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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 224x384, 19xxa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5221825 No.5221825 [Reply] [Original]

For me, its 19XX: The War Against Destiny

>> No.5221835

Xevious is objectively the greatest shmup of all time

>> No.5221839

Do any of y'all have arcade cabinets? If not, do you prefer MAME on an LCD or CRT?

>> No.5221847

LCD is the patrician choice, you can barely notice lag.

>> No.5221848


>> No.5221857

I noticed it hardcore on my emulation laptop which is what drove me down the CRT flashcart rabbit hole. I still don't have a good solution for arcade games though, which is where all the best shmups are.

>> No.5221861

I have owned several cabinets.
I prefer CRT, but LCD can be good in certain applications.

>> No.5221865

Yes, no shooters, though, unless you consider a rail shooter acceptable. CRTs for old stuff all the way or else it looks wrong.

>> No.5222236

dreamcast ones are great for emulation:
under defeat (ace game for DC as a whole)
zero gunner 2 (unique mechanic)
ikaruga: eh, the hype never caught me... but if you like scoring mechanic based shmups you would like it alot

progear: awesome, great, a must play for sure, can run on anything
gunbird2: also can run on anything, very basic, would be a good first game, decent for what it is

giga wing 2: need a decent setup, absolutely incredibly great, visually intense to the max, an absolute experience. not for a beginner, would probably help to play the first one before

raiden4: need a decent setup, looks and plays great, feels like it was given that AAA polish

trouble witches: great scoring mechanic that allows you to buy powerups

mars matrix: the DC port doesnt come out looking right but the arcade version is worth playing, not for a beginner, a real challenge

radiant silvergun: actually worth the hype, works fine on emulator, fun to play, the gimmick is you have multiple weapontypes

>> No.5222287 [DELETED] 

Gunbird 2 isn't really basic. Not only is it brutally difficult even for a first loop 1cc, but it's also a pretty unique game which not only has the usual Psikyo special weapon meter management but also two different special attacks to juggle and a heavy emphasis on melee kills. And the coin chaining is pretty rough. It's by no means a simple move & shoot game, you have to route it out carefully to get anywhere.

>> No.5222324 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 186x186, s95ii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play Strikers 1945 II

He probably thinks so due to credit feeding, this is one of the few Psikyo games that don't send you back at the start of the stage upon continuing in the second half, along with Sengoku Blade.

>> No.5222393 [DELETED] 

Makes sense, considering it's /vr/ we're dealing with. I didn't try credit feeding so seeing several people call Gunbird 2 easy or the easiest Psikyo game always baffled me.

>> No.5222397 [DELETED] 

Now you know why
Actually, want to know how I discovered this? I recommended the game to a friend who isn't super into these, but sometimes will credit feed arcades with checkpoints. I told him to try at least a Psikyo game, and suggested this one because he likes goofy characters (has played Parodius games fo this reason). And then as I watched him play we figured out that it was never sending him back lmao

>> No.5222406

I never liked the whole "restart level if you continue lel" thing. Isn't a +1 to your score or a score reset (sometimes without even being allowed to enter initials first) already enough of a mark of shame?

>> No.5222409 [DELETED] 

All things to avoid credit feeding are good in my book. Credit feeding without consequence is one of the biggest factors that killed these games, as many would try them while infinitely credit feeding, not getting it and dropping not only the game but the genre.

>> No.5222416 [DELETED] 

Not to most players. Most here don't even NOTICE the extra digit or their scores being discarded instead of saved to the leaderboards. Restarts ensure that there's a base level of difficulty that even casuals have to face, and it makes people look at the games in a more respectful manner. Look at NES titles, easy as hell to 1cc but much harder to just get through and they're infamous as a result. People might parrot the dumb "difficulty is padding" mentality but nobody thinks the games are too easy.

>> No.5222417 [DELETED] 

Continuing was a long term mistake, long live Gradius arcades and Omega Fighter

>> No.5222424

Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire for me.

>> No.5222430

being able to continue past my blunders really throws me off, Im more comfortable with games like GNG and R-Type to be shmup specific

>> No.5222438 [DELETED] 

Just never continue, you'll be able to enjoy loads of these that way. Or at least plan to get to the point you can beat them without continuing, perhap to score even.

