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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 195 KB, 1280x720, cs16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5121348 No.5121348 [Reply] [Original]

CS 1.6 is retro, right?

>> No.5121502

no, the last retro CS was beta 5.0

>> No.5121508

so we can't talk about zdoom?

>> No.5121510

Just got to the Doom thread with it, which doubles as an FPS thread. It's /vr/'s land of the lost and nobody with bother you there.

>> No.5121513

Yes I know, I was just making a point with a rhetorical question.
I have no clue if CS is allowed, it's definitely in a gray area, but if it was not going to be allowed, the argument wouldn't certainly be because of the latest version.

>> No.5121523

I would say that Counter Strike is as retro as Half life.

>it's definitely in a gray area
my viewpoint:
It is as retro as any mod for doom made in the last 20 years. It is built off of an old quake style engine. I am not saying this in any angry/contrary way toward you. I am just making an observation.

I miss my WON account.

>> No.5121546
File: 134 KB, 800x1017, 800px-Quake_-_family_tree_2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is built off of an old quake style engine.
I understand what you're trying to say, but I mean if we're going to use that as a standard, you can still trace games to this day that still have a loose connection to idtech engines.
I can understand allowing such a thing if it's like 1 degree of separation, like direct mods to a half life / doom / quake, but if we stretch those degrees of separation too much it will become a unwieldy standard

>> No.5121617

>but if we stretch those degrees of separation too much it will become a unwieldy standard
It uses the Gold source engine, no different then how contemporary doom mods use a modded doom engine. Counter strike is a modification of Half life. It is not different then ZDoom in that regard.

I am not talking about sequels on upgraded engines, but games that directly use the same engine. Counter strike was released in 1999. Sure the goldsrc engine has been updated, but again so has the doom engine.

There is lots of room for "smudging" what is retro. We have brand new HDMI video game systems being shilled on the board, but because they accept a cartridge they are acceptable talking points. Doom is another odd area of discussion. We are using contemporary computers and technology to make the engine do things that may not have been possible 20 years ago. Counter strike in any of its variations is no different. There are even semi-irregular discussions about Blue Shift/Opposing forces. IF counter strike ran on its own updated engine that was somehow dramatically different then Half-life, I would agree with you.

>it will become a unwieldy standard

We have been there since before the inclusion of the Dreamcast. We can discuss Dreamcast games that were multi console, but cannot talk about the same game on "Newer/not retro" systems. They must be discussed in context of the hardware itself being the limit....with the limit being any "system" prior to Year 2000. There still is a community of CS players that run 1.5. Somewhere I still have a copy of the original mod of CS. I remember how butt-mad I was when they started charging for it. When steam came out, I was thrilled that my copy of Half-life Platinum granted me every game based on that engine. It may be a grey area, but it certainly is retro.

>> No.5121645

>There still is a community of CS players that run 1.5
I still play 1.5 with friends on LAN occasionally, its the CS patrician's choice.

>It may be a grey area, but it certainly is retro.
Absolutely it's retro, it's a mod for a game released in 1999 and the rule for PC games is to ignore the hardware and judge it based on the game itself, in this case half-life.

>> No.5121817

This, hit boxes got roo large in 1.6, but still a great game

>> No.5121907

You make good points Anon, I yield. Now that I think of it, I did play CS with a couple of /vr/ troopers a few years ago, so it's probably allowed

>> No.5122012

1.6 technically came out in the early 2000s a long with steam so it's hard to say. CS 1.0 was released shortly after HL1 in 98 or 99?

>> No.5122712

>1.6 technically came out in the early 2000s
1.6 is the version number. The game itself came out in 1999. It like other computer software was updated with the times, and still has been. It is a mod of the 1998 game Half-life. It is retro.

>> No.5122906

By that logic almost everything discussed on /vr/ isnt retro, since all the doom wads, quake maps, eduke32, snes romhacks, modern emulators, framemeisters, a bunch of 5th gen games and a whole bunch of other related hardware and software around /vr/ is modern. Half-life is retro, its mods are retro.

Your premise would hold water *if* cs 1.6 was released on a new engine, but it was still just half-life. Even condition zero is technically retro in the same was gzdoom is retro, although obviously cs:source isn't, despite being released only a few months later.

>> No.5122923

People have been playing Counter-Strike since 1999, so yes CS makes the cut off. The patch version number doesn't make it unretro what the fuck.

>> No.5123148

any gold source game or mod

>> No.5123675

the amount of brazillians (and consequentially aimbotters, hackers and aimlockers) that play this makes me think twice about coming back to play it once in a while.

