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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4874591 No.4874591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old do games have to be to be considered retro?

>> No.4874596

the definition of retro here is defined as a period in time, not over time, and that means pre-6th gen consoles with the exception of the dreamcast

>> No.4874601

According to the sticky, 15 years.

>> No.4874606
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I use the Burning Crusade as a marker in time. Pre-Crusade is old, Post-Crusade is new

>> No.4874614

No, the sticky says any hardware made before the year 2000. PS2 will never be allowed here regardless of how much time passes.

>> No.4874631

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro"
This line admits that the retro definition can change over time.
The sticky was updated in 2014, the dreamcast is from 1999. 15 years.

>> No.4874636

You can feel the slippery slope

>> No.4874643

It's more like a straight incline.

>> No.4874645

If what you said were true, then PS2 would've been allowed in 2015. Since it wasn't, your argument fails.

>> No.4874648

A game can have come out yesterday, so long as it's made to run on a system from 1999 or earlier it's "retro" according to here.

Don't know if he's illiterate or didn't bother to read but this is wrong.

>> No.4874667

You could put Netflix on PS2. It's never going to be retro.

>> No.4874675
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This board is run by the users.
Pretty much everyone else on the planet already considers the PS2 retro, but the mentality of the board is stuck in place. Dedicated gate-keepers will flag any 6th gen discussion and the admins listen.

It's retarded, but that's the reality.

>> No.4874676

When the next major console releases happen (3-4 years) the ps2, original xbox and gamecube will become "retro"
this is obvious common sense and anyone who disagrees is in denial having an autistic tantrum

>> No.4874685

/vr/ will still be pre-'00, even when the next generation rolls around.

Cope with the situation.

>> No.4874690
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>> No.4874703

>ancient games
>10 years ago
absolute cancer

>> No.4874708

nes games were unironically ancient by 1997

>> No.4874710

It's not even the mentality of the board. Most here want ps2 included, they just haven't bothered to update the rules.

>> No.4874714

No we don't, go talk about your gay ass Halo and Kingdom Hearts and Melee cancer on /v/.

>> No.4874720

yes we do. you're outnumbered 2-1 now.

>> No.4874721


I don't know about ps2, I love the system but it doesn't really fit here. I would like to see GBA here because a lot of the games are similar or sequels to snes.

>> No.4874723

I think we should stick to the rules for the time being, but to have some real discussion before this thread gets deleted, I would like to remark

1) ps2 in some ways feels retro because it has a distinctive architecture that relies heavily on accumulation buffer effects, as opposed to the more standardized architectures of modern consoles.

2) gba has a distinctive arch too, and I would argue it is also retro.

3) xbox and gamecube had more standardized architectures, and I would exclude them.

>> No.4874724

Most things like cars, music, etc. "Retro" is like "classic" and about 20 years or older.
Given that those have changed much less over a period of 20 years than games I think it's safe to assume it's a maliable term that describes an era that has nostalgia associated with it. That being said, if you think that in 20 years people won't be calling switch games "retro", than you're stupid.

>> No.4874728

Neo /vr/ is just /v/lite now, so there's that.

>> No.4874729

Those edge cases are tolerated to avoid having to deal with constant threads about Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X.

>> No.4874732

Fuck off, there are 30 years worth of retro games in a huge variety of genres you can discuss here.

>> No.4874734

/v2k/ is the only sensible solution.

>> No.4874735

GBA makes sense.

>> No.4874738


>> No.4874740

Melee is absolutely a retro game. It's like 17 years old

>> No.4874741

I have no real stake but that's the impression I've got from polls and threads.

>> No.4874743
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Pic related is the same as --->

>> No.4874745
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>> No.4874749

I say bring on the comfy sixth gen threads.


>> No.4874750

GBA only seems that way because of it's graphics. Gameplay wise most games felt new at the time.

>> No.4874752

>4chan is 4chan
>lets all whine!!!!

>> No.4874753

>The most vitriolic, hateful, and bitter console war generation in history.

>> No.4874764

I disagree. Sixth gen is actually pretty fucking comfy. Even on /v/ most people seem to agree that the Dreamcast/PS2/GameCube and even Xbox all had their own identities and unique libraries that made them worthwhile. I really miss that era.

>> No.4874768

20 yrs

>> No.4874773

To me, 15-20 years -per game- is good enough. Fuck basing it off what year the hardware was made.

Make a pic comparing something to the not-/vr/ Pokemon Mini. This is why this board is retarded.

Thread was first made in '13, so the rule was 14 years, which is a dumb standard. This site has had idiots calling "pre-1999 only" "retro" in 2009, because, "Oh mah gerd, pixelz r SOOOO 1997, girrrrrlfraaand!!11"

Not really, this place is just run by morons.

Indeed, but this dumb board can't stop scratching its scabs over 90's consoles and the occasional 90's Windows game. If the whole era has to be limited to nothingness, we might as well just add Wii, since it's still going to be too retarded for me to care.

>> No.4874778

For me it's hard to consider the PS2 retro because you'd have to consider it's whole library retro. A lot of early PS2 titles are every bit as retro as most PS1 stuff but a lot of later-era PS2 titles are really not retro yet honestly. But I do agree that defining retro as a fixed style is stupid because that style changed a lot between systems and generations that are considered retro.

>> No.4874780

I remember the console warring like it was yesterday though. It was terrible, and I don't want it revived here on /vr/.

>> No.4874784
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I just want a place to talk about dead franchises that I actually played that won't get bumped off the board by spam.

>> No.4874785

The GBA is pretty much a portable SNES and most titles on it would perfectly fit in as SNES/Genesis games so I really have no idea why it isn't allowed yet.