>> No.5222696
File: 107 KB, 760x1075, 1514305944759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me-me? I'm a Mars Matrix boy.

>> No.5222706 [DELETED] 

t. you know me from shmups farm

>> No.5222787

I don't know what that is, I just like the style of it.

>> No.5222797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5222810


I have a cab. Prefer real jamma games. I use mame to see which games i like. I hate to play on LCD's in general.

>> No.5224131
File: 25 KB, 256x362, 1944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.5224141
File: 278 KB, 781x1024, raiden2-781x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing this a lot last time I went to an arcade.

>> No.5224162

Am I the only one here who really likes Sky Shark?

>> No.5224236

you are not alone.
i love the look of it and the difficulty even though i still cant beat it

>> No.5224348

>gunbird2: also can run on anything, very basic, would be a good first game, decent for what it is

it's one of psikyo hardest games retard, the second loop is very very difficult.

>> No.5224694 [DELETED] 

It's one of the most important shooters ever and I happen to like it a lot too.

>> No.5225067


takumi deserved to live longer than cave di- go play mars matrix

>> No.5225297

Why are you guys so furious all the time?

>> No.5225303 [DELETED] 

What shmup are you playing?

>> No.5225338

He's right, you know?

>> No.5225349

They're mad because their scores will NEVER EVER be as good as Japs.

>> No.5225352

Because I'm a failure at life due to dumping all my free time into dead video games.

>> No.5225357


The eternal nip strikes again


>> No.5225380 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 378x370, 1532708384729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, what's your PB so far?

>> No.5225546

Is be lying if I told you I remembered. There was one at a local pizza parlor growing up and one at my dentists office. I remember the one at the dentists office was significantly easier, so I'd have two high scores I'd keep track of for a while but like I said it was years ago.

>> No.5225553 [DELETED] 

So you're playing it right now but your PB was years ago? OK then, what was your recent PB? As in, the best score you got that you remember.

>> No.5225592

One of the all-time best flight simulators ever made.

>> No.5225935
File: 639 KB, 2048x1536, red4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll finish it,any day now

>> No.5226013

It was made by shitty Raizing instead of based Capcom.

>> No.5226045 [DELETED] 

Capcom made cool shmups but so did Raizing, and honestly the game isn't that bad, just kinda mediocre by arcade shmup standards, but those are some of the highest in the gaming landscape.

>> No.5226051
File: 10 KB, 265x190, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5226386

Oh no, I'm not playing it at the moment. It's my favorite based on nostalgia, I've only played it in arcade cabinets - I don't own a port.

>> No.5226394

CRT or OLED but LCD has come a long way recently.

>> No.5226401 [DELETED] 

I asked what shmup were you playing, as in, right now, lately.

>> No.5226443
File: 13 KB, 225x224, chouaniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for?

>> No.5227358

A gay ol' time.

>> No.5227386

>Bo Emperor Bill (Botei-biru, a pun of bodibil, a short of bodybuild in Japanese), the man who achieved ten consecutive victories in the Great Galaxy Bodybuilding contest, faces an ever-decreasing supply of protein. He unilaterally invades neighboring star systems, in order to establish protein factories to replenish his supply. Feeling threatened, the heaven realm sent Idaten and Benten to vanquish Bo Emperor Bill. Thus the sweaty hot battle between the muscle brothers (aniki) and Builders Army begins.
My sides have evaporated.

>> No.5227410

It's funny. Not as good as the ones on PCE.
I don't know about the gay thing, the series parodies the macho attitude of body building culture. Also Japanese are very silly when it comes to humor about homosexuals.

>> No.5227462

Are they implying that bodybuilding is gay?!

>> No.5227734

Oh, UN Squadron a little but it's mostly on a back burner.

>> No.5229495


>> No.5230002
File: 17 KB, 480x269, Kirby's_Adventure_-_Level_8_The_Fountain_of_Dreams_-_Final_Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Kirby adventure

>> No.5230034
File: 107 KB, 640x448, 328-In_The_Hunt_(U)-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was always my favorite, the combination of surface battles, mines, both horizontal and vertical (depth) scrolling levels, and the creepy sonar ping noises combined with techno organic horrors and from the deep, and even a living statue boss from Atlantis (or aliens, or both)


>> No.5232079

lmfao @ u credit feeding vr scrubs

>> No.5232412
File: 45 KB, 600x400, ketsui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish. I might eventually get some CPS2 game like Great Mahou or Mars Matrix, but everything else I would want has been appreciated to hell by collectors.
At least M2 exists.