>> No.5123718



>> No.5123923

Its not funny to try to be a stealth wallhacker and think you're good anon. A awp é um lixo pra viado que não sabe joga de assault ou smg

>> No.5123932

cs has been dead for years unless you have friends to LAN with. it's been hacks-only since ~2007 from what i recall.

>> No.5123963

I don't disagree. Why type all that instead of just saying patch doesn't supersede original release?

>> No.5123972

It is retro cause it uses the goldsrc engine which debuted with half life in 1998. Id argue Day of Defeat would be allowed too despite it being released in 2003 as a standalone. This is why Deus Ex is considered retro because it uses the Unreal 1 engine.

>> No.5123976

>Why type all that instead of just saying patch doesn't supersede original release?
If you knew the regular level of total retardation that the try-hards of /vr/ demonstrate to justify how X game released in 2002 is retro, but Y game made in 2000 is not, you would understand.

Sorry if I over-complicated it, but if you grasped it quickly, most of that post was not for you.

>> No.5124421

Favorite maps? Anyone play leagues? I made it to CAL-main but my team always died because key players lost interest. We could compete against CAL-p caliber teams and win about 50% of the time. I really miss competitive 1.6 lol.

A big thing that just isn't the same in GO is the pub community. If you were a regular on a server you would be playing with a bunch of people that you would eventually get to know (to an extent) and you might have even registered for the server forums. I regularly played on the servers for Appalachian State University and Western Carolina University and even managed to get admin powers on both and was active on the forums...it was fun! Obviously in GO community servers do exist, but they are much, much rarer because of MM and pubbing is really a lost art now.

With pubbing came the plethora of custom maps in 1.6 (and previous versions) and we just don't see the same thing in GO. They do exist, but seem to be much, much rarer.

>> No.5124443

I never cared about competitive beyond PUGs, but i miss the era of private servers, and agree we've lost something to the publisher controlled servers. Socially the old system was more like an IRC channel, or a bar where you visit and get to know regulars, whereas now you have friends lists and so it's always you+the squad vs randoms.

>> No.5124447

No, it is retro because the game is from 1999.

>> No.5124467

>pubbing is really a lost art now.
They did ruin the vibe of the game by ruining the "community" aspect. I maintained a network of anywhere between 2 and 7 servers for what was a small group....and over 7 years it turned into a very large community. Everything they did with GO was against everything that I came to appreciate from online games. The community died nearly instantly as people migrated to the fancy-newest version of the shit that was coming out of valve's ass. CS was top tier, but its sun set years ago.

>> No.5124481 [DELETED] 

Did people actually play in 10 man pub servers back in the day? As a kid I would always just sort the servers by size and play in those chaotic 32 player ones. It was fun but also retarded since the rounds were long as hell so you'd be sitting in spectator a lot of the time. TFC was a much better pub game.

>> No.5124483

Did people actually play in 10 man pub servers back in the day? As a kid I would always just sort the servers by size and play in those chaotic 32 player ones. It was fun but also retarded since the rounds were long as hell so you'd be sitting in spectator a lot of the time. I didn't really have any concept of the competitive scene until a girlfriend's little brother showed me the pug games he played. TFC was more suited for the pub style play.

>> No.5124513
File: 195 KB, 640x359, 1535545645702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the same as you, I did try to play on some german pub servers but usually got kicked within five rounds when they realized I couldn't speak german.

>> No.5124558

I played occasional 32 player servers, 10 players were only for wars (pick up games or clans) in general and 16 players was the most common IIRC.

>> No.5124676

Oilrig was the best map

>> No.5124701

>charging handle and forward assist are on the wrong side


>> No.5124708


I'm pretty sure in ~4000hrs of 1.3 to 1.6 i played oilrig 3 or 4 times total.

>> No.5124893
File: 159 KB, 962x806, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Counter-Strike the gun models are left handed and then mirrored ingame using a cvar

>> No.5124924

10 man servers are fun when you want to play a proper game
32 player servers for ak/m4/awp spam

>> No.5125365

Awp_dust bro

>> No.5126297

4000 hours is pretty casual dude. You really missed out by not playing oilrig.

>> No.5126787

>Everything they did with GO was against everything that I came to appreciate from online games. The community died nearly instantly
I know man, it's rough. There was such an incredible sense of community in old CS (and similar games) that is almost completely lost in new games due to the match making nonsense. I understand MM and enjoy it to an extent but the days of amx mod and maps like he_dodgeball, playground_x and the countless de_rats variants are long gone in not only CS, but every other multiplayer game as well.

>> No.5127827

CS 1.6 died when CAL died in like 2009.

