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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 995 KB, 2850x2850, 1482451390637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5111984 No.5111984 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best shmup of all time.
You can't prove me wrong

>> No.5111989

It's obviously amazing but I wish you could collect powerups for each weapon, that would make it perfect in my eyes.

>> No.5111992

y dis game doodoo

>> No.5111994 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 850x1200, Strikers 1945 II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad but I like others more.

>> No.5112163

idk man there are a couple of shumps on 360 that are better than radiant silvergun

>> No.5112468

If it isn't presented by Cave, it isn't worth presenting.

>> No.5112543
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I'm just going to leave this here. RS is as fun to play as it is to watch.


>> No.5112554

>after 1982
>playing shmups

>> No.5112796


Liking that post time there. I was never into shmups and am awful at them but Thunder Force IV is something else. The soundtrack alone makes it worth playing. Then the actual game itself is great. The developers behind that game really put great effort into the game and it shows.

>> No.5112874

Remove the manga caracters/theme (which is for kids and/or retarded) and it ahs a chance to be. Otherwise Ikaruga still leads the pack.

>> No.5112883

>Remove the manga caracters/theme
That was the original arcade version. They added the characters to the Saturn.

>> No.5112897
File: 37 KB, 300x250, BFA152rd4N-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh yes. I still remember my first time playing RADIANT SILVERGUN. It must have been like 2005 or something. The game already sold for obscene amounts on ebay for the saturn. So in my mind it shaped up to be this outstanding little, awesome shooter.

When i actually played it i thought at first i had the wrong game popped in, Because the game i played look like SHIT. With its low poly 3D models and its ugly textures. So i thought perhaps its only the first level that looks like crap. So i played through the entire game. And surprise... the whole game looks like crap.

So i though, hey it cant be in the graphics, with people asking so much money for this game there must be something about it, maybe its in the game play. So i played it a few more times and the game plays like CRAP too.


>> No.5112909

My experience with it too, joyless.

>> No.5112912

It has a cool name though so that means it's good.

>> No.5112993

why is the ost so fucking good lads?

>> No.5112996


It's joyless. That's the perfect word to sum the radiant silvergun experience up. Now imagine spending an obscene amount of money for a completely joyless game. That's when you realize why many of these guys glorify the game in order to justify the purchase.

>> No.5113083

>With its low poly 3D models
Low poly 3D? On 5th gen? Someone call the cops please.

>> No.5114214
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>> No.5114231

I would probably like it since I enjoy shmups and Treasure. Not willing to buy a whole new console to play it though.

>> No.5114441
File: 210 KB, 1579x2048, DZjD626U8AE19A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that game is neither dodonpachi or ketsui

you shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the jam

>> No.5114449
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>> No.5114961

Bet you even have a decent scoar let alone a 1cc you poser

>> No.5115417 [DELETED] 

aren't you the one whose joyless because the imam popped your notwife's cherry

>> No.5116959

It's only famous because of the kino box art

>> No.5117052


That's too awesome to believe it's a sega saturn game.

>> No.5117289

Its better than Ikaruga but its not my favourite shmup

>> No.5117409

yeah I agree it's better than Ikaruga. But still not as good as Touhou.

>> No.5117757

Touhou and Ikaruga are the only shmucks worth playing, the rest is reddit-tier.

>> No.5117770

daioujou and ketsui are much better games and more serious contenders for the BEST STG EVER title

>> No.5117772

touhou sucks
ur opinion is reddit plebean tier

>> No.5117990 [DELETED] 

Try Zero Ranger.

>> No.5117996 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up Retardo you don't actually play games.

>> No.5118003 [DELETED] 

If it doesn't have waifus I'm not playing it.

>> No.5118005 [DELETED] 

Janitor you're a pathetic loser, just letting you know that.

>> No.5118287

For me I fluctuate between RS, R-type Delta, and Einhander

>> No.5118291

it kills me that Treasure chose the 360 of all systems to port onto. Trying to keep that thing in permanent storage

>> No.5118330

why? is the 360 too "normalfag" for ya?

>> No.5118353

>obsolete console is too nromalfag

>> No.5118805

it's too long and the battle against the big red ship takes forever

>> No.5118949

Why are "shmup"fags so dumb? First they use the horrendous abbreviation of shmup, but secondly they think every game not about le epic soi scores isn't worth playing. Even then once you get into a shmup you get them going "durr why are u playing that instead of this one xdd"
The community is horrendous and the games are fine, but games encompass a lot

>> No.5118953

They're adorable, they just want /vr/-senpai to notice their shitty games.

>> No.5118956

That was a thinly veiled attack against /shmupg/, they're probably the worst community I've ever seen. I still think "shmup" is retarded, just use STG

>> No.5118959

I wish they enjoyed games as much as they hate trannies.