>> No.5234254 [DELETED] 

Shmups are for schmucks.

>> No.5235578


oh fuck how could i have forgotten this one! agreed In The Hunt is fantastic

>> No.5237572
File: 569 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20181221_184133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen brother

>> No.5237574

Why is the arcade ROM like 16MB while the dreamcast version is 1GB? Does it have like red book audio or something?

>> No.5237689


no its just dummy files to fill out the GDROM almost a dc games are like that. also the dc port looks like shit unless youre playing it on the native hardware

>> No.5238046

just got done with my absolutely haram vertically mounted neo geo cab. CRT all the way. The whine plus the sunburn on my forehead from the marquee light is worth it. Joking aside, oled displays look pretty gud but my autism won't let me have a widescreen running anything retro. I've had this 25 inch korean piece of shit KTMF display since 2011. I have brought this thing back from the dead no less than 3 times though so i can't give it up.

>> No.5238110

Serious question: is it just me, or are all shmups literally the exact same game? Except for a rare few that try for a cutesy theme, they all have more or less the same setting, the same art style, the same gameplay, etc. How do you tell them apart? How have the developers all not sued each other for plagiarism?

>> No.5238224

Which shmups for sega and mame can I use to git gud enough for 1ccs? I loved Space Megaforce and recently beat it. Pretty comfy game honestly. I tried Thunderforce III and IV. They seem good but I suck...I'd like a game where I can survive the first 2 levels blind at least. Musha seems pretty solid so far.

>> No.5238234

Samurai Aces

>> No.5238246
File: 473 KB, 1600x1000, Guwange_Wallpaper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it just me
yeah it's just you

>how do you tell them apart?
by their quality and their gimmicks. Or their setting.

>> No.5238253

Gameplay nuances nigger. It's the same as other focused genres that share a lot of traits and have standardized designs like fighting games, racers, rhythm games, beat em ups and more. Once you put time into the games and move past first impressions you understand how different they are.

>> No.5238272

it's just you having a low i.q, poor analytical ability and drowning in ignorance, i'm not even sure you have the cognitive capacity for the genre, the routing, the scoring systems, the movement all vary in great degrees in every game but to explain this to you is to explain algebra to a meatsack infant because you just won't ever get it because you are unintelligent, lazy, feral scum who can't think.

>> No.5238283

I see, so they are all the same game and differ only in very subtle nuances that only extreme autists would ever notice. Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.5238401

You're not wrong, really.
It's basically people putting more effort into beating a game and scoring points than they do making sure their own lives aren't a joke.
When you care more about stupid bullshit than the bigger picture.
The same kinda faggots like to say "git gud" when gitting gud means learning to exploit programming errors to impress your nerdy friends.

>> No.5238554
File: 82 KB, 256x256, CRS68K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking you people sometimes. Here. Watch. I'm about to have an actual decent response:

Yes, many games on the surface do appear to be similar. Many games may be flat out called derivative. Certain things are sort of universal across the board like bombs, one hit deaths, high scores to earn continues, a big ass WARNING sign before a boss, etc. Complaining about these things being redundant is like complaining about charged attacks in a fighting game or zombies in horror games. "They all look the same." Well, yes. Exactly. You've essentially described the word "genre", OP. That's what shmups literally are. And they're simple so they appear very similar.

If you're put off by redundancy, then simply pick a few shmups that very clearly have a different feel. For example:

Ikaruga: Exclusive polarity mechanic
DoDonPachi: Most famous danmaku. You hold the shot button down to concentrate fire and change the ship's speed for precise micro-dodging.
ChoRenSha68K: Faster paced than the aforementioned games and basically simpler, but still great.
Thunderforce IV: Hortizontal as opposed to vertical like the other games listed.

There. That's 4 games with distinctly different presentations and mechanics. So no, not all shmups are created equal or identical despite all of them sharing some core principles. I'd recommend checking these out and seeing which one speaks to you the most.