>> No.5127863

The best 'serious' fps ever made, Quake 3 is more fun to play though, and especially these days I just don't feel like putting in the hours. I have over a 1000 hours in 1.6 on my 15 year old Steam account until source came out and I was forced to switch to Source.
Played Day of Defeat instead, made my own team with friends, named ourselves after Nazi generals to be edgy and even made it very low on the ladder, kind of funny considering I'm from Germany.
We kept playing until finally everyone had switched to source games and I had to make the switch as well, I owned a couple of source games but hated every one of them, later became less hateful towards it and even grew to love it through Half-Life 20

Even when the source engine got better with late source and eventually source 2, 1.6, DoD, and Half-Life 1 always had far better gameplay and still have compared to many shooters today, even GO just plays weird compared to 1.6, despite being framed as a modern 1.6.

>> No.5130116

>gun models are left handed
I always select left handed weapon for these games. I don't know why...I am right handed. It just seems better. I know it makes no difference, but It suits me.

>> No.5130140

Can you run it in Windows 9X? Yes/No the answer is always simple.

>> No.5130203

That's actually a pretty good way to decide that I wish the rules were modeled after. Windows XP didn't arrive until October 2001 so all PC games before it would theoretically still only required Windows 98. I assume requiring Windows ME and 2000 weren't a thing for games, though just supporting.

>> No.5130234

>That's actually a pretty good way to decide that I wish the rules were modeled after.

Well you're in luck because that's exactly what the rules do say.

>> No.5130240

No it says 1999 or earlier. It should be 2001 or earlier according to when XP launched.

>> No.5130259
File: 932 KB, 1280x692, quidproquo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see a flaw with your criteria.

Counterstrike: source ran on win 98 until a 2008 when hl2 engine update.

>> No.5130260

Read more carefully, it's perfectly clear.

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

> and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

It couldn't be clearer. Any game that runs on or before the Windows 9X platforms is up for discussion here. A PC game that runs in Win98 released in 2001 is no different from a Dreamcast game released in 2001. Or a Genesis game released in 2018 for that matter.

I actually think the rules should go by game age, but whatever. As is they're pretty clear.

>> No.5130282

I'm not trusting that "database", Half-Life 2 required Windows XP minimum

>> No.5130291

Those may be the current windows requires, but at release HL2 ran on win 98. Regardless, there was a surprising amount of software being released compatible with win98, at least through to 2009/2010.

>> No.5130294
File: 48 KB, 1230x746, dx9c_win98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5130303


It looks like old news articles from the time are gone from the steam/valve website, but there are still 3rd parties that show the old min requirements.

>> No.5130403

>I assume requiring Windows ME and 2000 weren't a thing for games, though just supporting.

There were probably a handful that only ran in 2000, but all shareware trash.

>> No.5130607
File: 896 KB, 1600x1066, half life 2 retain box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any game that runs on or before the Windows 9X platforms is up for discussion here.
>HL2 ran on win 98
Pic related.

>> No.5130626
File: 282 KB, 800x1136, 178771-counter-strike-source-windows-back-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter strike Retail Box also states Windows 98...Including Day of Defeat Source.

>> No.5130984
File: 216 KB, 1152x864, de_rats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks that if you don't want to get hacked through joining malicious servers (something Valve refuses to properly patch), you have to run non-steam CS + something like CT shield (which uses DLL injection in CS to block servers from issuing client commands, so would get you VAC banned on Steam).

Here's the link for non-Steam CS Warzone: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxptP8qQzsqSSFRTdWtLejBiMk0
And the CT-shield you need to extract to the CSWarzone (not Steam, you will get b&) directory: https://yadi dot sk/d/XyNbfFT33NUb5V

I can't really vouch for the safety of these files/links, as I got them from some random redditfag, and the CT-shield shit is in Russian, but they do appear to work on my spare XP gaming machine, and my CS is no longer spawning command prompts and downloading random .vbs files when I go to join anything through the server browser.

>> No.5131103

Cool beans.

>> No.5131114
File: 83 KB, 800x391, 1524830227383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best map comin' thru

>> No.5131115

But CS isn't just "based off" HL1. It is quite literally a mod of HL1.

And if we're going to count mods and standalone expansions of a game by the release date of the mod/expansion rather than the base game, that opens up a new can of worms. Is HL1 Blue Shift not retro, but the original version that was slated to release on Dreamcast is?

>> No.5131125

ITT: zoomers having nostalgia about a baby game like cs.
The absolute state.

>> No.5131159
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, GOAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also really liked nipper maps/blahhhh-style maps.

