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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5179537 No.5179537 [Reply] [Original]

Why weren't japs good at making FPS's?

>> No.5179540

Guns are haram.

>> No.5179545

Anime is for faggots and guns are for real men

>> No.5179550

I dunno Anon, why are Americans so horrible at making female characters?

To be simple about it, the west invented Wolfenstein, Doom, and Duke Nukem in a somewhat narrow frame of time. Effortless global communication was still years away and the internet technology was garbage for anything but text, meaning distribution of pioneer games across the world was not an easy task.

>> No.5179713
File: 323 KB, 752x1063, douk_nouk_kem_by_zostwolf-db0xry8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, no. That's such an untruthful excuse. Global communication wasn't years away in the mid-late 90's. You already had a mod and multiplayer scene in FPS as early as Doom and Duke, and that's not even counting the later stuff, like Quake 3 and Half-Life/Counter-Strike (or even earlier LAN stuff, for that matter). Did you know that most of the levels from Half-Life 1 were created by British/Australian Doom modders who were hired by Valve because they created the Plutonia Experiment? It's simply not a fact that only America was interested in FPS. Again, we're talking about the internet and worldwide here. Anyone who's not a zoomer or a pleb knows you're lying.
Additionally, were also ignoring a very big elephant in the room: Goldeneye 007 for Nintendo 64. It's a non-PC game. It's a non-American game. It was created in 1997. It is considered an influential title. And it was popular in Japan, and published by Nintendo.
You're so naive if you think there weren't companies and publishers looking for new markets and games to distribute to, even if it was foreign stuff. It's a business, after all. I guess you're not familiar with the fact the JRPG's (which became on of the most beloved genres in Japan) arose after Western computer RPG's were introduced in Japan in the mid 1980's.
It seems to be a generally accepted fact that audiences in Japan have a lower threshold for experiencing motion sickness, especially in FPS, and this has been a noted phenomenon dating back to at least Doom (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D%E9%85%94%E3%81%84).).

>> No.5180780

my asian friend always said FPS tended to make him motion sick

>> No.5180836

I mean, the Dooms maps made by Japanese people are pretty good, but if you want full from-the-ground-up kind of games I have no idea. Metroid Prime is a thing, though but it maybe doesn't count.

>> No.5180842

Metroid prime was made mostly in texas

>> No.5180908

Why AREN'T japs good at making GAMES?

fix'd for you

>> No.5180915 [DELETED] 
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How were your large ass burgers today Billy Bob?

>> No.5180951

>was gonna make fun of ot for bring called out rigger
>It's not called that
Fucking japs always one step ahead

>> No.5180998 [DELETED] 

1) Amerimutt gun culture doesn't exist in Japan
2) It's a "realistic" genre for the most part and Japanese games tend to be more fantastical
3) Asians get motion sickness from first person view

>> No.5181113

Real reason which no-one in this thread has hit upon is simply: FPS is a PC genre and Japs are console not PC. If you want to go deeper, consider also that in FPS you can't see yourself, so there is no potential for anime avatars, and the staples of the genre like gore don't mesh well with anime styling.

>> No.5181123

Most FPS these days are designed with consoles in mind. The only genre which truly does not work on consoles is RTS.

>> No.5181126 [DELETED] 

1) azns are gay
2) azns are flamboyant faggots
3) azns are frail

when are these little queers ever gonna kill themselves

>> No.5181127

This. Japs usually don't try to make great FPS (with exception like Golden Eye) because it would be a poor business decision for their domestic market. Or at least it was.

>> No.5181142 [DELETED] 
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At least they don't live in a racemixed shithole with no culture.

>be mutt
>get shot

>> No.5181302

Goldeneye/Perfect Dark aren't Japanese, either. They're by Rareware, from the United Kingdom.

>> No.5181378

Except outrigger is good you brainlet.

>> No.5181380

Same reason why they have no good fps players - Asians have limited analytic ability. They are very good at being told what to do - this is why they excel at RTS games where they get to hammer on the keyboard all the time and keep doing the math calculations, it makes them happy little worker Asians.

wtf are you talking about? Why would you think Goldeneye was Japanese?

>> No.5181398

It would have been interesting if Japan had made more FPSes, just to see what their take on them would have been like and how they would have differed from western games.

>> No.5181405 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 697x1119, captain amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are not Amerilards getting ready to die for Israel.

