606x592, giant dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah cause the guys sending you emails to go kill a bunch of other people or fuck up research centers for their own gain are totally trust worthy.

>> No.5345106

Are you telling me if Russia was breeding an army of laser shooting ants underground that we shouldn't send a killer robot man to exterminate their research team? come on.

>> No.5345965

Had this demo that came with my PS1 Played the shit out of it! game was awesome.

>> No.5345991

>OP plays as mindless drone who'll do anything a bunch of faceless corporations tell him to do for money and that he's morally righteous for indiscriminately mowing down anybody who questions their corporate overlords
You're right, this IS based and redpilled.

>> No.5346012

The alternative is getting into debt and being turned into a frickin' cyborg, in which case you'll be even more of a corporate slave. In Armored Core, no one wins. Never in a series did the phrase "you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain" made so much sense.

(It happens at least twice)

>> No.5346045

When it's stated that they:
>steal weapons
>occupy territory (like the first mission being an occupied factory)
>fire on outsiders
>demand payment or other things in exchange for not destroying things

Then yes, they are terrorists and not like normal workers, you insane poltards. When workers go on strike they don't usually steal weapons and occupy their place of employment threatening to destroy everything unless their demands are met.

Many of the research centers are doing research on very bad shit dude, mostly weapons or, like in AC2, ancient and powerful alien weapons.

You also end up saving the world at the end so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.5346053

Saving the world from what?
From what I recall, the only world-ending final boss is from Nexus, and they even failed to defeat it. All the others are just people going for power grabs. If you let them do it, they wouldn't be any stronger than current corporations or something.