>> No.5238741

Batsugun Special Version, easily. You can blind the entire loop if you're good enough

>> No.5238751

Serious question: is it just me, or are all JRPGs literally the exact same game? Except for a rare few that try for a cutesy theme, they all have more or less the same setting, the same art style, the same gameplay, etc. How do you tell them apart? How have the developers all not sued each other for plagiarism?

Anyway, dumb question, play the games and see.

>> No.5238754

Even a retard jarpig can see the difference between R-Type and Espgaluda

>> No.5238756

>more anti-skill drivel from /jarpig/
People with OK to succesful lives enjoy challenging hobbies, not just hard video games. Back to elf

>> No.5240603
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1518874568823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woooow, one of them is a traditional generic one and the other is a bullet hell with cute girls So different. You didn't need to mention some obscure shit btw, Touhou would get your point across without people needing to search for it to know what the fuck it is.

Enjoy the bump because I want to use this thread to shit on shumptards now.

>> No.5240618


>> No.5240630

how do i get into shmups? The only genre i've never really gotten into is jrpgs and shmups. I can do arcade paced things. I love beat 'em up. What's the idiots introduction to shmups for someone that has been playing games for 20+ years?

>> No.5240632

Raiden. The arcade original.

>> No.5240637

Not an argument, shumptard. So this is how you tell shumps apart huh. It's either a spaceship or a cute girl. Got it.

>> No.5240639

I dunno dude there's too much shit. Depends on what kinda style you want and what your prefered difficulty is. Want over the top style and great feel? Play Cave games like Dodonpachi. Want something atmospheric and deliberate? Try R-Type (Delta especially) or Einhander. Want something twitchy and unpredictable? Play Gun.Smoke. Want a straightforward simple shooter? Play Hishouzame. Play them and something will click, then focus on it and go for a 1cc. Your options will be limited by your tolerance of difficulty. Modern ports tend to have easy modes though. Batsugun Special, Nemesis, Deathsmiles, 1945 Kai and Thunderforce 3 are fine beginner 1cc's.

>> No.5240653

gross. only nips liked it due to boredom fetish.

>> No.5240658
File: 223 KB, 686x940, 2371238-genesis_mushaaleste_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, sometimes shumps use mechas too. I pity the fans of mecha who look at the cover of these games only to realize it's just another low effort shump later.

>> No.5240670

It plays surprisingly well once you mute it though it takes a while to ramp up, besides there's always arrangement and 3D/G which is anything but boring

>> No.5240917

>Cave shmup
To you jarpigs any shmup is obscure

Batsugun Special Version

Sad that it wasn't a low effort DQ clone eh

>> No.5240926

Get mame and a bunch of roms, then just try stuff. There are plenty of cool games you can credit feed through in 30min.
If you find a game you really like, then apply yourself.

STG weekly is a probably the best resource for the genre in English. They are usually good enough to understand the fundamentals of how each game is played correctly.

>> No.5240952

Is this bait?

>> No.5240954

I fucking LOVE this game, so much that I shelled out the extra cash for a Special Ver PCB

>> No.5240961

Welcome to /vr/

>> No.5240964

I knew about R-type but not about Espagula or whatever the fuck. IT IS completely obscure shit that only a "hardcore" shumptard autist like yourself would know about. Don't kid yourself. Like it or not, Touhou is the face of the bullet hell genre.

Nope. I say it because it happened to me before. Wanted to try out an indie game that had a mecha in it and turned out to be a shitty shump. Luckily I found other proper mecha game to replace it.

>> No.5240967

Absolute state of you weeb 2hufappers. Back to your 100 JRPG threads

>> No.5240972

I finally no missed stage 5 in keksui, please clap

>> No.5240976

>he's in denial about Touhou being more popular than his obscure shit
>when it was literally Touhou's massive influence that caused bullet hells like the one you mentioned to have cute girls in them


>> No.5240980

You sure know a lot about Touhou for not liking shmups. Checks out, honestly

>> No.5240984
File: 158 KB, 1024x642, opentyrian0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da fuq ya smoke /vr/? Nobody mentioned Tyrian yet?!?