>> No.5118962

True. If they put as much energy they put into hating trannies and random streamers and "jarpigs" then they might even have fun playing games

>> No.5119051

>they might even have fun playing games
They'd actually have to play games first. Seriously, it's not even worth trying to participate in that thread. Anything on topic just gets drowned out while they bitch about "Jewish global elites", trannies, and trying to figure out which one of a dozen or so "ecelebrities" you are, despite the fact that you probably don't even know who these people are let alone anything else. But it's their "culture" or so they claim. The same seven or so dedicated shitposters who only take time out of raging at each other or random Youtubers in order to scare off any possible new thread participants who want to actually discuss STGs and not traps.

>> No.5119140 [DELETED] 

You realise the guwange, batrider, karous, ketsui, dangun, garegga, gun frontier, psyvariar, strikers 45, crimzon clover, mushi etc western record holders all post there? one of them also 1ccd 4 capcom bmups from scratch in a single week, i've cleared loads on hardest dips aswell as very strong time attack times and pinball scores, literally all players there far better than anyone in this whole board.

You got one thing right though you know literally nothing, you dont know theplayers, you don't know the games, you dont know us or our scores, you have no knowledge of any game at all, you can't discuss stgs with us because you have NOTHING of interest to say about them at all.

we do have fun and have a shit load of scores and clears to prove it, theres nothing left to say about the games we actually play though because its all old info, thats your problem. Why don't you try hard and get a great score in a game then come and share your wealth of new knowledge?

>> No.5119142

/shmupg/ invasion, get ready

>> No.5119143

You mean worst because they won't say or do what you want and you get triggered by being a no skill retard they have nothing to say to?

>> No.5119147

Wrong and stop doing cross board drama bait posts you shitbag.

>> No.5119151

I wasn't the one crossboard baiting

>> No.5119158
File: 304 KB, 720x530, xeliogravius_iv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that shmups taste best. Y'know, like Xelio... gravius... four! That's a good game.

>> No.5119184

Good job proving my point.

>> No.5119186

>theres nothing left to say about the games we actually play though because its all old info
So, in other words, there's really no point in going to shmupg for shmup discussion? Thanks for the tip.

>> No.5119193

>/shmupg/ invasion
Invasion implies that they're weren't here but they're on the way. They're *always* here, quietly seething. Angry that they can't pollute threads outside of their own cesspool general.

>> No.5119194

for you defo not, none of us want you there anyway.

>they dont even play!
>prove we do and are better than anyone here at every genre bar gay elf sims which are for deranged man children

what was your point?

>> No.5119197

at most you get 2 crossposters

stop baiting drama dicknose

>> No.5119198

>Claim to hate /vr/
>Constantly posts on /vr/ and links to posts

>> No.5119201

>stop baiting drama
He says, while a triggered shmupg comes over to start the shitposting.

>> No.5119209

>for you defo not
Doesn't really seem like you have much to offer anyone if this thread is any indication.

>> No.5119214


>> No.5119263

360 is fine, just a small library to validate its continued existence. and trying to keep the game room to a minimum amount of stuff

>> No.5119315

ohhhh no they used a silly word like shmup and sullied my SUPER SERIOUS STD genre. What kind of supreme autist do you have to be to get annoyed at such a silly sounding word

>> No.5119342

About as autistic as someone who constantly lurks /vr/ looking for any mention of his shit general.

>> No.5119348

He's now convinced that the mods of 4chan are after his actual life and want to kill him. He's legitimately mentally ill

>> No.5119349

What in the literal fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5119352

Check /shmupg/. He's fucking insane

>> No.5119356
File: 103 KB, 274x362, 1532089892274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check /shmupg/.

>> No.5119359

Based Aigis poster. He literally made a post saying he fears for his life

>> No.5119361


>> No.5119364

Not him, but retardo.
An autistic spic who has delirium tremens and thinks mods are on a "crusade" against him.

>> No.5119365

Retarded spanish regular poster on /shmupg/. Thinks he's an expert despite having no scores and no 1ccs, and doesn't understand video games

>> No.5119369

That sounds like exactly the sort of thing that should stay on shmupg.

>> No.5119376

The fuck are you retards talking about? I regularly post on this shitty board

>> No.5119380

You're not one of those "anti-skill jarpigs" are you?

>> No.5119381

What the fuck lmfao, so you admit to posting here despite how much you hate it? This confirms you're actually mentally ill

>> No.5119390

I don't hate it but I do admit that it's a shitty board which literally anyone who isn't deluded should understand, or do you actually think you're getting something of worth here?

>> No.5119392

I can't say, your 4chan assassins might come after me

>> No.5119403

Yeah, they should go over to shmupg and jack off to traps while bitching about the lefty jewish sjw menace.

>> No.5119405

He hasn't got much time to do it dude, the 4chan assassins are on their way

>> No.5119410

Guess it's too late for him then. He's jacked off to his last tranny eceleb.

>> No.5121257
File: 20 KB, 460x215, 1526802041637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's zeroranger