>> No.4874789
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>To me, 15-20 years -per game- is good enough. Fuck basing it off what year the hardware was made.

I'm with this guy. The rules as is are retarded.

>> No.4874795

So campaign for /v2k/s creation instead of shitting up /vr/ even more than it already is.

>> No.4874803

/v2k when

>> No.4874805

This isn't redit. We don't need a million sub boards and /vr/ is slow as is.

>> No.4874806

And we like it this way. Post your shit on /vg/ if you really need a thread.

>> No.4874812

Hate to stop the Doom, OOT, and Doom threads

>> No.4874815

Don't forget the "Symphony of the Night is actually shit" threads.

>> No.4874816
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I'm not even that guy. I just think v2k is a retarded idea. Also the rules should go by game year not system.

>> No.4874817

Thanks for being considerate bro. Glad you understand we love our board the way it is.

>> No.4874821

All retro games can be discussed on both /v/ and /vg/ and before you say otherwise, I was just in a thread on /v/ yesterday talking about disgaea 1.

>> No.4874834

Stuff has to be 20 to be retro. The PS2 went on sale internationally in 2001, so not yet.

>> No.4874835

>I remember the console warring like it was yesterday though.

The xbox/ps console warring was nowhere near as vehement as the sega/nintendo war.

>> No.4874837

I wouldn't say otherwise. There's nothing wrong with /v/ or /vg/. Thats part of why we don't need yet another specific game board.

>> No.4874839

The pc mustard race wars were the worst of them all by far though.

>> No.4874842

There isn't an official definition of retro. Some sources say 50 years, some even more. /vr/ is simply pre-2000. Dreamcast was released in 1998. Ps2 dans will have to cope with this.
Just post on /vg/, mail hiro about the creation of /v2k/ or go somewhere else. Nobody is taking you hostage here.

>> No.4874843

>Dreamcast was the ps2s competitor, but it be ok because arbituary time frame.

>> No.4874848
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>Nothing wrong with /v/

>> No.4874849


>> No.4874857

Calling it a direct competitor is a stretch. Shenmue/Shenmue II pretty much maxed out what it was capable of graphically. The PS2's fall 2001 releases completely outclassed anything the Dreamcast could have done. As much as I love the DC, I honestly don't see how Sega could have continued to support it further into the sixth gen.

>> No.4874859
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V2k although a good idea would be stuck in a wierd spot. Retro should include ps2, gc, xbox, gba, etc... anything before wii, ps3 and 360. Those consoles were the definitive change in game development and user base. The triple a push from those consoles are the reason why people laugh at e3 now. Remember when e3 was good, yeah its been a while.

>> No.4874861

Dc's main competition was n64 and ps1, you can tell by how many multiplats for dc were also ps1/n64 games

>> No.4874863
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>There isn't an official definition of retro
Then what pray tell is yours?

>> No.4874865

Dreamcast 2.0. Upgraded ram/rom and a dvd drive.... Could have worked.

>> No.4874873

Yeah... Sega doesn't have a good track record with that kind of stuff and they were already on thin ice.

>> No.4874876

It doesn't matter. Retro is just a Word. What matters is what the roles say: 1999 and before. That's what this board is. Don't like it? Go somewhere else

>> No.4874879

No, that was the saturn. Sega was just stupid and jumped the gun on their "next generation" console. The dc was supposed to compete with the ps2.

Every dc port has way better graphics. And its still argued if the dc version of code veronica is better than the ps2 version. Stop being an idiot.

>> No.4874881

go to bed, kid. dreamcast launch titles had better graphics than anything that ever came out on pos2.

>> No.4874882

Saturn may as well have not existed, it did that terribly. DC was the real fifth gen Sega system.

>> No.4874884

The Dreamcast was what the Saturn should've been which was a very easy to develop for console that just used Sega's existing current arcade board rather than the Saturn's weird cobbled together internals.

>> No.4874887

We've already made two major concessions. There doesn't need to be more. Considering the people who cry their favorite games can't be discussed just aren't trying,and the board is at a place were most users still can claim it's one of the best on 4chan.

>> No.4874890

You tell 'em DC bro.

>> No.4874893

I'm a 30 year old boomer and I don't want ps2 to be retro because it makes me feel old

>> No.4874894
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>Baldur's Gate is retro
>Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn is not retro
>Fallout 2 is retro
>Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is not retro
>RollerCoaster Tycoon is retro
>RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 is not retro

>> No.4874895

I'll be 36 in July, bro. The early 00s feel like they were just yesterday ;_;

>> No.4874897

RCT3 is discussed a lot here

>> No.4874902
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>super mario 64 is retro
>super mario sunshine is not retro

>> No.4874907

>trying to boot my copy of super mario
>put my lips on it

>> No.4874908

No. Thats what you wanted to happen. It didnt, sega fucked up. Face the facts faggot.

>> No.4874910

It lived a full life in Japan at least. 1994-2000.

>> No.4874912

>console released during the middle of 5th gen, and died not quite 1 year into sixth gen
You fucking retarded faggot, deal with the fact that Sega had 2 fifth gen consoles (3 if you count the 32X).

>> No.4874916
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>> No.4874921
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Now that the dust has settled and PS2 is finally allowed on /vr/ (at least in this thread), let's discuss some of the finest gems that console has to offer, titles that truly stood the test of time. I'll start us off with this behemoth of soccer simulation.

>> No.4874924

What good games did Saturn get after 1998 in Japan?

>> No.4874928

No idea. I only had one friend that owned one and then we all got Dreamcasts.

>> No.4874931

we need another board for these consoles