>> No.5240985
File: 23 KB, 240x320, DonPachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who has been on 4chan longer than a year knows about it. I simply pointed out the fact that it's the most popular bullet hell shump. Before Touhou, Caveshit had the generic spaceships just like everything else. It would be impossible to tell them apart either if not for the amount of bullets on the screen.

>> No.5240986

For good reason

>> No.5240987

The game you highlighted isn't even bullet hell
Fun fact: Touhou's main protagonist is inspired gameplay-wise by a playable shrine maiden in Sengoku Blade, which is a game without ships that came right before the first Touhou shmup.
What's your reason to be here, just to hate? Why do you jarpigs feel the need to always come to seethe at shmup threads?

>> No.5240994

Generic spaceship > generic waifu

>> No.5240998
File: 115 KB, 293x924, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The game you highlighted isn't even bullet hell

So are you telling me wikipedia is wrong? What genre would you classify it then?

>Fun fact: Touhou's main protagonist is inspired gameplay-wise by a playable shrine maiden in Sengoku Blade

According to my research, both came out in the same exact year and in the same exact month, so hard to say, really. Looks like just a coincidence. Regardless of that, you cannot deny that it was Touhou's influence that caused the post-2000 bullet hells to have moe girls in them.

>What's your reason to be here, just to hate? Why do you jarpigs feel the need to always come to seethe at shmup threads?

Nothing. I just like making fun of autists with a superiority complex. It was you who created this autistic war between two completely unrelated genres.

>> No.5241005

Yes, Wikipedia is wrong in this instance. Shouldn't surprise you since those articles aren't perfect, much less for relatively more niche stuff.
DonPachi is a Toaplan tribute, it's like a classic vert, the only thing that sets it apart is the chaining system. It doesn't have a tiny hitbox and the patterns are old school.
Sengoku Blade came out in 1996, Touhou 2 (Touhou 1 is a Breakout inspired game) came out in 1997, after DoDonPachi (inspired by it) which was the birth of bullet hell.
I can't say if Touhou was that influential, it could have, but I'd say the overall trend of moe in Japan in the 00's was more influential. Cave would't go full moe until 2007 with Deathsmiles.
This superiority complex thing is in your head btw. So what do you play?

>> No.5241007

go play with something shiny, dum dum

>> No.5241008

mushihime came out in 2004

>> No.5241013

Yeah the descent into moe shit was somewhat gradual but if you compare that game to Deathsmiles it's nothing

>> No.5241021

Nu-Cave is fucking disgrace with all the annoying loli-shit.

>> No.5241036

Espgaluda, the one you originally mentioned, came out in 2002. Do you have memory problems? I don't think you should be playing shumps if you do.

>> No.5241048

Espgaluda came out in '03 (and, interestingly, it's the last /vr/-legal Cave game since it came out in the '97 PGM board). And what I said here applies >>5241013
What do you play?

>> No.5241053
File: 27 KB, 266x374, DoDonPachi_Dai_Ou_Jou_Black_Label_Extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I confused it with this which apparently had robo loli dolls as playable characters. If that's not like Touhou then I don't know what it is. Looks like I know more about shumps than you do simply by reading a wiki article.

>What do you play?

A little bit of everything, but I never liked shumps due to their monotonous, simplistic and derivative gameplay. Like the other guy said, you play one and you've played them all.

>> No.5241062

Try a bunch and see if anything catches your eye. If one catches your interest you'll know.

>> No.5241080

>A little bit of everything
In other words you've got no tastes

>> No.5241089
File: 354 KB, 640x480, medium_4_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't have any autistic genre preferences/obsessions like you guys. I'll play anything as long as it's fun. Btw:

>based and funpilled

Run 'n guns

>cringe and autismpilled


>> No.5241090

Did you 1cc any run n guns?

>> No.5241092

Have you checked a video of that game? It's all spaceships, tanks and stuff. You barely see the dolls.
>A little bit of everything
So what have you been playing recently? Cite some of your favorites, too.

Metal Slug is a shmup series, run and guns are a subset of shmups, you moron.

lmao he probably puts 50 credits in Metal Slug games to then embark on a gay elf quest

>> No.5241094

This is Metal Slug played for score