>> No.5181414
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Lala Kuroffutu was great amirite

>> No.5181419

I'd say Time Crisis is pretty awesome

>> No.5181612

Not FPS and not American or Japanese.

>> No.5181626


>> No.5181628

Shouldn't those be european countries forming into the european union?
Which is itself a mutt as well?
Enjoy your muslim rapists.

>> No.5181636

Why aren't mutts good at making fighting games?

>> No.5181642

Same reason they weren't good at making war machines in WWII. Only their aircraft were good (early on), which makes sense because they at least made some good flying action games.

>> No.5181648

>Executive producer/designer Shigeru Miyamoto called the shots on Metroid prime including that he wanted it in the first person
The alpha of MP was an absolute mess before Miyamoto and elements of Nintendo EAD took more control and forged it into a masterpiece. Kenji Yamamoto's fantastic ost also helped as well. Retro were the code monkeys and artists. The real decisions that shaped Prime were handled by Miyamoto/EAD.

>> No.5181654

Calm down gramps the war ended 70 years ago and everybody buys Toyotas and Hondas now while detroit decays. Also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Savo_Island
>Jap destroyers and cruisers reking allies
All my keks.

>> No.5181661

>Only their aircraft were good (early on)
Is this dicksplash for real?

>> No.5181662

Metroid Prime is not a retro game, despite the name. Please keep on topic. And the assertion that Nintendo made the 'real decisions' (whatever that means) should be filed under speculation.

>> No.5181667

Why aren't westerners good at making character action games?

>> No.5181669

> why are Americans so horrible at making female characters?
I'm sorry but i didn't find any mention about FPS female characters on your previous post. Next time be more precise and you'll avoid confusion.

>> No.5181671

Is Doom not good enough?

>> No.5181673

Here's your "speculation":
Stay mad.

>> No.5181675

Stuff like DMC, NG Black, Godhand.

>> No.5181680

What was wrong with DmC?

>> No.5181682

I'm not confused. What does Lara Croft have to with FPS games (the topic of the thread) or American female characters (the other reply)? She's neither. Can you use your big brain to make it more precise to me?

>> No.5181687

Too bad Jap navy got BTFO by superior American aircraft launched from carriers.

>> No.5181689

What specifically is being demonstrated here? Can't you quote some exact exerts to help your point?
>One thing unclear to the developers we talked to is why exactly Miyamoto and Nintendo of Japan trusted Retro with a new take on the Metroid IP. They could only speculate.
>“Miyamoto didn’t like the Metroid series, in terms of the old Metroids. He doesn’t get them; those aren’t the types of games he likes to play,” an anonymous former Retro employee says. “At the end of the day, I don’t know what the decision was [that] made them trust us, because there really wasn’t much for us to be trusted on … In Japan, Metroid was never really a big thing; it was more of a big thing over here.”
That's all I can really see about Nintendo's involvement. What am I missing?

Non-retro hack and slash games?

>> No.5181692

And here's the rest

>> No.5181693

You're missing this:

>> No.5181695

Too bad the Japs came back in the 80s and 90s and BTFO U.S. auto, steel and electronics industries and made a legion of Weebs.

>> No.5181705

>One of Nintendo’s biggest contributions was related to the visor system. Even though visors had already been present, Retro hadn’t hadn’t expanded on them too much.
>This game is about scanning the environment’, and we’re like, ‘Okay, but this is like an action game, this is like a shooting game’. But as the brilliance of them, and it was Tanabe-san who had an idea of like, ‘well what if we did this, and you get information, this is how we do the tutorials, and this is how you give the players instruction, and we could do all these things with the scan visor’. And because their motivation was, ‘this is a game about the scan visor’, and our’s was not at all, but we did the due diligence to integrate it in a way that felt natural to the game and how would we want to do this?
Wow, thanks Nintendo for adding your ideas to "FPS".

>Nintendo classifies the game as a first-person adventure rather than a first-person shooter.[4]

>> No.5181715

Not true as it was a collaboration of East and West.

>> No.5181723

Nice defense but you're wrong. Be more precise next time.

>> No.5181739

Still a PC mindset.

>> No.5181758

>You're wrong
About what?

>> No.5181764

About your original comment. At least you corrected yourself, after.

>> No.5182246

this is wrong since their art is unequivocally better than almost all western game art

>> No.5182282

and really none of them will end up being classic (except PUBG).