>> No.5131162

Baby baby game

>> No.5131205

Is there any point when it's been all hackers for the last decade?

>> No.5131208

Shit baby game quake was better

>> No.5131223
File: 26 KB, 260x226, Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Ecco on Dreamcast is allowed while the exact same game on PS2 isn't. The rules are kinda dumb.

>> No.5131237


>> No.5131243
File: 155 KB, 363x363, kirby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a faggot somewhere else

>> No.5131245

your game doesnt take skill

>> No.5131247

fun > skill

>> No.5131249


>> No.5131263

Take a couple from hundreds of nicely done maps, run around them all alone, and tell me it doesn't feel nostalgic.

>> No.5131269
File: 154 KB, 1280x1014, fy_pool_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagger reusing the same phrase

it's retro, guy, deal with it!

>> No.5131270

doesnt take skill unlike quake. killed arena shooters.

>> No.5131272

Nobody cares you ESL samefag

>> No.5131280

i bet you think overwatch and fortnite are good games.

>> No.5131282
File: 35 KB, 800x517, awp_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was an awful map that i now have nostalgia for

>> No.5131284
File: 275 KB, 1920x1080, scoutzknivez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now, pic related has got to be one of the highest quality funmaps.

>> No.5131286

quake players always made fun of cs

>> No.5131642

My favorite server had that, low gravity, and the floor outside was lava, you could only stand in/on the buildings

>> No.5132148
File: 193 KB, 1280x1024, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool beans.
I thought so also. It will make for some nice topics later on. I enjoyed Half-life and 2...though 2 is more of a tech demo than a game, but knowing that DoD:s & CS:S are considered retro is outstanding.

>Well Ecco on Dreamcast is allowed while the exact same game on PS2 isn't. The rules are kinda dumb.
You can discuss remasters however. Shenmue I & II re-release on Xbone & Ps4 is acceptable. Conkers Live and Reloaded is acceptable. It is just a remaster as well.

You are 100% correct. Allowing the Dreamcast was a mistake...not because the dreamcast is bad, but because it is a 6th generation console, and it does open a can of worms.
>quake players always made fun of cs
They are 2 different games with a different feel to each. I loved both q2 and cs.

>now, pic related has got to be one of the highest quality funmaps

I was always partial to Iceworld.

>> No.5132207

And the M4 is cocked by pulling on the forward assist for some inexplainable reason.
And the AK apparently doesn't need cocking at all.

>> No.5133146

Some of the animations in that game is just due Gooseman or Jess Cliffe or whoever the fuck did the modeling not being /k/ enough back then, like the M4 and MP5 reload animations. Sort of like Valve not knowing how a MP5 or shotgun works. But if I do recall, the AK does cock.

>> No.5133415

You could have been thinking of some later version? At Least in 1.6 the charging handle is never touched and the reload animation is always the same: mag out, new mag in (and without the characteristic nose-in-rock-back movement).

>> No.5133647

Nevermind I was thinking of the draw animation for some reason

>> No.5134104

Pubmasters anyone?

>> No.5135221


Name a better video.

>> No.5135489
File: 257 KB, 848x473, cavestorygenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remasters yes, but full remakes (DQ on DS, Twin Snakes etc) tend to get axed, rightly in my thinking. And I'm not necessarily against the Dreamcast being here, I just think the whole set up of the rules going by system rather than the dates of individual games is ass backwards.

In my opinion it should go game by game and be either 15 or 20 years.

>> No.5137568


>> No.5137598

Where the fuck do I find CS 1.6 and HL install ISOs that aren't hack shit or riddled with Steam bullshit, for a Windows 98SE install?

Apparently Steam doesn't work on 98SE although those games run at a million FPS on a 3dfx Voodoo 3, I just wanna play them on my retro build.

I seem to remember doing this one time very recently and was able to connect to Steam multiplayer servers and I forgot how I did it or where I got the installer but it worked in 98

>> No.5137601


Patches & mods including cs1.6:

>> No.5137603

Oh, remember you can use the following cd keys to avoid messing with a keygen:

>> No.5137607


based, thank you

Tomorrow I'll post up my balls-out 2000-era Windows 98SE build tomorrow. Baby AT motherboard with P3 1ghz Coppermine and 3dfx Voodoo 3, Radeon 7500 AIW, and a bunch of pre-2000 games. It's been a project I've been tooling on all year an little at a time.

>> No.5138296


Where is the 1.6? I found the and it says my language version is different and won't install even though they are both English

>> No.5138495

another one that works with HL

also, for some reason, HL and Starcraft CD keys seem to be interchangeable